Changelog for egroupware-docker-23.1.20230314-2.2.noarch.rpm :
* Tue Feb 28 2023 Ralf Becker - version 23.1.20230228- 5th release and hopefully last candidate for upcoming 23.1- Addressbook/CardDAV: fix new Thunderbird 110 could not sync big addressbooks- Mail/OAuth: fix mail account creation failed for regular EGroupware users / non-admins- Timesheet: allow to set preference to never ask again to start working time on login- AD/LDAP: account import supports now (keeping) local groups and their memberships, if configured to do so- ActiveDirectory: fix making extra AD attributes available via custom fields with \"ldap_\" prefix- AD/LDAP: fix SQL error \"duplicate entry \'X\' on egw_accounts.account_lid\" when updating an existing account- Status/ActiveDirectory: fix not displayed photo avatar- Status/LDAP/AD/UCS: fix picture of users not stored in DB was not shown- for a full list of fixes check: https://github.com/EGroupware/egroupware/compare/23.1.20230210...23.1.20230228 * Fri Feb 10 2023 Ralf Becker - version 23.1.20230210- 4th release candidate for upcomming 23.1, final released scheduled for March 1st 2023- Mail/OAuth: fix not working auth with custom Office365 domains outside mail wizard- TimeSheet: allow to update times in events tab rows by clicking on the time- LDAP: fix LDAP protocol error creating new groups without a description- LDAP/Addressbook: make further LDAP attributes available as custom-fields using \"ldap_\" as name for accounts in LDAP- LDAP/Univention: make birthday of users available in addressbook (univentionPerson.univentionBirthday attribute)- KnowledgeBase: get maintain articles and questions working (requires git pull on old etemplate repo too!)- Mail: slight rework of preview to make more information available without hover (not yet fully finished)- PostgreSQL: fixed PHP 8.1 problems (affected rows always returning false, not allowing to update entries)- All apps: generate letter-avatars client-side to avoid big request peaks for big installation eg. on search in calendar- for a full list of check: https://github.com/EGroupware/egroupware/compare/23.1.20230125...23.1.20230210 * Wed Jan 25 2023 Ralf Becker - version 23.1.20230125- 3rd release candidate for upcomming 23.1- to test simply change the tag in your /etc/egroupware-docker/docker-composer.override.yml to 23.1- Mail: OAuth authentication for Microsoft (Office365, outlook.com, ...) and GMail- Admin: added PHP FPM status page and documented how to enabled it- Rocketchat: fix realtime api not wokring becase of CSP error- eTemplate: many small bugfixes in several of the widgets/webcomponents * Fri Jan 13 2023 Ralf Becker - version 23.1.20230114- 2nd release candiate for 23.1- fixed some regression with select boxes- EPL: automatic loading of 23.1 license- KnowledgeBase: fix loading tabs and TinyMCE for 23.1, also requires a phpbrain update via git * Tue Jan 10 2023 Ralf Becker - version 23.1.20221202- first 23.1 release-candidate- new web-components based eTemplate2 widgets derived from Shoelace (https://shoelace.style)- new JS loading with rollup- quota support for virtual file system * Fri Dec 02 2022 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20221202- PHP 8.1: our standard container uses now PHP 8.1, as 7.4 no longer receives security updates from PHP project itself- PHP 7.4: there will be a container with PHP 7.4 with tag 21.1-7.4, which you can use on your own risk, we recommend NOT to use it- SiteMgr, KnowledgeBase, Wiki under PHP 8.1: see https://github.com/EGroupware/egroupware/wiki/Running-own-apps-in-standard-Docker-installation- smallPART: add start-page with course information and optional disclaimer to confirm when subscribe to a course- Resources: Customfields can now be per category- Collabora: use hostname of request to allow calling CO with different hostnames like EGroupware (eg. an internal and external one)- MySQL 8.0: fix DB backup recorded Int columns as TinyInt and stalls restore- MySQL 8.0: timestamp columns had no default and did not update automatic- Setup: add dry-run option to account import from AD or LDAP * Fri Sep 16 2022 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20220916- Mail/RichTextEditor: common preference \"small paragraph\" now changes return key to a line break instead of a paragraph (with margin)- Mail: remove left (and right) margin of p and div, which can interact bad with the signature- Mail/Calendar: fix applying a participant reply as organizer overwrote event with data send by the participant (not just his status)- Mail/SAML/SSO: show mail accounts requiring the session password as Error, but load the other accounts- OpenID Connect: autodiscovery support via /.well-known/openid-configuration- LDAP/AD/OpenID Connect: fix error creating tokens with profile claim, if user has a picture- EPL/CTI/Placetel: set CSP to fix not playing voice-mail * Mon Sep 05 2022 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20220905- Calendar/Mail: allow every participant to apply changes from extern organizer and warn if sender is not identical to iCal organizer or participant- CalDAV/CardDAV/TbSync: fix wrong/minimal privileges on sub-collections causing TbSync not to display this calendars or addressbooks- CalDAV/Calendar: expand-property report used by iCal app (Mac) did not return rights on other users calendar- Mail: register EGroupware as protocol handler for mail, you need to click on the double-diamond in the url bar and confirm it- Mail: explicitly apply default font and -size before sending mail- Mail: do NOT fail setting ACL recursive on folders, if single folder fail (eg. wrongly in subscription file)- Mail/Sieve: fix vacation notice activated by date does not work if the start date is set in future- Mail/Dovecot: allow to use admin credentials to access mail when no session password is available, e.g. for SSO- Mobile view: fix broken Security & Password menu- Kanban: Add columns under Kanban context menu action for other applications- Filemanager/WebDAV: fix WebDAV mounts from other EGroupware or next|ownCloud failed for non-alphanumeric passwords- Filemanager: use bigger popups to open files (PDF: 1024 *1024, text: 800 *1024, images: 640 *800)- Calendar/Mobile view: Add a date indicator for all views in mobile theme- Api: Merge placeholder that checks for EMPTY {{IF fieldname~EMPTY~True text~False text}}- Projectmanager: Fix \"add app\" in element list has wrong starting app- Rocketchat: fix RC user\'s status no longer visible- Setup: fix installation check to correctly detect installed packages with Composer 2.x- SAML/Univention: support for Univention SAML IdP for SSO incl. docu- SAML: generate a self-signed certificate (not just the public key)- ActiveDirectory/LDAP: implemented deleting of accounts via full/initial import, periodic import does NOT delete- ActiveDirectory/LDAP: allow to configure an optional group-context- ActiveDirectory/LDAP: periodic import of account into SQL database * Fri Apr 08 2022 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20220408- All: fix regression causing older browsers (Firefox < 69 and Safari < 14.1) to display EGroupware- Filemanager/SMB: fix not working sharing of SMB shares (with fixed credentials!) * Wed Apr 06 2022 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20220406- smallPART: annotate PDF files in realtime with multiple people like it was already possible for videos- smallPART: new graphical question types for tests: mark-choice and mill-out- smallPART: use an office document (opened via Collabora) to make notes about the video or PDF- smallPART: test now blocks clicks outside test-area until test is finished or paused (if allowed)- smallPART: experimental cognitive load measurement allow to use smallPART for research projects- Api: splitter widget did not restore size from preference- Addressbook: allow keeping custom fileAs value (LDAP: displayname) by adding it as first option- Filemanager/WebDAV: add (missing) trailing slash in mount URL for WebDAV, as NextCloud requires it- Filemanager/WebDAV: fix errors mounting and reading files via WebDAV from other EGroupware or *Cloud- Filemanager/WebDAV: fix PHP error if mounted WebDAV server got eg. a wrong password (did not return a 207 on PROPFIND)- InfoLog: set replyTo for async notification to owner of InfoLog, otherwise the user causing the change- Calendar: New preference so default alarm can be for current user or all participants- Calendar/CalDAV: ignore Outlook CalDAV Synchronizer setting participant status back to unknown/needs-action (other status will be updated)- Notifications: Admins now configure the mail account to use for email notifications instead of the user account- Admin: fix delete user account always displayed 0 entries- InfoLog: fix saving an InfoLog twice gave error that entry was modified, if user timezone was different from server- Collabora: do NOT show menubars for readonyl files- EPL/Projectmanager/Calendar: Add calendar integration so projects can be shown as events in calendar- EPL/CTI: new user-specific preference when to show CRM view: for incoming or outgoing calls, both directions or never- EPL/Placetel: fix not working voice mail playback * Mon Feb 07 2022 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20220207- Calendar: fix not working placeholders $$date$$ & $$fullname$$- CardDAV/Addressbook: fix GET request regression after REST API introduction- CardDAV/ActiveDirectory: fix empty account-addressbook if sync-collection-report is used- Etemplate: Add link icon overlay to link list- Collabora: fix direct edits and such via a share end up in different Collabora edit-sessions- Collabora: support for version 21.11+ (needs new egroupware-collabora-key package too!)- Kanban/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error by replacing MySQL specific syntax with a sub-query- OpenID Connect: implement \"groups\" claim and scope return memberships- ProjectManager: Fix SQL error adding project list to Home- Guacamole/Backup/Restore: fix not working restore for Guacamole- EPL/Placetel: support more the one number-prefix / area-code- EPL: CTI for Asterisk using ARI (Asterisk Rest API): click2dial, CRM-view and call-lists- Setup/EPL: do not autoinstall uninstalled EPL apps when container restarts * Tue Nov 30 2021 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20211130- PHP 8.0: tons of fixes to support 8.0, this is probably the last container using PHP 7.4 by default- Addressbook: new REST API for contacts https://github.com/EGroupware/egroupware/tree/master/doc/REST-CalDAV-CardDAV- LDAP/Addressbook: fix region contains for given country invalid value gives an LDAP error on update- Admin/Filemanager: correctly encode user \"WORKGROUP\\$user\" for SMB mounts and do NOT require mountpoints to exist- Filemanager: fix not working variables eg. $user in GUI mount (Admin > Filemanager)- Filemanager: fix video controller not working in filemanager gallery- Filemanager: add action to unlock files- Filemanager: fix super user could not remove other users\' subscriptions- Filemanager: add actions to convert editable files to PDF or PNG and a checkbox to merge file as PDF- Collabora: merge placeholder dialogs- All apps: add preference to set directory and filename of merged documents using placeholders- Calendar: fix changing the recurrence end date did not add/remove the events in the UI- InfoLog: fix not working overwrite check (optimistic locking) plus incrementing etag- Mail: make sure pressing [del] key twice in a row does not delete the first row on the second press- Mail: add set flags action into mail filters- Mail: implements date extension for vacation rule. None imap admin user can also set vacation rule by date.- Kanban: fix deleting card did not delete link to the board (includes a DB update to remove orphans from links)- Resources: add inventory number to resource list columns- smallPART/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error when opening a course- smallPART/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error during update (you need to restore egw_smallpart * tables AND set egw_applications.app_version=\'21.1\')- API: update jQuery-ui to 1.13.0 and TinyMCE to 5.10.1 * Thu Sep 23 2021 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20210923- smallPART: many new features and improvements for the new semester:- push changes in course, videos, participants and comments instantly to all online users- new video-controls for speed, skip 10s forward/back, full width, speaker control- add staff rolls: tutor (readonly teacher access), teacher and co-admin (identical to owner)- split students in groups and limit visibility of comments to their group, staff can filter by group- allow students to pick a nickname displayed to fellow students, always show staff and students to staff with full name- videos are ordered now alphabetic, use eg. 1st, 2nd, ... as prefix to force videos to a desired order- record date and time student subscribes or unsubscribes a course- CSV comment export adds user retweeting in front of his comment- fix questions with same start-time got identical question-numbers- fix LTI automatic registration and interactive content-selection (LTI 1.3 eg. for Moodle 3.10+) + content-selection shows all available courses, not just subscribed ones + fix not working content selection if there is only a single 1.3 config (no 1.0 one) + fix not working buttons to change between video, questions and scores- Filemanager: added user-interface to mount WebDAV or SMB shares- Filemanager/Sharing: create different share-token for different recipients (before recipients where added to the token)- Kanban: Boards now remember collapsed columns & swimlanes- Kanban: improve formatting for small columns- Kanban: Fix Infolog field \"Projectmanager\" did not load in board edit Column & Listen dialogs after first being set.- Calendar: Activate links in location & description in event tooltip- Knowledge Base: fix pasting/dragging image into htmlarea editor does not work- Addressbook/Mobile theme: fix opening contacts fails in mobile theme- Tracker: Add configuration for defaulting group (all queues and queue specific)- Mail: fix updating/deleting mail accounts does not refresh the mail tree no more- Api: Fix some merge files were opened in browser instead of downloaded- Api: Fix entry list stops scrolling if a row is updated while the tab is not visible- Api: Fix changes in history log had a hash instead of user if the change was made after a share was opened.- PostgreSQL/Addressbook: fix SQL error deleting a contact finally- PostgreSQL/Addressbook/All Apps: fix SQL error in history tab if there are attachments- PostgreSQL: fix SQL error when accessing eg. InfoLog- Calendar/Addressbook/InfoLog: no longer allow to immediately delete entries as it breaks CalDAV/CardDAV sync- Setup: support uninstalling automatic installed apps (no more reinstalling next update)- EPL/Univention: support permanent uninstalling EPL features / downgrade to CE- Chrome 94.0.4606.54: fix CSP error clicking on sidebox menu * Fri Jul 23 2021 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20210723- Security Update: all 21.1 users should upgrade ASAP, 20.1 and below is not affected- Filemanager/VFS: when creating a new file as root eg. via (docker exec) filemanager/cli.php do NOT create files unreadable by webserver- Collabora: Fix editing files in mounted share- Kanban/PostgreSQL: fix installation of example board under PostgreSQL- smallPART/PostgreSQL: fix multiple SQL errors- smallPART/PostgreSQL: fix installation under PostgreSQL * Tue Jun 29 2021 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20210629- Mail/Admin: fix not working mail wizard- Mail/SMIME: fix signed calendar events not being displayed (error:importing the ical!)- Mail/Dovecot: allow to disable caching of flags in site config to support Dovecot private seen flags on shared folders- Api: Prevent invalid customfield names- Api: Clear initial load URL after using it, so F5 takes you to the app\'s normal entry point- InfoLog: allow to limit list to last N month in site-configuration, if ordered by last modified- Setup: skip files backup on update even if configured- smallPART: only show own memberships when selecting an organisation for a course- smallPART: allow to create new courses via LTI content-selection- smallPART: fix ACL not used for course-list and giving you a \"Course not found\" error trying to subscribe- smallPART: allow to interactive choose a course and video via LTI 1.3- smallPART: automatic registration from Moodle 3.10+- smallPART: using now ceLTIc/LTI for LTI 1.3 too- smallPART: automatic use SameSite=None cookie attribute when embedding via LTI- smallPART: fix failed opening of courses from course-list via LTI- smallPART: allow to configure \"Moodle username\" for checking or creating an EGroupware user * Fri May 21 2021 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20210521- final 21.1 release from 25th May incl. new login background- CalDAV/Calendar: fix broken sync in last RC- AD: fix account-selection type \"groupmembers\" caused high load on AD- AD: fix login always reports \"account is expired\", if account-selection \"group-members\" is set for AD- ADS/LDAP: improve caching of searching/listing- Infolog: Add info_owner/... merge placeholders- SmallPART: allow to interactive choose a course and video via LTI 1.3- SmallPART: automatic registration from Moodle 3.10+- SmallPART: using now ceLTIc/LTI for LTI 1.3 too- SmallPART: automatic use SameSite=None cookie attribute when embedding via LTI- SmallPART: fix failed opening of courses from course-list via LTI- SmallPART: allow to configure \"Moodle username\" for checking or creating an EGroupware user- EPL/CTI/Placetel: allow to download preconfigured Windows softphone- EPL/CTI/Placetel: automatic create API token and enable notify-API * Tue May 04 2021 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20210504- 5th and last 21.1 release candidate- EPL/Placetel: create Placetel users, VoIP destinations and IP devices / autoconfigurable phones from EGroupware- EPL/Placetel: allow users to reset Placetel password, view SIP credentials and configure function keys / BLF of their phones- SmallPART: fix wrongly \"fixed\" regular expression causing eg. Panopto video-url giving an error- Push: allow setting EGW_MAX_PUSH_USERS to support more then default 1024 user (current/highest usage is reported in logs)- Login: new icon-bar showcasing available applications (new login image yet to come) * Tue Apr 20 2021 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20210420- 4th and now feature-complete 21.1 pre-release- EPL: new application firewall allowing to restrict login based on IP address, time, user or group-membership and 2-Factor-Auth- EPL/Kanban: allow to collapse, expand and move columns and swimlanes- Login: new start animation / throbber- SAML/Shibboleth: update phpSimpleSAML to 1.19.0 to support Shibboleth v4.0- SAML/Shibboleth: fix metadata-URL to container eduPersonUniqueId or a custom OID, if specified- SAML/Shibboleth: fix not stored custome OID and added eduPersonUniqueId- Calendar: Fix quick-add did not pass changes to start time on to edit dialog- Calendar: Fix missing line breaks in event tooltip- Timesheet: Fix created was overlapping with status- CalDAV/CardDAV: fix freebusy-URL for users and support basic auth with regular user credentials too- Mail: fix losing inline images after being re-saved as draft or created as new- All apps: many small fixes and improved PHP 8.0 support * Tue Apr 06 2021 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20210406- 3rd 21.1 pre-release using PHP 7.4 by default- Notifications: Add refresh handler for notifications (click on Notifications header)- Calendar: Add contextmenu action for video-conference events to access recordings for BBB- Calendar: move calendar search from side-menu to toolbar and add favorits (mobile theme too)- API/Resources: allow custom icons for categories- Kanban: allow to collapse/expand columns and swimlanes- PHP 8.0: many bug fixes and separate test-containers with tags 21.1-8.0 or 21.1.20210406-8.0 * Mon Mar 29 2021 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20210329- 2nd 21.1 pre-release now supporting PHP 7.4 and using it in the container- Infolog: Fix details / no details filter preference was not saved- Kanban: default actions of apps are now available on the cards- Status/BigBlueButton: support record a meeting and play/download it via calendar- Status/BigBlueButton: ad hoc (not scheduled) video calls are no longer deleted on call end and can be toggeled in calendar like cti calls- Admin/ActiveDirector: fixed user list was empty * Thu Mar 18 2021 Ralf Becker - version 21.1.20210318- first beta of upcomming 21.1 release (CE already feature complete, EPL still working on firewall feature)- EPL/Kanban: boards for tasks, projects, tickets or as sales-funnel for the sales department- smallPART: video-based learning now with Single-, MultipleChoice or open questions for tests and exams- Filemanager: complete rework of sharing allowing now to mount shares of other users or open multiple sharing links- Filemanager: allow to mount WebDAV shares from other EGroupware, NAS or *cloud- Dark Mode theme for EGroupware- EPL/Telephony Integration: enhanced with caller ID, opening of CRM view and call history displayed also in calendar- Tracker/Addressbook: using now push updates too- many small enhancements in all modules * Mon Jan 25 2021 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20210125- Admin: Context menu action to clear user credentials- Status/Videoconference: fix broken fullscreen mode in BBB client- Calendar: Fix videoconference link in event tooltip- Calendar: Fix event notifications had the wrong times in iCal attachment if user timezone was not server timezone- Calendar: Fix bug where yearly planner would not show events that went outside the displayed time period- All apps: Add context menu action on linked files to copy them somewhere else- Etemplate: Avoid \"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined\"- Mail: New \"Save As\" preference option to attach just the mail, no mail attachments- LDAP/Addressbook: use accounts filter from setup for accounts addressbook too- Projectmanager: Fix async notifications were sent out to too many users- Projectmanager: fix some modification dates were stored in user time- Tracker: Fix export filter for groups was allowing non-group accounts as options- Tracker: Add resolution to the fields that escalations can change- FPM/Container: start more php processes by default and keep them running to better cope with high usage * Thu Dec 17 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20201217- Status/Videoconference: add support for BigBlueButton videoconferencing, it can be configured via Status app\'s site-configuration- Collabora: support Collabora Online 6.4- Admin/EMail: display administrative IMAP actions folder ACL and vacation notice in IMAP tab too- Mail: Config setting for how many mailing lists are returned in address search results- Setup: fix no accounts found for SQL instances- Calendar: Fix missing / incorrect recurrence date in cancel notification iCal- Calendar: Show correct event date when notified of a single cancelled recurring event- Calendar: Fix quick add \'Save\' button would close the whole window, if it had been opened by a different window- Calendar: Fix todo sizing / scrolling- Addressbook: fix \'undefined\' title shown for some contact links opened in CRM view tabs- SmallPART: CSV export of comments for course-owner and students own comments and recording time of comments- SmallPART: fixed not playing uploaded vidoes through egroupware-docker package update (container is not enough!) * Wed Dec 02 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20201202- API: call async-services via HTTP to fix diverse caching problems- Tracker: fix empty notification mail, if ticket was opened by following a link in notification mail- Addressbook: allow sharing of individual contacts to make them available to other addressbooks or users- Addressbook: Open CRM views into individual tabs- Addressbook: Fix newly added distribution lists could not be added to with the context menu- EPL/Policy: limit what contact-fields are shared and which are required to share in certain addressbooks- Ads/CardDAV/Addressbook: fix exception / HTTP status 401 when trying to delete an not existing distribution list- Filemanager: Put file creation & modification times in user timezone- Calendar: Fix quick add -> edit would incorrectly set end date- Saml/Shiboleth/SmallPART: allow to use affiliation attribute to sync with Teachers group- Projectmanager: Fix project links no longer get opened in element list view- Status/Videoconference: remove port from room-name, if EGw was setup with a url using a port * Wed Oct 28 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20201028- Push: fix regression in keep-alive check causing clients sometimes creating a huge number of connections- Addressbook: allow to configure sending fax via email by replacing the number with an email address- ActiveDirectory/Mail: fix groups as distribution lists- ActiveDirectory: implement addtional user or group filter- Calendar: Fix missing category in event tooltip- RocketChat: show unread messages in status app and on tab header- SmallPART: fix not working LTI launch after last maintenance release- SmallPART: allow to record watched videos: start-, end-time, position, duration and paused times- SmallPART: fix not working iframe embedding by LTI host- SmallPART: add missing frame-ancestors ContentSecurityPolicy for LTI 1.3- SmallPART: allow to run a presentation / html overlay in sync with the video without need to modify video- Admin: fix IP address validation in site configuration * Tue Oct 20 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20201020- Swoolepush: fix access to undeclared static propertiy SwoolPush\\Backend::$failed_attempts- Swoolepush: periodically pinging server from browser to detect lost websocket connection and reconnect- Api: detect if framework data is missing for popups too and redirect to cd=popup to load it- Api: setting configured server-timezone for the databases connection, to fix cases were they do not match- Admin: fix session list did NOT show interactive sessions, if push is used- OpenIDConnect/Guacamole: fix clients managed as EGroupware apps require Rocket.Chat run rights- Infolog: Responsible user in a different timezone would adjust the due date when saving- Mail: do not override existing compose fields with predefined values- Filemanager: fix drag and drop a file no longer working from outside of browser into the list- HTML Editor: fix bug in editing uploaded image- HTML Editor: add table button into html editor\'s toolbar- Rocket.Chat: fix not working login with newer desktop clients- Calendar: Current time line now spans all columns in single day view- Calendar/Merge: Fix {{link}} placeholder not working for HTML mails, use {{link/href}} to get a clickable link- Tracker: Fix export database values always gave 0 rows- PostgreSQL/SmallPART: fix installation / update to 20.1 failed * Mon Oct 05 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20201005- WatchTowner/Nginx: modified Nginx config to resolve changed IP addresses of updated containers, fix 502 Bad Gateway errors- Admin/Push: push server test to diagnose problems and improved recovery from failed requests / network problems- ActiveDirectory: fix unwilling to perform error when saving an account- Calendar: Improve handling of infolog push messages- Calendar: Fix quick add did not open conflict dialog- InfoLog/eTemplate: fixed multiple update problems eg. when responsible no longer matches filter- SmallPART: allow to record watched videos: start-, end-time, position, duration and how ovent paused- Tracker: Fix adding a favorite could sometimes pick up escalation columns- Tracker: Fix Site Configuration User selection could not select new groups- Mail: Add custom html toolbar settings in mail site-configuration in order to be able to add/remove certain actions only for mail-compose dialog.- Login Page: Fix login button on login page not being clickable on small screens- eSyncPro: fix SQL error in device list- Authentication: allow using multiple backends, even same backend multiple times with different configuration * Mon Sep 14 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20200914- Addressbook: fix CRM view was not properly refreshed- Etemplate: Fix historylog did not render until you resize the window- Mail: handle push of delete or move of all messages in folder- Swoolpush/Mail: fixed push failing for further accounts subscribed to same mailbox- ImportExport: Date custom fields with custom formatting now correctly handled- CardDAV/Addressbook: do NOT add empty room number as further organizational unit- Filemanager: Fix unwanted, automatic comment \"ask\" when uploading to filemanager- Admin: fix some status filter gave empty rows for more then 50 accounts- SmallParT: fix not working iframe embedding by LTI host- ActiveDirectory: users not found when search starting with A-F and fixed attribute-names: company, department, ... * Tue Sep 01 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20200901- Infolog: fix diverse refresh problems in lists- CalDAV/Calendar: fixed doublication of alarms when participant setting the alarm has no edit rights on the event- Calendar: deleting a recurrence of an event series did not refresh displayed events- Calendar: fix event click and event drag were not properly separated- Calendar: fix clicking on an event to edit opened a new one and draged clicked one around- Mail: fix deleting or moving multiple mail to another folder did not update the list- Mail: fix opening mailto: link in html mail causes connection error- Mail: fix moving a mail removes more then the moved mail, if push is active- All Apps: fix print list column selection does not contain customfields- Timesheet: fix list gets always set to summary filter after being refreshed/filtered- Notifications: Some performance optimizations- All apps: fix drag and drop a file from FireFox download list not working- PostgreSQL: fix SQL error opening ProjectManager * Tue Aug 18 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20200818- All apps: fix last rows was removed when adding new entry to list with only a couple of rows- Mail: fix not working push with Dovecot 2.2 caused by different case in event-type compared to 2.3- Mail: fix not shown folder tree for some Cyrus servers- InfoLog: fix list not allways refreshed via push, caused by insufficient ACL implementation on client-side- Calendar/Resources: do NOT try to notify a not set resource responsible- Calendar/CalDAV: config to replace email-domain eg. for a migration- Timesheet: fix list not always refreshed via push, caused by owner filter- File Sharing: fix broken file sharing dialog- Filemanager: Fix broken drop-down button of create new file type- News admin: fix issue language filter in list is always empty- Univention: fix not running async jobs because of old overlay storage driver * Wed Aug 12 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20200812- final 20.1 release- Admin: ACL dialog showed no rights when first opened and deleted them on saving- InfoLog/Timesheet/Mail: disable automatic list refresh, as they support push now- Mail: fix refresh problems with automatic refresh and no push enabled imap server * Mon Aug 10 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20200810- Preferences: new pref how to update lists: fast or exact- Tracker/Notifications: send mail after response to user and push errors- Calendar: Fix multiple all-day event rendering bug- Etemplate: Fix entry widget had wrong ID, so was missing value- Mail/Admin: do NOT allow to set forwards via Sieve rules, if user forwards are disabled (not standard SMTP!)- Infolog: Fix exporting search results failed if a contact filter was used- Notifications: taking push server into account for checking user is online for popup or email notifications- Rocket.Chat: do NOT require a refresh token / user conset as we regard rocketchat as internal app- Rocket.Chat: fix Rocket.Chat message dialog shows error \"Unknown Path\"- Status: Fix unread message indicators no longer working- Container: use Ubuntu 20.04 as base of EGroupware container instead of 18.04- All apps: fixed scrolling in lists for iPad in desktop mode * Fri Jul 31 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20200731- 5th and last 20.1 release candidate- Calendar: fix not working refresh via push, if Home app is used- Mail: replying to a mail should only update icon, not move it to top of list- Mail: new preference to disable notifications for new arriving mails (requires push for mail)- Login: fixed not able to login due to notifications- Login: fix not working forced password reset- Preferences: use push to ask every affected client to reload preferences, if affected * Tue Jul 28 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20200728- 4th and probably last 20.1 release candidate- Login: updated background image with 20.1 highlights- Calendar: send notifications/meeting requests after responding to user- InfoLog: implemented push updates and incremental list updates- Mail/SwoolePush: push notifications for new mails from Dovecot (needs configuration!)