Changelog for Rivet-plugins-3.1.10-65.29.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Feb 19 2024 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 3.1.10:
* Add CMS_2023_I2703254: ttbb in lepton+jets at 13 TeV- Drop fix_HepMC_327_compat.patch: upstreamed.
* Sat Jan 06 2024 Stefan BrĂ¼ns - Update to version 3.1.9:
* Streamline definitions of a \"temp\" histogram
* Account for 2pi boundaries when checking for zero angle in DISKinematics
* Improvements to rivet-mkhtml output.
* Add STAR_2014_I1253360 p + p -> pi0 + X
* Add missing analysis-object methods on Analysis: booking of Scatter1Ds, efficiency and asymmetry calculations for Counters and Histo2Ds.
* Fix projection comparison for InvisibleFinalState
* Add icon links to Inspire and HepData, escape HTML content in titles as Inspire has started recording MathML for maths.
* Add a Matrix3::mkRotation(from, to) static factory function, for one-liner convenience.
* Fix unit conversion in HepMC3 readEvent method
* Fix CMS_2021_I1920187 to use size_t or unsigned int types in place of non-standard uint.
* Remove logic that parses info file from AnalysisInfo constructor and only parse when an analysis is being specifically asked for.
* Fix binary relocation in binrelo.c
* Make rivet-mkhtml write HTML file before processing images.
* Fix rivet-mkhtml-mpl autocomplete.
* Explicitly import YODA and Projection base-class operator= into derived classes to silence new GCC13 warnings.
* Turn parameters (cuts, jet radius, clustering algorithms etc) into Rivet options in several common MC analyses.
* Bypass projection comparison during registration if RIVET_CACHE_PROJECTIONS is false.
* Patch projection comparison for SmearedJets
* Prevent bookeeping histos from acquiring analysis option on the fly as part of merging- Add fix_HepMC_327_compat.patch- Remove unused API doc build dependencies (doxygen, texlive etc.)
* Fri Sep 01 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - License: Change LPPL-1.3 to LPPL-1.3a according to spdx list.
* Tue Aug 29 2023 Lubos Kocman - License correction based on the legaldb scan
* Tue Jul 11 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 3.1.8:
* Append extra newlines to plugin sources in batched rivet-build.
* Add ability to control the specific plugin library paths for analyses to be loaded from, via new programmatic set and get methods on AnalysisLoader and a new RIVET_ANALYSIS_PLUGINS environment variable.
* Remove support for custom ASCII event-file formats.
* Use an immediate call to HepMC3::deduce_reader() in the file and stream opening; drop local attempts to deduce the file format.
* Require HepMC3 >= 3.2.0
* Add variations on the discard/select utility functions to (particularly) discard single elements by equality rather than needing to provide a function.
* Fixes in MC_TAU_Decay plot file, courtesy of George Marsden
* Provide an implicit cast for FourVector and derived classes to PseudoJet, to avoid the incorrect conversion by PJ\'s template constructor.
* Fix unit for Zjj inclusive runs in ATLAS_2017_I1627873
* ATLAS_2019_I1746286: fix generator ctau description in the info file.
* Fix memory leaks in binreloc.c and the merging-related method in AnalysisHandler.
* Fix CMS_2015_I1346843 to allow FSR photons from muon decays
* Add example analysis demonstrating use of an ONNX neural net.
* Change/correct DressedLeptons behaviour to accept photons from prompt muons and taus. (Return to 2.x behaviour, accidentally reverted.)
* Update ParticleIdUtils content to match latest MCUtils. Includes a serious speed-up (6x!) in PID digit decoding!
* Allow linspace() and aspace() to make reversed edge-sets with start > end.
* Add powspace() and powdbnspace() uniform-spacing functions for power laws, and a generic _fnspace() function for any transform/inverse function-pair.
* Fix couting of raw vs tmp histos when checking self-consistency of output file.
* Replace regex_match with reg_search to pick up substring matches, too.
* Fix bug in DELPHI_2011_I890503 and OPAL_2003_I599181, where the wrong decay chain was checked for weak decays.
* Change configure script to use the --rpath=no option to fastjet-config, removing fragile path-hacking. build script.
