Changelog for rakudo-2022.07-bp156.3.40.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Oct 02 2022 Stefan Seifert - Final fix for module packaging issues. This follows upstream in completely reverting an offending change.
* Sun Oct 02 2022 Stefan Seifert - Backport yet another fix for module packaging issues (included in the same file)
* Sat Oct 01 2022 Stefan Seifert - Update backported fix to the real fix (see GitHub for explanation of this weird sequence)
* Sat Oct 01 2022 Stefan Seifert - Backport fix for module packaging in rakudo-fix-module-installation.diff Details in To be removed for the next release
* Sat Oct 01 2022 update to version 2022.07 + Make previous values in REPL accessible with `$
*N` + Add an `IO::Path.dir-with-entries` method, returning a `Bool` + Implement `will complain` trait + Allow optional : on LHS of signature binding declaration + Make &[max] and &[min] return RHS for ties + Make handles on attribute of type object more natural + Allow :from in identities + Reconsider the way `$
*PERL` is deprecated + Allow setting ThreadPoolScheduler\'s max_threads to semi-infinite value + Re-imagine / Str.DateTime + Make sort() a runtime error + Implement coercion via new-disp and re-consider return typechecking dispatcher + Make Iterable.hyper|race take Any as a default for :batch and :degree + Categorize exceptions thrown by role appliers + Add :real named argument to DateTime.posix + Introduce (Exception|Cool).Failure coercer + Implement fallback support for MRO + Add IO::Path inode, dev, and devtype methods + Add sub version of .head / .skip / .tail + Implement Haskell\'s \"span\" as \"snip\" in 6.e + Remove the $?COMPILATION-ID constant as it was not documented and not tested + Many bugfixes and performance improvements
* Sun Apr 03 2022 update to version 2022.03 + Expose the .file and .line methods on Label objects + Allow Date / DateTime
* parameter to be a Callable / Whatever + Make error on Date.later(:hour|minute|second) more awesome + Give .chomp the possibility to specify a needle + Improve error message for invalid arguments passed to traits + Un =my= X::Comp::Group + Turn junctions into value objects + Fix classification and categorization over junctions and gist over Junction keys + Fix typo\'d missing : in .nominal_type signature + Decrement # of calls in a block if any are optimized away + Fix IO::Path.parent + Fix multi-method candidates lost when 6.e role is applied + Workaround for cases where .ACCEPTS may return non-Raku object + Fix issue with native array.splice + Fix issue with Net::Curl + Make work + Restore given / when optimization for Numeric cases + Fix/test Pod::To::Text rendering of =defn elements + Fix resources of the parent repo not found when using Staging + Optimize more cases of p6decontrv ops + Use new native unsigned integer NQP ops where applicable + Use --/++$i instead of $i = nqp::add/sub_i($i,1) for readability + Make Complex multiplication factor constant + Streamline Complex -> Real coercion + Simplify creating a Complex object + Enable num->str coercion in native.repeated/unique + Remove unneeded/confusing can(\'prec\') checks + Remove some unnecessary trys
* Sun Mar 27 2022 Stefan Seifert - Fix build on RHEL7 which contains no fdupes package Also perl core packages are not installed by default
* Mon Feb 21 2022 update to version 2022.02 + Introduce a new generalized dispatch mechanism. It results in a more uniform architecture for all kinds of dispatch, delivering better performance on a range of langauge features. For more information see + Native unsigned integers are now first class citizens + The $
*PERL variable usage will warn starting from `6.e` language release, using $
*RAKU is preferred now + Remove RESTRICTED setting (#3965) + Add support for $RAKUDO_OPT environment variable + Introducing RAKUDO_PRECOMPILATION_PROGRESS environment variable + Quite a few smaller additions + Numerous bug fixes and performance improvements. Far too many to even summarize here.