- Mail: fix download attachments as zip- Mail: open notification email of own domain as popup- Notifications: show app-specific number of notifications on tab-header- All apps: success or error messages no longer overwrite each other and new styling- smallPART: add missing frame-ancestors ContentSecurityPolicy for LTI 1.3- Security: allow to configure SameSite cookie attribute (eg. for LTI embeding)- jDots: fix login page- InfoLog: add filter by contact to export filters- Home: fixed loading widgets and stalling calendar- Mobile: fix missing search in mobile view * Thu Jul 16 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20200716- 3rd 20.1 release candidate- Calendar: updates via push-server- bugfixes in some apps * Fri Jul 10 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20200710- second release candidate for upcomming 20.1 release- openSUSE/SLE/CentOS/RHEL: support for Nginx for current version- Mail: allow to configure a proxy to display external http images (eg. proxy.egroupware.org)- Mail: open notification email of own domain as popup- Mail: Add replyTo, CC, BCC and folder fields into predefined compose values- Login page: use HTTP status code 401 for a failed login, so tools like fail2ban can recognice that- Collabora: Implement file rename operation- Status: fix CSP error for meet.jit.si, if site config was saved with no server or jitsi.egroupware.net- Etemplate: Get vfsUpload values to use expose so they work like links- Rocket.Chat: Fix constant autologin loop when RC uses a different domain then EGroupware- smallPART: fixed UI problems when embeded via LTI- smallPART: fixed empty email and name for new uses created via LTI * Sun Jun 28 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20200628- first 20.1 release candidate- all apps: warn when closing popup windows with unsafed changes- all apps: password widget allow now to genrate passwords and custom field type password- smallPART: new e-learning app: selfdirected media assisted learning lectures & Process Analysis Reflection Tool- Calendar: Optimize fetching participant names to reduce requests- Calendar: Fix user / server timezone mismatch could put incorrect changes in event history- Calendar/Email: show additional [Delete] and [Edit] buttons for a meeting canceled message- Tracker: Open tickets in separate windows * Sat Jun 13 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20200613- first beta (feature-complete) for upcomming 20.1 release- Push: added push server- API: JavaScript minifying works now thanks to Terser (though .map files are still WIP)- SAML/Shibboleth/SimpleSAMLphp authentication configurable through setup- SAML: support joining a SAML account to an existing one, if configured in setup- Filemanager: When user tries to access a directory with no permission, redirect to previous directory instead of home- Mail: fix creating a folder on level of inbox gave an error (if imap server supports it)- Calendar/CalDAV: videoconference was lost, if meeting was accepted of updated via CalDAV- Preferences: Fix delete personal category required admin permission- Status app: Add group preference as shown users and some performance improvements- Tracker: No longer flagging closed tickets as overdue- Etemplate: Password widget improvements - suggest password button, added as custom field type (stored encrypted) * Fri Jun 05 2020 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20200605- Calendar/CalDAV: videoconference was lost, if meeting was accepted of updated via CalDAV- Preferences: fix delete personal category required admin permission- Calendar: do not show Infolog list (Open ToDo\'s) if user has no access to Infolog, or no Infolog types selected for display- Api: can now select no color with color widget- ActiveDirectory: consider security local groups as groups too- API: new data-minimizing account display options \"Firstname Inital\" and \"Firstname [ID]\"- Registration: allow to choose email as user-name and let user choose a primary group from a selection- Status app: add group preference as shown users and some performance improvements- Tracker: skip loading the default mail account during mail handling, avoids mailhandling failure in some cases- Mail: fixed forward as attachment from viewing mail in popup- Docker: EGW_MEMORY_LIMIT environment variable to set a higher memory_limit in php.ini (default is 128M) * Mon May 25 2020 Ralf Becker - version 20.1.20200525- first alpha for upcomming 20.1 release (shows still 19.1)- you have to switch JavaScript minifying off BEFORE updating * Thu Apr 30 2020 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20200430- Jitsi/Status: many of improvments for easier video conferences and calls- added a ringtone when being called and also signaling it via a link in Rocket.Chat- ask user to try again, if a call is not answered and tell called one he missed the call- display alarms for videoconferences and offer easy joining- allow to invite users to already running video calls or sheduled meetings- Status: add phone call actions (only if telephony system is integrated)- Calendar: video conference links in notifications expired before the meeting date- Calendar: add clickable link to videoconference in event tooltip- Calendar: add videoconference icon to event tooltip- Calendar: disable some owner/participant pre-loading for faster initial open- Calendar: fix events later in the day would not show if one was filtered out- Calendar: fix more than 2 exceptions caused missed exceptions with CalDAV under iOS- Mail: automatic remove some invisible Unicode chars breaking email addresses- Timesheet: fix update via import without category or status cleared original- Timesheet: fix import condition checks- Api: make sure share cleanup job doesn\'t remove shares just because of access rights- Collabora: fix document revision history only available in english- Collabora: fix document\'s previous versions were only available in english- News: display link to categories in sidebox-menu and administration- OpenIDConnect: fix JWT don\'t validate for client in certain proxying situations because of wrong issuer- Admin: deleting accounts no longer fails because of memmory limit on huge installations- Addressbook: fixed not working avatar upload- Guacamole: fixing diverse glichtes in usage and installation * Thu Apr 09 2020 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20200409[#]CoronaVirus #StayAtHome #HomeOffice release featuring- Free Video Calls through an IONOS and EGroupware GmbH sponsored Jitsi server in Frankfurt/Germany- Status: integrated Jitsi video conferencing into Status app by simple double-click on avatar- Addressbook: direct video calls to loged in uses and schedule conferences to contacts- Calendar: allow to schedule a videoconference via Jitsi- Filemanager: allow schools to make home-work available via sharing and collect it again (new HiddenUpload sharing type)- Guacamole: make windows PCs in office available through EGroupware from the outside- OpenIDConnect: added id_token to implicit flow and /jwks endpoint to support eg. Guacamole- OpenIDConnect/OAuth: manage access and display OAuth apps inside EGroupware- EPL: allow specify IP-range as second factor in Admin >> EPL-Function >> Site configuration- Api: If addressbook event column is disabled, disable next / last dates in edit dialog as well.- Calendar: Fix conflict popup opened with an error- Api: Fix missing translations in ACL dialog and when deleting an account- Addressbook: Case insensitive check for vCard BEGIN & END flags fixes lowercase vcards would not import- Bookmarks: Tree view no longer shows bookmarks from sub-categories at every higher tree level- OpenIDConnect: Fix missing translation in delete token confirm- OpenIDConnect: fix error if scopes are specified in a client- Rocketchat: Fix missing translation in Rocket Chat side menu- Rocketchat: Fix server_url is not getting stored/replaced once a wrong url has been stored. * Wed Mar 18 2020 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20200318- Calendar: initial load speed improvement- CalDAV/OutlookSynchronizer: reject invitations when client deletes them without appropriate rights in his calendar- CalDAV/Calendar: always set organizer and participants outside own calendar- Filemanager/Sharing: fix lost session on first load in sharing links with Firefox- Collabora: fix issue of inserting an image into document pops a rename dialog- Collabora: fix limit of one samba connection per person- Admin: add copy account action- Html Editor: add fullscreen feature into html editor- Html Editor: add 9pt, 9px, 11pt and 11px into Html editor\'s font options- Timesheet: fix project link was missing when changing project after clicking \"Save & New\"- Mail: fix mail acl can\'t save or retrieve after changing mailbox via folder selectbox- Projectmanager: add preference to force filemanager subdirectories- All apps: fix error closing / updating window in Chrome 80+- RocketChat: fix diverse connection and status update errors- Updated translations for EL, SK, BG and DE * Thu Jan 30 2020 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20200130- SECURITY AND MAINTENANCE RELEASE: PLEASE UPDATE IMMEDIATELY (includes 17.1 and before!)- Sharing: temporary disable cleaning of deleted files, causing all shares to get deleted- Api: Fix SQL error from doubled table name in group statement- Admin: Fix group email got lost on save- CalDAV/Calendar: fix for first recurence being an exception cause it to be deleted by mac calendar- CalDAV/Calendar: virtual exceptions (different status for recurrences) were not exported- Mail: Fix broken link mail in infolog via drag and drop action- Collabora: explicit save creates no new version if last one was an autosave- Projectmanager: Fix Gantt chart to use all available vertical space- ProjectManager/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error / regression in last maintenance release- Tracker: using RowsIterator to export more rows then the memory-limit * Fri Dec 20 2019 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20191220- All apps: make list columns being sortable via column-selector dialog- Admin: optional session-action column in access-log and sessions- Admin: Add filemanager (home directory) as an option to move to new user when deleting an account- Admin: Fix some hooks got missed when deleting a user- File selector: implement Overwrite and Rename possibilities for saving an existing email message or attachment- Mobile theme: fix mobile theme sidebar not showing notifications- Html Editor: Add a custom paragraph into block formating in order to get paragraph lines with no line-height- Mail: keep number & bullet lists when converting to plain text- Notifications: implement new indicator in dashboard in order to notify user about unread notifications- Calendar: New preference for notifications about events you created, but are not a participant in- Addressbook: Fix files and entries linked to a new contact were not saved- Rocket.Chat: fix Message action on status app\'s contextmenu is always active even when Rochet.Chat is not yet logged in and active- Tracker: Fix HTML tickets showed their HTML tags in async notifications- Packages/WebDAV: remove upload / PUT limit of 65MB (now 1GB), you need to accept/merge changes in apache/nginx.conf files! * Tue Nov 19 2019 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20191119- CalDAV/Calendar: Lightning 68 no longer allowed to accept/reject invitations- CalDAV/Calendar: iOS also no longer allowed to accept/reject invitations- ImportExport: fix error in importexport_cli.php (Console/Getopt.php not found)- all apps: fixing serveral cases of wrong Url when proxying and terminating TLS on the proxy * Thu Oct 31 2019 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20191031- Docker: allow to set session timeout (in sec) via EGW_SESSION_TIMEOUT enviroment variable- Docker: do not allow to call php files ment to be included only (src, setup, inc or vendor directories)- OpenID/OAuth2: do NOT ask user aproval, if already given and client does not use refresh token- Rocket.Chat: automatic logout and login withing EGroupware- Rocket.Chat: fix list of channels not being searchable on add favorite search dialog- Mail: stop logging of mails to webserver error-log- Mail: fix mails consists of both multipart/mixed and multipart/related create duplicated content- Mail: fix textarea in compose dialog gets disappeared after attaching a file, happens in mobile template only- Mail/Api: fix password change looses S/Mime, one time passwords and other credentials- Mail: new preference to set default format (line height, font, ...)- Api: Fix bug where some links opened in the application\'s main tab instead of popups- Admin: fix deleting of customfields type not working- Admin: Fix adding custom type status or setting type owner was not saved- Calendar: Fix selecting a group in planner by user view did not always load group members- Calendar: Fix copy event loses links- Addressbook: Add a new CRM option to view infologs for the contacts\' entire organisation- Addressbook: Add site configuration to always load certain custom fields, allows for single customfields in custom list templates- Addressbook: fix issue of avatar edit is disabled even though user has enough rights to edit it.- Infolog: Fix context menu \'Schedule appointment\' action opened in calendar tab instead of a popup- Tracker: context menu to edit comments or add attachments to them- Tracker: Record comment changes in history- Import/Export: Fix export CSV with Tab delimiter literally inserted \'\\t\' instead of tab.- CE-Groups: fix error deleting groups- News: Fix error \"Cannot read property \'col_filter\' of undefined\" when clicking \'No filters\'- Statistik: add maintenance release version and docker install type- Collabora: 4.0.8 fixes inserting images from filemanager plus several new features and bugfixes- Univention: EGroupware 19.1 is now available via AppCenter for UCS 4.4 * Wed Sep 25 2019 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20190925- Password&Security: fix not working password change after 19.1.20190917- Calendar: fix not working print view, if conventional add popup is enabled- Addressbook: fix filters in list \"jumping\" in Chrome 76+ on Windows- Template: implement applications list up/down scroll buttons (as an user preference feature)- InfoLog: fix delegation no longer shown after database restore- History: fix timestamps broken by 19.1 update storing diffs using timestamp of preceeding row- Tracker: fix unable to clear queue/category/version colors * Tue Sep 17 2019 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20190917- EPL: WebAuthn incl. older U2F tokens as 2nd factor for authentication- Preferences: always show Security & Password popup, only disable password tab, if no rights to change it- Notification: instead of overwritting From address use ReplyTo- Tracker: for notifications use explicit replyTo address or sender from mail config- Calendar: Fix quick add lost additional participants- Calendar: update to timezones version 2.2019b- Univention: fix \"Must change password upon next login\" feature- Mail: fix email date is an editable field in mail display- Filemanager: fix actions in share->mail context menu not working on multi-selection- Setup: fix post_install.php breaking bcrypt header_admin_password- EPL: fix not working automatic update of container / watchtower (requires docker-compose.yml update!)- RHEL/CentOS: fix dependency of docker-compose package to work with OS docker version * Thu Aug 22 2019 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20190822- Mail: fix broken save to filemanager action- Mail: add format selector into compose htmltext editor\'s toolbar- Api: no longer loggin last-logintime of anonymous user- Notifications: remove calendar notification from the list after applying any of actions- Mobile theme: fix broken html editor in mobile view (e.g. mail compose)- OpenID/OAuth: fixed missing redirect to login causing Rocket.Chat login to fail- OpenID/OAuth: allow to enable and view request log from within EGroupware- PostgreSQL: fix SQL error displaying project-list- Status: fix status app loses its user list if no access right to rocketchat app- Tracker: fix sometimes not readable comments (resized too small)- Rocketchat: fix stalled registration due to (wrong) MAIL_URL in docker-compose file * Tue Aug 13 2019 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20190813- final 19.1 release- Login: new background and logo for login page- Debian/Ubuntu/SUSE: recommend now Rocket.Chat (egroupware-rocketchat) and Collabora (egroupware-collabora-key) * Tue Aug 06 2019 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20190806- 3rd and probably last release-candidate for 19.1- Login: RememberMe token for either automatic login or as 2. factor for 2-Factor-Auth- Api: fix error adding/editing catgories or custom fields- Docker: allow to specify private CA so EGroupware and Rocket.Chat can validate their certificates- minor fixes in all apps * Fri Jul 26 2019 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20190726- 2. 19.1 release-candidate / preview- Admin: fixed Site config did not store (\"Error: 1\")- Admin: delete account allows to choose per app what happens with the data- eTemplate2/UI: remove JPicker color-picker in favor of native html5 one from browser- eTemplate2/UI: lists now supports to change order of columns (no GUI yet)- EPL/Filemanager/Versioning: do not version Office 2007 .tmp files- LDAP/SMIME: certifcates are now stored and used for accounts in LDAP- Univention: use stock 19.1 container by replacing univention-directory-manager with new UDM REST Api- Docker: allow to set all post_install parameters to be set via EGW_ * enviroment vars * Wed Jul 17 2019 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20190717- better guiding through Rocket.Chat installation process * Tue Jul 16 2019 Ralf Becker - version 19.1.20190716- First release-candidate for 19.1 with following major changes- Integration of Rocket.Chat an open-source chat server with native clients for all plattforms- GDPR implementation facilitated by new policy app (EPL only)- Full logging of all administrative actions incl. who requested them- Status app to show users logged into EGroupware or Rocket.Chat and allowing to interact with them- OpenID Connect / OAuth2 server as EGroupware app used to integrate Rocket.Chat- Two-Factor-Authentication to secure EGroupware with time-based one-time passwords- New colored default theme and many usability improvements in all apps- Installation through Docker container also used by DEB and RPM packages * Wed May 29 2019 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20190529- Admin: white-list IP addresses from blocking or set higher number of attempts- Calendar: fix alarms on recurring events got lost after 1st ocurrence- CalDAV/CardDAV: allow removing categories- CalDAV/CardDAV: encoding VT (vertical tab) as it stalls Outlook (CalDav Synchronizer)- iMip/Mail/Calendar: fix event-doublication on accepting, if the event was deleted once- Collabora: egroupware-collabora-key package to install local container for current Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, SUSE * Tue Apr 02 2019 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20190402- Collabora: egroupware-collabora-key package allowing to install supported Collabora container on-site- Api: When printing lists ask for print orientation and size columns to fit- Mail: fix S/MIME fails with addresses not written in lowercase- Mail: fix opening a forwarded mail as attachment into an existing compose dialog fails- Mail: check non-utf8 body, if it might be utf-8, to display readable- All apps: fix custom-field display for date-time and custom data_format like YmdHi- Api/Filemanager: create in non EPL missing /templates and app-sub-directores- Filemanager/WebDAV: handle url-special chars like %, # and ? correctly- Filemanager/EPL/GoodSync: also ignore temp. files (no _gsdata_ used)- LDAP/AD/UCS: fixed sending mails to groups used as distribution lists- ActiveDirectory: fix \"not a valid GUID\" error, when getting an avatar of a group- Addressbook: fix photos not imported via Import / Export- Addressbook: move photo change flag from import into vcal so it\'s always set if needed- Setup: fix failed/partial restores for charsets not utf-8- Timesheet: fix SQL error searching, if there are custom-fields * Fri Feb 22 2019 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20190222- All apps: improved speed when searching with (many) custom-fields- Install: non-package installs use now install-cli.php and composer, instead of myrepos (mr)- Mail: meeting-request was not shown inside multipart/related- CardDAV/Addressbook: fix accounts not synced for preference account-selection \"groupmembers\"- CalDAV: work around Lighning not having synced event before accepting- Calendar/Email: multiple users of external meeting request no longer overwrite each other status when accepting- Addressbook: fix photo was lost when non-admin user edited own account * Thu Feb 14 2019 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20190214- Calendar/CalDAV: fix yearly recurring events stalling sync- All apps: fix linking of filemanager files to entries, if there is no file yet- Api: update dependencies and install PEAR packages now through Composer- Mail: fix not working sending and receiving smime signed messages where certificates have more than 1 domain registered (subjectAltName)- Mail: take user\'s cutomfields type of email into account when searching for contacts in Compose -> TO field.- Mail: add default value settings for S/MIME passphrase expiration in site configurations- Import/Export: fix export to csv fails because of URL length limit- Resources - Fix resources not displayed in calendar if there\'s more than 20 in a category- Addressbook/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error when last/next date column is enabled- Tracker - fix ticket list custom date filter did not appear properly * Fri Jan 11 2019 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20190111- Api: show maintenance release as version-number everywhere- Api: truncate varchar for all DB types now, as MariaDB 10.3 also errors on to big content- Api/Filemanager/WebDAV: fix SQL error if login error or WebDAV path contains non-ascii chars- Calendar/CalDAV: store huge iCal attributes compressed to fix stalled sync of Outlook/Exchange events- Calendar/Mail: tell user if an event has been already already deleted when viewing a meeting request- Mobile theme: Fix inconsistent styling of submit buttons on login page, when browsing with Safari- Filemanager: fix missing empty directory context actions- Filemanager: treat GoodSync _gsdata_ directory as hidden / not shown by default- Filemanager/EPL/GoodSync: ignore _gsdata_ directory for versioning and subscriptions- Mail: implement new preference to configure mail identity label shown as mail folder header- Addressbook: add site configuration to disable Last/Next Event column- Projectmanager: move format for ID generation from config to settings to allow eg. group-specific IDs- Extended changelog: https://help.egroupware.org/t/new-features-preferences-or-other-important-things-since-release-of-17-1/73323 * Wed Dec 05 2018 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20181205- SiteMgr: fix fatal error stalling EGroupware, if SiteMgr is installed- eSync: fix S/Mime messages stall synchronisation, they are not (yet) correctly handled- Versioning: when restoring directories also restore files and subdirectories (only for newly deleted directories!) * Tue Dec 04 2018 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20181204- CalDAV/CardDAV: allow up to 255 char UIDs to support OutlookCalDAVSynchronizer- Addressbook: private addressbook in newer installations could not be enabled- Addressbook: allow specifying the charset when importing vcard- Addressbook: add option to import that deletes contacts from addressbook that are not in the import list- Calendar: remove option to skip resource detection, we always do it now.- Calendar: allow specifying the charset when importing ical- Calendar: fix alarm removed if user is only participant because of group invitation- Calendar: fix missing week numbers on multiweek view and wrong scrolling- Calendar: fix recurring events were left out of merge from list- Calendar: add checkbox to turn on or off emptying calendar before iCal import- Import/Export: allow import plugins to specify their own sub-templates- Infolog: exclude current entry from parent select/search results to avoid loop- Infolog: add missing transformation array for infolog-widget- Api: fix radiobox not return current selected value but the first value- CardDAV/Addressbook: fix missing wrapping of notes field- Tracker: update actions (change options) when tracker or category is changed- Tracker: fix context menu change options not disabling when there are no valid options- Tracker: when copying a closed 100% complete ticket, reset status, percentage & resolution- Tracker: fix changing categories blocks the dialog from further actions- Filemanager/Versioning: adding a default time of 5.5 minutes to create a new version- WebDAV: fix updates with range requests eg. chunked uploades of huge files- WebDAV: fix encoding for Cyberduck or Mountain Duck clients * Thu Oct 18 2018 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20181018- Api: change default submit to async call and try to block user interfering with submitted popup until the response- Mail: do not let hierarchy delimiter inside folder names as it may break the folder structure- Mail: fix deleting mails from draft folder does not respect \"move to trash\" in delete message preference- Mail: fix signed/encrypted S/MIME new message does not take CC or BCC fields into account- Mail: avoid to send so many requests when user tries to scroll on mail list via key up/down- Calendar: iCal import: add option to specify owner of imported events- Calendar: fix adding events to days loaded and cached but not shown in current view- Calendar: fix multi-day events ending at 00:00 would only be shown for the first day- CalDAV: CalDAVSynchronizer: only allow owner/organizer to update or delete an event (not users with edit/delete rights)- CalDAV/Calendar: iOS sometimes created a new event when confirming a deleted one- Infolog/Timesheet: fix link title placeholders not working- Infolog: add a preference to check \'Do not notify\' by default for selected types- Addressbook: fix birthday cache was not cleared when birthday edited- Resources: correct the field name from res_owner to res_creator- Notifications: do not fire another notification request unless the last one has been responded- Filemanager/SMB: fix directory creation failed on Samba (smbclient PHP extension)- Tracker: add config to re-open closed tickets if someone comments- Tracker: fix link title placeholders not working * Thu Aug 30 2018 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20180831- CardDAV: photo was not saved/changed in PUT requests- Mail: take opened compose dialogs into account when trying to forward attachment, share files into mail or vcard attachment from addressbook- Mail: fix S/MIME encrypted only composed mail fails- Mail: fix DASH DASH SPACE (-- ) signature removes lines which have only DASH DASH- Mail: set default refresh rate to 5 minutes for new installations- Calendar: Fix CSV export search results did not work (gave error)- Timesheet: Fix links to application custom fields are not created on first save- Login: fix in login page \"remember me\" options gets messy in IE or Edge- Resources: add (usable / quantity) for bookable resources in calendar participants results- Addressbook: Allow multiselection for customfield added to link title- CalDAV/Calendar: fix not working snozzing of alarms in Thunderbird- CalDAV/Calendar/Resources: do not allow to change resource quantity via CalDAV- CalDAV/Calendar: fix accepting invitations with an not attending organizer adds organizer as attendee- CalDAV/Calendar: dealing with Thunderbird setting partipant status on organizer- Timesheet: Admin only status also blocks editing & deleting for non-admins- Timesheet: only admins can select admin only statuses- Framework: fix broken favicon- Etemplate: timestamper widget now supports timezone attribute to force a certain timezone- Filemanager: make files and their paths clickable- Notifications: fix some calendar notifications event can not be opened, error: \"egw.open() app is not in registery!\"- Api: Fix minified themes cause multiple theme false entries- Api: Fix row category colors go missing after a change- Tracker: fix missing fields in escalation time column- Registration: fix Site configuration layout- EPL: new streamwrapper for links with just versioning eg. for backups without virtual structure- Collabora: fix saving fails if the opened file name starts with umlaut.- Univention/Collabora: fix not working Collabora in 17.1.20180720 * Fri Jul 20 2018 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20180720- Addressbook: inform the user about number of contacts adding to mail compose dialog via Email action- Addressbook: add filtering by distribution list for organisations- Addressbook: fix bug preventing turning off letter filter after some actions- Admin: fix admin-cli.php to understand bcrypt hashes in header.inc.php- All apps: adopt custom theme color for all dialogs headers- Api: fix enabled actions don\'t show up on nm initiation- Calendar: fix participant quantity lost when changing status- Calendar: fix missing first row in planner by category view- Calendar: fix EGroupware users were notified even if they choose not to in their preferences- Calendar/Mail: handle meeting requests for single recurrences and exceptions- Calendar: fix notifications show actions for alarm notify messages- Calendar/CalDAV: sending correct iMip REPLY to mail invitations and only reply to external chair- Mail: implement new preference for toggle actions. For instance, switching Cc, BCc or S/MIME Sign always on when trying to compose an email.- Mail: fix some smime signed messages get recognized wrongly as encrypted- Nginx: fix error: upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream- Notifications: group notifications base on entry ID to help minimizing number of notifications on the list- Notifications: fix sql query error happens for PostgreSQL- Univention: fix not working password change (setting Kerberos credentials)- Tracker: fix issue text part of some html tickets mail notifications contain html parts- Tracker: fix inline images from comments are not getting resolved properly- Tracker: fix inline images from mailhandling are not getting resolved properly * Mon Jun 25 2018 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20180625- Addressbook: fix SMime/PGP public key import not containing a newline after the key- Addressbook: Fix incorrect validation error from contact owner when editing import definition- Addressbook: Disable merge contacts action if more than one account is selected- Infolog: Provide duration, pricelist & unit price when creating a timesheet- Calendar: add context menu actions for email & documents to non-list views- Calendar: fix event positioning bug in yearly planner view- Calendar: Mail all participants action now uses BCC instead of TO- Calendar: reset the default alarm if you switch an existing whole day event to duration- Calendar: Add preference to update calendar view immediately when navigation calendar in sidebox is changed- Calendar: fix week header rendering problem in some languages- Calendar: fix SQL error during purge caused by droped SyncML support- Calendar: Open timesheet from recurring event on selected occurence instead of first occurence- Calendar: Move some general preferences into a new tab \"Configuration\"- Mail: fix from address in mobile template- Mail: avoid javascript error blocking context menu from SpamTitan check when row data not found- Mail: warn user when there\'s no space left for storing sieve rules because of sieve_maxscriptsize limit- Api: Clear recipients between merges to avoid sending subsequent merges to previous contacts- Admin: allow to show last login, IP and password change in list- Admin: Implement new feature to upload multiple images for login background image in site-configuration and show them randomly.