Changelog for librsvg-2-2-2.58.2- :

* Fri Jul 12 2024 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.58.2: + Don\'t leak XML entities when the XML document fails to parse. + Fix stack overflow in reference cycle.
* Mon May 27 2024 Dominique Leuenberger - Update to version 2.58.1: + Fix failing test with Pango 1.52.1.
* Mon Mar 18 2024 Dominique Leuenberger - Update to version 2.58.0: + The most significant change in this release is that librsvg no longer uses gdk-pixbuf for loading raster images. All image loading uses Rust codecs now. + Librsvg\'s gdk-pixbuf loader for SVG documents is unchanged; you can still load SVG files from gdk-pixbuf with it as usual. + Add basic support for \"ch\" length units in CSS. + Support \"var(--foo, #aabbcc)\" just for colors. This is the minimum required to render color SVG emoji fonts that provide color fallbacks, but it is not yet full support for CSS var(). + Limit numOctaves in feTurbulence to avoid unbounded CPU consumption. + Don\'t panic when a :lang selector has an argument that is not a language-range.
* Sat Mar 09 2024 Dominique Leuenberger - Update to version 2.57.92: + Don\'t panic when rendering feOffset with a too-large offset. + Don\'t panic when a decoded image has dimensions of zero.
* Wed Mar 06 2024 Dominique Leuenberger - Update to version 2.57.91: + Rsvg-convert now prints a helpful message if you run it without arguments, to indicate that it is reading from standard input. + Take text orientation into account for \'ch\' units + For Rust programs, the rsvg crate no longer depends on gdk-pixbuf. Hopefully this means that your Rust programs will have to link to one fewer library. + The C enumeration RsvgUnit now has a RSVG_UNIT_CH variant for \"ch\" units. However, this is only used for reporting the size of SVG documents, which should very seldom come in \"ch\" units. + Fix unsoundness in the use of the selectors crate. + Update gtk-rs crates.
* Thu Jan 04 2024 Dominique Leuenberger - Update to version 2.57.1: + Fix small-caps and bump the version of Pango required to 1.50.0. + Fix panic when using negative scaling transforms on the toplevel. + Support \"var(--foo, #aabbcc)\" just for colors. This is the minimum required to render color SVG emoji fonts that provide color fallbacks, but it is not yet full support for CSS var(). + Fix the VS2017 build. + Update cairo-rs. + Update the project metadata files.
* Thu Nov 30 2023 Bjørn Lie - Run service with new obs-service-cargo, drop cargo_config as source and clean up spec and service, and switch to zst as buildtime compression.
* Thu Sep 14 2023 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.57.0: + rsvg-convert can now output PDF versions 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, in addition to the default 1.7, especially for LaTeX users. See the rsvg-convert(1) man page for options like --format=pdf1.4 + Support the image-rendering property. + For consistency with other command-line tools, rsvg-convert now supports an argument \"-\" to specify the standard input. This is in addition to the already-supported syntax of not specifying an input file at all. + Partial support for the edgeMode attribute in feGaussianBlur, only for small blurs right now. + The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) is 1.70.0.
* Tue Sep 12 2023 Bjørn Lie - Skip bugs_bug668_small_caps_svg test, started failing with harfbuzz-8.2.0
* Tue Aug 15 2023 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.56.92: + Fix the build for aarch64. + More extensive logging for filter primitives. + Update gtk-rs-core to 0.18. + Update dependencies. + Include license text in packaged crates. + The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) is 1.70.0, due to the gtk-rs-core update.
* Fri Jul 21 2023 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.56.3: + This is a security release for bug glgo#GNOME/librsvg#996. - glgo#GNOME/librsvg#996: Fix arbitrary file read when href has special characters. - glgo#GNOME/librsvg#998: Fix cascade for symbol elements being referenced from use elements.
* Wed Jun 21 2023 Dominique Leuenberger - Use %build_rustflags instead of the deprecated %__default_rustflags macro. Requires at least cargo-packaging 1.2.0+3 (boo#1212333).
