Changelog for storm-nimbus-1.2.3-150400.1.55.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Jul 06 2020 Fix duplicate BuildRequire on storm-kit- update to 1.2.3 (SOC-9974, CVE-2019-0202, SOC-9998, CVE-2018-11779):
* 1.2.3
* [STORM-3233] - Upgrade zookeeper client to newest version (3.4.13) [STORM-3077] - Upgrade Disruptor version to 3.3.11
* [STORM-3083] - Upgrade HikariCP version to 2.4.7
* [STORM-3094] - Topology name needs to be validated at storm-client
* [STORM-3222] - Fix KafkaSpout internals to use LinkedList instead of ArrayList [STORM-3292] - Trident HiveState must flush writers when the batch commits
* [STORM-3013] - Deactivated topology restarts if data flows into Kafka [STORM-3028] - HdfsSpout does not handle empty files in case of ack enabled
* [STORM-3046] - Getting a NPE leading worker to die when starting a topology.
* [STORM-3047] - Ensure Trident emitter refreshPartitions is only called with partitions assigned to the emitter
* [STORM-3055] - never refresh connection
* [STORM-3068] - STORM_JAR_JVM_OPTS are not passed to storm-kafka-monitor properly
* [STORM-3082] - NamedTopicFilter can\'t handle topics that don\'t exist yet
* [STORM-3087] - FluxBuilder.canInvokeWithArgs is too permissive when the method parameter type is a primitive
* [STORM-3090] - The same offset value is used by the same partition number of different topics.
* [STORM-3097] - Remove storm-druid in 2.x and deprecate support for it in 1.x
* [STORM-3102] - Storm Kafka Client performance issues with Kafka Client v1.0.0
* [STORM-3109] - Wrong canonical path set to STORM_LOCAL_DIR in storm kill_workers
* [STORM-3110] - Supervisor does not kill all worker processes in secure mode in case of user mismatch
* [STORM-3121] - Fix flaky metrics tests in storm-core
* [STORM-3122] - FNFE due to race condition between \"async localizer\" and \"update blob\" timer thread
* [STORM-3123] - Storm Kafka Monitor does not work with Kafka over two-way SSL
* [STORM-3161] - Local mode should force setting min replication count to 1
* [STORM-3164] - Multilang uses traceback.format_exc incorrectly
* [STORM-3184] - Storm supervisor log showing keystore and truststore password in plaintext
* [STORM-3201] - kafka spout lag on UI needs some cleanup
* [STORM-3301] - The KafkaSpout can in some cases still replay tuples that were already committed
* [STORM-3381] - Upgrading to Zookeeper 3.4.14 added an LGPL dependency
* [STORM-3384] - storm set-log-level command throws wrong exception when the topology is not running
* [STORM-3086] - Update Flux documentation to demonstrate static factory methods (STORM-2796)
* [STORM-3089] - Document worker hooks on the hooks page
* [STORM-3199] - Metrics-ganglia depends on an LGPL library, so we shouldn\'t depend on it
* [STORM-3289] - Add note about KAFKA-7044 to storm-kafka-client compatibility docs
* [STORM-3330] - Migrate parts of storm-webapp, and reduce use of mocks for files
* 1.2.2
* [STORM-3026] - Upgrade ZK instance for security
* [STORM-3027] - Make Impersonation Optional
* [STORM-2896] - Support automatic migration of offsets from storm-kafka to storm-kafka-client KafkaSpout
* [STORM-2997] - Add logviewer ssl module in
* [STORM-3006] - Distributed RPC documentation needs an update
* [STORM-3011] - Use default bin path in flight.bash if $JAVA_HOME is undefined
* [STORM-3022] - Decouple storm-hive UTs with Hive
* [STORM-3039] - Ports of killed topologies remain in TIME_WAIT state preventing to start new topology
* [STORM-3069] - Allow users to specify maven local repository directory for storm submit tool
* [STORM-2911] - SpoutConfig is serializable but does not declare a serialVersionUID field
* [STORM-2967] - Upgrade jackson to latest version 2.9.4
* [STORM-2968] - Exclude a few unwanted jars from storm-autocreds
* [STORM-2978] - The fix for STORM-2706 is broken, and adds a transitive dependency on Zookeeper 3.5.3-beta for projects that depend on e.g. storm-kafka
* [STORM-2979] - WorkerHooks EOFException during run_worker_shutdown_hooks
* [STORM-2981] - Upgrade Curator to lastest patch version
* [STORM-2985] - Add jackson-annotations to dependency management
* [STORM-2988] - \"Error on initialization of server mk-worker\" when using org.apache.storm.metrics2.reporters.JmxStormReporter on worker
* [STORM-2989] - LogCleaner should preserve current worker.log.metrics
* [STORM-2993] - Storm HDFS bolt throws ClosedChannelException when Time rotation policy is used
* [STORM-2994] - KafkaSpout consumes messages but doesn\'t commit offsets
* [STORM-3043] - NullPointerException thrown in SimpleRecordTranslator.apply()