- Admin: fix bulk password reset to work on minimal install / no longer require old phpgwapi- Import/Export: fix only global categories available for export filtering, no app categories- Tracker: disable first notification for a new ticket if auto-reply has an introduction message- Tracker/API: change description, replies and history-log to longtext (was text=64k)- Tracker: when copying a ticket, if user does not have permission to change the creator the copying user is used instead of the original ticket creator- Projectmanager: Make project title a link to element list- Timesheet: Fix general price list items unavailable after clicking \'Save & New\'- News: Fix NaN in nextmatch total if there are no news categories * Wed May 23 2018 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20180523- Setup/Filemanager: fix excess looping stalling update from before 16.1- ProjectManager: fix \"used\" elements filter did not contain all not ignored elementes- Api/Ckeditor: Update CKeditor to version v4.9.2- Api: Fix references to sub-fields of custom field entries only merged for the first entry of each type- Calendar: Fix notification for single event in series had original start date- Calendar: fix not working Mail/Meetingrequest to all participants action- Calendar: yearly planner view events would sometimes load in the next month as well- Tracker: fix inline images from mailhandling are not getting resolved properly- Tracker: fix inline images imported from mail get always overridden by the first inline image in the list- Tracker: fix \"delete mail from server\" option in mailhandling- Tracker: fix error Too few arguments to function tracker_bo::ajax_getTicketId(), 0 passed and exactly 1 expected, when creating new ticket out of eml file- Tracker: Fix latest reply comment includes some html tags on it- Admin: Exclude not supported apps from mobile\'s available app list- Admin/Mail: fix saving mail-accounts for multiple accounts- Mail: fixed equal signs (=) are not displayed in subject- Mail: fix searching in email gives an error- Addressbook: allow to import or paste S/Mime or PGP public keys via pubkey field into Vfs- Addressbook: Add preference to turn off user groups as distribution lists- Resources: fix \'Too few arguments\' error when changing category of resource with accessories- Infolog: Fix timestamper button does not work in mobile template- Wiki: fix not working vfs: links in minimal installation- Mail/SpamTitan: fix not working spam/ham learning and white/blacklist without API access- EPL/SpamTitan: synchronize aliases with SpamTitan on first use of a spam function- Collabora: do NOT check certificate for localhost or private IPs- Calendar/Resources: fix SQL error with no responsible for a category set for Slovenian (and maybe other) translations * Fri Apr 13 2018 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20180413- PHP 7.2: fix several PHP Fatal errors and warnings stalling installation and usage- Setup: updates from old versions (eg. 1.4 or 1.8) no longer require to update to 14.x and 16.1 first- Setup/Restore: restore from a other charsets then utf-8 failed- All apps: fixed moving attachments to new entries (without attachments) lost moved file- CardDAV/Addressbook: fixed not working distribution-lists as groups in Mac addressbook- CardDAV/Addressbook: fix can NOT create new entries on a minimal (non-compat) install- CalDAV/Resources: fix wrong ACL/rights send to clients (PHP warning in log)- EMail/sMime: allow non-admin users to upload their keys- Versioning: moving or renaming files is done now as copy and delete to keep original file in attic- Addressbook: Enable upload buttons of smime/pgp pubkeys if user is allowed to modify them- Addressbook: Fix missing \'Add\' action for no results- Addressbook: Fix send all contact\'s emails/vcards to compose dialog does not work- Calendar: add preference to display birthdays as events as well as holidays- Calendar: fix events on weekend were sometimes shown on Friday if weekends were hidden- Calendar: fix occasional infinite loop in yearly planner- Api: Fix auto-complete password field gets activated even though user hasn\'t selected it deliberately- Mail: Fix mail import does not display imported mail in correct style- Notifications: Database update to not loose big messages- Notifications: On verbosity of high, alert only if the message is unseen- Timesheet: Stop times from advancing 1 hour shortly after DST- Sharing/Collabora: fix not working cleanup of temp. files and shares- Tracker: Fix tracker opening filemanager in iframe- News: use proxy configuration to import news- News: fix error storing a (new) category under PHP 7.1+ * Tue Mar 20 2018 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20180321- SECURITY AND MAINTENANCE RELEASE: PLEASE UPDATE IMMEDIATELY- API: webservice call when password has been changed outside EGroupware to eg. re-encrypting (mail) credentials- API: use proxy configuration when downloading available tutorial videos- API: Check if email address is known before offering \'Add as contact\' button- API: Fix sharing from mounted shares failed with 404- UCS/eTemplate: fix CSP error with custom eTemplates in Admin- All apps: multiselect custom-field switches to single select after submit- Nginx: fix upload of pictures bigger 1MB fails- ActiveDirectory: additional allow accountExpires=0 for never expires- AD/LDAP migration: change favorites and index states too- AD/LDAP/InfoLog: change group owners on account-migration- AD/LDAP/Tracker: account-migration changes now staff and autoassign in categories- InfoLog/PHP7.1: fix fatal error stalling merge-print of some InfoLog templates under PHP 7.1+- Filemanager/Sharing: fix PHP 7.1 error causing auth request to popup- ActiveSync: fix PHP Warning A non-numeric value encountered- Collabora: use proxy configuration to access external Collabora server- Collabora: Fix to work with symlinked files- Collabora: Fix editing documents on mounted shares- Collabora: fix loading from shares mounted into VFS- ProjectManager: stop sending mail notifications with empty body when elements change- Resources: fixed image upload failed for some browsers (Picture type not supported)- Addressbook: Implement new feature to send vcard of contact to an already opened mail compose dialog- Addressbook: fix AJAX duplicate check skipped email addresses- Notifications: New actions Prev and Next in order to navigate through messages- Filemanager: Fix sharing menu completely disappears when user has no rights to mail app- Calendar: Fix exporting CSV from search results exported owner as participants- Calendar: Fix moving event to an un-loaded day would show only that event when the day is viewed- Calendar: new placeholders {{participant_emails}} for non-declined participants and {{participant_summary}} for a summary of participants by status- Calendar: Filter birthdays by name to remove duplicates caused by account + contact- Calendar: always show non-blocking icon for non-blocking events, regardless of private flag- Mail/Tracker/InfoLog: fix error converting mails by replacing 4-byte utf8 chars- Mail: Improvements to list display in address search results- Mail: Fix \"tel:\" href links wrongly get denied by mail compose- Mail: Fix spacing issue between grouped toolbars- Mail/SMime: fix not working storage of public key in mail account- Admin: new config to generate no or lowercase email addresses for new users- Admin: fix group list filter & sort- Import/Export: Better matching on accounts to handle prefixes & suffixes- Tracker: Fix filters with multiple values were not displayed as such when reading escalation- Tracker: Add comment placeholder {{comment/-1/non_restricted/...}} for last non-restricted (public) comment * Fri Feb 09 2018 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20180209- Filemanager: Add an user preference for being able to chose whether opening a merge print document should download it or open it with collabora editor- Filemanager: Add new user preference in order to be able to exclude specific file extensions from being opened by document editor (eg. Collabora)- Calendar: Allow templates without pagerepeat or range tags to work using only the first ID- Calendar: Improve parsing of users when importing to be able to handle parentheses in names- Calendar: Fix right click -> add gave error instead of popup- Calendar: Fix Filemanager, Infolog & Timesheet context menu actions- Infolog: Fix merging empty custom date fields filled them with current date- InfoLog: fix not working iCal export in edit window- Addressbook: Fix avatar photo gets removed when adding category to contact via contextmenu- Tracker: Put ticket status from closed to open on comment- Api: Fix some spelling errors, reported by Stefan Unverricht * Tue Jan 30 2018 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20180130- SECURITY AND MAINTENANCE RELEASE: PLEASE UPDATE IMMEDIATELY- Filemanager: fix \"open as new\" action is disabled on selected file context menu- Mail/SMime: include CA-bundle directories in open_basedir of Apache config of packages- Mail: fix mail with S/MIME signature fails if user has no rights to notifications- Mail: fix invalid domain name in headers stall whole mailbox- Mail: filter / and ? from filenames when saving to VFS or disk- Infolog: entries in a projectmanager template keep their contact / from when a new project is created from the template- Infolog: fix copying from project template did not update the contact field- LDAP/ActiveDirectory: fix sorting accounts by anything other then account-name fails- Addressbook: fix duplicate detection when editing contact- Calendar: avoid hanging in planner if event has an invalid category * Thu Jan 18 2018 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20180118- SECURITY AND MAINTENANCE RELEASE: PLEASE UPDATE IMMEDIATELY- Filemanager/Sharing: Fix a security issue when sharing of attached files as download links in compose dialog exposes all folders as readonly shares- Api: Make sure private custom fields are not accidentally included in notification due to being cached- Api: Allow private custom fields in notifications, with filtering according to set permissions. Private custom fields are removed from notifications to non-users.- Admin: Fix site-config not working in mobile template- Addressbook: Enable viewing infolog entries of organisations- Addressbook: Fix adding contact while looking at accounts would try to add a new user- Calendar: Fix bug hiding a user\'s visible private events when just the group was selected- Calendar: Fix bug where account birthdays were not shown if there was a contact with a birthday on the same day- Filemanager: Fix unable to change directory after returning from shared files list- Tracker: Only allow change group context action if user has permission- Tracker: Fix missing content or doubled buttons in context menu action popups- Tracker: Fix mailhandling forward action not working- Tracker: Add start & due date fields to import- Tracker: Fix mailhandling wrongly includes original message in reply * Tue Dec 19 2017 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20171218- Addressbook: fix bug setting Hide User Account in preferences into Show all accounts breaks show accounts- Admin: update config to show correct default values- All apps/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error when deleting an entry without attachments- Api: fix merge all check causing extra records- Api: fix nested custom field merging- Calendar: fix merge from list loaded endlessly instead of generating document- Calendar: fix alarms set in different timezone from server moved when saving event- Collabora: handle \'select all\' flag- Collabora: fix unable to open certain mounted documents on the first try- Etemplate: fix bug preventing Shift + Select until you refresh the app- Filemanager/PostgreSQL: cant open file in Collabora because of SQL error- Infolog: fix creating projects from template lost infologs- InfoLog/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error \"column egw_infolog_users.info_res_id must appear ...\"- InfoLog/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error \"No operator matches ...\" in list- Infolog: fix project got lost on reload if set via link- Mail/Admin: fix upload picture into mail signature from editor image browser does not work.- Mail: fix rename of an attachment and saving it into Filemanager always keep the original name of attachment with no respect to the given new name.- Mail: fix empty trash/empty junk causes error in some mail servers, e.g. Cyrus.- Mail: fix vacation notice still sending out notification mail even if the original mail is a spam.- Mail: do not popup smime certificate dialog if the smime is not configured- Notifications: do not error sending popup if user is not online, just save it anyway- Projectmanager: add ACL check on timesheet before offering it as an action- Tracker: fix broken tracker queue selectbox filter- Tracker: fix default category selectbox for new tickets from email- Tracker: fix false error saving message shown even though the entry was saved * Thu Nov 30 2017 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20171130- InfoLog/Setup: fix SQL error on update from 16.1 (Truncated incorrect double value)- Addressbook: fix SQL error with accounts hidden + Organisation by location / department * Wed Nov 29 2017 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20171129- Addressbook: fix lost picture in upload- Admin: fix ACL levels not updated when changing app or user- Api: make favorites available as an individual button in VFS (File system) save/open dialog- Calendar: add a line to the top of events so consecutive events are better separated- Calendar: translate day of week in app header- Calendar: now uses standard search (quotes, +/-) including custom fields- Infolog: fix new entry with project already set missed it on project tab- InfoLog: fix SQL error on update for to long from and addr- InfoLog/Admin: fix error deleting user \"access to undeclared static property\"- Mail: fix inline images not being displayed in html mail- Mobile temeplate: lots of fixes for mobile template including issues with notifications popup- Notifications: fix broken links in notifications popup * Mon Nov 13 2017 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20171115- Final 17.1 release: see previous changlog for major features- Nginx: support for Debian and Ubuntu packages: apt install nginx php-fpm egroupware-epl- Mail: Fix missing SaveAll and DownloadAsZip actions of attachments- Addressbook: Fix avatar icon is doubled if contact has no avatar set- CalDAV/CardDAV: fix encoding of control chars stalling iOS sync- Filemanager/EPL: fix exception on upload in folder with a subscription- Collabora: set user language from common preferences * Sun Nov 05 2017 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20171106- SECURITY RELEASE and 2nd RC for 17.1: everyone should update ASAP- Filemanager/Sharing: deny rename, move and mkdir on readonly shares- All apps: fix two cross site scripting vectors- All apps: remove /usr/bin/ from open_basedir and other hardening measures- Sharing/Collabora: allow to use Collabora on writable shares (EPL only)- All apps: get sharing working with files attached to application entries- Update: fix not finishing update for more then 100 photos in addressbook- Collabora: do NOT set random password for an existing anonymous user (screws up SiteMgr)- All apps: update CKeditor to 4.7.3 and other dependencies like Horde- Infolog: Add context menu actions to set start & end date- Tracker: Admins can allow users to set their own default categories for new entries * Sat Oct 21 2017 Ralf Becker - version 17.1.20171023- first release candidate for upcomming 17.1 release- Collabora: integration of Collabora Libre Office Online allowing to edit office document in browser- Collabora: free of charge trial via EGroupware GmbH Collabora server farm- All apps: merge print now also opens merged documents in Collabora app- All apps: new notification system showing notifications in, by default hidden, sidebar- Mail: server-side S/Mime support (does not require browser plugins)- Mail: SpamTitian integration: white- and black-listing of addresses, ham/spam marking of mails- Mail: improved privacy allowing to not automatic load external images- ProjectManager: role-based notifications- Admin: new group-list and export of all ACL rights- many improvments in all applications * Fri Sep 22 2017 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20170922- IMPORTANT: repository signing key changed to new buildAATTegroupware.org key to support Debian 9 (you need to import it!)- Filemanager: added share-link feature to filemanager context menu- Calendar: Week view with multiple users now keeps date heading at the top- Calendar: Add preference to view month as a time grid, same as other views- Calendar: Fix bug where recurring events were moved to server time when adding a recurrence exception- Calendar: Add placeholder for birthdays {{day/birthdays}} for day table- Calendar: Fix events were not displayed if you clicked \'today\' in sidebox, then month view- Calendar: Fix edit via emailed notification link did not work properly- Calendar: Fix default alarm does not get changed relatively to the selected start time when creating new event- Calendar: Fix month overflow bug when scrolling prev / next- Calendar/CalDAV: do not report non-participants as busy or conflict- CalDAV: Alarms on recurring events are lost when snoozing alarm or reloading event after 1. recurrence of alarm- CalDAV: Fix not parsed recurrence exceptions- LDAP/Mail: Fix new accounts did not automatic enable mail account- Mail/ActiveDirectory: Fix empty identity in mail compose and account not active in AD controled mail-server- Univention: Fix setup configuration does not allow to store Univention as account backend- Admin/EMail: allow admins to always add arbitrary aliases, even if not allowed for regular user- Timesheet: Fix bug where user column dissapears if you have custom fields and resize a column- Timesheet: Fix bug where editing entries from disabled users changed the user- Mail: fix cursor jumping at the end of textarea in compose while switching from subject- Mail: Fix preferred identity in compose dialog never get selected- Mail: Fix vacation notice disappears when switching folders- Addressbook: Fix tel_prefer statustext to be translated field label instead of field name- Addressbook: Fix favorites that included a selected organisation did not get correctly applied- Addressbook: Fix broken tel_prefered link- KnowledgeBase: fix links to other articles reload whole framework * Mon Jul 03 2017 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20170703- Univention: forwarding mails to external addresses added in UCS 4.2- Univention/Setup: allow to set Ham folder and automatically do so for Univention installation- Calendar: improve planner view printing if your screensize doesn\'t match page size- Calendar: Include monthly type (by weekday or by date) in recurrence rule strings- Calendar: Fix selected owner goes missing on logout- Calendar: Fix weekend setting got lost when you go from week to day view- Addressbook: fix wrong tab order for contact fields for US format- Infolog: make project fields available for merge- Mail: try not talking to not configured (empty) SpamTitan URL- Mail: Activate multi-selection of folders in subscription dialog- Mail: Fix links get removed from description content of calendar appointment email- Mail: Fix broken quota indicator- Mail: Fix contextmenu does not work on select all * Tue Jun 13 2017 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20170613- Mail: fix PHP Fatal error under PHP 5.4 * Mon Jun 12 2017 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20170612- Mail: Implement Spam filtering feature including SpamTitan integration- Mail: display event-invitation, if mail contains just that and not the usualy alternatives- Mail: display event-invitation if it contains an attachment (eg. agenda)- Mail: skip identities from SMTP only accounts in compose- Mail: Fix contents of emails with long header fields get disturbed while importing them into mail app- Mail: Fix Disposition Notification confirmation message always come in english regardless of locale settings- Mail: Make multiple mail selection available for both \"save to disk\" and \"save to filemanager\" actions- Mail: Fix error saving mail account while Notify mail folders is empty and Use Default option is not set.- Mail: Fix vacation notice can not deal with aliases, which have no domain set- Calendar: fix SQL error when automatic purge of older events is configured- Calendar: avoid events ending at midnight (00:00) causing a 0 length event the next morning- Calendar: In week view with multiple users, clicking on the name will now change to just that user- Calendar: creating an exception to a recurring event now copies the links over to the exception- ActiveSync: Fix error body part not set, while trying to forward an email- Addressbook: Fix broken addressbook list in mobile view- Bookmarks: fix fatal error in minimal install * Sat Apr 15 2017 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20170415- Mail: Add a new preference for preview pane to stay there, even when no mail is selected for previewing- Mail: Support tree actions from none-selected account- Mail: Fix edit account does not refresh folder tree- Mail: Fix contextmenu does not popup for brocken folder tree- Mail: Fix create new identity can not save email address- Mail: Fix attachments in preview mode do not get opened properly- Mail: Implement quota limit warning dialog- Calendar: Fix bug where planner by user would not show events with group invitation, planner by category would not show events with sub-categories- Calendar: Highlight current user in planner by user- Calendar/CalDAV: fix server did not send alarms for virtual exceptions of recurring events- Calendar/CalDAV: fix changes on clients creating multiple alarms on server- Calendar/CalDAV: fix wrong end-date of recurring events incl. whole-day events- Filemanager: File a file dialog now opens in current directory instead of home directory- Filemanager: Fix change folder permissions and cli.php in minimal install- Calendar: Fix error in mail all participants on minimal install- LDAP: fix fatal error in minimal install- Addressbook: fix bug where private required custom fields could block saving the entry if they were not on their own tab- Api: Keep session small / quick to load by limiting number of cached link-titles * Tue Mar 14 2017 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20170315- Addressbook - When viewing a user account\'s calendar or next/previous dates, use the account calendar over the contact calendar- All apps - Add special search case for # to only match the ID, not search the whole entry- Mail- List mailing lists before contacts when searching for email addresses- Timesheet - Fix \'Save & new\' does not set project correctly- Mail: Better style for showing emails in print mode, thanks to Michael Scholl- Preferences: Fix hints are not visible for tabs with scrollbar- Mail: fix memory exhaustion caused by e-mails with long string set on DATE field- Admin: Save the bulk password reset notification email for next time- Mail: switching signatures in html mail failed after first time- Filemanager/Mobile theme: Improve navigation bar to be able to navigate through folders with single-touch- Addressbook: only add groups as distribution lists, if accounts addressbook is not hidden- Projectmanager - Fix deleted entries would still count in project time totals- Wiki: fix Fatal Error when searching (Class \'html\' not found) * Thu Feb 02 2017 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20170203- Addressbook/Mail: allow to use groups as (readonly) distribution lists- All apps: fix random failure in drag-n-drop or pasting images into CKEditor eg. mail compose- Wiki: fix not working links in HTML pages (prevented by our content security policy)- Wiki: ported to 16.1 Api and eTemplate2 allowing now cut-n-paste and drag-n-drop of images stored in VFS upload-directory preference- Mail: Fix forwardinline breaks a mail with winmail.dat attachment- Mobile template: Fix \"info message regarding fullscreen\" does not respect the discard checkbox- All applications: Set proper default page title if nothing is set- Mail/Admin: fix setting ACL or vaction notice from Admin app, if IMAP auth uses email address from account- Mobile theme: Fix avatar picture does not get the right aspect ratio in addressbook view/list- Setup: Update from before 14.1 did not update mail accounts due to an SQL error- Admin: fix bulk password reset to pick only passwords having required strength- Calendar: give event background a bit more contrast to improve visibility of event duration- Filemanager: open compose for mail files in html mode as links section looks a lot nicer in html- Mail: Fix \"Show All Addresses\" does not show plus icon (happens only in 16.1-compat because of missing icon)- Filemanager/PostgreSQL: shared files were not cleaned up after expiring of 100 days not accessed under PostgreSQL- Registration: fix broken registration link, if webserver_url is a full URL- SiteMgr: store new content JSON encoded instead of PHP serialized for easier modification in database * Wed Jan 18 2017 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20170118- Several apps: customfields could not be deleted- Mail: update Horde packages to fix recipients with non-ascii chars (e.g. \"Mike Håvard \") were not displayed- Mail: Fix can not display content of resolved winmail attachments in compose dialog- Mobile template: Fix customfields do not show up in view mode- Calendar/Categrory report: Consider multidays events in over range calculation- Calendar/Categrory report: Add sort option for the report- Calendar/Categrory report: Fix miscalculation of multidays events because of wrong week number- Etemplate: Fix error \"Etemplate\\Api\\Auth not found\" happening while trying to login- Setup: Fix error \"[] operator not supported for strings\" for setup page- CalDAV/CardDAV: send unchange REALM for \"bad login or password\" to allow storing credentials- Calendar: Some hotfixes for category report- Timesheet: Add Copy context menu action- Mail: Fix accounts selectbox in compose dialog does not include email addresses. Additionally, let local accounts without \'AATT\' get explicitly displayed in accounts selectbox.- Wiki: Fix error \"Only variables can be passed by reference\", which causing edit dialog not working * Thu Dec 08 2016 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20161208- Infolog: Add a context menu action to view a list of linked timesheets- InfoLog/PostgreSQL: new entries were created with info_id 0: duplicate key value violates unique constraint- Adressbook/CardDAV/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error stalling sync of eg. eMClient with preference \"Distributionlists as groups\" enabled- eSync/Mail: change hardcoded timezone from \"Europe/Berlin\" to user timezone to fix wrong times in synced mails- eSync/Mail: Allow to create, delete or rename folders eg. from Outlook- eSync/Mail: handle charset-problem on sending mails with added EGW-Signature- All apps: Fix wrong redirect to docroot, after being idle for a while * Mon Nov 07 2016 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20161107- Calendar: fix holidays are displayed one day off for eg. Austria, Slovakia, Australia (from iCloud)- Calendar: missing backport stalling calendar planner view- Filemanager: DB schema update to remove doublicate rows for WebDAV properties on update, caused eg. excessively by OneNote * Wed Nov 02 2016 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20161102- Admin/Mail: allow to add aliases, forwards and quota via admin-cli, optional create identities for aliases- Admin/Mail: allow to limit users to only create identities for aliases- Mail: show which email address has a wrong format when pasting multiple ones- Mail: show validation error if local part (before AATT) of email-address contains non-ascii chars- Mail/eSync: fix problem regarding send with bcc when using esync- CardDAV/Addressbook/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error, remove MySQL only FROM_UNIXTIME with our db abstration version- Admin: fix fatal error when using \"Deny Access\" from context menu on groups- Addressbook/LDAP: fix error if egroupware-epl-compat (old API) not installed- Filemanager: Implement copy_link action for filemanager contextmenu in order to be able to copy webdav url of a file/folder into clipboard- Filemanager: break infinit recursion stalling eg. login by introducing max. sub-directory depth of 100- Timesheet/ImportExport: fix PHP Fatal Error Call to undefined method EGroupware\\Api\\Session::appsession() when exporting- All apps/History: fixed history tab shown empty in default (minimal) installation- CKEditor: update to 4.5.11, loaded now as dependency via composer as egroupware/ckeditor- Login Page: Fix some alignment issues in login page - thanks to Stefan Unverricht- Registration: was not working from login page- All applications: Fix some icons glitches for default template - thanks to Stefan Unverricht. * Wed Oct 05 2016 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20161006- eSync: merge z-push 2.3.2(beta1+13)- eSync: only export raw email for contacts as Outlook seems to have problems with it- Admin: show \"check ip address of all sessions\": No (it was stored but always shown as Yes)- Addressbook: Fix upload photo does not work for limited access of own data- Setup: make sure interactive setup does not stall on SQL error when updating from 1.8- Mobile template: Close sidemenu after clicking on items in sidebar- Mobile template: Implement a dedicated delete action for quick removing entries from a list- All apps: Add a counter indicator for selected entries in a list in mobile template- All apps: Fix clicking on favorites in mobile template pops up logout prompt- All apps: attachments were not removed when entry got deleted- Calendar: Fix calendar to-firstname to-lastname place-holders do not get values- Calendar: Fix saving preferences place-holders in all languages except en breaks their values in database- Calendar/CalDAV: update or removal of (managed) attachments via CalDAV failed- Calendar: Fix status field in participants tab does not get translation in print mode- Calendar: Fix some favorites with multi-categories get failed to be shown in calendar- Tracker: fix error when deleting queue in an minimal installation- Tracker: Some tuning for mobile template- Wiki: Fix wiki html editor does not show advanced editor features * Fri Sep 02 2016 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20160905- All apps: async notifications were not using SMTP only account, but personal one with unavailable session password- Mail: Fix pdf attachments do not get downloaded in mobile template- Mail: Fix save button in image view mode (expose) does not work for mails attachments- Filemanager: fix missing symlink overlay on mime-icon- Timesheet: do not show deactivated accounts for creating new timesheets (keeping them in list header)- Calendar: use proxy config from setup >> configuration to download holiday calendars- All apps: default preferences wont save because merge-print template directory does not exist- Calendar: fix PHP Fatal: Unsupported operand types caused eg. by deleted resources- Mail: iCal attachments are shown as such, only meeting requests trigger calendar interface with accept/reject buttons- Admin/Mail/ProjectManager: add missing tree images for Stylite template- Filemanager/WebDAV: generally deny user to delete directories /, /home, /apps, /templates (last 2 incl. subdirectories)- All apps: symlink files to not yet saved entries were not working- Calendar: fix PHP Fatal when clicking on a link to accept/decline an invitation mail- Calendar: fix SQL error in eSync with double DISTINCT happening under some conditions- Addresssbook: fixed category tree looses unavailable categories (eg. private categories of other users)- Admin: warn admin if passwords for new accounts / password reset lack in strength- Filemanager: fix not working changing owner or group of a file/directory (as root!)