* Wed Jun 14 2023 Dominique Leuenberger - Use %__default_rustflags instead of the deprecated %__rustflags macro. Requires at least cargo-packaging 1.2.0+2 (boo#1212333).
* Wed May 31 2023 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.56.1: + The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) is 1.65. Unfortunately the assert_cmd crate, used in the test suite, bumped its MSRV and is forcing us to do the same. + Shrink the shared library by telling the linker to omit unused code. + Updates to dependencies.
* Fri May 05 2023 Frederic Crozat - Tune _constraints for the various architectures.
* Thu Apr 27 2023 Frederic Crozat - Update licence tag, there is no longer any Apache licensed code.
* Sat Apr 15 2023 Bjørn Lie - Use __rustflags macro and drop no longer needed rustflags global.
* Fri Mar 17 2023 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.56.0: + Fix crash when XML files get recursively included through XInclude. + When running the suite of reference tests, you can now use the TESTS_OUTPUT_DIR environment variable to specify where results for failures get written. See tests/ for details. + The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) is 1.64.
* Fri Mar 17 2023 Bjørn Lie - Pass --skip filter_morphology_from_reference_page_svg to cargo_test, filter out new test that fails when building against cairo-1.17.8.
* Thu Mar 09 2023 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.55.92: + Update to cssparser 0.29.6; this adds support for hwb() color syntax, from the CSS Color Module Level 4 spec ( Note that values inside hwb() are
* comma-separated, just whitespace. + Fix panic when a requested font-size is too big. + Validate all clipPath and mask transforms. + Add a performance tracking framework. This is part of an Outreachy internship. + Slight improvements in the size of generated code and memory consumption. + The Rust crate is now called \"rsvg\", for consistency with other crates that don\'t usually have a \"lib\" prefix. + The Rust API documentation is now available at Add minimum harddisk size of 9G for x86_64 to constraints. The cargo test uses a lot of disk space.
* Tue Feb 28 2023 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.55.91: + Support \"turn\" unit for CSS values. + Support the feDropShadow element. + Fix panic when a feTile filter gets an empty source region. + Update to gtk-rs 0.17.0. + Simplify the NMake Makefiles for Windows; see win32/ for details. + Documentation and infrastructure updates. + Consolidate the scattered .md documents into the Development Guide. Updated links throughout. + Internal refactoring of the test suite. + Updated dependencies to avoid duplicated crates.- Changes from version 2.55.90: + rsvg-convert now supports Tab completion for bash, elvish, fish, powershell, and zsh. Please run rsvg-convert - -completion bash to generate the completion file. You can use the other shells\' names as an argument to the --completion option. + Support vector-effect=\"non-scaling-stroke\" for paths. + Apply width, height when ing an . + There is a new development guide for librsvg, for people who want to help in its development. I hope this will be especially useful to Outreachy and Summer of Code interns: + In the use element, honor the overflow:hidden property of a referenced symbol. + Treat property and attribute parse errors / invalid values as if they were not present, per the specs. Previously this would cause the offending element\'s subtree to not be rendered. + Make feGaussianBlur work as a pass-through filter if the stdDeviation is invalid. + Define missing crate metadata for Cargo.toml. + Add some tests that were missing for the C API. + Fix the basic test suite in Windows. + Miscellaneous fixes for the build and CI. + Plenty of internal refactoring to enable more consistent logging. + Slight reductions in memory consumption for elements with context-stroke and context-fill. + Experimental gdk-pixbuf loader in Rust. This is not installed yet. + Update the gtk-rs crates to 0.16.0. + Port rsvg-convert\'s argument parsing to the clap4 crate. + Updates to the dependencies. + The CI now has a cargo-deny step, which should help us notice when there are security advisories for dependencies
* Thu Jan 12 2023 Dirk Müller - update vendor tarball- actually run the testsuite for x86_64 (bsc#1207167)
* Tue Sep 06 2022 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.55.1: + As an experiment, I\'ll move librsvg from even-odd versioning (odd minor version is unstable, even minor version is stable), to the versioning scheme that GNOME uses these days. So, 2.55.x is the new stable series. + There is a new development guide for librsvg, for people who want to help in its development. I hope this will be especially useful to Outreachy and Summer of Code interns: + Define missing crate metadata for Cargo.toml. + Add some tests that were missing for the C API. + Fix the basic test suite in Windows. + Miscellaneous fixes for the build and CI.
