Changelog for nnn-4.9-bp156.1.5.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Aug 27 2023 Muhammad Akbar Yanuar Mantari - nnn v4.9 Elixir release notes.
* config option NNN_ARCHMNT to specify archive mounter utility
* key ^y to jump to next young file
* filter adjustment when opening context from plugin
* properly update mode after chmod
* pre-fill selected file name to create link if sel is preferred over hovered
* fix crash when PWD is empty
* make quitcd.bash_zsh POSIX-compliant
* nmount - support udiskctl as default
* preview-tui - support wezterm split size percentage
* preview-tui - move to bash for environment manipulation through arrays
* fzopen - handle empty selection
* finder - use default path to find
* add icons for djvu files
* support Nerd Fonts v3.0.0 and above (older versions are broken by v3.0.0)
* Fri Apr 14 2023 Nicolas FORMICHELLA - nnn v4.8 Spritz release notes.
* show total size (key S) of non-filtered selection in a directory
* fix tilde (~) handling in file name
* plugin .nmv now respects -u flag
* env var $NNN_PREFER_SELECTION exported to all plugins
* support for wezterm in preview-tui
* create new file or directory (tree) on startup
* run command as plugin now supports exported variables
* use \"$nnn\" anywhere when running command as plugin
* set defaults for some prompts on Enter
* improve archive, rename and create new workflows
* optimize link creation
* allow overwriting regular files on new empty file creation
* add patch for colemak keyboard (existing renamed to colemak-dh)
* add correct check for Wayland in clipboard plugins
* add quitcd script for nushell
* plugin kdeconnect - send multiple files
* plugin preview-tui: add chafa as preferred image viewer, multiple fixes
* plugin nmount - misc. improvements
* add icon for jxl files
* Fri Nov 25 2022 Nicolas FORMICHELLA -nnn v4.7 Cuba libre release notes.
* fix ^N not working sometimes (#1449)
* fix file remove confirmation prompt [Esc - cancel, y/Y - use force, any other key - prompt for each file]
* bring back atool as the default archive handler
* add option -B to use bsdtar as the archive utility
* find and list mode improvements
* continue even if max paths/data size limit is exceeded
* speed improvements
* support listing maximum 16K paths of 64 MiB of data
* key J to jump to an entry or relative offset from current entry
* prefill the hard link creation prompt when there\'s a single target (#1507)
* documented workaround for docker container crash (#1407, #1476)
* plugin imgview: handle arguments as strings (#1509)
* plugin wallpaper: support Wayland (#1512)
* plugin upload: handle selection using ffsend (#1523)
* add Rust icons (#1502)
* Wed Jul 27 2022 Nicolas FORMICHELLA - Update to version v4.6:
* icon handling overhaul for better performance, memory usage and reduced binary size (#1432, #1436)
* emoji support for supporting distros and terminals (#1346)
* open the target directory of symlinked bookmarks (#1353)
* enable show hidden when a hidden file is passed as argument
* add Colemak-DH layout keybinds to patch framework (#1421)
* set bsdtar as the default archive utility
* support 4 byte unicode keybinds (#1428)
* enable directory auto-enter during filter operation (-A to disable)
* enable filter prompt inside the bookmark/plugin dirs
* show volume usage information in help
* add Elixir icons (#1437)
* add new icon colors for mp4 and flac files
* use stat -x for file details on
*BSD and macOS (#1389)
* interpret suffix $nnn when paging (#1355)
* disable key e (edit file) in explorer mode (#1394)
* fix double order chars on filter case match change
* .cbcp: more verbose message on paste without a selection
* plugin preview-tui: scale-up kitty previews
* plugin preview-tui: account for ueberzug offset
* plugin preview-tui: support SPLIT_SIZE for preview pane (#1431)
* plugin autojump: support z.lua
* new Makefile target shellcheck to verify plugins- Strpping executable
* Mon May 02 2022 Dominique Leuenberger - Fix URL to source tarball- Add also tarball signature and keyring to the source files.