* [STORM-3052] - Let blobs un archive
* [STORM-3059] - KafkaSpout throws NPE when hitting a null tuple if the processing guarantee is not AT_LEAST_ONCE
* [STORM-2960] - Better to stress importance of setting up proper OS account for Storm processes
* [STORM-3060] - Configuration mapping between storm-kafka & storm-kafka-client
* [STORM-2952] - Deprecate storm-kafka in 1.x
* [STORM-3005] - [DRPC] LinearDRPCTopologyBuilder shouldn\'t be deprecated
* Tue Jan 22 2019 update to 1.1.3:
* 1.1.3:
* [STORM-3026] - Upgrade ZK instance for security
* [STORM-3027] - Make Impersonation Optional
* [STORM-3011] - Use default bin path in flight.bash if $JAVA_HOME is undefined
* [STORM-3039] - Ports of killed topologies remain in TIME_WAIT state preventing to start new topology
* [STORM-2911] - SpoutConfig is serializable but does not declare a serialVersionUID field
* [STORM-2978] - The fix for STORM-2706 is broken, and adds a transitive dependency on Zookeeper 3.5.3-beta for projects that depend on e.g. storm-kafka
* [STORM-2979] - WorkerHooks EOFException during run_worker_shutdown_hooks
* [STORM-2981] - Upgrade Curator to lastest patch version
* [STORM-2985] - Add jackson-annotations to dependency management
* [STORM-2989] - LogCleaner should preserve current worker.log.metrics
* [STORM-2994] - KafkaSpout consumes messages but doesn\'t commit offsets
* [STORM-3043] - NullPointerException thrown in SimpleRecordTranslator.apply()
* [STORM-3052] - Let blobs un archive
* [STORM-3059] - KafkaSpout throws NPE when hitting a null tuple if the processing guarantee is not AT_LEAST_ONCE
* [STORM-2960] - Better to stress importance of setting up proper OS account for Storm processes
* [STORM-3060] - Configuration mapping between storm-kafka & storm-kafka-client
* [STORM-2952] - Deprecate storm-kafka in 1.x
* [STORM-3005] - [DRPC] LinearDRPCTopologyBuilder shouldn\'t be deprecated
* [STORM-2841] - testNoAcksIfFlushFails UT fails with NullPointerException
* 1.1.2:
* [STORM-2512] - Change KafkaSpoutConfig in storm-kafka-client to make it work with flux
* [STORM-2616] - Document the built in metrics (just in time to replace them???)
* [STORM-2657] - Update SECURITY.MD
* [STORM-2663] - Backport STORM-2558 and deprecate storm.cmd on 1.x-branch
* [STORM-2712] - accept arbitrary number of rows per tuple in storm-cassandra
* [STORM-2775] - Improve KafkaPartition Metric Names
* [STORM-2807] - Integration test should shut down topologies immediately after the test
* [STORM-2862] - More flexible logging in multilang (Python, Ruby, JS)
* [STORM-2877] - Introduce an option to configure pagination in Storm UI
* [STORM-2917] - Check the config( before using it to connect
* [STORM-2231] - NULL in DisruptorQueue while multi-threaded ack
* [STORM-2426] - First tuples fail after worker is respawn
* [STORM-2500] - waitUntilReady in PacemakerClient cannot be invoked
* [STORM-2525] - Fix flaky integration tests
* [STORM-2535] - test-reset-timeout is flaky. Replace with a more reliable test.
* [STORM-2541] - Manual partition assignment doesn\'t work
* [STORM-2607] - [kafka-client] Consumer group every time with lag 1
* [STORM-2642] - Storm-kafka-client spout cannot be serialized when using manual partition assignment
* [STORM-2660] - The Nimbus storm-local directory is relative to the working directory of the shell executing \"storm nimbus\"
* [STORM-2666] - Storm-kafka-client spout can sometimes emit messages that were already committed.
* [STORM-2674] - NoNodeException when ZooKeeper tries to delete nodes
* [STORM-2677] - consider all sampled tuples which took greater than 0 ms processing time
* [STORM-2682] - Supervisor crashes with NullPointerException
* [STORM-2690] - resurrect invocation of ISupervisor.assigned() & make Supervisor.launchDaemon() accessible
* [STORM-2695] - BlobStore uncompress argument should be Boolean
* [STORM-2705] - DRPCSpout sleeps twice when idle
* [STORM-2706] - Nimbus stuck in exception and does not fail fast
* [STORM-2724] - ExecutorService in WaterMarkEventGenerator never shutdown
* [STORM-2736] - o.a.s.b.BlobStoreUtils [ERROR] Could not update the blob with key
* [STORM-2750] - fix double_checked locking
* [STORM-2751] - Remove AsyncLoggingContext from Supervisor
* [STORM-2764] - HDFSBlobStore leaks file system objects
* [STORM-2769] - Fast-fail if output stream Id is null
* [STORM-2771] - Some tests are being run twice
* [STORM-2779] - NPE on shutting down WindowedBoltExecutor
* [STORM-2786] - Ackers leak tracking info on failure and lots of other cases.
