Changelog for libib_util-devel- :

* Wed Jan 27 2021 Michal Kubeček - update specfile to reflect rpmlintrc rename
* Wed Jan 27 2021 Michal Kubeček - rename firebird to firebird-rpmlintrc (requested by reviewer)
* Tue Jan 12 2021 Michal Kubeček - add rpmlintrc to suppress bogus build errors in Factory
* Sat Oct 31 2020 Michal Kubeček - update to upstream version 3.0.7
* better diagnostic for the \'Missing security context\' error (CORE-6362)
* disconnect from the security database when missing plugin data structures cause an error (CORE-6339)
* multiple important bug fixes
* Sat Oct 17 2020 Michal Kubeček - update to upstream version 3.0.6
* add better transaction control in isql (CORE-4933)
* increase parse speed of long queries (CORE-6274)
* improve performance when using SRP plugin (CORE-6237)- refresh
* work-around-g-problem-in-SLE11.patch
* Tue Jun 23 2020 Michal Kubecek - minor specfile cleanup
* Sun Jun 21 2020 Andreas Stieger - update to 3.0.5:
* Improve the engine providers compatibility across Firebird versions
* Make it possible for the AuthClient plugin to access the authentication block from DPB
* Implement option to restore compressed .nbk files without explicitly decompressing them
* Wed Nov 21 2018 update to upstream version 3.0.4
* add support for SRP authentication using SHA-256
* ODS (database file format) version raised to 12.2 on some architectures (including i586, not x86_64); new version will be able to open existing ODS 12.0 created on the same architecture but for database transfer between architectures, backup/restore is always recommended
* context variables WIRE_COMPRESSED and WIRE_ENCRYPTED were added to the SYSTEM namespace to report compression and encryption status, respectively, of the current connection (CORE-5913)
* enhanced reporting of errors when dynamic library fails to load (CORE-5908)
* include funciton name when UDF causes \"Arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation\" error (CORE-5876)
* context variables LOCALTIME and LOCALTIMESTAMP (synonyms for CURRENT_TIME and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) for compatibility with 4.0 (CORE-5853)
* read-only restriction for system tables was relaxed to permit CREATE, ALTER and DROP operations on their indexes (CORE-5746)
* fix unauthorized BLOB access vulnerability (CORE-5801)
* for a full list of bugfixes and improvements see drop patches included in new upstream release: Make-it-build-with-icu60.patch An-attempt-to-fix-CORE-5764-need-feedback-on-snapsho.patch Fixed-a-code-somewhy-accepted-by-gcc6.patch- refresh patches: work-around-g-problem-in-SLE11.patch use-C-98-on-SLE11.patch
* Wed Jul 04 2018 replace unicode-handle-the-ICU-version-hack-from-SuSE.patch with more general upstream solution:
* An-attempt-to-fix-CORE-5764-need-feedback-on-snapsho.patch
* Fixed-a-code-somewhy-accepted-by-gcc6.patch- unicode-handle-new-SUSE-ICU-version-hack.patch: search also for \"suse%d.%d\" soname pattern to fix build after upcoming ICU update (bsc#1095425)
* Wed Mar 28 2018 move firebitd.xinetd back to firebird-server subpackage on SLE15- provide /etc/xinetd.d directory on Tumbleweed and Leap 15.0 as xinetd is no longer guaranteed to be present there; this solution (suggested by Dimstar) is less painful than either having firebird-server depend on xinetd or splitting a new subpackage firebird-server-classic.
* Fri Mar 23 2018 patch xinetd config file unconditionally; previous change would result in unpatched xinetd config file installed on Tumbleweed so that the service would be enabled by default and firebird binary run as root
* Thu Mar 22 2018 Do no ship xinetd file on SLE15 (bsc#1084459).