* Thu Apr 28 2022 Update to version v4.5:
* Prepare for release v4.5 Cachaça
* Fix patch conflicts and rebase
* Use bold forward arrowhead for current
* Add 2 spaces after icons for better visibility
* Fix #1345: allow symlink name \'AATT\' in single file case
* quitcd script for Elvish shell > 0.17.0
* Handle broken window if started in type-to-nav
* Bind ^J with toggle auto-jump on open
* Replace ^J with + to (un)select
* consistently use ELEMENTS macro
* Wed Nov 24 2021 Nicolas FORMICHELLA - support macOS iterm2 in plugin preview-tui (#1196)- use selection at native command prompt with %j and %J (docs)- scroll strings longer than columns in rename/new prompts (#1213, #279)- batch rename symlink targets in listing mode (#1214)- option for recursive rename in plugin .nmv (#1186)- more frequent checks for cancellation during du (#1236)- picker mode: enable auto-proceed- picker mode: don\'t pick hovered file on Enter if selection exists- picker mode: fix issue in plugin fzopen when used to pick files- send file to explorer FIFO on double left click instead of opening it- new neovim plugin nnn.nvim featuring explorer mode- explorer mode for nnn.vim- remove option -w: always place HW cursor on current entry- accept link name when linking a single target (#1201)- option -i to show current file information in info bar- force GNU sed on
*BSD and Solaris- add nsxiv support to nuke, preview-tabbed and imgview (#1230)- fix preview-tui without -a (#1208)- pass pts in env var for preview-tui to use in tput (#1235)- disable editing file in picker mode (#1183)- save session in picker mode (#1190)- use nerd icons for gitstatus patch (#1220)
* Wed Nov 03 2021 Nicolas FORMICHELLA
* update to v4.3
* add completions
* cool ASCII art logo in the help screen
* add bookmarks directory for flexible symlinked bookmarks
* new key B to add a symlinked bookmark for current dir
* special variables $dN, $fN available for plugins/prompt/shell to access per-context dir/hovered file
* config NNN_ORDER to set directory-specific ordering
* show/hide hidden files as per context state in plugin based batch rename
* retain search filter history for plugin finder
* sync multiple instances of nnn after operation on selection
* signal CWD change to terminal via OSC-7 (#1147)
* save complete per-context filter when saving sessions
* disable symlink resolution for paths in NNN_BMS and arg PATH
* do not end selection mode on running plugins/prompt/shell
* plugin bookmarks replaced by symlinked bookmarks support
* list open locations in active contexts in help page
* make option O_MATCHFLTR to discard filter key if no match
* configurable NNN_TMPFILE to cd on quit
* disable auto marking directories (use -)
* picker mode improvements open tty for input if STDIN is non-tty truncate output file before writing do not double select a file on Enter
* legacy macOS (< 10.12.0) support
* no redraw during du calculation, show processed dir name
* plugin xdgdefault: add dmenu support
* user patch restorepreview: close/restore preview-tui for internal edits
* Wed Jul 21 2021 Dilawar Singh - Update to version 4.2 (Mojito) - `NNN_PLUG` indicator symbol interpretation has
*: - `!` - _run-cmd-as-plugin_ (earlier `_`) - `&` - _run-gui-cmd-as-plugin_ (earlier `|`) - `|` (new) - page noninteractive _run-cmd-as-plugin_ output - persistent selection markers (#1086) - option _extract to..._ for archives - mount remote and mount/extract archive to a smart context - confirm file trashing to avoid accidental press of x (#1101) - insert the last command executed at prompt on Up or Down - insert the current file name at empty prompt on TAB - handle redraw issue on missed `KEY_RESIZE` (#1067) - add force-tty capability to spawn and set pagers to it (#1064) - clear selection mode on deselecting last selected file (#1098) - remove selected hovered entry from selection on deletion - disable filtering in empty directories - ignore last pressed filter character when no matches - fix broken screen on resize while paging (#1072) - fix archive not hovered on creation - remove libgit2 dependency in `gitstatus` patch (#1095) - add `-G` flag for `gitstatus` patch - option `-X` for explorer (persistent picker) mode - option `-F` decommissioned in favour of config `NNN_HELP` - `-F` redefined to multiplex `NNN_FIFO` to preview or explore - support paging noninterative _run-cmd-as-plugin_ output - `nuke` - add option to execute binaries (#1111) - plugin `fzopen` - call `open` on macOS, add option to use `nuke` - plugin `fzcd` will not modify selection - plugin `suedit` - preserve environment - several `preview-tui` fixes - plugin `wall` renamed to `wallpaper` - remove plugin `fzz` - merged into plugin `autojump` - remove plugin `upgrade` - packaging is on OBS now - remove plugin `treeview` - needs minor `preview-tui` tweak - remove plugin `picker` - `nnn -p -` does the same - remove plugin `pdfview` - needs simple change in `pdfread` - remove plugin `uidgid` - use program option `-U` - remove plugins `mediainf`, `hexview` - simple one-liners
* Fri Jul 16 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 4.1.1: - fix segfault on session save (#1041) - remove redundant `_Atomic` usage - move [`patches`](../tree/master/patches) directory to top-level - fix and cleanup gitstatus patch - plugin `imgview` improvements (#1049) - restore source-code packing on CircleCI - add Makefile target to compile with musl