* Add reentrant marker to
* Make logger thread safe(r) by making ColorMap and LevelMap
* thread_local.
* Extend RivetLWTNN.hh to allow use of lwt::LightweightGraph
* Enable Cython autoconversion from C++ strings to the appropriate str type for Python v2 and v3, eliminating many noisy and fragile explicit encode()/decode() calls.
* Analyses of new experiments (long list, see /usr/share/doc/packages/Rivet-devel/ChangeLog).- Drop Rivet-correct-python-platlib.patch: fixed upstream.- ExcludeArch %ix86: i586 error due to conversion from `long long` to `size_t`.
* Sun Oct 23 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 3.1.7:
* Add HEPTopTagger interface (since made optional, with no-build example analysis).
* Add EXAMPLE_NTUPLE_ROOT example analysis showing how to open and write to a ROOT ntuple file.
* Add CMS_2021_I1866118: Z boson plus jets (DPS) at 13 TeV
* Add EXAMPLE_NTUPLE_CSV example analysis showing how to open and write to a CSV ntuple file.
* Add Analysis::analysisDataPath() and the RivetLWTNN.hh include with convenience functions for loading of LWTNN DNNs.
* Add EXAMPLE_LWTNN example analysis, demonstrating use of a preserved LWTNN neural network in Rivet.
* Install more generically named files from the analysis plugin/data dirs rather than limiting to the .plot, .info, .yoda
* set.
* analyses, which demonstrate functionality to analysis writers rather than being directly useful in compiled form, into an uncompiled analyses/examples/ directory.
* Hide the bundled eigen3 in a mangled RivetEigen namespace, to avoid clashes.
* Submission of CMS_2022_I2079374: Z pT over a wide mass range at 13 TeV
* Upgrade eigen3 and yaml-cpp bundling to remove compiler warnings.- Add Rivet-correct-python-platlib.patch: Ensure consistent python platlib across different python versions.- Split out data files common to C++ and Python bindings into separate package (Rivet-data) and have it required from both %{name}-devel and python3-%{name} packages.- Run tests as part of %check section.- Move sed fixes to hashbangs to %setup section, running them over scripts in source rather than on buildroot installed dirs to allow tests in %check to succeed.- Drop fixes to pkgconfig script made during %setup as these are no longer needed.
* Sun May 29 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 3.1.6:
* Allow the rivet script\'s -p option to be given multiple times, or to contain a comma-separated list of files to load cf. the - a argument. readData() is called for each specified preload file, in order.
* Add a pseudojets() method and automatic conversion operator to Particles. It sets the user index so the constituents will match the indices of the particle or jet vector used as input.
* Move the Jets and Particles definitions into the .hh headers.
* Submission of CMS_2017_I1497519: Z boson in association with jets at 8 TeV.
* Fall back to old calculation of y in DISKinematics if Q2 is zero.
* Add MissingMom typedef for MissingMomentum.
* Add vectorEt/PtMiss() and scalarEt/PtMiss() methods to MissingMomentum.
* Use ThreeMomentum in MissingMomentum for the vectorPt() etc.
* Add ThreeMomentum/P3 type with momentum-oriented method names, cf. FourVector->FourMomentum.
* Add a pseudojets() method to the Jets container type.
* Add BESIII_2022_I2047667 e+e- > eta omega and omega pi0.
* Add finalize-scaling protection in ATLAS_2020_1790256.
* Add BESIII_2022_I2039027 e+e- > pi+pi-eta.
* Add BESIII_2022_I2033007 e+e-> K+K-pi0.
* Fri Jan 07 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Fix sed script for rpath removal from rivet-config.
* Tue Dec 07 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 3.1.5:
* Changed the first labelling in ATLAS_2016_I1467230 from \"/
*\" to \"/d01-
* Use the new Ref(Un)match regex info to filter unwanted objects from ref files during HepData sync.
* Add support for Warning, RefMatch, and RefUnmatch keys in analysis info files, mapped to the Analysis and AnalysisInfo APIs.
* Add testing, warning messages, and unit tests for negative-virtuality FS particles.
* Fix the analysis-plugin uninstall target.
* Remove many const return-by-value signatures, and other sloppy or meaningless C++ antipatterns flagged by the icpc build.