- Filemanager: fix PHP Fatal error when changing ownership or permissions- Timesheet/ProjectManager: fix not working linking timesheets to project by external project-member- Filemanager/EPL: show application and entry directories again with application icon and therefore within files below directories * Wed Aug 10 2016 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20160810- Mail: fix lost mail account password on user password change- PostgreSQL/Setup: fix SQL error in Backup or update: Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM egw_pm_members- Admin: fix email address for groups could not be stored for accounts in SQL- Admin: fix PHP Fatal error when editing custom fields in a minimal install- Calendar: Add print action to event context menu- Api/Filemanager: add mime icons to minimal install- EPL/Filemanager: fix PHP Fatal using file-a-file dialog (upload with setting eg. a comment) * Mon Aug 01 2016 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20160801- Templates: disable old idots and jerryr template, as new calendar does not work with them- Filemanager/EPL: fix broken notification / subscription to folders- eSync/Mail: add preference to override unlimited date range from client- eSync/Mail: make sure From is set correctly to the identity used, when sending by iOS- Calendar: fix printing calendar view in Firefox does not work- Calendar: fix opening a calendar entry sometimes doesn\'t work- Calendar: create new events by dragging on empty space- Admin/APC(u): fix error in clear cache: if APC(u) runs out of memory clearing just instance cache clear whole cache- Mail: Fix addresses/attachments expansion plus button is not showing up in mail preview in the first load- Api: fixed not working HTTP authentication- all apps: Fix styling glitches for search links dropdown- all apps: Fix vfs upload button does not work in link tab- all apps: fix not able to set date for empty date fields in mobile template- eMail/UCS: fix setting of mailbox ACL for IMAP login-type \"email\"- LDAP: fix not working password change by user- Addressbook: change taborder of fields to allow adding information column wise- API/ProjectManager: fixed some errors caused by no longer sharing instanciated objects not designed to be shared * Fri Jul 15 2016 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20160715- Calendar: Fix Generate Page Time\'s indicator screws calendar view up- CalDAV/InfoLog: fix error when creating a task for a different user- Setup/LDAP: fix exception when migration accounts to/from LDAP- NTLM: move ntlm login code from phpgwapi to api to allow NTLM login in 16.1 minimal install- ActiveDirectory: using adLDAP now from adldap2/adldap2=4.0.4 via composer- Mail: update Horde_ManageSieve to 1.0.2 to fix PHP Fatal with Auth_SASL class- Admin: fix PHP Fatal Class jdots_framework does not exist in minimal install- Api: fix not working asynchron service (eg. alarms) in minimal install- LDAP/UCS: groups not found when searching for them eg. in custom fields (account-type=both)- Mail: mailing attachments failed in minimal install caused by using deprecate path-separator constant \"SEP\"- Package install/update: no more limit memory as backup might fail, do not run backup for single apps- Setup/Auth: fix PHP Fatal with Sqlssl authentication (Class EGroupware\\Api\\Auth\\auth_sql not found)- Tracker/ProjectManager: fix PHP Fatal error on changing status of ticket used in a project- ProjectManger/InfoLog: fix PHP Fatal error: Class \'boetemplate\' not found happening under some conditions in minimal install- Calendar: Fix calendar view overlaps the sidebar menu in Stylite template- WiKi: handle expunge of page when deleting empty page in html-edit-mode * Fri Jul 08 2016 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20160708- Admin: add used caching provider and APCu stats to \"PHP Information\"- eSync: fix not synced subject and other headers, after RC3 Outlook memory reduction- Restore: fix failed restore under MySQL 5.7 by temp. disabling strict mode to allow inserting zero dates- PHP7/ImportExport: fix different evaluation order of PHP 5 and 7 gives eg. error \"Function name must be string\" in wizard- APCu/PHP7: fixed not used APCu under PHP7, as it has no APC compatible interface- Mail/Sieve: fix PHP Fatal error on minimal install when trying to edit rules or vacation notice- Calendar: check recurrences for conflicts too (until configured search-time is exceeded, default 3s)- Filemanager/CKEditor: correctly encoding selected files, causing eg. images to not show- Univention: fix not working 16.1 install in UCS: Account not found! (acc_id=1)- Setup: fix install check was (false) reporting missing PHP extension \"addressbook_zip\"- Template: relabeled Pixelegg template/theme to \"Standard\", and mobile theme for desktop to \"Compact\"- Tracker/Mobile template:- ProjectManager: links created to new project from template sometimes get lost (are with template not new project)- Api/Setup: show new version 16.1.002 even if old header.inc.php is used- All apps: show category color and search in category filter of lists * Thu Jun 30 2016 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20160630- 16.1 final release- Admin: show new eT2 based pages without iframe, fixes additional scrollbars sometimes shown- Mobile: fix error popup when changing application on mobile device in minimal 16.1 install * Mon Jun 27 2016 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20160627- 16.1RC3 third and probably last release candidate for 16.1- eSync: several fixes to improve syncing with Outlook and avoid running out of memory- MySQL/Ubuntu 16.04: switch off sql_mode ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY enabled in MySQL 5.7+- Mobile: fix error popup when changing application on mobile device in minimal 16.1 install- eSync/Calendar: reading events in chunks of 100, to keep memory down for huge calendars- Mail: Fix mail unsubscribe does not refresh mail tree anymore- CalDAV/InfoLog: do not export stardate > duedate, as some clients (eg. CalDAV Sync for Android) have problems with it- eSync/InfoLog: do not export stardate > duedate, as it crashes Outlook- ImportExport: fix PHP Fatal in import wizard in minimal install- Projectmanager: booking new timesheets on project did not updated total in project sums * Tue Jun 21 2016 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20160621- eSync: YOU NEED TO RECREATE EXCHANGE ACCOUNTS ON YOUR DEVICES, Z-Push SQL state backend is used now- eSync: Z-Push 2.3 allows to sync Outlook 2013 & 2016- Mail/Api: replace decrecated Mcrypt PHP extension with OpenSSL, use AES128 with pbkdf2 streching of passwords- PGP: renamed (hidden) backup-file in users home-directory to .PGP-Key-Backup- InfoLog: change description to longtext (4GB) to not overflow on long comments or PGP encrypted files- Addressbook/Mail: fix PHP Fatal error when clicking on \"add new contact\" icon in mail- Resources: fix PHP Fatal call to undefined method Api\\Accounts::get_list() when editing ACL- Mail: fix PHP Fatal error when saving Sieve scripts- ImportExport: scheduled im/exports fail with PHP Fatal error- Filemanager/Projectmanager: fix broken layout when showing /apps/projectmanager eg. opening Filemanager from PM- Setup: some authtication types eg. Cas were not shown in setup- API: async service failed to run on a default install (no phpgwapi)- Admin: fix async service testjob to run on a default install (no phpgwapi)- Mail: fix PHP Fatal when switching identities * Fri Jun 03 2016 Ralf Becker - version 16.1.20160603- 1. public release candidate 16.1RC1- Calendar: complete rewrite of user interface for improved functionality, drag&drop, context menu- Mobile: new mobile phone and tablet user interface offering compact display for mobile phones- Desktop: new brighter desktop template, lots of work on usebility and look & feel- Mail/InfoLog: PGP end-to-end encryption using Mailvelope plugin (InfoLog requires EPL subscription)- eSync: update to Z-Push 2.3 fixing several Android problems- All apps: many improvments and updates- Admin/Mail: fix admin editing (personal) mail account of other user destroys password, because it was encrypted with users session password and therefore not available- SambaAdmin: fix long timeouts and warnings by NOT running hooks, if LDAP is not used for accounts or authentication * Wed May 25 2016 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20160525- ActiveDirectory: fix not working integration, because of missing code after move to Git * Tue May 24 2016 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20160524- Support for Ubuntu-16.04 with php 7.0.4 * Sun May 22 2016 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20160522- First release build with sources from Github- All applications: Fix file upload from file_selection dialog not working in IE and Safari- Mail: Fix emails with single quote in local address not getting parsed correctly (eg. test.o\'testAATTexample.com)- TranslationTools: move remaining code from developer_tools directory to etemplate- Mail/Addressbook/Calendar: add and use charset when sending/receiving mails with vCard/iCals, change default vCard charset preference to utf-8- Import/Export: Fix export with multi-select customfields does not work- Addressbook: adding \"Lastname, Firstname (birthday)\" as fileas and link-title- Preferences/CKEditor: Remove unsupported skins from CKEditor * Wed Apr 27 2016 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20160428- CardDAV: fix not working creation of new CardDAV account with OS X 10.11.4 addressbook (it stays empty)- CardDAV: SoGo and Busycontacts without all name- or organisation components use last value for missing ones- CalDAV: fix exceptions (EXDATE) was exported with timezone and Zulu-time, causing eM Clinet to fail- ProjectManager: fix PHP 5.3 problem: PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected \"[\"- LDAP: fix \"Protocol error\" on creating new accounts, if \"Do you want to manage home directory and login shell attributes?\" is set to yes, but fields are left empty- Admin: clear cache after admin-cli.php commands, so they become active automatically, also backported feedback for \"Clear cache and register hooks\" from trunk- Bookmark: Fix bookmark preview image not getting a right size- Bookmarks: fixed not displayed favicon for new bookmarks- Wiki/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error while searching * Thu Mar 03 2016 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20160304- All apps: updated included Horde and PEAR packages (now including PEAR itself) to improve php 7.0 compatibility- Filemanager: add ability to finally delete all old versions or deleted files from a versioned directory- Filemanager: fix not working upload in idots template- Filemanger: filemanager/cli.php wrongly reported wrong passwords for setup or config user with newer password hashes- ActiveDirectory: fix creation of groups without description or removing of description of an existing group- ActiveDirectory: fixed user who never changed his password get forced to change his password- Bookmarks: respect Preference-Setting for defaultview (tree/list)- Mail: fix drag and drop of folders for mail folder tree- Mail: deny moving folders from one mailaccount to another as we are not supporting it- Mail: fix for problem when retrieving and displaying an event from winmail.dat attachment- EMailAdmin: new flag to allow users to change forwarding in EGroupware managed mail-servers (mandatory database update!)- eSync: close session for ping requests to not block other requests- PHP 5.3: fix PHP Fatal error when opening Addressbook app caused by using a PHP 5.4+ feature- PHP 7.0: minimal support, full support will come with 16.1 * Wed Jan 13 2016 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20160113- All Applications: Fix missing Ckeditor in previous packages- Addressbook: Fix some styling issue * Tue Jan 12 2016 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20160112- Mail: Fix browser crashes when try to save all winmail.dat attachments into filemanager- Addressbook: Fix email action in context menu does not send a valid email to compose dialog for certain email addresses- All applications/ Tutorials: -Fix discarding tutorials prompt not working if the configuration is set to sidebox -Rephrase tutorials siteconfiguration labels for ease of comprehension- Fix mail printing style- Admin: Add (de)activating mail accounts into admin contextmenu- Addressbook/CardDAV: fix contacts created with \"Copy instead of move\" checked in \"Move to addressbook\" context menu sync not correctly (already created ones need to be deleted!)- Mail: Fix compose dialog goes under window\'s taskbar and attachments are not visible- Infolog: Fix not working subtraction option for infolog-value widget- Filemanager: Fix not being able to upload files in filemanager if user id includes space- Calendar/ mail integration: Fix created event out of mail has no delete button available in participants list * Mon Nov 30 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20151130- PostgreSQL/Calendar: fix SQL error on update, caused by using reserved word \"user\" as alias- all apps/Tutorials:- Univention: allow to migrate accounts from SQL backupt to Univention (install new EGroupware app and delete all users and groups in Univention first)- Calendar/CalDAV: allow to download whole calendar as one big iCal file using \"https://$user:$passwdAATTdomain.com/egroupware/groupdav.php/$user/calendar/?download\"- ImportExport: switch notifications off by default on import- Calendar/edit: Fix broken tooltip for participant image in conflict dialog- Addressbook: Fix conflict between search letter and delete a contact- Mail: Fix not showing mail quota for the first time load- Infolog: Fix infolog status- Mail: Fix slow loading of mail list if there is mail with winmail.dat attachment- Mail: Fix mail print version has very small font size * Tue Nov 10 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20151110- all apps: replace flash based clipboard with html5 solution supported by Chrome, IE, FF 41+, not working in Safari- all apps: update CKEditor to version 4.5.4- Mail: account wizzard uses now higher timeout of 3 seconds and detects office365 account automatic- Mail: fix for cascading forward problem (problem when forwarding mails with forwarded messages attached in inline mode)- Calendar/CalDAV: recurring events with non-EGroupware participants (specified by email) were showing additional participants with cryptic mailto addresses (DB update required!)- Calendar/favorites: Fix not working setting a group while creating a calendar favorite- Tracker/ProjectManager: images dragged into new (not yet saved) entries where not accessible by other users * Fri Oct 30 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20151030- Calendar: fix not working storing of events * Wed Oct 28 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20151028- Tutorials: divers fixes for different browsers, specially IE 10/11 and Safari * Tue Oct 27 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20151027- All Applications: Implement new features for showing all video tutorials accessible from app\'s sidebox- Calendar/CalDAV/iMip: only include replying participant in iMip REPLY messages- Mail: Fix issue download an attachment from mail preview, crashes Chrome- Addressbook/CardDAV: fix not working import / PUT of birthday in vCard- Mail/Wiki/Sitemgr: reworked XSS tests to allow eg. font-names containing \"script\" and other patterns forbidden by previous test, also added new html5 specific tests- Filemanager/all apps: fix not working filemanager favorites in file selection popup- Notifications/all apps: do not block other requests while notifications are queried- Calendar/Mail: send meeting requests including html body like current Exchange server does it- Etemplate: Fix issue expose view gets opened for not supported mime-type (eg. image/pdf)- Filemanager/Mail/LDAP/UCS: fix not working sharing, if accounts are stored in ldap- Mail: disable BINARY IMAP extension wrongly reported by yandex.ru, causing mails to be shown in transfer encoding- Mail/API: map charset ks_c_5601-1987 to CP949 as the former is not supported by php(s) conversion functions- Calendar: disabling Apply button for IE 10/11 and Edge, because all but current tab fail to load- IE10/11 and Edge: catching \"Permission denied\" error when accessing reloaded opener- API: fix SQL error in upgrade from 1.8/11.1: Incorrect string value * * * for column async_data- Timesheet/Tracker: date filters like \"last week\" where not aware of daylight saving time changes * Mon Oct 12 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20151012- Calendar/eSync: iOS 9.0.2 (maybe other clients and versions too) moved start- and end-date of synchronised meeting requests to date of sync- Calendar: use event title for mails generated via edit popup actions: mail all participants and meeting request- Calendar/Mail: fix edit action meeting-requests to NOT set content-disposition: attachment, as this seems to stop automatic processing in Exchange- Calendar/CalDAV: fixed event not show if user only participates in an exeception (not the master) and has no read-rights for any master participant- Calendar/CalDAV: could not set own status for participation in an exception, if not being a participant of master- Calendar/CalDAV: fix Outlook does not import invitations with wired error \"organizer needs not to send responses\"- Calendar/Filemanager: display warning when clicking on an iCal file with more then 1 event, only first one is displayed- Projectmanager: fix external role to NOT lose project when storing a new timesheet- Wiki: respect table settings (eg. border) of user in html- Wiki: search in comment too- Tracker: CRM bugfixes- Preferences: Fix ACL error allowing regular users to delete global categories- Mail: implement the sorting by AutoFolders into the retrieval of folders and fix some sorting issues- eTemplate: setting higher request timeout of 4 hours (was 2 hours)- Addressbook: allow eg. telephone apps to jump directly into CRM view of a phonenumber with https://domain.com/egroupware/index.php?menuaction=addressbook.addressbook_ui.view&search=\"49 123 456789\"&ajax=true&cd=yes- LDAP: fix not working connect under newer PHP 5.6 (maybe other versions too) with PHP Warning: invalid port number: 0 * Tue Sep 08 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20150908- All apps: fix broken group-favorites- All apps: some favorites could not be deleted (reappeared after reload/next login)- CardDAV/Addressbook: fixed not working adding or update of photo- Calendar: fixed SQL error in list-view- Calendar: fix not working \"no filter\" favorite- Calendar/CalDAV: update timezones to 2015e from Thunderbird zones.json- Mail/preferences: Add Preview Pane option into mail preferences in order to be able to show/hide mail preview pane (split panel)- Mail: fix PHP Fatal error under 5.3 when displaying mails containing inline-images- Projectmanager: fix external role to NOT lose project when storing a new timesheet- LDAP: fix not working connect under newer PHP 5.6 (maybe other versions too) with PHP Warning: invalid port number: 0 * Wed Aug 26 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20150826- Calendar/all apps: fix since last package not working old favorites and json-encode all php-serialized preferences- InfoLog: fix not working \"No filter\" favorite- PostgreSQL: repairing/creating missing indexes- Backup/PostgreSQL: indexes were not reported for backup- Backup/MySQL: limited index length was not reported for PHP mysqli driver- Backup: backup ascii columns as such, allways check and if necessary fix indexes on restore * Fri Aug 21 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20150821- All Apps: Implement drag and drop file from desktop into CKEditor / html-editor- Login: catch all exceptions in session creation, to NOT log user passwords, in case of (eg. database-)errors- PostgreSQL/Filemanager: fix SQL error while downloading files with long name (probably other cases too)- PostgreSQL: fix SQL error on login with auto-create accounts enabled and user-name already exists with different case- Admin: fix SQL error when searching in access rights popup (probably other places too)- Calendar: fix SQL error on storing events containing rfc822 email addresses with non-ascii characters eg. \"Hugo Müller \"- InfoLog: fix SQL errors for custom types containing non-ascii chars (eg. German umlauts or Frensh acents- Mail: performance improvement for mail folder-tree- Tracker: treat html2text properly when notifying with html_edit activated- Addressbook: storing of account-contact-data did not work for non-admins which are in groups allowed to edit accounts (defined in Addressbook configuration)- Addressbook: fixed copying a contact one can only read, gives a readonly popup with just a cancel button * Tue Aug 11 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20150811- Filemanager: fix comments show non-ascii chars as ? (requires DB schema update again!)- PostgreSQL: automatic shorten all content requiring it, before schema update, to not stall 14.3 update- Admin/PostgreSQL: shorten ACL labels used to limit admin rights to 16 char and fixed stalled 14.3 update for PostgreSQL- Filemanager/WebDAV: enable old workarounds for NetDrives current user-agent string, create 0 byte files when storing without- Filemanager/WebDAV: use full urlencoding for OS X Finder, fixes problems with non-ascii chars in file- or folder-names- Filemanager/WebDAV: rename of a file or directory removed other files with names only differing in case eg. \"test\" and \"Test\"- Univention/Admin: renaming of accounts or groups works now (failed with removed old account) * Wed Jul 29 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20150729- Univention: fix PHP Fatal error while installing- Mail/subscription: Performance improvement- Filemanager/Versioning: filesystem checks now fixes directories existing multiple times, causing them to appear empty- Admin: fix SQL error when search contains a non-ascii character- Nginx/FastCGI: run shutdown callbacks (eg. link notification processing) after sending response to user- CalDAV/Calendar: fix not working private flag from Apple clients * Tue Jul 28 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.3.20150728- Update API version to 14.3, NO new features, just database optimization targeting InnoDB engine in MySQL- CardDAV/Addresbook: contacts containing photos were broken and iOS showed phone number labels like \"WORK instead of work- Univention: support Dovecot as IMAP available and default from 4.0-2 on- CalDAV/Calendar/InfoLog: do NOT use ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE for iCal 2.0, cuts eg. description off in TB, if containing non-ascii chars- CardDAV/Addressbook: fix iOS 8.4 problem allways creating new contacts for admins in accounts addressbook, using now default or personal addressbook- Addressbook: custom fields of accounts enabled via own-account-acl were not editable- Chat: using phpFreeChat 1.7 from Github now- Filemanager/Versioning: rewrite SQL query to show attic-directory (deleted files) to improve performance * Fri Jul 17 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20150717- All apps: highlighting selected favorite- All apps: fixed not working notification links (not opening given entry) or changing app via url- Mail: fix PHP Fatal error in HTML mails, when using PHP 5.3- Mail/Calendar: remove iCal from alarms and correctly display canceled events in mail- Calendar: deleting an event did not honor \"Do not notify\" checkbox (if enabled)- Calendar: fixed copied execption of an event series still contained reference to original series- Calendar/CalDAV: rejected meeting-requests were not returned when searching for free time- Calendar/CalDAV: recurence exceptions were not exported since last package (Horde_Icalendar update)- InfoLog/CalDAV: fixed since last package (Horde_Icalendar update) not imported start, due and completed dates * Tue Jul 07 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20150707- Login/Password: handle forced password change on login page- Mail/CalDAV/CardDAV: update to new Horde and PEAR versions, specially Horde_Icalendar 2.1.1- Mail: correctly quote name / personal part containing German umlauts or special chars when searching for email addresses in compose- Mail: fix inline image handling for reply/forward mail- Mail: inline images were not shown in Thunderbird- Mail: fix mail compose d-n-d for emails and distribution lists- Mail: fix sieve rules for moving mails into folder containing non-ascii chars (Dovecot requires sieve rules in utf8, while Cyrus needs utf7-imap)- Mail/ActiveSync: fix priority issue on retrieval of messages- Addressbook: fix sending many mails from AB to mail compose causes url length limitation error in IE and some webservers- Calendar: iCal export of list-view contains event series and not recurrences, also fixes wrong timezone, if different between user and server- Calendar/iCal/CalDAV: recuring events were exported to long- Calendar: fixed handling of alarms when creating exceptions to have them on exception and next regular recurrence- CalDAV/Calendar: storing now all properties send by client and not known to EGroupware and fixed acknowledging and snoozing of alarms- Admin: bulk password reset: fixed missing password from email and csv, csv download is working again- EMailAdmin: fixed not shown (used) quota for arbitrary user in admin- EMailAdmin: create a unique index for egw_ea_valid table- Android/EPL: SmoothSync app works now on non-standards ports eg. https://domain.com:4433/egroupware- API/VFS: download as zip; increase the time limit on a small amount of files, as they may hold a big amount of data- Setup: support mail authentication without PHP imap extension * Wed Jun 03 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20150603- All apps: if column information is stored in a favorite, restore it along with the filters- All apps: keep order of select-options custom-fields (was not working for nummeric values)- All apss: resize history log when edit popup get resized- Calendar/Mail: converting mails to calendar entries- Tracker: mailhandling always showed content as comment (no description for first ticket), subject did not trigger correct detection of existing tickets- Tracker: fix slow rendering of edit popup for hugh number of tracker-user- Calendar: added deleted timestamp to history, to be able to see who deleted an event and when- Addressbook: visualize own account ACL for non-admin users by making all other fields readonly- EMailAdmin: fixed not shown quote for Cyrus backend (Cyrus returns no used space, if no quota set!)- EMail: make sure internaldate is used and displayed, when header date is not set or available- Mobile: fix redirect loop, if template_set was forced to something else then \"pixelegg\" * Fri May 01 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20150501- Debian 8 and Ubuntu 15.04 packages- Calendar: when trying to load new holidays overwrite existing ones to not accumulate old ones (slowing down calendar)- Mail: fix not working compose on mobile devices / template- Mail/Activesync: Handle problem when forward / reply on mails original message was not included- ProjectManager: fix missing edit & delete buttons in roles * Tue Apr 28 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20150429- Calendar: update to remove with 14.2.001 updated set end-date for yearly recuring events (other recurrence-types can not be changed)- eTemplate: stoping requesting more and more rows causing browser to stall, if browser does not give us height for rows (probably because it defered rendering) * Tue Apr 28 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20150428-1- API: caching uses by default APC(u) if available AND apc.shm_size * apc.shm_segments >= 64M, it no longer complains in cron/cli if APC is not enabled (as it should and is by default)- Notifications: skip email notification if we have no valid SMTP profile (eg. because there are only personal accounts and we run via cron)- PostgreSQL/Addressbook: fixed not working creating of new distribution lists- PostgreSQL: fix SQL error viewing history of an entry containing attachments- IE/Addressbook: fixed width for notes field * Tue Apr 21 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20150421-1- All apps: fix unable to remove last value from multiselect- LDAP/Filemanager: fix fatal error / white screen in sharing when opening a sharing url- ActiveDirectory: primary group was not used when filtering accounts by a group, causing eg. no accounts to be found for \"Domain Users\" group in Admin or other apps- CardDAV: fixed not working MULTIGET report, if more then 500 contacts requested- Calendar: fix meeting invitations to allow accept or reject in Outlook (not set \"Content-Disposition: attachment\" for ical alternative)- Mail/Sieve: require a vacation notice text on vacationnotice edit and save- Admin: fixed not working notification for blocked users after too many tries with wrong password- All apps: fixed various issues with select-boxes, also minimising content transmitted to server- Filemanager/VFS: moved VFS code from \"phpgwapi\" directory to new \"api\" directory * Thu Apr 02 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20150402-1- LDAP,ActiveDirectory: setting default sorting of accounts to ascending, as in SQL backend- LDAP/AD/UCS/Filemanager: group-names were displayed as \"#123\" instead of name- LDAP/AD/UCS/Filemanager: new created groups home-directory was not displayed in filemanager- LDAP: fixed not working creation of new groups (with empty describtion)- LDAP/UCS/Admin: empty groups showed all users, if selected in accounts-list- Univention: Samba SID was not propagated to config of SambaAdmin app- Admin/ActiveDirectory: filtering user-list by groups was not implemented- ActiveDirectory: real password change (not reset) for PHP 5.4>=5.4.26, 5.5>=5.5.10, 5.6+ (subject to minimum password age policy!)- Calendar: meeting requests were not recogniced by other clients as such because of lost method parameter- Calendar: automatic load new holidays, if there are no irregular ones for a given year, plus new Germany holidays for 2016- Calendar: added configuration \"Use range-views to optimise calendar queries?\", to go back to algorithm before 14.2.20150121- Infolog: Fix favorits are not working with details/no detail filter- Mail: fix fatal error / white screen when parsing winmal.dat (by updating to fixed Horde_Compress-2.1.1)- Mail: if user never send a mail from an account select first identity with an non-empty signature, not default identity- Mail: setting default font-face and -size reliable and remove space in front of cursor- Mail: on attachment/body retrieval BINARY retrieval may fail on certain servers; if so retry and fetch bodypart with BODY instead leaving the decoding to the library- All apps: use now same handling for pdf, text or html are opened now in popup, fixes viewing of attachments using mobile theme- All apps: expose view has not a save icon- All apps: nummeric custom-fields (float or new integer) sort nummeric in lists- All apps: Add a loading overlay while an application is loading- All apps: fix custom-fields with multiple not displayed fields- API/CKEditor: update to version 4.4.7 * Tue Mar 10 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20150310-1- Mail/idots: fix not be able to open mail folders from the mail-tree- Safari: fix security warning caused by auto-complete when submitting from https to about:blank- Notification/Mail: Fix / work around for BAD Header problem encountered in notifications for insufficiently encoded subject- ProjectManager: additional columns for Gantt chart- Sharing: fixed not accessible share, if user already logged into same EGroupware instance, also fixed WebDAV problems using a share URL- Calendar: fix not shown last recurrence of limited recurring event in day-view (requires database update for existing events)- Mail: fixed problem with space in folder names under current PHP 5.5.22 or 5.6.6 by updating to newest Horde and PEAR versions- InfoLog: fixed not able to remove already selected project- Infolog: add update script to recover any InfoLogs hidden because of missing status * Wed Feb 18 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20150218-1- THIS RELEASE CONTAINS IMPORTANT SECURITY FIXES, PLEASE UPDATE ASAP- Critical: Unauthenticated insecure PHP object deseralization allowing arbitrary code execution- High: Cross site scripting by circumventing content security policy- High: Unauthenticated local file access read and write under MS Windows- credits to Andreas Fischer (http://www.andreasfischer.net/) and Lukas Reschke (http://www.statuscode.ch)- Mail: composed mails saved as draft contains again attachments, drafts created by autosaving every 2 minutes do not for performance reasons- Tracker: fixed memberships were not taken into account when opening private tickets or reading restricted comments- InfoLog: new context menu: View parent with children- Univention: mail app was not working for in UCS created users- Admin: add a description to stock groups Admins, Default and NoGroup, allow to edit that description for LDAP and ADS- PostgreSQL: fixed not working new installation- ProjectManager/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error in project-list caused by new resources column- InfoLog/Addressbook: refresh CRM view if InfoLog was edited without having InfoLog tab open- Calendar: fixed week 13 was skiped (due to daylight saving change) when using week navigation, added propper header for multiple week view- SiteMgr: fix not displayed template preferences- SiteMgr: fix accordeon to work in 14.x- Mobile theme: Login page style improvement * Thu Feb 12 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20150212-1- 14.2 final release- All apps: improved printing: CRM view and given number or rows- All apps: drag & drop files only worked on input nodes, eg. files draged in from desktop- Filemanager/Mail: fixed not created thumbnails for readable shares- ImportExport: links supposed to open in admin did not show admin sidebox with tree- ProjectManager: add new role with rights limited only to add timesheets- Home: fixed placing of portlets for FireFox and missing context menu after re-opening home tab * Tue Feb 10 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20150210-1- 3. release candidate for upcomming 14.2 release- All apps: Activate cross-browser autocomplete- All apps: printing of lists improved a lot, asks now how many lines to print- Backup: backing up bool columns now for all databases as 1 or 0, but understanding PostgreSQL \"t\" or \"f\" too- Mail: fix not working BCC addresses- Mail: fixed exception when opening vacation notice or sieve-rules for an account with a changed standard identity or later created account- InfoLog: allow type specific index templates (named infolog.index.rows.