* Wed Jun 02 2021 Dilawar Singh - Update to version 4.1 (Sake)
* a patch management model for approved patches
* multi-threaded disk usage calculation using pthreads and FTS
* dynamic view update when calculating disk usage
* Bksp/Del at empty filter prompt to refresh dir
* Try to create new context with Shift-TAB, else reverse cycle
* Alt+Esc to quit context from filter prompt
* fix zombies left behind after running plugins (#999)
* named persistent sessions (mcchrish/nnn.vim#43)
* consider nanosecond resolution when sorting by time (#978)
* check external selection in `\'c\'urrent / \'s\'el` prompt (#976)
* show number of files selected in local selection buffer, if any
* `nnn` & picker plugin (e.g. `fzopen`) sync (mcchrish/nnn.vim#82)
* make batch rename interactive (#971)
* cached uid/gid for performance improvement
* fixes for `nnn` with `netbsd-curses`, `musl-fts`, `musl` (#998)
* script to statically compile `nnn` with `musl gcc` on Ubuntu
* restore hovered file when plugin is chosen from plugin dir
* support QuickLook on WSL in `preview-tui` (#959)
* toggle `preview-tui` with the same _custom_ plugin key
* smoother preview toggling in `preview-tui` (#966)
* `listen_on` should be set in kitty.conf for `preview-tui` (#970)
* minimal `bat` style in `preview-tui`, honors `$BAT_STYLE`
* plugin `preview-tui-ext` supersedes `preview-tui` (#1033)
* plugin `fzcd` can now fuzzy search multiple directories
* plugin `imgview` supersedes `imgthumb` and `vidthumb`
* plugin `umounttree`: unmount remote mntpoint from within
* plugin `xdgdefault`: set the default app for hovered file type
* plugin `fzplug`: fuzzy find, preview and run other plugins
* plugin `cmusq`: queue/play music in `cmus`
* plugin `mocplay` renamed to `mocq`
* plugin `cleanfilename` renamed to `fixname`
* go to last dir on ~ (HOME) or ` (ROOT) key repeat
* ambiguous key ^Space to select/clear range dropped (#998)
* user wiki page for [Themes](
* show selection mark (`+`) in reverse bold for improved visibility
* reverse block replaces `>` to mark hovered entry in detail mode
* make option `O_CKBOARD` removed
* make option `O_NOLOC` renamed to `O_NOLC`
* ignore `O_NOLC` if `O_ICONS` or `O_NERD` is specified (#1026)
* unicode arrow indicators if `O_ICONS` or `O_NERD` is specified
* make option `NOX11`: disable notis, sel-clipboard sync, xterm title
* retain filter in _nav-to-type_ mode after file open
* fix no files picked with `NNN_TMPFILE` exported and q to quit
* disable xterm title setting in picker mode (#974)
* Wed Apr 21 2021 Dilawar Singh - Update to version 4.0 (Shushi)
* show xterm title on option `-x`.
* Tue Apr 13 2021 Dilawar Singh - No renaming of source file after download from source0.- Update to version 3.7
* allow plugins to clear selection (#884, #889, #917)
* do not clear selection on hovered file deletion
* resurrect `\'c\'urrent/\'s\'el` prompt and option `-u` (#889)
* show only file name in reverse in detail mode
* more file/mime types supported in `preview-tui-ext`
* plugin `mtpmount` - (un)mount MTP devices
* plugin `cleanfilename` - more shell-friendly file names
* plugin `rsynccp` - copy-paste with visual progress
* replace `$HOME` by `~` in address bar
* show current path in terminal title (#911)
* total links and inode number of hardlink in statusbar
* fix symlink to text file not opening in CLI editor (#890)
* fix symlink size shown as 0B in statusbar (#888)
* show symlink target in statusbar (#893)
* show correct disk free/total on macOS (#888)
* fix directory disk usage showing as 0 on macOS (#941)
* fix name col len with `-C` and icons compiled-in (#936)
* refactor printing entries in light/detail modes (#934)
* make option `O_CKBOARD` for checker board as indicator
* Tue Mar 16 2021 Dilawar Singh - Update to version 3.6
* REPL command prompt (Esc or Enter to exit)
* invert selection with A
* option `-u` removed (always prefer selection to hovered)
* visit start dir on AATT when start path is a file
* exit filter mode and redraw on ^L if no last filter
* plugin `fzcd` now selects the chosen file (#876)
* `ueberzug` support in plugin `preview-tui`
* new plugin `preview-tui-ext` with extra preview support
* clear selection after successful plugin invocation
* add method to sync subshell `$PWD` in WIki
* clear selection on single file deletion (#812)
* copy between instances not working (#864)
* plugin `togglex` to toggle exe mode of a selection (#813)
* fix `memccpy()` buffer overlap fault on macOS (#786)
* show `0 selected` msg on cp/mv with empty selection (#855)
* fix frozen terminal caused by opener (#858)
* migrate macOS CI to GitHub workflows, retire Travis
* Tue Nov 17 2020 Dilawar Singh - Update to version 3.5
* compile-in Alexey Tourbin\'s QSORT macro
* support Nerd Font patched icons [`make O_NERD=1`]
* enhance plugin `dups` to delete duplicates interactively
* plugin `autojump` now supports `jump` and `zoxide`
* support `gio trash` to Trash [`export NNN_TRASH=2`] (#740)
* quit program on double Esc in normal mode (#775)
* ^Space replaces ^K for range selection/clear selection
* show selection symbol (`+`) next to filename in detail mode (#741)
* error & quit on Q if no selection, else pick to stdout
* repeat ^T to cycle sort by time, size and clear
* option `-U` to show user & group info in status bar