* Add SFINAE x/y/z/t() method detection to Vector4 constructors, and explicit .pseudojet() calls to Particles and Jets passed to PseudoJet constructors.
* submission of ATLAS_2019_I1768911 (Z pT and phi
* and at 13 TeV)
* Provide more options to specify the Cython command to be used. Thanks to Christian Holm Christensen.
* Separate the DESTDIR from prefix in the Python module installation, to clean up FreeBSD packaging.
* introduce isCompatibleWithSqrtS function for sqrtS dependent hist booking, falls back to ENERGY option to make routines reentrant safe
* fix back for CounterPtr filling: no fill should mean no fill, not fill using weight 0
* Add ability for mkhtml to use pdfunite in place of pdftk and pdfmerge for making a booklet.
* fix indentation in
* add per-file print out to rivet-merge
* support keyboard interruption in rivet-merge
* Correction to use xE rather than xP in OPAL_1997_S3396100, by Adil Jueid.
* New CMS analyses: CMS_2020_I1794169 (WZ and same-sign WW boson pairs), CMS_2020_I1814328 (W+W- boson pair production), and CMS_2020_I1837084 (Z-boson differential production cross section using its invisible decay mode; NB: runs on Z->mumu sample)
* Improve option handling for booleans, and exception emission with incompatible casts.
* Add a default-value argument to the string version of getOption().
* Change the DressedLepton single-FS name from barefs to allfs, to reduce confusion.
* Fix dressed-lepton origin position for the standard, non-jet-clustering mode.
* Remove raw int baryon counter from STAR_2006_S6860818.
* catch low-stats crash in LHCB_2013_I1208105 reported by Jan Kretzschmar
* Improve error message for when the calibration file has been forgotten
* Remove numerical epsilon cutoff for pseudorapidity calculation: inf is a perfectly good value for beamline momenta. Regression test updated.
* Add convenience V2, V3, V4, and P4 alias names for the vector types.
* Add tests for eta and rapidity values calculated in particular for +-z vectors.
* Allowing file.yoda:x1.23 and file.yoda:=1.23 as rivet-merge arguments to multiply or overwrite the cross-section respectively
* Add LHCB_2010_S8758301 -> LHCB_2010_I865584 alias, requested by LHCb.
* Adding zero-division protection in AH::setCrossSection (spotted by P. Ilten, thanks!)
* Submission of MC_HFDECAYS (MC-only validation routine for heavy-flavour hadron decays)
* Add Analysis::barchart() functions for converting histos to inert \'bar charts\' without bin-width scaling. Sometimes necessary, e.g. for reporting infinite-width bin contents.
* Update bundled yaml-cpp to version 0.6.3- Drop Rivet-analysis-compilation.patch: incorporated upstream.
* Sat Nov 28 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 3.1.3:
* Add consistently \'RIVET_\'-prefixed versions of the CTOR and PLUGIN macros, to be the preferred future form from 3.2.0 onwards.
* Add LHCB_2016_I1454404 (W/Z at 8 TeV), and LHCB_2015_I1396331 & LHCB_2016_I1490663 (open charm).
* Add an explicit configure test and override variable for the cython executable.
* Use more numerically robust x and y definitions in DISKinematics
* Relax some restrictions on Sphericity calculation.
* Backport master-branch tolerance of no-beam events and no-xsec runs to 3.1.x.
* Add a --no-downloads flag to rivet-mkanalysis.
* Add a GROOM option to MC_JETS.
* Add LHCB_2018_I1662483 (forward dilepton top-pair production cross-section)
* Add mixed-arithmetic-type min(n1,n2) and max(n1,n2) functions, using std::common_type.
* Adding CMS_2018_I1620050 (dileptonic ttbar at 13 TeV) and CMS_2019_I1744604 (t-channel single top at 13 TeV).
* Move the experiment-specific smearing functions into ExptSmearingFunctions.hh, with SmearingFunctions.hh retained for UI simplicity and backward compatibility.
* Improve the ATLAS Run 2 MET smearing function to incorporate the Run 2 linearity and resolution dependences.
* Refine the ATLAS and CMS MET functions to avoid a peak at MET=0 from negative Gaussian smearing.
