Changelog for geant4-libs-11.2.1-2.3.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Jun 30 2024 Stefan Brüns - Add version to geant4-rpm-macros build dependency, to avoid both getting out of sync. Implicitly fixes creating an uninstallable devel package.
* Fri Apr 05 2024 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 11.2.1:
* Long list of changes, see Use pre-defined macro for post(un) ldconfig.- Add a blank %check section to satistfy rpmlint.
* Sat Dec 30 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 11.2.0:
* Long list of changes, see Drop the versioned requires on geant4-rpm-macros, it is no longer needed and only entails unnecessary version changes in the latter.
* Mon Sep 11 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 11.1.2:
* Long list of changes, see
* Wed Dec 21 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 11.1.0:
* An additional EOL encoding fix.- Drop python3-geant4 package: python bindings have been spun off into its own upstream.- Adapt to unversioned data dir installed by this version.
* Fri Sep 30 2022 Stefan Brüns - Use system provided clhep- Use geant4-rpm-macros to set GEANT4_INSTALL_DATADIR- Keep upstream CMake install location to avoid breaking relative paths inside CMake config files
* Thu Sep 22 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 11.0.3:
* Configuration: CMake: Update extraction of include paths from VecGeom to use imported target property [#2485].
* Geometry: management: Added protection in G4GeometryManager for Open/CloseGeometry() to be executed only by master thread [#2502].
* Parameterisations: gflash: GFlashHitMaker: fix to make it compatible with command-based scorer.
* Particles: Fixes for transportation of hypernuclei and anti-hypernuclei
* Physics Lists: constructors/electromagnetic: G4GammaGeneralProcess: fixed problem of Compton scattering selection in the low energy interval < 150 keV.
* Processes - Electromagnetic: utils: G4EmExtraParametersMessenger: fixed typo [#2492].
* Processes - Generic: cuts: G4VRangeToEnergyConverter: fixed static methods to provide correct initialisation of energy limits.
* Processes - Hadronic: - models/particle_hp:
* Replaced the threshold used for checking the absolute energy non-conservation from DLB_MAX (implying no checking at all) to 350 GeV (this value allows for cases where the residual nucleus is not produced, even when super-heavy nuclides are involved).
* G4ParticleHPContAngularPar: added protections against evaluations of arrays at negative index (-1), fixing rare reproducibility problems. - models/parton_string:
* Fixes to get isotropic distributions in annihilations at rest.
* G4VSplitableHadron: changed the method Splitting() from \"protected\" to \"public\" (needed to change the status of SplitableHadron in G4FTFAnnihilation, to get isotropic distributions in annihilations at rest).
* Track: G4Step: added ResetPre/PostStepPoint() methods to replace a StepPoint without deleting the previous object.- Make %{name}-examples into a noarch package.
* Thu Jul 14 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 11.0.2:
* Long list of changes, see
* Tue Mar 08 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 11.0.1:
* Long list of changes, see
* Sat Dec 11 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 11.0.0:
* Long list of changes, see: Turn system PTL usage back on; specfically require PTL >= 2.0.
* Thu Dec 02 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 10.7.3:
* Long list of changes, see Turn system PTL usage off since geant4 does not support PTL >= 2.0 yet.
* Thu Jun 17 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 10.7.2:
* Long list of changes, see
* Sat Feb 13 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 10.7.1:
* Long list of changes, see Drop PTL lib and devel packages -- packaged separately -- and add BuildRequires: ptl-devel to use external PTL package.