Changelog for
sec-2.9.2-1.50.noarch.rpm :
* Sat Jun 03 2023 Updated to version 2.9.2:
* Starting from this version, list of event occurrence times that correspond to event group string tokens is passed to PerlFunc and NPerlFunc event group patterns as an additional parameter.- Add build requires on systemd-rpm-macros.- Removed unused conditionals for old releases as no longer needed.
* Wed May 04 2022 Updated to version 2.9.1:
* Added support for \'egtoken
*\' fields in EventGroup rules.
* Starting from this version, list of event group string tokens is passed to PerlFunc and NPerlFunc event group patterns as an additional parameter.
* Mon Nov 29 2021 Updated rulesets to version 20211119:
* updated.- Add full download URL for rulesets.- Remove obsolete version checks.
* Thu May 13 2021 Updated to version 2.9.0: + Added support for \'cmdexec\', \'spawnexec\', \'cspawnexec\', \'pipeexec\' and \'reportexec\' actions. + Added support for \'shell\' field in SingleWithScript rules. + Added support for \'egptype\' and \'egpattern\' fields in EventGroup rules. + Added support for %.sp built-in action list variable. + Added ipv6 support for \'tcpsock\' and \'udpsock\' actions. + Bugfixes for \'write\', \'writen\', \'owritecl\', \'udgram\', \'ustream\', \'udpsock\' and \'tcpsock\' actions (exceptions from syswrite() and send() are now handled, and \'ustream\' action no longer blocks on Linux when peer backlog queue is full). + Improved socket handling routines. + Improved error reporting for invalid command line arguments. + Starting from this version, a program provided with - -timeout-script command line option is executed without shell interpretation. + Starting from this version, SEC uses Perl JSON::PP module instead of JSON module (JSON::PP is included in the standard Perl installation).- Update rulesets and drop get from git script as rulesets are now released.
* Sat May 02 2020 Updated to version 2.8.3: + Added support for collecting rule performance data and the - -ruleperf and --noruleperf command line options. + Improved dump file generation in JSON format (some numeric fields that were reported as JSON strings are now reported as JSON numbers).- Update copyright year(s) in spec file.
* Sun Jun 02 2019 Updated to version 2.8.2: + Added support for \'varset\' action. + Fixed a bug where reference to $:{cacheentry:varname} match variable for non-existing pattern match cache entry would create an empty entry.
* Wed Oct 03 2018 Updated to version 2.8.1: + Fixed a bug in dump file creation routine (a perl warning message was written to standard error if --dumpfjson command line option was used without Perl JSON module being present).
* Thu Aug 30 2018 Updated to version 2.8.0: + Added support for dynamic input files, and \'addinput\' and \'dropinput\' actions for managing dynamic inputs. + Added support for signal emulation and \'sigemul\' action. + Added support for \'setltime\' action. + Starting from this version, the \'lcall\' action supports the :> operator. + Added support for $+{_intcontext} match variable. + Improved input file rotation handling. + Improved action list parsing. + Bugfixes for \'setwpos\' action. + Added support for creating dump files in JSON format, and the --dumpfjson and --nodumpfjson command line options.- Updated example rulesets.
* Tue Dec 12 2017 Updated to version 2.7.12:
* fixed a bug in context expression parsing routine and improved the logging of parsing errors.- Add to sources to pull direct from git.- Update spec file for compat macro for new _fillupdir macro and spec file clean up.
* Tue Feb 07 2017 Updated to version 2.7.11: + Added support for the --user, --group and --umask command line options. + Starting from this version, SIGPIPE signal is ignored globally in all parts of the code. + Improved the handling of SIGTERM signal. + Optimized IO routines, signal handling and exit status collection for child processes. + Improved command line parsing and error reporting. + Changes in rule parsing routines (only ASCII digits are allowed in numeric rule fields). + Starting from this version, the default value for the - -blocksize command line option is 8192. + Fixed a bug in the code which checks the status of TCP sockets.
* Mon Jun 20 2016 Updated to version 2.7.10: + Added support for built-in action list variables %.chr0, ..., %.chr31 that are set to ASCII 0..31 control characters.
* Tue Mar 08 2016 Updated to version 2.7.9: + Added support for built-in action list variables, and that are set to special characters, and time-related built-in action list variables %.sec, %.min, %.hour, %.hmsstr, %.mday, %.mdaystr, %.mon, %.monstr, %.year, %.wday, %.wdaystr, %.tzname, %.tzoff and %.tzoff2.- Updated homepage Url and source download link.
