Changelog for
python310-requests-cache-1.2.1-1.1.noarch.rpm :
* Thu Jun 20 2024 Dirk Müller
- update to 1.2.1:
* Fix normalize_headers not accepting header values in bytes
* Fix inconsistency due to rounding in CachedResponse.expires_unix property
* Fix form boundary used for cached multipart requests to fully comply with RFC 2046
* Fix loading cached JSON content with decode_content=True when the root element is an empty list or object
* Fix usage example with responses library to be compatible with requests 2.32
* Wed Mar 13 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 1.2.0:
* Drop support for python 3.7
* Remove methods deprecated in 1.0 from `CachedSession` and `BaseCache`
* Add support for `X-HTTP-Method-Override` and other headers that can override request method
* Add `CachedSession.wrap()` classmethod to add caching to an existing `requests.Session` object
* Add `vacuum` parameter to `SQLiteCache.delete()` to optionally skip vacuuming after deletion (enabled by default to free up disk space)
* Optimize `SQLiteCache.delete()` when deleting a single key
* Add support for RFC 7159 JSON body with `decode_content=True` (root element with any type)
* Use timezone-aware UTC datetimes for all internal expiration values
* Add support for python 3.12
* Note: There is a known bug with multiprocess/multithreaded usage of the SQLite backend on python 3.12.
* Add support for cattrs 23.2
* Fix `IncompleteRead` error that could sometimes occur with streaming requests due to mismatch with `Content-Length` header
* Handle a corner case with streaming requests, conditional requests, and redirects
* When redacting ignored parameters from a cached response, keep the rest of the original URL and headers without normalizing
* Add `CachedHTTPResponse._request_url` property for compatibility with urllib3
* Fix form boundary used for cached multipart requests to comply with RFC 2046
* If an explicit CA bundle path is passed via `verify` param, cache the response under the same key as `verify=True`
* Handle JSON Content-Type charsets and MIME type variations (such as `application/vnd.api+json`) during request normalization and serialization
* Tue Nov 21 2023 Matej Cepl - Update to 1.1.1: - Backport fix from 1.2: Add compatibility with cattrs 23.2- Update to 1.1.0: - SESSION SETTINGS: - Add support for regular expressions with urls_expire_after - SQLITE BACKEND: - Add busy_timeout argument (see SQLite docs for details) - In WAL journaling mode (wal=True), default to \'normal\' synchronous mode instead of \'full\' - Fix potential OperationalError: database is locked in multithreaded SQLite usage during bulk delete operations - Fix deadlock in multithreaded SQLite usage if a thread encounters an error during COMMIT - BUGFIXES: - Fix loading cached JSON content with decode_content=True when the root element is a list - Fix BaseCache.recreate_keys() to normalize response bodies with b\'None\' - Fix BaseCache.contains() for multipart POST requests - Fix CachedResponse.history not being fully deserialized on python<=3.8 - Fix request matching with Vary and redirects - Skip normalizing CachedResponse.url so it always matches the original request URL - Avoid unnecessary cache writes for revalidation requests if headers and expiration are unchanged - Add compatibility with urllib3 2.0
* Thu May 04 2023 Matej Cepl - WORK IN PROGRESS, TESTS DON’T PASS!- Update to 1.0.1: (CONGRATULATIONS!) - Ignore Cache-Control: must-revalidate and no-cache when `cache_control=False` - Lots of miscellaneous performance improvements - Fast automatic cache cleanup with TTL integration for MongoDB, DynamoDB and Redis - Improved NoSQL/document database support: human-readable and indexable response data in MongoDB and DynamoDB - Complete support for Cache-Control headers (including its extensions) - Complete type hinting and more details from cached responses - Redact common authentication headers and parameters from the cache by default - Improved session settings interface, and more settings for refreshing, revalidation, and offline cache usage- Remaining list of changes all the way to 0.6.3 is too long, is packaged.
* Sat Apr 24 2021 John Vandenberg - Update to v0.6.3
* Fix false positive warning with `include_get_headers`
* Fix handling of `decode_content` parameter for ``
* Replace deprecated pymongo `Collection.count()` with `estimated_document_count()`
* Wed Apr 14 2021 John Vandenberg - Fix runtime Requires, adding missing prefix python-- Add Recommends python-redis and Suggests for python-boto3 and python-mongodb- Activate integration tests, including redis- Update to v0.6.2
* Explicitly include docs, tests, and examples in sdist- from v0.6.1
* Handle errors due to invalid responses in BaseCache.urls
* Add recently renamed BaseCache.remove_old_entries() back, as an alias with a DeprecationWarning
* Make parent dirs for new SQLite databases
* Add aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key kwargs to DynamoDbDict
* Update GridFSPickleDict.__delitem__ to raise a KeyError for missing items
* Demote most statements to debug level
* Exclude test directory from find_packages()
* Make integration tests easier to run and/or fail more quickly in environments where Docker isn\'t available
* Sat Apr 10 2021 John Vandenberg - Update to v0.6.0
* See
* Tue Sep 10 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 0.5.2:
* Fix DeprecationWarning from collections #140
* Tue May 07 2019 version update to 0.5.0
* Add gridfs support, thanks to AATTchengguangnan
* Add dynamodb support, thanks to AATTar90n
* Add response filter #104, thanks to AATTchristopher-dG
* Fix bulk_commit #78
* Fix remove_expired_responses missed in #93
* Fix deprecation warnings #122, thanks to mbarkhau
* Tue Dec 04 2018 Matej Cepl - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package