Changelog for
libwbxml2-1-0.11.4-13.3.66.i586.rpm :
* Mon Jan 31 2011 updated to version 0.10.9
* Added correct default behaviour to parse_charset. If no character set is specified in a WBXML document then UTF-8 is assumed until there is another specification in the transport meta-information. (ticket #52)
* Added several tokens for Microsoft ActiveSync v14.0 revision 8.0 (ticket #53). The patch was supplied by Amnon Aaronsohn.
* Fixed iconv support (ticket #52)
* Fixed wrong WBXML table token for OMA DM DDF (ticket #51)
* Fixed locations of variable definitions and replaced strtoull by strtoul (changes from ticket #42 and #50). This fixes some compiler errors from MS VisualStudio 2008 and 9.0.
* Fixed integer overflow in opaque data parsing (ticket #54). The patch was supplied by Amnon Aaronsohn.
* Fixed unsigned integer overflow (patch from ticket #41) The overflow causes crashs or wrong wbxml messages.
* Added support for recursion in wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name (ticket #46)
* Tue Apr 20 2010 updated to version 0.10.8
* Added a fix for the broken vFormat handling in the SyncML specification. All LFs are replaced by CRLFs in every vFormat object inside a SyncML message (ticket #38).
* Added Nokia ConML support (ticket #35). There is no public documentation available from Nokia. The transformation tables were created from sniffed WBXML documents. The patch was supplied by Anton D. Kachalov.
* Removed OMA DM tests because the OMA did not grant a permission for the inclusion (ticket #36).
* Mon Aug 03 2009 removed ddf testcases (bnc#515194)
* Wed May 13 2009 updated to version 0.10.7
* If the operating system environment has a built-in getopt implementation then the cmake environment disables the internal implementation of libwbxml and uses the getopt function of the operating system. This avoids clashes with variables which are declared extern and explicit but already exists in the default POSIX header files (e.g. optopt).
* Fri Apr 24 2009 updated to version 0.10.6
* Extended (updated) tables for Microsoft AirSync (The patch was supplied by Ossi Jormakka from Ixonos Plc.)
* Expat splits <html> into three separate text nodes. Therefore it is necessary to scan for splitted text nodes and merge them into a single consistent text node.
* Fixed race condition in WV datetime opaque encoding
* Mon Mar 30 2009 updated to version 0.10.5
* Fixed library installation path for win32 (ticket #31) (The patch was supplied by Jeremy Laine.)
* Thu Mar 12 2009 updated to version 0.10.4
* Fixed the byte order of the WV datetime opaque encoding (the bytes were written in the reversed order)
* Fixed the time zone byte handling in the WV datetime opaque encoding (e.g. A means UTC+1, Z must be 0x5a) (ticket #30)
* Added correct timezone handling for WV datetime opaque parser
* Added support for WV datetime inline encoding. All timestamps which use the full ISO style like 2001-09-12T13:09:12+02:00 are encoded as inline strings. This style is strongly recommended because time zones like UTC+09:30 of Darwin in Australia are supported too. (ticket #30)
* Added support for an EXPECTED value to the XML normalization script
* Mon Feb 23 2009 updated to version 0.10.3
* Added support for SourceParent in SyncML 1.1. This is a proprietary extension to support things like the SMS and bookmark synchronization of Nokia.
* Fri Feb 13 2009 updated to version 0.10.2
* Added support for OMA DM DDF 1.2 (ticket #7).
* DRMREL 1.0 test cases were disabled because of the poor specification (e.g. hard coded names for XML namespaces and definition of such namespaces as (WB)XML attributes).
* The generated XML documents of the most tests (conversion from XML to WBXML back to XML) are compared with the original documents. Only special tests are not covered (e.g. hexadecimal number conversion, SyncML CDATA usage).
* If there is no PUBLIC ID then DOCTYPE must include PUBLIC \"\" or SYSTEM. libwbxml always adds SYSTEM in this case.
* Fixed datetime support for Wireless Village (ticket #27).
* Extension tokens must not be replaced within normal text data (ticket #26).
* Ticket #13 was rejected because the mentioned specification is only a today outdated OMA change request. Perhaps a new specification must be implemented in case of a new request.
* Created a script to normalize XML documents.
* The getopt implementation was replaced because of a potential license issue. This fixed a Solaris build issue too (ticket #25).
* Fri Jan 09 2009 updated to version 0.10.1
* LIBDATA_INSTALL_DIR was introduced (used by pkgconfig).
* The installation of the documentation can be disabled.
* All tests are executed as standalone tests to get more detailed informations if a test fails.
* Removed a useless buffer which only creates a memory leak.