Changelog for
wardstone-devel-0.2.0~0-4.29.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Oct 24 2023 Martin Sirringhaus
- Update to 0.2.0
* feat: enable user set context The caller can now set the context year that they want to assess a cryptographic primitive to be assessed against. This allows them to override the default option which is current based on the year 2023 with an average horizon of about 4 to 8 years.
* refactor: update elliptic curve display strings Some primitives do not have a unique name which may make it difficult to someone unfamiliar with the distinctions to interpret the results of an audit. The output for these primitives now mentions all known names so that the user does not have to access a secondary source for this information.
* refactor: update the name of the library Object libraries generated no longer have a _ffi prefix.
* Sun Aug 20 2023 Martin Sirringhaus - Initial commit of wardstone
* use an older C compiler standard
* add cbindgen
* create basic CI workflow
* fix syntax errors and avoid running on push
* remove nightly rustfmt config options
* update cbindgen configuration
* create issue templates
* update build script
* recommend alternatives for invalid primitives
* add check for documentation
* add FFI-compiling to CI
* minor cosmetic changes to CI
* add finite field cryptography primitives
* add integer factorisation primitives
* add elliptic-curve cryptography primitives
* add the SHAKE extendable-output functions
* update build script
* add more crate types
* complete NIST Special Publication 800-57 Part 1 Revision 5 module
* factor in context security and update ranges in NIST module
* add SHAKE XOFs
* create BSI TR-02102-1 Cryptographic Mechanisms: Recommendations and Key Lengths module
* create CNSA module
* create ECRYPT module
* complete Lenstra module
* split the crate into two
* implement interfaces custom standards
* update example in wardstone_core README
* create mock standards
* allow use of NIST curves in the BSI guide
* create wardstone command line program
* add some polish around validating elliptic curve signed certificates in the command-line application
* remove references
* update documentation
* decode primitives using their ASN1 encoding
* add more OID to primitive mappings in the table
* update OIDs
* support RSA PSS keys
* update documentation
* commit Cargo lock file for OBS builds
* note openssl-dev requirement
* support auditing SSH keys
* handle multiple files as input, and support optional JSON-format when reporting
* update handling multiple files