Changelog for eigen3-devel-3.4.0-bp155.2.4.noarch.rpm :
* Fri Aug 20 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 3.4.0 * Long list of changes, see .- Drop patches incorporated or otherwise fixed upstream: * eigen3-CastXML-support-for-aarch64.patch. * eigen3-make-sparseqr-unit-test-stable.patch. * eigen3-failtests-handling.patch.- Rebase following patches for updated sources: * 0001-Disable-Altivec-for-ppc64le.patch. * 0001-Do-stack-allignment-on-ppc.patch.- Minor line offset adjustments of other patches to apply cleanly. * Tue Dec 08 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 3.3.9: * Introduce rendering Doxygen math formulas with MathJax and the option EIGEN_DOC_USE_MATHJAX to control this. * Issue 1746: Removed implementation of standard copy-constructor and standard copy-assign-operator from PermutationMatrix and Transpositions to allow malloc-less std::move. * Issue 2036: Make sure the find_standard_math_library_test_program compiles and doesn\'t optimize away functions we try to test for. * Issue 2046: Rename test/array.cpp to test/array_cwise.cpp to fix an issue with the C++ standard library header \"array\" * Issue 2040: Fix an issue in test/ctorleak that occured when disabling exceptions. * Issue 2011: Remove error counting in OpenMP parallel section in Eigen\'s GEMM parallelizing logic. * Issue 2012: Define coeff-wise binary array operators for base class to fix an issue when using Eigen with C++20 * Fix an issue with Intel® MKL PARDISO support.- Drop Remove-error-counting-in-OpenMP-parallelize_gemm.patch: incorporated upstream.- Add patches to fix building and running tests: * eigen3-failtests-handling.patch: Simplify handling of tests that must fail to compile; upstream commit: 72c0bbe. * eigen3-make-sparseqr-unit-test-stable.patch: Make sparseqr test more stable to prevent random failures; patch taken from upstream commit [https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/issues/899]. * eigen3-googlehash-detection.patch: GoogleHash needs C++11 std to compile test code and be succesfully detected. * eigen3-fix-forward_adolc-unit-test.patch: Prevent conflict of std::min/max with eigen\'s macros by importing eigen test-suite\'s main.h header only after all system headers have been included.- Setup but don\'t run tests due to random errors in test-suite itself * Pass EIGEN_TEST_CXX11:Bool=ON and EIGEN_TEST_OPENMP:Bool=ON to cmake to enable building c++11 and openmp tests. * export EIGEN_SEED=100 to build with fixed seed (see https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/issues/2088). * export EIGEN_REPEAT=1 to run each test only once (default 10) to save time and since we use a fixed seed anyway. * Disable for non-86_64 archs as some unsupported tests fail for the others (for i586 some supported tests too, see https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/issues/2092).- Pass CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH:BOOL=OFF and CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH:BOOL=ON to cmake to fix rpath handling in Leap 15.2\'s cmake macros (doesn\'t hurt generally).- Change CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE from Release to RelWithDebInfo (openSUSE default). * Wed Nov 04 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Drop eigen_pkgconfig.patch: the includedir now needs to be specified relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, so this patch causes the includedir in the pkgconfig file to be erroneous (boo#1178139).