* [STORM-2810] - Storm-hdfs tests are leaking resources
* [STORM-2811] - Nimbus may throw NPE if the same topology is killed multiple times, and the integration test kills the same topology multiple times
* [STORM-2814] - Logviewer HTTP server should return 403 instead of 200 if the user is unauthorized
* [STORM-2815] - UI HTTP server should return 403 if the user is unauthorized
* [STORM-2833] - Cached Netty Connections can have different keys for the same thing.
* [STORM-2853] - Deactivated topologies cause high cpu utilization
* [STORM-2855] - Travis build doesn\'t work after update of Ubuntu image
* [STORM-2856] - Make Storm build work on post 2017Q4 Travis Trusty image
* [STORM-2868] - Address handling activate/deactivate in multilang module files
* [STORM-2870] - FileBasedEventLogger leaks non-daemon ExecutorService which prevents process to be finished
* [STORM-2876] - Some storm-hdfs tests fail with out of memory periodically
* [STORM-2879] - Supervisor collapse continuously when there is a expired assignment for overdue storm
* [STORM-2892] - Flux test fails to parse valid PATH environment variable
* [STORM-2894] - fix some random typos in tests
* [STORM-2912] - Tick tuple is being shared without resetting start time and incur side-effect to break metrics
* [STORM-2918] - Upgrade Netty version
* [STORM-2942] - Remove javadoc and source jars from toollib directory in binary distribution
* [STORM-2874] - Minor style improvements to backpressure code
* [STORM-2858] - Fix worker-launcher build
* 1.1.1:
* STORM-2659: Add variable to storm.cmd to fix log4j logging
* STORM-2652: fix error in open method of JmsSpout
* STORM-2645: Update to be python3 compatible
* STORM-2621: add tuple_population metric
* STORM-2639: Kafka Spout incorrectly computes numCommittedOffsets due to voids in the topic (topic compaction)
* STORM-2544: Fixing issue in acking of tuples that hit retry limit under manual commit mode
* STORM-2618: Add TridentKafkaStateUpdater for storm-kafka-client
* STORM-2608: Remove any pending offsets that are no longer valid
* STORM-2503: Fix alerts on equality and comparison operations
* STORM-2478: Fix BlobStoreTest.testDeleteAfterFailedCreate on Windows
* STORM-2602: storm.zookeeper.topology.auth.payload doesn\'t work even you set it
* STORM-2597: Don\'t parse passed in class paths
* STORM-2564: We should provide a template for storm-cluster-auth.yaml
* STORM-2568: Fix getTopicsString
* STORM-2563: Remove the workaround to handle missing UGI.loginUserFromSubject
* STORM-2552: KafkaSpoutMessageId should be serializable
* STORM-2562: Use stronger key size than default for blow fish key generator and get rid of stack trace
* STORM-2557: A bug in DisruptorQueue causing severe underestimation of queue arrival rates
* STORM-2449: Ensure same key appears only once in State iterator
* STORM-2516: Fix timing issues with testPrepareLateTupleStreamWithoutBuilder
* STORM-2489: Overlap and data loss on WindowedBolt based on Duration
* STORM-2528: Bump log4j version to 2.8.2
* STORM-2527: Initialize java.sql.DriverManager earlier to avoid deadlock
* STORM-2413: Make new Kafka spout respect tuple retry limits
* STORM-2518: Handles empty name for \"USER type\" ACL when normalizing ACLs
* STORM-2511: Submitting a topology with name containing unicode getting failed
* STORM-2496: Dependency artifacts should be uploaded to blobstore with READ permission for all
* STORM-2505: Spout to support topic compaction
* STORM-2498: Fix Download Full File link
* STORM-2343: New Kafka spout can stop emitting tuples if more than maxUncommittedOffsets tuples fail at once.
* STORM-2486: Prevent cd from printing target directory to avoid breaking classpath
* STORM-2488: The UI user Must be HTTP.
