Changelog for flnews-1.2.1-14.3.i586.rpm :

* Mon May 06 2024 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.2.1
* Potential crash fixed if an article is selected while article tree/list widget update is still in progress (race condition).
* FLTK 1.3 may crash if Fl_Text_Display widget contains very long lines. With FLTK 1.3 articles containing lines beyond 1000 octets are no longer displayed. It\'s still possible to store the raw data to a file. With FLTK 1.4 the behaviour is unchanged.
* Inconsistent permissions of created files fixed.
* Conversion from multiple seldom used 8-bit codepages to Unicode fixed.
* Unicode database updated to version 15.1.0.
* Connector lines in article tree are now solid for better visibility.
* Sun Aug 27 2023 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.2.0
* French translation added for NLS support.
* Option to skip to next group while searching for next unread article added.
* Support for custom colors in displayed article added.
* Support for user defined TCP connection timeout.
* Header field \"Newsgroups\" can now be extracted from overview, if present. Scoring rules of type \"group\" are applied to all groups of an Xpost in this case.
* Support for LIST OVERVIEW.FMT command (RFC 3977) added
* Experimental support for NNTP MAXARTNUM extension added.
* Zero-width space (ZWSP) is now used too as line breaking hint for the format \"flowed\" decoder.
* Soft hyphens are now handled consistently with all FLTK backends (formerly X11 rendered all SHY characters visible, as defined by ISO 8859-1, while Pango and Cocoa rendered SHY characters invisible).
* Unicode database updated to version 15.0.0.
* The experimental option USE_CUSTOM_FONTSIZE has been removed Since FLTK 1.4 there is a resize feature via keyboard (Ctrl-+/-).
* Examples for postprocessor added in subdirectory \"postproc\".
* Example for external editor added in subdirectory \"editor\".
* Sat May 28 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.1.0 Bug fixes:
* CORE: Authentication without password is now rejected.
* MAIN: Potential deadlocks in thread-safe replacement functions fixed.
* GUI: State machine modified to avoid race condition when articles are marked read while group is not completely loaded yet. New features and improvements:
* GUI: Option to automatically check for new articles added (an interval in minutes can be configured with the new \"refresh_interval\" entry in configfile).
* GUI: Checkbox \"Tools->Debug mode\" removed. Debug mode must be enabled with command line option \"-debug\".
* NNTP: Protocol logfile is only created if debug mode was enabled (and unlinked otherwise, if present). \"Tools->Protocol console\" window now requires debug mode.
* GUI: Support for estimated article count in subscription window added
* GUI: Support for group descriptions in subscription window added
* NNTP: Support for LIST NEWSGROUPS command (RFC 3977) added
* GUI: Support for subscription proposals from server added (offered to user after server was changed and group list is empty)
* CORE: Support for subscription proposals from server added
* NNTP: Support for LIST SUBSCRIPTIONS command (RFC 6048) added
* GUI: File save operations now suggest a pathname in the file selection window.
* GUI: File save operations now ask the user before an existing file is overwritten.
* CORE: Function added to suggest a pathname (created from home directory, program name and timestamp).
* CORE: Message-IDs are now generated with algorithm A3 (uses a modified Base64 alphabet with \"/\" replaced by \"-\"). This allows to generate RFC 5538 conformant \"news\"-URIs without percent-encoding.
* Thu May 13 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.0.0 Important notes:
* The new configuration data format is not compatible with versions 0.x (indicated by the major number bump)! A script is provided to automatically convert existing configuration data to the new format. Read \"migration/README\" for details.
* Because the location of the configuration has changed (see new XDG module below), the configuration for versions 0.x is preserved.
* It is still possible to downgrade flnews to 0.x, the preserved old configuration data is used again in this case.
* Now the release version contains 3 numbers \"x.y.z\" Major (x) indicates compatibility with configuration data Minor (y) is incremented for new features Patch (z) is incremented for bug fixes Bug fixes:
* CORE: Request for group information is no longer rejected with error if the group list is empty.
* GUI: After unsubscribing the last group, the article tree/list was not cleared and the user can click on articles for which the associated data no longer exists. Such operations will crash the program (reported by Martin Schnitkemper).
* CORE: Line length limit (998 octets) is now checked before injection.
* GUI: On macOS with system menu bar the status updates to menu entry \"Group->Sort by article number\" work now (patch from Dennis Preiser). The required method update() is not available with old FLTK 1.3 libraries, the option CFG_COCOA_SYS_MENUBAR now requires FLTK 1.4.