* Mon Aug 29 2022 Bjørn Lie - Update of vendored dependencies.
* Fri Aug 26 2022 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.55.0: + The Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) is now Rust 1.58. + The release tarball no longer contains vendored Rust dependencies. Most distributions now have infrastructure to pull these themselves, so let\'s make the tarball smaller. + Accept patterns with userSpaceOnUse units for the stroke of axis-aligned lines. + Small reductions in memory consumption of the DOM tree. + Updates for the gtk-rs API.
* Fri Aug 26 2022 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.54.5: + Accept patterns with userSpaceOnUse units for the stroke of axis-aligned lines.
* Fri Jul 08 2022 William Brown - Replace dependency on unmaintained rust-packaging with cargo-packaging (boo#1198129).
* Mon Jun 20 2022 William Brown - Automatic update of vendored dependencies
* Fri Jun 17 2022 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.54.4: + Support CSS Color 4 syntax for . Opacities can be specified as numbers or percentages now, e.g. 0.5 or 50%. + Roll back minimum required version of Pango to 1.46.0. + Fix Windows NMake install when documentation is not built.
* Sun May 15 2022 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.54.3: + Fix detection of gi-docgen. + Install the generated documentation in the correct place so that Devhelp can find it.- Changes from version 2.54.2: + Fix regressions when computing element geometries. + Add a --disable-gtk-doc option for the configure script, so people can disable generating documentation for cross-compiling. + MSVC: Support generating documentation, and passing introspection paths.
* Mon Apr 25 2022 Dominique Leuenberger - Update to version 2.54.1: + Fix oversight in the Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV): this release requires Rust 1.56 or later. + Make rst2man and gi-docgen optional. + Fix documentation comments.
* Fri Mar 18 2022 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.54.0: + Librsvg now supports SVG2 geometry properties for these elements: rect, circle, ellipse, image, svg. + Catch circular references when rendering patterns. + The C API documentation now uses gi-docgen instead of gtk-doc. Rsvg-convert\'s man page is now converted to reStructuredText instead of troff. + The \"Recommendations for applications\" chapter in the documentation is much improved.
* Fri Mar 18 2022 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.53.2: + Output filled text as text for PDF; fixes regression due to outputting all text as paths. + Fix taller-than-wide proportional scaling and size limiting in rsvg-convert. + Implement SVG2 geometry properties for these elements: rect, circle, ellipse, image, svg. + Fix potential unaligned accesses in surface iterators. + Actually use GDK_PIXBUF_MODULEDIR when calling gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders. + Add links to functions and types throughout the C API documentation.
* Fri Mar 18 2022 Bjørn Lie - Switch to gitcheckout of released tag.- Switch to rust-packaging: + Add rust-packaging and libtool BuildRequires. + Drop cargo and rust BuildRequires. + Pass NOCONFIGURE=1 ./, bootstrap build. + Add rust config to _service + Add vendor.tar.xz and cargo_config as sources + macro.- Enable testsuite again for x86_64, as it now passes.
* Fri Mar 18 2022 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.53.1: + Fix incorrect text rendering when text has different scales in the X/Y axes. This regressed after librsvg 2.52.5, when Pango had to revert its fix for the same bug. Now librsvg renders all text as paths, and does the scaling itself. Please file a bug if you have evidence that this presents a performance problem for you. + Update to the latest gtk-rs release.
* Fri Mar 18 2022 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.53.0: + This is the first release in the new development series. There are no new features, just changes to how the documentation is built. + The man page for rsvg-convert is now generated from a reStructuredText document, and the C API reference is generated using gi-docgen. + Please make sure you install python3-docutils (for rst2man) and gi-docgen before compiling librsvg from a tarball.- Add python3-docutils and pkgconfig(gi-docgen) BuildRequires following upstream changes.