$type)- Calendar/CalDAV: fixed not synced recurrences, because invitation was to a group only or first recurrence was an exception- Calendar/CalDAV: fixed synced events still contained deleted exceptions- Calendar: fix not working tooltip (showing html tags) in year-view- Calendar: fixed deleting exceptions while editing a series- Knowledgebase: use activate_links to make sure links open in new windows- Admin: fix not working setting of ACL for account-selection \"select-box with primary group and search\", data from contains no selection- Admin: Fix edit groups dialog resize problem- Filemanager/Expose view: enhancements- Mail/IE: fixed compose popup did not open again after it was closed eg. mail was send- Mail/Sieve: check capability if VACATION is supported by SIEVE Server before trying to set an serverside vacation absent notice- Sieve: coping with a dbmail bug in some versions of the Server. Server using formal syntax being reserved for client->server communication * Wed Jan 21 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20150121-1- 2. release candidate for upcomming 14.2 release- Filemanager: click on image opens expose view incl. gallery and slide-show- Filemanager: enhance sharing to keep session of already logged in user, when he clicks on a share- Mail/SMTP: fixed not working sending of mails, if secure connection setting was different from IMAP server \"cound not connect to SMTP server\"- Mail/Sieve: fixed not running/set async vacation notice- Mail/Sieve: remove prefix (of mail-account) for sieve save into folder- All application: Fix unintentional dragging happens while user try to do scrolling over a dragging item in FF(e.g. scrolling over an scrollable infolog entry)- Backup: fixed broken backup of tables without an auto index- WebDAV: fixed not working range requests causing eg. direct playing of video files to fail- Calendar: speed improvments for huge calendar databases- Calendar/CalDAV/eSync: fixed not synced events constructed from exceptions- ProjectManager: fix SQL error \"unknown column pe_ * in order clause\"- Setup: allow to use Composer (https://getcomposer.org/) to manager requirements (instead of PEAR)- no longer requiring php(5)-pear, but new egroupware-epl-vendor package containing all dependencies * Tue Jan 13 2015 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20150113-1- Release candidate for 14.2- Filemanager: Tile view for filemanager incl. new bigger Mine icons and thumbnails for OpenOffice documents- Home: portlets (widgets on home screen) can be set as default for all users or groups by admins- Home: default home screen containing video tutorials, egroupware.org new and calendar week-view- Mail: customizable toolbar in compose dialog- Mail: fix for Horde_Imap_Client-2.26.0 requiring Horde_Mail-2.5.1 requring Horde_Idna-1.0.1 which stalls our autoloader by calling spl_autoload_register- Mail: fix problem sent or copied mail ending up with in folder of wrong mailaccount- Univention: allow installation on backup DC too (master was working before)- News: fixed SQL error when deleting huge number of news items- All apps: improved German translations, other languages are lacking * Fri Dec 19 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20141219-1- Filemanager: fixed create directory icon in list and select popup, clicking on favorites in select popup- Filemanager: fixed directory creation in vfs root (you need root permisstions of cause)- Mail: update title of compose window with subject- EMailAdmin: disable certificate validation for Sieve, which is enabled by default in PHP 5.6- all apps: suppressing private (or removed) custom-fields from history log- all apps: preserving for current user unavailable categories (eg. private categories of other user) when editing entries * Thu Dec 11 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20141211-1- egw-pear: removed, as no longer necessary- jdots/pixelegg: moved to main egroupware archive * Wed Dec 10 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20141210-1- bumping API version to 14.2 and fixing wrong version in changelog * Tue Dec 09 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.2.20141209-1- first beta for 14.2 release- Home: new dashboard like app showing lists from favorits and entries dragged there from all apps- Filemanager/EMail: sharing of files and directories via links with optional password (EPL only)- EMail: using above sharing as alternativ to mailing huge attachments- all apps: much improved tablet support, also usable as desktop theme for small screens- all apps: popups can now be resized or maximized for easier editing of big description * Fri Dec 05 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20141205-1- Mail: combine account and identity/signature selection, allows now to send with a different identity- Mail: allways showing signature in compose, unless new (forcable) preference is set to add signature after compose- EMailAdmin: fixed creating identities as admin when further identities are not allowed (for regular users) overwrites standard identity- EMailAdmin: used quota not shown in mail-account when called by an admin for an other user (only for managed mail-servers)- all aps: lower memory requirements of insert into document by skipping HTML processing, if there are no html (custom-)fields- API: report failed Ajax requests to user incl. a hint that server error-log should contain more information- Admin: fix fatal error in admin >> bulk password reset- Tracker: remove NULL values for tr_private hiding tickets and preventing their creation on database level- CardDAV/Addressbook: fixed OS X addressbook overwrites account with lowest id when creating a new contact (caused crash of OS X addressbook)- Calendar: Add new feature to the calendar app, in order to be able to sort calendars in day and week views- eSyncPro: show policies and other former sidebox content in admin tree * Thu Nov 13 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20141113-1- PHP: fix not starting Apache after adding apc.shm_size, caused by old APC version 3.1 (eg. in Debian6) using a shm_size in MB without unit- Admin/Setup: ignoring doublicate rows from old backups * Wed Nov 12 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20141112-1- Mail: fix mail display and compose open again in full height- Mail: setting a font-size of 12pt for printing mails- eMailAdmin: allow as admin to add or edit identities&signatures for other users- CalDAV: big calendars with more then 500 events in result-set were missing events- CalDAV: fixed users participating only in exceptions of a recurring event were also shown in whole series in Thunderbird and iCal- Calendar: add customizable link title in calendar preferences, in order to append extra fields to calendar\'s link title- SiteMgr: got languages containing a dash eg. \"es-es\" working again- SiteMgr: content-area got lost when editing a block only allowed in a single content-area- PHP: automatic set size of shared memory available to PHP APC(u) extension to 128MB, if installed and less then 64MB * Thu Nov 06 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20141106-1- All Apps: get text selection in lists working with Alt/Cmd modifier and file drag-out with Shift+Alt/Cmd modifier- All Apps: Add clear button to nextmatch search box for Firefox- eSync: fixed not working sending of mails after 14.1.20141021 package- Calendar/CalDAV/eSync: exceptions show up in calendars of participants only participating in exceptions not whole recuring event (requires a DB update for existing events!)- Admin: if group was selected only active accounts were shown and show primary group in LDAP- InfoLog: \"No filter\" favorite was not resetting filters anymore- InfoLog/Tracker: fix missing attachments when converting a composed mail to an InfoLog or Tracker entry- Filemanager: fix since PHP 5.5.18 not longer working non-ascii chars in filenames, eg. German umlauts or accents- Filemanager: Add some new filter options to show all sub-directories and files from links- NewsAdmin: fix SQL error on import, if a number of news items to keep was configured- Calendar: Add event description to calendar event body if the event is long enough (3 times bigger than calendar view interval).- Calendar: allow admin to set a \"default calendar view\" used for first display of calendar, afterwards last selected view is used- Addressbook: Add ability to rename current distribution list from context menu, as well as more consistent behaviour for adding lists- SambaAdmin: fixed not set password hashes and disabling old Lanmanager hashes by default, also polishing UI a bit- Mail: Make selected email item in compose dialog editable- Mail: fixed icons for special use folders did not use folders set in mail account- Mail: on save as zip: always fetch all attachments, even inline (images); do not fatally fail on empty attachments- ProjectManager/Timesheet: fixed an infinit loop when trying to save a project-element, caused by timesheet notifying project again- Projectmanager: prevent some infinit loop during updates- LDAP/Univention: add support for Univention LDAP schemas * Tue Oct 21 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20141021-1- SECURITY: path traversal revealing arbitrary files on server fixed, please update ASAP- All apps: Drag and drop entries between lists to link them- Mail: fix copy/move of mails between accounts- Mail: fix for messed up plain-text signature in some cases- Mail: import and display of mails failed, if personal part of addresses contains valid encoded utf-8 characters- Calendar: make custom fields available in table plugins for document merge- Calendar: fixed planner by category view was showing all categories under \"None\"- Addressbook: with double-click preference set to edit, CRM-view did not open when selected in menu- Addressbook: Fix tab order between zip code and city in AB edit dialog- InfoLog: allow to (re-)set view of entries link to contacts via favorites- Tracker: async job data of tracker got mangled by asyncservice- Timesheet: fix (un)setting project for adding, editing and save&new timesheets- News: fix broken automatic periodical import of news- Filemanager: fixed super-user not able to create top-level directory, eg. /test- Admin/LDAP: show LDAP extra attributes shell/homedir, if enabled in setup- Admin/LDAP: LDAP extra attributes homedirector and loginshell were not stored (home set to /dev/null) * Fri Oct 10 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20141010-1- Mail: fix download/saving of mail or attachments lead to redirect loop on next refresh- Mail: allow to enter name+mail eg. \"Ralf Becker \" in compose, automatic fix unquoted commas in entered mail addresses- all apps: custom fields of type \"float\" allow to specify maxlength,size,min,max comma-separated in length field- Sambaadmin: fix editing user-data * Tue Oct 07 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20141007-1- Mail: handle (and correct if needed) charset for subject on import of messages- ProjectManager: fix an other SQL error in summary- Apache 2.4 and RHEL 7 installation fixes- Knowledgebase: restore capability to send articles via mail * Thu Oct 02 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20141002-1- All apps: fixed diverse regressions found while testing- Addressbook/Tracker/other apps: custom-fields were not saved (existing custom-fields and InfoLog worked) * Wed Oct 01 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20141001-1- Mail: decoding of TNEF/winmail.dat as attachments, requires installation of PEAR packages Horde_Compress, Horde_Icalendar, Horde_Mapi and PHP bcmath extension- Mail: fetch all subscribed folders for a given account in a single pass- Mail: vaction notice indicator in mail showed result of other users- Admin: New setting for admin users with available administrator password to be able to modify mail ACL rights and vacation notices (no longer in admin context menu but under edit account->forward... tab) of each accounts via both mail and admin app.- Samabaadmin: fix fatal error when calling app- Preferences: opening forced preferences set selectboxes for not set values to first real value not \"Users Choice\"- Timesheet: fix SQL error when searching and NO custom fields defined- Calendar: user without edit access to event could not delete own alarm- Filemanager: New styling and access to list of uploading files in progress- PostgreSQL/Admin: adding new accounts failed- PostgreSQL/Mail: changing password gave SQL error- PostgreSQL/Projectmanager: fix various SQL errors around filtering by app-name in element list- Mail/Calendar/eTemplate2: fix timezone problems of times in grid or lists, if server_timezone differs from php.ini date.timezone * Tue Sep 23 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140923-1- Preferences: non-admin user was able to give himself run-rights to any app incl. admin- Mail: automatic save as draft during compose every 2 minutes- Mail: support the propagation of Thread-Topic, Thread-Index and List-Id on reply too- Mail: resolve distributionlists upon saving as draft, infolog, tracker and storing sent message in designated send-folder- ProjectManager: Gantt chart speed improvements and other bug fixes- Tracker: fix problem with correct resolution initzialization for new tracker entries- Tracker/Mailhandling: handle/catch problem with failed notification initialization- CardDAV/Addressbook/Preferences: accounts, primary group, all, ... were not selectable in personal preferences- Login: disabling cookie-enabled-check again, as it causes a redirect look under certain conditions and browsers- API/MySQL: automatic try to reconnect once, if server closed connection \"MySQL server has gone away\"- Admin: using proxy configuration from setup for update-check and retrieving EPL license from my.stylite.de * Wed Sep 10 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140910-1- all apps: fixed regressions in yesterdays package- Timesheet: fix lost comment when viewtype was set to simple- Mail: Colorize mail contents according to their hierarchy in body- Projectmanager: fix SQL error when filtering by an application in element list, close and reopen PM * Tue Sep 09 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140909-1- All apps/IE: fix not working file upload in IE- eTemplate2/all apps: fixed not displayed readonly dates outside lists (eg. created/modified dates in dialogs)- Spellchecker: marking \"browser based\" (default for new installs) and \"No\" as safer and fixing CSP policy for web-spell-checker- Projectmanager: speed improvements for large gantt charts- Projectmanager/all apps: fix not working popups, eg. add existing action in elements list- Calendar: if contact is added as participant and event has not yet a title add contact as title- Calendar: fixed freetime search to correctly read and set times from edit window- Mail: fix mail compose attachment is not shown while it\'s on upload progress for the first time- Mail: improvement of attachment area UI in compose,display and preview dialogs- Mail: handle problem on Mail2Infolog/Mail2Tracker when creating the header info section on mails- Mail: make the saveAsDraft and print functionality working in mail compose dialog- Addressbook: fixed diverse problem with advanced search- InfoLog: keep pm link when changing contact- Filemanager: fixed not working file drop in with Firefox- Tracker/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error originating from timesheet * Wed Sep 03 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140903-1- Timesheet: fixed not working custom date filter- Mail/EMailAdmin: change minimum version for Horde_Imap_Client to 2.24.2 to fix an error with namespaces- Mail: Fix changing flags and (un)read does not affect immidiately on mail list * Tue Sep 02 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140902-1- ActiveSync: recreate session, if session does not contain correct password, fixes broken sync on some devices- InfoLog: fixed selection over multiple hierarchy levels (eg. deleting a child from an opened InfoLog also deleted previously selected top-level entry!)- InfoLog: allways show all children when opening an InfoLog containing children in list (not applying filters or search)- Tracker/eTemplate: user could not empty CC field (taglist-email)- EMail: show add icon if hovering over email address for adding it to addressbook (instead of white tooltip, covering further addresses) * Thu Aug 28 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140828-1- EMailAdmin/Mail: folders on personal accounts where not stored, automatic unsetting \"use default\" when changing/adding folders- eTemplate2: fixed regressions from not published 14.1.20140827 package * Wed Aug 27 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140827-1- all apps: current user was not taken into account for private custom-fields- all apps/eTemplate2: fixing various timezone related issues- all apps: fixed column sizes and stretch (which columns change when window size changes)- all apps: fix problem with resizing listviews\' columns in FireFox (FF) and Internet Explorer (IE)- PostgreSQL/Admin/Setup: backup stopped with SQL error- PostgreSQL/Mail: fixed SQL error in compose- LDAP/AD: auto-created accounts not allways set primary group also as membership- eSync: limit creation of sessions to one per device and user (like already done for CalDAV)- Mail: keyword actions were not always displayed (eg. never for Dovecot and GMail)- Mail: fix problem on not applied but possibly set status filter on all message actions for flagging- Mail: fixed sometimes not working (un)subscribe of mailboxes, added better diagnostic and automatic (de)select children- Mail: fix for failed zip-download when users startfolder is not writeable- Mail: make to/cc/bcc fields in compose draggable and droppable- EMailAdmin/Admin/Cyrus: fixed mailbox creation for new users incl. Sent,Trash,Drafts,Templates,Spam subfolders, if defined in account- EMailAdmin/Admin/Cyrus: deleting of users did not delete mailbox on managed Cyrus server- EMailAdmin: folders to notify about were always stored as default for all users, if editied by an admin- Projectmanager: Load all sub-views at the start, and switch between them as needed. This gives faster switching between sub-views, and lower overall load times.- Projectmanager: dynamic loading of project tree leaves (speed up for huge number of projects)- Addressbook: no longer offering to move contacts to accounts addressbook, as we do not support that- Calendar: Fix recurrent whole day events do not pop up edit series dialog- Calendar/IE11: fixed calendar and other apps were not working, if doing something in the calendar in IE11- Calendar/InfoLog: Implement drag,drop and resize for integrated infolog events in all calendar views- Tracker: database update to fix new public tickets were not visible for technicians (change tr_private from NULL to \"0\")- InfoLog: subentries are now shown only in hierarchical view and updates to them also update modification time of parent * Tue Aug 12 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140812-1- EMailAdmin/Mail: fix to work with Horde_Imap_Client 2.24.1+ (Tried to access unknown attribute \"capability\"!)- Mail: performance improvements and bug fixes- Mail: add all aliases to vacation message- Addressbook: next/previous button in CRM view was not working- Filemanager: fixed delete button for extended ACL- Addressbook/Mail: Dutch translations from our translation server * Thu Jul 31 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140731-1- Mail: handle broken filenames (non utf8) in attachments * Fri Jul 25 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140725-1- Admin: restore backups from admin was not working (worked only from setup)- Addressbook/all apps: dates change every time they get stored (temporary fix as conditions causing that are not clear) * Wed Jul 23 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140724-1- Admin: automatic update check displaying an icon for available (security-)updates for admins, escalating for security updates to all users after 3 days- EMailAdmin: if wizzard was called on error, it was not able to save fixed account (showed same error again)- API/Admin: fixed not working Admin >> Clear cache for default APC(u) and files backends- Admin/API: remove no longer fully supported method to not \"store session-id in cookie\", it is the safer default anyway- Mail: fixed wrong folders displayed, if Cyrus administration was activated- eTemplate2: fixed popups eg. tracker open empty, not rendering popup content- Admin/LDAP: deactivated accounts could not be reactivated, as account popup was not showing selected account- API/CKEditor: update to version 4.4.3 adding additional skins/themes- Admin/Setup: restore of 14.1 backup was not working (backup file itself is correct) * Mon Jul 14 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140714-1- Backup: backup could contain rows multiple times (which caused restore to fail)- API: fixed broken configuration, causing eg. ActiveDirectory or LDAP authentication to fail (you need to run Setup >> Clear cache!)- Preferences: non-admins were allowed to changed default, forced or group preferences- Preferences: do NOT use deny configuration for admins- SiteMgr: fixed sliteshow (was loaded before jQuery)- Mail: unlock tree again after copy/move actions- ProjectManager: fix broken duration units causing times to display as undefined- eTemplate2: several fixes in widgets * Wed Jul 09 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140710-1- final 14.1 release- Admin/all apps: fix refresh of admin after calling site configuration, categories, etc from apps- Admin: custom-fields were not loaded, account was edited from admin not addressbook- EMailAdmin: fixed migration of Sieve to use SSL/TLS for port 5190 and StartTLS for all other ports- EMailAdmin: fixed mail accounts valid for groups or multiple users and switching regular accounts to or from that- Addressbook: fixed sorting of category tree- Added context menu to download all linked files in one zip file * Tue Jul 08 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140708-1- Debian: aptitude install egroupware-epl now removes 1.8 community packages or updates all EPL 11.1 packages- Calendar/API: allow not serialized data in async jobs, only run automatic purge if we have a real number > 0- Admin: fixed user statistic submit to work in 14.1- Admin/API: remove old database based error-log- Mail/Infolog/Tracker: fix problem with converting mail to infolog/tracker entries, when forwarded messages are attached (message/rfc822 attachments)- Setup: fixed fatal error \"Cannot redeclare auth_type()\", when there is a validation error on saving configuration- Setup: config changed in setup did not update instance cache and was therefore not immediatly available- Infolog: Edit adds an implicit user preference in order to remember the last chosen of infolog\'s type- Addressbook,Calendar,InfoLog,Timesheet: switch on history / delete preventions, if there is not already a config * Mon Jun 30 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140630-1- 14.1 release candidate: you need to visit setup for manual (non-package) installations!- many bugfixes in all applications- all apps: custom-fields are now stored in own egw_customfields table (no more limit on number), site configurations get now JSON serialized- all apps: categories and async jobs extra data is now stored JSON serialized- ProjectManager: only query projects visible in tree, autoload others on opening, to improve performance with huge number of projects- Admin: admin view did no refresh if it shows something else then accounts list- PostgreSQL: fixed not working installation (access to not yet existing table stalls transaction)- PostgreSQL: fixed not working update from 1.8, as not existing FMail tables stalled update- PostgreSQL/Addressbook: fixed not displayed pictures- Notification/Mail: make sure acc_smtp_username is used (if available), to cope with strict mailserver settings to prevent faking sender information * Tue Jun 17 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140617-1- ProjectManager: fixed parent projects were not updated with changes (you had to run sync-all manually- ProjectManager/Timesheet: automatic change a changed project-title in Timesheet too- ProjectManager: fixed switching from account-type \"status\" to \"status and times\" set datasource time as overwritten time- Setup: re-add config for mail authentication and fixed it to always try to use a TLS connection- Admin/Mail: allow admins to set vacation notice for a user- Mail/Vacation: Make vacation be able to be set from both Admin and Mail- Mail: store last move or copy targets for action menu options to be used to move mails to previously used targets on rightclick- EMailAdmin: wizard allows now in manual mode to skip IMAP configuration completely to create a SMTP only profile- Mail/Sieve: Show mail sieve rules list in mail index with sidebox mailTree available- Mail: when changing account on compose, we no longer fake the sender, but we use the outgoing Server settings of that account AND copy the sent message to that accounts sentfolder (if set and prefs suggest we should store a copy in the selected accounts sentfolder)- Mail: detect and handle actions on ALL-messages for setting and removing flags and lables for the mailbox we operate on- fixed SQL error \"Field last_mod doesnt have a default value\" on update for newer MySQL versions or PostgreSQL- API/htmLawed: update to version 1.1.17- Calendar/Alarm: Move calendar Alarm from Alarm tab to Details tab and make it more user friendly to add alarm- Calendar: adding default alarm for regular or whole-day events, preference is shared with CalDAV clients- Addressbook: fixed empty edit popup, if contact contains photo and changing of private custom-fields in extra private tab- Admin/Filemanager: creating groups did not create group directory, but damaged VFS (can be repaired with \"Check virtual filesystem\")- Admin: accounts could not be deactivated- Notifications: fixed not used SMTP authentication and selection of mail account- Calendar/Notifications: show notification errors, eg. mail could not be sent- Mail: if we use a different Identity on sending AND the identity email is different but not empty from the account email; then use identity information for From and FromName; Do not touch Sender- Filemanager: user interface to mount into VFS or enable versioning (requires EPL)- Preferences: now stored JSON encoded in database (also removed many deprecated methods)- Calendar/iCal/CalDAV: normalize enddates not on a recurrence-date, to recurrence-date before (not next) * Wed May 14 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140514-1- eTemplate2: fixed accounts got lost, if account-selection did not show all accounts- Filemanager/InfoLog: perserve expanded rows/directories on refresh- Filemanager: fixed not working opening of directories on double-click or using favorites- EMailAdmin: only query imap or smtp backend user-data (quota, aliases, forwards, ...), if explicitly requested --> improve Mail performance- ProjectManager: further work on clientside gantt-chart- all apps: favorites caused apps to reload, as the got initialised for popups * Mon May 12 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140512-1- Mail: display an error for broken accounts and let user fix it or continue working with other accounts- Mail: fix a namespace issue (for additional defineable namespaces under dovecot) reported by E.Popp- Mail: fix for messed up signature in some cases; fix for not beeing able to delete/remave an attachment to a new mail that was attached using PRESET methods- Tracker/Mailhandling: Add new feature to tracker mailhandling in order to extract latest reply from mail content, instead of the entire content including the previous replies.- Mail: limit async notification on new mail to once every 3 minutes; control if a imapHost is set on choosen profile- Mail: remember last used Signature on Compose, and try to use it on subsequent compose sessions- Setup: fixed (partially) stalled installation, because caching could not find not yet created configuration- Setup: fixed not working admin account creation, if it triggers an error in emailadmin (eg. because on email address given) * Tue Apr 29 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140429-1- ImportExport: Creation of new filter column before we update definitions * Fri Apr 25 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140425-1- Mail: skip accounts with no imap server set for notification and foldertree * Thu Apr 24 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140424-1- Mail: fix wrong port (typo) for SMTP STARTTLS in wizard- Calendar: fix mail to all participants; uninvited additional email in preset email addresses- Mail: remove option to reset cached objects; reset Cached Objects on account-edit- Favorites: Make favorites item sortable and store their orders as user preference- Mail: implement notification for incomming mails in folders if configured/set in mailaccountprofile * Sat Apr 19 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140419-1- Mail: working now without PHP imap extension * Thu Apr 17 2014 Ralf Becker - version 14.1.20140417-1- first 14.1 beta- Mail: new mail app replacing old felamimail and using Horde IMAP Client as backend (no PHP imap extension required)- EMailAdmin: completly rewritten including a wizard to create new mail accounts- Admin: new navigation tree, context menus on tree and user list, editing/adding accounts via account tab in addressbook- Preferences: new settings and ACL dialogs accessible via context sensitve popups in top-menu- Pixelegg: new default template for 14.1- eTemplate2: new engine rendering eTemplates on clientside, all submits are now ajax, lots of improvements in all widgets- all apps: many improvments from EPL compared to 1.8 * Wed Apr 16 2014 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20140416-1- CalDAV/calendar: if requesting user had only freebusy rights, no freebusy information was regurned- FireFox/all apps: fixed in recent FF version popups opened always in a single popup (overwritting previous opened one)- eTemplate/all apps: removed custom-field widget type IP again, as it caused too many problems in various modules- eMail: give user feedback when setting/applying timed vacation; do display of dates regarding user time zone settings; improve information when a vacation is set for a given time-range- eMail: fix / improve condition for copy to send folder, on not existing send folder -> give warning on compose window- eMail: make evaluation of message flags case INSENSITIVE (by changing all flags to lowercase before evaluating- eMail: some Servers have very limited SEARCH capability; (no OR allowed/supported) try to detect and act accordingly- Tracker: preserve html mode if set for tracker entry, but switched off globaly later (for display of comments); When in HTML mode, comments may exceed the size limit of the databasefield, if they do: try to fix the display of the comment by checking/validating the reply-comment with our purifying method -> tag balancing, as unbalanced tags in the reply may destroy the edit-form * Mon Mar 17 2014 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20140317-1- All apps: run link notifications after processing and returning control to user to speed up saving of entries with links to (big) projects- eTemplate/all apps: limit displayed history to 500 entries- CardDAV/Addressbook: add \"None\" to forced preferences of addressbooks to sync in addition to personal one- CalDAV/Calendar: sending now iMip response to external organizer when initialy accepting invitation via CalDAV client (before only status changes where sent)- CalDAV/Calendar: store and therefore keep external organizer if he has no common name (just email) and also store its common name- CalDAV/CardDAV: entries with urls containing url-encoded chars, eg. from Google calendar, were not send to clients (missing urldecoding in multiget report)- CalDAV/CardDAV: fixed support for limited sync-collection report used eg. by Marten Gajdas Android apps- WebDAV/Filemanager: reject to save files by clients using chunked transfer-encoding on servers which does not support that (eg. OS X Finder with server using FastCGI PHP)- Tracker: improve detection of related/existing tickets by subject when importing mails to tracker- Tracker: allow to deny global category, version, status, ... on a per tracker base (eg. create single category for all queues but one)- Tracker/Mailhandling: fix broken linking to addressbook entrys for prepare_import_mail- eSync: fix a problem with a non working global profile, when verifying settings- Sieve/Felamimail|Mail:Make exclamation mark (\\!) in the begining of sieve rule query escapable from always bien used as NOT conditon- Calendar/EMail: wrong timezone conversation when accepting meeting requests (happening if server- and user-timezone are different!)