Changelog for
libmfx-gen-24.1.3-slfo.1.1.8.x86_64.rpm :
* Sat Feb 03 2024 updated hardware Supplements
* Sat Feb 03 2024 Update to version 24.1.3
* bugfix release for 24.1
* Mon Nov 07 2022 needed for jira#PED-1174 (Video decoding/encoding support (VA-API, ...) for Intel GPUs is outside of Mesa)
* Thu Nov 03 2022 Update to version 22.6.1
* latest bugfix release- supersedes u_libva-2.16.0.patch
* Fri Sep 30 2022 u_libva-2.16.0.patch
* fixes build against libva 2.16.0
* culprit:
* Mon Jul 11 2022 Update to version 22.4.4
* Decode: + Fix VC1 Decode assertion failure when frame type is NONE_PICTURE + Fix AV1 Decode hang issue in error clips that OBU info size is larger than bitstream size.
* part of Intel oneVPL GPU Runtime 2022Q2 Release 22.4.4- supersedes U_Removed-proprietary-mentions-from-file-headers-1023.patch- filelist: added {_libdir}/libmfx-gen/
* Tue Oct 12 2021 U_Removed-proprietary-mentions-from-file-headers-1023.patch
* upstream patch, which replaces proprietary Intel license with OpenSource MIT license (github issue#183)- this addresses the legal issues we had with checkin for sle15-sp4/ Leap 15.4
* Mon Oct 04 2021 fixed JIRA number in the initial changelog
* Wed Sep 29 2021 Update to version 21.3.4
* [vp9d] fix unsigned qindex issue for vp9 segmentation case (#569)
* [EncTools] Add closed GOP support for LPLA (#585)
* [Jpegd] Modify the resolution judgment condition of the current jpeg (#522)
* [LPLA] Zero sao_enabled flag for LPLA (#538)
* [AVCe] Fix typos in NumRefActive (#595)
* Refactor cmake (#466)
* Refactor root cmake (#467)
* cm: set correct timeout (#604)
* [EncTools] Make IDRDist U32 (#596)
* Refine for commit 2bc6fab
* Revert \"[Jpegd] Modify the resolution judgment condition of the current jpeg (#522)\" (#619)
* Revert \"Fix vpp_reset and mfxvideovpp_query beh test (#573)\" (#620)
* [Jpegd] modify the resolution judgment condition of the current jpeg (#623)
* Fix exception handling issue (#581)
* [VPP] Enabled Denoise2(as known as HVS) on Linux (#592)
* core: removed VPL / MSDK1.x RT switch (#603)
* umc allocator adapter: decoders will not accept locked surface (#629)
* [MPEG2d] fix bug when the bitstream end with slice start code (#598)
* [VPP] Fix increasing num of input channels doesn\'t work (#647)
* CM: refactored CM integration (#413)
* Refine for commit 8221d4a
* [UMC] remove vm_shared_object file (#492)
* Revert \"CM: refactored CM integration\" (#654)
* Revert \"umc allocator adapter: decoders will not accept locked surface (#629)\" (#655)
* umc allocator adapter: decoders will not accept locked surface (#3114) (#657)
* [Jpeg]modify color range on Linux (#653)
* Fixes. Code review 1 (#640)
* Revert \"[Jpegd] modify the resolution judgment condition of the current jpeg (#623)\" (#663)
* [Encode] MFX_EXT_BRC_ENABLE rename to MFX_ENABLE_EXT_BRC (#627)
* vaapi core: clean up unused interface (#667)
* [VPP] Add surface support(in CPU memory) for HVS denoise (#601)
* [SCD] Fix sys mem allocate issue (#690)
* Disable SCD (#708)
* [core] Move CloneSession to RT (#695)
* [Encode] Support main10 still picture profile (#713)
* Refine for commit 0a3c8e7
* [Decode]Enable AVC CSC via sfc pipeline (#712)
* [Decode]Enable VP9 CSC via sfc pipeline (#722)
* Removed multiple calls vaGetConfigAttributes (#716)
* Remove assert in ConvertRateControlMFX2VAAPI (#717)
* Thu Sep 23 2021 created package libmfx-gen (jira#SLE/SLE-19361) Intel oneVPL GPU Runtime is a Runtime implementation of oneVPL API for Intel Gen GPUs: Runtime provides access to hardware-accelerated video decode, encode and filtering.