- Use %autosetup to automatically run through patches. * Sun Oct 25 2020 Stefan Brüns - Fix compilation error when using Eigen3 with OpenMP: * Remove-error-counting-in-OpenMP-parallelize_gemm.patch * Thu Oct 15 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 3.3.8: * General bug fixes: - Issue #1995: Fix a failure in the GEBP kernel when using small L1 cache sizes, OpenMP and FMA. - Issue #1990: Make CMake accept installation paths relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. - Issue #1974: Fix issue when reserving an empty sparse matrix - Issue #1823: Fix incorrect use of std::abs - Issue #1788: Fix rule-of-three violations inside the stable modules. This fixes deprecated-copy warnings when compiling with GCC>=9. Also protect some additional Base-constructors from getting called by user code code (Issue #1587) - Issue #1796: Make matrix squareroot usable for Map and Ref types. - Issue #1281: Fix AutoDiffScalar\'s make_coherent for nested expression of constant ADs. - Issue #1761: Fall back is_integral to std::is_integral in c++11 and fix internal::is_integral with MSVC 2013 and older. - Issue #1741: Fix self-adjoint *matrix, triangular *matrix, and triangular^1 *matrix with a destination having a non-trivial inner-stride. - Issue #1741: Fix SelfAdjointView::rankUpdate and product to triangular part for destination with non-trivial inner stride. - Issue #1741: Fix C.noalias() = A *C; with C.innerStride()!=1. - Issue #1695: Fix a numerical robustness issue in BDCSVD. - Issue #1692: Enable enum as sizes of Matrix and Array. - Issue #1689: Fix used-but-marked-unused warning. - Issue #1679: Avoid possible division by 0 in complex-schur. - Issue #1676: Fix C++17 template deduction in DenseBase. - Issue #1669: Fix PartialPivLU/inverse with zero-sized matrices. - Issue #1557: Fix RealSchur and EigenSolver for matrices with only zeros on the diagonal. * Performance related fixes: - Issue #1562: Optimize evaluation of small products of the form s *A *B by rewriting them as: s *(A.lazyProduct(B)) to save a costly temporary. Measured speedup from 2x to 5x... - Fix performance issue with SimplicialLDLT for complexes coefficients. * Misc fixes: - Fix QuaternionBase::cast for quaternion map and wrapper. - Fix case issue with Lapack unit tests. - Fix possible conflict with an externally defined \"real\" type when using gcc-5. - Provide numext::[u]int{32,64}_t. - Initialize isometric transforms like affine transforms. - Change typedefs from private to protected to fix MSVC compilation. - Fix compilation of FFTW unit test. - Fix compilation of BLAS backend and frontend. - Fix real/imag namespace conflict. - Avoid throwing in destructors. - Fix precision issue in SelfAdjointEigenSolver.h - Make digits10() return an integer. - Use pade for matrix exponential also for complex values. - Cast Index to RealScalar in SVDBase to fix an issue when RealScalar is not implicitly convertible to Index. - Provide EIGEN_HAS_C99_MATH when using MSVC. - Various fixes in polynomial solver and its unit tests. - nd 4415d4e2d: Extend polynomial solver unit tests to complexes. - Automatically switch between EigenSolver and ComplexEigenSolver, and fix a few Real versus Scalar issues. - Enable construction of Ref from a runtime vector. - Fix a problem of old gcc versions having problems with recursive #pragma GCC diagnostic push/pop. - Fix compilation with expression template scalar type. - Backport AVX512 implementation to 3.3. - Fix StlDeque compilation issue with GCC 10. - Avoid false-positive test results in non-linear optimization tests. - Fix undefined behaviour caused by uncaught exceptions in OMP section of parallel GEBP kernel. - Fix a bug with half-precision floats on GPUs. * Fixed warnings: - Fix some maybe-uninitialized warnings in AmbiVector.h and test bdcsvd. - Silent cmake warnings in Lapack CMakeLists.txt. - Rename variable which shadows class name in Polynomials module. - Workaround gcc\'s alloc-size-larger-than= warning in DenseStorage.h. - Hide some unused variable warnings in g++8.1 in Tensor contraction mapper. - Fix gcc 8.1 warning: \"maybe use uninitialized\" in std tests. - Fix always true warning with gcc 4.7in test numext. - Fix nonnull-compare warning in test geo_alignedbox. - Disable ignoring attributes warning in vectorization logic test. - Fix a gcc7 warning about bool * bool in abs2 default implementation. - Fix a warning in SparseSelfAdjointView about a branch statement always evaluation to false.