* Sat Nov 28 2015 Updated to version 2.7.8: + Added support for the --dumpfts and --nodumpfts command line options. + Added support for the \'assignsq\' action. + Starting from this version, SEC_PRE_RESTART, SEC_PRE_LOGROTATE, and SEC_PRE_SOFTRESTART internal events are generated before processing SIGHUP, SIGABRT, and SIGUSR2 signals. + Starting from this version, the default value for - -keepopen/--nokeepopen command line options is --keepopen.
* Tue Feb 24 2015 Updated to version 2.7.7: + Added support for the \'writen\', \'closef\', \'closeudgr\', \'closeustr\', \'closeudp\' and \'closetcp\' actions. + Starting from this version, the default value for the --bufsize command line option is 0 (detect appropriate input buffer size automatically). + Starting from this version, the default value for - -jointbuf/--nojointbuf command line options is --nojointbuf.- Update spec file to fix shadowed initscript warning so can still build for SLE 11 target.
* Tue Jul 15 2014 Updated to version 2.7.6: + Added support for the \'cspawn\' and \'cevent\' actions which allow for generating synthetic events with custom internal contexts. + Fixes for logging the execution of \'shift\' and \'pop\' actions. + Starting from this version, warnings are produced for duplicate keywords in rule definitions.- Drop sec-fix-sysconfig-parsing.patch as this has been merged upstream.
* Fri Jan 24 2014 Updated to version 2.7.5: + The continue
* rule parameters accept \'EndMatch\' as a value.- Updates from version 2.7.4: + Added support for the \'owritecl\' action. + Added support for the --childterm, --nochildterm, --rwfifo and - -norwfifo command line options. + SEC_LOGROTATE internal event is generated on the reception of SIGUSR2. + The --notail option implies reading from input pipe until all writers have closed the pipe (in previous versions, --notail closed the pipe when no data were available for reading).- Add sec-fix-sysconfig-parsing.patch: Fix error in parsing of SEC_OPTS to sec (bnc#855507).
* Thu May 30 2013 Update to version 2.7.3: + Sockets created by \'tcpsock\', \'udpsock\', \'ustream\' and \'udgram\' actions are managed in a better way, allowing for timely detection of peer shutdowns and restarts. + Improvements to \'write\' and \'spawn\' actions. + Process interactivity check is now done with POSIX system calls. + A bugfix in the variable substitution routine for handling ${number} variables properly. + Man page updated.
* Fri Apr 12 2013 Update to version 2.7.2: + Fixed a bug in the parsing of the \'rewrite\' action.
* Mon Apr 08 2013 Update to version 2.7.1: + Added support for the \'udgram\', \'ustream\', \'udpsock\' and \'tcpsock\' actions. + Changed the behavior of the \'write\' action -- instead of opening and closing the file on each access, \'write\' now keeps the file open across writes. + Added support for the --socket-timeout command line option.
* Thu Feb 28 2013 Update to Version 2.7.0: + Added support for the \'if\', \'while\', \'break\', \'continue\', \'prepend\', \'pop\', \'shift\', \'exists\', \'getsize\', \'getaliases\', \'getltime\', \'getctime\', \'setctime\' and \'free\' actions. + Added support for varset and :> operators in context expressions. + Added support for $:{cacheentry:varname} match variables which refer to variables from previously cached matches. + Starting from this version, PerlFunc pattern can set named match variables. + Starting from this version, the \'set\' action does not change the context lifetime if \'-\' is specified for lifetime. + Changed the dumpfile format to highlight frequently matching rules.
* Fri Jan 27 2012 Updated to Version 2.6.2: + Added support for the --jointbuf and --nojointbuf command line options. + Added support for the \'rewrite\' action. + Starting from this version, \'eval\', \'call\' and \'lcall\' actions set the output variable to \'undef\' if no value is returned from Perl code.- Dropped sysconfig.sec, sec.init and sec.service as these have been added upstream.
* Mon Jan 16 2012 Updated to Version 2.6.1: + Added support for the $+{_inputsrc} match variable. + Added support for the --keepopen and --nokeepopen command line options; also, dashes can be used instead of underscores in all option names. + starting from this version, Calendar rules are processed immediately after SEC startup procedures.- Updates from 2.6.0: + Added support for the EventGroup rule. + Starting from this version, the Calendar rule accepts a year condition in the time specification. + Added support for \'lcall\', \'getwpos\' and \'setwpos\' actions. + Added support for the named match variables and variable maps. + Added Cached and NCached pattern types, and support for pattern match caching. + Starting from this version, all unset or undefined variables are substituted with empty strings.- Spec file cleanup via spec-clear.- Added systemd supoort.- Update spec file License field from GPLv2 to GPL-2.0 to conform with identifier.
* Mon Nov 15 2010 Spec clean up- Add example rulesets
* Sat Jul 03 2010 initial build