Changelog for python312-pymavlink-2.4.41-1.3.noarch.rpm :

* Fri Jan 05 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 2.4.41:
* mavfft_pid: allow PID target and error frequencies to be visualized
* Fix Wireshark dissector and add snapshot tests
* tools: added
* examples: added
* Fix bitshifting issue on 8bit AVR boards when using msgid > 255 with generated C libs
* mavgen_c: added XXX_encode_status bindings
* mavextra: added RotateMag
* mavutil: Add circle mode for rover
* DFReader: recognise VER.BU for build type
* Generator: Lua: allow strings
* rotmat: added more euler 321 and 312 functions
* generators: js: fix sinon dependency to 15.2.0, add node tests
* mavutil: fixed multicast on windows
* tools: fix
* sertotcp: auto-reopen serial port
* Mavgen WLua: Support 64-bit flag fields
* mavschema - Typo 10E5 should be 1E5
* tools: Add option to to return exit code if generation fails
* github: test against Python 3.11
* fixed mavplayback and split
* Tue Sep 12 2023 Steve Kowalik - Update to 2.4.40:
* Generator: Lua: update to generate script that passes AP\'s luacheck
* add vtol mode mapping
* add close method to binary reader
* Split off MissionItemProtocol from WPLoader, use it for fence and rally
* mavutil: add RTL mode for Blimp
* generator: add support for relative path to lua mavlink module
* WLUA - add new port for WSL 18570
* Fix mavlink Lua Generator for ardupilot lua comments and add it to test script
* mavextra: added earth_accel for bin logs
* XSD: MAV_CMD missionOnly attribute
* mavgen_python: Add python3 target with type annotations
* Use strings for char array mavlink fields again
* Improve to_string and x25crc
* gpslag: cope with GPS instances
* mavextra: updated mag field tables
* Fix mavutil.mavtcpin not closing the accept()ed port on close()
* Generator for Ada language
* mavutil: add force option to reboot_autopilot method
* mavutil: do not consider MAV_AUTOPILOT_INVALID to be a vehicle heartbeat
* generator-C: added last_status field for signing
* Generator C: remove set but not used variable
* Fix for when signing disabled
* Fix the format of the output result of
* mavutil: Return mode as \'Mode(msg.custom_mode)\' for high-latency streams
* mavextra: cope with more Lat/Lon/Lng combinations
* mavutil: fixed MavlinkSerialPort wrapper for python3
* generator: lua generator for ardupilot lua scripting
* tools: add mavmerge to merge two tlogs
* tools: print progress in magfit_WMM
* mavutil: do not consider MAV_AUTOPILOT_INVALID to be a vehicle heartbeat
* mavgen: check for missing enums
* DFReader: added support for adding new messages to bin logs
* mavextra: removed cache from earth field calculations
* schema - Add Ampere-hours units
* correct fatal error when stringifying FILE messages
* mavschema: add nanoseconds
* mavutil: add DOCK mode to rover
* fix average(v, k, N) function
* mavftpdecode: fixed handling of defaults
* don\'t die when handling
* Disable mavnative by default
* Tools: Magfit: throttle based
* DFReader: extract defaults from 4.3.x logs
* DFReader: fixed defaults handling
* mavwp: use is_location attribute of WP commands- Switch to pyproject and autosetup macros.- Package switched from sitearch to sitelib due to no mavnative- Stop using globs in %files- Add patch remove-future-requirement.patch, dropping future requirement
* Wed Oct 05 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to version 2.4.35
* tests: reformat XML
* don\'t die when handling bytestrings in dataflash logs
* mavftpdecode: fixed handling of defaults
* fix average(v, k, N) function
* mavutil: add DOCK mode to rover
* Wed Oct 05 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to version 2.4.34 fixed pypi error
* Sun Oct 17 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 2.4.17
* DFREader: allow ISO-8859-1 as fallback for logs
* mavfft_isb: allow all HNTCH options to be printed
* try both tostring and tobytes when checking signature
* DFReader: use tobytes for py3 in get_msgbuf
* mavutil: fix docstring typo
* tools: mavfft_isb add file names to legend for multiple files
* tools: add axis plot option to mavfft_isb- Update to version 2.4.16
* Add Blimp modes
* mavutil: add new AUTO_RTL mode 27 to copter
* Tools: magfit_WMM: add option to save plot and param file
* mavmmaplog: Close the mmap object
* Update mavlink_signature_check code to be compiler agnostic
* mavgen_java: Don\'t hardcode sysid and compid when packing
* Fix typos discovered by codespell
* Test on the current versions of Python
* Fix a typo discovered by codespell
* Fix typos
* mavutil: correct parsing of truncated tlogs
* fix qnan detection under Python3
* update mode mapping for copter
* added bitmask attribute to MAVEnum
* build(deps): bump lodash in /generator/javascript_stable
* build(deps): bump underscore in /generator/javascript
* build(deps): bump underscore in /generator/javascript_stable
* build(deps): bump lodash in /generator/javascript
* Bugfix accessing wrong property
* mavlogdump: added mode to --meta
* mavextra: improved distance_two()
* examples: fixed for gravity
* Correct to account for AHRS_TRIM
* Wed Apr 28 2021 Markéta Machová - Update to 2.4.15
* Cross-platform include of endian.h
* rotmat: added rotation by enum
* use os.path.abspath() for inlcude files, to allow inlcuding from external folders
* Generator CS update to support mavlink 2.0
* add support for MAV_TYPE_DECAROTOR
* mavgen: added MAV_IGNORE_CRC for python
* magfit: fixed for newer scipy versions
* array.array.fromstring() was removed in Python 3.9
* tools: Python3 support for
* Fri Aug 07 2020 Marketa Calabkova - Update to 2.4.9
* tools: add to allow FFT analysis for pids in log files
* Add support for generating Lua 5.3 code for use with ArduPilot
* make an installable tool
* few bugfixes
* Wed May 20 2020 Petr Gajdos - %python3_only -> %python_alternative
* Fri Mar 20 2020 Marketa Calabkova - Update to 2.4.6
* mavutil: add separate range check for mavlink2 messages
* Sat Dec 21 2019 Martin Hauke - Update to version 2.4.2
* Bugfix release