- Minor rebase of patches to fix offsets.- Specify relative path to includedir as option to cmake as it only accepts paths relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX now.- Drop Group tags. * Thu Sep 17 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Add eigen3-CastXML-support-for-aarch64.patch to support CastXML on aarch64 [https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/issues/1979]; patch taken from upstream commit and rebased to apply without fuzz. * Mon Aug 05 2019 Stefan Brüns - Convert to _multibuild, to avoid doc dependencies when building the main package. * Wed Jul 24 2019 Stefan Brüns - Clean up spec file: * Correct License tag, some included algorithms are LGPL-2.1-only * Remove conditionals for obsolete distributions (which were failing or unresolvable anyway) * Remove defattr, use license macro * Hide GL/GLUT/GLEW BuildRequires behind tests bcond, as tests are not build currently * Add missing BuildRequires tex(newunicodechar.sty), group doc dependencies * Tue Feb 26 2019 Bernhard Wiedemann - Drop doc tgz that contained duplicated files to make the package build reproducible (boo#1047218) * Sat Dec 29 2018 Christoph Junghans - Update to version 3.3.7: + Changes since 3.3.6: Fix compilation with GCC>=6 and compiler optimization turned off.- Added eigen3-3.3.1-fixcmake.patch * Tue Nov 07 2017 alarrosaAATTsuse.com- Remove libqt4 from BuildRequires since it\'s actually only required by some demos and tests which are simply not built when it\'s not available (except on Leap, where libqt4 is required) * Sat Aug 12 2017 jengelhAATTinai.de- Use right RPM group. * Tue Jul 18 2017 cfeckAATTkde.org- Split documentation into its own -doc package due to size. * Wed Jul 05 2017 asterios.dramisAATTgmail.com- Update to version 3.3.4: General: * Improve speed of Jacobi rotation when mixing complex and real types. * Bug 1405: enable StrictlyLower/StrictlyUpper triangularView as the destination of matrix *matrix products. * UmfPack support: enable changes in the control settings and add report functions. * Bug 1423: fix LSCG\'s Jacobi preconditioner for row-major matrices. * Bug 1424: fix compilation issue with abs and unsigned integers as scalar type. * Bug 1410: fix lvalue propagation of Array/Matrix-Wrapper with a const nested expression. * Bug 1403: fix several implicit scalar type conversion making SVD decompositions compatible with ceres::Jet. * Fix some real-to-scalar-to-real useless conversions in ColPivHouseholderQR. Regressions: * Fix dense * sparse-selfadjoint-view product. * Bug 1417: make LinSpace compatible with std::complex. * Bug 1400: fix stableNorm alignment issue with EIGEN_DONT_ALIGN_STATICALLY. * Bug 1411: fix alignment issue in Quaternion. * Fix compilation of operations between nested Arrays. * Bug 1435: fix aliasing issue in expressions like: A = C - B *A. Others: * Fix compilation with gcc 4.3 and ARM NEON. * Fix prefetches on ARM64 and ARM32. * Fix out-of-bounds check in COLAMD. * Few minor fixes regarding nvcc/CUDA support, including bug 1396. * Improve cmake scripts for Pastix and BLAS detection. * Bug 1401: fix compilation of \"cond ? x : -x\" with x an AutoDiffScalar * Fix compilation of matrix log with Map as input. * Add specializations of std::numeric_limits for Eigen::half and and AutoDiffScalar * Fix compilation of streaming nested Array, i.e., cout << Array> * Tue Mar 07 2017 asterios.dramisAATTgmail.com- Update to version 3.3.3: * Lots of changes. See http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=ChangeLog#Eigen_3.3.3 for details.- Added new build requirements libboost_headers-devel for Tumbleweed and boost-devel for openSUSE <= 13.2.