* Fri Mar 18 2022 Federico Mena Quintero - Update to version 2.52.10: + Fix arbitrary file read when href has special characters.- bsc#1213502 - CVE-2023-38633 - directory traversal in URI decoder.
* Fri Mar 18 2022 Luciano Santos - Update to version 2.52.8: + Catch circular references when rendering patterns (glgo#GNOME/librsvg#721).
* Sat Mar 12 2022 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.52.7: + Backport a fix for the regression that was introduced in the last release: Output filled text as text for PDF; fixes regression due to outputting all text as paths.
* Thu Feb 17 2022 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.52.6: + Fix incorrect text rendering when text has different scales in the X/Y axes. This regressed after librsvg 2.52.5, when Pango had to revert its fix for the same bug. Now librsvg renders all text as paths, and does the scaling itself. Please file a bug if you have evidence that this presents a performance problem for you.
* Fri Dec 17 2021 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.52.5: + Fix mangled output in rsvg-convert when redirecting output to a pipe on Windows. + When outputting to SVG, rsvg-convert now uses the width/height units specified in the command line; it always used pixels before. + Fix incorrect top/left margins for SVG/PS/EPS/PDF output. + Fix incorrect placement of glyphs when text has non-uniform scaling in the X/Y axes. This is not a librsvg bug, but is fixed by Pango 1.49.3 and later. Hopefully Pango 1.48.11 will be released soon with this fix as well. Note that this release of librsvg cannot increase the minimum Pango version to 1.48.11 because it is not released yet. + Miscellaneous: Updated crate dependencies: assert_cmd, cast, clap cssparser, float-cmp, itertools, nalgebra, png, proptest, rctree, selectors, system-deps.
* Thu Dec 02 2021 Federico Mena Quintero - Remove librsvg-s390x-cairo-has-current-point.patch - it is included in the upstream tarball now.
* Thu Nov 18 2021 Bjørn Lie - Disable testsuite for now, let upstream figure out the issue with harfbuzz 3.1.1.
* Sat Nov 13 2021 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.52.4: + New features: - Support the isolation property from the Compositing and Blending Level 1 specification. - Support Visual Studio 2022. + Bug fixes: - The opacity and mix-blend-mode properties were not being applied when an element has a mask. - Fix panic when an empty group has a pattern fill and filters. - Fix the tests on Windows; the still only work when Fontconfig is present. - Work around a bug in the cairo-rs bindings in the test suite, that only manifests itself in s/390x due to its calling convention. See
* Sat Nov 06 2021 Federico Mena Quintero - Add librsvg-s390x-cairo-has-current-point.patch for - otherwise the test suite fails on s390x due to a bug in the cairo-rs bindings.
* Tue Nov 02 2021 William Brown - Add cargo audit obs service
* Wed Oct 27 2021 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.52.3: + Bugfixes, mostly for text layout. Also, text links in PDF! - Support text-decoration=overline. - Basic support for the unicode-bidi property. Librsvg still considers each tspan independently of others, which is incorrect, but at least bidi-override works now for a single embedding level. - Fix placement of tspan that changes the text direction. - :lang() selector should now match lang attribute from an element\'s parent. - Fix the text-anchor property for right-to-left text. - PDF now includes links inside text elements.
* Sat Oct 16 2021 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.52.2: + New features: - rsvg-convert now supports generating multi-page PDFs in a sensible way. - With one SVG document per page, each page with the SVG\'s natural size: - rsvg-convert --format=pdf -o out.pdf a.svg b.svg c.svg - With all pages sized as portrait US Letter, and each SVG scaled to fit so that there is a 1in margin around each page: rsvg-convert --format=pdf -o out.pdf \\ - -page-width=8.5in --page-height=11in \\ - -width=6.5in --height=8.5in --keep-aspect-ratio \\ - -top=1in --left=1in a.svg b.svg c.svg Please see the man page for details. - Support elements inside . Also, support the CSS :link pseudo-class for matching against links. - Support the CSS :lang() pseudo-class for matching against an element\'s xml:lang attribute. - Support the mask-type property from SVG2. + Bugs fixed: - Don\'t panic when a shorthand property is set to inherit. - Fix regression with the viewport size of interior elements. - Allow length units to be case-insensitive, per SVG2. + Documentation: - There is now a in the repository, where you can see all the elements, attributes, and properties that librsvg supports. We will be adding detail to this gradually. - For developers, there is now devel-docs/ with a tutorial on how to add support for new CSS properties.
