Changelog for
vim-data-common-9.1.0330-slfo.1.1.4.noarch.rpm :
* Mon Apr 22 2024 Updated to version 9.1 with patch level 0330, fixes the following problems
* Fixing bsc#1220763 - vim gets Segmentation fault after updating to version 9.1.0111-150500.20.9.1- refreshed vim-7.3-filetype_spec.patch- refreshed vim-7.3-filetype_ftl.patch- Update spec.skeleton to use autosetup in place of setup macro.- for the complete list of changes see
* Thu Feb 29 2024 Updated to version 9.1 with patch level 0111, fixes the following security problems
* Fixing bsc#1217316 (CVE-2023-48231) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48231: vim: Use-After-Free in win_close()
* Fixing bsc#1217320 (CVE-2023-48232) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48232: vim: Floating point Exception in adjust_plines_for_skipcol()
* Fixing bsc#1217321 (CVE-2023-48233) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48233: vim: overflow with count for :s command
* Fixing bsc#1217324 (CVE-2023-48234) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48234: vim: overflow in nv_z_get_count
* Fixing bsc#1217326 (CVE-2023-48235) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48235: vim: overflow in ex address parsing
* Fixing bsc#1217329 (CVE-2023-48236) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48236: vim: overflow in get_number
* Fixing bsc#1217330 (CVE-2023-48237) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48237: vim: overflow in shift_line
* Fixing bsc#1217432 (CVE-2023-48706) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-48706: vim: heap-use-after-free in ex_substitute
* Fixing bsc#1219581 (CVE-2024-22667) - VUL-0: CVE-2024-22667: vim: stack-based buffer overflow in did_set_langmap function in map.c
* Fixing bsc#1215005 (CVE-2023-4750) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4750: vim: Heap use-after-free in function bt_quickfix
* Fixing bsc#1215940 (CVE-2023-5344) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-5344: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in vim prior to 9.0.1969.
* Fixing bsc#1216001 (CVE-2023-5441) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-5441: vim: segfault in exmode when redrawing
* Fixing bsc#1216167 (CVE-2023-5535) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-5535: vim: use-after-free from buf_contents_changed()
* Fixing bsc#1216696 (CVE-2023-46246) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-46246: vim: Integer Overflow in :history command
* Fixing bsc#1215004 (CVE-2023-4733) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4733: vim: use-after-free in function buflist_altfpos
* Fixing bsc#1215006 (CVE-2023-4752) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4752: vim: Heap Use After Free in function ins_compl_get_exp
* Fixing bsc#1215033 (CVE-2023-4781) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4781: vim: heap-buffer-overflow in function vim_regsub_both- for the complete list of changes see
* Mon Sep 11 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1894, fixes the following problems- drop patches: disable-unreliable-tests.patch ignore-flaky-test-failure.patch vim-8.1.0297-dump3.patch- fixes: + boo#1214922 - CVE-2023-4738 + boo#1214925 - CVE-2023-4734 + boo#1214924 - CVE-2023-4735 + boo#1214921 - CVE-2023-4751- droped %check - most of tests didn\'t work correctly in OBS and maitenace burden of this was getting too big
* Not all cabal config files are recognized.
* Duplicate code for converting float to string.
* Message is cleared when removing mode message (Gary Johnson).
* Error message is cleared when removing mode message.
* Expanding a pattern interferes with command line completion.
* Compiler warning for uninitialized variable.
* crypt tests hang and cause memory errors
* Build failure without the crypt feature.
* Compiler warning for unused variables without the crypt feature.
* The log file does not give information about window sizes.
* Build failure with tiny features.
* Filetype detection fails if file name ends in many \'~\'.
* Not all filetype file name matches are tested.
* zserio files are not recognized.
* Insufficient testing for syntax plugins.
* Result of syntax tests is hard to see.
* Syntax test failure causes script to abort.
* Unclear why syntax test fails on Mac.
* Unclear why syntax test fails on Mac.
* Syntax test fails when Vim window is not tall enough.
* Syntax test fails when detected shell type differs.
* One more syntax test depends on the system.
* Autoload files for \"zig\" are not installed.
* Termdebug: default highlight cleared when changing colorscheme.
* Error for using matchfuzzy() in Vim9 script returning a list of dicts.
* BUCK files are not recognized.
* Crash when using a class member twice. (Christian J. Robinson)
* Termdebug on MS-Windows: some file names are not recognized.
* Divide by zero when scrolling with \'smoothscroll\' set.
* Empty CmdlineEnter autocommand causes errors in Ex mode.
* Compiler may warn for uninitialized variable.
* Regression test doesn\'t fail when fix is reverted.
* PEM files are not recognized.
* Crash syncing swapfile in new buffer when using sodium crypt. (James McCoy)
* Resetting local option to global value is inconsistent.
* Termdebug: error with more than 99 breakpoints.
* Tabline highlight wrong after truncated double width label.
* Cannot produce a status 418 or 503 message.
* Help for builtin functions is not sorted properly.
* Test may run into timeout when using valgrind.
* Warning for buffer in use when exiting early.
* Typo in syntax test input file.
* Blade files are not recognized.
* Sun Jul 09 2023 Use app icon generated from vimlogo.eps in source tarball; add higher res icons of sizes 128, 256, and 512px as png sources. Our current icons deviate from upstream flatpaks for example.
* Thu Jun 15 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1632, fixes the following problems
* Error messages are not translated.
* Error for function name has wrong line number.
* \"file N of M\" message is not translated.
* Users may not know what to do with an internal error.
* SpellCap highlight not always updated when needed.
* Some error messages are not translated.
* CI: indent test hangs on FreeBSD.
* Translation does not work for plural argument.
* :stopinsert may not work in a popup close handler. (Ben Jackson)
* Get E304 when using \'cryptmethod\' \"xchacha20v2\". (Steve Mynott)
* Not all meson files are recognized.
* Weird use of static variables for spell checking.
* Checking translations gives an error for using two messages with ngettext() that differ in \"%\" items.
* Corn config files are not recognized.
* Incsearch not triggered when pasting clipboard register on the command line.
* Filetype test contains too many special characters.
* Filetype test has trailing white space.
* Some \"gomod\" files are not recognized.
* Not all timer tests are marked as flaky.
* MS-Windows: assert error when compiled with debug mode.
* Some internal error messages are translated.
* Line pointer becomes invalid when using spell checking.
* :registers command does not work in sandbox.
* Cursor ends up below the window after a put.
* screenchar(), screenchars() and screenstring() do not work properly when \'encoding\' is set to a double-byte encoding.
* Cursor not adjusted when near top or bottom of window and \'splitkeep\' is not \"cursor\".
* screenpos() does not take w_skipcol into account.
* Filetype detection fails for
*.conf file without comments. (Dmitrii Tcyganok)
* Stray character is visible if \'smoothscroll\' marker is displayed on top of a double-wide character.
* Display wrong when scrolling multiple lines with \'smoothscroll\' set.
* Errors from the codestyle test are a bit confusing.
* Crash when calling method on super in child constructor. (Israel Chauca Fuentes)
* Using freed memory when \'foldcolumn\' is set.
* screenpos() returns wrong row with diff filler lines.
* update_topline() is called twice.
* Crash when an object indirectly references itself.
* Display is wrong when \'smoothscroll\' is set and scrolling multiple lines.
* v:maxcol can be changed in a :for loop.
* \"skipcol\" not reset when using multi-byte characters.
* Some make output gets picked up by \'errorformat\'.
* strlen() called too often for :spellrepall.
* URL shortcut files are not recognized.
* Quickfix text field is truncated.
* charidx() and utf16idx() result is not consistent with byteidx().
* Trace32 files are not recognized.
* The focus gained/lost escape sequences cause trouble for a terminal where Vim does not expect them.
* Nix files are not recognized from the hashbang line.
* FILETYPE_FILE is defined to the same value multiple times. Same for a few similar macros.
* Filetype name t32 is a bit obscure.
* The program to filetype translation is not exported.
* Crash when calling object constructor from legacy script. (Israel Chauca Fuentes)
* \"super\" is not considered a reserved name.
* Visual area not shown when using \'showbreak\' and start of line is not visible. (Jaehwang Jung)
* No generic mechanism to test syntax plugins.
* Syntax tests fail on FreeBSD.
* Having utf16idx() rounding up is inconvenient.
* \"make clean\" at the toplevel fails.
* Passing a wrong variable type to an option gives multiple errors.
* Not all cabal config files are recognized.
* Sun May 21 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1572, fixes the following problems
* Typst filetype is not recognized.
* reverse() on string doesn\'t work in compiled function.
* CI: sound dummy is disabled.
* Line not fully displayed if it doesn\'t fit in the screen.
* Display errors when making topline shorter and \'smoothscroll\' is set.
* Recent glibc marks sigset() as a deprecated.
* Text not scrolled when cursor moved with \"g0\" and \"h\".
* Some commands for opening a file don\'t use \'switchbuf\'.
* Coveralls workflow on CI is commented out.
* CI: check in sound-dummy module may throw an error.
* USD filetype is not recognized.
* In cmdline window S-Tab does not select previous completion.
* Position of marker for \'smoothscroll\' not computed correctly.
* CI: sound-dummy module is not installed.
* CI: using slightly outdated gcc version.
* Code for handling \'switchbuf\' is repeated.
* setcharsearch() does not clear last searched char properly.
* Vim9: error for missing \"return\" after \"throw\".
* Test failures for unreachable code.
* Wrong error for unreachable code after :throw.
* Function argument types not always checked and using v:none may cause an error.
* Win32: When \'encoding\' is set $PATH has duplicate entries.
* Mixing package managers is not a good idea.
* GTK3: window manager resize hints are incomplete.
* Display moves up and down with \'incsearch\' and \'smoothscroll\'.
* Json lines files are not recognized.
* Motif: GUI scrollbar test fails in 24 lines terminal.
* Profiler calculation may be wrong on 32 bit builds.
* With \'smoothscroll\' cursor may move below botline.
* Cannot use \"this.member\" in lambda in class method.
* Some tests are slow.
* RedrawingDisabled not used consistently.
* Error messages are not translated.
* Wed May 10 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1538, fixes the following problems- fixes boo#1211256 CVE-2023-2609
* No error when calling remote_startserver() with an empty string.
* Error when heredoc content looks like heredoc.
* Line number not displayed when using \'smoothscroll\'.
* Assert message is confusing with boolean result. assert_inrange() replaces message instead of adding it.
* Catch does not work when lines are joined with a newline.
* Error message lacks mentioning the erroneous argument.
* Misleading variable name for error message.
* Crash when using wrong arg types to assert_match().
* Inserting lines when scrolling with \'smoothscroll\' set.
* Text scrolls unnecessarily when splitting and \'splitkeep\' is not \"cursor\".
* Test waits unnecessarily long before checking screendump.
* reverse() does not work for a String.
* Cannot use special keys in
* Search stats not always visible when searching backwards.
* Global \'filetype\' is set when it is detected from the file content.
* Completion for option name includes all bool options.
* Failing redo of command with control characters.
* Some functions give two error messages.
* Some error messages are not marked for translation.
* Passing -1 for bool is not always rejected.
* \'smoothscroll\' does not always work properly.
* Condition is always true.
* Crash when using negative value for term_cols.
* Libsodium encryption is only used with \"huge\" features, even when manually enabled through configure. (Tony Mechelynck)
* Code style test doesn\'t check for space after \"if\".
* Cursor moves to wrong line when \'foldmethod\' is \"diff\". (Rick Howe)
* Crash when register contents ends up being invalid.
* Crash when expanding \"~\" in substitute causes very long text.
* Test for \'smoothscroll\' is ineffective.
* Test for expanding \"~\" in substitute takes too long.
* Test commented out in a wrong way.
* CI: sound dummy stopped working.
* Message for opening the cmdline window is not translated.
* :wqall does not trigger ExitPre. (Bart Libert)
* Tue May 02 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1504, fixes the following problems- fixes boo#1210996 - CVE-2023-2426
* xchacha20v2 crypt header is platform dependent.
* Crypt with libsodium is not tested on CI.
* The ModeChanged event may be triggered too often.
