Changelog for
monitorix-3.14.0-1.66.noarch.rpm :
* Tue Mar 29 2022 Update to 3.14.0
* Added a complete graph to support NVMe device statistics ( [#215]
* Added a complete graph to support AMD graphic cards statistics ( [#367]
* Added a complete graph to support NVIDIA graphic cards with more extended statistics ( [#333]
* Added support in to connect to a socket file. [#316]
* Added support to get temperature values for gpu[n] keys using the output of lm_sensors in [#320]
* Added support in for systems with different PID max value defined in /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max.
* Added new graph of process\' uptime in It comes with a new option called time_unit to set the scale of the graph. [#311]
* Added the option time_unit in to set the scale of the uptime graph. [#331]
* Added the new command line option -s to decide which part of a line in the config file will be the key and which one will be the value. The split policy accepts the values guess (as the default), whitespace and equalsign.
* Added support for IPv6 addresses in
* Added the option cmd in, which defaults to sensors, to be able to help to add sensors values not covered by lm_sensors. [#325]
* Added the ability to prefix fan values to be able to select between rpm and percentages, using rpm: and percent: respectively. [#325]
* Added a home button in the upper-left corner to easily go to the main page. The button will appear only if the new option called enable_mainmenu_button is enabled (disabled by default). [#338]
* Added the ability to view the website as web app in full screen mode. [#340]
* Changed the way how the cmd option works in, by executing directly the command defined (without args), unless undefined, in which case it will continue defaulting to ss.
* Added some changes to to be able to symlink it and act as a generic alert script.
* Added fan speed (as fan), power (as pwr), percentage (as pct) and byte (as byt) identifiers to [#344]
* Added the ability to include arguments in the scripts called by to collect the value for each sensor. [#343]
* Added the new option refresh_interval in to reduce the execution of the du command and its undesired side effects. [#324]
* Added a new option to show NaN instead of 0 for missing data in [#349]
* Changed to simplify the unit correction in [#346]
* Enhanced the quality of the favicon image.
* Added the option respect_standby to avoid waking up disk(s) while reading SMART values. Also adds Nan for missing values in [#359]
* Added legend customisation to [#382]
* Fixed to include the DBI->connect parameter dbname=postgres in to avoid connection problems. [#310]
* Fixed to use $options{u} instead of $config{u}.
* Fixed to include the reference to the -u option either in the usage text and in the monitorix(8) man page.
* Fixed the legend in graphs to respect the max value. [#330]
* Fixed to honour the