* option `-J` to disable auto-proceed on select (#713)
* option `-D` to show dirs in context color with `NNN_FCOLORS`
* honor option `-C` for context colors
* show indicators if more entries above/below listing (#744)
* show missing utility name in flash msg (#753)
* exit `preview-tabbed` on ^C (#727)
* fix HW cursor moves to wrong line (#735)
* fix rollover bug with multiline scroll (#743)
* fix input stream not listed with `-s`/`-S` (#777)
* fix locker not being invoked
* make target `upx` for additional binary compression
* compress auto-generated static binaries with upx
* make variable `O_NOSSN` to compile out sessions
* make variable `O_NOUG` to compile out user & group info
* Tue Aug 18 2020 Dilawar Singh - Update to version 3.4
* icons with icon-specific colors (thanks AATTKlzXS)
* enhanced `NNN_COLORS` with xterm 256 colors support
* new colorscheme with `NNN_FCOLORS` (file type specific colors)
* switch `-C` to force earlier colorscheme (dirs follow context color)
* updates for Haiku (thanks AATTCodeforEvolution)
* fix XFS navigation issue (thanks AATTucs1)
* optimize archive extension matching on file open
* show location in context color
* support `host[:dir]` format for remote mounts
* clear selection after copy
* support traversal on file/dir creation
* show selection in reverse in status bar
* show status bar indicator `H` when hidden files are listed
* show and confirm archive command output
* support _cd on quit_ in picker mode
* Wed Jul 15 2020 Dilawar Singh - Update to version 3.3
* subdir `mounts` for remote and archive mounts
* remove mount point on successful unmount of remote/archive
* show error and prompt user if `cp`/`mv`/`rm` operation fails
* support absolute/relative paths in cp/mv as
* mark current path automatically on archive/remote mount
* mark current path automatically on target file visit in _find and list_ mode
* option `-C` to place HW cursor on hovered for screen readers and braille displays
* option `-u` to use selection (if available) and skip `current/sel` prompt
* key Alt+Esc to clear filter prompt and redraw
* support Esc to cancel remove operation
* `gpge` & `gpgd`: encrypt and decrypt with GPG
* `blknew`: create new files and directories in bulk
* `preview-tui` - unified to support `tmux`/`kitty`/`xterm`/`$TERMINAL` - auto-determine split orientation based on terminal height and width - provision to use [``]( and [`pistol`](
* various other improvements
* `upload`: send to Firefox Send if [`ffsend`]( is found
* `hexview`: add [`hx`]( as alternative hex viewer
* `nuke` and `imgview`: add [`imv`]( as alternative image viewer
* add find (with `fd`) and grep (with `rg`) examples in plugins doc
* key Esc or left click to resend hovered file path to `NNN_FIFO`
* show `+` instead of `s` in status bar on selection
* F5 removed (misfit for toggle hidden), ^S removed (often masked, redundant)
* handle abnormal program termination and remove NNN_PIPE and/or NNN_FIFO
* clear selection after successful batch rename, link creation
* make option `O_CTX8` for 8 contexts (NOT backward compatible with 4 contexts)
* fix issue with child window resize (see #656)
* fix issue with `NNNLVL` on macOS (see #639)
* fix issue with restoring session with du/au enabled
* Tue May 26 2020 Dilawar Singh - Update to version 3.2
* previews - config `NNN_FIFO` to write hovered file paths a previewer can read - plugin `preview-tabbed`: [tabbed]( based file previewer - plugin `preview-tui`: simple TUI file previewer in tmux/xterm - plugin `preview-kitty`: preview using kitty terminal\'s capabilities - [live preview]( configuration example
* find & list - send list of files from (cmd run as) plugin to `nnn` - plugin `finder`: find/fd/fzf/grep/ripgrep/fzf (in subtree) and list in `nnn` - Right or l on symlink in list dir takes to target file
* persistent session option `-S` [for disk usage, run `nnn -T d` (see help)]
* hover on the file when a file path is passed as positional argument
* go to first file or match with \' (followed by \' or char)
* config `NNN_SEL` to specify custom selection file
* config `NNN_LOCKER` to specify locker program
* dim file details in detail mode
* call `chdir()` on directory change
* option `-l`: number of lines to move on mouse scroll
* graphical [keybind map](
* let `NNN_COLORS` override `NO_COLOR`
* plugins - option `-P`: run plugin by key at start - run plugins with Alt+key - allow `NNN_PIPE` usage by commands run as plugin - input format to `NNN_PIPE`: `` (see plugins doc) - set `ctxcode` to `+` for smart context usage (next inactive, else current) - `getplugs` to fetch plugins by installed version of `nnn` - plugin `mimelist`: list files by mime type in subtree - plugin `bookmarks`: named bookmarks using symlinks - plugin `nbak`: backup `nnn` config - `nuke` adds lowdown as alternative markdown viewer - several plugin improvements
* fix broken screen on resize (see #520)
* fix broken version sort (see #550)
* fix list and pipe modes not working together
* fix multiple issues with listing files
* fix `AATT` shown in detail mode for symlink to dir
* fix listing files directly under `/`
* move to `-std=c11`
* Mon Apr 13 2020 Dilawar Singh - Update to version 3.1
* unlimited bookmarks and plugin keys
* status bar text in context color
* support config `NO_COLOR` to disable colors
* config `NNN_OPTS` to specify binary options to `nnn`
