Changelog for gap-help-4.0-7.4.noarch.rpm :

* Mon Mar 04 2024 Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 4.0
* Two new global functions: HeLP_SP and HeLP_KP to study the Spectrum Problem and the Kimmerle Problem and their companion functions HeLP_AllOrdersSP and HeLP_AllOrdersKP
* More theoretical results are taken into account when the system to solve is generated, namely more partial augmentations are assumed to be 0 a priori. This includes three results: Berman-Higman (in the general form that the coefficient at a central element is 0, if the unit is not that element), Hertweck\'s Proposition 2 from [Hertweck08] (if a unit u has smaller order modulo a normal p-subgroup, elements with non-zero partial augmentations must have same p-power order as u) and Hertweck\'s p-adic criterion (units which map tp 1 modulo a normal p-subgroup are p-adically conjugate to elements in G and hence the p-part of any element with non-zero partial augmentation is unique up to conjugacy in G)
* Three new minor global functions: HeLP_UnitSatisfiesKP to check manually for KP and given partial augmentaion; HeLP_IsOneModuloN to see if a unit is mapped to the identity modulo a normal subgroup N; HeLP_ForgetUnderlyingGroup to obtain same table without group structure. This way the new theretical restictions do not apply and one can obtain the results as in older versions
* Wed Dec 21 2022 Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 3.5
* Janitorial changes only
* Sun Dec 24 2017 Update to new upstream release 3.3
* Line 542 in \"expamples/examples.g\" corrected
* testfile in PackageInfo.g changed to \"tst/testall.g\"
* Sat Apr 29 2017 Update to new upstream release 3.1
* New function HeLP_AutomorphismOrbits, HeLP_IsZCKnown, HeLP_WithGivenOrderAllTables, HeLP_WithGivenOrderAndPAAllTables, HeLP_WriteTrivialSolution.
* Sun Jun 19 2016 Update to new upstream release 3.0
* Normaliz is included as a possible solver.
* Functions included to switch between the solvers. For normaliz, a function is included to influence whether normaliz computes vertices of polyhedra.
* Fri Mar 11 2016 Initial package (version 2.2) for