Changelog for postgresql15-repmgr-5.4.1-lp155.1.6.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Sep 28 2023 Marcus Rueckert - update to 5.4.1
* Thu May 11 2023 Reinhard Max - Stop supporting postgresql10
* Tue Jan 31 2023 Marcus Rueckert - enable pg 15
* Tue Jan 31 2023 Marcus Rueckert - update to 5.3.3
* Thu Dec 02 2021 Marcus Rueckert - fix postgresql_has_llvm usage
* Tue Nov 30 2021 Marcus Rueckert - switch to %{pg_name}-llvmjit-devel
* Sun Nov 14 2021 Marcus Rueckert - update to 5.3.0 port to postgresql macros- enable postgresql 14
* Wed Feb 17 2021 Marcus Rueckert - update to 5.2.1
* Sun Oct 25 2020 Marcus Rueckert - update to 5.2.0 refreshed patches do-not-link-unneeded-libs.patch use_sudo_systemctl_for_restart.patch
* Tue May 05 2020 Marcus Rueckert - update to 5.1.0
* Tue Oct 22 2019 Marcus Rueckert - remove buildrequires that should be pulled by the respective postgresqlXY-{server-,}-devel package
* Tue Oct 22 2019 Marcus Rueckert - update to 5.0.0 Please pay special attention to the upgrade notes at
* Tue Oct 22 2019 Marcus Rueckert - adding postgresql12 to _multibuild
* Wed Apr 17 2019 Marcus Rueckert - update to 4.3.0 For details on how to upgrade an existing repmgr instrallation, see documentation section Upgrading a major version release. If repmgrd is in use, a PostgreSQL restart is required; in that case we suggest combining this repmgr upgrade with the next PostgreSQL minor release, which will require a PostgreSQL restart in any case. - repmgr client enhancements - repmgr standby follow: option --upstream-node-id can now be used to specify another standby to follow. - repmgr standby follow: verify that it is actually possible to follow another node. - repmgr node rejoin: verify that it is actually possible to attach the node to the current primary. - New commands repmgr daemon start and repmgr daemon stop: these provide a standardized way of starting and stopping repmgrd. GitHub #528. Note: These commands require the configuration file settings repmgrd_service_start_command and repmgrd_service_stop_command in repmgr.conf to be set. - repmgr daemon status additionally displays the node priority and the interval (in seconds) since the repmgrd instance last verified its upstream node was available. - Add --compact option to repmgr cluster show (GitHub #521). - This makes it easier to copy the output into emails, chats etc. as a compact table. - repmgr cluster show: differentiate between unreachable nodes and nodes which are running but rejecting connections. - This makes it possible to see whether a node is unreachable at network level, or if it is running but rejecting connections for some reason. - Add --dry-run to repmgr standby promote (GitHub #522). - repmgr --version-number outputs the \"raw\" repmgr version number (e.g. 40300). This is intended for use by scripts etc. requiring an easily parseable representation of the repmgr version. - repmgr node check --data-directory-config option added; this is to confirm repmgr is correctly configured. GitHub #523. - Add check to repmgr standby switchover to ensure the data directory on the demotion candidate is configured correctly in repmgr.conf. This is to ensure that repmgr, when remotely executed on the demotion candidate, can correctly verify that PostgreSQL on the demotion candidate was shut down cleanly. GitHub #523. - repmgrd enhancements - repmgrd will no longer consider nodes where repmgrd is not running as promotion candidates. - Previously, if repmgrd was not running on a node, but that node qualified as the promotion candidate, it would never be promoted due to the absence of a running repmgrd. - Add option connection_check_type to enable selection of the method repmgrd uses to determine whether the upstream node is available. - Possible values are ping (default; uses PQping() to determine server availability), connection (attempst to make a new connection to the upstream node), and query (determines server availability by executing an SQL statement on the node via the existing connection). - New configuration option failover_validation_command to allow an external mechanism to validate the failover decision made by repmgrd. - New configuration option standby_disconnect_on_failover to force standbys to disconnect their WAL receivers before making a failover decision. - In a failover situation, repmgrd will not attempt to promote a node if another primary has already appeared (e.g. by being promoted manually). GitHub #420. - Bug fixes - repmgr cluster show: fix display of node IDs with multiple digits. - ensure repmgr primary unregister behaves correctly when executed on a witness server. GitHub #548. - ensure repmgr standby register fails when --upstream-node-id is the same as the local node ID. - repmgr: when executing repmgr standby clone, recheck primary/upstream connection(s) after the data copy operation is complete, as these may have gone away. - repmgr: when executing repmgr standby switchover, prevent escaping issues with connection URIs when executing repmgr node rejoin on the demotion candidate. GitHub #525. - repmgr: when executing repmgr standby switchover, verify the standby (promotion candidate) is currently attached to the primary (demotion candidate). GitHub #519. - repmgr: when executing repmgr standby switchover, avoid a potential race condition when comparing received WAL on the standby to the primary\'s shutdown location, as the standby\'s walreceiver may not have yet flushed all received WAL to disk. GitHub #518. - repmgr: when executing repmgr witness register, check the node to connected is actually the primary (i.e. not the witness server). GitHub #528. - repmgr node check will only consider physical replication slots, as the purpose of slot checks is to warn about potential issues with streaming replication standbys which are no longer attached. - repmgrd: on a cascaded standby, don\'t fail over if failover=manual. GitHub #531.