* config `NNN_MCLICK` to emulate configurable key
* toggle selection on right click
* ignore hard links when calculating disk usage
* dim (hard/sym) link names (symlink to file has `AATT`)
* more special keys at empty filter prompt in _type-to-nav_
* key > to export file list
* option `-F` to show fortune in help and settings screen
* option `-T` to specify sort order (obsoletes `-v`)
* option to clear sort order
* key T to change time type (access/change/mod)
* `.nmv` - internal fully-functional batch renamer plugin
* make var `O_NOBATCH` to disable native batch renamer
* `nuke` & `imgview` - open all images in directory sxiv
* `nuke` - open log files in vi
* plugin `x2sel` - system clipboard to selection copier
* plugin `fzy` - cd using z database
* plugin `fzopen` - support `FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND`
* create new context on TAB without prompt
* hover and connect by dir name (within config dir)
* move to next entry on current file delete
* on single file copy/move, select the copied/moved file
* option `-f` to to use readline history file (off by default)
* use `s` in status bar to indicate selection in progress
* make var `O_NOMOUSE` to disable mouse support
* do not store `NNN_TRASH` and `-Q` in config/session
* add sample .desktop file for XDG compatible DEs
* rename _nav-as-you-type_ to _type-to-nav_ mode
* fix PCRE case-insensitive regex search
* fix no error msg when filter length limit exceeded
* fix static package generation
* fix broken abort message when started in du-mode
* fix filter lost on context switch in non _type-to-nav_ mode
* fix broken readline prompt
* fix long strings treated as action keys in filter prompt
* fix `NNNLVL` not reset when spawned shell is exited
* Mon Feb 17 2020 Dilawar Singh - Update to version 3.0
* take list of files as input and show
* option `-e` replaces `NNN_USE_EDITOR`
* option `-t` replaces `NNN_IDLE_TIMEOUT`
* PCRE support
* more readline bindings for native prompts
* run GUI app as plugin
* attempt lazy unmount when regular unmount fails
* fix unmount on macOS: use `umount`
* detect `sshfs` and `rclone` to prompt intelligently
* auto-proceed on file open (toggle key +)
* quit with error code on Q
* additional key F5 to toggle hidden
* key \'e\' to edit in EDITOR (back on multiple user requests)
* option to edit list of files in selection is changed to \'E\'
* do not end selection on redraw
* `nuke`: [`glow`]( as Markdown viewer
* `nuke`: refactor, handle some common video types by extension
* file name removed from status bar
* static Makefile target
* generate, upload static package on release
* fix crash on entering empty dir, then Down
* fix keypresses lost when showing message
* fix #227: `nnn` creates xdg-open zombies
* Sun Jan 19 2020 Dilawar Singh - Update to version 2.9
* user pain points addressed - all keybinds and options reviewed by the team and frozen (see #422) - fewer keybinds - greatly improved help screen readability
* nuke: sample opener (CLI-only by default) and plugin
* fast line redraws instead of full screen refresh (thanks AATTannagrram)
* auto archive handling by extension (see config NNN_ARCHIVE)
* Lead key simplified to bookmark key (b or ^/)
* single key to toggle order (t or ^T)
* plugins - .cbcp: copy selection to system clipboard (internal, program option -x) - .ntfy: show noti on cp, mv, rm completion (internal, program option -x) - autojump: navigate using autojump - upload: paste text files to, upload rest to - all fuzzy plugins modified to support both fzf and fzy
* more control on plugins - prefix - to skip directory refresh after running (cmd as) plugin - suffix
* to skip confirmation after running cmd as plugin
* indicate range selection mode with
* list keys at bookmark and plugin key prompts
* visit to pinned dir like bookmarks (Bookmark key followed by ,)
* toggle executable (key
* show mime along with file details
* more special keys at empty filter prompt: - apply the last filter (^L) - toggle between string and regex (/) - toggle case-sensitivity (:)
* retain filter on Esc, Up, Down
* show filter details when filter is on
* remove option to run filter as cmd on prompt key (can be disruptive)
* program options - option -x: enable notis and copy selection to system clipboard - option -g: regex filters (string filter is default now) - option -Q: quit program without confirmation - option -s: load session - option -n: start in nav-as-you-type mode - option -v: version sort - option -V: show program version - option -A: disable dir auto-select
* ISO 8601 compliant date in status bar
* ported to Haiku OS (thanks AATTannagrram)
* sort only filtered entries (to avoid directory refresh)
* fix getplugs to install hidden files
* fix several selection issues (see #400)
* fix detail mode not restored on loading session
* fix symlink to directory not auto-selected
* fix regex error on partial regex patterns
* fix symlink not shown if stat(2) on target fails
* fix flags when spawning a CLI opener as default FM
* fix issue with stat flag on Sun (no support for dirent.d_type)
* fix current file in current context not saved correctly in session
* signed source distribution on release
* simplified debugging with line numbers in logs
* Thu Dec 05 2019 Dilawar Singh - Update to version 2.8.1
* Fixes to regression caused by 2.8.