* Add mT plot to MC_WINC
* Add a list of fastjet::Transformer to FastJets, to be applied in order. Transformers don\'t currently have a comparison operator, so if this list is non-empty, we have to report the projection as non-equivalent and recompute duplicates -- for now -- but it works, and we can feed back that improvement (again).
* Tidy jet distance measure enums, introducing convenience AKT, CA, and CAMBRIDGE aliases.
* Add missing \'inline\' declarations to all high-level filter functions.
* Add missing (i)discard/selectIfAll high-level filtering functions.
* Correct logical bugs in (i)selectIfAnyDeltaR/Phi function logic: it\'s not just the equivalent of the discard versions.
* Submission of ATLAS_2019_I1750330
* Add bare-lepton origin position to DressedLepton constructors.
* Add aspace() and l/rpad() utility functions.
* Rename the little-used in-place sortBy() functions to isortBy() cf. ifilter() and friends, since the behaviour should not change wildly just based on the constness status of an argument.
* Add JADE_1985_I213948 gamma, pi0 and eta spectra at 14, 22.5 and 34.4 GeV
* Update rivet-diffhepdata-all to check local directory for analysis.json
* Add L3_1990_I298078 jet rates at MZ
* Add L3_1991_I314407 pi0 and charged particle spectra
* Add L3_1994_I374698 pi0 and eta spectra
* Add missing jet rates to L3_2004_I652683
* Add DELPHI_2000_I531568 p pbar correlations
* Add L3_2008_I825820 event shapes at 197 GeV
* Add ALEPH_2001_I555653 tau polarization at LEP I
* Add DELPHI_2008_I763352 tau polarization at LEP II
* Add MAC_1987_I245571 tau polarization at 29 GeV
* Add AMY_1990_I298238 tau polarization at 57 GeV
* Add VENUS_1997_I440852 tau polarization at 58 GeV
* Add DELPHI_2000_I511443 tau polarization at LEP I
* Add OPAL_2001_I554583 tau polarization at LEP I
* Add L3_1998_I467929 tau polarization at LEP I
* Add client-side plot display filtering and and -m/-M pattern (un)matching fags to rivet-mkhtml.
* Add BELLE_2018_I1621272 B->D
*- tau+ nu_tau
* Add BESIII_2019_I1702549 D_S+ -> K0 e+ nu_e
* Add BELLE_2019_I1724068 B0->D
*- tau+ nu_tau
* Fix Clang 12.0 compiler warnings
* Add BABAR_2008_I781294 Lambda_c+ -> Xi- pi+ K+
* Add BESIII_2020_I1817739 e+e- > omega pi0, omega eta
* Add BESIII_2020_I1791570 J/Psi, psi(2S) -> Sigma+, Sigmabar-
* Add plot to BESIII_2019_I1691850
* Add SND_2020_I1809286 e+e-> pi+pi-pi0
* Add BELLE_2020_I1796822 B+- > pi+pi- ell nu
* Add BESIII_2020_I1814783 e+e- -> Sigma+-Sigmabar-+
* Add CLEOII_1997_I446031 e+e- > e+e- pi0/eta/eta\'
* Create bash completion dir in $prefix/etc if it doesn\'t exist.
* Fix bug where path wasn\'t set for booking of scatters
* Submission of ATLAS_2019_I1762584, ATLAS_2019_I1772062 and ATLAS_2019_I1759875
* Add BELLE_2020_I1789775 e+e- > D_s D_s2
* Add BELLE_2019_I1762826 e+e- > D_s D_s1(2536)
* Add warnings and physicality checks to PartonicTops
* Submission of ATLAS_2020_I1803608
* Fix bug related to (de)selection of weight subsets
* Make Event class aware of selected weight subsets
* Added self-guided Rivet \"truth analysis\" tutorial
* Allow user to specify nominal weight. Also do not write out weight name it skip weights is selected
* Add SND_2020_I1806118 e+e- > K+K-pi0- Move bash completion helper to standard bash_completion dir (BuildRequires: bash-completion for proper dir ownership).- Add Rivet-analysis-compilation.patch: Fix compilation of analyses; patch taken from upstream.