* Sat Mar 03 2018 update to upstream version 3.0.3
* fix conflicting constants; programs using
* fb_info_crypt_state constant must be recompiled
* provide crypto key name via fb_info_crypt_key item in Attachment::getInfo()
* improve handling of concurrent ALTER DATABASE statements
* make sure ORDER BY with equivalent expressions are equivalent and use the same plan
* avoid serialization of isc_attach_database calls issued by EXECUTE STATEMENT
* show date and time of analysis in gstat output
* show database info in sweep error message
* provide compression details and encryption status of the connection in Attachment::getInfo() API call
* fix RDB$RELATION_TYPE when restoring ODS < 11.1 database
* the optimizer can now estimate the actual record compression ratio
* various performance improvements
* various bug fixes, for a list, see release notes at drop patches included in new upstream version: Backported-fix-for-CORE-5549-Errors-building-running.patch Backported-fix-for-CORE-5562-Firebird-crashes-when-U.patch Fixed-CORE-5567-Direct-system-table-modifications-ar.patch Make-the-generated-code-compatible-with-gcc-6-in-C-1.patch Workaround-for-CORE-5566-Server-crashes-while-restor.patch- unicode-handle-the-ICU-version-hack-from-SuSE.patch: rework to handle ICU >= 60 (as many versions as upstream)- drop firebird-icu60.patch obsoleted by update of the unicode patch- Make-it-build-with-icu60.patch upstream post-3.0.3 commit for ICU >= 59 compatibility- use-C-98-on-SLE11.patch compatibility patch for SLE11 where gcc 4.3 does not support - stc=gnu++03 (applied only on SLE11)
* Thu Jan 04 2018 Add firebird-icu60.patch: Fix build with icu 60.x.
* Fri Jun 30 2017 update to upstream version 3.0.2
* allow to to filter out info and warnings from the trace log
* enhance control capability when sharing the database crypt key between Superserver attachments
* the physical numbers of frequently used data pages are now cached to reduce the number of fetches of pointer pages
* in SuperServer mode, read-only transaction will no longer force write the Header\\TIP page content to disk immediately after a change
* make the database name available to an encryption plug-in
* enable nesting of keys in a plug-in configuration
* build linux code with --enable-binreloc
* trace: provide a filter to INCLUDE / EXCLUDE errors by their mnemonical names
* port for ancient Motorola 68000 CPU platform
* allow SELECT expressions as valid operands for the BETWEEN predicate
* many bug fixes; for a list, see Backported-fix-for-CORE-5474-Restrict-UDF-is-not-eff.patch: drop (included in 3.0.2)- Backported-fix-for-CORE-5549-Errors-building-running.patch: fix errors when building/running on non-SSE CPU (CORE-5549)- Backported-fix-for-CORE-5562-Firebird-crashes-when-U.patch: fix crash on frequent load/unload of UDF (CORE-5562)- Workaround-for-CORE-5566-Server-crashes-while-restor.patch: workaround for server crash when restoring a backup while shadow file already exists (CORE-5566)- Fixed-CORE-5567-Direct-system-table-modifications-ar.patch: fix the possibility to directly modivy system tables (CORE-5567)- drop \"--disable-binreloc\", no longer needed- add a check to fail in prep phase if extern/SfIO wasn\'t removed (bsc#763446)
* Sat Feb 18 2017 Add missing insserv PreReq
* Tue Feb 07 2017 Backported-fix-for-CORE-5474-Restrict-UDF-is-not-eff.patch security vulnerability fix for bypassing \'Restrict UDF\' value of UdfAccess config directive (bsc#1023990)
* Thu Sep 29 2016 update to upstream version 3.0.1
* an assertion could occur in createDatabase() when doing the overwrite check (CORE-5339)
* a database could suffer partial corruption in the \"use all space\" (no-reserve) mode (CORE-5329)