* Wed Dec 04 2019 Dilawar Singh - Update to version 2.8
* sessions (thanks AATTannagrram)
* rclone support for remote access (mount any cloud storage!!!)
* toggle selection with Space or ^J
* ignore events during selection so the + symbol is not lost
* run custom (non-shell-interpreted) commands like plugins
* configure cd-on-quit as the default behaviour
* create parent dirs for new files and dirs, duplicate a file/dir anywhere
* copy/move as workflow (thanks AATTKlzXS)
* edit , flush selection buffer (thanks AATTKlzXS)
* support xargs with minimal options (as in BusyBox) (thanks AATTKlzXS)
* changed the key to size sort to z
* additional key ] to show command prompt
* mount archives using archivemount
* smoother double click handling
* program option -R to disable rollover at edges
* keybind collision checker (for custom keybind config) (thanks AATTannagrram)
* show size of file in bytes in status bar in disk usage mode
* pass unresolved path as second argument ($2) to plugin
* mechanism for plugins to control active directory
* all binary questions are confirmed by y or Y
* plugin changes - some plugins renamed - integrated shellcheck in CI, POSIX-compliance fixes (thanks AATTkoalaman) - getplugs - detect modifications in exiting plugin file (thanks AATTKlzXS) - drag-file & drop-file: drag & drop files using dragon - gutenread: browse, download and read from Project Gutenberg - suedit - edit file with superuser permissions - fzhist - fuzzy select commands from history, edit and run - fzcd - change to a fuzzy-searched directory - rename - batch rename directory or selection using qmv or vidir - pskill - fuzzy list a process or zombies by name and kill - exetoggle - toggle executable status of hovered file - treeview - informative tree output with file permissions and size - chksum - recursively calculate checksum for files in hovered directory - fzopen renamed to fzopen - imgsxiv instructions added to browse and rename images
* create link to current file
* additional key ; to execute plugin
* more explicit force removal message
* force non-detachable internal edits in $EDITOR (option -E)
* export current file as $nnn (instead of $NN)
* fix file open failure from browser when configured as default FM
* Mon Oct 07 2019 Dilawar Singh - Update to 2.7
* plugins for image preview, image and video thumbnails
* redesigned selection workflow
* drop path prefix for files in current dir for selection based archives
* custom direct keybinds for plugins
* libreadline `.history` file moved to `nnn` config directory
* export current entry as `$NN` at command prompt
* more informative status bar in light/detail modes
* auto-proceed to next file on single file select
* path clipping for long paths
* completely revamped wiki
* new program options: - `-a` to use file access time throughout the program - `-c` to indicate cli-only opener - `-f` to run filter as command on ^P - `-o` replaces config `NNN_RESTRICT_NAV_OPEN` - `-t` replaces config `NNN_NO_AUTOSELECT` - `-r` replaces config `NNN_OPS_PROG`
* plugin changes: - `vidthumb` - show video thumbnails in terminal - `mediainf` - show media info (decoupled as a plugin) - `notes` - open a quick notes file/dir in `$EDITOR` (decoupled as a plugin) - `dups` - list duplicate files in the current directory - `oldbigfile` - list large files by access time - `moclyrics` - show lyrics of the track currently playing in MOC - `uidgid` list uid and gid of files in directory - `mocplay` - now detects if a track is playing or not - `organize` - categorize files and move to respective directories - `pastebin` - now uses paste service - `fzy-edit` - merged into `fzy-open` - `viuimg` - fix directory view - `checksum` - fixed POSIX compliance issues - `boom` - play music in MOC
