Changelog for Magics-4.15.4-1.8.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Apr 29 2024 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 4.15.4
* Sat Mar 02 2024 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 4.15.3
* Thu Feb 08 2024 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 4.15.2
* Fri Dec 15 2023 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 4.15.0
* Sat Aug 05 2023 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 4.14.2:
* minor fixes
* Tue Aug 01 2023 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 4.14.1:
* undocumented features and fixes
* Tue Jun 13 2023 Manfred Schwarb - update patch magics-fix-vector-access.patch, see
* Tue Jun 06 2023 Manfred Schwarb - add patch magics-fix-vector-access.patch to fix runtime errors when compiled with _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS, taken from, cf. issue #18
* Fri Feb 24 2023 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 4.13.0:
* undocumented features and fixes
* Sat Dec 17 2022 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 4.12.1:
* undocumented fixes
* Wed May 18 2022 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 4.12.0:
* EPSG:3035 projection
* Automatic adjustement of the projection according to the data extend
* Automatic selection of the best suited projection according to the data extend
* Introduction of a new way to work with palette of colour lists.
* Thinning of the wind when using NetCDF data.
* Wed Mar 30 2022 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 4.11.0:
* User defined coastlines: New parameter map_user_layer_land_colour(Default:NONE). If given a colour, the user coastlines will be filled.
* Observations plotting using template: fix some small issues.
* LineString in GeoJSon: Support the feature Linestring from the GeoJSON format.
* Fortran interface: A bug fix when calling popen/pclose several times.
* Fri Dec 31 2021 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 4.10.0:
* The list of predefined geographical areas has been aligned with the list of geographical areas offered in the opencharts catalogue.
* Improve positioning of axis labels in cartesian view.
* Improvement to symbol plotting with NetCDF data
* Fix issues with multiple calls to the python plot method.
* Mon Oct 25 2021 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 4.9.4:
* Fix issue with Fortran Bindings [MAGP-1324][SD-53985]
* Wed Oct 06 2021 Manfred Schwarb - update to version 4.9.3:
* extra fix for the Fortran bindings- update to version 4.9.1:
* re-enabled the Fortran bindings, which had been missing since version 4.8.0
* Mon Aug 30 2021 Manfred Schwarb - remove patch c++11.patch, fixed upstream- update to version 4.9.0:
* A first implementation of automatic styling for wind is ready to test.
* Geopoints items with missing values are now ignored.
* Scaling for parameter mudlp has been added- update to version 4.8.0:
* fix in the grid_shading method where the maximum value was sometimes unshaded
* new global font scaling options for PNG and PDF output
* Improved support for wind plotting on tiling mode ( SkinnyWMS)
* Improved support for title creation in Metview
* Improved automatic styling
* Major refactoring of the code
* Wed Apr 28 2021 Manfred Schwarb - add patch c++11.patch to fix build errors with GCC 11, taken from debian- update to version 4.6.0:
* Support has been added for NetcDF data coded with int64
* Compilation support proj8
* Improved automatic styling and scaling
* Metview support: Few fixes in the overlay rules.
* Fri Feb 19 2021 Manfred Schwarb - build fix: remove \"-Wl,--no-undefined\" from CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS- build fix: add \"-I%{_includedir}/libgeotiff\" to CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS- remove boost and jinja2 as build requirement in spec file- remove treatment of pkgconfig file magics.pc in spec file, no longer existent- update to version 4.5.3:
* New palettes have been imported from matplotlib and Colorbrewer
* Improvements have been done on the tilted perspective (tpers) projection allowing now to create nice animations
* Memory leaks have been found and fixed- update to version 4.5.1:
* contour_interpolation_ceiling fixed for rotated grids
* small fixes with setting of netCDF dimensions.- update to version 4.5.0:
* a major code clean-up has reduced the number of dependencies. The Boost library and Python are not required to install Magics anymore.
* fix issue with logging that was degrading observation plotting speed when used from Python
* fix issue in python when passing single element array.- update to version 4.4.0:
* Magics is now using a new feature of eCodes to display data coded in various projections: polar stereographic, Lambert conformal, Mercator
* Improvement in the position of the title for the vertical axis
* Bug Fix: in the labelling of the legend (MAGP-1238)- update to version 4.3.3:
* [MAGP-1227] - FIX for \"Improve cmake tests for proj library and fail for old versions\"- update to version 4.3.2:
* [MAGP-1227] - Improve cmake tests for proj library and fail for old versions
* [MAGP-1232] - Reduce size of release tarball
* [MAGP-1233] - FIXED: Disabling NetCDF breaks Magics build- update to version 4.3.1:
* This is a hotfix version with a fix for a crash in Metview\'s interactive plot window
* This version is only required if you are building Metview with it- update to version 4.3.0:
* Moved to new Proj API (SUP-2809)
* Improving plotting of OrcaGrids ( NetCDF)
* Improving layout of the automatic legend : Adding a margin option
* Adding format option of the grib_info key dataDate