* Sun Aug 22 2021 update to version 2021.08 + Enable rendering of nested blocks in the Pod::To::Text module + Raise priority of let and temp operators compared to .=, . and auto-increment, making let $foo .= &{ Nil } work more intuitively compared to (let $foo) .= &{ Nil } as was necessary before + Change the Scalar.WHICH method implementation, fixing the semantics to reflect that Scalar is not a value object + Make the &&, || and // operators about 2x as fast for the +AATTa candidates + Improve performance of smartmatching between two Signature objects + Fix some occurrences of hash-related concurrency issues + Fix the List.reduce method when used with &infix:<&&> + Fix matching of native types against roles Numeric, Real and Stringy + Make Pointer.Numeric and Pointer.Int methods return 0 instead of resulting in an error + Fix a race in the ClassHOW.new_type method + Make checking for Windows cheaper + Simplify Rakudo::Iterator::While iterator code + Fix location of the Proc.status deprecation message
* Sat Jul 24 2021 update to version 2021.07 + Make cmp routine work properly on Iterator, Seq, Uni, native arrays and empty Lists + Add the ACCEPTS(Uni) method on Uni candidate + Implement last and next with a value for 6.e language revision + Properly support nearly all HTML5 entities in Pod E<> formatting code + Allow Ctrl-C to stop entry in REPL + Add ⩶ and ⩵ as Unicode synonyms for === and == + Deprecate the status method on Proc in place of exitcode and signal methods + Allow add method on IO::Path to take multiple values (e.g. \"foo\".IO.add()) + Optimize calls to map + Optimize loops without phasers for one and two arguments case + Make for / map with 2+ arguments up to 2x as fast + Make List cmp List about 25% faster + Reduce overhead of loops with phasers by at least 5% + Make the grep(Callable) method about 3% faster + Clean up sockets created by on error + Fix freezes caused by concurrently produced iterators + Fix unimatch for non-base properties
* Sat Jul 10 2021 update to version 2021.06 + Support generics with consumption and inheritance in roles + Introduce done foo syntax as a shortcut for emit foo; done + Implement pick method on Any taking HyperWhatever as an argument (.pick(
*)) + Add a repl sub to enter the REPL from within a program + Add Buf and Blob coercers to Blob and Buf roles + Tweak worker addition for many small tasks + Make .grep(Regex) and .first(Regex) about 40% faster + Speed up setup of NativeCall subs and reduce memory usage + Micro-optimize levenshtein sub used to suggest alternatives in error messages + Fix bogus \"emit without supply or react\" error when using hyper to process arrays + Fix some edge cases with (+), (.), (&) and (|) set operators + Make signature destructuring with a Junction an error + Make Mu eqv Mu work
* Mon May 24 2021 update to version 2021.05 + Make methods keys, values, kv, pairs, antipairs, invert work on Enum + Make uniname and uniparse method work on all Cool values such as Num or Match + Add the user and group methods to IO::Path + Add new methods day-fraction, modified-julian-date and julian-date to DateTime + Add support for ∊ and ∍ as aliases for ∈ and ∋ + Deprecate Cool.path method in favor of Cool.IO and NQP operators time_i and time_n in favor of time + Rename deterministic method on Iterator introduced in 2020.12 into is-deterministic + Calling ord method on Str:U now throws an exception instead of silently returning Nil + Make Int.chr and Int.unival handling of negative values consistent + Faster now, Str.wordcase, Str.uniparse, lines, words, my %h is QuantHash =, Int.unival, Str.unival, Str.ords, List.sum, Any.sum, chrs for native int arrays, uninames, Str.univals, Datish.daycount, uniprop, uniprops, Baggy.AT-KEY, infix (elem), DateTime.posix + Fix a regression in command line arguments parser + Fix compilation failure with EVAL in precompiled module\'s mainline + Fix an edge case of sub-signature handling, making say :([]) eqv :(AATT); properly result in False + Make signal handler setup synchronous to avoid race conditions + Fix race condition in ThreadPoolScheduler + Fix a potential issue on subclassing from NQP classes or consuming NQP roles + Fix Int.uniname to handle big negative and big positive integers + Fix handling of holes in raku method for native str arrays + Fix resource leak when iterating files using dir method on IO::Path + Fix an exception when grab was called on an empty SetHash that had contained entries before + Fix DateTime equivalence check with eqv relying on raku representation + Fix methods substr, substr-rw, chop, chomp, pred, succ, comb, lines, words, wordcase, trans, indent, uc, lc, tc, fc, tclc, flip, split, trim, trim-leading, trim-trailing, samemark, samespace, samecase, subst, subst-mutate when called on a Str subclass + Make Allomorph methods comb, chop, chomp, lc, uc, tc, tclc, fc, flip, substr, substr-rw return Str + Make sure trim, trim-leading, trim-trailing, split, samecase, samemark, samespace methods handle Allomorph values + Fix copying of empty shaped array