* keybind changes: - select entry: Space and ^J - select range (or clear selection): m and ^K - select all in dir: a - list selection: M - ^N replaces ^T to toggle _nav-as-you-type_ - Shift TAB to reverse context cycle - \' to jump to first file in dir - S for du, A for apparent du - additional key : to run plugin - additional key F2 to rename file - additional key F5 to redraw - quit context key Leadq is removed
* Leader key combinations: - Lead\' to jump to first file in dir - Lead] go to next active context - Lead[ go to prev active context - Lead. toggle show hidden files
* improved duplicate file workflow
* improved batch rename workflow when a selection exists
* removed the wild load option (`-w`)
* removed quick notes (added plugin `notes`)
* fix #225 (thanks AATTKlzXS)
* fix `tar`/`bsdtar` always creating tar archives (and not by suffix)
* fix single mouse click to select file not working
* fix symlink to dir removed on batch rename
* fix detail mode not set with program option `-S`
* Tue Aug 06 2019 Dilawar Singh - Update to 2.6
* new plugins view image or browse a directory of images in terminal show image thumbnails PDF and text file reader calculate and verify checksum of selection or file append (and play) selection/dir/file music in MOC variable bitrate mp3 ringtone generator split current file or join selection
* better experience on Termux (and touch based devices) mouse scrolling support (with ncursesw6.0 and above) tap/left click to visit parent, toggle nav-as-you-type mode
* light mode set as default
* show status bar and use reverse video in light mode
* changed program options - d: detail mode - H: show hidden files - l is retired
* support / as an additional Leader key when filter is on
* sort by file extension
* use zip/unzip/tar if atool/bsdtar not found
* support duplicate file (key ^R, same as rename file)
* new config option NNN_SSHFS_OPTS to specify sshfs options
* restrict opening 0 byte files (NNN_RESTRICT_0B is obsolete)
* critical defects fixed fix #276 - crash with variable length inotify event handling fix #285 - hang after deleting/moving current directory fix #274 - a broken prompt on empty input with libreadline fix #304 - list selection from another instance
* cmatrix as locker fallback
* wait for user input after running a command from prompt
* scrolloff set to 3 from 5
* Tue May 28 2019 Dilawar Singh - Update to 2.5
* plugin support. 19 plugins added. Some are: pdfview: view a PDF in pager nmount: (un)mount a storage device ndiff: file and directory diff for selection hexview: view a file in hex imgresize: batch resize images to desktop resolution ipinfo: check your IP address and whois information transfer: upload a file to pastebin: paste the contents of a text file to boom: play random music from a directory nwal: set an image as wallpaper using nitrogen pywal: set selected image as wallpaper, change terminal color scheme getplugs: update plugins
* SSHFS support
* support bsdtar, simplify patool integration
* native batch rename support (vidir dependency dropped) including selection
* mouse support
* new location for config files - ~/.config/nnn plugin dir location: ~/.config/nnn/plugins selection file .nnncp is now ~/.config/nnn/.selection
* support configuration as the default file manager
* per-context detail/light mode
* case-insensitive version compare
* shortcut to visit / - ` (backtick)
* vim-like scrolloff support
* ^D & ^U: scroll half page, PgDn & PdUp: scroll full page
* fix selection across contexts
* recognize Home and End keys at prompt for editing
* fix broken program option -b
* POSIX-compliant user-scripts (wherever possible)
* NNN_SCRIPT is retired (replaced by plugins)
* Tue Mar 19 2019 Update to 2.4
* Tinier and lighter!
