Changelog for tomb-2.10-1.23.noarch.rpm :

* Tue Oct 17 2023 Update to 2.10:
* This release adds optional support for Argon2 KDF brute-force protection and introduces support for doas as an alternative to sudo for privilege escalation. It also improves support for BTRFS formatted Tombs, adds zram detection as swap memory, updates documentation and translations and cleans up the script code.- Update to 2.9:
* This release fixes all bugs introduced by the unfortunate 2.8 release series in 2020 as well introduces support for BTRFS formatted Tombs. The fixes are for password insertion to work on all desktops, as well the fix to a regression when using old Zsh versions. The new feature is activated by the \'--filesystem\' flag on \'lock\' commands. It only supports BTRFS as internal filesystem of a Tomb instead of the default EXT4; resizing works as well to create and send or receive subvolumes and snapshots inside a Tomb. There are also some cleanups, small error handling improvements and no more need for suid actions by \'forge\' and \'dig\' commands.- Update to 2.8.1:
* This is a minor bugfix release. It fixes two bugs introduced by the previous release: the release of loopback devices and a typo affecting password insertion in text-only mode. It also provides a cosmetic fix for the output of \'tomb list\' that now displays correct sizes. At last, the docker wrapper has been included in extras/ to be shipped in Tomb. The span of CVE-2020-28638 has been assessed with more precision and KNOWN_BUGS updated accordingly.- Update to 2.8:
* This new release updates the documentation, improves usability and fixes two bugs. A bug has been found (CVE-2020-28638) to corrupt passwords entered using pinentry-curses on desktops using a X11 DISPLAY, the documentation in KNOWN_BUGS outlines how to fix regressions. Another bug has been fixed to prevent mounting tombs that are already opened, a situation leading to potential data loss. Changes mentioned lead to a small internal refactoring and cleanup, leading to a change in the way volumes appear in /dev/mapper. Along the usability improvements are the support of GNUPGHOME environment variable to support non-standard GnuPG home locations as well updated translations and the fact that debug messages are now written to stderr, making it easier to parse stdout.
* Tue Jul 07 2020 Update to version 2.7:
* Fixed getent parsing of passwd and notation of conditionals normalised. A few other minor fixes and documentation improvements.- Changes from version 2.6:
* This release adds new features and provides an important fix for usage of Tomb with cryptsetup 2.1 and future versions
* fixes a whitespace bug in KDF passwords, all fixes are documented in KNOWN_BUGS.
* A notable new feature is the libsphinx integration for password-authenticated key agreement (PAKE).
* Integration of cloakify to support new cloak/uncloak commands that hide keys inside long text files. Also support for gpg sub-keys has been added and overall gpg asymmetric key protection is improved.- Bump year in SUSE copyright- Add patch `fix-env-script-interpreter-rpm-error.patch`: needed to solve a RPM lint error of type `fix-env-script-interpreter`
* Thu Jan 04 2018 Update to version 2.5:
* Restore (from v2.3) ownership change of all files inside tombs, to facilitate single user usage, which is now default and can be prevented using the \'-p\' flag on \'open\' commands.
* \'post-hooks\' now renamed to \'exec-hooks\' and launched on \'open\' and \'close\' commands with a defined set of arguments
* Use \'findmnt\' instead of parsing the output of \'mount -l\', which grants compatibility with more recent util-linux versions
* fix: the \'slam\' command has better process detection and the a new \'ps\' command to list processes using tombs
* fix: support tomb hidden filenames (starting with a dot) that lack an extension
* minor fixes to messaging and translations- bump year in SUSE copyright
* Wed Oct 18 2017 Packaging changes:
* Upstream URL casing has changed, fix download urls to reflect this.
* Use Makefile to install
* lint with spec-cleaner- Update to version 2.4:
* Support for asymmetric encryption of Tomb keys using public/private GPG key pairs.
* It is now possible to protect a Tomb key using a GPG key (which can also be password-less for automations) as well encrypt a Tomb key for multiple recipients (list of GPG ids).
* Fix to the \'slam\' command with better detection of running programs using \'lsof\' (new optional dependency)
* Fix to \'forge\' key creation to really use 512 bits long keys to really trigger usage of AES256; correct support for opening tombs in read-only mode; update of the Tomber python wrapper in extras.
* Documentation updates.- Changes introduced by version 2.3:
* Fix bug occurring when using ZSh version 5.3 or higher.
* Fix inclusion of final newline in keys generated with 2.2, only affecting third-party software.
* Removed chmod/chown of tombs when open.
* Improved parser and post-hooks to avoid usage of external binaries (grep and cat)
* Improved security when decrypting keys.
* Fix for clean execution via sudo nopasswd.
* Updated extras/gtomb to latest stable version.
* Various documentation updates about kdf, using images as keys, deniability and gpg-agent usage.
* New experimental port to Android platforms in extras.
* Fri Jan 15 2016 Update to version 2.2:
* Better resizing procedure recovers from failure without starting over with a new dig.
* Fixes for correct handling of bind-hooks mountpoints containing whitespaces, implying a refactoring of how the mtab is parsed, along with workaround for Debian bugs.
* Updated all strings to report MiB sizes.
* Fix to correctly show last time opened.
* Fix to EUID detection and to installed manpage permissions.- Changes introduced by version 2.1.1:
* Added translations to Italian and Swedish. Minor documentation updates.- Changes introduced by version 2.1.0:
* This new stable release including several bugfixes to smooth the user experience in various situations.
* Documentation is reviewed and extended and translations are updated.
* Fixes to: mountpoint removal, language localization, gtk-2 pinentry themeing, udisk2 compatibility (/run/media/$USER mountpoint support), handling of key failures, kdf documentation, swish-e file contents search and encrypted swap detection.
* Deniability is improved by allowing any filename to be used for tombs (also without .tomb extension).
* Code has been overall cleaned up.
* Wed Jan 28 2015 verify source signature- add source URLs- run spec cleaner
* Wed Jan 14 2015 Created initial package (2.0.1)