* Wrong scrolling with ls=0 and :botright split.
* Using uninitialized memory when argument is missing.
* Popup menu position wrong in window with toolbar.
* Crash when recovering from corrupted swap file.
* GTK3: hiding the mouse pointer does not work. (Rory O’Kane)
* Test restoring register with wrong value.
* The ruler percentage can\'t be localized.
* In a terminal window the cursor may jump around. (Kenny Stauffer)
* Using uninitialized memory with fuzzy matching.
* The falsy operator is not tested properly.
* Crash with nested :try and :throw in catch block.
* No test for deleting the end of a long wrapped line.
* Luau files are not recognized.
* No error when calling remote_startserver() with an empty string.
* Wed Apr 26 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1488, fixes the following problems
* Ending Insert mode when accessing a hidden prompt buffer.
* Crash when passing NULL to setcmdline(). (Andreas Louv)
* openSUSE: configure doesn\'t find the Motif library. (Tony Mechelynck)
* Unnecessary checks for the \"skip\" flag when skipping.
* Condition is always true.
* Diff test fails on MacOS 13.
* Test for prompt buffer is flaky.
* Unnecessary redrawing when \'showcmdloc\' is not \"last\".
* Code using EVAL_CONSTANT is dead, it is never set.
* Typos in source code and tests.
* Code indenting is confused by macros.
* C++ 20 modules are not recognized.
* Shortmess test depends on order of test execution.
* No regression test for what patch 9.0.1333 fixes.
* Buffer overflow when expanding long file name.
* Typo in name of type.
* Insufficient testing for getcmdcompltype().
* Ruler not drawn correctly when using \'rulerformat\'.
* Recursively calling :defer function if it does :qa.
* Virtual text truncation only works with Unicode \'encoding\'.
* Strace filetype detection is expensive.
* Haiku build fails.
* Cannot use an object member name as a method argument.
* Jenkinsfiles are not recognized as groovy.
* Recursively calling :defer function if it does :qa in a compiled function.
* Deferred functions not called from autocommands.
* Deferred functions invoked in unexpected order when using :qa and autocommands.
* Warnings for function declarations.
* \":drop fname\" may change the last used tab page.
* Busted configuration files are not recognized.
* Lines put in non-current window are not displayed. (Marius Gedminas)
* Crash when recovering from corrupted swap file.
* Filetypes for
*.v files not detected properly.
* Small source file problems; outdated list of distributed files.
* Using popup menu may leave text in the command line.
* Decrypting with libsodium may fail if the library changes.
* Crash when textprop has a very large \"padding\" value. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
* += operator does not work on class member.
* Coverity warns for using invalid array index.
* no functions for converting from/to UTF-16 index.
* Parallel make might not work.
* Content-type header for LSP channel not according to spec.
* xchacha20v2 crypt header is platform dependent.
* Wed Apr 12 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1443, fixes the following problems
* Livebook files are not recognized.
* getscriptinfo() loops even when specific SID is given.
* Completion popup in wrong position with virtual text \"above\".
* On some systems the Lua library is not found.
* Crash when adding package already in \'runtimepath\'.
* Scrolling too many lines when \'wrap\' and \'diff\' are set.
* Cannot compare a typed variable with v:none.
* Test fails with different error number.
* .fs files are falsely recognized as forth files.
* Start Insert mode when accessing a hidden prompt buffer.
* \"rvim\" can execute a shell through :diffpatch.
* mapset() does not restore non-script context.
* Ending Insert mode when accessing a hidden prompt buffer.
* Thu Mar 30 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1430, fixes the following problems
* The included xdiff code is a bit outdated.
* Lean files are not recognized.
* Build failure because SIZE_MAX is not defined.
* Nu files are not recognized.
* Sage files are not recognized.
* WebAssembly Interface Type files are not recognized.
* Unused macros are defined.
* \"wat\" and \"wast\" files are one filetype.
* Indent wrong after \"export namespace\" in C++.
* Warning for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
* Cursor in wrong position when leaving insert mode.
* Invalid memory access when ending insert mode.
* Livebook files are not recognized.
* Tue Mar 28 2023 Create a standalone package for xxd
* This is used by non-vim tools too
* Tue Mar 21 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1418, fixes the following problems- fixes CVE-2023-1355
* Using NULL pointer with nested :open command.
* Cairo files are not recognized.
* Unx Tal files are not recognized.
* Odin files are not recognized.
* sort(list, \'N\') does not work in Vim9 script context.
* Highlight for popupmenu kind and extra cannot be set.
* Profile test repeats the headers many times.
* Highlight test script has a few problems.
* find_file_in_path() is not reentrant.
* Condition is always true.
* Crash when using null_class.
* Unused variables and functions.
* Compilation error with some compilers.
* Missing check for out-of-memory.
* ILE RPG files are not recognized.
* TableGen files are not recognized.
* QMLdir files are not recognized.
* Racket files are recognized as scheme.
* Accuracy of profiling is not optimal.
* Pony files are not recognized.
* Compiler warning for unused variable.
* in Kitty does not use the Shift modifier.
* Crystal files are not recognized.
* Crash when collection is modified when using filter().
* ESDL files are not recognized.
* The included xdiff code is a bit outdated.
* Mon Mar 13 2023 Update spec.skeleton to use autosetup in place of setup macro.
* Wed Mar 08 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1392, fixes the following problems- fixes CVE-2023-1264
* Options test fails with some window width.
* Scrollbar test sporadically fails.
* Amiga: not all builds use gethostname().
* Amiga: a couple of include files are included twice.
* FOR_ALL_ macros are defined in an unexpected file.
* \"clear\" macros are not always used.
* Using NULL pointer with nested :open command.
* Mon Mar 06 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1386, fixes the following problems- fixes CVE-2023-1175 CVE-2023-1170
* Divide by zero in zero-width window.
* Bass files are not recognized.
* Still some \"else if\" constructs for setting options.
* Crash when using a NULL object. (Ernie Rael)
* Ballooneval interferes with Insert completion.
* Test for \'toolbariconsize\' may fail.
* Wrong text displayed when using both \'linebreak\' and \'list\'.
* Function for setting options not used consistently.
* Crash when getting member of obj of unknown class.
* Accessing invalid memory with put in Visual block mode.
* job_status() may return \"dead\" if the process parent changed.
* Illegal memory access when using virtual editing.
* Functions for handling options are not ordered.
* CTRL-X on 2
*64 subtracts two. (James McCoy)
* ACCESS_ names have a conflict with on some systems.
* Failing test for strptime() doesn\'t show returned value.
* xxd: combination of little endian and cols fails. (Aapo Rantalainen)
* Setting HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE is not needed with Homebew version 4.
* g\'Esc is considered an error.
* Options test fails with some window width.
* Thu Mar 02 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1367, fixes the following problems- dropped vim-fix-sh-syntax.patch- fixes boo#1208828 - CVE-2023-1127
* Using null_object results in an internal error. (Ernie Rael)
* Compilation error with some compilers.
* Too many \"else if\" statements in handling options.
* Cue files are not recognized.
* extendnew() not sufficiently tested.
* ml_get error when going to another tab. (Daniel J. Perry)
* Crash when :def function has :break in skipped block. (Ernie Rael)
* Build error with older Mac OS.
* Functions for setting options are in random order.
* Divide by zero in zero-width window.
* Sun Feb 26 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1357, fixes the following problems
* Setting \'formatoptions\' with :let doesn\'t check for errors.
* The code for setting options is too complicated.
* Scrolling two lines with even line count and \'scrolloff\' set.
* \'splitkeep\' test has failures.
* Coverity warns for using a NULL pointer.
* Cursor position wrong when splitting window in insert mode.
* Some settings use the current codepage instead of \'encoding\'.
* :messages behavior depends on \'fileformat\' of current buffer.
* Escaping for completion of map command not properly tested.
* Crash when using an unset object variable.
* Code style test fails.
* PRQL files are not recognized.
* Checking the type of a null object causes a crash.
* vimscript test fails where using {expr} syntax.
* Crash when indexing \"any\" which is an object.
* Build failure with +eval feature.
* \"gj\" and \"gk\" do not move correctly over a closed fold.
* \'colorcolumn\' highlight wrong with virtual text above.
* Relative line number not updated with virtual text above.
* Cursor in wrong position below line with virtual text below ending in multi-byte character.
* Error when using \"none\" for GUI color is confusing.
* Completion of map includes simplified ones.
* Handling new value of an option has a long \"else if\" chain.
* Illegal memory access when using :ball in Visual mode.
* Crash when using buffer-local user command in cmdline window. (Karl Yngve Lervåg)
* When redo\'ing twice may not get the script ID.
* Using tt_member for the class leads to mistakes.
* No test for bad use of spaces in help files.
* Functions without arguments are not always declared properly.
* Yuck files are not recognized.
* :defcompile and :disassemble can\'t find class method. (Ernie Rael)
* No test for :disassemble with class function.
* Coverity warns for using NULL pointer.
* Build error with mzscheme but without GUI.
* Check for OSC escape sequence doesn\'t work.
* Too many \"else if\" statements for handling options.
* Starlark files are not recognized.
* \"gr CTRL-O\" stays in Insert mode. (Pierre Ganty)
* Un-grammar files are not recognized.
* \"gr\" with a count fails.
* CPON files are not recognized.
* Dhall files are not recognized.
* \"ignore\" files are outdated.
* Too many \"else if\" statements to handle option values.
* \"gr CTRL-G\" stays in virtual replace mode. (Pierre Ganty)
* No error when declaring a class twice. (Ernie Rael)
* Cannot cancel \"gr\" with Esc.
* Using null_object results in an internal error. (Ernie Rael)
* Fri Feb 17 2023 Add patch vim-fix-sh-syntax.patch which fixes broken sh syntax.
* Mon Feb 13 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1307, fixes the following problems
* Crash when using search stat in narrow screen.
* Using sizeof() and subtract array size is tricky.
* Typo in pattern for filetype detection.
* \"1v\" may select block with wrong size. (Evgeni Chasnovski)
* FIRRTL files are not recognized.
* The code for setting options is too complicated.
* Some mappings with Meta and Shift do not work.
* Cursor may move with autocmd in Visual mode.
* files are not recognized.
* Display shows lines scrolled down erroneously. (Yishai Lerner)
* Inssufficient testing for what 9.0.1265 fixes.
* Cadence files are not recognized.
* Ron files are not recognized.
* The code for setting options is too complicated.
* Compiler warnings for uninitialized variables. (Tony Mechelynck)
* Various small problems.
* Coverity warns for using a NULL pointer.
* With the Kitty key protocl Esc with NumLock cannot be mapped.
* FunC files are not recognized.
* A newer version of clang can be used for CI.
* CTRL-N and -P on cmdline don\'t trigger CmdlineChanged.
* Move language files are not recognized.
* :defer may call the wrong method for an object. (Ernie Rael)
* The set_num_option() is too long.
* The set_bool_option() function is too long.
* The option initialization function is too long.
* Calling an object method with arguments does not work. (Ernie Rael)
* Wrong value for $LC_CTYPE makes the environ test fail.
* Inserting a register on the command line does not trigger incsearch or update hlsearch.
* Change for triggering incsearch not sufficiently tested.
* \'statusline\' only supports one \"%=\" item.
* Virtual text below empty line not displayed.
* On a Belgian keyboard CTRL-] does not work.
* Motif: scrollbar width/height wrong when maximized.
* \"$\" for \'list\' option displayed in wrong position when there are text properties.
* Cursor in wrong line with virtual text above.
* No regression test for solved problem of #11959.
* Setting \'formatoptions\' with :let doesn\'t check for errors.
* Wed Feb 01 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1270, fixes the following problems
* The code style has to be checked manually.
* MS-Windows console: not flushing termguicolors.
* Code in same_leader() can be simplified.
* Code is indented more than necessary.
* :runtime completion can be further improved.
* Cannot have a line break before an object member access.
* Cannot access a private object member in a lambda defined inside the class.
* Coverity warns for not checking function return value.
* Code for :runtime completion is not consistent.
* :setglobal cannot use script-local function for \"expr\" option.
* Cursor briefly displayed in a wrong position when pressing Esc in Insert mode after autoindent was used.