- Rebased 0001-Disable-Altivec-for-ppc64le.patch and 0001-Do-stack-allignment-on-ppc.patch to apply cleanly. * Wed Jan 04 2017 olafAATTaepfle.de- Require texlive-dvips during build * Sun Aug 07 2016 asterios.dramisAATTgmail.com- Update to version 3.2.9: Main fixes and improvements: * Improve numerical robustness of JacobiSVD (backported from 3.3) * Bug 1017: prevents underflows in makeHouseholder * Fix numerical accuracy issue in the extraction of complex eigenvalue pairs in real generalized eigenvalue problems. * Fix support for vector.homogeneous().asDiagonal() * Bug 1238: fix SparseMatrix::sum() overload for un-compressed mode * Bug 1213: workaround gcc linking issue with anonymous enums. * Bug 1236: fix possible integer overflow in sparse-sparse product * Improve detection of identical matrices when applying a permutation (e.g., mat = perm * mat) * Fix usage of nesting type in blas_traits. In practice, this fixes compilation of expressions such as A *(A *A)^T * CMake: fixes support of Ninja generator * Add a StorageIndex typedef to sparse matrices and expressions to ease porting code to 3.3 (see http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=3.3#Index_typedef) * Bug 1200: make aligned_allocator c++11 compatible (backported from 3.3) * Bug 1182: improve generality of abs2 (backported from 3.3) * Bug 537: fix compilation of Quaternion with Apples\'s compiler * Bug 1176: allow products between compatible scalar types * Bug 1172: make valuePtr and innerIndexPtr properly return null for empty sparse matrices. * Bug 1170: skip calls to memcpy/memmove for empty inputs. Others: * Bug 1242: fix comma initializer with empty matrices. * Improves support for MKL\'s PARDISO solver. * Fix a compilation issue with Pastix solver. * Add some missing explicit scalar conversions * Fix a compilation issue with matrix exponential (unsupported MatrixFunctions module). * Bug 734: fix a storage order issue in unsupported Spline module * Bug 1222: fix a compilation issue in AutoDiffScalar * Bug 1221: shutdown some GCC6\'s warnings. * Bug 1175: fix index type conversion warnings in sparse to dense conversion.- Removed build requirements gnu-free-fonts and texlive-amsfonts (not needed anymore). * Thu Jun 30 2016 asterios.dramisAATTgmail.com- Update to version 3.2.8: Main fixes and improvements: * Make FullPivLU::solve use rank() instead of nonzeroPivots(). * Add EIGEN_MAPBASE_PLUGIN * Bug 1166: fix issue in matrix-vector products when the destination is not a vector at compile-time. * Bug 1100: Improve cmake/pkg-config support. * Bug 1113: fix name conflict with C99\'s \"I\". * Add missing delete operator overloads in EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW * Fix (A *B).maxCoeff(i) and similar. * Workaround an ICE with VC2015 Update1 x64. * Bug 1156: fix several function declarations whose arguments were passed by value instead of being passed by reference * Bug 1164: fix std::list and std::deque specializations such that our aligned allocator is automatically activatived only when the user did not specified an allocator (or specified the default std::allocator). Others: * Fix BLAS backend (aka MKL) for empty matrix products. * Bug 1134: fix JacobiSVD pre-allocation. * Bug 1111: fix infinite recursion in sparse-column-major.row(i).nonZeros() (it now produces a compilation error) * Bug 1106: workaround a compilation issue in Sparse module for msvc-icc combo * Bug 1153: remove the usage of __GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__ to detect C++11 support * Bug 1143: work-around gcc bug in COLAMD * Improve support for matrix products with empty factors. * Fix and clarify documentation of Transform wrt operator *(MatrixBase) * Add a matrix-free conjugate gradient example. * Fix cost computation in CwiseUnaryView (internal) * Remove custom unaligned loads for SSE. * Some warning fixes. * Several other documentation clarifications.