* Sun Mar 21 2021 update to version 2021.03 + Implement space-delimited command line interface arguments + Add a predicated wait for Lock::ConditionVariable + The Pod::To::Text module\'s output supports rendering of multi-level lists now + Remove utf32 from encodings lists for MoarVM, it was never supported before + Make printf directive error more descriptive + Make sorting and related infix operators about 2x as fast + Optimize coercive parameter typechecking + Make >>. construct faster + Make BagHash.add a few percent faster + Make xx on a constant value about 5% faster + Fix single item assignment at List creation (my AATTl is List = \'foo\' now produces a correct result) + Kernel.signals no longer returns unwanted extraneous data + Fixed .of method on type objects + Set up proper precedence info for a number of infix operators + Fix hypering on Map and when using next + Fix containerization on hypering
* Thu Feb 25 2021 update to version 2021.02.1 + Fix a regression of the 2021.02 release where a lazy iterable usage could suddenly lead to a hang + Fix calling list and iterator methods on Map and Array type objects + Fix a minor memory leak in Rakudo runner- Remove fix-flapping-tests.diff fixed upstream
* Sun Feb 21 2021 update to version 2021.02 + Introduce new coertion semantics. + Add new method deterministic to Iterator role + Introduce %
*SUB-MAIN-OPTS setting + Implement MAIN parameter bundling via the %
*SUB-MAIN-OPTS option + Add a new candidate to spurt routine and method. + Add :emit-on-empty, :emit-timed and :emit-once-on-empty methods to Supply.batch method + Make is DEPRECATED trait introspectable on Routine instances + Implement the prefix:<||> operator in postcircumfixes for 6.e and later + Add a flag to symlink allowing creation of relative symlinks + Implement binding of array- and hash-slices + Give raku -v a pure ASCII version + Introduce is test-assertion trait for routines + Make Whatever slice work on 1-dim native shaped arrays + Handle :exists and :delete on 1-dim native shaped arrays with int index + Introducing the Allomorph class + Add cmp candidates for Code + Add parameterizer methods for Metamodel::Primitives + Set equality operators: (==) Unicode ≡ and ≢ + Add support for Supply.tail(
*), Supply.tail(
*-3) and .tail(Inf) + Make Supply.head(
*-3) consistent with List.head(
*-3) + Add IO::Path::Parts class + Add support for printf($format, Junction) + Add, Supply.rotate and Capture.EXISTS-POS methods + Add RAKU_REPL_OUTPUT_METHOD environment variable + Add :chomp named argument to Str.lines similar to the same named argument of + Lots and lots of bug fixes and speedups- Backport fix-flapping-tests.diff- Get output of failing tests via rakudo-test-log.diff
* Fri Oct 23 2020 Guillaume GARDET - Enable tests on armv6
* Wed May 13 2020 update to version 2020.05.1 + Implement support of environment variables RAKULIB, RAKUDOLIB, RAKU_TEST_DIE_ON_FAIL and RAKU_TEST_TIMES to eventually replace deprecated PERL6LIB, PERL6_TEST_DIE_ON_FAIL and PERL6_TEST_TIMES + Add multiple needles feature to Str.index/rindex + dd can now also handle BOOTContext objects + Str now has .Date and DateTime coercers + Date.yyyy-mm-dd now takes a separator parameter, defaulting to - + Added Date.dd-mm-yyyy and methods + IterationBuffer now has a .Slip method for easier iteration + Add \"is implementation-detail\" trait and hide exposed internals with it + Introduce ^... and ^...^ sequence generator operators + Add Date.last-date-in-month and Date.first-day-in-month methods + Add a parents metamethod to Metamodel::ParametricRoleGroupHOW + Implement VM.request-garbage-collection + Remove undocumented + Improve behavior of default ThreadPoolScheduler, increasing efficiency of multithreaded applications + Speed up compilation of large projects + Lots of bug fixes and speedups