- EMail(Admin): inetOrgPerson schema support reported all accounts as inactive * Mon Mar 17 2014 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20140317-1- Tracker: improve detection of related/existing tickets by subject when importing mails to tracker- All apps: run link notifications after processing and returning control to user to speed up saving of entries with links to (big) projects- eTemplate/all apps: limit displayed history to 500 entries- CardDAV/Addressbook: add \"None\" to forced preferences of addressbooks to sync in addition to personal one- CalDAV/Calendar: sending now iMip response to external organizer when initialy accepting invitation via CalDAV client (before only status changes where sent)- CalDAV/CardDAV: entries with urls containing url-encoded chars, eg. from Google calendar, were not send to clients (missing urldecoding in multiget report)- CalDAV/CardDAV: fixed support for limited sync-collection report used eg. by Marten Gajdas Android apps- WebDAV/Filemanager: reject to save files by clients using chunked transfer-encoding on servers which does not support that (eg. OS X Finder with server using FastCGI PHP)- ESync: fix a problem with a non working global profile, when verifying settings- CalDAV/Calendar: store and therefore keep external organizer if he has no common name (just email) and also store its common name- Sieve/Felamimail|Mail:Make exclamation mark (\\!) in the begining of sieve rule query escapable from always bien used as NOT conditon- Calendar/EMail: wrong timezone conversation when accepting meeting requests (happening if server- and user-timezone are different!)- Tracker: allow to deny global category, version, status, ... on a per tracker base (eg. create single category for all queues but one)- EMail(Admin): inetOrgPerson schema support reported all accounts as inactive- Tracker/Mailhandling: fix broken linking to addressbook entrys for prepare_import_mail * Mon Mar 17 2014 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20140317-1- Tracker: improve detection of related/existing tickets by subject when importing mails to tracker- All apps: run link notifications after processing and returning control to user to speed up saving of entries with links to (big) projects- eTemplate/all apps: limit displayed history to 500 entries- CardDAV/Addressbook: add \"None\" to forced preferences of addressbooks to sync in addition to personal one- CalDAV/Calendar: sending now iMip response to external organizer when initialy accepting invitation via CalDAV client (before only status changes where sent)- CalDAV/CardDAV: entries with urls containing url-encoded chars, eg. from Google calendar, were not send to clients (missing urldecoding in multiget report)- CalDAV/CardDAV: fixed support for limited sync-collection report used eg. by Marten Gajdas Android apps- WebDAV/Filemanager: reject to save files by clients using chunked transfer-encoding on servers which does not support that (eg. OS X Finder with server using FastCGI PHP)- ESync: fix a problem with a non working global profile, when verifying settings- CalDAV/Calendar: store and therefore keep external organizer if he has no common name (just email) and also store its common name- Sieve/Felamimail|Mail:Make exclamation mark (\\!) in the begining of sieve rule query escapable from always bien used as NOT conditon- Calendar/EMail: wrong timezone conversation when accepting meeting requests (happening if server- and user-timezone are different!)- Tracker: allow to deny global category, version, status, ... on a per tracker base (eg. create single category for all queues but one)- EMail(Admin): inetOrgPerson schema support reported all accounts as inactive- Tracker/Mailhandling: fix broken linking to addressbook entrys for prepare_import_mail * Mon Mar 17 2014 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20140317-1- Tracker: improve detection of related/existing tickets by subject when importing mails to tracker- All apps: run link notifications after processing and returning control to user to speed up saving of entries with links to (big) projects- eTemplate/all apps: limit displayed history to 500 entries- CardDAV/Addressbook: add \"None\" to forced preferences of addressbooks to sync in addition to personal one- CalDAV/Calendar: sending now iMip response to external organizer when initialy accepting invitation via CalDAV client (before only status changes where sent)- CalDAV/CardDAV: entries with urls containing url-encoded chars, eg. from Google calendar, were not send to clients (missing urldecoding in multiget report)- CalDAV/CardDAV: fixed support for limited sync-collection report used eg. by Marten Gajdas Android apps- WebDAV/Filemanager: reject to save files by clients using chunked transfer-encoding on servers which does not support that (eg. OS X Finder with server using FastCGI PHP)- ESync: fix a problem with a non working global profile, when verifying settings- CalDAV/Calendar: store and therefore keep external organizer if he has no common name (just email) and also store its common name- Sieve/Felamimail|Mail:Make exclamation mark (\\!) in the begining of sieve rule query escapable from always bien used as NOT conditon- Calendar/EMail: wrong timezone conversation when accepting meeting requests (happening if server- and user-timezone are different!)- Tracker: allow to deny global category, version, status, ... on a per tracker base (eg. create single category for all queues but one)- EMail(Admin): inetOrgPerson schema support reported all accounts as inactive- Tracker/Mailhandling: fix broken linking to addressbook entrys for prepare_import_mail * Wed Feb 12 2014 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20140212-1- eSyncPro: fixed fatal error caused by accidental changes for new release- Calendar: fixed conflict not from a resource could not be ignored (resource conflicts need direct booking permission to ignore) * Mon Feb 10 2014 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20140210-1- THIS RELEASE CONTAINS IMPORTANT SECURITY FIXES, PLEASE UPDATE ASAP- Security: fixed arbitrary file overwrite and remote code execution reported by Pedro Ribeiro (pedribAATTgmail.com) of Agile Information Security- API: support for mbstring.func_overload=0 (previously we required mbstring.func_overload=7 to correctly support utf-8)- Tracker: dropping unique index(es) on escalations to not limit creating same escalations eg. on different queues- Tracker: allow to filter by private: yes or no- API/Preferences: fixed can NOT unset last (forced) preference of an app, also fixed not working deleting of prefs when deleting a user or group- Adressbook/CardDAV: changed (down-)scaling of images to width of 240px (was 60px) to cater for higher screen resolutions- Calendar,EventMgr: fixed locking of events to work with current browser versions- CalDAV/Resources: fixed only first N resources were available in CalDAV (N = common preference how many entries to show)- Calendar/eSync: fixed caching causing new events on EGroupware side not to appear on device (withing time of a running ping-request)- CalDAV/Calendar: fixed invalid ics file for alarm exactly at the event- InfoLog: query custom-fields for notifications- eMail: completely remove the ui/bo/sofilter classes as they are not effectively used anymore * Wed Jan 08 2014 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20140108-1- eTemplate: fixed error caused by handling of empty indexes, causing eg. in filemanager-select popup to display in first row / instead of filename * Tue Jan 07 2014 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20140107-1- API/Admin: fixed SQL error on repairing filesystem, if one of required directories has wrong permissions- CalDAV/CardDAV: only advertice sync-collection report, if we track deleted entries (history-logging enabled, not working otherwise)- eMail/Mailhandling: introduce option >mail text only< for better control of import of mails to other apps- CalDAV/Calendar: fixed permanent auth request in iCal, if accountselection is set to \"selectbox with groupmembers\" and rights granted from group without being a member * Mon Dec 16 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20131216-1- CalDAV/InfoLog: fixed not working sync-collection report, eg. used by eM client * Mon Dec 09 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20131209-1- CalDAV/CardDAV: do NOT use Content-Length header, if zlib.output_compression is enabled, fixes problems with iOS7 eg. eTask app- eMail/SIEVE: finalization of providing the ability of testing the content of the mail in Server Side Mail Filtering (if the CAPABILITY required to do so is reported)- eMail: fix problem regarding lost control/warning when no recipient and/or no subject is provided on submit- API/CKEditor: update to CKEditor 4.3 (compatibility issues with IE10/11)- Infolog/Notification: when notifying asyncronously , make sure possible customfields are read, as search does not supply these * Tue Nov 05 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20131105-1- jQuery: update to version 1.10.2 to improve IE10 experience- CKEditor: update to version 4.2.2; add additional skins- Admin/SambaAdmin/LDAP: fixed for new accounts not created Samba password hashes- CalDAV: fixed wrong http-status for delete in inbox and announce sync-report on inbox, so clients using it get events only once- Admin/Preferences: changepassword hook was called twice- PostgreSQL/ProjectManager: fixed SQL error \"pm_id is ambigues\" when accessing /apps/projectmanager via filemanager- PostgreSQL/Calendar: clicking on InfoLog entries opened new calendar entry instead of existing InfoLog- PostgreSQL/Addressbook: fixed SQL error when sorting by a custom field- eMail: preference to show external image was only shown to admins- eMail: fix problem with lost connection on drafted message when using printPreview on messages with attachments- eMail/Infolog/Tracker: upon converting mails on send, if we attach messages get the message itself, and attach it, as we are able to display it in egw instead of fetching only the attachments attached files (as we did previously)- ProjectManager: anonymous access (implicit read rights for everyone) was not cached correctly and therefore sometimes failed- Tracker/SiteMgr: block to add new tickets- Tracker/Mailhandling: on connection failure while in operation, now we notify egroupware admins, and double the interval time for the queue in question (instead of disabling the queue in question)- Tracker: give description and replys full width for non-html editing too- InfoLog: add converting into a Tracker ticket to actions selectbox of edit popup- SiteMgr: fixed not working anonymous user and using now a random password- SiteMgr: allow to store or overwrite instance-specific modules in a sitemgr subdir of files directory- All apps: new custom-field type IP-Address getting initially set with remote IP address, and allowing to set negativ length for text fields to make them readonly * Tue Oct 08 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20131008-1- CardDAV/Addressbook: fixed all contacts were reported as NOT found and therefore not synchronised * Mon Oct 07 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20131007-1- API: fixed not working session encryption, by switch back to previous MCrypt algorithm and mode * Tue Oct 01 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20131001-1- THIS RELEASE CONTAINS IMPORTANT SECURITY FIXES, PLEASE UPDATE ASAP- Security: fixed remote code execution- API: using now httponly and secure cookies (secure only if https is used to login)- API: header.inc.php uses for new installations or on update now secure password hashes like they were used for accounts since some time now- Setup: uses now a session instead of storing credentials in a cookie- Filemanager: html downloads get now either force a download or - if brower supports - use a content-security-policiy header to mitigate risk of session hijacking- THANKS and credits to Marcel Mangold , Pascal Uter from SySS GmbH for notifying us about above problems and hardening possibilities- eMail: fix possible problem when mail-message-body (text or html part) is empty- eMail: fix problem for folder preferences did not overrule folders set by getSpecialUseFolders- eMail/Sieve: improved capability parsing- eMail: fix for inline image not displayed in print preview- eMail/IMAP: fix for failed connection for subsequent connects when using STARTTLS in certain enviroments- Tracker: add default version for mailhandling- Tracker: add possibility to use a queue-specific template (tracker.edit.xyz), if one exists, otherwise fall back to the generic one- Tracker: implement deleteaccount hook for tracker; support transfer to other user OR (if requested) deleting all entries created by user- Projectmanager: fix broken template selection on first load- eMail: limit compose window height to 1000px- eMail/eSync: control wait sequence for device;- CalDAV/CardDAV: fixed multiget-report to correctly report not found urls- CalDAV/CardDAV: fixed not working propfind-request to single resource in calendar/addressbook collection * Tue Sep 03 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130903-1- Addressbook/eSync/CardDAV: fixed not working (forced) preference to display only accounts of groupmembers, causing eSync to permanently try and fail reading other accounts- Tracker/Mailhandling: process mail using eGroupware Mail Object and functionality (intention is to have the same behavior as mail2tracker in Mail Application)- CardDAV/Addressbook/LDAP/ADS: syncing all addressbooks into one now also allows to include accounts not stored like contacts- CardDAV/Addressbook/LDAP/ADS: prefix, middle name, suffix was messed up, if iOS addressbook \"Display Order\" preferences was set to \"lastname firstname\"- Timesheet/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error when selecting a timerange- Calendar: automatic cancel alarms from removed or rejected participants- Calendar/EMail: accepting mail invitations sets now external organizer as role CHAIR (externals can not be event-owners), to send replys back to organizer- Calendar/ActiveSync: keep external organizer and status&role of existing participants, if clients does not send them- Addressbook: deleting an account now also takes care of deleting or changing ownership of distribution lists (beside contacts as before)- EMail/all apps: fixed notifications caused EMail to loose connection to IMAP server * Fri Aug 16 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130816-1- eMail/eSync: fix cut off of multiple TO/CC addresses in header retrieval (seen in eSync); return empty syncMail Object on header retrieval failure for activesync- eMail/Filemanager: when saving mail to filemanager, add headerdata without subject to file - comment field- Admin/SambaAdmin: fixed not set sambaNTPassword and sambaLMPassword hashes in LDAP (hook changepassword was called without password)- Admin/Filemanager: added filesystem check and repair for missing or broken required directories /, /apps and /home- CardDAV/Addressbook: fixed not working sync-collection report eg. by eMclient, if server-time is different from user- CardDAV/Addressbook: fixed various issues with groups/distribution lists as supported by Apple and eMclient (groups need to be enabled in CalDAV/CardDAV preferences!)- CardDAV/Addressbook/ActiveDirectory: fixes SQL error when clients tries to propfind groups/distribution lists on accounts-addressbook, also return \"403 Forbidden\" when he tries to create one, as they are not (yet) supported on accounts, if not stored in SQL- PostgreSQL/Addressbook: fix SQL error in addressbook by organisation and department- Tracker/PostgreSQL: fix sql error when sorting be modified date- ProjectManager: fix SQL error if searching for string containing numbers and underscore or percent- CKEditor/ASpell: hardening of jscode for IE10, as spellCheckerWin object may not be defined- Calendar: when moving a series exceptions where lost (regular recurrences shown again) and exceptions where moved too- Calendar: fixed not working filter \"only group events\", to not include events of members- phpFreeChat: use the clearCache hook to clear freeChats ohn class cache- phpfreechat: enable reconnecting with the same nick, when not properly disconnected before * Mon Jul 29 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130729-1- eMail/Activesync: improve behavior on connection failure. Return 503 Service unavailable/Retry After on Connection error.- All apps/custom fields: fixed multiple identical rows, if custom fields where set (introduced in last package)- Tracker: preserve edit-mode on automatic mail handling based on original edit-mode of ticket.- Admin/Preferences: fixed not working special char detection in passwords, if you required 4 character classes it always failed- Filemanager/eMail: on attaching files to emails from filemanager; if there is a plus sign within the path, we have to encode it, so the file can be found by filesize after urldecode- EMailAdmin/Setup: disabling certificate validation on imaps connection by default for new profiles (can be enabled in EMailAdmin)- Tracker: fix problem handling preselected tracker-queues when multiple queues are selected- Async service/Backup: updating job to next scheduled time BEFORE running it, to copy with jobs running longer then async frequency of 5min, eg. backup- PostgreSQL/ProjectManager/InfoLog: invalid SQL opening a new entry InfoLog entry- eTemplate/all apps: (silently) limit number of links shown to 1000 newest, to not run into memory_limit or max_execution_time and assuming noone will scroll further down anyway- CKEditor/ASpell: adaption of aspell plugin to work with IE10- eMail/Net-IMAP: harden get raw response against unexpected return results from server- CardDAV/ActiveDirectory/LDAP: fixed typo causing doublication in account-addressbook of eMclient by always returning all accounts in multiget report * Tue Jul 16 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130716-1- Active Directory: several small fixes around account creation and setting passwords- PostgreSQL: fix for SQL error eg. on update from 1.8.001 to 1.8.004 from 9.1 on * Mon Jul 15 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130715-1- eMail/ActiveDirectory: fixed not working autocomplete of accounts- PostgreSQL: automatic fix GROUP BY clause to contain all non-aggregate selected columns, to work around SQL errors, caused by this MySQL \"optimisation\"- InfoLog: fixed storing of InfoLog site config: fields to exclude when copying or creating subs and load custom fields in index for types- API: fix for wrong (unexpected array) type passed in check_list- eMail: reset possible default ActiveProfileID in preferences- eMail: if available show emailaddress of defaultprofile- Setup/Active Directory: setup_cmd_ldap sub_command=copy2ad now checks multivalue attributes caseinsensitive for doublicate values and new parameter no_sid_check=1 allow to use it for migrating mail-attributes without Samaba checks- eMail: handle problem when calculated IFrame height for preview area is too small (negative)- Admin/Active Directory: create new users with CN= as Windows does and allow to configure profilePath, homeDirectory, homeDrive and scriptPath for new users (in setup)- Addressbook/Home: mend issue regarding the display of multiple birthdays of the same contact in the home area- eMail/Sieve: when editing sieve rules mend double linefeeds returned by IE10 on edit of the vacation-message- eMail/Compose: make address suggestion selectbox scrollable- eMail/ActiveSync: if copy to sent folder fails, for whatever reason, only log to debugLog, do not consider the send action as failed as this would cause the mobile device to resend the mail in question- eMail: handle excess linebreaks in signatures when compose as plainText (when using div for linebreak mode for ck-editor)- All apps: allow to log user-agent and action of all changes in history-log of entries (enable in Admin >> Site configuration)- Addressbook/Active Directory: got prefix, middle name and suffix working for AD account, file as got disabled (as well as not supported history tab)- Admin/Active Directory: fixed not working display, setting and removing of \"must change password upon next login\"- Admin/Preferences/Active Directory: more understandable password policy errors and using windows defaults only, if admin has not configured something else- WebDAV/CalDAV/CardDAV: fixed basic authentication via redirect-rule to use $_SERVER[\"REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION\"] as it is used by newer Apache versions- Active Directory: allow to do a forced password change in EGroupware and handle reset of that flag for Samba4 too- Stylite template: allow to force an application to be the active one after each new login, eg. home * Sat Jun 29 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130629-1- Admin/API/ADS: account creation did not set initial password- Admin/Preferences/ADS: give explicit error, that AD requires SSL or TLS to change passwords (not just failing with unspecific error)- Debian/RPM: fixed \"PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function drop_add_all_langs() on a non-object\" on install/update of a non-default package * Fri Jun 28 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130628-1- Admin/API/LDAP: fixed not working pagination of accounts for 2. or further pages introduced by enabling caching again in last package- EMailAdmin: Postfix tcp-map and Dovecot checkpassword scripts supporting ActiveDirectory using multivalued proxyAddresses attribute as implemented by emailadmin_smtp_ads- ProjectManager: reverted fix \"role_acl in list view seems not to be used ...\", as it influences visibility of projects- ProjectManager: fixed project shown multiple times in project-list, if user had multiple roles (eg. assigned to himself and 2. one to one of his memberhips)- ProjectManager/Timesheet: automatic change a changed project-title in Timesheet too- Calendar: use \"default\" filter for home screen, instead of \"all\" which shows canceled events too * Tue Jun 25 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130625-1- Addressbook/CardDAV: PUT returned empty ETag, proably causing unnecessary reloads of contacts- Admin: split password strength config in minimum length and number of character types, allow account backends specially AD to report password policy failures * Thu Jun 20 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130620-1- Addressbook/LDAP: recreation of contact (eg. because of missing objectclass) failed and lead to deleted contact or account- Setup: typo caused admin account creation to fail, if \"delete all users and acl\" was checked- Setup/LDAP/ADS: script to change uidNumber and gidNumber in LDAP to match relative id (last part of SID) in preparation of Samba4 migration and using ActiveDirectory- Setup/LDAP/ADS: script to copy from samba-tool classicupgrade not copied inetOrgPerson and mail-server attributes- Addressbook/ActiveDirectory: accounts addressbook was empty, if not explicit context was set- Admin/ActiveDirectory: fixed only first N accounts where shown and turned accidently switched off caching in session on again- Setup: allow to enable account in AD via setup-cli.php and renamed --postfix and --cyrus options to more generic names --smtp and --imap- API: if re-connect to database fails for an existing session, stop execution with an exception, as otherwise eg. preferences can get lost- API: ancient APC (3.1.3) in Debian 6/Squezze has size in MB without a unit, this caused APC not to be used because of to small cache size * Thu Jun 13 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130613-1- API/Addressbook/EMailAdmin: full support for active directory as account storage, tested with Samba4 and win2008r2- Admin/All apps: enable private custom-fields- Filemanager: urlencode password to cope with url special chars like forward slash or AATT in passwords, requires smbcw version 1.2- Filemanager: store last view as implicit preference and restore it from there- eMail: while composing try refreshing listview for Draftfolder (this is, when email app is open, and draft folder is selected)- eMail/Addressbook: adapt search for emailaddresses to search in prefix, given-, familyname, org and emailaddresses as addressbook- ProjectManager: view all sub-entries of an InfoLog by context menu- Calendar: configuration to automatic create links for participants from addressbook- Calendar: changing an existing, recurring event to whole-day, caused an end-time on day before start- Calendar/CalDAV: updated timezone database to 1.2013c- API: allow to set a maximum caching time used instead of unlimited caching or a bigger time, eg. in header.inc.php: egw_caching::$max_expiration = 864000; // 10days- Timesheet: fix for missing preset title- Tracker/Filemanager: new not-closed folder in VFS * Fri May 31 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130531-1- eMail/Sieve/API: updated to jquery version from Trunk 1.7.1, to fix not working edit of Sieve rules and ease backporting- MySQL: got mysqli extension working and make it default for EGroupware, as mysql is now officially deprecated, existing installs need to be switched manually in header.inc.php or Setup >> Manage header- eMail: allow to delete messages immediately (on userinteraction), if OVERQUOTA error is encountered- eMail: reenable edit of existing sieve rules; needs doubleclick to open edit window- Sambaadmin: create new users/groups in LDAP with uidNumber/gidNumber matching relative id (last part of SID) to ease migration to AD or Samba4 * Fri May 24 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130524-1- eMail/Sieve: sort filter rules via drag-n-drop- eMail/Sieve: tell user of errors while saving rules- eMail/Sieve: fix bug that prevented the ssl communication with a sieve-server; if port 5190 is configured, we switch communicating to the sieve server to use ssl- eMail/Sieve/eMailAdmin: give hint about server port usage and its impact on connection- eMail/Sieve: small modification of user interface for editing sieve rules to clarify the use of :matches , :contains or :regex- eMail: fix bug unable to delete/rename/move selected folder- eMail: make sure all of an compose/view window is shown and not hidden by e.g. the taskbar- eMail: rework parsing of email adresses and making compose links out of them- eMail: handle inline forward as reply as we decide about starting the compose-dialog in text OR html mode; so for the startupmode of the editor for forwards: inline forwards are handled as replys, forwards as attachments as a new mail- eMail: introduce method to preset emailaddress by contact-ids (preferred emailaddress setting will be used)- eMail: allow user to view / change its ActiveProfileID (quite useful if you have a basic misconfiguration)- eMail: allow open as HTML/Plain Text on right click action- eMail/forwarding: fix bug in smtp_ldap backend regarding broken change of forwarding addresses introduced with capability of setting multiple forwardingaddresses- eMail: fix problem on compose when changing signatures, when html-mail contained anchors- API/phpmailer: introduce optional parameter to InlineImageExists, to be able to determine if all attachments are inline, or only some; this will be used to decide on the mimetype of the message to be sent (multipart/ related (all) or mixed (some))- Addressbook: allow to add a customfield to link title of addressbook- Calendar: create InfoLog from event- Calendar/CalDAV: fixed typo causing time range for sync into past and future to be shorter then default or explicilty set in preferences- Calendar/CalDAV: reduced memory foot-print by caching alarms, calendars with lots of alarms and recurring events sync now with 128MB memory_limit- CalDAV/CardDAV/Calendar/InfoLog/Addressbook: changed database schema to allow for up to 200 char name-part in url to support eg. Bynari WebDAV Collaborator Outlook client, plus some new indexes to speed up huge installs- Calendar/InfoLog/Timesheet/Tracker/ProjectManager: edit focuses now automatic on title input- Tracker: widget to fetch tracker-data for custom print templates- Tracker: fix bug regarding the save of replys that could be regarded as empty (only span with style, no content)- Timesheet: allow to add timesheets starting yesterday and end today (no warning end-time before start-time)- eSync: kill HandlePing / sync if device reports a lifetime bolow 60s- All apps: group grants now again return inactive users, was broken since inactive users are no longer shown in user-selections- API: fallback auth checks and - if necessary - updates passwords on fallback on successful primary authentication or password change, to ensure they are kept up to date- Admin: fixed fatal error when creating new users- LDAP: only check for matching system users, if a new account get added, as existing accounts can be reported - depending on configuration - as system users too- EventMgr: fixed typo causing an uncaught exception, when used with PHP 5.4 * Fri Apr 26 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130426-1- Filemanager: fixed not working \"Save as\" for Internet Explorer (all versions), gave PHP Fatal Error- eMail: increases font-size by 10% to 120% for display and textarea- API/Auth: when required by setup check password strength upon login; strength must be specified, and user must be allowed to change password- API/eMail/HTMLawed/CKEditor: tidy eats away even some wanted whitespace, so we switch it off;we used it for its compacting and beautifying capabilities, which resulted in better html for further processing- EMail: fixed not working update of vacation notice using IE 10 and show a failure or success message- InfoLog/CalDAV: fixed initial sync of more then 60 contacts created duplicates (no REPORT filters were used)- WiKi: attempt to make those WiKi Links who include html-special-chars work- eMail: handle IE10 focus issue (open attachment link on list view; multiple select on list view) when on single BrowserInstance- API: introduce optional parameter to pass java script to be executed after CKEDITOR instance ready- eMail: handle focus problem experienced under IE10 (single BrowserInstance) for forward- eMail: fix problem with signature change on html with styles (left over style fragments)- eMail: handle not checked keep local copy on message forward when no mailaddress is set; make clear not keeping a copy means: FORWARD ONLY for the mailbox in question- eMail/IMAP-API: trying to recover when fetching mailheaders, but resultset retrieved does not match the expected amount of message headers- Calendar/DragDrop: Add drag n drop capability for IE Version >=10;- eMail: reintroduce the ability to set a identity as default;(available only for userDefinedAccounts=false); userDefinedAccounts=true are not longer allowed to save a profile without host as active- eMail: handle problem popup foldertree does not show subfolders of folders with umlauts- eMail: handle Focus Issues (browser pops in front when in background on mail list refresh)- Addressbook/Export: fix fatal error regarding order by for postgresql on addressbook export- Stylite template: fixed not displayed framework, if a link with target was used to open it * Fri Mar 22 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130322-1- Setup: fixed not working install on openSUSE 12.2/3, because last line of output from \"service (mysql|apache2) status\" is empty- API/CKEditor: allow link dialog in simple-with-image feature mode (email) * Thu Mar 21 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130321-1- SiteMgr: Module to set a from global value different Expries and Cache-Control header for all pages it is contained in- Calendar/CalDAV: fixed iCal parser calculating recurrence-enddate from COUNT parameter, taking into account BY * rules (RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=4;BYDAY=Mo,Mi runs just 2 weeks!)