* ENC: URI percent encoder for scheme fixed: The characters defined as (RFC 3986 Section 2.2) are now encoded (reported by Marcel Logen).
* GUI: The URI parser now accepts empty for scheme .
* GUI: The current group selection is now restored after a click into the empty space below the group list (reported by Christian Schumacher).
* GUI: The article list/tree is now cleared after selecting an empty group (formerly articles of an unrelated group may still be visible).
* GUI: Some FLTK versions accept selection of deactivated items. There is now a workaround implemented to make such selections nonfatal.
* GUI: Horizontal scrolling to highlighted result of search fixed.
* GUI: Use FLTK default forground color for group subscription window too. This should make the content readable with dark background (reported by Christian Schumacher).
* NLS: German translation \"Artikel herunterladen fehlgeschlagen\" fixed (reported by Marcel Logen).
* GUI: If there are multiple signature separators (\"-- \") present, now the last one is used according to \"Usenet Best Practice\" draft 01 (reported by Marcel Logen). New features and improvements:
* XDG: Moved default configuration directory to location defined by XDG
* Base Directory Specification 0.7 (\"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/$CFG_NAME\"). Other modules now ask the XDG module for the configuration path.
* MAIN: The new command line option \"-confprefix\" can be used to override the configuration directory (proposed by Helmut Waitzmann).
* GUI: It is now possible to mark all articles in all groups as read (menu entry \"Group->Mark all groups as read\").
* MAIN: New command line option \"-debug\" to enable debug mode early.
* CONF: configfile entry \"domain\" replaced with \"fqdn\". Some users saw the hostname field in Message-ID algorithm A1 as privacy problem. A can be configured for the new entry \"fqdn\" (should be a fully qualified domain name, but without root domain). It is used as element when a Message-ID is created with algorithm A2.
* Support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH Specification 1.1 added to build system. Reproducible build option CFG_REPRODUCIBLE removed from CONFIG. The SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH variable from the environment now overrides the dates in the GUI, the output of the \"-v\" command line option and the man pages (original patch from Bernhard M. Wiedemann).
* Support for target \"install-strip\" added to build system. The target \"install\" no longer strips unnecessary symbols from binaries (proposed by Martin Schnitkemper).
* EXT: Support for external inews added. Pathname can be specified with the new \"inews\" entry in configfile.
* TLS: Protocol versions 1.0 and 1.1 are now disabled as required by RFC 8996. Both versions are still available in \"weak\" encryption mode.
* GUI: New menu entry \"Group->Mark subthread as read\".
* GUI: If there is only one entity to display for a MIME multipart message (e.g. the selected one with multipart/alternative), the entity header is now displayed too.
* GUI: An initial greeting phrase can now be specified with the new \"initial_greeting\" entry in configfile. It is inserted into articles that start a new thread (proposed by Wolfgang Bauer).
* FUTIL: Function added to create (multiple) missing directories of a path.
* FILTER: New scorefile syntax to eliminate the workaround with type \"extended\". All score rules now have a wildmat in the first field.
* FILTER: Simplified default regex for test group detection to \"\\.test$|^test$\", removing the \".
*\" part at the beginning (proposed by Urs Janßen).
* POSIX: Support for POSIX.1-2008 and SUSv4 added. No local replacement functions are used anymore on modern operating systems. snprintf() replacement function now uses SUSv4 semantics.
* ENC: MIME encoded-words are now generated with \"US-ASCII\" charset declaration if there is no 8-bit data to encode in the header field (e.g. to represent words like \" =?-?= \" in a RFC 2049 conformant way). This follows the \"lowest common denominator\" principle decribed in RFC 2046 Section 4.1.2.
* TLS: Deprecated functions from OpenSSL 3 API are no longer used.
* GUI: Modified question popup windows to handle pressing ESC key as \"No\" or \"Reject\" respectively.
* GUI: Some entries moved from menu \"Article\" to \"Group\".
* Fri Apr 09 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.0pre42
* Sun Mar 28 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.0pre34
* Sun Feb 28 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.0pre29
* Mon Feb 22 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.0pre27
* Sat Feb 06 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.0pre23
* Thu Jan 28 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.0pre19
* Fri Jan 15 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.0pre16
* Tue Jan 12 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.0pre14
* Fri Jan 08 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.0pre13- Drop not longer needed patch:
* reproducible.patch