* trying to encrypt a database in the absence of the the appropriate key could corrupt it (CORE-5292)
* a database could get decrypted after changing a couple of bytes in the database header without \'agreement\' from the crypt plug-in (CORE-5213)
* access violation from certain UDFs would cause the server to crash (CORE-5234)
* a segfault could occur when op_que_events was used on a port that was not prepared for events processing (CORE-5335)
* a segfault could occur if an attachment was closed while requests were still open
* for the full list of bugs fixed, se the release notes at
* the statement CREATE OR ALTER USER SYSDBA PASSWORD can now be used to initialize an empty securityN.fdb security database (improvement CORE-5266)
* nesting of keys in a plug-in configuration was enabled (improvement CORE-5257)
* line and column numbers (location context) are now provided for runtime errors raised inside EXECUTE BLOCK (improvement CORE-5216)
* gbak now returns a non-zero result code when restore fails on creating and activating a deferred user index (CORE-5201)
* implicit conversion between Boolean and string is now done automatically when a string for \'true\' or \'false\' is used as a value in an expression (CORE-5167)- drop patches merged present in new upstream release: allow-creating-buildRoot-as-non-root-user.patch Allow-to-enforce-IPv4-or-IPv6-in-URL-like-connection.patch Fix-locking-on-big-endian-architectures.patch- update to current code: work-around-g-problem-in-SLE11.patch
* Wed Jun 29 2016 add fake \"Provides: libfbembed-devel\" to libfbclient-devel subpackage; this is a temporary workaround to allow LibreOffice build both before and after firebird is upgraded to verison 3.0 in Factory; once FB3 is in Factory, LibreOffice BuildRequires can be updated to libfbclient-devel (based on %suse_version) and this hack can be dropped
* Tue May 31 2016 move and intl/ into firebird package as these are also needed by embedded connections- include /etc/firebird/firebird.conf.d/
*.conf into configuration- move the directive restricting DatabaseAccess to /srv/firebird into a separate config file in firebird-server subpackage so that it doesn\'t affect embedded-only installs- do-not-use-DatabaseAccess-Full-in-default-config.patch: replaced by 50-server.conf- fix Group tag for libfbclient2 and libib_util subpackages- improve libib_util subpackage description
* Wed May 18 2016 libfbclient-devel cannot be used as a direct replacement for libfbembed-devel so it\'s better to stop pretending so- some packages have (unnecessary) explicit build requirement for firebird-devel whose contents was merged into libfbclient-devel; add corresponding Provides and Obsoletes
* Wed May 11 2016 Fix-locking-on-big-endian-architectures.patch: fix broken code (and failed build) on big endian architectures (CORE-5232)- explicitely require autoconf 2.67 or newer for build
* Wed May 11 2016 upgrade to upstream version 3.0.0 (final)
* one executable for all modes => drop firebird-classic package
* true SMP support in SuperServer
* new object oriented C++ API
* per-database config files
* increased limits
* support multiple security databases
* boolean type
* SQL packages
* DDL triggers
* window functions
* statistical functions
* scrollable cursors
* IPv6 support- reorganize subpackages:
* firebird: only common files needed for both client and server
* firebird-server: server installation
* libfbclient2: client library
* firebird-utils: management utilities
* libib_util: libib_util library (utility functions for UDF)
* firebird-doc: documentation
* firebird-examples: API examples
* libfbclient-devel: devel files for libfbclient2
* libib_util-devel: devel files for libib_util- delete patches obsoleted by version upgrade:
* Added-check-for-failed-fork-system-call.patch
* Apply-Partial-patch-for-C-11-compilation-of-the-Fire.patch
* Backported-fix-for-CORE-4785-Bad-packet-of-op_execut.patch
* Backported-fix-for-CORE-4788-Superclassic-server-han.patch
* Fixed-CORE-3431-ISQL-pads-UTF-8-data-incorrectly.patch
* Fixed-s-tandalone-switch-in-posix-server.patch
* isql-fix-buffer-overflow-when-set-width-sets-bigger-.patch
* isql-fix-output-if-charset-is-different-from-locale.patch
* Libreoffice-patch-C-11-new-delete-replacement-functi.patch- delete add-experimental-support-for-m68k-architecture.patch architecture specific settings are managed in a different way in 3.0 so that this would need a complete rewrite; as this has little chance to get upstreamed and I doubt anyone plans to actually run Firebird 3.0 on openSUSE on m68k, let\'s just drop it- update remaining patches:
* add-pkgconfig-files.patch
* allow-creating-buildRoot-as-non-root-user.patch
* disable-xinetd-service-by-default.patch
* do-not-use-DatabaseAccess-Full-in-default-config.patch
* fbguard-allow-creating-a-guard-pidfile.patch
* use-killproc-in-stop-branch-of-SuSE-init-script.patch- new patches (from post-3.0 development):
* unicode-handle-the-ICU-version-hack-from-SuSE.patch compatibility with SUSE ICU versioning hack
* Make-the-generated-code-compatible-with-gcc-6-in-C-1.patch: gcc6 compatibility
* Provide-sized-global-delete-operators-when-compiled-.patch: gcc6 compatibility
* Allow-to-enforce-IPv4-or-IPv6-in-URL-like-connection.patch: implement \"inet4\" and \"inet6\" protocols for URL-like connection strings to enforce IPv4 or IPv6
* work-around-g-problem-in-SLE11.patch: work around a bug in old g++ (needed for SLE11 build)- build with -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks- specfile cleanup
* Fri Feb 26 2016 Build with -std=gnu++98 -fno-lifetime-dse for GCC 5+ to avoid issues with the old C++ code-base and its undefined behavior. [bnc#964466]
* Mon Jul 27 2015 fix libfbembed package name in baselibs.conf so that the libfbembed2_5-32bit is built
* Mon Jul 27 2015 upgrade to upstream version 2.5.4 (final)
* CORE-4558: SuperServer dies when client is disconnected abnormally during the index navigational scan
* CORE-4676: Crash on unexpected client disconnection with opened transaction
* CORE-4075: Server bugchecks or crashes on exception in calculated index
* CORE-4624: Firebird handles \':\' characters in mount table entries invalid- Backported-fix-for-CORE-4788-Superclassic-server-han.patch: CORE-4788: Superclassic server hangs when receiving network packet- Backported-fix-for-CORE-4785-Bad-packet-of-op_execut.patch: CORE-4785: Bad packet of op_execute kills the server- Fixed-s-tandalone-switch-in-posix-server.patch: fix -s(tandalone) switch in posix server- Added-check-for-failed-fork-system-call.patch: add check for failed fork() system call- Apply-Partial-patch-for-C-11-compilation-of-the-Fire.patch: Libreoffice-patch-C-11-new-delete-replacement-functi.patch: two patches from LibreOffice fixing C++11 build
* Sun Dec 07 2014 upgrade to upstream version
* server crash by malformed packet (bnc#908127, CORE-4029, CORE-4030)
* various functional fixes- removed patches merged into upstream:
* Firebird-
* aarch64-support.patch
* firebird-2.5.2-CORE-4058.patch
* firebird-2.5.2-icu49.patch
* firebird-2.5.2-runlevel.patch
* firebird-fix-unsigned-char.diff
* firebird-s390x-fix_libdir.patch
* ppc64-libdir.patch- replace remaining patches by git based ones:
* firebird-2.5.1-chown.patch - > allow-creating-buildRoot-as-non-root-user.patch
* firebird-2.5.1-config.patch - > do-not-use-DatabaseAccess-Full-in-default-config.patch
* firebird-2.5.1-disable.patch - > disable-xinetd-service-by-default.patch