* STORM-2481: Upgrade Aether version to resolve Aether bug BUG-451566
* STORM-2435: Logging in storm.js inconsistent to console.log and does not support log levels
* STORM-2315: New kafka spout can\'t commit offset when ack is disabled
* STORM-2467: Use explicit charset when decoding from array backed buffer
* STORM-1114: Race condition in trident zookeeper zk-node create/delete
* STORM-2448: Add in Storm and JDK versions when submitting a topology
* STORM-2343: Fix new Kafka spout stopping processing if more than maxUncommittedOffsets tuples fail at once
* STORM-2431: the default blobstore.dir is storm.local.dir/blobs which is different from
* STORM-2429: Properly validate supervisor.scheduler.meta
* STORM-2451: windows storm.cmd does not set log4j2 config file correctly by default
* STORM-2450: Write resources into correct local director
* STORM-2440: Kill process if executor catches
* STORM-2432: Storm-Kafka-Client Trident Spout Seeks Incorrect Offset With UNCOMMITTED_LATEST Strategy
* 1.1.0:
* STORM-2425: Storm Hive Bolt not closing open transactions
* STORM-2409: Storm-Kafka-Client KafkaSpout Support for Failed and NullTuples
* STORM-2423: Join Bolt should use explicit instead of default window anchoring for emitted tuples
* STORM-2416: Improve Release Packaging to Reduce File Size
* STORM-2414: Skip checking meta\'s ACL when subject has write privileges for any blobs
* STORM-2038: Disable symlinks with a config option
* STORM-2240: STORM PMML Bolt - Add Support to Load Models from Blob Store
* STORM-2412: Nimbus isLeader check while waiting for max replication
* STORM-2408: build failed if storm.kafka.client.version =
* STORM-2403: Fix KafkaBolt test failure: tick tuple should not be acked
* STORM-2361: Kafka spout - after leader change, it stops committing offsets to ZK
* STORM-2353: Replace kafka-unit by kafka_2.11 and kafka-clients to test kafka-clients:
* STORM-2387: Handle tick tuples properly for Bolts in external modules
* STORM-2345: Type mismatch in ReadClusterState\'s ProfileAction processing Map
* STORM-2400: Upgraded Curator to 2.12.0 and made respective API changes
* STORM-2396: setting interrupted status back before throwing a RuntimeException
* STORM-1772: Adding Perf module with topologies for measuring performance
* STORM-2395: storm.cmd supervisor calls the wrong class name
* STORM-2391: Move HdfsSpoutTopology from storm-starter to storm-hdfs-examples
* STORM-2389: Avoid instantiating Event Logger when topology.eventlogger.executors=0
* STORM-2386: Fail-back Blob deletion also fails in BlobSynchronizer.syncBlobs.
* STORM-2388: JoinBolt breaks compilation against JDK 7
* STORM-2374: Storm Kafka Client Test Topologies Must be Serializable
* STORM-2372: Pacemaker client doesn\'t clean up heartbeats properly
* STORM-2326: Upgrade log4j and slf4j
* STORM-2334: Join Bolt implementation
* STORM-1363: TridentKafkaState should handle null values from TridentTupleToKafkaMapper.getMessageFromTuple()
* STORM-2365: Support for specifying output stream in event hubs spout
* STORM-2250: Kafka spout refactoring to increase modularity and testability
* STORM-2340: fix AutoCommitMode issue in KafkaSpout
* STORM-2344: Flux YAML File Viewer for Nimbus UI
* STORM-2350: Storm-HDFS\'s listFilesByModificationTime is broken
* STORM-2270 Kafka spout should consume from latest when ZK partition commit offset bigger than the latest offset
* STORM-1464: storm-hdfs support for multiple output files and partitioning
* STORM-2320: DRPC client printer class reusable for local and remote DRPC
* STORM-2281: Running Multiple Kafka Spouts (Trident) Throws Illegal State Exception
* STORM-2296: Kafka spout no dup on leader changes
* STORM-2244: Some shaded jars doesn\'t exclude dependency signature files
* STORM-2014: New Kafka spout duplicates checking if failed messages have reached max retries
* STORM-1443: [Storm SQL] Support customizing parallelism in StormSQL
* STORM-2148: [Storm SQL] Trident mode: back to code generate and compile Trident topology
* STORM-2331: Emitting from JavaScript should work when not anchoring.
* STORM-2225: change spout config to be simpler.
* STORM-2323: Precondition for Leader Nimbus should check all topology blobs and also corresponding dependencies
* STORM-2330: Fix storm sql code generation for UDAF with non standard sql types
* STORM-2298: Don\'t kill Nimbus when ClusterMetricsConsumer is failed to initialize
* STORM-2301: [storm-cassandra] upgrade cassandra driver to 3.1.2
* STORM-1446: Compile the Calcite logical plan to Storm Trident logical plan
* STORM-2303: [storm-opentsdb] Fix list invariant issue for JDK 7
* STORM-2236: storm kafka client should support manual partition management
* STORM-2295: KafkaSpoutStreamsNamedTopics should return output fields with predictable ordering
* STORM-2300: [Flux] support list of references
* STORM-2297: [storm-opentsdb] Support Flux for OpenTSDBBolt
* STORM-2294: Send activate and deactivate command to ShellSpout
* STORM-2280: Upgrade Calcite version to 1.11.0
* STORM-2278: Allow max number of disruptor queue flusher threads to be configurable
* STORM-2277: Add shaded jar for Druid connector
* STORM-2274: Support named output streams in Hdfs Spout
* STORM-2204: Adding caching capabilities in HBaseLookupBolt
* STORM-2267: Use user\'s local maven repo. directory to local repo.
