Changelog for libpythia8-8.311-66.8.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Mar 10 2024 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 8.311:
* Too many changes to list, see Minor rebasing of patches to apply cleanly against update:
* pythia-examples-link-gmp.patch
* pythia-honour-env-cxxflags.patch
* pythia-remove-rpaths.patch
* reproducible.patch- Make doc package noarch.
* Wed Jul 26 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 8.310:
* Production of quarkonia is now available via the simple timelike shower, see Onia Showers for details.
* Added a new feature that allows producing user-defined resonances in hadronic rescattering. Newly added particles can be produced as resonances if they set varWidth = on.
* A number of changes have been made to the heavy ion machinery.
* Included possibility to sample intermediate photon virtuality also for externally provided events using built-in photon flux for protons.
* Included possibility to generate DIS events with a (anti-)neutrino beam.
* The TopRecoilHook, formerly available separately, has now been integrated into the SimpleTimeShower.
* Introduced a new use plugin system, see Plugins for details.
* The arguments to the setSigmaPtr method are now shared pointers. Additionally, addSigmaPtr has been introduced with the previous behaviour of setSigmaPtr, and the new setSigmaPtr overrides all previously added pointers.
* A similar change has been made for the setResonancePtr method with the addition of the addResonancePtr method.
* The new Logger class now handles printing such as initialization information and diagnostic messages. For more information about this class, see the Logging page.
* The new BeamSetup class has been introduced to handle the beam configuration, including initializing and changing beam identities, kinematics and parton distributions.
* Modified interface to LHAPDF6 to allow for multi-threading.
* Updated the Python interface to use pybind11 version 2.10.4 which is compatible with Python 3.11.
* Fix for the Python interface working with gcc13.
* Fixed a bug in the Python interface which prevented from running correctly when passing a custom function for initialization.
* Updated the Lambda_b0 lifetime to c
*tau = 0.44 mm. The value was rounded to two significant digits since PDG and HFLAV do not quite agree to three digits.
* Included several small fixes in response to running an LLVM static code analysis.
* Fixed out-of-range access when calling Hist::getYMin and Hist::getYMax for a histogram that has not been booked.
* Fixed BeamRemnants:unresolvedHadron option that was broken and had no effect since 8.307.
* Removed use of simple-template-ids in SusyLesHouches.h to make compliant with C++20.
* Fixed dipole sorting behaviour in ColourReconnection which resulted in an ordering that depended on the current memory state of the program.
* Changed the default for Parallelism:balanceLoad to on and updated the documentation. This ensures each thread will always generate the same number of events.
* Added the += notation for settings vectors, as well as the include = fileName directive, which allows for additional settings files to be directly read in.
* Fixed a bug in the bookkeeping the number of hadrons in the string fragmentation.- Major rebase of pythia-remove-rpaths.patch for updated version.
* Sun Feb 27 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 8.307:
* Extensions to the hadronic cross sections and beam types used for hadronic rescattering and cascades in the atmosphere.
* Improvements for hidden valley scenarios.
* A new framework for parallelisation (in addition to the existing openMP option).
* A number of other technical improvements and bug fixes (full list here: Minor rebase of patches to apply cleanly, without fuzz.
* Wed Jan 05 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Drop HepMC2 dependency and build without hepmc2 support; largely superseded by HepMC(3) and this change allows Leap 15.x builds to proceed without HepMC2-HepMC conflicts.- Add BuildRequires: fastjet-plugin-siscone-devel which is needed for one of the tests (test number 111).
* Sun Dec 12 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 8.306:
* Fixed the incorrect scale being set when applying the POWHEG veto, i.e. Note that the number of emissions is correct in 8.303, but is incorrect in 8.304 and 8.305.
* Fixed repeated initialization causing an ever expanding physics pointer list in the main Pythia class.
* Fixed issue for HepMC output from Vincia, which would previously issue warnings about inconsistent mother/daughter relationships.
* Removed assert statements from Angantyr.