* firebird-2.5.2-gpidfile.patch - > fbguard-allow-creating-a-guard-pidfile.patch
* firebird-2.5.2-init.patch - > use-killproc-in-stop-branch-of-SuSE-init-script.patch (remaining part not upstreamed)
* firebird-2.5.2-isqlalign.patch - > Fixed-CORE-3431-ISQL-pads-UTF-8-data-incorrectly.patch
* firebird-2.5.2-isqllocale.patch - > isql-fix-output-if-charset-is-different-from-locale.patch
* firebird-2.5.2-isqlwidth.patch - > isql-fix-buffer-overflow-when-set-width-sets-bigger-.patch
* firebird-2.5.2-pkgconfig.patch - > add-pkgconfig-files.patch
* m68k-support.patch - > add-experimental-support-for-m68k-architecture.patch- use xz compressed tarball
* Mon Nov 17 2014 Led - fix bashisms in scripts- add patches:
* Firebird-
* Sat Jul 05 2014 install init script as executable- fix the script
* Mon Feb 17 2014 firebird-s390x-fix_libdir.patch: s390x uses lib64
* Tue Dec 17 2013 m68k-support.patch: add support for m68k
* Thu Dec 05 2013 adapt for ppc64le
* Wed Aug 21 2013 firebird-2.5.2-pkgconfig.patch: fix fbembed.pc file to link with -lfbembed instead of -lfbclient
* Sun Jun 02 2013 resolve file conflicts between packages
* add explicit mutual conflict between -superserver and -classic
* remove fbguard from -classic (it is shared between SS and SC)
* Fri Apr 12 2013 config-guess-sub-update.patch: remove; attempt to patch these files would break build from subversion snapshots; remove both files instead and let libtoolize provide its own version- reorder patches to keep the isql column alignment feature last
* Mon Apr 08 2013 firebird-fix-unsigned-char.diff: Compile with -fsigned-char
* Mon Apr 08 2013 firebird-fix-unsigned-char.diff: fix for architectures where char is unsigned (aarch64 in this case, but applies everywhere)- aarch64-support.patch: aarch64 doesn\'t need RISC_ALIGNMENT
* Sun Mar 24 2013 config-guess-sub-update.patch: update config.guess/sub for aarch64- aarch64-support.patch: add support for aarch64
* Fri Mar 08 2013 firebird-CORE-4058.patch: fix remote stack overflow (bnc#808268, CVE-2013-2492)
* Fri Jan 25 2013 fix license string
* Sun Nov 11 2012 update to upstream version (2.5.2 final)
* Optimizer level solution for CORE-2790/CORE-3449
* CORE-2666: Make it possible to use API to do remote backups/restores
* backup state lock should be released at latch timeout, else lock state accounting becomes inconsistent
* CORE-3873: Server crashes while switching to the shadow if the disk I/O fault happens while flushing the cache
* CORE-3860: Trace API: Faulty database filter crashes server
* CORE-3875: GBak does not check correctly parameters and backups random database with -B \":\"
* CORE-3879: Make fb_lock_print a bit more handy
* CORE-3656: Support for sweep information in Trace API
* CORE-2668: Write note into log when automatic sweep is started
* Enabled per-table runtime stats for sweeper (necessary for CORE-3656)
* CORE-3884: Server crashes on preparing empty query when trace is enabled
* CORE-3238: Makes GEN_UUID return a compliant RFC-4122 binary UUID
* CORE-3887: CHAR_TO_UUID and UUID_TO_CHAR works different in big/little endian architectures - problem similar to CORE-2898
* CORE-3895: High memory usage when PSQL code SELECT\'s from stored procedure which modified some data
* Fixed the server crash in Stack::assign()
* CORE-3902: Derived fields may not be optimized via an index
* Fixed the broken (working as no-op) sweep in SuperServer
* Use better name from trunk for CORE-3911
* Restored the ODS level compatibility with v2.5.1 index keys, while using the \"old good\" index key format in new indices. It allows to claim that CORE-3675 and CORE-3853 are fixed (after migration via backup/restore) but still operate almost correctly with keys created in v2.5.1.