* Wed Oct 06 2021 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.52.1: + Fix ordering of tspan inside text elements for right-to-left languages. + Fix text-anchor positioning for right-to-left languages. + Fix regression in computing sizes when an SVG has only one of width/height and a viewBox. + Spec compliance - the writing-mode property applies only to text elements, no to individual tspan elements. + Fix build on big-endian platforms. + Clarify documentation for the rsvg_handle_write() / rsvg_handle_close() deprecated APIs.
* Sun Sep 26 2021 Bjørn Lie - Disable testsuite run on ix86 and arm.
* Fri Sep 17 2021 Dominique Leuenberger - Update to version 2.52.0: + The biggest user-visible change is that rsvg-convert has been ported to Rust. + rsvg-convert is now aware of physical units, and fixes a bug where PDFs were created at the wrong size. + Support for Accept-Language. + rsvg-convert\'s default DPI is now 96, to better match W3C standards. + SVG2/CSS3 features: - Transform property from SVG2; previously librsvg only supported the transform attribute from SVG1.1, which has different syntax. - context-fill and context-stroke for and elements. - markers now support orient=\"auto-start-reverse\". - paint-order for text elements. - \"auto\" values for the width and height attributes of the , , and elements. - All the types from the Filter Effects Module Level 1 specification: blur(), brightness(), contrast(), drop-shadow(), grayscale(), hue-rotate(), invert(), opacity(), sepia(), saturate(). - The filter property now supports chains of uri() filters or shortcuts. - Support CSS selectors for attribute matching, like rect[attr^=\"prefix\"] + New APIs: See the HTML documentation for details.- Drop -lang package: there are no translations available anymore.
* Sat Jun 05 2021 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.50.7: + Two cairo-related bug fixes: - glgo#GNOME/librsvg#745: Fix mismatched cairo_save/restore when running in inside the Cairo test suite. - glgo#GNOME/librsvg#746: Possible cairo_save() without cairo_restore() in render_layer().
* Thu May 27 2021 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.50.6: + Librsvg now requires at least Pango 1.44. + glgo#GNOME/librsvg#730: Incorrect text spacing when the transform is not 1:1. You can see this when a small font-size is scaled up due to a transform. It is less visible for a large font-size scaled down. + glgo#GNOME/librsvg#704: Fix circle/ellipse in paths when they are made out of a single Arc command.
* Fri Apr 30 2021 Dominique Leuenberger - Update to version 2.50.5: + Images embedded as data: URLs didn\'t render if they had a MIME type with a charset parameter. + Don\'t allow number lists with unbounded lengths in tableValues attributes, for feComponentTransfer and feConvolveMatrix. + Negative rx/ry in rect element should be ignored.
* Fri Apr 23 2021 Federico Mena Quintero - Update to version 2.46.5 on SLE and Leap: + Update dependent crates that had security vulnerabilities: generic-array to 0.12.4 - RUSTSEC-2020-0146 smallvec to 0.6.14 - RUSTSEC-2021-0003 - CVE-2021-25900 + There are no changes to the library code. + Fix bash-isms in (Tin-Wei Lan). + Fix Visual Studio build (Chun-wei Fan).- bsc#1183403 - CVE-2021-25900 - buffer overflow in the smallvec crate.
* Tue Apr 13 2021 Paolo Stivanin - Update to version 2.50.4: + Update dependent crates that had security vulnerabilities: - generic-array to 0.13.3 - RUSTSEC-2020-0146 + Reduced stack usage + Add limit for too-large radiuses on the feMorphology filter + Properly ignore elements in an error state inside the \"switch\" element
* Thu Jan 28 2021 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 2.50.3: + Compute correct bounds for objects with stroke-width=0. + Fix test suite on Rust 1.49.