* STORM-2254: Provide Socket time out for nimbus thrift client
* STORM-2200: [Storm SQL] Drop Aggregate & Join support on Trident mode
* STORM-2266: Close NimbusClient instances appropriately
* STORM-2203: Add a getAll method to KeyValueState interface
* STORM-1886: Extend KeyValueState iface with delete
* STORM-2022: update Fields test to match new behavior
* STORM-2020: Stop using sun internal classes
* STORM-1228: port fields_test to java
* STORM-2104: New Kafka spout crashes if partitions are reassigned while tuples are in-flight
* STORM-2257: Add built in support for sum function with different types.
* STORM-2082: add sql external module storm-sql-hdfs
* STORM-2256: storm-pmml breaks on java 1.7
* STORM-2223: PMML Bolt.
* STORM-2222: Repeated NPEs thrown in nimbus if rebalance fails
* STORM-2190: reduce contention between submission and scheduling
* STORM-2239: Handle InterruptException in new Kafka spout
* STORM-2087: Storm-kafka-client: Failed tuples are not always replayed
* STORM-2238: Add Timestamp extractor for windowed bolt
* STORM-2235: Introduce new option: \'add remote repositories\' for dependency resolver
* STORM-2215: validate blobs are present before submitting
* STORM-2170: [Storm SQL] Add built-in socket datasource to runtime
* STORM-2226: Fix kafka spout offset lag ui for kerberized kafka
* STORM-2224: Exposed a method to override in computing the field from given tuple in FieldSelector
* STORM-2220: Added config support for each bolt in Cassandra bolts, fixed the bolts to be used also as sinks.
* STORM-2205: Racecondition in getting nimbus summaries while ZK connectionions are reconnected
* STORM-2182: Refactor Storm Kafka Examples Into Own Modules.
* STORM-1694: Kafka Spout Trident Implementation Using New Kafka Consumer API
* STORM-2173: [SQL] Support CSV as input / output format
* STORM-2177: [SQL] Support TSV as input / output format
* STORM-2172: [SQL] Support Avro as input / output format
* STORM-2185: Storm Supervisor doesn\'t delete directories properly sometimes
* STORM-2103: [SQL] Introduce new sql external module: storm-sql-mongodb
* STORM-2175: fix double close of workers
* STORM-2110: in supervisor v2 filter out empty command line args
* STORM-2117: Supervisor V2 with local mode extracts resources directory to topology root directory instead of temporary directory
* STORM-2131: Add blob command to worker-launcher, make stormdist directory not writeable by topo owner
* STORM-2018: Supervisor V2
* STORM-2139: Let ShellBolts and ShellSpouts run with scripts from blobs
* STORM-2072: Add map, flatMap with different outputs (T->V) in Trident
* STORM-2134: improving the current scheduling strategy for RAS
* STORM-2125: Use Calcite\'s implementation of Rex Compiler
* STORM-1546: Adding Read and Write Aggregations for Pacemaker to make it HA compatible
* STORM-1444: Support EXPLAIN statement in StormSQL
* STORM-2099: Introduce new sql external module: storm-sql-redis
* STORM-2097: Improve logging in trident core and examples
* STORM-2144: Fix Storm-sql group-by behavior in standalone mode
* STORM-2066: make error message in more descriptive
* STORM-1870: Allow FluxShellBolt/Spout set custom \"componentConfig\" via yaml
* STORM-2126: fix NPE due to race condition in compute-new-sched-assign…
* STORM-2124: show requested cpu mem for each component
* STORM-2089: Replace Consumer of ISqlTridentDataSource with SqlTridentConsumer
* STORM-2118: A few fixes for storm-sql standalone mode
* STORM-2105: Cluster/Supervisor total and available resources displayed in the UI
* STORM-2078: enable paging in worker datatable
* STORM-1664: Allow Java users to start a local cluster with a Nimbus Thrift server.
* STORM-1872: Release Jedis connection when topology shutdown
* STORM-2100: Fix Trident SQL join tests to not rely on ordering
* STORM-1837: Fix complete-topology and prevent message loss
* STORM-2098: DruidBeamBolt: Pass DruidConfig.Builder as constructor argument
* STORM-2092: optimize TridentKafkaState batch sending
* STORM-1979: Storm Druid Connector implementation.