* Mon Mar 09 2020 Stefan Seifert - Fix /usr/bin/raku missing due to quoting error in call to ln
* Wed Mar 04 2020 Stefan Seifert - Update description and summary to follow the rename of Perl 6 to Raku- Fix shebang lines in installed scripts
* Tue Mar 03 2020 update to version 2020.02 + Remove deprecated support for implicit Distribution::Builder prefix + throws-like sub from Test module now throws an exception on Bool:D matchers + Supply.repeated now has unique rather than squish semantics + Enable user-defined chaining operators to work + Added prefix and suffix methods to Parameter class which return textual prefix and suffix of the parameter + Made an improperly typed default for an attribute a compile time error + New methods: SetHash.set, SetHash.unset, BagHash.add and BagHash.remove, IterationBuffer.Seq, Compiler.backend, Match.replace-with + Str.contains now also can take a Regex + Add :i(ignorecase) and :m(ignoremark) support to index, starts-with, ends-with, contains, substr-eq, indices + Cool.subst doesn\'t need a replacement string anymore + Supply.first now also works without a matcher + Properly show enums, subsets and routine return type in Pod::To::Text output + Added iterator implementation for Junction (fixes e.g. calling ^name on a Junction) + Fixed concurrency issue with re-checking a precomp file\'s dependencies + Lock.protect now allows return of a container + Work around spurious error in Lock::Async that could lead to crashing + Fixed handle leak when chaining Proc::Async + Lots of bug fixes and speedups
* Tue Jan 28 2020 update to version 2020.01 + A big overhaul of role applying rules and behavior or submethods, constructors and destructors. Class attributes and methods are now prioritized over those from roles + Smartmatching typed Arrays against same-typed Positionals now returns True + DateTime class now accepts picosecond precision + Make default degree for hyper/batch utilize number of CPU cores better + $
*ARGFILES special variable now defaults to $
*IN if no arguments + An attempt to use methods index, indiced, contains on a List now gives a warning + Fix leaking file handles when loading modules + Fix missing dependency information when precompiling large dependency trees + Fixed relocatability of bundled native libraries + Fix \"expected IO::Handle:D but got IO::Handle\" in parallel test runs + Fix hang when initializing Int with a type object + Lots of semantics bug fixes + Add Version type coercer to Str + Add Supply.repeated, Supply.decode($encoding), Supply.first, Supply.collate, Supply.encode($encoding = \"utf8\"), Supply.comb, Supply.split, Supply.lines(:nl-in) methods + Add new is built attribute trait + Allow Supply.head(
*-3) to be synonym of Supply.tail(3) + RAKUDO_POD_DECL_BLOCK_USER_FORMAT env var for retaining formatting of Pod6 leading declarator blocks + Add aliases: $
*RAKU variable, Raku language in EVAL, RAKU_EXCEPTIONS_HANDLER env variable + Add :$match named parameter to comb subroutine when called on Cool object when the $matcher argument is a Regex + Add log2 subroutine and method + Allowed colon syntax on $.foo method, making $.foo: 42 work- Remove no longer needed rakudo-buildroot-fix.diff - fixed upstream
* Sun Dec 01 2019 Backport fix for buildroot in packaged files in rakudo-buildroot-fix.diff (remove in next release)
* Fri Nov 29 2019 Remove rakudo-fix-rpath.diff (issue has been fixed upstream)- update to version 2019.11
* Perl 6 is now Raku! This release comes with initial changes Added raku and rakudo executables Added support for .rakumod extension
* Added support for Unicode v12.1
* Added GB2312 and GB18030 encodings
* [6.e] LEXICAL:: pseudo-package includes all symbols visible in the lexical scope, including dynamic symbols from caller chain
* [6.e] SETTING:: pseudo-package includes all symbols from all available COREs
* [6.e] UNIT:: pseudo-package includes all lexicals visible at unit level
* [6.e] Symbol binding is now possible for all pseudo-packages
* [6.e] Pseudo-packages now return Failure for a missing symbol (was Nil)
* [6.e] Grammar now returns Failure when failing to parse
* EVAL no longer wraps evaluated code into own CORE context but shares the one used by the calling scope. It also means that `use v6.X` statement is not effective inside EVALs anymore
* Individual language-release COREs are now accessible via CORE::v6 namespaces.
