Changelog for pari-gp-2.15.5-78.9.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Apr 07 2024 Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 2.15.5
* Fix a memory corruption when using `strjoin([1])`- Explicitly buildrequire amsmath.sty to fix a build failure.
* Sun Jul 16 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 2.15.4:
* lfunan(lfunetaquo([12,1;13
*12,1]),1) -> stack overflow
* FpM_intersect could return a Flm
* 3- ifac_isprime could be called on input with tiny divisors
* nfcompositum could return non-monic polynomials
* gammamellininvinit(vector(9,i,1)) -> SEGV
* incorrect sanity check in rnfeltdown (\"not in base field\")
* precision loss in gammamellininv
* [pthread] parselect could crash
* rare infinite loop in ellsaturation
* quadunitindex(8461,2)->1 instead of 3
* chinese(Mod(1,3)
*(x-1))->incorrect leading term
* lindep([0,x]) -> SEGV
* [libpari] RgX_div_by_X_x: wrong variable number
* MS 14- hyperellratpoints(2
*x^3+x^2-x,1000) -> wrong result
* ellisogeny over a nf -> inconsistent variables error
* w=3;quadgen(5) -> print x instead of w
* FpX_convol: wrong result for mixed degree
* 18- mateigen(,1): eigenvalues were given as t_VEC or t_COL. Use t_COL.
* ellcard over small finite field: potential oo-loop- add pari.keyring for source integrity validation
* Mon Apr 17 2023 Anton Shvetz - Update to 2.15.3
* rare infinite loop in idealtwoelt
* nfisisom(16
*x^4+1) -> error
* forprimestep(p=a,b,q,) overflow when a > primelimit
* lfun([bnrinit(bnfinit(y^2+1),12),[[2,0],[6,0]]],2) -> error
* lfunthetacost(polcyclo(43)): silent overflow
* ellcard(ellinit([1,1]
*ffgen([41,16])))-> impossible inverse
* wrong result (missing content) in idealred(nf, [id, elt])
* det(integer matrix) -> inconsistent exact division
* fft([],[]) -> SEGV, fft([1],[1]) -> SEGV
* nfrootsof1(x^0) -> oo-loop
* hgmalpha did not check its input
* hyperellchangecurve([],[]) -> SEGV
* hyperellchangecurve(x^0,[1,matid(2),0]) -> SEGV
* rnfeltnorm(x,x) -> SEGV
* polylogmult(1,[],-1) -> SEGV
* ellheight(non-integral E) -> crash
* content(1,y) -> pol_1(y) instead of t_INT 1
* s=taylor(1/((x-1)
*(y-1)),x); taylor(s,y) -> invalid object
* avoid crashing when sumnumsidi diverges (0 bits of accuracy)
* Thu Jan 05 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 2.15.2: Fixed polredbest: rare error \"inconsistent concatenation\" hypergeom([0,0],[1],2) powers(t_INT, ...) was very slow factor(prod(i=1,20,nextprime(2^i)), 131) would include 131 sumeulerrat(x^2/(1+x),2) -> FPE lambertw(10^1000) -> overflow
* Fri Nov 18 2022 Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 2.15.1
* Resolve SIGSEGV with seralgdep and bnfinit functions
* Resolve obscure oo loop in solve when solution ~ 0
* Thu Oct 27 2022 Andrea Manzini - Update to release 2.15.0
* The GP language:
* Notion of DebugLevel \"domains\" that allow to finely control diagnostics.
* The syntax setdebug(dom, val) and default(def, val) are now recognized in the GPRC file.
* Linear Algebra:
* qflll() now implements most LLL modes in fplll (fast, dpe and heuristic), allowing large speedups. Directly and in the many functions that use the LLL algorithm.
* New GP function snfrank(), a utility function returning q-ranks from Smith Normal Forms
* Elementary Number Theory:
* New GP function: harmonic(), to compute generalized harmonic numbers
* Reworked Euler numbers, analogously to Benoulli\'s: eulervec() is now faster and caches computed values, and a new GP function eulerreal() computes floating point approximations.