* Sat Oct 27 2018 Marcus Rueckert - add do-not-link-unneeded-libs.patch: we only need to link -lpq- refresh use_sudo_systemctl_for_restart.patch to apply cleanly again
* Sat Oct 27 2018 Marcus Rueckert - update to 4.2 repmgr 4.2 is a major release, with the main new feature being the ability to pause repmgrd, e.g. during planned maintenance operations. Various other usability enhancements and a couple of bug fixes are also included; see notes below for details. A restart of the PostgreSQL server is required for this release. For detailed upgrade instructions, see Upgrading a major version release. - Configuration file changes - New parameter shutdown_check_timeout (default: 60 seconds) added; this provides an explicit timeout for repmgr standby switchover to check that the demotion candidate (current primary) has shut down. Previously, the parameters reconnect_attempts and reconnect_interval were used to calculate a timeout, but these are actually intended for primary failure detection. (GitHub #504). - New parameter repmgr_bindir added, to facilitate remote invocation of repmgr when the repmgr binary is located somewhere other than the PostgreSQL binary directory, as it cannot be assumed all package maintainers will install repmgr there. This parameter is optional; if not set (the default), repmgr will fall back to pg_bindir (if set). (GitHub #246). - repmgr enhancements - repmgr cluster cleanup now accepts the --node-id option to delete records for only one node. (GitHub #493). - When running repmgr cluster matrix and repmgr cluster crosscheck, repmgr will report nodes unreachable via SSH, and emit return code ERR_BAD_SSH. (GitHub #246). Note: Users relying on repmgr cluster crosscheck to return a non-zero return code as a way of detecting connectivity errors should be aware that ERR_BAD_SSH will be returned if there is an SSH connection error from the node where the command is executed, even if the command is able to establish that PostgreSQL connectivity is fine. Therefore the exact return code should be checked to determine what kind of connectivity error has been detected. - repmgrd enhancements - repmgrd can now be \"paused\", i.e. instructed not to take any action such as a failover, even if the prerequisites for such an action are detected. This removes the need to stop repmgrd on all nodes when performing a planned operation such as a switchover. For further details, see Pausing repmgrd. - Bug fixes - repmgr: fix \"Missing replication slots\" label in repmgr node check. (GitHub #507) - repmgrd: fix parsing of -d/--daemonize option.
* Thu Oct 25 2018 Reinhard Max - Add build for PostgreSQL 11 and drop 9.3.- BuildRequire server-devel instead of devel.
* Mon Sep 17 2018 Marcus Rueckert - update to 4.1.1 repmgr 4.1.1 contains a number of usability enhancements and bug fixes. We recommend upgrading to this version as soon as possible. This release can be installed as a simple package upgrade from repmgr 4.0 ~ 4.1.0; repmgrd (if running) should be restarted. See Upgrading repmgr for more details. - repmgr enhancements - repmgr standby switchover --dry-run no longer copies external configuration files to test they can be copied; this avoids making any changes to the target system. (GitHub #491). - repmgr cluster cleanup: add cluster_cleanup event. (GitHub [#492]) - repmgr standby switchover: improve detection of free walsenders. (GitHub #495). - Improve messages emitted during repmgr standby promote. - repmgrd enhancements - Always reopen the log file after receiving SIGHUP. Previously this only happened if a configuration file change was detected. (GitHub #485). - Report version number after logger initialisation. (GitHub [#487]). - Improve cascaded standby failover handling. (GitHub #480). - Improve reconnection handling after brief network outages; if monitoring data being collected, this could lead to orphaned sessions on the primary. (GitHub #480). - Check promote_command and follow_command are defined when reloading configuration. These were checked on startup but not reload by repmgrd, which made it possible to make repmgrd with invalid values. It\'s unlikely anyone would want to do this, but we should make it impossible anyway. (GitHub #486). - Other - Text of any failed queries will now be logged as ERROR to assist logfile analysis at log levels higher than DEBUG. (GitHub #498). - Bug fixes - repmgr node rejoin: remove new upstream\'s replication slot if it still exists on the rejoined standby. (GitHub #499). - repmgrd: fix startup on witness node when local data is stale. (GitHub #488, #489). - Truncate version string reported by PostgreSQL if necessary; some distributions insert additional detail after the actual version. (GitHub #490).