* CORE-3912: segfault in superclassic
* Better diagnostic (CORE-3786)- firebird-2.5.2-icu49.patch: fix broken unicode collations (bnc#789171, CORE-3946)
* Wed Jul 25 2012 add libatomic-ops-devel on non x86 arches- set libdir on powerpc correctly
* Sun Jul 22 2012 firebird-2.5.2-runlevel.patch: don\'t start the daemon in runlevel 2- add README.SUSE
* Wed Jun 06 2012 update to upstream version
* Rolled back the ODS level solution for CORE-2709 as it causes cross-version compatibility issues (CORE-3853) as well as functional regressions (CORE-3675). Another solution is likely to be committed instead.
* CORE-3769: The message \'Unknown tag (4) in isc_svc_query() results\' appears when fbtracemgr is interrupted by Ctrl-C
* Sun Jun 03 2012 update to upstream version
* CORE-3855: Blobs, inserted into GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS, could be placed into newly allocated pages even if there is enough free place on some existing data page
* isql: fix output if charset is different from locale
* Backported fix of timed semaphores in 32-bit build- firebird-2.5.2-isqlalign.patch: refresh- firebird-2.5.2-isqllocale.patch: backported isql fix of output if locale different from charset- firebird-2.5.2-isqlwidth.patch: backported fix for buffer overflow in isql if column width set wider that its natural size
* Fri May 25 2012 update to upstream version
* CORE-3611: Wrong data while retrieving from CTEs (or derived tables) with same column names
* CORE-3557: AV in engine when preparing query against dropping table (a post-fix)
* add interpreter specification to generated scripts
* fix broken isql history with libedit 3.0
* CORE-3612: send errors to stderr- firebird-2.5.1-shebang.patch: delete (committed to upstream)- remove extern/SfIO from the source tarball: while it is probably covered by an open source license (EPL), the file stdio.h itself contains only an unfriendly copyright notice without any reference to the license; as it is needed only on Solaris, it seems easier to simply remove it- use standardized tags for licence
* Fri May 18 2012 spec file formatting- add copyright to spec file
* Fri May 18 2012 Switching to new Firebird version (2.5) and spec file. This obsoletes the previous changes file from version 2.1.
* Mon May 14 2012 update to upstream version
* CORE-3539: TRACE: add ability for logging ERRORs that occur in runtime (lock conflicts, PK/UK/FK violations et al)
* Trace errors raised by failed ON TRANSACTION ROLLBACK and ON DISCONNECT triggers
* CORE-3598: TRACE: add statistics of actions that were after transaction finished
* CORE-3814: SuperClassic server crashes when performing a database shutdown (FW=OFF)
* fix regression introduced by patch for CORE-3777
* CORE-3844: Validation not detects one specific case of index corruption
* CORE-3841: Corrupted database after inserting rows
* CORE-3839: Values disappearing from index
* CORE-3845 : Interruption of \'heavy query\' leads to 0 ms (zero duration) in it`s statistics in trace log
* Tue May 08 2012 firebird-2.5.2-isqlalign.patch: replace locale based patch with backport from firebird 3.0- firebird-2.5.2-gpidfile.patch: allow creating a pidfile for fbguard as well- firebird-2.5.2-init.patch: use killproc and guard pidfile for \"stop\" branch
* Wed May 02 2012 update to upstream version
* CORE-3819: Wrong service name to port address resolution in database connection string
* CORE-3825: If an autocommit transaction (i.e. transaction started with isc_tpb_autocommit option) run DDL using EXECUTE STATEMENT it will produce a bugcheck 287 (Too many savepoints)
* Make the conf. parameter DummyPacketInterval more accurate
* CORE-3834: Usage of a NATURAL JOIN with a derived table crashes the server- temporary fix for \"stop\" branch of init script
* Mon Apr 16 2012 update to upstream version
* CORE-3806: Wrong data returned if a sub-query or a computed field refers to the base table in the ORDER BY clause