* Stagestats are now shown for dependent precompilation
* Greatly improved precompilation support in NativeCall
* Don\'t recompile dependencies if another process already did it
* Made the Buf.write-
* methods return self
* Fixed Maps to keep containers
* Lots of bug fixes and speedups
* Mon Jul 22 2019 Fix install-perl6-dist getting installed into the wrong directory
* Thu Jul 18 2019 Remove fix-buildroot-in-precomp-files.diff (issue has been fixed upstream)- Add rakudo-fix-rpath.diff (remove in next release)- update to version 2019.07
* --profile-kind option to replace the deprectaed --profile-filename
* Made a Failure throw when it is used as something Iterable
* Fixed a lot of reproducibility issues in Rakudo and precompiled modules
* Made some methods return Bools instead of 0 or 1
* Lots of bug fixes and speedups
* Added an X::Cannot::Map exception
* Telemetry\'s snap now also accepts an optional \"checkpoint\" message
* Telemetry: allow snap :heap for heap snapshots
* CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem objects can now also be created from an IO::Path
* Added support for use v6.e.PREVIEW
* EVAL now supports a :check flag to just check syntax (like perl6 -c)
* Implemented support for and
* Added the CachedIterator role for creating iterators on cached lists
* By default a parametric role group would now choose non-signatured candidate for introspection; if there is no such candidate then the first one would be chosen
* Added --confprog, a way to configure the behavior of some moarvm-internal systems like the profiler
* Removed :where support for Signature/Parameter.perl
* Removed several internal functions from CORE:: and SETTING:: namespaces
* Removed wrappers for no longer existing internal function from RESTRICTED setting
* Removed Compiler::build-date
* Removed the timestamp in Distro\'s desc
* Removed unused %opts argument from Perl6::World::load_module_early
* Sat Apr 13 2019 Add fix-buildroot-in-precomp-files.diff Fixes environment variables (including ones pointing at the buildroot) ending up in precompiled files. The patch is a workaround for a known issue deep in the rakudo compiler.
* Tue Mar 19 2019 update to version 2019.03.1
* Added a candidates method to CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem and CompUnit::Repository::Installation
* Added buf8/blob8 read-(u)bits / write-(u)bits methods for reading/writing any number of
* Added $?DISTRIBUTION to give introspection and IO capabilities to the current Distribution
* Added addendum to X::Method::NotFound for better error messages
* Added HLL interface for creating Signature and Parameter
* Made `does X::Control` imply throwing to CONTROL
* Made QuantHashes parameterizable to limit the type of value that can be put in them
* Allowed `is Type` trait to handle parameterization like `is Set[Int]`
* Added a dynamic-scope lexical pragma
* Removed ComptUnit::Repository::Installation and Distribution compatibility shims for old versions of panda and zef
* Renamed Block/WhateverCode.pos to .POSITIONS
* Lots of bug fixes and speedups
* Fri Dec 28 2018 update to version 2018.12
* Default language version is now v6.d
* Deprecated .path/.args in Proc::Async, use .command instead
* Implemented X::Language::TooLate
* $
*COLLATION.set is no longer experimental
* Added dynamic variable $
* Added Endian enum and implemented new methods in blob8/buf8 for reading/writing native values
* Added Kernel.endian
* Implemented Blob.readint / Buf.writeint
* Added .native-descriptor for async sockets
* Added .Real method to native arrays
* Implemented last and LAST in whenever blocks
* Lots of bug fixes and speedups
* Thu Nov 29 2018 Guillaume GARDET - Disable check on armv6 as it randomly fails- Add _constraints to avoid test failures (on armv7)
* Mon Nov 12 2018 Jan Engelhardt - Replace old $RPM_
* shell vars
* Sun Nov 11 2018 update to version 2018.10
* Randomized hash iteration order to prevent DDoS attacks
* Deprecated `gethostname()` in favor of `$
* Initial support for Unicode 11.0
* Removed --encoding support
* Fixes for reproducibility of builds
* Added shapes support for HAS scoped attributes
* Added NativeCall CArray.allocate method
* Added \"use isms \" pragma to stop complaints about Perl 5 traps
* Massive speedups of private and qualified method calls
* Various performance improvements
* Various bug fixes
* Tue May 01 2018 update to version 2018.04.1
* Various performance improvements
* Various bug fixes
* Added support for \"api\" adverb when loading modules
* Added ShiftJIS decode/encode support
* Added a way to get child process ID via Proc::Async
* Added
* Added Array.grab
* Added fails-like routine in Test.pm6
* Added support for \"const\" marked return values in C++ functions
* Tue Mar 20 2018 update to version 2018.03
* Thu Feb 01 2018 update to version 2018.01
* Mon Aug 21 2017 update to version 2017.08
* Sat Jul 29 2017 update to version 2017.07- Remove no longer needed rakudo-remove-compile-time-env.diff as it has been comitted upstream.