* Elliptic Curves: New module to compute the Mordell-Weil group of rational elliptic curves
* See for details.
* Wed Apr 13 2022 Anton Shvetz - Update to release 2.13.4
* For z=x+wy a t_QUAD, z.pol returned the modulus z.mod instead of the t_POL x+\'w
* allow eulerianpol(0) (= 1)
* allow polylog(0,x) (was broken when eulerianpol was introduced)
* concat(t_LIST,t_LIST) was leaking memory
* missing type checks in ellchangepoint (led to a SIGSEGV)
* polsturm(-25
*x-132,[-oo,-4]) returned garbage
* ellheight(E,,Q) led to a SIGSEGV
* besselj(80,66) led to an infinite loop
* lfun(1, 0.0) \"normalizing a series with a 0 leading term\"
* (0. + O(x) == 1) returned \'true\'
* idealismaximal(nfinit(x),Mat(2)) -> 0
* O(29^(-1)) == 1 was FALSE (same for -1)
* Mod(0, 2
*x^0) == 1 was FALSE (same for -1)
* [X11] resizing a window could keep traces of previous drawing
* x->x+0x1 was not displayed correctly
* bnfinit(Q) was not using current precision
* polresultant(t_POL with t_RFRAC coefs,...) led to internal errors
* znchardecompose(znstar(2,1),[],2) led to SIGSEGV
* missing roots in nfroots(t_POL,)
* factorpadic: ensure leading coefs are powers of p
* nfsnf returned wrong results
* rare SEGV occurred in nfdisc
* factor((Mod(1,2)
*x^2+1))) led to a division by 0
* minpoly(Mod(1/(x-(t+1))
*x+1)) led to an error
* factor(Mod(1,2)
*x^3) led to division by 0
* nfgrunwaldwang: fix infinite loop
* ti=thueinit(3
*x^3 + 5
*x^2 - 14
*x + 54,1); thue(ti,1) led to an error
* bnrclassfield led to incorrect result when fundamental units are large
* Tue Nov 02 2021 Anton Shvetz - Update to release 2.13.3. Fixed [last column crossreferences current development release 2.14.0]
* zeta(-2 + O(x)) => division by 0 [F25]
* (-1)^(-1/2) -> I instead of -I [F56]
* GC error in ZX_Uspensky(, flag = 0) [F58]
* ellisomat(ell/nf not integral) -> oo-loop or wrong result [F59]
* (f(~v)=v[1]=1);(g(v) = f(~v)); my(V=[0]);g(V);V -> [1] instead of [0] due to missing copy on write [#2304] [F60]
* hypergeom([1/12,1/12],2/3,3) -> wrong result [F61]
* overflow in mulu_interval(,ULONG_MAX) [#2309] [F62]
* ellE(1) -> domain error [#2312] [F63]
* log1p(-1 + 10^-10) -> oo time [F64]
* bernvec entries were wrong from B_{2
*4064} on [#2311] [F65]
* plotrecthraw for multi-curves [F66]
* RgXn_powu(,,1) wrong result [#2314] [F67]
* erfc incorrect on negative imaginary axis [#2315] [F68]
* mfgalpoistype bug for dihedral types (when conductor at oo is not stable under Galois) [#2293] [F69]
* [32bit] forfactored(n=223092868, 223092871, ) -> SEGV [#2318] [F70]
* Fp_issquare(0, p) would return 0 [F71]
* Sun Oct 31 2021 Anton Shvetz - Split \'%make_build all docpdf\' into separate executions due to non-reproducible results during parallel build with varying numbers of jobs. Thanks to Bernhard M. Wiedemann for reporting the bug.