* Code is indented more than necessary.
* Code is indented more than necessary.
* Divide by zero with \'smoothscroll\' set and a narrow window.
* Cannot export an interface. (Ernie Rael)
* Cannot export an abstract class. (Ernie Rael)
* Cannot use an object method with :defer. (Ernie Rael)
* Checking returned value of ga_grow() is inconsistent.
* MS-Windows: scrollback cropped off on Vim exit.
* Calling a method on an interface does not work.
* Changing \'virtualedit\' does not have immediate effect.
* NetworkManager connection files are not recognized.
* Code style is not check in test scripts.
* Code style test fails.
* Diffmode test fails.
* Coverity warns for possible NULL pointer usage.
* Elsa files are not recognized.
* The did_set_string_option function is too long.
* KDL files are not recognized.
* Motif: compiler warning for unused argument.
* Using an interface method may give a compilation error.
* Error for space before \": type\" is inconsistent.
* The did_set_string_option function is too long.
* .clangd and .stylelintrc files don\'t get a filetype.
* Thu Jan 26 2023 drop vim-8.0-ttytype-test.patch as it changes test_options.vim which we remove during %prep anyway. And this breaks quilt setup.
* Mon Jan 23 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1234, fixes the following problems
* Return value of type() for class and object unclear.
* Invalid memory access with folding and using \"L\".
* Some Bazel files are not recognized.
* No error when class function argument shadows a member.
* Cannot map when using the Kitty key protocol.
* Compiler warning for comparing pointer with int.
* Restoring KeyTyped when building statusline not tested.
* Code is indented more than necessary.
* Dump file missing from patch.
* Abstract class not supported yet.
* Crash when using kitty and using a mapping with .
* AppVeyor builds with an old Python version.
* Assignment with operator doesn\'t work in object method.
* Crash when iterating over list of objects.
* Return type of values() is always list.
* Expression compiled the wrong way after using an object.
* Crash when handling class that extends another class with more than one object members.
* Testing with Python on AppVeyor does not work properly.
* Error when object type is expected but getting \"any\".
* Code is indented more than necessary.
* Getting interface member does not always work.
* Compiler complains about declaration after label.
* Storing value in interface member does not always work.
* Cannot read back what setcellwidths() has done.
* Adding a line below the last one does not expand fold.
* File left behind after running tests.
* Using isalpha() adds dependency on current locale.
* Coverity warns for ignoring return value.
* Using an object member in a closure doesn\'t work.
* Completion includes functions that don\'t work.
* Handling of FORTIFY_SOURCE flags doesn\'t match Fedora usage.
* Termcap/terminfo entries do not indicate where modifiers might appear.
* Code is indented more than necessary.
* Cannot use setcellwidths() below 0x100.
* Cannot call a :def function with a number for a float argument.
* Reading past the end of a line when formatting text.
* Fri Jan 13 2023 Updated to version 9.0.1188, fixes the following problems- refreshed vim-7.4-highlight_fstab.patch
* Float constant not recognized as float.
* Type error when using \"any\" type and adding a number to a float.
* Leaking allocated type.
* Termcap entries for RGB colors are not set automatically.
* test_mswin_event() can hang.
* Users cannot easily try out a PR.
* CI does not use the latest Python version.
* Code is indented more than needed.
* Compiler may complain about an unused function.
* Terminfo entries for bracketed paste are not used.
* Sporadic test failures when using a terminal window.
* Type of arguments not checked when calling a partial.
* Tex filetype detection not sufficiently tested.
* Cursor positioning and display problems with \'smoothscroll\' and using \"zt\", \"zb\" or \"zz\".
* Class member access is not fully tested yet.
* Class function not implemented yet.
* Virtual text at a column position is truncated at the window edge. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
* Memory leak when using class functions.
* Bracketed paste can be enabled when pasted text is not recognized.
* No error if function argument shadows class member.
* Build failure.
* Sporadic Test_range() failure.
* Unexpected output when autoloading a script for an interactive operation.
* Build failure without the +eval feature.
* Code is indented more than needed.
* Error message names do not match the items.
* Comparing objects uses identity instead of equality.
* Missing function argument.
* Memory leak when getting class member type from expr.
* Some conditions are always false.
* Crash when expecting varargs but it is something else.
* Cannot create a new object in a compiled function.
* Cannot call an object method in a compiled function.
* \'cursorcolumn\' and \'colorcolumn\' wrong after concealing and wrapping line.
* Crash and/or memory leak when redefining function after error.
* Invalid memory access with bad \'statusline\' value.
* Reading beyond text.
* Invalid memory access with recursive substitute expression.
* Cannot access a class member in a compiled function.
* Cmdline test fails in the GUI.
* Class members may be garbage collected.
* :interface is not implemented yet.
* Build failure.
* Class \"implements\" argument not implemented.
* Build error with some compilers.
* Coverity warns for dead code.
* Cannot use a class as a type.
* Tests fail because of a different error message.
* \"implements\" only handles one interface name.
* Code is indented more than necessary.
* Extends argument for class not implemented yet.
* ASAN error for ufunc_T allocated with wrong size.
* Coverity warns for using strcpy().
* Configure does not handle all FORTIFY_SOURCE variants.
* Compiler warning for implicit size_t/int conversion.
* Evaluating string expression advances function line.
* Tests using IPv6 sometimes fail.
* Code is indented more than necessary.
* EditorConfig files do not have their own filetype.
* Code to enable/disable mouse is not from terminfo/termcap.
* Some key+modifier tests fail on some AppVeyor images.
* Screen is not redrawn after using setcellwidths().
* When \'selection\' is \"exclusive\" then \"1v\" is one char short.
* Compiler warning for unused variable on non-Unix systems.
* Smali files are not recognized.
* The set_ref_in_item() function is too long.
* smithy files are not recognized.
* A child class cannot override functions from a base class.
* Not all errors around inheritance are tested.
* Compiler warnings without the +job feature.
* Class inheritance and typing insufficiently tested.
* go checksum files are not recognized.
* Wed Dec 28 2022 Updated to version 9.0.1107, fixes the following problems
* build fails if the compiler doesn\'t allow for a declaration right after \"case\".
* ASAN complains about NULL argument.
* Can add text property with negative ID before virtual text property.
* With the +vartabs feature indent folding may use wrong \'tabstop\'.
* Leaking memory when defining a user command fails.
* The \"kitty\" terminfo entry is not widespread, resulting in the kitty terminal not working properly.
* Using \"->\" with split lines does not always work.
* Some jsonc files are not recognized.
* Empty and comment lines in a class cause an error.
* Code handling low level MS-Windows events cannot be tested.
* Compiler warns for uninitialized variable.
* Display wrong in Windows terminal after exiting Vim.
* Autocommand test sometimes fails.
* Clang warns for unused variable.
* unnessary assignment
* FHIR Shorthand files are not recognized.
* Assignment to non-existing member causes a crash. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
* Search error message doesn\'t show used pattern.
* Using freed memory of object member. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
* Compiler warning when HAS_MESSAGE_WINDOW is not defined.
* Using freed memory when declaration fails. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
* Reallocating hashtab when the size didn\'t change.
* Tests are failing.
* Code uses too much indent.
* Trying to resize a hashtab may cause a problem.
* Tue Dec 27 2022 Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)
* Mon Dec 19 2022 Updated to version 9.0.1075, fixes the following problems
* refreshed vim-7.4-highlight_fstab.patch
* Test for mapping with CmdlineChanged fails.
* Cannot define a method in a class.
* ASAN gives false alarm about array access.
* Macro has confusing name and is duplicated.
* Setting window height using Python may cause errors.
* In a class object members cannot be initialized.
* Class method disassemble test fails on MS-Windows.
* Matchparen is slow.
* With \"screenline\" in \'culopt\' cursorline highlight is wrong.
* Crash when opening a very small terminal window.
* Using freed memory when assigning to variable twice.
* After a failed CTRL-W ] next command splits window.
* Using freed memory on exit when EXITFREE is defined.
* Default constructor arguments are not optional.
* Object member can\'t get type from initializer.
* Coverity warns for using uninitialized memory.
* Leaking memory when disassembling an object method.
* Conflict between supercollider and scala filetype detection.
* String value of class and object do not have useful information.
* Build failure with some compilers that can\'t handle a declaration directly after a \"case\" statement.
* Cannot display \'showcmd\' somewhere else.
* Some test function names do not match what they are doing.
* When using Kitty a shell command may mess up the key protocol state.
* Code for making \'shortmess\' temporarily empty is repeated.
* A shell command switching screens may still have a problem with the kitty keyboard protocol.
* Test function name is wrong.
* In diff mode virtual text is highlighted incorrectly. (Rick Howe)
* No information about whether requesting term codes has an effect.
* Diff mode highlight fails for special characters.
* Reading beyond array size.
* Codecov action version is too specific.
* screenpos() column result in fold may be too small.
* Using \"xterm-kitty\" for \'term\' causes problems.
* Class members are not supported yet.
* build fails if the compiler doesn\'t allow for a declaration right after \"case\".
* Fri Dec 09 2022 Updated to version 9.0.1040, fixes the following problems
* Build errors without the +channel feature. (John Marriott)
* ch_log() text can be hard to find in the log file.
* The keyboard state response may end up in a shell command.
* Build error in tiny version.
* \'cursorline\' not drawn before virtual text below.
* Stray characters displayed when starting the GUI.
* GUI: remote_foreground() does not always work. (Ron Aaron)
* When using kitty keyboard protocol function keys may not work. (Kovid Goyal)
* Build failure with tiny version.
* File missing from list of distributed files.
* Using feedkeys() does not show up in a channel log.
* Popupwin test is more flaky on MacOS.
* Callback name argument is changed by setqflist().
* Crash when reading help index with various options set. (Marius Gedminas)
* Vim9 script: get E1096 when comment follows return.
* Display errors when adding or removing text property type.
* Tests for empty prop type name fail.
* Padding before virtual text below is highlighted when \'number\' and \'nowrap\' are set.
* If \'keyprotocol\' is empty \"xterm\" still uses modifyOtherKeys.
* Coverity warns for dead code.
* \"gk\" may reset skipcol when not needed.
* Memory may leak.
* With \'smoothscroll\' skipcol may be reset unnecessarily.
* Classes are not documented or implemented yet.
* Command list test fails.
* Tiny build fails.
* Suspend test sometimes fails on MacOS.
* A failed test may leave a swap file behind.
* Suspend test still sometimes fails on MacOS.
* There is no way to get a list of swap file names.
* Test for swapfilelist() fails on MS-Windows.
* Test for catch after interrupt is flaky on MS-Windows.
* Stray warnings for existing swap files.
* ml_get error when using screenpos().
* Tests may get stuck in buffer with swap file.
* Suspend test often fails on Mac OS.
* Zir files are not recognized.
* Without /dev/urandom srand() seed is too predictable.
* screenpos() does not count filler lines for diff mode.
* \'smoothscroll\' and virtual text above don\'t work together. (Yee Cheng Chin)
* Tests call GetSwapFileList() before it is defined.
* Test trips over g:name.
* Suspend test fails on Mac OS when suspending Vim.
* WinScrolled is not triggered when filler lines change.
* type of w_last_topfill is wrong.
* LGTM is soon shutting down.
* Mouse shape test is flaky, especially on Mac OS.
* Autoload directory missing from distribution.
* Using freed memory with the cmdline popup menu.
* Vim9 class is not implemented yet.
* Test fails when terminal feature is missing.
* Tiny build fails because of conflicting typedef.
* Reporting swap file when windows are split.
* Object members are not being marked as used, garbage collection may free them.
* Undo misbehaves when writing from an insert mode mapping.
* lalloc(0) error for a class without members.
* Function name does not match what it is used for.
* Using a mapping CmdlineChanged may be triggered twice.
* Test for mapping with CmdlineChanged fails.
* Thu Dec 01 2022 to version 9.0.0978, fixes the following problems
* The first termcap entry of a builtin termcap is not used.
* Two conditions are always false.
* Coverity warns for not using return value of dict_add().
* Coverity warns for using a NULL pointer.
* Using Ruby LDFLAGS may cause build problems.
