Changelog for python311-pyproj-3.6.1- :

* Sat Jul 20 2024 Libor Pechacek - Fix test/crs/ failure (upstream #1403)- Add upstream patch:
* v3.6.1-test-datum-ensemble-allowing-new-members.patch
* Wed May 08 2024 Libor Pechacek - Fix test/crs/ failure (upstream #1384)- Add upstream patch:
* v3.6.1-BUG-Support-azimuthal_equidistant-coordinate-operati.patch
* Thu Mar 14 2024 Steve Kowalik - Unrestrict Cython BuildRequires, Cython 3 is supported upstream.- Switch to autosetup macro.
* Sat Mar 02 2024 Ben Greiner - Skip testing xarray with python39: python39-xarray got removed early
* Sun Sep 24 2023 Libor Pechacek - Update to 3.6.1
* WHL: Update to PROJ 9.3 by AATTsnowman2 in #1334
* DEP: Add Python 3.12 support by AATTsnowman2 in #1341
* BUG: Cython 3 compatibility fixes by AATTsnowman2 in #1322
* BUG: Remove pkg_resources from by AATTsnowman2 in #1314
* DOC: Fixed typos by AATTdjm93dev in #1305 & #1306
* DOC: Fix logo view on Pypi by AATTcyschneck in #1308
* DOC: Spelling permimeter -> perimeter by AATTzanejgr in #1310
* Tue Aug 29 2023 Ben Greiner - Limit to Cython <3 gh#pyproj4/pyproj#1321- Use PEP517 macros instead of deprecated 15.X: give it a chance with the SLE15 python module pythons (would need more dependencies for it to build)
* Tue Jun 13 2023 Libor Pechacek - Update to 3.6.0
* WHL: Wheels contain PROJ 9.2.1 by AATTsnowman2 in #1291
* DEP: Minimum supported Python version 3.9 by AATTsnowman2 in #1245
* ENH: Add CRS.to_2d() by AATTrhugonnet in #1267
* ENH: Added allow_superseded kwargs to TransformerGroup by AATTdmahr1 in #1269
* ENH: Added parameter output_axis_rule to CRS.to_wkt by AATTjjimenezshaw in #1287
* BUG: fix Geod.npts NaN handling by AATTsnowman2 in #1288
* MNT: Use pyproject.toml for project metadata by AATTsnowman2 in #1275
* Tue Mar 28 2023 Libor Pechacek - Update to 3.5.0
* WHL: PROJ 9.2 in wheels in #1243
* DEP: Minimum PROJ version 9.0 by AATTsnowman2 in #1244
* ENH: Add inplace kwarg to Geod.fwd and Geod.inv by AATTgreglucas in #1201
* ENH: Add return_back_azimuth kwarg to fwd, inv, fwd_intermediate, inv_intermediate by AATTidanmiara in #1165
* ENH: Added only_best kwarg to Transformer.from_crs by AATTsnowman2 in #1236
* PERF: Optimize point transformations by AATTgreglucas & AATTsnowman2 in #1204, #1209, #1205
* PERF: Optimize for single point in Geod fwd/inv functions by AATTgreglucas in #1206
* REF: Raise error when CRS.to_wkt, CRS.to_json, or CRS.to_proj4 returns None by AATTsnowman2 in #1218
* CLN: Remove AzumuthalEquidistantConversion & LambertAzumuthalEqualAreaConversion by AATTsnowman2 in #1220
* BUG: Fix Derived Projected CRS support by AATTsnowman2 in #1222
* BUG: Add horizontal_datum_name for geographic CRS in CRS.to_cf by AATTsnowman2 in #1255- Drop upstream patch:
* 0001-TST-Update-test_transform_bounds__ignore_inf-for-PRO.patch
* 0002-TST-Update-transformer-test_repr__conditional-1241.patch
* Tue Mar 21 2023 Libor Pechacek - Fix failing tests after Proj update to 9.2.0 (upstream #1224, #1241)- Add upstream patch:
* 0001-TST-Update-test_transform_bounds__ignore_inf-for-PRO.patch
* 0002-TST-Update-transformer-test_repr__conditional-1241.patch
* Tue Mar 21 2023 John Vandenberg - Skip two tests to support latest PROJ 9.2
* Sun Mar 19 2023 Bruno Friedmann - Disable python38 support due to new xarray version.