* Mon Sep 17 2018 Marcus Rueckert - update to 4.1.0 repmgr 4.1.0 introduces some changes to repmgrd behaviour and some additional configuration parameters. This release can be installed as a simple package upgrade from repmgr 4.0 ~ 4.0.6. The following post-upgrade steps must be carried out: Execute ALTER EXTENSION repmgr UPDATE on the primary server in the database where repmgr is installed. repmgrd must be restarted on all nodes where it is running. A restart of the PostgreSQL server is not required for this release (unless upgrading from repmgr 3.x). See Upgrading repmgr 4.x and later for more details. Configuration changes are backwards-compatible and no changes to repmgr.conf are required. However users should review the changes listed below. - Configuration file changes - Default for log_level is now INFO. This produces additional informative log output, without creating excessive additional log file volume, and matches the setting assumed for examples in the documentation. (GitHub #470). - recovery_min_apply_delay now accepts a minimum value of zero (GitHub #448). - repmgr enhancements - repmgr: always exit with an error if an unrecognised command line option is provided. This matches the behaviour of other PostgreSQL utilities such as psql. (GitHub #464). - repmgr: add -q/--quiet option to suppress non-error output. (GitHub #468). - repmgr cluster show, repmgr node check and repmgr node status return non-zero exit code if node status issues detected. (GitHub #456). - Add --csv output option for repmgr cluster event. (GitHub [#471]). - repmgr witness unregister can be run on any node, by providing the ID of the witness node with --node-id. (GitHub [#472]). - repmgr standby switchover will refuse to run if an exclusive backup is taking place on the current primary. (GitHub #476). - repmgrd enhancements - repmgrd: create a PID file by default (GitHub #457). For details, see repmgrd\'s PID file. - repmgrd: daemonize process by default. In case, for whatever reason, the user does not wish to daemonize the process, provide --daemonize=false. (GitHub #458). - Bug fixes - repmgr standby register --wait-sync: fix behaviour when no timeout provided. - repmgr cluster cleanup: add missing help options. (GitHub [#461]/#462). - Ensure witness node follows new primary after switchover. (GitHub #453). - repmgr node check and repmgr node status: fix witness node handling. (GitHub #451). - When using repmgr standby clone with --recovery-conf-only and replication slots, ensure primary_slot_name is set correctly. (GitHub #474).