* STORM-2057: Support JOIN statement in Storm SQL
* STORM-1970: external project examples refator
* STORM-2074: fix storm-kafka-monitor NPE bug
* STORM-1459: Allow not specifying producer properties in read-only Kafka table in StormSQL
* STORM-2052: Kafka Spout New Client API - Log Improvements and Parameter Tuning for Better Performance.
* STORM-2050: [storm-sql] Support User Defined Aggregate Function for Trident mode
* STORM-1434: Support the GROUP BY clause in StormSQL
* STORM-2016: Topology submission improvement: support adding local jars and maven artifacts on submission
* STORM-1994: Add table with per-topology & worker resource usage and components in (new) supervisor and topology pages
* STORM-2042: Nimbus client connections not closed properly causing connection leaks
* STORM-1766: A better algorithm server rack selection for RAS
* STORM-1913: Additions and Improvements for Trident RAS API
* STORM-2037: debug operation should be whitelisted in SimpleAclAuthorizer.
* STORM-2023: Add calcite-core to dependency of storm-sql-runtime
* STORM-2036: Fix minor bug in RAS Tests
* STORM-1979: Storm Druid Connector implementation.
* STORM-1839: Storm spout implementation for Amazon Kinesis Streams.
* STORM-1876: Option to build storm-kafka and storm-kafka-client with different kafka client version
* STORM-2000: Package storm-opentsdb as part of external dir in installation
* STORM-1989: X-Frame-Options support for Storm UI
* STORM-1962: support python 3 and 2 in multilang
* STORM-1964: Unexpected behavior when using count window together with timestamp extraction
* STORM-1890: ensure we refetch static resources after package build
* STORM-1988: Kafka Offset not showing due to bad classpath.
* STORM-1966: Expand metric having Map type as value into multiple metrics based on entries
* STORM-1737: storm-kafka-client has compilation errors with Apache Kafka 0.10
* STORM-1968: Storm logviewer does not work for nimbus.log in secure cluster
* STORM-1910: One topology cannot use hdfs spout to read from two locations
* STORM-1960: Add CORS support to STORM UI Rest api
* STORM-1959: Add missing license header to KafkaPartitionOffsetLag
* STORM-1950: Change response json of \"Topology Lag\" REST API to keyed by spoutId, topic, partition.
* STORM-1833: Simple equi-join in storm-sql standalone mode
* STORM-1866: Update Resource Aware Scheduler Documentation
* STORM-1930: Kafka New Client API - Support for Topic Wildcards
* STORM-1924: Adding conf options for Persistent Word Count Topology
* STORM-1956: Disabling Backpressure by default
* STORM-1934: Fix race condition between sync-supervisor and sync-processes
* STORM-1919: Introduce FilterBolt on storm-redis
* STORM-1945: Fix NPE bugs on topology spout lag for storm-kafka-monitor
* STORM-1888: add description for shell command
* STORM-1902: add a simple & flexible FileNameFormat for storm-hdfs
* STORM-1914: Storm Kafka Field Topic Selector
* STORM-1907: PartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor has incompatible types that cause ClassCastException
* STORM-1925: Remove Nimbus thrift call from Nimbus itself
* STORM-1909: Update HDFS spout documentation
* STORM-1136: Command line module to return kafka spout offsets lag and display in storm ui
* STORM-1911: IClusterMetricsConsumer should use seconds to timestamp unit
* STORM-1893: Support OpenTSDB for storing timeseries data.
* STORM-1723: Introduce ClusterMetricsConsumer
* STORM-1700: Introduce \'whitelist\' / \'blacklist\' option to MetricsConsumer
* STORM-1698: Asynchronous MetricsConsumerBolt
* STORM-1705: Cap number of retries for a failed message
* STORM-1884: Prioritize pendingPrepare over pendingCommit
* STORM-1575: fix TwitterSampleSpout NPE on close
* STORM-1874: Update logger private permissions
* STORM-1865: update command line client document
* STORM-1771: HiveState should flushAndClose before closing old or idle Hive connections
* STORM-1882: Expose TextFileReader public
* STORM-1873: Implement alternative behaviour for late tuples
* STORM-1719: Introduce REST API: Topology metric stats for stream
* STORM-1887: Fixed help message for set_log_level command
* STORM-1878: Flux can now handle IStatefulBolts
* STORM-1864: StormSubmitter should throw respective exceptions and log respective errors forregistered submitter hook invocation
* STORM-1868: Modify TridentKafkaWordCount to run in distributed mode
* STORM-1859: Ack late tuples in windowed mode
* STORM-1851: Fix default nimbus impersonation authorizer config
* STORM-1848: Make KafkaMessageId and Partition serializable to support
* STORM-1862: Flux ShellSpout and ShellBolt can\'t emit to named streams
* Storm-1728: TransactionalTridentKafkaSpout error
* STORM-1850: State Checkpointing Documentation update
* STORM-1674: Idle KafkaSpout consumes more bandwidth than needed
* STORM-1842: Forward references in storm.thrift cause tooling issues
* STORM-1730: LocalCluster#shutdown() does not terminate all storm threads/thread pools.
