Changelog for python310-mplcursors-0.5.3-1.2.noarch.rpm :

* Sun Feb 04 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 0.5.3
* Require Python 3.7 (due to setuptools support ranges); mark Matplotlib 3.7.1 as incompatible.
* Highlights can be removed by right-clicking anywhere on the highlighting artist, not only on the annotation.- There was an otherwise unmentioned license change- Drop mplcursors-fix-stem-api.patch
* Fri Dec 29 2023 Ben Greiner - Add mplcursors-fix-stem-api.patch, fixing API change in Matplotlib 3.8
* Mon Jan 09 2023 Ben Greiner - Update to v0.5.2
* Fix compatibility with Matplotlib 3.6 and with PEP517 builds.
* Non-multiple cursors can now be dragged.
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to v0.5.1
* Breaking change: index is now a direct attribute of the Selection, rather than a sub-attribute via target. ( has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.)
* Additional annotations are no longer created when dragging a multiple cursor.
* Clicking on an annotation also updates the \"current\" selection for keyboard motion purposes.
* Disabling a cursor also makes it unresponsive to motion keys.
* Hovering is still active when the pan or zoom buttons are pressed (but not if there\'s a pan or zoom currently being selected).
* Annotations are now matplotlib.figure.Figure-level artists, rather than Axes-level ones (so as to be drawn on top of twinned axes, if present).
* Fri Apr 09 2021 Ben Greiner - Update to v0.4
* Invisible artists are now unpickable (patch suggested by AATTeBardieCT).
* The bindings kwarg can require modifier keys for mouse button events.
* Transient hovering (suggested by AATTLaurenceMolloy).
* Switch to supporting only \"new-style\" (LineCollection) stem plots.
* Cursors are drawn with zorder=np.inf.- Drop patches merged upstream
* mplcursors-unicodeminus.patch
* mplcursors-newstem.patch
* mplcursors-parse_annotation.patch
* mplcursors-fix-LineCollection.patch
* mplcursors-unicodeminus2.patch- Skip python36: No python36-matplotlib in TW.
* Thu Jul 23 2020 Benjamin Greiner - moved Pillow requirement to matplotlib package
* Tue Jul 21 2020 Benjamin Greiner - allow newest pytest again- require Pillow- apply upstream patches to allow newest matplotlib and numpy gh#anntzer/mplcursors#26
* mplcursors-unicodeminus.patch
* mplcursors-newstem.patch
* mplcursors-parse_annotation.patch
* mplcursors-fix-LineCollection.patch
* mplcursors-unicodeminus2.patch
* Tue Jun 09 2020 Dirk Mueller - build against older pytest to have tests passing
* Thu Apr 23 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Drop py2 dependencies from py3 only marked package
* Tue Jan 08 2019 Todd R - initial version