* Mon Jun 18 2018 update to 4.0.6 repmgr 4.0.6 contains a number of bug fixes and usability enhancements. We recommend upgrading to this version as soon as possible. This release can be installed as a simple package upgrade from repmgr 4.0 ~ 4.0.5; repmgrd (if running) should be restarted. See Upgrading repmgr for more details. - Usability enhancements - repmgr cluster crosscheck and repmgr cluster matrix: return non-zero exit code if node connection issues detected (GitHub [#447]) - repmgr standby clone: Improve handling of external configuration file copying, including consideration in - -dry-run check (GitHub #443) - When using --dry-run, force log level to INFO to ensure output will always be displayed (GitHub #441) - repmgr standby clone: Improve documentation of - -recovery-conf-only mode (GitHub #438) - repmgr standby clone: Don\'t require presence of user parameter in conninfo string (GitHub #437) - Bug fixes - repmgr witness register: prevent registration of a witness server with the same name as an existing node - repmgr standby follow: check node has actually connected to new primary before reporting success (GitHub #444) - repmgr node rejoin: Fix bug when parsing --config-files parameter (GitHub #442) - repmgrd: ensure local node is counted as quorum member (GitHub #439)
* Mon May 14 2018 update to 4.0.5 repmgr 4.0.5 contains a number of usability enhancements related to pg_rewind usage, recovery.conf generation and (in repmgrd) handling of various corner-case situations, as well as a number of bug fixes. - Usability enhancements - Various documentation improvements, with particular emphasis on the importance of setting appropriate service commands instead of relying on pg_ctl. - Poll demoted primary after restart as a standby during a switchover operation (GitHub #408). - Add configuration parameter config_directory (GitHub #424). - Add sanity check if --upstream-node-id not supplied when executing repmgr standby register (GitHub #395). - Enable pg_rewind to be used with PostgreSQL 9.3/9.4 (GitHub [#413]). - When generating replication connection strings, set dbname=replication if appropriate (GitHub #421). - Enable provision of archive_cleanup_command in recovery.conf (GitHub #416). - Actively check for node to rejoin cluster (GitHub #415). - repmgrd: set connect_timeout=2 (if not explicitly set) when pinging a server. - Bug fixes - Fix display of conninfo parsing error messages. - Fix minimum accepted value for degraded_monitoring_timeout (GitHub #411). - Fix superuser password handling (GitHub #400) - Fix parsing of archive_ready_critical configuration file parameter (GitHub #426). - Fix repmgr cluster crosscheck output (GitHub #389) - Fix memory leaks in witness code (GitHub #402). - repmgrd: handle pg_ctl promote timeout (GitHub #425). - repmgrd: handle failover situation with only two nodes in the primary location, and at least one node in another location (GitHub #407). - repmgrd: prevent standby connection handle from going stale.
* Fri Mar 09 2018 update to 4.0.4 - Usability enhancements - add repmgr standby clone --recovery-conf-only option to enable integration of a standby cloned from another source into a repmgr cluster (GitHub #382) - remove restriction on using replication slots when cloning from a Barman server (GitHub #379) - make repmgr standby promote timeout values configurable (GitHub #387) - add missing options to main --help output (GitHub #391, #392) - Bug fixes - ensure repmgr node rejoin honours the --dry-run option (GitHub #383) - improve replication slot warnings generated by repmgr node status (GitHub #385) - fix --superuser handling when cloning a standby (GitHub #380) - repmgrd: improve detection of status change from primary to standby - repmgrd: improve reconnection to the local node after a failover (previously a connection error due to the node starting up was being interpreted as the node being unavailable) - repmgrd: when running on a witness server, correctly connect to new primary after a failover - repmgrd: add event notification repmgrd_shutdown (GitHub #393)- changes from 4.0.3 - Usability enhancements - improve repmgr standby switchover behaviour when pg_ctl is used to control the server and logging output is not explicitly redirected - improve repmgr standby switchover log messages and provide new exit code ERR_SWITCHOVER_INCOMPLETE when old primary could not be shut down cleanly - add check to verify the demotion candidate can make a replication connection to the promotion candidate before executing a switchover (GitHub #370) - add check for sufficient walsenders and replication slots on the promotion candidate before executing repmgr standby switchover (GitHub #371) - add --dry-run mode to repmgr standby follow (GitHub #368) - provide information about the primary node for repmgr standby register and repmgr standby follow event notifications (GitHub #375) - add standby_register_sync event notification, which is fired when repmgr standby register is run with the --wait-sync option and the new or updated standby node record has synchronised to the standby (GitHub #374) - when running repmgr cluster show, if any node is unreachable, output the error message encountered in the list of warnings (GitHub #369) - Bug fixes - ensure an inactive data directory can be overwritten when cloning a standby (GitHub #366) - repmgr node status upstream node display fixed (GitHub #363) - repmgr primary unregister: clarify usage and fix --help output (GitHub #373) - parsing of pg_basebackup_options fixed (GitHub #376) - ensure the pg_subtrans directory is created when cloning a standby in Barman mode - repmgr witness register: fix primary node check (GitHub #377).