* Build failure with tiny version. (Tony Mechelynck)
* Cannot debug the Kitty keyboard protocol with TermDebug.
* Oblivion files are not recognized.
* Kitty shows \"already at oldest change\" on startup.
* Various code formatting issues.
* When using dash it may not be recognize as filetype \"sh\".
* Wrong type for \"isunnamed\" returned by getreginfo().
* Forked repositories send out useless email.
* Still using simplified mappings when using the kitty keyboard protocol.
* Crash when typing a letter in a terminal window. (Shane-XB-Qian)
* CI failures in sound dummy.
* Workflow Description Language files are not recognized.
* Pretending to go out of Insert mode when Esc is received has side effects.
* \'cursorline\' causes virtual text highlight to continue.
* Failures in the cursorline test.
* CI: Error in Coverity flow is not reported.
* Invalid memory access in substitute with function that goes to another file.
* \'ttyfast\' is set for arbitrary terminals.
* Crash when unletting a variable while listing variables.
* The pattern \"\\_s\\zs\" matches at EOL.
* Trying every character position for a match is inefficient.
* Eclipse preference files are not recognized.
* Part of making search more efficient is missing.
* Cannot detect whether modifyOtherKeys is enabled.
* Libvterm does not support the XTQMODKEYS request.
* Terminal tests fail when using key with modifier.
* Tests fail without the terminal feature.
* Messages test is flaky.
* Error when using the \"File Settings / Text Width\" menu.
* Error when using the \"Tools / Spelling / Find More Languages\" menu.
* Using deletebufline() may jump to another window.
* Virtual text below cannot be placed below empty lines.
* Function name does not match autocmd event name.
* Status line of other window not redrawn when dragging it when \'splitkeep\' is set to \"screen\".
* Using one window for executing autocommands is insufficient.
* Some compilers don\'t allow a declaration after a label.
* Leaking memory from autocmd windows.
* GUI mouse event test is a bit flaky.
* Matchparen highlight is not updated when switching buffers.
* Coverity warns for uninitialized variable.
* Escape sequences not recognized without the termresponse feature.
* Build failure on some systems.
* Kitty keyboard protocol key not decoded when it has an unsupported modifier, such as NumLock.
* Even when Esc is encoded a timeout is used.
* Virtual text below an empty line is misplaced when \'number\' is set.
* Wed Nov 23 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0924, fixes the following problems
* Aws config files are not recognized.
* \":!\" does not switch to the alternate screen.
* CTRL-Z at end of file is always dropped.
* Build error.
* \"!ls\" does not work.
* Still a build error, tests are failing.
* Memory leak with empty shell command.
* Crash when using win_move_statusline() in another tab page.
* Crash when dragging the statusline with a mapping.
* Mouse drag test fails.
* Crash when using win_move_separator() in other tab page.
* If \'endofline\' is set the CTRL-Z may be written in the wrong place.
* The key in tmux doesn\'t work when \'term\' is set to \"xterm\". (Dominique Pellé)
* Various typos.
* Wrong counts in macro comment.
* Compiler warning for redefining HAVE_DUP.
* Deprecation warning causes build failure.
* Warning for missing return type.
* The window title is not redrawn when \'endoffile\' changes.
* Wrong error when using extend() with funcref.
* append() reports failure when not appending anything.
* Compiler warnings for unused variables.
* Test may fail depending on sequence of events.
* Cannot change a slice of a const list. (Takumi KAGIYAMA)
* deletebufline() does not always return 1 on failure.
* Unicode range for Apple SF symbols is outdated.
* VHS tape files are not recognized.
* Handling \'statusline\' errors is spread out.
* Shell command with just space gives strange error.
* Using assert_fails() may cause hit-enter prompt.
* CI: not totally clear what MS-Windows version is used.
* Help item for --log argument is not aligned nicely.
* Terminal mouse test is a bit flaky.
* Terminal mouse test is still flaky.
* Crypt test is skipped if xxd is not found.
* No proper test for what 9.0.0846 fixes.
* Comment not located above the code it refers to.
* \"!!sort\" in a closed fold sorts too many lines.
* Compiler warning for unused variable.
* Solution for \"!!sort\" in closed fold is not optimal.
* Default value of \'endoffile\' is wrong.
* col() and charcol() only work for the current window.
* Crash when using \"!!\" without a previous shell command.
* Duplicate arguments are not always detected.
* No test for what patch 8.2.2207 fixes.
* Wildmenu redrawing code is spread out.
* Bogus error when string used after :elseif.
* Get E967 when using text property in quickfix window. (Sergey Vlasov)
* Using freed memory when clearing augroup at more prompt.
* Code is indented more than needed.
* Using freed memory when executing mapclear at the more prompt.
* Using freed memory when executing unmenu at the more prompt.
* Using freed memory when executing delfunc at the more prompt.
* Code is indented more than needed.
* Using freed memory with :comclear while listing commands.
* Coverity warns for dead code.
* Unnecessary nesting in makefile.
* Preprocessor indenting is off.
* Cannot get the currently showing mouse shape.
* Using freed memory after SpellFileMissing autocmd uses bwipe.
* A silent mapping may cause dots on the command line.
* Mouse shape remains in op-pending mode after failed change.
* Informational message has an error message number.
* Horizontal mouse scroll only works in the GUI.
* Cannot easily try out what codes various keys produce.
* Keycode check script has a few flaws.
* No test for what patch 9.0.0827 fixes.
* Virtual text below after match has wrong highlight.
* May redraw when not needed, causing slow scrolling.
* \'smoothscroll\' cursor calculations wrong when \'number\' is set.
* Virtual text property highlight ignores window background.
* File renamed twice in test; missing feature check.
* Test for home key fails when \'term\' is \"tmux\".
* Clinical Quality Language files are not recognized.
* With \'smoothscroll\' cursor is one screen line too far down. (Ernie Rael)
* The builtin terminals are in one long list.
* Cursor moves too far with \'smoothscroll\'.
* Setting w_leftcol and handling side effects is confusing.
* Some mouse scroll code is not in a good place.
* Key code checker doesn\'t check modifyOtherKeys resource.
* Various comment and indent flaws.
* Virtual text after the line wraps when \'wrap\' is off.
* Mouse scroll code is not optimal.
* Restoring window after WinScrolled may fail.
* With \'smoothscroll\' cursor may end up in wrong position.
* Error message for layout change does not match action.
* Setting lines in another buffer may not work well.
* With \'smoothscroll\' set mouse click position may be wrong.
* libvterm with modifyOtherKeys level 2 does not match xterm.
* Only a change in the current window triggers the WinScrolled event.
* deletebufline() may move marks in the wrong window.
* WinScrolled may trigger immediately when defined.
* getbufline() is inefficient for getting a single line.
* The WinScrolled autocommand event is not enough.
* MS-Windows: modifier keys do not work with mouse scroll events.
* Build failure with tiny features.
* Cannot find an import prefixed with \"s:\". (Doug Kearns)
* Missing defined(PROTO) in #ifdef.
* Mermaid files are not recognized.
* Second SIGWINCH signal may be ignored.
* Mon Oct 24 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0814, fixes the following problems
* Kitty terminal is not recognized.
* GUI mouse scrollwheel mappings don\'t work.
* Error if :echowin is preceded by a command modifier
* readblob() returns empty when trying to read too much
* Test for job writing to buffer fails
* sonnet filetype detection has a typo
* With \'smoothscroll\' typing \"0\" may not go to the first column
* \'langmap\' works differently when there are modifiers
* Filetype autocmd may cause freed memory access
* Crash when trying to divice the largest negative number by -1
* readblob() cannot read from character device.
* The modifyOtherKeys flag is set when it should not.
* In compiled function ->() on next line not recognized
* Clang format configuration files are not recognized.
* Order of assert function arguments is reverted.
* readblob() always reads the whole file.
* At the hit-Enter prompt the End and Home keys may not work.
* Dummy buffer ends up in a window
* User command does not get number from :tab modifier
* Memory leak with empty shell command
* \":!\" doesn\'t do anything but does update the previous command.
* OpenVPN files are not recognized.
* \'scroll\' value computed in unexpected location
* The libvterm code is outdated.
* Quickfix commands may keep memory allocated.
* With a Visual block a put command column may go negative.
* Indent and option tests fail.
* Cannot use \'indentexpr\' for Lisp indenting.
* Display test for \'listchars\' \"precedes\" fails
* Line number not visisble with smoothscroll\'\', \'nu\' and \'rnu\'
* No autocmd event for changing text in a terminal window
* \'scrolloff\' does not work well with \'smoothscroll\'.
* Crash when popup closed in callback
* Alloc/free of buffer for each quickfix entry is inefficient
* Wrong cursor position when using \"gj\" and \"gk\" in a long line.
* In script in autoload dir exported variable is not found.
* Thu Oct 13 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0743, fixes the following problems
* Virtual text \"after\" not correct with \'nowrap\'.
* Quitting/unloading/hiding a terminal buffer does not always work properly.
* SubStation Alpha files are not recognized.
* Wrong column when calling setcursorcharpos() with zero lnum.
* of MenuPopup event is expanded like a file name.
* With \'nowrap\' two virtual text below not displayed correctly.
* Wrong argument for append() gives two error messages.
* With \'nowrap\' virtual text \"after\" does not scroll left.
* Compiler warning for unused variable in tiny build.
* Extra empty line between two virtual text \"below\" when \'wrap\' and \'number\' are set.
* Too many delete() calls in tests.
* Virtual text \"above\" with padding not displayed correctly.
* Virtual text \"after\" does not show with \'list\' set.
* Extra empty line below virtual text when \'list\' is set.
* Closure in compiled function gets same variable in block.
* Virtual text \"after\" wraps to next line even when \'wrap\' is off and \'list\' is set.
* Looping over list of lists and changing the list contents works in Vim9 script, not in a compiled function.
* Help in the repository differs from patched version too much.
* extend() test fails.
* The rightleft and arabic features are disabled.
* Startup test fails with right-left feature.
* clang-tidy configuration files are not recognized.
* No check for white space before and after \"=<<\". (Doug Kearns)
* Use of strftime() is not safe.
* Cursor position invalid when scrolling with \'smoothscroll\' set. (Ernie Rael)
* Breakindent and scrolloff tests fail.
* Quickfix listing does not handle very long messages.
* Lisp word only recognized when a space follows.
* Cannot suppress completion \"scanning\" messages.
* Mouse column not correctly used for popup_setpos.
* prop_add_list() gives multiple errors for invalid argument.
* Cannot specify an ID for each item with prop_add_list(). (Sergey Vlasov)
* Starting cscope on Unix does not quote the arguments correctly. (Gary Johnson)
* Sun Oct 09 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0709, fixes the following problems
* Too many delete() calls in tests.
* \"const\" and \"final\" both make the type a constant. (Daniel Steinberg)
* Coverity warns for not checking return value.
* Get an error for using const only when executing.
* In Vim9 script a numbered function cannot be called.
* Too many delete() calls in tests.
* Calling a function from an \"expr\" option has too much overhead.
* FEAT_TITLE was removed but is still used.
* Evaluating \"expr\" options has more overhead than needed.
* Build error and compiler warnings.
* Underline color does not work in terminals that don\'t send a termresponse.
* Syntax of commands in Vim9 script depends on +eval feature.
* Popup menu highlight wrong on top of preview popup. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
* Checking for popup in screen_char() is too late, the attribute has already been changed.
* Cannot scroll by screen line if a line wraps.
* Missing part of the new option code.
* Breakindent test fails.
* Smoothscroll test fails.
* \'smoothscroll\' is not copied to a new window on :split.
* CTRL-Y does not stop at line 1. (John Marriott)
* with \'smoothscroll\' set CTRL-E does not work properly when \'foldmethod\' is set to \"indent\". (Yee Cheng Chin)
* The \'splitscroll\' option is not a good name.
* When using powershell input redirection does not work.
* No indication when the first line is broken for \'smoothscroll\'.
* Some tests are failing.
* Build fails without the +conceal feature.
* \'smoothscroll\' not tested with \'number\' and \"n\" in \'cpo\'.
