Changelog for icinga-web-1.14.1-1.1.noarch.rpm :

* Wed Jan 31 2018 update to 1.14.1:
* #4 Fixed implementation of downtimehistory API call
* Bug #728: User disabled checkbox should be grayed out if not functional
* Bug #9857: make clean does not remove app/modules/Cronks/config/module.xml
* Bug #9891: Apply filter does not reset page
* Bug #10184: Browsing for host and service groups when adding restrictions throws exception: validateMatcher(): invalid matcher used \"LIKE\"
* Bug #10214: Broken link for reporting a bug
* Bug #10252: Doctrine fails to execute sql queries with php-7.0.0-rc3
* Bug #10757: Icinga-Web doesn\'t write to pipe
* Bug #12173: Session handler for PHP7
* Feature #13751: Update for Github- use upstream specfile with only minimal adaptions- build for php7 on SUSE distributions- drop fix-apache-conf-on-opensuse131.patch for unmaintained distributions
* Sat Oct 31 2015 update to 1.13.1:
* CSS3 fixes (Christoph_vW, #3713, #8885)
* Schedule downtime dialog, fixed and duration works now as expected (MaHoff, #5551)
* Fix host marco expansion (#7261)
* Customvar display in grids: Grouping and sorting (#9269, #9308)
* Search for customvar content (#9301)
* Pass env user vars to console commands (#2985)
* CVE-2015-2685: Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden found a way for an SQL injection in Icinga Web\'s API. An authenticated user could inject SQL code via a crafted JSON filter (#7924)
* The log now contains the ip address of a user login failed, or the user just logged in and out (#7357)
* We implemented a command log that contains any command that is send to the Icinga core by an user - written to a separate log file (#7893) command-20XX-XX-XX.log
* (Bug) Acknowledgments where sent without a proper sticky declaration. This problem has been fixed and host or service acknowledgments are now sticky by default - what it should and was intended to be. (#5838 #7003) Please review our documentation if you are not sure what sticky means.
* Grids can display customvariables in a row and filter for that. This is disabled by default, because every installation hast other fields configured. See doc/ for more information and how to enable.
* When using Kerberos authentication in a web server a user could receive all credentials when he had a role that had no credentials set (#7892) In our tests that only happens with Kerberos users.
* When a user could not be imported during login the database exception was not generated correctly (#8301)
* Don\'t contact more authentication providers than necessary during login Thanks to Victor Hahn (#8341)
* Fixed the irritating error during application state reset (#8523) The state was always cleared, but an error popped up for the user.
* Thu Feb 19 2015 update to upstream version 1.12.0
* iFrame Cronk can now replace {urlScheme} and {urlHost} with Icinga Web\'s webserver data (#7721)
* Optimized session saving (not on every request) (#7718)
* Pending Cronk does not list Icinga 2 Pending states (#6910)
* CronkId handling with \"Save As\" can cause problems after several sequential saves (#7633)
* Welcome Cronk is not configurable (#7719)
* Icinga Web\'s API does not provide downtimes (#7720)
* Warnings when resetting user\'s AppState (#6001)
* Lowered fatal warning to debug in HTTP Basic Auth Provider (#7723)
* Unit Tests broken by earlier change (#7722)
* Update Makefile to properly distclean (#7729)
* Added some non-minified sources for source code we ship (#7727)
* Removed old minified api.js (#7419)
* Wed Aug 20 2014 add patch fix-apache-conf-on-opensuse131.patch - the shipped Apache has issues with 2.4 confs
* Thu Aug 14 2014 update to upstream version 1.11.2
* Fix apache2 restart on rewrite in SUSE rpms. (#6663)
* Fix Apache 2.4 error \"client denied by server configuration\". (#6770)
* Fix missing build dependency for \'make\'. (#6816)
* Fix wrong database name in package readme files. (#6859)
* Revert \"LongPluginOutput: Fix missing support of multi line in html\". (#2653)
* Grid/columns: Replace new lines with the HTML break when `multiLine\' is enabled. (#2653)
* Fri Jun 27 2014 spec file fix - thx mopp (#5107)- no
*.asc files are provided by upstream, removed signature checking for now- update to upstream version 1.11.1
* Add missing timestamp to SCHEDULE_FORCED_HOST_SVC_CHECKS data. (#5755)
* Change category for reporting cronk to addons. (#5993)
* Bypass data in StatusSummaryCronk when fields are missing. (#6126)
* Before sending commands test data before push out the pipe. There was also an error that some commands use wrong data or never worked.
* Override ExtJS implementation of \'TreeNode::removeChild()\'. This helps add-ons to free memory when remove tree nodes (e.g. Business Process Addon).
* Display role description in user depended role grid. (#6261)
* Fix long plugin output to have multiline support. (#2653)
* Thu Apr 17 2014 Update to upstream version 1.11.0
* Timezone handling has been fixed for duration and command fields (#4983 #5713)
* The ExtJS framework has been updated to for browser issues (#5620)
* During Icinga reload the top bar will show a notice that a reload is in progress. (#5098 #5107)
* Some macros in action_url and notes_url are now expanded (#1882)
* Minor grammar fixes (#5075)
* Hostgroup or servicegroup filters could cause duplicate views (#4913 #5020 #5660)
* Some links have been added (#4984)
* Fri Feb 21 2014 update to upstream version 1.10.1
* Makefile fixes for some versions (#4956 #4955)
* Fixed non-working command API (#5013 #5465)
* Disabled verbose logging of database queries (#5014)
* Use system timezone in command forms (#4983)
* Add backward compatibility for renamed function customColumnPerfdataSanatized (#5065)
* Open Problems: Fix host status column\'s width (#4944)
* Allow \".\" in Cronk URLs (#5289)
* RPM spec file fixes (#5426 #5094)
* Hide inactive objects from the views (#5646)
* Cleaning up non-breaking space UTF-8 character throughout the code (#4965 #4966)
* Added unique index to nsm_session for indexing the really used session_id (#5668)
* Fixed auth_key authentication problems due to lowercase on PgSQL (#5678)- removed obsolete patches icinga-web-apache.conf.patch and icinga-web-apache-2.4.conf.patch
* Tue Jan 28 2014 For some silly reason Apache 2.4 behaviour has changed with an update requiring to to have both 2.2 and 2.4 authorization mechanisms. Modified the Apache 2.4 patch to include both despite all official apache documentation saying you don\'t need them.
* Sun Dec 01 2013 Created patch file that modifies apache configuration file to work with Apache 2.4 in OpenSuSE v.13.1+