* compliant trashing
* mark selected entries with +
* wild mode (option -w, key ^W) for nav-as-you-type
* POSIX-compliant GUI app launcher with drop-down menu (key =)
* new scripts:
* - upload image to imgur
* - send selection to Android using kdeconnect-cli
* show permissions in detail mode
* cp, mv progress bar on Linux (needs advcpmv) [BSD, macOS shows on ^T]
* make libreadline an optional dep (reduces memory usage)
* minimize the number of redraws
* handle screen resize gracefully
* option -d to show hidden files (NNN_SHOW_HIDDEN is removed)
* additional key K to toggle selection
* change visit start dir key to AATT
* option -C to disable colors removed
* per-context initial directory replaced by program start dir
* marker msg when spawning new shell removed
* rename debug file to nnndbg
* Wed Feb 20 2019 Dilawar Singh - update to 2.3
* user-contributed scripts repository
* substring search for filters (option -s)
* version sort (option -n)
* key N (1 <= N <= 4) to switch to context N
* disk usage calculation abort with ^C
* create sym/hard link(s) to files in selection
* archiving of selection
* show dir symlinks along with dirs on top
* use nnn as a file picker with
* fixed CJK character handling at prompts
* bring back NNN_OPENER to specify file opener
* env var NNN_NOTE and keybind ^N for quick notes
* handle multiple arguments in VISUAL/EDITOR
* show the current directory being scanned in du mode
* select all files with Y
* remap key to show command prompt to ^P
* key , replaces ` as alternative Leader Key
* keybind for visit pinned directory is now ^B
* additional key ^V to run or select custom script
* use libreadline for command prompt
* reduce delay on Esc press
* config option to avoid unexpected behaviour on 0-byte file open (see #187)
* keys removed - $, ^, Backspace, ^H, ^P, ^M, ^W, `
* Tue Jan 08 2019 Dilawar Singh - Update to 2.2
* (neo)vim plugin nnn.vim
* macOS fixes - Fix issues with file copy, move, remove - Handle Del in rename prompt - Pass correct file option to identify mime
* Support selection across directories and contexts
* Offer option force before file remove
* Keys Tab, ^I to go to next active context
* Per-context directory color specified by $NNN_CONTEXT_COLORS - Option -c is removed
* Option -C to disable colors
* Choose script to run from a script directory
* Run a command (or launch an application)
* Run file as executable (key C)
* Documentation on lftp integration for remote file transfers
* Support a combined set of arguments to $EDITOR, $PAGER and $SHELL
* Handle > 2 GB files on 32-bit ARM
* Env var $DISABLE_FILE_OPEN_ON_NAV to disable file open on Right or l
* NUL-terminated file paths in selection list instead of LF
* Better support for Termux and Cygwin environments
* Remapped keys - ^I - go to next active context - ^T - toggle navigate-as-you-type
* Fri Nov 23 2018 Update to 2.1
* Multiple contexts (aka tabs aka workspaces) [max 4]
* Copy, move, remove selected files, remove current file
* Leader key (like vim)
* In-built GUI app launcher with up to 2 arguments (key o)
* List copy selection (key y)
* Env var NNN_NO_AUTOSELECT to disable dir auto-select
* Key Esc exits prompt, ^L clears prompt
* Program runtime help revamped
* Static code analysis integration
* gcc-8 warnings fixed
* Remapped keys: ^W - go to pinned dir ^X - delete current entry ^Q - quit program
* nlay is retired (functionality built into nnn)
* chdir prompt is retired
* Env var NNN_NO_X retired, selection now works out of the box
* Only single-char bookmark keys (to work with Leader key)
* Fri Oct 19 2018 Update to 2.0
* Added mode to show apparent size (key S)
* Added script to integrate patool instead of atool
* Added support bashlock (OS X) and lock (BSD) as terminal locker
* Added symbol AATT/ for symlink to dir
* Dependency on libreadline removed
* Fri Aug 10 2018 Update to 1.9
* Support unlimited number of scripts
* Pass currently selected filename as first argument to custom scripts
* Support directory auto-select in navigate-as-you-type mode
* Show selection name in archive name prompt
* Better support on RHEL 25 with earlier version on curses
* Sample script for fzy integration
* Tue May 01 2018 Update to 1.8
* Run a custom script
* Archive selected file/directory
* Show number of cherry-picked files in multi-copy mode
* Env var NNN_SHOW_HIDDEN to show hidden files by default
* Additional information in help screen
* Prefer env var VISUAL, if defined, to EDITOR
* New/changed/remapped shortcuts ^] - spawn a new shell in current directory r - edit directory entries in vidir R - run a custom script ^I - toggle navigate-as-you-type mode L - lock the current terminal
* All Ctrl shortcuts enabled in navigate-as-you-type mode
* Fix: GUI programs closing when parent terminal is closed
* Recognize ~, - and & at bookmark prompt
* Recognize ruby (.rb) files as text files
* Efficient integer-only file size calculation- minor cleanup with spec-cleaner- include license, readme and changelog
* Wed Feb 28 2018 Update to 1.7
* Batch rename/move/delete files in vidir (from moreutils)
* Copy multiple file paths
* Copy file paths when X is unavailable
* Optionally quote individual file paths with single quotes on copy
* Use ISO 8601 date format in file details
* See CHANGELOG for new and changed keybindings- cleanup with spec-cleaner
* Tue Jan 02 2018 Ensure neutrality of description.
* Tue Jan 02 2018 Update to 1.6
* Shortcut ^O to open file with custom application
* Option -b to open bookmarks directly at start
* Huge performance improvements around file name storing and handling
* Several large static buffers removed or reduced
* Several internal algorithms fine tuned for performance / resource usage- pass through optflags
* Fri Oct 06 2017 Update to 1.5
* File and directory creation (n)
* Env variable NNN_NOWAIT to unblock nnn when opening files (DE-specific)
* Show current entry number in status bar
* Support archive listing (F) and extraction (Ctrl-X) [using atool]
* Show correct file size on i386 for large files (> 2GB)- Drop _service file
* Mon Sep 11 2017 Create initial package at 1.4