Changelog for dune-istl-2.9.1-2.1.i586.rpm :

* Tue Dec 19 2023 Christoph G - update to version 2.9.1
* Fixes for recent compilers- Use OpenMPI 4 instead of 2.
* Sun Nov 20 2022 Christoph G - Update to 2.9.0
* Add const qualifier to LinearOperator and ScalarProduct in IterativeSolver. In particular, the constructors of iterative solvers have changed.
* Solvers are more robust if used with multiple right-hand sides and one lane starts with the exact solution.
* Added a function to write nested matrices as SVG objects: writeSVGMatrix(...)
* MultiTypeBlockVector uses now std::common_type of the entries for the field_type. The old double default is replaced by Std::nonesuch of an empty MultiTypeBlockVector.
* All vector implementations require a FieldTraits class specialization to export field_type and real_type in order to work with blocked ISTL vector types.
* MINRES: The algorithm computes the preconditioned defect during the iterations. However, the initial defect was computed as the defect of the original/non-preconditioned system. This is now changed so that the initial defect is also computed as the preconditioned defect (this is also in line with GMRes).
* The Cholmod class now provides access to the cholmod_factor class that is used by CHOLMOD itself to store the Cholesky factor.
* You can now multiply objects of type ScaledIdentityMatrix by scalars using operator
* You can now use std::tuple_element to get the types of MultiTypeBlockVector entries and MultiTypeBlockMatrix rows.
* The SPQR solver can now work with non-square matrices.
* Fri Nov 27 2020 Christoph G - update to 2.7.1
* Thu Aug 01 2019 Daniel Weatherill - update to stable version 2.6.0- remove patch install-to-CMAKE_ISNTALL_LIBDIR.patch which has been upstreamed- add dependencies on TBB, Vc and suitesparse which enable optional DUNE functionality
* Sat May 28 2016 Switch from deprecated Autotools to CMake as build-system- Remove dependency of superlu-dist, it was never supported anyway- Add patch install-to-CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR.patch which is included upstream in the releases/2.4 branch
* Mon Feb 29 2016 update to version 2.4.1 For release notes see
* Sat Oct 03 2015 update to version 2.4.0 For release notes see
* Thu Jul 03 2014 update to version 2.3.1 For release notes see
* Tue Jun 11 2013 update to version 2.2.1
* Reduced warnings when compiling with clang.
* We now use template to qualify member templates of class templates (FS 1251).
* We now always initialize data memory in BCRSMatrix (FS 1041)
* Improved support for std::complex in Krylov solvers.
* Fixed dbgs implementation (FS 1170)
* Fixed wrong assertion in matMultTransposeMult (FS 1171)
* FieldMatrix can now be constructed from a DiagonalMatrix
* AMG now detects Dirichlet boundary conditions and updates the left hand side x during pre such that A_dd
*x_d=b_d holds.
* Allow setting setSkipIsolated(true) in AMG\'s coarsening criterion.
* Fixed call of METIS function.- build openmpi version- add patch dune-istl-2.2.0-configure.patch- fix superlu_dist dependency for openmpi package
* Thu Aug 16 2012 change description