Changelog for amavisd-new-2.13.0-181.7.noarch.rpm :

* Sat Aug 12 2023 Arjen de Korte - Package failed to rebuild on Perl version changes due to missing %{perl_requires}
* Mon Apr 10 2023 Wolfgang Rosenauer - apply replacement for default install directories correctly (boo#1210267)
* Mon Mar 27 2023 Peter Varkoly - update to version 2.13.0 NEW FEATURES o Add support for new decoder Zstandard o Switch from Net::LibIDN to Net::LibIDN2. As Net::LibIDN (based on GNU libidn) supports only IDNA 2003 (and its upstream declares libidn2 as successor), the newer Net::LibIDN2 (based on GNU libidn2) supporting IDNA 2008 and TR46 is being used preferred, if available. o Recognize\'s command line utility 7zz o Recognize \'ACE archive\' file type. o Add file(1) short type mapping for MS Office CDF format. o Add attachment file name information to structured report. o Introduce option to add an extra header containing the Amavis category. o Introduce $ip_repu_score_limit option to define an upper limit for the redis ip reputation score feature. o Make sanity limit inside macro_tests configurable. o Add support for SpamAssassin subjprefix keyword. SpamAssassin 3.4.3 introduced a subjprefix keyword and a _SUBJPREFIX_ template tag which may be used in SpamAssassin rules. The template tag is now also injected into Amavis for usage inside subject_tag related confvars. o Deprecate $daemon_group confvar by AATTdaemon_groups, which allows joining multiple supplementary groups when dropping privileges. The first element of AATTdaemon_groups determines the EGID. If $daemon_group is defined it will be put ahead implicitly. If AATTdaemon_groups are empty, they default to the system-provided groups of $daemon_user. BUG FIXES o Ignore [$AATT]daemon_group(s) settings during config test when amavis is running unprivileged already. o Resolve \"can\'t obtain a tainted string\" warning. o Resolve start_SSL fail to set SSL_verifycn_name. Additionally provide an explicit choice of common names via %smtp_tls_client_verifycn_name_maps. OTHER o Add support for Sophos Protection for Linux on AATTav_scanners_backup. o Declare Sanesecurity.Foxhole.Mail_tar infection as false positive. o Factor out various Amavis packages into own module files. o Introduce tests via Gitlab CI. o Convert source to CPAN module file structure. o Update example scanners and documentation. o Add IKARUS scan.server configuration example. o Add contribution guideline. o Remove IO::Stringy dependency. o Add a docker-compose testing environment. o Add support for F-Secure Linux Security 64 on AATTav_scanners.- Rebase and rename patch: amavisd-new-2.10.1-myhostname.patch -> amavisd-new-2.3.0-myhostname.patch- Remove patch. ClamAV is in new version already avtivated activate_virus_scanner.diff- Remove deprecated stuff from spec file.- Use build method provided by amavis
* Fri May 27 2022 Peter Varkoly - amavis fails to start (bsc#1199755) Add missed requirement
* Thu May 26 2022 Togan Muftuoglu - Remove server:mail/amavisd-new/amavis.service since it results Assignment outside of section warning
* Wed May 04 2022 Peter Varkoly - Starting amavis.service gives Unit var-run.mount not found. var-run.mount is not needed (bsc#1198783)
* Wed Mar 30 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 2.12.2:
* Allow $timestamp_fmt_mysql to be used with the DBD::MariaDB driver.
* Resolve utf8mb4 problems when using DBD-MariaDB.
* Set correct originating flag when using milter/AM.PDP without policy banks.
* Resolve crash on reload with insufficient permissions. Amavis now tests whether it is able read and evaluate its configuration files with dropped privileges. In case it cannot, amavis fails to start and refuses to reload.
* Resolve SSL client connection hangups with broken pipe
* Wed Dec 08 2021 Peter Varkoly - amavisd-new should require packets perl-IO-stringy and perl-Net-LibIDN (bsc#1193291)
* Wed Jul 28 2021 Johannes Segitz - Added hardening to systemd service(s). Modified:
* amavis.service
* Wed Feb 24 2021 Arjen de Korte - Package amavisd-milter in a separate package- Add perl(Convert::BinHex) to required packages- Disable BerkeleyDB in configuration + amavisd-new-no-berkeleydb.patch