- Tracker: fix bug regardig nothing known about column mult_queue- eMail: increase fontsize by 10% for compose in plain text (textarea)- eTemplate/Addressbook: switch off client side email address validation as browser rule set seems to be more restrictive than rfc822 rules suggests; implement better rfc822 compliant email address validation- Calendar/CalDAV: fixed iCal import of recurring events to convert (not understood) yearly byday to monthly byday with interval 12 and daily byday to weekly byday, also fixed of by one error in enddate- Addressbook: fixed not working call auf addressbook_ui::(view|edit) with contact_id being a uid- ImportExport: do NOT complain about wrong charset, if text contains only standard ascii chars- eMail/egw-pear: fixed problem with unexpected (but valid) multiline response for STATUS commands- eMail/api: attempt to fix the focus on body issue with FF; thanks to CKEditor support- ProjectManager: fixed caching of ACL check, causing budget in project list not displayed, if first row contains no project with budget rights for current user- Timesheet: fixed SQL error when deleting a user and transfering his data to an other user- CardDAV/Addressbook: fixed SQL error \"Unknown column list_modified\" if preference \"Distributionlists as groups\" is checked and client does a sync-collection-report- *eMail: work around losing focus for IE10, on message view, when on single BrowserInstance- CalDAV/InfoLog: fixed SQL error if client has multiple identical X-properties, eg. alarms- eMail: fix for CKEditor fragments shown on reply for IE9+10; focus to body handling is completely moved to html::fckeditor- eMail/IMAP: fix possible missing RESPONSE Code, but available PARSED response in getSummary- eMail: fix missing trashFolder short display name, when refreshing folder on selecting trash folder itself- eMail: enforce signature description if none given, on personal signatures- eMail: style stuff to preserve style of buttons used in eMail which changed after loading et2 Styles on top for framework- eMail: work around a IE10 bug/feature, which is eating away cr/lf if preceded by space in pre sections- ProjectManager: fixed Catchable Fatal Error project list, if you have exactly one template project- Calendar/CalDAV: fixed recuring event disapeared from device, if a rejected recurrence existed and a change from an other user caused a reload (412 Precondition Failed)- Calendar/ImportExport: fixed out-of-memory condition while importing large iCal files- CalDAV: preference to overwrite default on how many days to sync into past or future- API/CKEditor: switch to new major release 4 of CKEditor to solve problems experienced with IE10- eMail: fix bug regarding wrong identity used when changing identity on send- API: enable browsers native spellchecker as default for HTML Editor, if e.g.: aspell fails - to use browsers native spellchecker, you have to hold CMD/CTRL button on rightclick to access the browsers spell correction options- Projectmanager: showing again global categories and their color from all apps, do no remove datasource category when element get stored and no category is selected- Filemanager: fixing problem creating new directory with cyrilic name, also generating etag for directories as required by ownCloud- FMail: when toggeling between html and plain-text in compose, do NOT convert to iso-8859-1, to fix problems with non-western charsets eg. cyrillic- eMail: provide capability to fetch other apps entrys (subject, body, attachments) via registered method, and open compose with the given content- API/CKEditor: allow more space for html-editable area (by setting smaller margin)- Knowledgebase: switch mailing of articles to EGroupware mail application- Filemanager/Notifications: fixed not working link in notifications / subscribtions, if path contains eg. a space * Tue Feb 26 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130226-1- Calendar: create index on egw_cal.cal_reference and other fixes on new etag implementation * Mon Feb 25 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130225-1- eMail: implement the usage of possibly provided SPECIAL-USE folders information- Java notifier app from Stefan Werfling, added translation and egw-configuration on download- Calendar/CalDAV: fixed wrong time in notification mails caused by updates via CalDAV (not web interface), if user-timezone differs from server- eMail: introduce config option to define the display of your chosen identity, the list of identities in send and derived from this, the information actively sent within the mailheader regarding the identity used- Calendar/FMail: allow to apply replys to meeting requests- API/CKEditor: Version update to 3.6.6- eMail: fix embedded picture to large bug on compose; suggested solution from M.Dell Ambrogio- SiteMgr: sitewide config to allow proxys and CDNs caching of anonymous requests (Expires and Cache-Control header)- Filemanager: removing extended ACL for groups was not immediatly reflected in rights of current user, had to log out and in again- Preferences/EMail: if user changed password, update password in session correct, so eg. EMail using that password keeps working- Preferences/all apps: allow to specify font size unit of richtext editor: either \"px\" display pixels or \"pt\" as used in word processing- EMailAdmin: support for new qmailLdap schema using mailQuotaSize instead of mailQuota- Calendar: copying of events now preservs quantity of resources- Calendar: moving an event series is not preserving participants (gave error there are not participants)- Addressbook: fix problem regarding deleted entries found in org_view, when type filter is set to all- WebDAV/CalDAV/CardDAV: implemented support for clients sending passwords with non-ascii chars (eg. acents or umlauts) in iso-8859-1 instead utf-8: Firefox, Thunderbird, IE, Netdrive- CalDAV/CardDAV: removed unnecessary (double) etag generation and improved calendar etag generation for recurring events * Tue Jan 29 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130129-1- Tracker: introduce new filter own or assigned; use filter ownorassigned-not-closed with notification for due or overdue * Fri Jan 25 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130125-1- all apps: exclude expired or deactivated accounts from all lists and selections (beside admin app to be able to activate them again)- eMail: improve control regarding the unwanted selection of NoSelect Folders- eMail: support multipart/mixed mails with html parts to display (apple mail does that kind of emails)- eMail: when allowing users to edit their forwardingaddresses; allow them to edit all of them; add multiple forwards, etc.- eMail: limit resizing of compose and view windows to available screen height- eMail: now supporting umlautdomains on send; using prefs for preset font size/face on compose for reply/forward and messages with preset signature; changes regarding the targetwindow of links in HTML mails; better separation of former mail text to reply text section when forcing reply to HTML, and Source is text only; improved reply header layout on forced conversion- CalDAV: remove \"bind\" privilege (create new events right) on other users or groups calendar, if invite requires special ACL grant, which current user does NOT have- CalDAV/Calendar: fixed not working status change, if participant has no edit rights- CalDAV/Calendar/Ressources: readded missing resource- and location-calendars after recent changes in resources app- Calendar: added CR moving Holidays for years 2019 to 2023 (provided by R.Chacon)- Calendar: merged polish translations from 1.8- Calendar: fix not deletable favorites containing url special chars like a plus or space in their name for idots template- eSync: fixed not working display of log: \"Access denied to file\"- Addressbook: Understand date with wildcard (19??.02.??) as a date in user\'s format. Convert to match bday.- Tracker: Last 3 months date filter now only includes the previous 3 months- Tracker: Configuration of notifications - custom notification message and signature- Infolog: fix problem regarding the display of wrong sums on timesheets when applying a search AND have multiple customfields set for timesheets- CardDAV: fixed wrong privileges for accounts addressbook, causing clients to report it read-only even for admins- CardDAV/Addressbook: do NOT allow to delete accounts via CardDAV, was never intended, but as it is allowed in addressbook, it was possible via CardDAV- ProjectManager: when (un)setting a category of an element, also need to update information, that category is overwritten, so it does NOT get updated by datasource; never update project categories from datasources- Filemanager: introduced maximum symlink depth of 10, to stop infinit recursion in circular symlinks (eg. two symlinks pointing to each other)- Filemanager: do not notify about *.tmp files (~$ * and .~lock. * are already excluded)- Import|Export: Add ability to set filters for export definitions. Currently available for Infolog.- Import|Export: Implement \'No notifications\' flag when importing iCal- Admin/Setup: fixed restore always converted longtext columns to text and therefore truncating them to 64k on MySQL, also fixed backup to report them correctly in backup of schema- All apps: merged missing translations from other apps or branches * Wed Jan 09 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130109-1- Tracker: fix for template issue - tabcontrol not working * Tue Jan 08 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130108-1- Calendar: added missing holidays for CR (Costa Rica) provided by Rafael Chacon- Tracker: Multi-select for tracker queue; Optional start and end date; Custom stati can now be closed stati; Escalation changes - more filter options, flag to not run on all existing tickets- Tracker: try to handle html comments correctly on display in comment-list- ImportExport: small stability fixes and improvements * Tue Jan 01 2013 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20130101-1- Filemanager/Versioning: fix for Office (2010), which renames old version before deleting it, now they got stored again under original name to show up as versions- Tracker: in case there is no pref setting for show_sum_timesheet anymore, check for selected column tr_sum_timesheets to decide about gathering timesheet sums * Thu Dec 20 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20121220-1- Calendar: fix for problem with moving alarms on series when next occurrence is an exception in the way that it is deleted for that time; we use a different method to read the next occurrence of a series now; (as old method also fetched deleted exceptions as next occurrence)- Calendar/eSync: performance optimization: we only want to fetch the owners events, where he is a participant to, as we assume, events feature the user as the organizer only, are of no use in a users calendar on a mobile device- eMailAdministration: if account is forward only; do not query IMAP Server for Quota; as there is no real mailbox- Password: when using accounts stored in sql, and smtp is of emailadmin_smtp_sql (server must support this, and must be implemented that way) we do change passwords for mailaccounts as well, even the account is stored in sql, as the egroupware database is auth base for the mailserver- eMail: fix bug regarding the failed fetch of user defined identities; (as identities have not been fetched unless user defined accounts right was granted);- eMail: absent-notice via timed sieve; if using timed sieve and 6933start_date6933 and/or 6933end_date6933 and common dateformat could not be retrieved as runtime, replacement resulted in a empty string, causing the intended from/to information to be lost- eMail: allow to retrieve and show inline background images- email: allow cid as overall url schema; handle background url in htmLawed, as background is not allowed except for body, but commonly used with other tags (e.g. in td); control schema for background in hook_tag- eMail/Sieve: fix bug regarding the failed login to SIEVE on userDefined-Accounts- eMail: resolve problem with failed deletion of draftedMessages on send- eMail: offer last moveTo folder as direct menuaction; try to avoid to access --topfolder-- * Wed Dec 12 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20121212-1- Calendar: fix for missing to-firstname and to-lastname replacements- eMail/async vacation; if failed by exception or returnvalue is false, reschedule- API/Translation: fix bug with missing german umlauts as first letter of words; ( as php5.3.3 with squeeze does not support splitting lines with fgetcsv while reading properly if the first letter after the delimiter is a german umlaut (UTF8 representation thereoff)) * Tue Dec 04 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20121204-1- Setup/API: translations are no longer installed in database, but loaded directly from lang-files into tree-level cache- Setup: when migrating accounts from SQL to LDAP or back, also migrate addressbook data- eMail: improved control of ACL edit (by checking capabilities first); offer selectbox with user (and group) selection depending on the loginmethod of the defaultprofile, group selection is bound to imapClass managmentserver_cyrusimap (as of now)- eMail: improve import of mails; improve parsing of mailstructures of activesync send rfc-messages (reply on complex html-messages)- eMail: use different image to show that a image was not loaded (due to allowExternalIMGs=no)- addressbook/carddav: disable not supported distribution list capability (due to missing table schema)- eMail: set preset signature below the preconfigured mailbody (if sig was configured on top), when sending meeting requests- eMail: add classical admin section to eMailModule; config to control the users ability to manage acl (in fact deny it), even if the server supports it * Wed Nov 14 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20121114-1- Filemanager/WebDAV: support for newer ownCloud clients: getetag attribute (eg. version 1.1.1)- Addressbook/eMail: fixed wrong characterset when merge printing into eMail- CalDAV/CardDAV: fix not working logging of errors into traffic log- eMail: allow table as inline element while balancing tags (new internal config option); try to correct common errors/problems in html-code which caused display/layout problems- eMail: fix misbehavior regarding the unwanted sending of a mail with no subject (despite the warning was given)- eMail/HTMLawed: introduce and use new make_tag_strict option 3, to exclude font from applying strict measures to it- Knowledgebase: fixed filemanger only showed first N entries- Notifications: activate links when creating a html mail from a plain-text one- eTemplate/all apps: fixed not working display of floating point values in input fields for Chrome or Safarie (browsers supporting html5 input type=\"number\")- eMail: attempt to fix problem regarding pop up of draft-message-dialog regarding do-you-want-to-keep-draft on send; allow additional parameters in send_to, which might be base64 encoded- Filemanager: ability to create a directory in open or save-as dialog- eMail/merge: allow to replace reply-to adresses with senders own active address when special address ->replaceAATTimportAATTaction<- is used within the email-template- Admin: new function \"Clear cache and register hooks\", also called automatic when restoring a backup- Calendar: fix for failed 1.9.006 update: PostgreSQL needs temporary a nullable range_start column, to not stall on broken events without dates- EMailAdmin: display quota used (if available) in eMail-Account Management of User Data Administration- Calendar: ignore (unchangeable) status of groups for setting line-type of events: all users of a group-invitation accepted --> solid line for all accepted- eMail/eSync: when no truncation date is set, use 12 weeks as hard coded limit (as some clients die, when confronted with too many mails)- Calendar: sort participants by their name- InfoLog: switching to a group-type resets access to \"public\" and disables access in edit- Calendar: notify responsible for a resource \"participating\" in a private event only with privacy-cleared details- Tracker: fixed group selected as responsible in list results in last member selected after next login (same is true for category with subcategories)- eMail: restructuring of manage folder section (ACL area, no tabs, different layout) * Wed Oct 24 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20121024-1- requires PHP 5.3 from now on!- eMail: rework of handling and providing identities; usability for setting up SIEVE Vacation rules -> preselected default mail address- Tracker: cope with not existing name for attachments (use filename instead)- Calendar/CalDAV: fixed not working update/delete of recurring event containing exceptions (always gave 412 Precondition Failed)- Calendar/CalDAV: deleting of recurrences under Android (eg. CalDAV Sync app) did not work- Calendar/CalDAV: updated windows aliases from Unicode site and Exchange names from Sabre DAV- Calendar: changed default filter for new users/instances from \"all\" to \"default\" (not showing rejected invitations)- Calendar: passing links to timesheet, when creating a timesheet on an event- KnowledgeBase: Split out delete permission seperate from edit permission- eSync: fix for multiple issues with AS 14.1 devices like iOS6 when working with recurring appointments- Addressbook/ImportExport: add vCard import/export plugins- CardDAV: rfc 6578 sync-collection report (more efficient way to sync contacts)- InfoLog/CalDAV: sync-collection report, thought reminder app on OS X 10.8.2 does not use it, moved logic for sync-token to baseclass and determine availablity on supported-report-set- CalDAV/CardDAV: sync-collection report for calendar allowing a more efficient sync- CalDAV/Calendar/Resources: calendars of resources can now be accessed or subscribed via CalDAV, to subscribe use CalDAV preferences- CalDAV/CardDAV: fixed wrong encoded url of group with name containing spaces in CalDAV:calendar-user-address-set- CalDAV: show created and updated by user and date in iOS 6: new CalendarServer:(created|updated)-by properties- CalDAV/CardDAV: return urn:uuid as last record in calendar-user-address-set, as according to iCal4OL developer, some clients might have problems with it, also adding both full uri and just path of principal url, as calendarserver does it- Calendar/CalDAV: fixed event created in calendar of a resource, was not editable (no owner set, now creating user is owner)- Calendar/CalDAV/eSync: fixed exceptions get not deleted with series via CalDAV or eSync- Calendar: deny creating of recurring events, if duration of a single recurrence is longer then the recurrence interval- CalDAV: fixed parsing of principal urls used by iOS6 for users- API: only cache in APC by default, if it has at least 64M of shared memory, otherwise use filesystem- Addressbook/API: allow ampersand and plus in local part of emailaddress for email validation- Calendar/CalDAV/eSync: fixed truncating an existing daily event left it one day to long- CalDAV: allow organizer (edit-rights) update with If-Schedule-Tag-Match eg. from iOS or OS X iCal when event series was changed with \"this and future\" semantics- CalDAV: fix recurring event one day short, if number of recurence specified together with event-length, after rrule in iCal- Calendar: fixed not working extending of an event series (latter recurrence end-date), after schema update in last package- eMail: fix problem regarding the deletion of the last message in list if pagination is switched on- eMail: by handling links while displaying emails, always add a target _blank to force the opening in a new window (instead of redirecting)- Addressbook: fixed error in extended search- Addressbook: call doublicate check when creating a new contact from eMail- EPL functions: conversation to resolve selectbox or radiobutton values to labels * Tue Oct 02 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20121002-1- IMPORTANT UPDATE FIXING A BUG IN LAST PACKAGE DESTROYING RECURRING EVENTS, IF EXCEPTIONS ARE CREATED, PLEASE ASAP!- Calendar: fixed recuring event lost start-date, if single recurrence got deleted, also installed save-guard in case other code triggers that too- eMailAdmin/Sieve: classes and adaptions to provide timed-sieve for dovecot. this is only the stuff needed on egroupware side of the issue, there is quite some stuff to be configured on dovecot side for this to work- Calendar/eMail: fixed sql error when clicking on iCal attachment and probably other iCal imports- CalDAV: privileges in other users calendar where reported wrong, leading clients to believe they have write rights here- CalDAV: deleting an already declined invitation returned 403 Forbidden, instead 204 No Content- Calendar/CalDAV/eSync: fixed recuring events were returned in sync, even if user rejected (after recent database schema changes) * Thu Sep 27 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120927-1- CalDAV: fixed broken URL of private events in shared calendar user has no right to view * Wed Sep 26 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120926-1- Mergeprint: fix problem with not replaced app-links like #contact/nfn; fix problem with not replaced date only option on date/datetime customfields- Timesheet/Mergeprint: add missing datefield definition- eMail: fix problem when forwarding inline some mails containing winmail.dat attachments (HelpDesk Ticket 3810) (all original attachments are probably part of the winmail.dat, so we resolve the data/attachments contained in winmail.dat)- eMail/Tracker: fix bug regarding the manual transformation of emails to tracker, if tracker is set to htmledit- ImportExport: fix for fatal error in PHP 5.2 not having egw_time::createFromFormat()- Calendar: popup notifications now include a link again- phpFreeChat: fixed error: max_nick_len must be a postive number, given if a max. nick lengths was specified- Calendar: add duration intervalls 10, 12, 14 and 16 hours- API/all apps: fixed account-selection popup started with all users, not primary group, also displaying shown group in bold- Addressbook: doublicate check while adding/editing contacts, based on email or match of 2 out of name, first name, organisation- Calendar/CalDAV/eSync: tremendious speed improvment for sync-queries on huge installations (few milisecs instead of more then 2 minutes) * * * REQUIRES SCHEMA UPDATE * * *- eMail: improve namespace/prefix detection and handling; work-around for dovecot bug/problem regarding the counters in shared folders; fix problem regarding the recognition of INLINE images (only INLINE images should NOT be listed as attachments in windowed message display); support firefox drag and drop feature for inserting images (as data url) into html edit area in compose window; handle Reply-To as intended in creating eMails from .eml files; improving profile handling, regarding the ID of the activeProfile;- eSync: fixed not displayed logfile for user-names with mixed case (not all lowercase)- InfoLog/CalDAV/eSync: deleted entries where not taken into account for ctag generation, causing deletes only to sync after other modifications- Addressbook: fixed not stored private custom-fields, if extra private tab was used- Tracker: if just a new comment was added (no other changes), no notifications where sent (bug introduced mid July)- Filemanager: fixed not working repair of doublicate directories- Calendar/CalDAV/eSync: tracking participant status changes now in modified date and user of calendar entry (main table), fixes sometimes not synced status changes and simplifies code a lot- Import/Export: improvements to import - file checking, more warnings, destination addressbook checking- CalDAV/CardDAV: Max OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) support: automatic sync of all addressbooks in one- eMail/eSync: on failed connection with the mail-server return 503 Service Unavailable; Retry After; if the client supports this, he should wait until retrying; if we experience consecutive connection failure over a defined limit, return 500 internal Server Error- Calendar/eSync/eMail: fix not working accept/reject on calendar items (mails was working before)- EPL feature: view generator for addressbook, calendar, infolog, timesheet, tracker and projectmanager * Wed Aug 22 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120822-1- email/IMAP: revert the static caching of the selected mailbox, as the selecting of the mailbox seems not to live through the request * Tue Aug 21 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120821-1- Calendar: fixed issue of deleted first recurrence shortens event and causes it not to be find in CalDAV or eSync (\"event has exceptions before startdate\"), REQUIRES SCHEMA UPDATE (visit setup)!- Calendar: if deleting next recurrance of an event series containing alarms, move alarms to next recurrance, to not alarm for deleted recurance- Calendar/CalDAV: fixed not working accepting or rejecting recurrences of event series via CalDAV scheduling (eg. iOS devices)- Calendar: fixed since last update missing event details, notification iCal adds description with (required) *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ * separator, extended has description before event details and links- Calendar/InfoLog: fixed not working category filter for displayed InfoLog entries- Calendar: fixed not working deleting of favorites containing url-special chars like a \"+\"- eMail: allow to set connection timeout via preferences;- eMail: added translations for SIEVE notifications- eMail: adding missing translations, enabled preview for drafts and templates, some library changes regarding the fetch of the namespace(s)- eMail: fix for ->no initial border on plaintext editor textarea<-- eMail: fix problem with not recognized Kolab Invitations- eMailAdmin: use connection timeout preference in openConnection calls, and increase defaulttimeout if applicable;- eSync: calendar/infolog/contacts fix for dropped items on device due to sending mail flags in classes other than mail after first change on eGroupware for an item initially created on the device.- eSync: fix for latest Android, iOS6 and probably other AS 14.1 devices requesting a picture in global addresslist and recurring tasks- API/accounts/preferences: instance-wide cache of account and preference data, so changes from other sessions have immediate effect- Addressbook/InfoLog/Filemanager/Tracker: added or fixed formatting of certain custom field types using a single shared method- API/Setup/MySQL: fixed backup to correctly report boolean columns and support MySQL 5.0+ varchar(>255)- WebDAV/GroupDAV/CalDAV/CardDAV: removed option only used for old KDE GroupDAV resource and unknown WebDAV clients producing invalid XML, fix for community bug #3152- Filemanager/WebDAV: fixed not working Subscribtions (Notifications) when using WebDAV, caused by PHPs internal stat-cache * Wed Aug 01 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120801-1- eSyncPro: new app to manage and provision eSync devices: (security) policies, remote wipe, logging (need to be explicitly installed!)- Admin/Setup: fixing high memory usage in registering all hooks- InfoLog/CalDAV: preference allowing to modify responsible user from devices not supporting them by setting EMail address as category- SyncML: fix Funambol vCard issues (community bug #1999)- eMail: handle attaching eml files; handle no subject when forwarding as attachment- eMail: fix for failed deletion of messages in Trash-Folder- eMail: fix problem with ->mark message as deleted<-; flag was not applied- Calendar/CalDAV/eSync: not searching addressbook for CN, as match can be not unique or without an email address, causing notification to fail --> store as email address- Calendar/eSync/CalDAV: meeting requests contain again nice body followed by a separator and describtion, ignore empty description in eSync ChangeMessage- Chat: if no translation for user language available fall back to english, for slovenian language use croation language for now- LDAP authentication: if changing password fails bind as user, try changing is with given admin-dn, to cater for all sorts of ldap configurations- Addressbook/CardDAV: fixed lost cell-phone numbers, caused by SyncML update- CardDAV: disable category and class (public/private) for iOS, because they are not displayed and get messed up- Admin/Preferences: fixed not removable ACL rights for apps using NO group-acl, eg. Addressbook or InfoLog- ProjectManager: optional categories column for project list- ProjectManager: fixed merge-print of eroles with identical names will not display, because fallback to project-independent erole was not working * Tue Jul 17 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120717-1- EMail: improve the handling of addresses in edit of vacationnotice (SIEVE)- EMail: better height control of attachment popup- Mergeprint in all apps: fixed missing validation message for non-existing pathes and allow to unset default of \"/templates/appname\"- EMail: usability option to enable checkbox for all folders- PostgreSQL: fixed SQL error using egw_db::unix_timestamp(): No function matches the given name and argument types- rpm/deb packages: removed \"php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 14400\" from Apache config, so value from global php.ini is used- EMail: while flagging messages, fix problem with dovecot ->too long argument<-- Tracker/Timesheet: support private custom-fields, existing fields stay public- Tracker: fixed not stored custom fields of type date or date-time, if no other change was made- EMail: sieve, option to disable the validation of used addresses; that way you may use mail-server internal names for vacation notices- EMail/SIEVE: switching from notify to enotify; enotify and variables now required- EMail/SIEVE: decide via capabilities of extensions if enotify and variables are available before trying to apply specific syntax; if enotify is not available fall back to (try with) notify syntax- Filemanager: support for ownCloud WebDAV clients which keep a local directory in sync with server (by default users home-dir with local ownCloud dir, thought other dirs can be configured as well)- EMail: improve the switching of signatures in HTML mode- SiteMgr: new accordion module: clickable headers show otherwise hidden content- CalDAV: expand-property reports queried by iCal from OS X 10.7.4- Addressbook: fixed error when adding a new organisation member for organisation(department)s containing a comma- Calendar: fixed EGroupware owner got notified about status changes, even if email-notification preference was \"never\", now only external chairs get always notified- Addressbook: fixed not working resize or conversation of non-jpeg images in newer php versions- Filemanager: print and report templates * Tue Jul 03 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120703-1- eMail: restructure sidebar, group sieve stuff as own section (if enabled AND available to the user)- Backup: fix sometimes not working restore (seems like an internal error in preg_match, causing Apache to run at 100% CPU never finishing) for php 5.3+- ProjectManager/InfoLog: visualisation if InfoLog has a parent or sub-entries (up-arrow or right-arrow like in InfoLog)- ProjectManager: fixed in element overwritten values got lost if datasource got updated- ProjectManager: allow datasources (eg. InfoLog) to set element category, update existing categories in elements to overwritten categories- EMailAdmin: always storing quota for qmailuser schema- ImportExport: Add \"All users\" permission option for easier maintenance- Filemanager/API: automatically decrement and store subquery depth limit, to work around different limits in different MySQL versions and configurations causing SQL error- API: HTML Editor-> disable encoding of html entities in output (this needs to set the ckeditor config value to false, since the default is true with the current ckeditor version)- Filemanager: for files inside /apps/appname/id, the application\'s merge print placeholders are also available- Admin: global categories showed private categories of other users- EMail: suppress empty user leaf on shared folders while in manage folders- Password: fixed not working check, if user has right to change password, causing password link in topmenu to be displayed when not in preferences app- EMail: if marking a message for deletion, set the message as read too; if not trusting SEEN/UNSEEN info, always look/filter for unseen and return the counter (not only when unseen counter is set to 0)- ProjectManager: open project in popup when clicking on edit button in element list view (top row)- API: for new (autocreated) accounts, set ->can change password<- flag only if admin requires his users to change their passwords regularily (admin->site configuration->set recurrent forced password change)- Admin/DB-Backup: querying only chunks for 10000 rows, to not run into memory limit on huge tables- ImportExport: fixed not working export in IE8 (seems to choke on Content-Disposition: attachment header)- Tracker: use mailhandling settings to decide if we add addresses to CC or not; Settings for ALL are used (wether they are active or not), as we do not have a tracker queue at the point of data preparation for edit on new tickets- Timesheet: filtering by a status did not contain timesheets of sub-status- EMail: manage acl table; show acl table for selected folder for first folder selected when clicking on ACL tab as first action- EPL-Filemanager: ignore notifications to not longer exiting accounts, they count (now fixed) create a sql error- InfoLog/Calendar/EPL features: fixed display of tasks without time as wholeday events, should now be working with DBs other then MySQL too- Admin: View sessions / access log allows to sort by login ID, IP, last action * Thu Jun 14 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120614-1- Addressbook: fix for postgres error on advanced search in addressbook (Helpdesk 3421)- LDAP: allow to specify multiple (space-separated) ldap URLs (eg. \"ldap1 tls://ldap2\")- eMail: fix for Helpdesk Issue:3430 (Unstructured display of text when converting email to infolog)- eMail/eSync: try to improve speed, by using already fetched headers when applicable- API: support windows-1256 via iconv and prefer iconv for windows-1252 too- eMail/eSync: forcing a cutoffdate of 28 days, when there is no limitation set- InfoLog/CalDAV: set status of new tasks to NEEDS-ACTION (not started), if client does not specify a status or completion (was set to DONE before)- API: upgrade htmLawed from 1.1.10 to 1.1.11- Api: use autocomplete=off on all etemplate password fields (not all browsers support that), to avoid filling in wrong passwords while administering- Setup/Admin: restoring 10 rows per sql statement to speed up restore- eMail/eSync: handle problem in content-type handling when android4 devices sent replies as html- eSync/API: update access-log action for eSync, run maintenance only on logout and other changes to speed up access/update to huge access-logs, thought indexes on session_php, (account_id,ip,li), (account_id,loginid,li) will help alot- eMail: fix problem with display of ms-outlook 14 calendar requests (text/calendar only)- Filemanager: fixed clipboard icons had no tooltip (javascript error), fixes my.stylite.de bug #3466- eMail/eSync: pref to control client-side behavior for calendar notifications; default is to notify only if there is no server-side notification, to avoid double notification with calendar requests (server-side AND client-side)- Calendar/eMail: allow to accept, reject, tentative group invitations (gave error \"You are not invited...