* STORM-1709: Added group by support in storm sql standalone mode
* STORM-1720: Support GEO in storm-redis
* 1.0.6:
* [STORM-2877] - Introduce an option to configure pagination in Storm UI
* [STORM-2917] - Check the config( before using it to connect
* [STORM-2451] - windows storm.cmd does not set log4j2 config file correctly by default
* [STORM-2690] - resurrect invocation of ISupervisor.assigned() & make Supervisor.launchDaemon() accessible
* [STORM-2751] - Remove AsyncLoggingContext from Supervisor
* [STORM-2764] - HDFSBlobStore leaks file system objects
* [STORM-2771] - Some tests are being run twice
* [STORM-2786] - Ackers leak tracking info on failure and lots of other cases.
* [STORM-2853] - Deactivated topologies cause high cpu utilization
* [STORM-2856] - Make Storm build work on post 2017Q4 Travis Trusty image
* [STORM-2870] - FileBasedEventLogger leaks non-daemon ExecutorService which prevents process to be finished
* [STORM-2879] - Supervisor collapse continuously when there is a expired assignment for overdue storm
* [STORM-2892] - Flux test fails to parse valid PATH environment variable
* [STORM-2894] - fix some random typos in tests
* [STORM-2912] - Tick tuple is being shared without resetting start time and incur side-effect to break metrics
* [STORM-2918] - Upgrade Netty version
* [STORM-2874] - Minor style improvements to backpressure code
* [STORM-2937] - Overwrite storm-kafka-client 1.x-branch into 1.0.x-branch
* [STORM-2858] - Fix worker-launcher build- Use %license macro
* Thu Sep 21 2017 Update to upstream version 1.0.5 (bsc#1059463, CVE-2017-9799)
* 1.0.5:
* [STORM-2657] - Update SECURITY.MD
* [STORM-2231] - NULL in DisruptorQueue while multi-threaded ack
* [STORM-2660] - The Nimbus storm-local directory is relative to the working directory of the shell executing \"storm nimbus\"
* [STORM-2674] - NoNodeException when ZooKeeper tries to delete nodes
* [STORM-2677] - consider all sampled tuples which took greater than 0 ms processing time
* [STORM-2682] - Supervisor crashes with NullPointerException
* [STORM-2695] - BlobStore uncompress argument should be Boolean
* [STORM-2705] - DRPCSpout sleeps twice when idle
* 1.0.4:
* STORM-2627: Update docs for storm.zookeeper.topology.auth.scheme
* STORM-2597: Don\'t parse passed in class paths
* STORM-2524: Set Kafka with storm-kafka
* STORM-2448: Add in Storm and JDK versions when submitting a topology
* STORM-2511: Submitting a topology with name containing unicode getting failed
* STORM-2498: Fix Download Full File link
* STORM-2486: Prevent cd from printing target directory to avoid breaking classpath
* STORM-1114: Race condition in trident zookeeper zk-node create/delete
* STORM-2429: Properly validate supervisor.scheduler.meta
* STORM-2194: Stop ignoring socket timeout error from executor
* STORM-2450: Write resources into correct local director
* STORM-2414: Skip checking meta\'s ACL when subject has write privileges for any blobs
* STORM-2038: Disable symlinks with a config option
* STORM-2038: No symlinks for local cluster
* STORM-2403: Fix KafkaBolt test failure: tick tuple should not be acked
* STORM-2361: Kafka spout - after leader change, it stops committing offsets to ZK
* STORM-2296: Kafka spout - no duplicates on leader changes
* STORM-2387: Handle tick tuples properly for Bolts in external modules
* STORM-2345: Type mismatch in ReadClusterState\'s ProfileAction processing Map
* STORM-2104: New Kafka spout crashes if partitions are reassigned while tuples are in-flight
* STORM-2396: setting interrupted status back before throwing a RuntimeException
* STORM-2395: storm.cmd supervisor calls the wrong class name
* STORM-2385: pacemaker_state_factory.clj does not compile on branch-1.0.x
* STORM-2389: Avoid instantiating Event Logger when topology.eventlogger.executors=0
* STORM-2386: Fail-back Blob deletion also fails in BlobSynchronizer.syncBlobs
* STORM-2360: Storm-Hive: Thrift version mismatch with storm-core
* STORM-2372: Pacemaker client doesn\'t clean up heartbeats properly
* STORM-2326: Upgrade log4j and slf4j
* STORM-2350: Storm-HDFS\'s listFilesByModificationTime is broken
* 1.0.3:
* STORM-2197: NimbusClient connectins leak due to leakage in ThriftClient
* STORM-2321: Handle blobstore zk key deletion in KeySequenceNumber.