* Fri Oct 29 2021 Anton Shvetz - Update to release 2.13.2. Fixed [last column crossreferences current development release 2.14.0]
* rnfidealup(, non-integral ideal) -> division by 0 [F22]
* memory leak in ellheight [F23]
* memory leak in bnfinit [F24]
* nfeltdiv(nfinit(x^2+1), 0, 1+x/2) -> SEGV [#2277] [F26]
* znchargauss(g,chi,0) -> oo loop [F28]
* bnflog(bnr, ...) -> SEGV [F29]
* elliptic functions: incorrect reduction of z/w1 mod [1,tau] => catastrophic cancellation [F30]
* powcx(x, t_COMPLEX with 0 imaginary part) -> crash [F31]
* nfsubfields(t_POL in other var than x,,1) -> SEGV [F32]
* extra terms in power t_SER substitutions [#2281] [F33]
* k=bnfinit(quadpoly(-2923,a)); bnrclassfield(k,3) -> SEGV [#2280] [F34]
* rnfdisc mishandled polynomials with denominators [#2284] [F35]
* elltamagawa(ellinit([-1456/243,93184/19683])) -> wrong result [F36]
* mfsearch would sometimes miss the trivial form [F37]
* typo in allh [affects ECPP tunings] [F38]
* mfisetaquo(mffrometaquo([1,12;193,12])) -> 0 [F39]
* polroots(1.E-47
*t^4) -> bug in type [#2286] [F40]
* ceil(quadgen(5)) -> 1 instead of 0 [#2288] [F41]
* floor(Mod(0,3)
*quadgen(5)) -> crash [F42]
* wrong ispower(t_RFRAC) and issquare(t_RFRAC, &z) [#2289] [F45]
* 1+O(x)==O(x) [F47]
* qfauto([[1,0;0,1],[0,0;1,0]]) -> SEGV [F49]
* bnfsunit(...)[4] (the S-regulator) did not correspond to its definition in the documentation [ was using log(p) instead of log(Norm P)) for P in S above p ] [F50]
* rnfdisc could return corrupted result [F51]
* concat(List([1])[1..0]) ->SEGV (instead of error) [#2299] [F53]
* List([1])[1..0]==List() -> 0 instead of 1 [F54]- Build PDF documentation and place it into separate pari-doc package. Move examples from pari-devel package to pari-doc.- Add %{_sysconfdir}/gprc to packaging.- Remove patch pari-nodate.diff (replace with the sed one-liner in the %prep section).- Remove obsolete stuff from the spec file.- Apply spec-cleaner.
* Sun Feb 07 2021 Aaron Puchert - Update to release 2.13.1. Fixes the following bugs:
* GC error in idealinv.
* qfminim inefficiency (initial bound from non-LLL-reduced matrix).
* mfshimura in weight 3/2 => infinite loop
* matsolve([1,1,1/2; 1,0,1/2; 2,1,0], [-1;1;-1]) -> SEGV.
* qfminim(Mat(1),,,2) -> precision error.
* subst(p, v, t_SER) very slow if p contains many variables.
* mfsymboleval for trivial path returned 0 instead of a vector of 0s when f has multiple embeddings.
* 2^(1 + O(3^4)) -> type error.
* Zn_quad_roots(8,0,-1) to compute roots of x^2-1 mod 8 -> [4,[1,3]] (1 or 3 mod 4) instead of the expected [2,[1]] (1 mod 2).
* tan(1+10^20
*I) -> overflow (same for cotan and psi).
* Mod(2,3)^1000000000000000000001 -> Mod(-1,3).
* subst(O(y) + x, x, (1 - y + O(y^2))
*x + O(x^2)) -> SEGV.
* (Mod(0,3) + x) + O(x^2) -> x + O(x^2) [now Mod(1,3)
*x + O(x^2)].
* Precision too low for units in mfgaloisprojrep.
* Missing GC at the end of RgXn_inv.
* (-1)^(1/3) -> -1 instead of exp(log(-1)/3).
* mfeisenstein(k, trivial characters mod N > 1) was incorrect.
* Missing GC in qfsolve.