\" previously)- eMail/eSync: handle exception on message deletion- Preferences: show verification errors on entering preferences too, not only when attempting to save- eSync/eMail: show error in eSync preferences, if non-functioning eMail profile is selected or no Trash or Sent folder- EPL Features/Calendar: fixed favorites containing & in their name could not be deleted- Versioning: fixed deleted attachments no longer shown after deleting last one (run Admin >> register hooks and Filemanager >> Admin >> check virtual filesystem)- InfoLog: use type or category, when creating new entries in subs-view and stay in subs-view when storing an entry in a popup * Wed May 30 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120530-1- KnowledgeBase: improve behavior on answering questions, if there is an unpublished answer to a question- Timesheet: button [Save & New] keeps title (blur) set if called via timesheet submenu/icon of app (my.stylite.de bug #2669)- Tracker: split configuration and access control list into 2 tabs for better clarity- Preferences all apps: add validation for vfs files and directories to give user immediate feedback about wrong or non vfs pathes- Calendar: order search for events to link with by startdate descending- InfoLog: status filter in index shows now cumulated list of all status translations, if no type is selected (as context menu does too)- Tracker/ProjectManager: resources of tickets were shown as #Array in projectmanager (egroupware.org bug #3147)- SyncML: Fix country name issue during SyncML slowsync (community bug #3146)- Tracker: add config option to exclude applinks on new tracker-bound-timesheets for selected apps- Addressbook/importexport: if there are no export csv definitions for a given user, do not show the csv export option in context menu- Admin: remove session timeout from EGroupware config and read it via ini_get(\"session.gc_maxlifetime\") as config fails for many reasons, if different from php.ini setting- Timesheet: if linked via ProjectManager, behave identical as if project was set in own GUI, fixed setting project to none to also unset project-title and blur- EPL Features: configurable check for Nagios to check if a given user is logged in or idle for a given time, see http://domain.com/egroupware/stylite/nagios.php * Tue May 15 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120515-1- EMail: caching of folderObjects for session under certain conditions, to speed up EMail module access- Resources: fix for missing/not loaded pictures for resources in default/images/resource_icons/- InfoLog: remove group-types user has not any rights to as filter in list- Calendar: use possible attribute values regarding X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ALLDAYEVENT- EMail: if forwarding via SIEVE is not allowed - disable the according fields- Calendar/EMail: when accepting EMail invitation from organizer who is an EGroupware user but created invitation outside: if no access to organizers calendar, make organizer a participant with role CHAIR- EMailAdmin/Setup: fixed wrong created default profile, user profiles and signatures were ot allowed, due to changed default parameter -1 --> false- Addressbook/LDAP: documented how to get ACL for group-addressbooks working without deprecated rfc2307bis schema- Addressbook/LDAP|SQL->LDAP: fixed error during creation of new contacts, SQL->LDAP now also displays LDAP errors- API/eMail: catching failure to attach files, or fail on attaching empty files, or failure to encode files- Knowledgebase: port maintain_articles to etemplate based view. confirmation of publish/delete actions on maintaining articles- Addressbook: skip letter of deleted type, when creating new contact types, as it gives SQL error- phpbrain/knowledgebase: switch maintain questions to etemplate; enable the (re)use of existing (unpublished) answers while working with questions- InfoLog: fixed subs view to display only selected custom-fields of parent- InfoLog: explicitly name tabs in infolog.edit, to get disabeling of tabs working, even if template added custom ones- InfoLog/Notification: fix for ->primary link not shown in notification on first save<- (Helpdesk#3290)- ProjectManager/InfoLog: fixed custom type icon in PM to use status label, as in InfoLog- Filemanager: added merge print- CalDAV: fixed not working exceptions of recuring events in iCal on iOS or OS X (skipping optional and default VALUE=DATE-TIME attribute in iCal EXDATE component)- TranslationTool: bigger fields to add a new phrase- EMail: default for new installations always display html mail- EMail: fixed not working search in Addressbook, if LDAP backend was used (my.stylite.de bug #3337)- Calendar: fixed not savable config \"Prevent deleting of entries\" as \"Yes, users can purge their deleted items\"- Calendar: taking direct booking permission into account when copying events including resources (my.stylite bug #2839)- AsyncServices/Calendar: when multiple alarms / async jobs run at same time, they send mail with from address of first alarm/job- Calendar: notification always use language of current user, not of user to notify- InfoLog: if searching do not suppress sub-entries (user preference \"List no subs/childs\" set)- Addressbook: fixed not working changing of organisation members, also place this feature more prominent beside buttons- InfoLog: change status in context menu shows now labels and icons from all types and fixed my.stylite.de bug #3359: not being able to set custom status- Calendar/InfoLog: fixed display of timed InfoLog entries in Calendar, if they contain an enddate incl. a time- InfoLog: fixed wrong placeholders for due-date in merge-print document Report-infolog-projects.ods- Filemanager: allow directory names including brackets for sub-directories of app-entry-dirs of stylite.links stream-wrapper by always adding two dashes eg. \"(I--123)\" instead of previous \"(I123)\"- Filemanager: fixed not working unsubscribe in pathes containing single quotes (my.stylite.de bug #3160)- renamed \"Stylite\" app to \"EPL-Features\", to clearify why it should be switched on for all users * Thu Apr 19 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120419-1- InfoLog: show time of duedate in notifications if set (!= 0:00)- InfoLog: remember filter to restore it after viewing subs or an other action-view- resources: fix broken import when importing with human readable names (not database values)- CardDAV: fixed not working deleting of existing fields and cell phone numbers for Apple clients- eMail: supporting deprecated text/directory mimetype (if filename extension is of type text/vcard) for opening in addressbook edit dialog.- CalDAV/CardDAV: add API version to pseudo session-id used to invalidate all sessions from the previous version (which eg. give database errors, because using old schema)- most apps: fixed rich-text editor to allow to enter < and > eg. html markup in regular input mode (not source)- tracker: feature to allow for a default solution for new tickets- Backup/Addressbook: adding limited index-length to backed up schema and fix restore of old backups without (default to 32 on multicolumn indexes including text columns)- CalDAV/CardDAV: log failed requests with ### like exceptions to ease diagnose problems, log if clients requests accounts not visible because of account-selection preference, skip proxys if not visible- eSync: fixed PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method egw_minimal::invalidate_session_cache() when updating from 1.8- Add ical export to edit \\\'Actions\\\' selectbox, and list context menu\'- email: improvement regarding notification handling; using htmLawed now instead of purify as fallback when there is no tidy;- mail: improve refresh of messageList on message deletion- Expand link_to custom fields and make available all placeholders from the app.- CalDAV: fixed PHP Fatal Error when iCal contains invalid participant url like Lighttnings \"invalid:noemail\"- VFS/Filemanager: notify only after successful removal of files, fixes my.stylite.de ##3100 - Subscribtion notification - even if deleting is not allowed * Wed Apr 04 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120404-1- restart running Apache after each update, to force APC to update changed sources and/or Apache configuration * Tue Apr 03 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120403-1- ProjectManager: fixed not working editing of projectelement via context-menu (also check registed sub-types of apps user has access to)- InfoLog/CalDAV: add support for responsible as iCal ATTENDEE, make sure not to empty InfoLog fields not supported by iCal standard * Mon Apr 02 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120402-1- SECURITY: fix for a XSS (cross-site-scripting) vulnerability, it is recommended to update ASAP!- Admin/Addressbook: fixed wrong timezone in created and modified times for contacts and accounts- Admin: view sessions and view access log was not using user-timezone but server, also causing display of wrong idle-time- eMail: feature to save messages that are in progress of being composed to draft every 3 minutes;- translations: Italian translation improvements for admin and API; provided by Ilias Chasapakis, Webtrain Services- translations: improving german translation- Calendar: update timezones to 2011n from Lightning- InfoLog: if one of status, percent or datecompleted changed, change others to reasonable values- InfoLog: icons to visualise entry has a parent or subs, using these icons (arrow left or up) in context-menu too- LDAP: if multiple hosts given, try them all for first working one and store choice in session to start new trial only if working one fails- API: fix account-selection-method \"selectbox\" containing selected account double (eg. in Admin >> Manage groups)- Home: only display apps user has rights to (were not checked for calendar, email, infolog, news_admin or if user changes positions on home, before gotten app-rights removed)- InfoLog/CalDAV: fixed not working toggeling of completed from iOS reminder app (only sets COMPLETED, but never STATUS or PERCENT-COMPLETED)- Calendar: iCal import via mime-registry (clicking on iCal file in filemanager) displayed event in server- instead of user-time- InfoLog: new config for copying or creating sub-entries to exclude just attachments (was links including attachments and links to other apps), fixed deleting attachments in copys/subs before storing them, deleted original attachment- Wiki/PostgreSQL: whitespace before database-type caused creation of index on egw_wiki_pages.wiki_body limiting article length to 32k --> re-install wiki or drop index egw_wiki_pages_body- SiteMgr: fixed every block had identical id=\"Mod\" validation error- SiteMgr: remove CKeditor SCAYT (spell-check-as-you-type) tags, which dont validate- SiteMgr: properly escape block-titles containing special chars- SiteMgr: allow to set meta description on category level by using {description} tag instead of {slogan} or {sitedesc}, proper escaping of all placeholders- Admin/Setup: button to mount backup directory under /backup into VFS- CalDAV/CardDAV: fixed typo preventing sync, if logging to Apache error-log was switched on- ImportExport/Tracker: timeout left num-rows set to -1, causing nextmatch to try to display full list on next login- Calendar/CalDAV/eSync: fixed etag generation to NOT query maximum user-modification date for each entry, fixed etag and ctag for eSync to only use recurance master, as ActiveSync event does not contain extra participant data for exceptions (virtual and real)- Admin/ImportExport: fixed import of already hashed passwords- knowledgebase: feature to allow author to publish own articles if automatic publishing of articles is denied * Tue Mar 13 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120313-1- Calendar: mail all participants was attaching iCal with wrong time(zone)- ProjectManager: preferences to set order of bars in GanttChart- Tracker: fixed times column was only displayed in session after storing column-selection, also switch new summary+describtion column off by default * Mon Mar 12 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120312-1- InfoLog: fixed multiple [apply] after copying an InfoLog creates multiple new infologs- InfoLog: make fields excluded from copying to a new sub-entry configurable and add scheduling an appointment to action- Admin/Setup: fixed custom translations got lost during update- Filemanager/Admin: ability to check virtual filesystem (Admin >> Check virtual filesystem) and some code to prevent double creation of directories- ProjectManager: Show Infolog Type Icon in Project Elements list- Infolog: preferences to receive notification as member of owner group of Infolog type- News: fixed SQL error happening with multiple translations- eMail: fix bug introduced with rev37914, sometimes an additional Mailbox Mail was introduced, as Mail was assumed falsely as mailbox prefix- CardDAV/GroupDAV/Addressbook: works now with LDAP backend (account only or all contacts), fixed not working update of accounts (SQL and LDAP), changed ctag generation to work with LDAP too- PostgreSQL/Setup/EMailAdmin: fixed Setup >> Configuration was not storing anything- Tracker: mailhandling fix bug regarding tracker item creator. (use known user for tr_creator when required, test on ADMIN/TECHNICIAN/USER before); use mail date for tracker item creation date/comment creation date; add some mail header information on new Tracker items (from/to/cc/date/subject)- Timesheet: fixed wrong sum for timesheets;- Tracker: feature to be able to add simple mailheader information to description and/or comments on auto mailhandling -> must be enabled by tracker mailhandling config- Tracker: feature to be able to show description in tracker list view (pref to be able to handle height of displayed description)- ProjectManager: filter elements by app- eMail: feature to be able to view plain message source on rightclick action- Translations: Italian translation improvements for email, emailadmin and calendar- eSync: changed SyncCache from File to Folder based. Needed to stabilize sync for Android devices running multiple syncs in parallel. Sendmail, Smartforward, Smartreply return WBXML in AS >=14.0 mode only in case of an error occuring.- Admin/Addressbook: do NOT mark accounts as deleted, as accounts do NOT know that state, always deleted them and allow to cleanup already marked as deleted accounts in addressbook- eMail: feature to be able to save Message to filemanager via context menu action- InfoLog/CalDAV: fixed wrong timezone used for iCal generation- Filemanager/FMail/Calendar: allow to open .eml and .ics files from filemanager in fmail or calendar- InfoLog CSV import: do not notify a 2nd time when primary link get set (UI does not do it either)- EMail/Calendar: for meeting requests to recuring events check recurrance enddate, not event-date, to deny importing it with \"event is in the past\"- Filemanager/Versioning: fixed not working download of older revisions of attachments, fix requires PHP 5.3 for LSB, should not break under 5.2 * Wed Feb 22 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120222-1- eMail/eSync: using tidy (if loadable) instead of purifier to straighten out html when retieving the displayableBody. This has a huge impact on performance with certain mails.- eSync/Addressbook: for all-in-one addressbook only use add-default, if it is contained in addressbooks selected, otherwise use personal addressbook- eSync: show (tail -f) serverside logs inside EGroupware incl. enabling/disabling them- Project Manager: special field to import sub-projects from CSV and re-create folder structure- SiteMgr: allow to specify favicon in config >> template settings (like the logo)- CalDAV/CardDAV: continous display (like tail -f) of logs inside EGroupware- CalDAV/CardDAV: show addressbooks/calendars selected to sync in prefs under users addressbook-/calendar-home-set (incl. account addressbook, if enabled)- CalDAV/CardDAV: /addressbook-accounts/ and PROPPATCH for addressbooks/calendars for every namespace but CalDAV, CardDAV or Calendarserver (displayname or *-describtion are ok)- InfoLog/CalDAV: store unsupported iCal properties like custom fields incl. history logging, thought they are not displayed unless you explicitly add a custom field from them (prefixed with one #)- Addressbook/CardDAV: fixed Apple iOS and OS X addressbook messed up phone numbers (Mobile is now mobile for both and iPhone is matched to EGroupware private cell)- CalDAV: fixed Outlook needs Microsoft specific x-property to recognice all-day events as such- CalDAV: allow to create private events on OS X iCal, fixing DAV header for new shared folders- Addressbook: use vCard version 3 when exporting via context menu- Addressbook/CardDAV: fixed sync all in one addressbook changed AB to personal, use default addressbook for new contacts if synced, otherwise use always synced personal AB- Addressbook: disable custom field tabs, if contact is stored in LDAP, which does not support CFs- InfoLog/CalDAV: fixed sub-entries created in WebGUI got identical caldav_name as parent and therefore updates of sub-entries did not work as expected- CalDAV/CardDAV/GroupDAV: as all clients dislike not getting an ETag for a PUT, we sending it again even not storing byte-by-byte- CardDAV/Addressbook: storing Apple AB type company (X-ABShowAs:COMPANY) as EGroupware fileAs company- InfoLog/Calendar: renamed context menu \"Calendar\" to \"Schedule appointment\" and make preset participants configurable, allow to config prefix for sub-entries and allow times in due-date- Notifications: fixed not correctly reset timezone after notifying users from other timezones * Tue Feb 07 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120207-1- InfoLog/CalDAV: allow updates with implicite rights of responsible user, InfoLog type is kept on update, deduct not set status of client from completed(-percent)- API/Login: using tabindex to control tab succession on/in loginscreen.- Calendar/iCal/CalDAV: if no end(-time) is given in iCal we use the default lenght from user prefs- Site Manager: New slideshow block- eSync/Calendar: fixed tz-aliases to NOT use Etc/GMT * but Olson identifiers, no more exception in AS tzblob generation, generation of tzblobs for Etc/GMT *- email: fix a problem with the retrieval of DOVECOT Mailboxes; shorten mail structure cache expire time; handle structure cache on move and delete * Tue Jan 24 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120124-1- CardDAV: fixed sometimes not working creation of new contacts from the device, if accounts are stored in LDAP- CardDAV: Hack for iOS 5.0.1 addressbook to stop asking directory gateway permissions with depth=1, which might fail on installs with huge addressbooks- Calendar: fixed wrong time in iCal of notification, if notifying user is not in server TZ- email: fix double encoding problem while toggling html2text (introduced while bugfixing a maildisplay issue)- resources: change / introduce sorting for display of Account/Group List in ACL management; in addition groups are now sorted to the end of the list- eMail: allow to control the connection test link in email sidebar and/or the information displayed when called * Thu Jan 19 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120119-1- API/link_widget/wiki: if searched without searchcriteria wiki throws exception, now with an empty search string use a wildcard, as we intend to find all entrys- Addressbook: show calendar of contact(s) as list-view with date-filter \"all\" via context menu- Addressbook: preference to open EMail addresses in external mail program, even if user has access to EMail app- notification: if sending meeting requests: only send the text/plain part, as outlook interprets the html part as meeting description- Calendar: new (forcable) user preference to notify external participants (non-EGroupware users), event owner has to set it, it is off by default, to keep the current behavior of not notifying externals- Calendar: button to close a single calendar if multiple calendars are shown (day, week and planner view)- Calendar: showing now all open calendars in the owner-selection, not just accounts. Allows to close them from all views- Calendar/CalDAV: Add index for cal_modified and cal_user_modified to improve performance of ctag and etag generation on big installtion- Calendar/Resources: do NOT unselect currently selected calendars when selecting a resource category, eg. to choose a meeting room- tracker: fix broken close_pending and do_escalations- Filemanager: allow WebDAVs (https) via PEAR HTTP_WebDAV_Client- filemanager: Tracker#2640 copy/cut/paste not working -> fixing a java-script syntax error- eMail: option to influence reply behavior for pre-selecting the editor type; simple connection test routine (can be used to reset connection too)- eMail: fix for ->print of messages in compose state failes with whitescreen<- * Wed Jan 04 2012 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20120104-1- Infolog/Tracker: Create tracker tickets from infolog entries- Calendar/Esync: do not allow a minimum length of less then 1 for uid; esync: if no UID given, do not even try to fetch exceptions.- Import/Export: Add data preview to import test mode- Filemanager: delete->reset any occasion where the delete action may be stored, as it may be ressurected out of the helpers by etemplate, which is quite unconvenient in certain conditions (delete a file, upload a file with the same name to this very folder, continue uploading files to that folder: this process may lead to the deletion of the former file while uploading other files)- Addressbook: distributionlists, allow to add any seen contact to an available (and editable) distributionlist- Felamimail: handle IE (8) problem regarding toggling editor modes in compose window- API/customfields: fix for Stylite Ticket#2629 ->Mandatory custom field not saved<- fix for customfields (if mandatory) where not saved on first attempt, after failed formvalidation. * Wed Dec 21 2011 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20111221-1- Notification: Add ability to use browser notifications+popups, when available from the browser- Addressbook: ablity to mail (multiple) vCard via context menu- eSync: ability to delete serverside profile via eSync preferences, to remove all traces of previous sync attempts of a device- Wiki:-fix SQL for makro WantedPages- -bugfix for ->fatal error/exception if search is started with no searchstring<- now we return everything / all entrys on a missing search string- -bugfix for ->fatal error/exception when inserting new webdav links in HTML mode<-- Import/export: speed improvements, Scheduled import improvements- -Add ability to create an export definition based on an existing import definition- calendar/esync: active-sync does NOT want calendar owner as participant- email/sieve: improve connection handling (timeout)- API: fixed a reported deprecated warning on logout when using CAS- eMail: feature to attach the VCard of the current user to every new mail sent via UI- news_admin: allow teaser to hold HTML, and enable CKEditor for editing (toolbar hidden)- calendar: allow to send a meeting request to all participants, add action to calendar event edit to choose between sending meeting requests or a mail with the ics file of an event attached.- infolog/esync: fix for -> tasks created on device where set to completed all the time <-- Infolog: Create calendar events based on infolog entries * Thu Nov 24 2011 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20111124-1- Addressbook: filter by country or sort by post code of home address- Add ability for user to change import/export delimiter when importing / exporting- SyncML: re-added accidently removed accounts addressbook- ckeditor/aspell: added check for language availability check on extended dict (Lang_Countrycode) first, then fall back to lang -> e.g.: check on en_GB, if not available try using en- Mergeprint: fixed not working merge (white screen, nothing in error-log) under PHP 5.2.6- Custom / instance-specific translations, eg. to rename an application- eMail/InfoLog: mail to infolog, preference (and action) to allow the additional attaching of the raw mail message as message/rfc822 (.eml) to the entry- Filemanager: Firefox 3.5 gives error \"Theres already a directory with that name\" when trying to upload a file- Admin: fix white screen (fatal error) when trying to delete a user without home directory- ImportExport: allow to select \"Old fixed definition\" in preference for nextmatch export (disk icon)- Calendar: fixed groupmembers cant accept/reject group-invitations in listview via context-menu (error: failed because of insufficient rights!)- eMail: fix for text/html attachment was not recognized (neither in list, nor in preview or display) if it is the one and only part of the mail; preparational function for Link2Attachment feature- eMail: feature for html-mails -> convert images included as link to inline images (attachments to the mail)- CalDAV/CardDAV/GroupDAV new user preference to log requests and truncated responses to Apache error-log or full responses to files directory- CalDAV: fixed group-invitations got lost (urn:uuid url lost one char with each new import)- EventMgr: sort locations by hierarchy (was not working for non-admins or in Admin >> Locations) * Fri Nov 11 2011 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20111111-1- CalDAV/CardDAV: major rework fixing lots of bugs/incompatibilites and adding new features: eg. autocompletion of accounts and resources under iCal, searchable addressbook gateway for all addressbooks available- API/CKEditor: updating to version 3.6.2, altering editor modes and availability of toolbar options, supports now iPad and improved fallback for Android devices (not supporting CKEditor)- eMail: being able to set labels now, as thunderbird supports by default: urgent (red), job (orange), personal (green), to do (blue) and later (purple). If labeled the lines text will be coloured.- eSync/Addressbook: for all-in-one addressbook, add addressbook name as category; keep from AS not supported fields unchanged (eg. custom fields)- eSync/Calendar: fixed \"wrong\" generation of AS timezone blobs from TZID- eSync/EMail: added missing parameter $optionbodypreference, causing iPhones to not get attachments < 1MB- eSync/Calendar: handle error regarding not getting an egw_time object but no exception is thrown; may be php 5.2.x related. occurs when a NokiaE72 tries to open Outlook invitations- eSync/general changes in requesthandling, fixing several issues seen on android devices- eSync: fix for not updated calender, contact, task on device if only description or note was changed or deleted- eSync/eMail: make sure expected folders are reported on getFolderList (so we force our Autofolders (Sent, Trash, Draft, Template, Outbox and Spam) - if set - to be returned, even if they are not subscribed)- eMail: workaround for failed merge on signature retrieval, which was seen/reported as no signature on send (or compose) inserted- eMailAdmin: fixing not allowed userDefinedIdentities when userDefinedAccounts is allowed, fixing typos- eMail: bug regarding the mimetype of uploaded files; FF701 reports wrong mime type; work around this, by always checking mimetype by suffix- eMail: import of VCARD; opening an already imported VCARD as addressbook-entry failed, and VCARD was offered for download; Fixed -> as the expectation was/is that the already imported vcard (found via uid) is opened as addressbook entry (data merged)- eMail: fix for problems when trying to open attached messages twice; Solved by handling problems regarding the caching of message structures caused by problems with SessionHandler storing the structure-array- eMail: implementing basic server-side search for email- eMail/Sieve: improved vacation script handling: be more talkative to the user on rule validation errors while saving- Calendar: fixed MyStylite bug #2434: context menu could be used to invite yourself to any event you can read- Calendar: fixed many issues when moving or modifying (parts of a) recurring event (alarms, recurrance type, time)- Calendar: modified column position for overlapping events, allways leave some space on the left for drag-n-drop or clicking- Mergeprint: add {{links}}, {{attachments}}, {{links_attachments}} placeholders- Notification: do not notify expired or inactive users- Addressbook: current contact type is now used on creating new addressbook entrys (except a explizit type is requested via GET)- Filemanager/eTemplate: fix for MyStylite bug #2495: deleting files containing [ as first char deletes whole directory- Timesheet: fix reported bug #2488 (stylite tracker), status and cat change still allowed via context menu, even if the entry in question should be ->edit by admins only<- (via status admin flag)- InfoLog: allow to exclude fields while copying an infolog entry; done via infolog->configuration- Tracker: fixed report not working with PHP 5.2 (syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM)- Tracker: fix for lost comment, when tracker item got saved (e.g. by someone else) while you were still editing- ImportExport: fix for failed export on not set limit for nonadmins on standard export- SyncML: fix WBXML namespache issue (bug 3048) * Tue Oct 11 2011 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20111011-1- CalDAV/CardDAV: added standard /.well-known/(caldav|carddav) redirects and set memory_limit to 128MB in Apache configuration * Mon Oct 10 2011 Ralf Becker - version 11.1.20111010-1- emailadmin: fix problem with UpperLowerCase User Names, use lower case usernames ONLY, when accessing / creating / updating mailboxes- emailadmin: caching nameSpace information for the session to reduce communication to imap-server with the goal of improved performance clientside and less querying the mailserver- egw-pear: improve connection handling regarding the validation of connectionsvia expected responses- felamimail: improve connection handling regarding the validation of connections via expected responses- email:caching structure information (per session by server and uid) and status (per server and folder per request) to reduce communication to imap-server with the goal of improved performance clientside and less querying the mailserver- tracker: fix missing translations for (standard) resolutions- eSync: ping livetime depends now on average runtime and can therefore run up to 3540 seconds- knowledgebase: on edit, preset the selected category for new entries- API/CheckPasswordAge: new approach to the issue, as we have to take into account that the timestamp of the last password change may not be provided by the auth system. We fetch the timestamp from the authsystem if the method is implemented for the auth method configured (instead of juggling with account_lastpasswd_change or account_lastpwd_change)- API: is_a compatibility vs. php5.3.8 resolving to instanceof operator for most common basic classes- GroupDAV/KDE assume KDE 4.7+ uses native Akonadi resource, while below pre-Akonadi GroupDAV resource is used: unfortunately both have contradicting requirements- eMail/Sieve/Vacation: set default to 7 for days setting in vacation for new vacation setups- phpbrain: provide class definitions for TOCLevel3-6 (if using ContentArea Feature)- CardDAV/GroupDAV/Addressbook: do NOT check for api version, as it caused accounts created during setup to have no carddav_name and therefore fail in CardDAV/GroupDAV (shown as \"/addressbook/\" in collection list!)- GroupDAV/KDE: access with old (KDE < 4.7) GroupDAV resource is working again (client did not find any folder, because it requies full URL not just pathes in PROPFIND response)- CalDAV/GroupDAV: return empty collection, as iCal under iOS 5 had problems with returning \"404 Not found\" status- Filemanager: Firefox 7.0+ gave error \"There is already a directory with that name!\" when trying to upload a file- eSync/InfoLog: InfoLog support for ActiveSync (incl. deny device to create folders and ping fixes for Moxier Task)- addressbook/export: fix problem of failed export for non admins, when no export-limit is set- SyncML: Fix WBXML encoding issue (community bug#3020 and SyncEvolution issue bug#2975)- EMailAdmin allow to specify smtp auth credentials for alarms/notifications only, otherwise credentials of current user are used- wiki: add a div with id and class to be able to apply styles for the whole wikipage; apply a left margin to improve readability of pages- Calendar: added windows timezones to all installations (was added in calendar update 1.7.005, but not to new installs)- eMail: improve connection handling and recovery on problems regarded as minor. offer user the possibility to reset the connection on failure- wiki: using egw-build in randomstring generator instead of possible posix_getpid call (for windows based installations) to initialize the diff between versions- Filemanager: Firefox 7.0+ gave error \"There is already a directory with that name!\" when trying to upload a file | |