* Shortened Pythia constructor header.- Rebase pythia-honour-env-cxxflags.patch and pythia-makefile-destdir-support.patch to apply cleanly.- Major rebase of pythia-remove-rpaths.patch for updated version.- Drop patch not required any more:
* pythia-disable-example23-req-MixMax_h.patch: Examples can now be disabled by passing options to the run script.- Change BuildRequires to pkgconfig based ones wherever appropriate.- More examples need linking against gmp explicitly: add fixes for all necessary examples to patch pythia-example71-link-gmp.patch and rename it to pythia-examples-link-gmp.patch.- Build with Rivet and HepMC(3) support: add HepMC-devel, pkgconfig(rivet) BuildRequires.- Update URL and source URL in keeping with upstream.- Minor improvements to package summaries.- Run spec-cleaner for minor cleanups.
* Fri Apr 16 2021 Bernhard Wiedemann - Fix build for Leap 15.3
* Thu Jan 07 2021 Andreas Schwab - Compile with %optflags
* Mon Jan 04 2021 Bernhard Wiedemann - Add reproducible.patch to drop build date (boo#1047218)
* Sun Jan 03 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 8.245:
* Significant speedup of parton distribution handling.
* Several fixes to avoid out-of-bound evaluation of vectors in the merging code.
* Several fixes to correctly handle CKKW-L merging of EWkino- and higgsino-processes have been included.
* Include the functionality for MCAATTNLO-Delta matching with aMCAATTNLO.
* Further bug fixes for the hard process name handling for weak-boson-fusion-like processes, that led to an incorrect counting of additional emissions.
* Small fixes to history construction in the presence of multiple resonances.
* The primordial kT for LHE files is now set by the BeamRemnants:primordialKThard average value, rather than the LHE scale, since the latter may be quite low e.g. in the POWHEG approach.
* The problem of \"dangling\" gluons causing changing color flows in SimpleTimeShower for top decays is now fixed.
* Extra check added to SimpleSpaceShower for the case where a small daughter PDF value can lead to an infinite loop if PDF variations are switched on.
* Bug fixed in the new possibility to let particles with narrow widths (such as onia states) obtain a simple Breit-Wigner distribution, specifically for MPIs, introduced in 8.240.
* An indexing bug, for the scattering lepton in DIS events with photon radiation allowed, has been fixed.
* Added a few copy constructors to match corresponding assignment operators, to avoid warnings for some compilers.
* Small fix in cross section calculation of
* Fixes in configure and examples/Makefile to have ROOT examples work again.
* main
* = 81-84, 87-88 have been slightly modified such that linking to LHAPDF6 is not required by default.
* A bug in the XML-to-HTML conversion has led to the indiscriminate removal of \"more\" from the HTML manual, notably in Pythia::moreDecays().- Add patches:
* pythia-example71-link-gmp.patch: Fix building example 71 by adding -lgmp to the linker flag.
* pythia-disable-example23-req-MixMax_h.patch: Drop a test that requires the non-free MixMax.h header (which we delete).- Use autopatch to setup source dir and apply patches automatically.
* Sun Mar 01 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 8.244:
* The combination of weight variations, within the context of uncertainty bands, has not been well documented and therefore prone to misunderstandings. Now the behaviour of Info::getGroupWeight() has been made transparent, and the documentation in Variations has been improved. The example has been modified accordingly.
* Restore the capability to set width and lifetime of a resonance separately (see change in 8.240). Now the lifetime is set from the width only if the allowCalc() method of the resonance class returns true.
* Updated handling of Powheg files, such that files with multiple/variable number of real emissions can be handled. The default value of the POWHEG:nFinalparameter has been changed to -1, see the POWHEG Merging documentation.
* Limit the amount by which transverse smearing of the space-time quark-antiquark string breakup vertices can give large shifts, which may translate into unreasonably long invariant times being assigned to primary hadron production vertices. This is regulated by the new HadronVertex:maxSmear parameter. Even so, large hadron production invariant times may still occur occasionally by imperfections in the reconstruction around multiple gluon corners, so HadronVertex:maxTau gives the possibility to reject the hadrons of such a parton system and try again. Also some other related changes.
* Fixes for consistent storage of production vertices in units of mm. Thanks to Christopher Plumberg.
* Number of weights in info reset to 1 for each new init call.- Drop manual fixes in specfile that are no longer needed:
* No unusual hidden files to delete.
* Buildroot doesn\'t get copied into config files.
* No more spurious exec permissions in plain files.