* Thu Dec 15 2022 Libor Pechacek - Update to 3.4.1
* WHL: Add win32 to build_wheels matrix by AATTmolinav in #1169
* BUG: Changed so that the setup.cfg depends on the version code in the by AATTScoppio in #1156
* REF: Use upper case EPSG code when creating CRS by AATTsnowman2 in #1162
* BUG: Fix CRS.to_cf for Pole rotation GRIB convention by AATTsnowman2 in #1167
* BUG: Fix memory leak in CRS.list_authority by AATTskogler in [#1178]
* BUG: Fix Transform options array length by AATTshadchin in #1187
* DOC: fix a few typos by AATTocefpaf in #1153
* Fri Sep 16 2022 John Vandenberg - Add mandatory runtime dep python-certifi, and remove not required dependency python-numpy- Remove BD python-testsuite, and reduce tests skipped
* Sun Sep 11 2022 Libor Pechacek - Update to 3.4.0
* DEP: Add python 3.11 support by AATTsnowman2 in #1121
* DEP: Minimum PROJ version 8.2 by AATTsnowman2 in #1122
* DEP: Update wheels with PROJ 9.1.0 by AATTsnowman2 in #1132
* ENH: Added authority, accuracy, and allow_ballpark kwargs to TransformerGroup by AATTsnowman2 in #1076
* ENH: Added force_over kwarg to Transformer.from_crs by AATTsnowman2 in #1123
* ENH: Added Transformer.get_last_used_operation by AATTsnowman2 in #1124
* BUG: Fix transformer list for 3D transformations in TransformerGroup by AATTsnowman2 in #1075
* BUG: Mercator A defined only for lat_0 = 0 by AATTkdpenner in [#1095]
* BUG: Add support for PROJ_DATA environment variable by AATTsnowman2 in #1099
* BUG: Ensure numpy masked arrays stay masked after projection by AATTpaultcochrane in #1103
* BLD: Don\'t specify runtime_library_dirs on Cygwin by AATTDWesl in #1120
* BUG: Fix finding PROJ version with PROJ_LIB and PROJ 9.1+ by AATTsnowman2 in #1128
* CLN: Remove deprecated \'skip_equivalent\' kwarg from transformers and \'errcheck\' kwarg from CRS.from_cf by AATTsnowman2 in #1077
* REF: use regex to process PROJ strings in CRS.to_dict() by AATTsnowman2 in #1086
* DOC: Fix typo in installation docs by AATTpaultcochrane in #1101
* DOC: Fix issues in transformation grids docs by AATTpaultcochrane in #1104
* Fri May 06 2022 Libor Pechacek - Update to 3.3.1
* DOC: minor fix to crs doc-strings by AATTbjlittle in #1004
* BUG: Correct type annotation for AreaofUse.bounds by AATTKirill888 in #1013
* BUG: remove AATTAbstractMethod decorator by AATThemberger in #1018
* BUG: Reorder deps in show_versions for setuptools issue by AATTsnowman2 in #1019
* BUG: get_data_dir support for conda Windows enviroments by AATTsnowman2 in #1030
* ENH: warn when export of CRS returns None by AATTmartinfleis in #1037
* BUG: Complete database stub file with query_utm_crs_info() signature by AATTorontee in #1047
* ENH: Added support for int-like strings and numpy dtypes by AATTiboates in #1049
* BUG: Warn when CRS cannot be converted to PROJ or PROJ JSON by AATTsnowman2 in #1054
* ENH: Added support to pickle Transformer by AATTsnowman2 in #1060
* Thu Nov 18 2021 Libor Pechacek - Update to 3.3.0
* WHL: Wheels contain PROJ 8.2.0
* DEP: Minimum supported Python version 3.8 (issue #930)
* DEP: Minimum PROJ version 8.0 (issue #940)
* BUG: Prepend \"Derived\" to CRS type name if CRS is derived (issue #932)
* BUG: Improved handling of inf values in pyproj.transformer.Transformer.transform_bounds (pull #961)
* BUG: CRS CF conversions mismatch of PROJ parameters in rotated pole (issue #948)
* ENH: Add support for transforming bounds at the poles in pyproj.transformer.Transformer.transform_bounds (pull #962)
* ENH: Added pyproj.transformer.Transformer.source_crs & pyproj.transformer.Transformer.target_crs (pull #976)
* ENH: Added (issue #948)
* ENH: Added pyproj.database.get_database_metadata (issue #990)
* ENH: Added PROJ database metadata to pyproj.show_versions (issue #990)- Packaging: update build requirements
* Mon Sep 20 2021 Libor Pechacek - Update to 3.2.1
* REF: declare specific python types in cython (pull #928)
* REF: Use cython string decoding (pull #929)
* BUG: Return multiple authorities with (pull #943)
* BUG: CRS CF conversions ensure lon_0 = north_pole_grid_longitude + 180 (issue #927)
* BUG: CRS CF conversions ensure Pole rotation (netCDF CF convention) conversion works (issue #927)
* Mon Sep 13 2021 Libor Pechacek - Update to 3.2.0
* WHL: Wheels contain PROJ 8.1.1
* DOC: Add new pyproj logo (issue #700)
* REF: Handle deprecation of proj_context_set_autoclose_database (issue #866)
* REF: Make CRS methods inheritable (issue #847)
* ENH: Added (pull #902)
* ENH: Added (pull #903)
* ENH: Added (issue #918)
* ENH: Added inplace kwarg to :meth:pyproj.transformer.Transformer.transform (issue #906)
* PERF: Disable unnecessary copy in dtype conversion for buffer (pull #904)