* BS and DEL do not work properly in an interacive shell. (Gary Johnson)
* Breakindent test fails.
* passing modifier codes to a shell running in the GUI. (Gary Johnson)
* Cannot specify another character to use instead of \'AATT\' at the end of the window.
* Too many #ifdefs.
* Wrong type of comment in SetSyn() function.
* Mapping with CTRL keys does not work in the GUI.
* Multi-byte \"lastline\" item in \'fillchars\' does not work properly when the window is two columns wide.
* Concealed characters do not work correctly.
* Tests check for +cmdwin feature which is always present.
* Bad redrawing with spell checking, using \"C\" and \"$\" in \'cpo\'.
* Setting \'cmdheight\' has no effect if last window was resized.
* Spacing-combining characters handled as composing, causing text to take more space than expected.
* ml_get error when \'splitkeep\' is \"screen\". (Marius Gedminas)
* Too many delete() calls in tests.
* No space for command line when there is a tabline.
* Negative topline using CTRL-Y with \'smoothscroll\' and \'diff\'. (Ernie Rael)
* Cursor line only partly shows with \'smoothscroll\' and \'scrolloff\' zero.
* First line not scrolled properly with \'smoothscroll\' and \'scrolloff\' zero and using \"k\".
* Search test screendump is outdated.
* Breakindent test accepts wrong result.
* Using exclamation marks on :function.
* Tests failing with \'smoothscroll\', \'number\' and \"n\" in \'cpo\'.
* Tests failing with \'breakindent\', \'number\' and \"n\" in \'cpo\'.
* \"<<<\" shows for \'smoothscroll\' even when \'showbreak is set.
* Crash when popup with deleted timer is closed. (Igbanam Ogbuluijah)
* Cannot specify a time for :echowindow.
* FORTIFY_SOURCE causes a crash in Vim9 script.
* \"export def\" does not work in a nested block.
* Debugger does not display the whole command.
* Compiler warning for unused function.
* Buffer size for expanding tab not correctly computed.
* lalloc(0) error in listchars test.
* PoE filter files are not recognized.
* browse() first argument cannot be a bool.
* No native sound support on Mac OS.
* Failing check for dictionary type for const any.
* It is unclear if the +rightleft and +arabic features are actively being used.
* Cursor in wrong position with Visual substitute.
* VisVim is outdated, does not work with current Visual Studio.
* Tiny build fails.
* There is no real need for a \"big\" build.
* With \'smoothscroll\' the cursor position s not adjusted in a long line.
* Incomplete testing cursor position after change with \'linebreak\' set.
* Failing check for argument type for const any.
* CI runs \"tiny\" and \"small\" builds, which are the same.
* Virtual text truncation does not take padding into account.
* :help in a narrow window always opens at the top.
* With \'smoothscroll\' and \'scrolloff\' non-zero the cursor position is not properly adjusted in a long line.
* :confirm does not work properly for a terminal buffer.
* Virtual text \"after\" not correct with \'nowrap\'.
* Fri Sep 30 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0626, fixes the following problems- fix boo#1203924 - CVE-2022-3352
* Error for modifying a const is not detected at compile time.
* Leaking argument type array.
* Too many delete() calls in tests.
* When quitting the cmdline window with CTRL-C it remains visible.
* Warning for using uninitialized value in mouse test.
* A closure in a nested loop in a :def function does not work.
* Build failure.
* Various problems with \'nosplitscroll\'.
* Line number argument for :badd does not work.
* Command line cleared when using :redrawstatus in CmdlineChanged autocommand event.
* When the channel test fails there is no clue why.
* Confusing error for \"saveas\" command with \"nofile\" buffer.
* Chatito files are not recognized.
* Unnecessary scrolling for message of only one line.
* Cannot redraw the status lines when editing a command.
* May not be able to use a pattern ad the debug prompt.
* Terminal test sometimes hangs.
* Virtual text highlight starts too early when \'number\' is set.
* Virtual text \"above\" highlights gap after it.
* When at the command line :redrawstatus does not work well.
* Virtual text highlight starts too early with \'nowrap\' and \'number\' set.
* The win_line() function is much too long.
* Declaring a loop variable at the start of a block is clumsy.
* Compiler warns for unused argument in small version.
* Build fails on Appveyor.
* more compiler warnings for arguments in small version
* Manually deleting temp test files.
* Long sign text may overflow buffer.
* Appveyor setup contains outdated lines.
* Using freed memory when autocmd changes mark.
* The win_line() function is much too long.
* Edit test is flaky when run under valgrind.
* The win_line() function is much too long.
* Line number is displayed at virtual text \"above\".
* Closure gets wrong value in for loop with two loop variables.
* The do_set() function is much too long.
* Manually deleting test temp files.
* Long message test can be flaky.
* Assigning stack variable to argument confuses Coverity.
* Terminal pwd test fails with a very long path name.
* Insufficient testing for assert and test functions.
* Minor issues with setting a string option.
* When a test is slow and CI times out there is no time info.
* Supporting Ruby 1.8 makes code complicated.
* Looping over empty out_loop[] entries.
* reduce() with a compiled lambda could be faster.
* Duplicated code in calling a :def function.
* Crash when closing a tabpage and buffer is NULL.
* Mode message is delayed when :echowin was used. (Maxim Kim)
* Crash when using NUL in buffer that uses :source.
* No error for \"|\" after \"{\" in lamda.
* Using freed memory when command follows lambda.
* Scrolling with \'nosplitscroll\' in callback changing curwin.
* Leaking memory with nested functions.
* Valgrind reports possibly leaked memory.
* Coverity warns for possibly using NULL pointer.
* Timer test may get stuck at hit-enter prompt.
* Elapsed time since testing started is not visible.
* When a test gets stuck it just hangs forever.
* HSL playlist files are not recognized.
* Timer_info() test fails.
* Cscope test causes problems when code for test timeout timer is included (even when commented out).
* Nim files are not recognized.
* \'completeopt\' \"longest\" is not used for complete().
* Autocmd code is indented more than needed.
* Cannot easily get out when using \"vim file | grep word\".
* Insert complete tests leave a mapping behind.
* Outdated dependencies go unnoticed.
* Timer garbage collect test hangs on Mac M1.
* The getchar() function behaves strangely with bracketed paste.
* Unused loop variables.
* Buffer underflow with unexpected :finally.
* Using freed memory when \'tagfunc\' wipes out buffer that holds \'complete\'.
* Adding a character for incsearch fails at end of line.
* Only recognizing .m3u8 files is inconsistent.
* Cscope test with wrong executable name fails.
* When long message test fails the error message is not visible.
* Missing change in test.
* Unicode tables are outdated.
* After exiting Insert mode spelling is not checked in the next line.
* Message window popup shows on only one tab page. (Naruhiko Nishino)
* Display not cleared when scrolling back in messages, a background color is set and t_ut is empty.
* Makefile error message causes a shell error.
* Extra newline in messages after a verbose shell message.
* Cannot close a tab page with the middle mouse button.
* Using negative array index with negative width window.
* Latexmkrc files are not recognized.
* GYP files are not recognized.
* Too much indent.
* New TypeScript extensions are not recognized.
* With \'nosplitscroll\' folds are not handled correctly.
* Luacheckrc file is not recognized.
* Dump file missing.
* system() opens a terminal window when using the GUI and \"!\" is in \'guioptions\'.
* With spell checking, deleting a full stop at the end of a line does not update SpellCap at the start of the next line.
* Blockedit test fails because of wrong indent.
* Global interrupt test fails when run under valgrind.
* Tests delete files with a separate delete() call.
* Blockedit test passes with wrong result.
* Running source tests leaves file behind.
* SpellFileMissing autocmd may delete buffer.
* Using reduce() on a list from range() is a bit slow.
* Spell test fails because error message changed.
* Calling function for reduce() has too much overhead.
* Too many delete() calls in tests.
* matchaddpos() can get slow when adding many matches.
* Filetype test leaves file behind.
* matchaddpos() can only add up to 8 matches.
* Mon Sep 19 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0500, fixes the following problems- boo#1203508 - CVE-2022-3234- boo#1203509 - CVE-2022-3235
* On an AZERTY keyboard digit keys get the shift modifier.
* Incorrect color for modeless selection with GTK.
* A few problems with \'splitscroll\'.
* Function called at debug prompt is also debugged.
* Substitute prompt does not highlight an empty match.
* Splitting a line with a text prop \"above\" moves it to a new line below.
* Vim9: block in for loop doesn\'t behave like a code block.
* Loop variable can\'t be found.
* \'scroll\' is not always updated.
* ASAN warning for integer overflow.
* Command line test leaves directory behind.
* With virtual text \"above\" indenting doesn\'t work well.
* Cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when \'splitscroll\' is off.
* Virtual text wrong after adding line break after line.
* Build failure.
* Exectution stack underflow without the +eval feature. (Dominique Pellé)
* Cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when \'splitscroll\' is off.
* In a :def function all closures in a loop get the same variables.
* No test for what patch 9.0.0469 fixes.
* Virtual text \"below\" doesn\'t show in list mode.
* fullcommand() only works for the current script version.
* fullcommand() test failure.
* Not using deferred delete in tests.
* Varargs does not work for replacement function of substitute().
* Missing dependency may cause crashes on incomplete build.
* Test for \'splitscroll\' takes too much time.
* Valva Date Format files are not recognized.
* Cannot use a :def varargs function with substitute().
* In a :def function all closures in a loop get the same variables.
* \"g0\" moves to wrong location with virtual text \"above\".
* Illegal memory access when replacing in virtualedit mode.
* In a :def function all closures in a loop get the same variables.
* Text scrolled with \'nosplitscroll\', autocmd win opened and help window closed.
* Using freed memory with combination of closures.
* Cursor in wrong position with virtual text \"above\" and \'showbreak\'.
* Using \"end_lnum\" with virtual text causes problems.
* Using freed memory with cmdwin and BufEnter autocmd.
* No good reason to build without the float feature.
* Cmdwin test fails on MS-Windows.
* Perl test fails.
* Small build misses float function declaraitons.
* Closure doesn\'t work properly in nested loop.
* No good reason to keep supporting Windows-XP.
* LyRiCs files are not recognized.
* Various small issues.
* In :def function list created after const is locked.
* When quitting the cmdline window with CTRL-C it remains visible.
* Tue Sep 13 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0453, fixes the following problems- boo#1203272 - CVE-2022-3153- boo#1203194 - CVE-2022-3134- boo#1203110 - CVE-2022-3099
* Writefile test leaves files behind.
* Freeing the wrong string on failure.
* Coverity complains about unused value.
* Covertity still complains about using return value of getc().
* GUI: when CTRL-D is mapped in Insert mode it gets inserted. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
* Some code blocks are nested too deep.
* repeating a mapping does not use the right script context.
* The do_arg_all() function is too long.
* Crash when \'tagfunc\' closes the window.
* Cannot use a partial with :defer.
* Using separate delete() call instead of writefile() \'D\' flag.
* Inverted condition is a bit confusing.
* Signals test often fails on FreeBSD.
* Cygwin: multibyte characters may be broken in terminal window.
* Clang warnings for function prototypes.
* :findrepl does not escape \'&\' and \'~\' properly.
* :defer not tested with exceptions and \":qa!\".
* Members of funccall_T are inconsistently named.
* Using :defer in expression funcref not tested.
* GUI test sometimes hangs on CI.
* CI uses older clang version.
* Javascript module files are not recoginzed.
* \'equalalways\' may be off when \'laststatus\' is zero.
* Crash when passing invalid arguments to assert_fails().
* Arguments in a partial not used by a :def function.
* Deferred functions not invoked when partial func exits.
* matchstr() does match column offset. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
* GUI test sometimes fails on MS-Windows.
* #{g:x} was seen as a curly-braces expression.
* Struct member cts_lnum is unused.
* Only created files can be cleaned up with one call.
* Compiler warning for unused argument.
* ASAN reports a memory leak.
* matchstr() still does not match column offset when done after a text search.
* ml_get error when appending lines in popup window.
* Jsonnet files are not recognized.
* Manually deleting temp test files.
* The :defer command does not check the function argument count and types.
* Function went missing.
* Not enough testing of the :all command.