* Fri Jun 02 2017 update to version 2017.05- Backport removal of untested and unspecced feature from rakudo in rakudo-remove-compile-time-env.diff to fix BUILDROOT path being included in the compiled file. Fix was committed right after the release.
* Tue Apr 18 2017 update to version 2017.04.2 Contains necessary fixes for packaging Perl 6 modules- Removed workaround for packaging issue from spec file
* Sun Mar 19 2017 update to version 2017.03
* Tue Dec 20 2016 remove no longer needed patching from the spec file- update to version 2016.12
* Thu Nov 24 2016 update to version 2016.11
* Sun Oct 16 2016 update to version 2016.10
* Fri Oct 07 2016 update to version 2016.09
* Sun Jul 24 2016 update to 2016.07
* Huge number of performance improvements
* Numerous bug fixes
* Buf: unshift, prepend, pop, shift and splice (similar to List.
* Blob|Buf.allocate($elems, AATTinit-pattern) and .reallocate($elems)
*,mo,d,h,mi,s) fully positional candidate
* Can now uninstall distributions
* Date/DateTime now fully subclassable
* REPL now supports multi-line statements
* Native str arrays (my str AATTa)
* &
*EXIT can be set to handle exit() statements (for embedding Perl 6)
* Add :kv to .first
* Add provisional $
* Ability to use a customer debugger module
* $
*MAIN-ALLOW-NAMED-ANYWHERE allows MAIN to be friendlier about where it accepts flags
* Add richer set of comparison operators for Versions
* Many improvements to precompilation
* Introduce .Map coercer
* Implement alternate ways to call subtest
* The \"is-approx\" sub from Test now allows for relative/absolute tolerance
* The \"cmp-ok\" sub from Test now can take any infix as Str, even custom ones
* A fail in a custom BUILD will now be returned, rather than thrown
* use MONKEY-WRENCH and use MONKEY-BARS are now reserved names for future use
* The \"is required\" trait on Attributes can now take a Bool or a Str
* Support for new leap-second at 31-12-2016 added
* IO::[Path,Handle] gained a .mode method which returns the POSIX file permissions
* Fixed LTA error message with Str.samemark when no pattern present
* Distribution is now a role interface
* Custom repository implementations now supported, including precompilation
* List.BIND-POS now fails instead of throwing
* Failures in Cool.Numeric and related coercers now get propagated
* Improved warning message for literals with leading zeros
* Improved error message for attempts to `use` core types
* Improved error message when is given incorrect arguments
* Improved error message when .polymod is given a zero as divisor- Package now contains precompiled versions of shipped libraries- removed patch: fb00ed3.diff
* Tue Feb 02 2016 Add build system patch missing from rakudo release new patch: fb00ed3.diff- Replace ad-hoc patching using sed by proper patch in package build
* Tue Feb 02 2016 update to 2016.01
* Chained .grep calls on Supply fixed (RT #127297)
* Fixed interaction with perl6-debug and precompilation that resulted in an endless loop
* re-enabled warning when smart-matching against a True or False literal
* Fixed internal error when reporting certain type errors (RT #127207)
* Fixed rare \"duplicate definition of symbol\" errors (RT #127107)
* Fixed interpolating of pairs with non-key strings into signatures
* Fixed error when smart-matching Seq against a Set (RT #127166)
* Improved error message when smart-matching against an S///-expression
* Fixed bad interaction between EXPORTHOW and multiple declarations (RT #126566)
* Fixed various issues regarding precompilation
* Improved accuracy of Complex.sqrt
* hyper now preserves order of results, as designed
* Range.sum on an empty, numeric Range is now 0
* Fixed Promise.allof() with an empty list of promises (RT #127101)
* Improved message on premature virtual method call (RT #127097)
* Better error message for module load failures of types that are part of the setting
* Support for Readline in addition to Linenoise
* Mon Jan 04 2016 update to 2015.12.1 (коледа)
* first release to support the stable Perl 6.c.
* lots of Unicode fixes
* re-designed list handling (Great List Refactor)
* re-designed module management and precompilation
* support for multi dimensional arrays
* support for C++ in NativeCall
* hundreds of fixes and optimizations
* Thu Jun 11 2015 update to 2015.05 (Dresden)
* profiler support with moarvm
* much improved startup time
* the NativeCall module is now bundled
* \"0\" (0 as a string) is now True
* native arrays
* \'bit\' and \'byte\' native types
* NFG, NFC, NFD, Uni
* various API changes for the Great List Refactor