Changelog for
perl-Sysadm-Install-0.48-bp157.1.1.noarch.rpm :
* Thu Nov 17 2016 updated to 0.48 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sysadm-Install/Changes 0.48 (2016/11/15) (ms) Applied typo fix submitted by Salvatore Bonaccorso in [ #114826] (ms) Reopening stderr now after password_read prompt to tty closed it.
* Tue May 31 2016 updated to 0.47 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sysadm-Install/Changes 0.47 (2016/05/29) (ms) password_read() now writes the prompt to STDERR (instead of STDOUT), and optionally to /dev/tty if specified. This allows for redirecting STDOUT (and even STDERR) to a file without losing the password prompt.
* Sat Jun 27 2015 updated to 0.46 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sysadm-Install/Changes 0.46 (2015/06/23) (ms) ask() and pick() now support getting the user\'s response on the tty, instead of stdin, so they can be used from within a pipe.
* Sun Jun 07 2015 updated to 0.45 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sysadm-Install/Changes 0.45 (2015/05/25) (ms) Alexandr Ciornii fixed manifest and tests for the Windows platform
* Tue Sep 16 2014 updated to 0.44 (ms) replaced bin_find() implementation by File::Which (ms) tap() with raise_error option set now dies with stderr output, because $! isn\'t set on failed close().
* Sat Jun 15 2013 updated to 0.43 (ms) Using binmode() now for slurp/blurt for compatibility with Win32 systems. (ms) No longer silently removing directories that are in the way before untar(). (ms) Better error diagnosis on failing untar() tests (ms) Added home_dir() function returning user\'s home directory. (ms) tap() now supports stdout_limit and stderr_limit options to limit log verbosity (ms) Applied pull request by ks0608 to fix Cwd problem on Win32/Mac ( (ms) Fixed bin_find, to omit directories (ms) Added cdback() with reset option
* Mon Aug 29 2011 new upstream version <0.38> (ms) Fixed Win32 test in 012tap.t (ms) [ #68095] Applied fix by Kai von Thadden for tap\'s raise_error option and added test case.
* Mon May 23 2011 updated to 0.36 (ms) Added owner_cp() to copy uid and gid of a file or directory. (ms) Added raise_error option for tap() (ms) snip() now returns original string (with unprintables replaced) if the data length is shorter than $maxlen.
* Wed Dec 01 2010 switch to perl_requires macro
* Mon Aug 09 2010 update to 0.35
* [RT 54885] Merged with github fork by Thomas Lenz, fixing blurt_atomic on Win32.
* Fixed local caller_depth increments
* Fixed printable() bug masking \'-\'. 0.34 (2010/02/21)
* Added github repository link to Makefile.PL
* [RT 53324] bin_find fix for Windows using $Config::Config{path_sep}
* [RT 54555] Fixed test suite errors on Win32- recreated by cpanspec 1.78 o changed to Build.PL- noarch pkg