* \"for\" and \"while\" not recognized after :vim9cmd and :legacy. (Emanuele Torre)
* gitattributes files are not recognized.
* Autocmd test is a bit flaky on MS-Windows.
* Failed flaky tests report only start time.
* Drupal theme files are not recognized.
* Autocmd test uses common file name.
* Not all keys are tested for the MS-Windows GUI.
* Cannot use repeat() with a blob.
* Current mode shows in message window.
* Crash when using for loop variable in closure.
* Coverity warns for not checking allocation failure.
* gitignore files are not recognized.
* Compiler warning for uninitialized variable.
* CI: running tests in parallel causes flakiness.
* No error when a custom completion function returns something else than the expected list.
* Cannot put virtual text above a line.
* Cursor wrong if inserting before line with virtual text above.
* Crash when using mkdir() with \"R\" flag in compiled function.
* Closure in for loop test fails on some systems.
* Virtual text \"above\" doesn\'t handel line numbers.
* Blueprint files are not recognized.
* Trying to declare g:variable gives confusing error.
* When opening/closing window text moves up/down.
* Message window may be positioned too low.
* Using :echowin while at the hit-enter prompt causes problems.
* SubRip files are not recognized.
* There is no easy way to translate a string with a key code into a readable string.
* Return value of argument check functions is inconsistent.
* Virtual text \"above\" does not work with \'nowrap\'.
* Visual highlighting extends into virtual text prop.
* On an AZERTY keyboard digit keys get the shift modifier.
* Mon Sep 05 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0381, fixes the following problems- boo#1202962 - CVE-2022-3037
* Using common name in tests leads to flaky tests.
* VDM files are not recognized.
* Shell command is displayed in message window.
* Screen flickers when \'cmdheight\' is zero.
* When updating the whole screen a popup may not be redrawn.
* Clearing screen causes flicker.
* Godot shader files are not recognized.
* Command line type of CmdlineChange differs from getcmdtype().
* Cannot use the message popup window directly.
* Crash when no errors and \'quickfixtextfunc\' is set.
* Using common name in tests leads to flaky tests.
* Some changes for cmdheight=0 are not needed.
* items() does not work on a list. (Sergey Vlasov)
* OLD_DIGRAPHS is unused.
* \":highlight\" hangs when \'cmdheight\' is zero.
* Method tests fail.
* Cannot use items() on a string.
* Overwrite check may block BufWriteCmd.
* Method test fails.
* Test does not properly clean up.
* Checks for Dictionary argument often give a vague error message.
* Tests are flaky because of using a common file name.
* Flicker when resetting cmdline_row after updating the screen.
* Return value of list_append_list() not always checked.
* No check if the return value of XChangeGC() is NULL.
* The \'cmdheight\' zero support causes too much trouble.
* mapset() does not restore mapping properly.
* \":wincmd =\" equalizes in two directions.
* ColorScheme autocommand triggered when colorscheme is not found. (Romain Lafourcade)
* Error message for list argument could be clearer.
* :horizontal modifier not fully supported.
* Filetype of
*.sil files not well detected.
* :echowindow does not work in a compiled function.
* Message window may obscure the command line.
* using :echowindow in a timer clears part of message
* Missing entry in switch.
* Check for uppercase char in autoload name is wrong, it checks the name of the script.
* :echowindow sets the in_echowindow flag too early.
* \'linebreak\' interferes with text property highlight if there is syntax highlighting.
* \'breakindent\' does not indent non-lists with \"breakindentopt=list:-1\".
* Error message for wrong argument type is not specific.
* Crash when invalid line number on :for is ignored.
* Removing a listener may result in a memory leak and remove subsequent listerns.
* Expanding \":e %\" does not work for remote files.
* Common names in test files causes tests to be flaky.
* Clang static analyzer gives warnings.
* File name used in test is unusual.
* Cannot use import->Func() in lambda. (Israel Chauca Fuentes)
* Coverity complains about dropping sign of character.
* Old Coverity warning for using NULL pointer.
* A failing flaky test doesn\'t mention the time.
* Cleaning up afterwards can make a function messy.
* Compiler warning for uninitialized variable.
* Coverity warns for NULL check and unused return value.
* Coverity still complains about dropping sign of character.
* The footer feature is unused.
* Clang warns for dead assignments.
* Argument assignment does not work.
* Compiler warning for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
* Cleaning up after writefile() is a hassle.
* Deleting files in tests is a hassle.
* Writefile test leaves files behind.
* Tue Aug 30 2022 ignore-flaky-test-failure.patch: Ignore failure of flaky tests- disable-unreliable-tests-arch.patch: Removed
* Mon Aug 29 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0313, fixes the following problems- boo#1202862 - CVE-2022-3016- boo#1203155 - CVE-2022-2980- boo#1203152 - CVE-2022-2982- boo#1202689 - CVE-2022-2946- boo#1202687 - CVE-2022-2923- boo#1202599 - CVE-2022-2889
* Using NULL pointer when skipping compiled code.
* Using freed memory with multiple line breaks in expression.
* job_start() test may fail under valgrind.
* Cannot read error message when abort() is called.
* Crash when pattern looks below the last line.
* Vim9: error message for missing type is not clear.
* No error for comma missing in list in :def function.
* Expanding \"
*\" may loop forever with directory links.
* Test with BufNewFile autocmd is flaky.
* Removing multiple text properties takes many calls.
* Cannot make difference between the end of :normal and a character in its argument.
* \'autoshelldir\' does not work with chunked respose.
* Popup menu not removed when \'wildmenu\' reset while it is visible.
* Mac: cannot build if dispatch.h is not available.
* Shift-Tab shows matches on cmdline when \'wildmenu\' is off.
* Build failure without the +wildmenu feature.
* Crash when using \":mkspell\" with an empty .dic file.
* \"make install\" does not install shared syntax file. (James McCoy)
* \"make install\" still fails. (Wilhelm Payne)
* Text properties \"below\" sort differently on MS-Windows.
* Cannot easily get the list of sourced scripts.
* Mechanism to prevent recursive screen updating is incomplete.
* Using freed memory when \'tagfunc\' deletes the buffer.
* Cannot add padding to virtual text without highlight.
* Duplicate code in finding a script in the execution stack.
* No test for what 9.0.0234 fixes.
* Slightly inconsistent error messages.
* Test output shows up in git.
* Cursor in wrong place after virtual text.
* A symlink to an autoload script results in two entries in the list of scripts, items expected in one are actually in the other.
* Typo in function name.
* Build failure without the eval feature.
* Compiler warning for uninitialized variables.
* \"->\" in \":scriptnames\" output not tested yet.
* Crash with mouse click when not initialized.
* Using freed memory when using \'quickfixtextfunc\' recursively.
* bufload() reads a file even if the name is not a file name. (Cyker Way)
* Build failure without the +quickfix feature.
* Too many #ifdefs.
* No good reason why the \"gf\" command is not in the tiny version.
* Compiler warning for unused argument.
* Build error without the +eval feature.
* getscriptinfo() does not include the version. Cannot select entries by script name.
* Some values of \'path\' and \'tags\' do not work in the tiny version.
* Using INIT() in non-header files.
* BufReadCmd not triggered when loading a \"nofile\" buffer. (Maxim Kim)
* Konsole termresponse not recognized.
* Netrw plugin does not show remote files.
* BufEnter not triggered when using \":edit\" in \"nofile\" buffer.
* \'buftype\' values not sufficiently tested.
* Coverity CI: update-alternatives not needed with Ubuntu 20.04.
* The +wildignore feature is nearly always available.
* The tiny version has the popup menu but not \'wildmenu\'.
* The builtin termcap list depends on the version.
* Build failure without the +eval feature.
* A nested timout stops the previous timeout.
* Cannot complete \"syn list AATTcluster\".
* Using static buffer for multiple completion functions.
* It is not easy to change the command line from a plugin.
* Using freed memory when location list changed in autocmd.
* Irix systems no longer exist.
* When \'cmdheight\' is zero some messages are not displayed.
* Invalid memory write.
* Compiler warning for variable set but not used.
* Test failing.
* Test causes another test to fail.
* Messages window not hidden when starting a command line.
* Crash when \'cmdheight\' is 0 and popup_clear() used.
* GUI drop files test sometimes fails.
* Message in popup is shortened unnecessary.
* Cursor position wrong after right aligned virtual text. (Iizuka Masashi)
* Compiler warning for size_t to int conversion.
* Error messages for setcmdline() could be better.
* \'cpoptions\' tests are flaky.
* The message window popup is delayed after an error message.
* CI for Coverity is bothered by deprecation warnings.
* It is not easy to get information about a script.
* WinScrolled is not triggered when only skipcol changes.
* CI lists useless deprecation warnings.
* Buffer write message is two lines in message popup window.
* :echomsg doesn\'t work properly with cmdheight=0.
* When cmdheight is zero the attention prompt doesn\'t show.
* Invalid memory access when cmdheight is zero.
* Output of :messages dissappears when cmdheight is zero.
* Test for hit-Enter prompt fails.
* Test for cmdheight zero fails.
* Using common name in tests leads to flaky tests.
* Thu Aug 18 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0224, fixes the following problems- boo#1202552 - CVE-2022-2874- boo#1202512 - CVE-2022-2849- boo#1202511 - CVE-2022-2862- boo#1202515 - CVE-2022-2845- boo#1202421 - CVE-2022-2816- boo#1202420 - CVE-2022-2817- boo#1202414 - CVE-2022-2819
* indexof() may leak memory.
* Cursor in wrong position when inserting after virtual text. (Ben Jackson)
* Redraw flags are not named specifically.
* Stacktrace not shown when debugging.
* The override flag has no effect for virtual text. (Ben Jackson)
* Build error with small features.
* \'list\' mode does not work properly with virtual text.
* Invalid memory access when compiling :lockvar.
* Invalid memory access when compiling :unlet.
* Using freed memory with error in assert argument.
* Splitting a line may duplicate virtual text. (Ben Jackson)
* Not passing APC_INDENT flag.
* Undo earlier test sometimes fails on MS-Windows.
* \'shellslash\' works differently when sourcing a script again.
* Reading before the start of the line.
* Cannot make a funcref with \"s:func\" in a def function in legacy script.
* Invalid memory access with for loop over NULL string.
* Accessing freed memory if compiling nested function fails.
* No good reason why text objects are only in larger builds.
* Typo in diffmode test.
* Sun Aug 14 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0203, fixes the following problems
* Textprop test with line2byte() fails on MS-Windows.
* Quarto files are not recognized.
* Extra space after virtual text when \'linebreak\' is set.
* Virtual text prop highlight continues after truncation.
* Virtual text does not show if tehre is a text prop at same position. (Ben Jackson)
* Virtual text without highlighting does not show. (Ben Jackson)
* Command line height changes when maximizing window height.
* Strange effects when using virtual text with \"text_align\" and non-zero column. (Martin Tournoij)
* Invalid memory access for text prop without highlight.
* The way \'cmdheight\' can be made zero is inconsistent.
* Messages test fails; window size incorrect when \'cmdheight\' is made smaller.
* Possible invalid memory access when \'cmdheight\' is zero. (Martin Tournoij)
* Search and match highlgith interfere with virtual text highlight. (Ben Jackson)
* Cursor displayed in wrong position after removing text prop. (Ben Jackson)
* Metafun files are not recogized.
* Finding value in list may require a for loop.
* Astro files are not detected.
* ml_get error when switching buffer in Visual mode.
* Cursor position wrong with two right-aligned virtual texts.
* cursor in a wrong positoin if \'wrap\' is off and using two right aligned text props in one line.
* CursorLine highlight overrules virtual text highlight.
* Code and help for indexof() is not ideal.
* Confusing variable name.
* Wed Aug 10 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0181, fixes the following problems
* Comment about tabpage line above the wrong code.
* After CTRL-Left-mouse click a mouse scroll also has CTRL.
* Debugger test may fail when $CWD is very long.
* Not enough characters accepted for \'spellfile\'.
* Truncating virtual text after a line not implemented. Cursor positioning wrong with Newline in the text.
* execute() does not use the \"legacy\" command modifier.