* CORE-3807: Error \"Invalid expression in the select list\" can be unexpectedly raised if a string literal is used inside a GROUP BY clause in a multi-byte connection
* CORE-3686: Incorrect (zero) values are reported for \"acquire blocks\" and \"mutex wait\" counters in the fb_lock_print output
* CORE-3810 : isql: zero divide + coredump when use \"-pag 0\" command switch & set heading on inside .sql script
* Rolled back the optimization committed recently due to the found regressions
* CORE-3812 : Connection lost to database during massive dropping and altering primary keys of tables
* Do not ignore possible OS level errors even if they seem unlikely to happen
* Mon Apr 02 2012 update to upstream version
* CORE-2286: Selecting from MON$CALL_STACK within a Trigger or SP sometimes return 0 rows
* CORE-3569: CHAR(32767) present in XSQLVAR with length 32765
* CORE-3195: Concatenation to CHAR(32766/7) impossible
* CORE-3625: MON$IO_STATS doesn\'t report page writes performed asynchronously (at the AST level)
* CORE-3092: ROW_COUNT is not cleared before the singleton INSERT statement
* CORE-1992: bad BLR -- invalid stream for union select
* untracked AV due to CORE-3649
* Undo patch for CORE-3468
* CORE-3791: Performance degrades when actively working with databases bigger than the available RAM amount
* CORE-3770: fbtracemgr loads CPU up to ~55% when no activity is present
* CORE-3799: with caller privileges option don\'t work with autonomous transaction option
* CORE-3801: Warnings could be put twice in status-vector
* CORE-3802: Firebird runs out of memory while restoring database backup
* Mon Mar 12 2012 update to upstream version
* CORE-2457: UNICODE_CI internal gds software consistency check
* CORE-3762: gsec returns 0 return code on some errors
* CORE-3649: gbak deletes backup file even if error happens when it\'s already successfully closed
* CORE-3777: Conversion error from string when using GROUP BY
* CORE-3721: Multiuser server startup (/etc/init.d) script picks up the ISC_ variables if set- remove dependency of firebird-devel on firebird
* Wed Feb 29 2012 update to upstream version
* CORE-3761: Conversion error when using a blob as an argument for the EXCEPTION statement
* CORE-3778: AV at connection shutdown
* CORE-1997: Broken foreign key handling for multi-segmented index using multi-level collations
* CORE-2457: UNICODE_CI internal gds software consistency check
* Wed Feb 15 2012 update to upstream version
* CORE-3750: Error increasing limits on posix
* Mon Jan 30 2012 update to upstream version
* CORE-3732: Segfault when closing attachment to database
* CORE-3730: isc_dsql_exec_immed2() loses input parameter value with RETURNING clause
* CORE-3733: GBAK fails to fix system generators while restoring
* CORE-3736: WITH LOCK clause is allowed for users with read-only rights on some table, thus blocking others from updating this table
* Stop db triggers in qli- declare BuildRoot only when needed (< 1130)- define version in one place rather than two
* Mon Jan 16 2012 update to upstream version
* add system indices to avoid full table scans on system tables
* CORE-3722: IS NOT DISTINCT FROM NULL doesn\'t use index
* CORE-3727: Support C preprocessor flags in firebird build system
* CORE-3599: Don\'t allow to drop RDB$ADMIN role- removed obsolete firebird-2.5.2-libs.patch (in upstream now)
* Mon Jan 02 2012 update to upstream version
* CORE-3862: Multiple update installs can cause problems
* CORE-3697: String truncation error when selecting from a VIEW with UNION inside
* CORE-3683: Wrong results if the recursive query contains an embedded GROUP BY clause
* CORE-3671: JVM Access Violation when using Firebird Embedded
* CORE-3238: Make GEN_UUID return a compliant RFC-4122 binary UUID and introduce CHAR_TO_UUID2 and UUID_TO_CHAR2 to convert UUIDs from/to string also complying with the RFC
