Changelog for primme-mvapich2-devel-3.2-2.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Fri Feb 03 2023 Update to version 3.2
* Fixed Intel 2021 compiler error \"Unsupported combination of types for .\"
* Fixed compiling issues with PGI compiler also about tgmath.h.
* Fixed dprimme() and other variants not returning error code PRIMME_MAIN_ITER_FAILURE when it should do in some corner cases
* Fixed warnings from gcc/clang undefined behavior sanitizers.
* Matlab: renamed disp to reportLevel.
* Matlab: add flag returnUnconverged to return unconverged pairs.
* Matlab: return primme_params/primme_svds_params.- Update to version 3.1
* Fixed compilation issues in F90 interface and examples.
* Fixed bug in block orthogonalization.
* Updated Python interface to Python version 3.8.- Update to version 3.0
* Added support for the generalized Hermitian eigenvalue problem and the standard normal eigenvalue problem.
* Added support for GPU.
* Added support for half precision.
* Added block orthogonalization.
* Resolution of all linear system of equations simultaneously in Jacobi-Davidson.
* Added interface for Fortran 90.
* Added an optional callback for broadcasting.
* The callbacks can work with different precision than the main call (see for instance \"matrixMatvec_type\" and \"globalSumReal_type\").
* Added new counters: \"numGlobalSum\", \"volumeGlobalSum\", \"numBroadcast\", \"volumeGlobalSum\", \"timeOrtho\", \"timeGlobalSum\", \"timeBroadcast\".
* Added \"primme_params_create()\", \"primme_params_destroy()\", \"primme_svds_params_create()\", and \"primme_svds_params_destroy()\".- Add openmpi3 and openmpi4 flavors, drop openmpi1.
* Mon Nov 04 2019 Build MPI pacakges as multibuild flavors, add openmpi2- Adapt to openmpi -> openmpi1 rename on Tumbleweed
* Fri Mar 15 2019 Update to version 2.2
* Improved stability for single precision.
* Improved support for the shared library.
* Updated PETSc examples in Fortran; added new examples in single precision.
* New install and uninstall actions.
* MATLAB interface support for user-defined stopping criterion (see \"convTestFun\") and stopping with ctr+c.
* Optional suffix on BLAS/LAPACK function names (for OpenBLAS, see PRIMME_BLAS_SUFFIX).
* Replaced XHEGV by XHEGVX (to support ESSL).
* Fixed bugs in the library and in the Matlab interface.- Update to version 2.1
* Improve threaded/parallel robustness by broadcasting the result of critical LAPACK operations instead of replicating them on every process.
* Improved stopping criteria in QMR for interior problems.
* MATLAB interface reimplementation with support for singular value problems, double or single precision, and compatible with Octave.
* A full R interface as a CRAN package.
* Proper reporting of convergence history for singular value solvers.
* Various bug fixes and improved robustness.- Update to version 2.0
* Changed license to BSD 3-clause.
* New support for singular value problems.
* New support for float and complex float arithmetic.
* Support for problem dimensions larger than 2^31, without requiring BLAS and LAPACK compiled with 64-bits integers.
* Improved robustness and performance for interior problems; implemented advanced refined and harmonic-Ritz extractions.
* Python interface compatible with NumPy and SciPy Library.
* Optional user-defined convergence function, convTestFun.
* Several performance and robustness improvements
* Mon Aug 13 2012 build dprimme and zprimme libs
* Sat Aug 11 2012 first package