* \"delmenu\" does not remove autocmmands. Running menu test function alone fails.
* Crash when adding and removing virtual text. (Ben Jackson)
* Cursor positioned after virtual text in empty line.
* Text property cannot override \'cursorline\' highlight.
* Substitute that joins lines drops text properties.
* Missing part of change for \"override\" flag.
* Cursor positioned wrong after two text properties with virtual text and \"below\" alignment. (Tim Pope)
* A \"below\" aligned text property gets \'showbreak\' displayed.
* Test for fuzzy completion fails sometimes.
* Error for using #{ in an expression is a bit confusing.
* A \"below\" aligned text property does not work with \'nowrap\'.
* Warning for unused argument in small build.
* No fold and sign column for virtual text with \"below\" align and \'nowrap\'.
* Text properties wrong after splitting a line.
* Text properties with \"right\" and \"after\" alignment displayed wrong with \'nowrap\'.
* Giving E1170 only in an expression is confusing.
* \'showbreak\' displayed below truncated \"after\" text prop.
* With \'nowrap\' \"below\" property not displayed correctly.
* Cannot build with small features.
* Some diff mode tests fail.
* Warning for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
* Text property \"below\" gets indent if \'breakindent\' is set. (Tim Pope)
* Text property not adjusted for text inserted with \"p\".
* Using freed memory with put command.
* Looking up a text property type by ID is slow.
* When using text properties the line text length is computed twice.
* Checking for text properties could be a bit more efficient.
* Cursor positioned wrong with two virtual text properties close together. (Ben Jackson)
* Insufficient testing for line2byte() with text properties.
* Various minor code formatting issues.
* Quickfix line highlight is overruled by \'cursorline\'.
* Trying to allocate zero bytes.
* Assert fails only on MS-Windows.
* No error for using \"#{ comment\" in a compiled function.
* Spell checking for capital not working with trailing space.
* Checking character options is duplicated and incomplete.
* Cursor position wrong with \'virtualedit\' and mouse click after end of the line. (Hermann Mayer)
* Cursor position wrong with virtual text before Tab.
* Cursor position wrong with wrapping virtual text in empty line.
* Stray logfile appears when running tests.
* Wed Aug 03 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0135, fixes the following problems- boo#1202046 - CVE-2022-2571- boo#1202049 - CVE-2022-2580- boo#1202050 - CVE-2022-2581- boo#1202051 - CVE-2022-2598
* Coverity warns for double free.
* Some compilers warn for using an uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
* No test for what patch 8.1.1424 fixes.
* When switching window in autocmd the restored cursor position may be wrong.
* Star register is changed when deleting and both \"unnamed\" and \"unnamedplus\" are in \'clipboard\'.
* Error in autoload script not reported for \'foldexpr\'.
* Compiler warning for size_t to int conversion.
* Command line completion of user command may have duplicates. (Dani Dickstein)
* Cannot interrupt global command from command line.
* ModeChanged event not triggered when leaving the cmdline window.
* Using \"terraform\" filetype for .tfvars file is bad.
* \":write\" fails after \":file name\" and then \":edit\".
* Tabline is not redrawn when entering command line.
* MS-Windows: CTRL-[ on Belgian keyboard does not work like Esc.
* Pattern for detecting bitbake files is not sufficient.
* Fuzzy argument completion doesn\'t work for shell commands.
* No error when assigning bool to a string option with setwinvar().
* Duplicate error number.
* Plugins cannot change v:completed_item.
* Sway config files are recognized as i3config.
* Cursor restored unexpected with nested autocommand.
* Conditions are always true.
* Flag \"new_value_alloced\" is always true.
* Long quickfix line is truncated for :clist.
* missing include file in timer_create configure check.
* Scrollback can be wrong after redrawing the command line.
* Get hit-enter prompt for system() when \'!\' is in \'guioptions\'.
* Invalid memory access in diff mode with \"dp\" and undo.
* Reading past end of line with insert mode completion.
* If running configure with cached results -lrt may be missing.
* Illegal memory access when pattern starts with illegal byte.
* Illegal byte regexp test doesn\'t fail when fix is reversed.
* Condition always has the same value.
* Configure check for timer_create may give wrong error.
* Writing over the end of a buffer on stack when making list of spell suggestions.
* Help tag generation picks up words in code examples.
* \"nocombine\" is missing from synIDattr().
* has() is not strict about parsing the patch version.
* The command line takes up space even when not used.
* When \'cmdheight\' is zero pressing \':\' may scroll a window.
* Virtual text not displayed if \'signcolumn\' is \"yes\".
* Text of removed textprop with text is not freed.
* No test for what patch 9.0.0155 fixes.
* Tiny chance that creating a backup file fails.
* Cannot put virtual text after or below a line.
* Breakindent test fails.
* Cannot build with small features.
* Code has more indent than needed.
* Cursor positioned wrong with virtual text after the line.
* Expanding file names fails in directory with more than 255 entries.
* Unused variable.
* Coverity complains about possible double free.
* Compiler warning for int/size_t usage.
* Cursor position wrong when inserting around virtual text.
* Virtual text with Tab is not displayed correctly.
* Multi-byte characters in virtual text not handled correctly.
* Virtual text after line moves to joined line. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
* No test for text property with column zero.
* Tue Jul 26 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0073, fixes the following problems- CVE-2022-2522 - boo#1201863- CVE-2022-2345 - boo#1201363- CVE-2022-2343 - boo#1201356- CVE-2022-2344 - boo#1201359
* In the quickfix window \'cursorline\' overrules QuickFixLine highlighting.
* On a Belgian keyboard CTRL-[ does not work.
* Spell tests do not always clear the word list.
* Spell dump may go beyond end of an array.
* \'fillchars\' cannot have window-local values.
* \'listchars\' test fails.
* Not all systems have GDK_KEY_dead_circumflex. (Hisashi T Fujinaka)
* Use of set_chars_option() is confusing.
* A couple of filetype patterns do not have \"
*\" before \"/etc\".
* Missing change for filetype detection.
* Insufficient testing for bracket commands.
* Typos in comments, wrapping lines.
* Reading past end of completion with a long line and \'infercase\' set.
* Reading past end of completion with duplicate match.
* Using freed memory with recursive substitute.
* Cursor in wrong column with mouse click after concealed text.
* Csv and tsv files are not recognized.
* Split else-if is confusing.
* Using CTRL-C wih :append may hang Vim.
* \"zG\" may throw an error if invalid character follows.
* E1281 not tested with the old regexp engine.
* Compiler warning for size_t to int conversion.
* Bitbake files are not detected.
* Wrong line number reported when :cexpr fails in :def function.
* has(\'patch-xxx\') returns true.
* Test file has wrong name.
* Accessing uninitialized memory when completing long line.
* ml_get error with nested autocommand.
* Compiler warnings for signed/unsigned char.
* Too many type casts for dict_get functions.
* Confusing error when using \"q:\" in command line window.
* Cross-compiling doesn\'t work because of timer_create check.
* Switching window uneccarily when getting buffer options.
* Cannot show virtual text.
* Build fails with tiny features.
* Leaking memory when using text prop with inserted text.
* Using utfc_ptr2char_len() when length is negative.
* Command overlaps with printed text in scrollback.
* Compiler warning for uninitialized variable.
* Too many files recognized as bsdl.
* Mon Jul 04 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0032, fixes the following problems- fix CVE-2022-2285 - boo#1201134- fix CVE-2022-2257 - boo#1201154
* Map functionality outside of map.c.
* Functions are global while they could be local.
* Plural messages not translated properly.
* Hare files are not recognized.
* Not all Visual Basic files are recognized.
* No support for double, dotted and dashed underlines.
* Cannot specify the variable name for \"xxd -i\".
* Going past the end of a menu item with only modifier.
* Returning 0 for has(\'patch-9.0.0\') is inconsistent.
* Reading beyond the end of the line with put command.
* Signature files not detected properly.
* Reproducing memory access errors can be difficult.
* Missing part of the test override change.
* With EXITFREE defined terminal menus are not cleared.
* Comparing line pointer for \'breakindent\' is not reliable.
* Accessing memory beyond the end of the line.
* Going over the end of the typahead.
* Timers test not run where possible.
* With some completion reading past end of string.
* Invalid memory access when adding word with a control character to the internal spell word list.
* Spell test fails.
* On Solaris timer_create() exists but does not work.
* May access part of typeahead buf that isn\'t filled.
* Accessing beyond allocated memory when using the cmdline window in Ex mode.
* Accessing freed memory with diff put.
* The command line test is getting quite big.
* The bitmaps/vim.ico file is not in the distribution.
* Matchfuzzy test depends on path of current directory.
* of user command does not have correct verbose value.
* In the quickfix window \'cursorline\' overrules QuickFixLine highlighting.
* Tue Jun 28 2022 Updated to version 9.0.0000, fixes the following problems- CVE-2022-2304 - boo#1201249- CVE-2022-2289 - boo#1201139- CVE-2022-2288 - boo#1201137- CVE-2022-2287 - boo#1201136- CVE-2022-2286 - boo#1201135- CVE-2022-2284 - boo#1201133- CVE-2022-2264 - boo#1201132- CVE-2022-2231 - boo#1201150- CVE-2022-2210 - boo#1201151- CVE-2022-2207 - boo#1201153- CVE-2022-2208 - boo#1201152- CVE-2022-2206 - boo#1201155
* Reading beyond the end of the line with lisp indenting.
* search() gets stuck with \"c\" and skip evaluates to true.
* \"make uninstall\" does not remove colors/lists.
* Still mentioning version8, some cosmetic issues.
* In diff mode windows may get out of sync. (Gary Johnson)
* TSTP and INT signal tests are not run with valgrind.
* Fix for CTRL-key combinations causes more problems than it solves.
* Accessing invalid memory after changing terminal size.
* Might still access invalid memory.
* Reading before the start of the line with BS in Replace mode.
* Crash when deleting buffers in diff mode.
* Invalid memory access after diff buffer manipulations.
* Import test fails because \'diffexpr\' isn\'t reset.
* Test for DiffUpdated fails.
* get(Fn, \'name\') on funcref returns special byte code.
* Cannot build with Python 3.11.
* Nested :source may use NULL pointer.
* Dependencies and proto files are outdated.
* \"make menu\" still uses legacy script.
* Fri Jun 24 2022 Updated to version 8.2.5154, fixes the following problems- fixed boo#1200184- CVE-2022-2175 - boo#1200904- CVE-2022-2182 - boo#1200903- CVE-2022-2183 - boo#1200902
* Debugger test fails when run with valgrind.
* Cannot build without the +channel feature. (Dominique Pellé)
* Various small issues.
* TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME is no longer supported by autoconf.
* Seachpair timeout test is flaky.
* Using \"volatile int\" in a signal handler might be wrong.
* Startup test fails if there is a status bar at the top of the screen. (Ernie Rael)
* Some tests fail when using valgrind. Spurious leak reports.
* With \'lazyredraw\' set completion menu may be displayed wrong.
* Exit test causes spurious valgrind reports.
* Memory leak when substitute expression nests.
* Flaky test always fails on retry.
* Invalid memory access when using an expression on the command line.
* Cannot build without the +eval feature. (Tony Mechelynck)
* Read past the end of the first line with \":0;\'{\".
* Reading beyond the end of the line with lisp indenting.
* search() gets stuck with \"c\" and skip evaluates to true.
* \"make uninstall\" does not remove colors/lists.
* Still mentioning version8, some cosmetic issues.
* Mon Jun 20 2022 Updated to version 8.2.5136, fixes the following problems- CVE-2022-2129 - boo#1200701- CVE-2022-2124 - boo#1200697- CVE-2022-2125 - boo#1200698- CVE-2022-2126 - boo#1200700
* Autocmd test still fails on MS-Windows.
* When the GUI shows a dialog tests get stuck.
* Gcc gives warning for signed/unsigned difference.
* CI runs on Windows 2019.
* Cannot build with clang on MS-Windows.
* Value of cmod_verbose is a bit complicated to use.
* Some functions return a different value on failure.
* Terminal test fails with some shell commands.
* Using \"\'<,\'>\" in Ex mode may compare unrelated pointers.