* Mon Feb 05 2018 update to 4.0.2 - Usability enhancements - Recognize the -t/--terse option for repmgr cluster event to hide the Details column (GitHub #360) - Add \"--wait-start\" option for repmgr standby register (GitHub #356) - Add %p event notification parameter for repmgr standby switchover - Bug fixes - Add missing -W option to getopt_long() invocation (GitHub #350) - Automatically create slot name if missing (GitHub #343) - Fixes to parsing output of remote repmgr invocations (GitHub #349) - When registering BDR nodes, automatically create missing connection replication set (GitHub #347) - Handle missing node record in repmgr node rejoin (GitHub #358) - Documentation - The documentation can now be built as a single HTML file (GitHub pull request #353)- refreshed use_sudo_systemctl_for_restart.patch
* Mon Feb 05 2018 guard build flavor block with a nil to fix the build on TW
* Wed Dec 13 2017 update to 4.0.1 - ensure correct return codes are returned for repmgr node check - -action= operations (GitHub #340) - Fix repmgr cluster show when repmgr schema not set in search path (GitHub #341) - When using --force-rewind with repmgr node rejoin delete any replication slots copied by pg_rewind (GitHub #334) - Only perform sanity check on accessibility of configuration files outside the data directory when - -copy-external-config-files provided (GitHub #342) - Initialise \"voting_term\" table in application, not extension SQL (GitHub #344)
* Mon Nov 27 2017 not enabled yet: Use sudo systemctl to restart the service. This would let us manage the new postgresql instances with systemctl after a switchover. Another option here might be to go with polkit rules. to be investigated
* Mon Nov 27 2017 fix path to repmgr binary in service file
* Fri Nov 24 2017 move to correct section
* Fri Nov 24 2017 delete repmgr u-a group so we do not get an error when trying to add it to the postgresql group
* Thu Nov 23 2017 update to 4.0.0 no longer BR: an repmgr-implementation package but rather buildignore this PreReq.- use the new way to handle update-alternatives for the binaries
* Fri Aug 04 2017 fix requires
* Thu Aug 03 2017 multibuild
* Thu Aug 03 2017 update to 3.3.2
* Fri Feb 10 2017 update to 3.3 - repmgr: always log to STDERR even if log facility defined (Ian) - repmgr: add --log-to-file to log repmgr output to the defined log facility (Ian) - repmgr: improve handling of command line parameter errors (Ian) - repmgr: add option --upstream-conninfo to explicitly set \'primary_conninfo\' in recovery.conf (Ian) - repmgr: enable a standby to be registered which isn\'t running (Ian) - repmgr: enable `standby register --force` to update a node record with cascaded downstream node records (Ian) - repmgr: add option `--no-conninfo-password` (Abhijit, Ian) - repmgr: add initial support for PostgreSQL 10.0 (Ian) - repmgr: escape values in primary_conninfo if needed (Ian) - repmgr: require a valid repmgr cluster name unless -F/--force supplied (Ian) - repmgr: check master server is registered with repmgr before cloning (Ian) - repmgr: ensure data directory defaults to that of the source node (Ian) - repmgr: various fixes to Barman cloning mode (Gianni, Ian) - repmgr: fix `repmgr cluster crosscheck` output (Ian) - repmgr: add support for cloning from a Barman backup (Gianni) - repmgr: add commands `standby matrix` and `standby crosscheck` (Gianni) - repmgr: suppress connection error display in `repmgr cluster show` unless `--verbose` supplied (Ian) - repmgr: add commands `witness register` and `witness unregister` (Ian) - repmgr: enable `standby unregister` / `witness unregister` to be executed for a node which is not running (Ian) - repmgr: remove deprecated command line options - -initdb-no-pwprompt and -l/--local-port (Ian) - repmgr: before cloning with pg_basebackup, check that sufficient free walsenders are available (Ian) - repmgr: add option `--wait-sync` for `standby register` which causes repmgr to wait for the registered node record to synchronise to the standby (Ian) - repmgr: add option `--copy-external-config-files` for files outside of the data directory (Ian) - repmgr: only require `wal_keep_segments` to be set in certain corner cases (Ian) - repmgr: better support cloning from a node other than the one to stream from (Ian) - repmgrd: add configuration options to override the default pg_ctl commands (Jarkko Oranen, Ian) - repmgrd: don\'t start if node is inactive and failover=automatic (Ian)
* Fri Oct 14 2016 let plugins provide repmgr-implementation and require that from the main package- provide init integration for repmgrd
* Tue Aug 16 2016 update to 3.1.5 - The repmgr cluster show command will no longer display database connection error messages unless the --verbose option is used. - repmgrd\'s handling of failover events when failover=manual has been improved and a new event notification standby_disconnect_manual will notify if a standby with this setting has been disconnected from replication. - Additional event notifications standby_switchover and standby_follow - Improved replication and apply lag calculation with repmgrd monitoring enables (-m/--monitoring-history) - Improved repmgr standby switchover operations.
