Changelog for
php5-smarty3-3.1.21-1.1.noarch.rpm :
* Tue Dec 09 2014 New upstream release 3.1.22 (2014-10-18) - various bugfixes - composer moved to github - add COMPOSER_RELEASE_NOTES - improvement cache is_file(file_exists) results of loadPlugin() to avoid unnecessary calls during compilation (Issue 201} - enhancement remove BOM automatically from template source (topic 25161)
* Tue May 13 2014 New upstream release 3.1.18 (2014-04-07) - bugfix template inheritance fail when using custom resource after patch of 8.3.2014 (Issue 187) - bugfix update of composer file (Issue 168 and 184) - bugfix default date format leads to extra spaces when displaying dates with single digit days (Issue 165) - bugfix Smart_Resource_Custom should not lowercase the resource name (Issue 183) - bugfix using a {foreach} property like AATTiteration could fail when used in inheritance parent templates (Issue 182) - bugfix $smarty->auto_literal and mbsting.func_overload 2, 6 or 7 did fail (forum topic 24899) - bugfix Smarty_CacheResource_Keyvaluestore did use different keys on read/writes and clearCache() calls (Issue 169) - bugfix clearXxx() change of 27.1.2014 did not work when specifing cache_id or compile_id (forum topic 24868 and 24867)
* Tue Mar 25 2014 New upstream release 3.1.17- Spec cleanup- Changes of 3.1.17 - bugfix relative file path {include} within {block} of child templates did throw exception on first call (Issue 177) - bugfix Smarty failed when executing PHP on HHVM (Hip Hop 2.4) because uniqid(\'\',true) does return string with \',\' (forum topic 20343) - bugfix a \'//\' or \'\\\\\' in template_dir path could produce wrong path on relative filepath in {include} (Issue 175) - bugfix shared.literal_compiler_param.php did throw an exception when literal did contain a \'-\' (smarty-developers group) - bugfix $smarty->debugging = true; did show the variable of the $smarty object not the variables used in display() call (forum topic 24764) - bugfix clearCompiledTemplate(), clearAll() and clear() should use realpath to avoid possible exception from RecursiveDirectoryIterator (Issue 171) - bugfix undo block nesting checks for {nocache} for reasons like forum topic 23280 (forum topic 24762) - bugfix the compiler did fail when using template inheritance and recursive {include} (smarty-developers group) - bugfix \"
* }\" (spaces before right delimiter) was interpreted by mistake as comment end tag (Issue 170) - internals content cache should be clear when updating cache file - bugfix Smarty_CacheResource_Custom did not handle template resource type specifications on clearCache() calls (Issue 169) - bugfix SmartyBC.class.php should use require_once to load Smarty.class.php (forum topic 24683)- Changes of 3.1.16 - bugfix {include} with {block} tag handling (forum topic 24599, 24594, 24682) (Issue 161) - enhancement additional debug output at $smarty->_parserdebug = true; - bugfix too restrictive handling of {include} within {block} tags. 3.1.15 did throw errors where 3.1.14 did not (forum topic 24599) - bugfix compiler could fail if PHP mbstring.func_overload is enabled (Issue 164) - bugfix variable resource name at custom resource plugin did not work within {block} tags (Issue 163) - bugfix notice \"Trying to get property of non-object\" removed (Issue 163) - bugfix correction of modifier capitalize fix from 3.10.2013 (issue 159) - bugfix multiple {block}s with same name in parent did not work (forum topic 24631) - bugfix a variable file name at {extends} tag did fail (forum topic 24618) - bugfix yesterdays fix could result in an undefined variable - bugfix variable names on {include} in template inheritance did unextepted error message (forum topic 24594) (Issue 161) - bugfix relative includes with same name like {include \'./foo.tpl\'} from different folder failed (forum topic 24590)(Issue 161) - bugfix variable file names at {extends} had been disbabled by mistake with the rewrite of template inheritance of 24.08.2013 (forum topic 24585) - bugfix loops using modifier capitalize did eat up memory (issue 159)
* Fri Nov 08 2013 New upstream release 3.1.15
* See change_log.txt or
* Wed Jun 12 2013 Changed Package Group from \'Develompent/Other\' into \'Productivity/Networking/Web/Servers\'
* Tue Jan 29 2013 Added \'Provides\'
* Sun Dec 09 2012 Aeneas Jaissle
- 3.1.12-1- New upstream version
* Thu Apr 12 2012 Jeroen van Meeuwen - 3.1.7-1- New upstream version
* Sat Jan 14 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.6.26-3- Rebuilt for
* Wed Feb 09 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.6.26-2- Rebuilt for
* Sun Oct 11 2009 Christopher Stone 2.6.26-1- Upstream sync- Update %%source0 and %%URL
* Sun Jul 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.6.25-2- Rebuilt for
* Mon May 25 2009 Christopher Stone 2.6.25-1- Upstream sync