* Error message for unknown command may mention the command twice. (Malcolm Rowe)
* Terminal test still fails with some shell commands.
* Using uninitialized memory when using \'listchars\'.
* Spelldump test sometimes hangs.
* Some terminal tests are not retried.
* Memory usage tests are not retried.
* MS-Windows with MinGW: $CC may be \"cc\" instead of \"gcc\".
* Interrupt not caught in test.
* Build fails with small features.
* Default cmdwin mappings are re-mappable.
* Some callers of rettv_list_alloc() check for not OK. (Christ van Willegen)
* Retab test disabled because it hangs on MS-Windows.
* Mode not updated after CTRL-O CTRL-C in Insert mode.
* Icon filetype not recognized from the first line.
* No test for --gui-dialog-file.
* Timer becomes invalid after fork/exec, :gui gives errors. (Gabriel Dupras)
* Time limit on searchpair() does not work properly.
* Search timeout is overrun with some patterns.
* \"limit\" option of matchfuzzy() not always respected.
* Crash when calling a Lua callback from a :def function. (Bohdan Makohin)
* Searching for quotes may go over the end of the line.
* Interrupt test sometimes fails.
* Lisp indenting my run over the end of the line.
* Using invalid index when looking for spell suggestions.
* When syntax timeout test fails it does not show the time.
* Substitute may overrun destination buffer.
* Using assert_true() does not show value on failure.
* Syntax highlighting disabled when using synID() in searchpair() skip expression and it times out. (Jaehwang Jung)
* Timeout handling is not optimal.
* Edit test for mode message fails when using valgrind.
* Timeout implementation is not optimal.
* :mkview test doesn\'t test much.
* Function has confusing name.
* Running configure gives warnings for main() return type.
* Mon Jun 13 2022 Updated to version 8.2.5083, fixes the following problems- CVE-2022-2042 - boo#1200471- CVE-2022-2000 - boo#1200405- CVE-2022-1968 - boo#1200270- CVE-2022-1942 - boo#1200125
* A finished terminal in a popup window does not show a scrollbar.
* Confusing error if first argument of popup_create() is wrong.
* Scrollbar thumb in scrolled popup not visible.
* Cannot close a terminal popup with \"NONE\" job.
* Scrollbar thumb in tall scrolled popup not visible.
* Can open a cmdline window from a substitute expression.
* Command line test fails.
* Can escape a terminal popup window when the job is finished.
* vim_regsub() can overwrite the destination.
* CurSearch highlight is often wrong.
* When using XIM the gui test may fail.
* Insufficient tests for autocommands.
* Using freed memory when searching for pattern in path.
* Check for autocmd_add() event argument is confusing.
* CI checkout step title is a bit cryptic.
* Cannot have a comment halfway an expression in an autocmd command block.
* No good filetype for conf files similar to dosini.
* Statusline is not updated when terminal title changes.
* The channel log only contains some of the raw terminal output.
* Using gettimeofday() for timeout is very inefficient.
* input() does not handle composing characters properly.
* Autoconf 2.71 produces many obsolete warnings.
* Running configure fails.
* C89 requires signal handlers to return void.
* Coverity warns for dead code.
* Error for a command may go over the end of IObuff.
* No test for what 8.1.0052 fixes.
* Wrong return type for main() in tee.c.
* Can specify multispace listchars only for whole line.
* Timer_create is not available on every Mac system. (Hisashi T Fujinaka)
* Gcc 12.1 warning when building tee.
* Unnecessary code.
* With some Mac OS version clockid_t is redefined.
* Using uninitialized value and freed memory in spell command.
* Clang on MS-Windows produces warnings.
* Spell test fails on MS-Windows.
* Clang gives an out of bounds warning.
* Unnecessary code.
* Various warnings from clang on MS-Windows.
* Substitute test has a one second delay.
* DirChanged autocommand may use freed memory. (Shane-XB Qian)
* When indenting gets out of hand it is hard to stop.
* Retab test fails.
* Sun May 29 2022 Updated to version 8.2.5038, fixes the following problems- CVE-2022-1927 - boo#1200012- CVE-2022-1897 - boo#1200010- CVE-2022-1898 - boo#1200011- CVE-2022-1886 - boo#1199969- CVE-2022-1851 - boo#1199936- CVE-2022-1796 - boo#1199747- CVE-2022-1785 - boo#1199745- CVE-2022-1771 - boo#1199693- CVE-2022-1733 - boo#1199655- CVE-2022-1769 - boo#1199658- CVE-2022-1735 - boo#1199651- CVE-2022-1720 - boo#1200732- CVE-2022-1674 - boo#1199502- CVE-2022-1621 - boo#1199435- CVE-2022-1629 - boo#1199436- CVE-2022-1619 - boo#1199333- CVE-2022-1620 - boo#1199334- CVE-2022-1616 - boo#1199331
* Valgrind warning for using uninitialized variable.
* Screendump test may fail when using valgrind.
* Vim9: misplaced elseif causes invalid memory access.
* \"P\" in Visual mode still changes some registers.
* Cannot make \'breakindent\' use a specific column.
* String interpolation only works in heredoc.
* Test fails without the job/channel feature. (Dominique Pellé)
* Test fails with the job/channel feature.
* Vim9: redir in skipped block seen as assignment.
* Channel log does not show invoking a timer callback.
* Line number of lambda ignores line continuation.
* Inconsistent capitalization in error messages.
* Vim help presentation could be better.
* Test failures because of changed error messages.
* Distributed import files are not installed.
* Buffer overflow with invalid command with composing chars.
* Expression in command block does not look after NL when command is typed.
* Comment inside an expression in lambda ignores the rest of the expression.
* Coverity complains about pointer usage.
* With latin1 encoding CTRL-W might go before the start of the command line.
* Vim9 expression test fails without the job feature.
* NULL pointer access when using invalid pattern.
* Mouse wheel scrolling is inconsistent.
* Cannot get the current cmdline completion type and position.
* codecov includes MS-Windows install files.
* codecov includes MS-Windows install header file.
* Some users do not want a line comment always inserted.
* No text formatting for // comment after a statement.
* MODE_ enum entries names are too generic.
* Imperfect coding.
* The mode #defines are not clearly named.
* Using execute() to define a lambda doesn\'t work. (Ernie Rael)
* Popup_hide() does not always have effect.
* String interpolation in :def function may fail.
* Sometimes the cursor is in the wrong position.
* Mouse in Insert mode test fails.
* Fuzzy expansion of option names is not right.
* Conceal character from matchadd() displayed too many times.
* Can add invalid bytes with :spellgood.
* Spell test fails because of new illegal byte check.
* Mouse test fails on MS-Windows.
* Test checks for terminal feature unnecessarily.
* maparg() may return a string that cannot be reused.
* Trailing backslash may cause reading past end of line.
* #ifdef for crypt feature around too many lines.
* Return type of remove() incorrect when using three arguments.
* Various white space and cosmetic mistakes.
* Off-by-one error in in statusline item.
* Interpolated string expression requires escaping.
* Crash with sequence of Perl commands.
* Not easy to filter the output of maplist().
* A few more capitalization mistakes in error messages.
* String interpolation fails when not evaluating.
* With \'foldmethod\' \"indent\" some lines are not included in the fold. (Oleg Koshovetc)
* No test for what 8.2.4931 fixes.
* Crash when matching buffer with invalid pattern.
* matchfuzzypos() with \"matchseq\" does not have all positions.
* Some code is never used.
* \'[ and \'] marks may be wrong after undo.
* Error when setting \'filetype\' in help file again.
* Changing \'switchbuf\' may have no effect.
* Text properties are wrong after \"cc\". (Axel Forsman)
* Inconsistent use of white space.
* Vim9: some code not covered by tests.
* Text properties not adjusted when accepting spell suggestion.
* Cannot use Perl heredoc in nested :def function. (Virginia Senioria)
* Vim9: some code not covered by tests.
* Text properties position wrong after shifting text.
* Smart indenting done when not enabled.
* GUI test will fail if color scheme changes.
* With \'smartindent\' inserting \'}\' after completion goes wrong.
* Inserting line breaks text property spanning more then one line.
* Text property in wrong position after auto-indent.
* Reading past end of line with \"gf\" in Visual block mode.
* Text properties in a wrong position after a block change.
* A couple conditions are always true.
* Using NULL regexp program.
* Text properties that cross line boundary are not correctly updated for a deleted line.
* Build error with a certain combination of features.
* Files show up in git status.
* Expanding path with \"/
*\" may overrun end of buffer.
* GUI: testing mouse move event depends on screen cell size.
* Changing text in Visual mode may cause invalid memory access.
* \"eval 123\" gives an error, \"eval \'abc\'\" does not.
* Vim9: interpolated string seen as range.
* Vim9: compilation fails when using dict member when skipping.
* Vim9: type error for list unpack mentions argument.
* \":so\" command may read after end of buffer.
* Recursive command line loop may cause a crash.
* Coverity complains about not restoring a saved value.
* Memory access error when substitute expression changes window.
* No error if engine selection atom is not at the start.
* Accessing freed memory when line is flushed.
* When \'shortmess\' contains \'A\' loading a session may still warn for an existing swap file. (Melker Österberg)
* It is not possible to manipulate autocommands.
* Colors in terminal window are not 100% correct.
* Colors test fails in the GUI.
* Dragging statusline fails for window with winbar.
* PVS warns for possible array underrun.
* Some github actions are outdated.
* After deletion a small fold may be closable.
* Textprop in wrong position when replacing multi-byte chars.
* Cannot specify a function name for :defcompile.
* Memory leak when :defcompile fails.
* No test for hwat patch 8.1.0535 fixes.
* Compiler warning for possibly uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
* smart/C/lisp indenting is optional, which makes the code more complex, while it only reduces the executable size a bit.
* Tests are using legacy functions.
* Still a compiler warning for possibly uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
* setbufline() may change Visual selection. (Qiming Zhao)
* Python: changing hidden buffer can cause the display to be messed up.
* Vim9: crash when using multiple funcref().
* Filetype test table is not properly sorted.
* Checking translations affects the search pattern history.
* deletebufline() may change Visual selection.
* Cannot do bitwise shifts.
* Right shift on negative number does not work as documented.
* Compiler warning for uninitialized variable. (John Marriott)
* Asan warns for undefined behavior.
* Spell suggestion may use uninitialized memory. (Zdenek Dohnal)
* When \'formatoptions\' contains \"/\" wrongly wrapping a long trailing comment.
* Fold may not be closeable after appending.
* The terminal debugger uses various global variables.
* Replacing an autocommand requires several lines.
* Cannot select one character inside ().
* After text formatting the cursor may be in an invalid position.
* Byte offsets are wrong when using text properties.
* Hoon and Moonscript files are not recognized.
* Access before start of text with a put command.
* Gcc 12.1 warns for uninitialized variable.
* Vim9: some code is not covered by tests.
* Cannot get the first screen column of a character.
* Using \'imstatusfunc\' and \'imactivatefunc\' breaks \'foldopen\'.
* Build fails with normal features and +terminal. (Dominique Pellé)
* \'completefunc\'/\'omnifunc\' error does not end completion.
* Substitute overwrites allocated buffer.
* Using freed memory with \"]d\".
* Vim9: a few lines not covered by tests.
* Error for missing :endif when an exception was thrown. (Dani Dickstein)
* Syntax regexp matching can be slow.
* \"textlock\" is always zero.
* autocmd_add() can only handle one event and pattern.
* Cannot easily run the benchmarks.
* Python 3 test fails without the GUI.
* Build error with +eval but without +quickfix. Warning for uninitialized variable.
* There is no way to get the byte index from a virtual column.
* When splitting a window the changelist position moves.
* Using two counters for timeout check in NFA engine.
* Cursor position may be invalid after \"0;\" range.
* A finished terminal in a popup window does not show a scrollbar.
* Fri May 06 2022 Updated to version 8.2.4877, fixes the following problems- CVE-2022-1420 - boo#1198748- CVE-2022-1381 - boo#1198596
* Using wrong flag for using bell in the terminal.
* Supercollider filetype not recognized.
* No filetype override for .sys files.
* Cannot use an imported function in a mapping.