- Updated build requirement superlu to superlu-devel.- Added a patch \"eigen_pkgconfig.patch\" to fix pkg-config file includedir (taken from Fedora).- Added a patch \"01_install_FindEigen3.patch\" to install FindEigen3.cmake (taken from Fedora). * Fri Nov 27 2015 Rene.vanPaassenAATTgmail.com- Specify eigen header install dir; otherwise the pkgconfig file defaults to -Iinclude/eigen3 * Mon Nov 16 2015 p.drouandAATTgmail.com- Update to version 3.2.7 * Add support for dense.cwiseProduct(sparse). * Fix a regression regarding (dense *sparse).diagonal(). * Make the IterativeLinearSolvers module compatible with MPL2-only mode by defaulting to COLAMDOrdering and NaturalOrdering for ILUT and ILLT respectively. * Bug 266: backport support for c++11 move semantic * operator/=(Scalar) now performs a true division (instead of mat *(1/s)) * Improve numerical accuracy in LLT and triangular solve by using true scalar divisions (instead of mat * (1/s)) * Bug 1092: fix iterative solver constructors for expressions as input * Bug 1088: fix setIdenity for non-compressed sparse-matrix * Bug 1086: add support for recent SuiteSparse versions * Add overloads for real-scalar times SparseMatrix operations. This avoids real to complex conversions, and also fixes a compilation issue with MSVC. * Use explicit Scalar types for AngleAxis initialization * Fix several shortcomings in cost computation (avoid multiple re-evaluation in some very rare cases). * Bug 1090: fix a shortcoming in redux logic for which slice-vectorization plus unrolling might happen. * Fix compilation issue with MSVC by backporting DenseStorage::operator= from devel branch. * Bug 1063: fix nesting of unsupported/AutoDiffScalar to prevent dead references when computing second-order derivatives * Bug 1100: remove explicit CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX prefix to conform to cmake install\'s DESTINATION parameter. * unsupported/ArpackSupport is now properly installed by make install. * Bug 1080: warning fixes- Changes from version 3.2.6 * fix some compilation issues with MSVC 2013, including bugs 1000 and 1057 * SparseLU: fixes to support EIGEN_DEFAULT_TO_ROW_MAJOR (bug 1053), and for empty (bug 1026) and some structurally rank deficient matrices (bug 792) * Bug 1075: fix AlignedBox::sample() for Dynamic dimension * fix regression in AMD ordering when a column has only one off-diagonal non-zero (used in sparse Cholesky) * fix Jacobi preconditioner with zero diagonal entries * fix Quaternion identity initialization for non-implicitly convertible types * Bug 1059: fix predux_max for NEON * Bug 1039: fix some issues when redefining EIGEN_DEFAULT_DENSE_INDEX_TYPE * Bug 1062: fix SelfAdjointEigenSolver for RowMajor matrices * MKL: fix support for the 11.2 version, and fix a naming conflict (bug 1067) * Bug 1033: explicit type conversion from 0 to RealScalar- * Sat Sep 05 2015 mpluskalAATTsuse.com- Update to 3.2.5 * Changes with main impact: + Improve robustness of SimplicialLDLT to semidefinite problems by correctly handling structural zeros in AMD reordering + Re-enable supernodes in SparseLU (fix a performance regression in SparseLU) + Use zero guess in ConjugateGradients::solve + Add PermutationMatrix::determinant method + Fix SparseLU::signDeterminant() method, and add a SparseLU::determinant() method + Allows Lower|Upper as a template argument of CG and MINRES: in this case the full matrix will be considered + Bug 872: remove usage of std::bind * functions (deprecated in c++11) * Numerical robustness improvements: + Bug 1014: improve numerical robustness of the 3x3 direct eigenvalue solver + Bug 1013: fix 2x2 direct eigenvalue solver for identical eigenvalues + Bug 824: improve accuracy of Quaternion::angularDistance + Bug 941: fix an accuracy issue in