* STORM-2324: Fix deployment failure if resources directory is missing in topology jar
* STORM-2335: Fix broken Topology visualization with empty \':transferred\' in executor stats
* STORM-2336: Close Localizer and AsyncLocalizer when supervisor is shutting down
* STORM-2338: Subprocess exception handling is broken in on Windows environment
* STORM-2337: Broken documentation generation for and
* STORM-2325: Logviewer doesn\'t consider \'storm.local.hostname\'
* STORM-1742: More accurate \'complete latency\'
* STORM-2176: Workers do not shutdown cleanly and worker hooks don\'t run when a topology is killed
* STORM-2293: hostname should only refer node\'s \'storm.local.hostname\'
* STORM-2246: Logviewer download link has urlencoding on part of the URL
* STORM-1906: Window count/length of zero should be disallowed
* STORM-1841: Address a few minor issues in windowing and doc
* STORM-2268: Fix integration test for Travis CI build
* STORM-2283: Fix DefaultStateHandler kryo multithreading issues
* STORM-2264: OpaqueTridentKafkaSpout failing after STORM-2216
* STORM-2276: Remove twitter4j usages due to license issue ( is catalog X)
* STORM-2095: remove any remaining files when deleting blobstore directory
* STORM-2222: Repeated NPEs thrown in nimbus if rebalance fails
* STORM-2251: Integration test refers specific version of Storm which should be project version
* STORM-2234: heartBeatExecutorService in shellSpout don\'t work well with deactivate
* STORM-2216: Favor JSONValue.parseWithException
* STORM-2208: HDFS State Throws FileNotFoundException in Azure Data Lake Store file system (adl://)
* STORM-2213: ShellSpout has race condition when ShellSpout is being inactive longer than heartbeat timeout
* STORM-2210: remove array shuffle from ShuffleGrouping
* STORM-2052: Kafka Spout - New Client API - Performance Improvements
* storm-2205: Racecondition in getting nimbus summaries while ZK connections are reconnected
* STORM-2198: perform RotationAction when stopping HdfsBolt
* STORM-2196: A typo in RAS_Node::consumeCPU
* STORM-2189: RAS_Node::freeCPU outputs incorrect info
* STORM-2184: Don\'t wakeup KafkaConsumer on shutdown
* STORM-2185: Storm Supervisor doesn\'t delete directories properly sometimes
* STORM-2175: fix double close of workers
* STORM-2018: Supervisor V2
* STORM-2145: Leave leader nimbus\'s hostname to log when trying to connect leader nimbus
* STORM-2127: Storm-eventhubs should use latest amqp and eventhubs-client versions
* STORM-2040: Fix bug on assert-can-serialize
* STORM-2017: ShellBolt stops reporting task ids
* STORM-2119: bug in log message printing to stdout
* STORM-2120: Emit to _spoutConfig.outputStreamId
* STORM-2101: fixes npe in compute-executors in nimbus
* STORM-2090: Add integration test for storm windowing
* STORM-2003: Make sure config contains TOPIC before get it
* STORM-1567: in defaults.yaml \'topology.disable.loadaware\' should be \'topology.disable.loadaware.messaging\'
* STORM-1987: Fix TridentKafkaWordCount arg handling in distributed mode.
* STORM-1969: Modify HiveTopology to show usage of non-partition table.
* STORM-1849: HDFSFileTopology should use the 3rd argument as topologyName
* STORM-2086: use DefaultTopicSelector instead of creating a new one
* STORM-2079: Unneccessary readStormConfig operation
* STORM-2081: create external directory for storm-sql various data sources and move storm-sql-kafka to it
* STORM-2070: Fix sigar native binary download link
* STORM-2056: Bugs in logviewer
* STORM-1646: Fix ExponentialBackoffMsgRetryManager test
* STORM-2039: Backpressure refactoring in worker and executor
* STORM-2064: Add storm name and function, access result and function to log-thrift-access
* STORM-2063: Add thread name in worker logs
* STORM-2042: Nimbus client connections not closed properly causing connection leaks
* STORM-2032: removes warning in case more than one metrics tuple is received
* STORM-1594: org.apache.storm.tuple.Fields can throw NPE if given invalid field in selector
* STORM-1995: downloadChunk in nimbus.clj should close the input stream- Removed documentation files that no longer exist in 1.0.5 from spec- Added comment about storm-kit to spec
* Fri May 12 2017 clean up doc installation and permission madness (bsc#1037405) (bsc#1048688, FATE#323204)
* Thu May 04 2017 remove duplicate file list
* Thu Mar 23 2017 Removed obsolete storm-wrapper
* Wed Feb 15 2017 Converted from binary tarball to Tetra based build from source
* Fri Jan 06 2017 Initial package