* CORE-3677: Stop utilities to export entrypoints
* CORE-3646: Segmentation fault in Linux
* CORE-3658: FBSVCMGR connects to server as OS user name rather than value of ISC_USER environment variable
* Wed Dec 14 2011 update to upstream version
* CORE-3490: Concurrency problem when using named cursors
* CORE-3690: Wrong warning message for ambiguous query
* CORE-3680: EXECUTE BLOCK statement and ISC_DSQL_EXECUTE2() problem
* CORE-927: Grants don\'t work for procedures used inside views
* CORE-3692: Cannot drop a NOT NULL constraint on a field participating in the UNIQUE constraint
* CORE-3601 - Incorrect TEXT BLOB charset transliteration on VIEW with trigger- add libtool and pkg-config to BuildRequires
* Tue Nov 29 2011 fixed include directory in pkg-config files- set --prefix to /usr (shouldn\'t influence anything anyway)
* Mon Nov 28 2011 provide pkg-config files for libfbclient and libfbembed
* Thu Nov 10 2011 update to upstream version
* CORE-3646: Segmentation fault in multi-threaded program when using 2.5.x client library on Linux
* CORE-3650: Recreation of collation leads to FB \"death\"
* CORE-3557: AV in engine when preparing query against dropping table
* CORE-3579: Can\'t drop table when computed field depends on later
* created another field
* Mon Oct 31 2011 update to upstream version
* CORE-3636: Firebird 2.5.1 server crashes with Trace API
* CORE-3631: Duplicate records with NULLs checked incorrectly
* CORE-3627: Server crashes with access violation when inserting row into table with unique index
* CORE-3600: temp files fb_query_xxxx remains after ISQL has been closed
* CORE-3612: gfix-related services may loose error value in status vector in isc_service_start()
* CORE-3610: Can insert DUPLICATE keys in UNIQUE index
* Tue Oct 18 2011 compatibility with upstream tarball
* Fri Sep 30 2011 fixes in init script, removed unneeded patch
* Thu Sep 29 2011 fix baselibs.conf ( moved to firebird)
* Thu Sep 29 2011 add /srv/firebird directory- restrict DatabaseAccess to /srv/firebird in default configuration- move libib_util back to main server package (it depends on it)- mark xinetd config file as config- build with system editline- don\'t fail install/upgrade if user or group creation fails- rename isql and gstat to avoid conflict with other packages
* Tue Sep 27 2011 common firebird-devel for header files and separate firebird-superserver package- separate firebird-classic package- build firebird-doc as noarch if possible (suse_version > 1110)- restart on update (in postun)- remove full version from patch names- disable xinetd service by default- move misc to _datadir
* Mon Sep 26 2011 moved to BuildService- removed %debug_package- build libfbclient2-32bit- move to main package- restart on update- fixed typo init init script
* Mon Sep 19 2011 update to
* Fri Jun 24 2011 update to
* Wed May 25 2011 update to remove init scripts for other distributions- simplify user/group creation
* Tue May 17 2011 update to compile against system ICU- shared libraries moved into a subpackage- create /var/run/firebird in init script- add Short-Description into the init script- fixed interpreter specification in support scripts- full path tu useradd and groupadd in pre-install script
* Sat Mar 19 2011 update to
* Mon Jan 17 2011 update to
* Sun Nov 07 2010 add useradd and groupadd to dependencies
* Fri Oct 15 2010 update to (2.5.0 Release)
* Wed Aug 04 2010 fixed typo in specfile (BuildRoot)
* Mon Aug 02 2010 create firebird user and group in preinstall script
* Sun Aug 01 2010 update to
* Tue Jun 01 2010 update to
* Wed May 12 2010 update to
* Fri Apr 02 2010 update to
* Sat Mar 20 2010 update to
* Sat Feb 06 2010 update to
* Mon Jan 04 2010 update to
* Sun Dec 06 2009 update to
* Thu Nov 12 2009 update to
* Wed Oct 21 2009 update to
* Thu Oct 08 2009 update to small fixes to files sections
* Thu Sep 24 2009 first version of the package