ColPivHouseholderQR by continuing the decomposition on a small pivot + Bug 933: improve numerical robustness in RealSchur + Fix default threshold value in SPQR * Other changes: + Fix usage of EIGEN_NO_AUTOMATIC_RESIZING + Improved support for custom scalar types in SparseLU + Improve cygwin compatibility + Bug 650: fix an issue with sparse-dense product and rowmajor matrices + Bug 704: fix MKL support (HouseholderQR) + Bug 705: fix handling of Lapack potrf return code (LLT) + Bug 714: fix matrix product with OpenMP support + Bug 949: add static assertions for incompatible scalar types in many of the dense decompositions + Bugs 957, 1000: workaround MSVC/ICC compilation issues when using sparse blocks + Bug 969: fix ambiguous calls to Ref + Bugs 972, 986: add support for coefficient-based product with 0 depth + Bug 980: fix taking a row (resp. column) of a column-major (resp. row-major) sparse matrix + Bug 983: fix an alignement issue in Quaternion + Bug 985: fix RealQZ when either matrix had zero rows or columns + Bug 987: fix alignement guess in diagonal product + Bug 993: fix a pitfall with matrix.inverse() + Bugs 996, 1016: fix scalar conversions + Bug 1003: fix handling of pointers non aligned on scalar boundary in slice-vectorization + Bug 1010: fix member initialization in IncompleteLUT + Bug 1012: enable alloca on Mac OS or if alloca is defined as macro + Doc and build system: 733, 914, 952, 961, 999- Use cmake macros- Use url for source- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner- Remove conditional buildrequires for releases which did not build anyway * Wed Apr 22 2015 asterios.dramisAATTgmail.com- Update to version 3.2.4: * Fix compilation regression in Rotation2D * Bug 920: fix compilation issue with MSVC 2015. * Bug 921: fix utilization of bitwise operation on enums in first_aligned. * Fix compilation with NEON on some platforms. From version 3.2.3: Core: * Enable Mx0 * 0xN matrix products. * Bug 859: fix returned values for vectorized versions of exp(NaN), log(NaN), sqrt(NaN) and sqrt(-1). * Bug 879: tri1 = mat * tri2 was compiling and running incorrectly if tri2 was not numerically triangular. Workaround the issue by evaluating mat *tri2 into a temporary. * Bug 854: fix numerical issue in SelfAdjointEigenSolver::computeDirect for 3x3 matrices. * Bug 884: make sure there no call to malloc for zero-sized matrices or for a Ref<> without temporaries. * Bug 890: fix aliasing detection when applying a permutation. * Bug 898: MSVC optimization by adding inline hint to const_cast_ptr. * Bug 853: remove enable_if<> in Ref<> ctor. Dense solvers: * Bug 894: fix the sign returned by LDLT for multiple calls to compute(). * Fix JacobiSVD wrt underflow and overflow. * Bug 791: fix infinite loop in JacobiSVD in the presence of NaN. Sparse: * Fix out-of-bounds memory write when the product of two sparse matrices is completely dense and performed using pruning. * UmfPack support: fix redundant evaluation/copies when calling compute(), add support for generic expressions as input, and fix extraction of the L and U factors (Bug 911). * Improve SparseMatrix::block for const matrices (the generic path was used). * Fix memory pre-allocation when permuting inner vectors of a sparse matrix. * Fix SparseQR::rank for a completely empty matrix. * Fix SparseQR for row-major inputs. * Fix SparseLU::absDeterminant and add respective unit test. * BiCGSTAB: make sure that good initial guesses are not destroyed by a bad preconditioner. Geometry: * Fix Hyperplane::Through(a,b,c) when points are aligned or identical. * Fix linking issues in OpenGLSupport. OS, build system and doc: * Various compilation fixes including: bug 821, bug 822, bug 857, bug 871, bug 873. * Fix many compilation warnings produced by recent compilers including: bug 909. * Bug 861: enable posix_memalign with PGI. * Fix BiCGSTAB doc example.