* Tue Aug 09 2016 fix the horribly broken update-alternatives scriptlet
* Tue Aug 09 2016 update to 3.1.4
* Mon Apr 25 2016 update to 3.1.2 This drops support for postgresql < 9.3- changes from 3.1.2 - Fix pg_ctl path generation in do_standby_switchover() (Ian) - Regularly sync witness server repl_nodes table (Ian) - Documentation improvements (Gianni, dhyannataraj) - (Experimental) ensure repmgr handles failover slots when copying in rsync mode (Craig, Ian) - rsync mode handling fixes (Martín) - Enable repmgr to compile against 9.6devel (Ian)- changes from 3.1.1 - Add \'-P/--pwprompt\' option for \"repmgr create witness\" (Ian) - Prevent repmgr/repmgrd running as root (Ian)- changes from 3.1.0 - Add \"repmgr standby switchover\" command (Ian) - Revised README file (Ian) - Remove requirement for \'archive_mode\' to be enabled (Ian) - Improve -?/--help output, showing default values if relevant (Ian) - Various bugfixes to command line/configuration parameter handling (Ian)- changes from 3.0.3 - Create replication slot if required before base backup is run (Abhijit) - standy clone: when using rsync, clean up \"pg_replslot\" directory (Ian) - Improve --help output (Ian) - Improve config file parsing (Ian) - Various logging output improvements, including explicit HINTS (Ian) - Add --log-level to explicitly set log level on command line (Ian) - Repurpose --verbose to display extra log output (Ian) - Add --terse to hide hints and other non-critical output (Ian) - Reference internal functions with explicit catalog path (Ian) - When following a new primary, have repmgr (not repmgrd) create the new slot (Ian) - Add /etc/repmgr.conf as a default configuration file location (Ian) - Prevent repmgrd\'s -v/--verbose option expecting a parameter (Ian) - Prevent invalid replication_lag values being written to the monitoring table (Ian) - Improve repmgrd behaviour when monitored standby node is temporarily unavailable (Martín)- changes from 3.0.2 - Improve handling of --help/--version options; and improve help output (Ian) - Improve handling of situation where logfile can\'t be opened (Ian) - Always pass -D/--pgdata option to pg_basebackup (Ian) - Bugfix: standby clone --force does not empty pg_xlog (Gianni) - Bugfix: autofailover with reconnect_attempts > 1 (Gianni) - Bugfix: ignore comments after values (soxwellfb) - Bugfix: handle string values in \'node\' parameter correctly (Gregory Duchatelet) - Allow repmgr to be compiled with a newer libpq (Marco) - Bugfix: call update_node_record_set_upstream() for STANDBY FOLLOW (Tomas) - Update `repmgr --help` output (per Github report from renard) - Update tablespace remapping in --rsync-only mode for 9.5 and later (Ian) - Deprecate `-l/--local-port` option - the port can be extracted from the conninfo string in repmgr.conf (Ian) - Add STANDBY UNREGISTER (Vik Fearing) - Don\'t fail with error when registering master if schema already defined (Ian) - Fixes to whitespace handling when parsing config file (Ian)- changes from 3.0.1 - Prevent repmgrd from looping infinitely if node was not registered (Ian) - When promoting a standby, have repmgr (not repmgrd) handle metadata updates (Ian) - Re-use replication slot if it already exists (Ian) - Prevent a test SSH connection being made when not needed (Ian) - Correct monitoring table column names (Ian)- changes from 3.0 - Require PostgreSQL 9.3 or later (Ian) - Use `pg_basebackup` by default (instead of `rsync`) to clone standby servers (Ian) - Use `pg_ctl promote` to promote a standby to primary - Enable tablespace remapping using `pg_basebackup` (in PostgreSQL 9.3 with `rsync`) (Ian) - Support cascaded standbys (Ian) - \"pg_bindir\" no longer required as a configuration parameter (Ian) - Enable replication slots to be used (PostgreSQL 9.4 and later (Ian) - Command line option \"--check-upstream-config\" (Ian) - Add event logging table and option to execute an external program when an event occurs (Ian) - General usability and logging message improvements (Ian) - Code consolidation and cleanup (Ian)- changes from 2.0.3 - Add -S/--superuser option for witness database creation Ian) - Add -c/--fast-checkpoint option for cloning (Christoph) - Add option \"--initdb-no-pwprompt\" (Ian)
* Thu Feb 19 2015 update to 2.0.2 - see enable 9.4 build