* DOC: Improve FAQ text about CRS formats (issue #789)
* BUG: Add PyPy cython array implementation (issue #854)
* BUG: Fix spelling for and (issue #882)
* BUG: Make datum name match exact in pyproj.database.query_utm_crs_info (pull #887)
* BUG: Update pyproj.enums.GeodIntermediateFlag for future Python compatibility (issue #855)
* BUG: Hide unnecessary PROJ ERROR from proj_crs_get_coordoperation (issue #873)
* BUG: Fix pickling for CRS builder classes (issue #897)
* CLN: Remove ignore_axis_order kwarg from as it was added by accident (pull #904)
* CLN: remove numeric/numarrays support (pull #908)
* LNT: Add pylint & address issues (pull #909)
* DEP: Remove distutils dependency (pull #917)
* Fri Jun 25 2021 Ben Greiner - Fix the python >= 3.7 build requirement
* `BuildRequires: python` is a pure python2 specification now
* no need for the full stdlib (`BuildRequires: %pythons >= 3.7`)
* Thu May 27 2021 Libor Pechacek - Refresh the source tarball from
* Tue May 25 2021 Libor Pechacek - Update to 3.1.0
* DEP: Minimum supported Python version 3.7 (issue #790)
* REF: Multithread safe CRS, Proj, & Transformer (issue #782)
* BUG: Disallow NaN values with AreaOfInterest & BBox (issue #788)
* ENH: Pretty format PROJ string support (issue #764)
* ENH: Added pyproj.transformer.Transformer.to_proj4 (pull #798)
* ENH: Added authority, accuracy, and allow_ballpark kwargs to :meth:pyproj.transformer.Transformer.from_crs (issue #754)
* ENH: Added support for \"AUTH:CODE\" input to :meth:pyproj.transformer.Transformer.from_pipeline (issue #755)
* ENH: Added (pull #808)
* ENH: Added pyproj.transformer.Transformer.transform_bounds (issue #809)
* ENH: Added (pull #823)
* ENH: Added initial_idx and terminal_index kwargs to pyproj.Geod.npts (pull #841)
* ENH: Added pyproj.Geod.inv_intermediate & pyproj.Geod.fwd_intermediate (pull #841)
* REF: Skip transformations if noop & deprecate skip_equivalent (pull #824)
* Fri Mar 19 2021 Libor Pechacek - Update to 3.0.1:
* WHL: Wheels contain PROJ 7.2.1
* Use proj_context_errno_string in PROJ 8+ due to deprecation (issue #760)
* BUG: Allow transformations with empty arrays (issue #766)
* BUG: support numpy objects in CRS.from_cf (issue #773)
* Mon Feb 22 2021 Guillaume GARDET - Disable Python 3.6 as numpy is not available anymore for 3.6. See NEP29:
* Tue Feb 09 2021 Benjamin Greiner - Fix malformed Cython requirement- Remove (malformed) unneeded coverage requirement and mock which is imported from unittest already.- Actually install the alternative for the entrypoint- Use the pytest_arch macro for the tests
* Tue Jan 19 2021 Guillaume GARDET - Update to 3.0.0:
* Minimum supported Python version 3.6 (issue #499)
* Minimum PROJ version 7.2 (issues #599 & #689)
* WHL: Removed datumgrids from wheels because not needed with RFC 4 (pull #628)
* ENH: Added PROJ Network Settings (#675, #691, #695)
* ENH: Added ability to use global context (issue #661)
* ENH: Added transformation grid sync API/CLI (issue #572)
* ENH: Support obects with __array__ method (pandas.Series, xarray.DataArray, dask.array.Array) (issue #573)
* ENH: Added pyproj.datadir.get_user_data_dir() (pull #636)
* ENH: Added pyproj.transformer.Transformer.is_network_enabled (issue #629)
* ENH: Added pyproj.transformer.TransformerGroup.download_grids() (pull #643)
* ENH: Use ‘proj_get_units_from_database’ in pyproj.database.get_units_map() & cleanup pyproj.database.get_codes() (issue #619)
* ENH: Added support for radians for Proj & Transformer.from_pipeline & use less gil (issue #612)
* ENH: Datum.from_name default to check all datum types (issue #606)
* ENH: Use from_user_input in __eq__ when comparing CRS sub-classes (i.e. PrimeMeridian, Datum, Ellipsoid, etc.) (issue #606)
* ENH: Add support for coordinate systems with CRS using CF conventions (issue #536)
* ENH: Use proj_is_equivalent_to_with_ctx in the place of proj_is_equivalent_to internally (issue #666)
* BUG: Add support for identifying engineering/parametric/temporal datums (issue #670)
* ENH: Add support for temporal CRS CF coordinate system (issue #672)
* ENH: Added support for debugging internal PROJ (pull #696)
* ENH: Added pathlib support for data directory methods (pull #702)
* ENH: Added pyproj.database.query_crs_info() (pull #703)
* ENH: Added pyproj.database.query_utm_crs_info() (pull #712)
* REF: Refactor Proj to inherit from Transformer (issue #624)
* REF: Added pyproj.database, pyproj.aoi, and pyproj.list modules (pull #703)
* BUG: Fix handling of polygon holes when calculating area in Geod (pull #686)- Drop upstream patch:
* pyproj-3.0.0-TST-Update-tests-with-scope-remarks-649.patch- Include \'pyproj\' command line tool