Changelog for
stud-0.3-5.42.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Aug 14 2012 enabled init script and sysconfig file- added reload and force-reload to init script
* Thu Nov 24 2011 added more features to the init script/sysconfig file split up the settings into small chunks and recombine them in the init script- make sure we can chroot - change permissions of homedir from 750 to 755 - added sys_chroot capability to the apparmor profile
* Wed Nov 23 2011 added user/group creation in %pre- added support to set up an init script + sysconfig file (disalbed by default): i am not sure this is a good idea. i think running it in runit or friends might be better.- moved binary to /usr/sbin
* Tue Nov 22 2011 added support to build conditionally with shared session cache support
* Tue Nov 22 2011 updated to latest tarball (0.3 976c3a9) for all changes see added 2eb433bbc760a2f56292076436984d0789c3d6ad.patch: fix installation of the man page- re-did stud-makefile.patch: - allow passing of OPTFLAGS again - dropped CC support for now - reordered linker cmdline to work on distros, which use as needed linking
* Sat Jun 11 2011 initial version (0.1)