Changelog for
icinga-web-module-pnp-1.14.1-1.1.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Jan 31 2018 update to 1.14.1:
* #4 Fixed implementation of downtimehistory API call
* Bug #728: User disabled checkbox should be grayed out if not functional
* Bug #9857: make clean does not remove app/modules/Cronks/config/module.xml
* Bug #9891: Apply filter does not reset page
* Bug #10184: Browsing for host and service groups when adding restrictions throws exception: validateMatcher(): invalid matcher used \"LIKE\"
* Bug #10214: Broken link for reporting a bug
* Bug #10252: Doctrine fails to execute sql queries with php-7.0.0-rc3
* Bug #10757: Icinga-Web doesn\'t write to pipe
* Bug #12173: Session handler for PHP7
* Feature #13751: Update for Github- use upstream specfile with only minimal adaptions- build for php7 on SUSE distributions- drop fix-apache-conf-on-opensuse131.patch for unmaintained distributions
* Sat Oct 31 2015 update to 1.13.1:
* CSS3 fixes (Christoph_vW, #3713, #8885)
* Schedule downtime dialog, fixed and duration works now as expected (MaHoff, #5551)
* Fix host marco expansion (#7261)
* Customvar display in grids: Grouping and sorting (#9269, #9308)
* Search for customvar content (#9301)
* Pass env user vars to console commands (#2985)
* CVE-2015-2685: Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden found a way for an SQL injection in Icinga Web\'s API. An authenticated user could inject SQL code via a crafted JSON filter (#7924)
* The log now contains the ip address of a user login failed, or the user just logged in and out (#7357)
* We implemented a command log that contains any command that is send to the Icinga core by an user - written to a separate log file (#7893) command-20XX-XX-XX.log
* (Bug) Acknowledgments where sent without a proper sticky declaration. This problem has been fixed and host or service acknowledgments are now sticky by default - what it should and was intended to be. (#5838 #7003) Please review our documentation if you are not sure what sticky means.
* Grids can display customvariables in a row and filter for that. This is disabled by default, because every installation hast other fields configured. See doc/ for more information and how to enable.
* When using Kerberos authentication in a web server a user could receive all credentials when he had a role that had no credentials set (#7892) In our tests that only happens with Kerberos users.
* When a user could not be imported during login the database exception was not generated correctly (#8301)
* Don\'t contact more authentication providers than necessary during login Thanks to Victor Hahn (#8341)
* Fixed the irritating error during application state reset (#8523) The state was always cleared, but an error popped up for the user.
* Thu Feb 19 2015 update to upstream version 1.12.0
* iFrame Cronk can now replace {urlScheme} and {urlHost} with Icinga Web\'s webserver data (#7721)
* Optimized session saving (not on every request) (#7718)
* Pending Cronk does not list Icinga 2 Pending states (#6910)
* CronkId handling with \"Save As\" can cause problems after several sequential saves (#7633)
* Welcome Cronk is not configurable (#7719)
* Icinga Web\'s API does not provide downtimes (#7720)
* Warnings when resetting user\'s AppState (#6001)
* Lowered fatal warning to debug in HTTP Basic Auth Provider (#7723)
* Unit Tests broken by earlier change (#7722)
* Update Makefile to properly distclean (#7729)
* Added some non-minified sources for source code we ship (#7727)
* Removed old minified api.js (#7419)
* Wed Aug 20 2014 add patch fix-apache-conf-on-opensuse131.patch - the shipped Apache has issues with 2.4 confs
* Thu Aug 14 2014 update to upstream version 1.11.2
* Fix apache2 restart on rewrite in SUSE rpms. (#6663)
* Fix Apache 2.4 error \"client denied by server configuration\". (#6770)
* Fix missing build dependency for \'make\'. (#6816)
* Fix wrong database name in package readme files. (#6859)
* Revert \"LongPluginOutput: Fix missing support of multi line in html\". (#2653)
* Grid/columns: Replace new lines with the HTML break when `multiLine\' is enabled. (#2653)
* Fri Jun 27 2014 spec file fix - thx mopp (#5107)- no
*.asc files are provided by upstream, removed signature checking for now- update to upstream version 1.11.1
* Add missing timestamp to SCHEDULE_FORCED_HOST_SVC_CHECKS data. (#5755)
* Change category for reporting cronk to addons. (#5993)
* Bypass data in StatusSummaryCronk when fields are missing. (#6126)
* Before sending commands test data before push out the pipe. There was also an error that some commands use wrong data or never worked.
* Override ExtJS implementation of \'TreeNode::removeChild()\'. This helps add-ons to free memory when remove tree nodes (e.g. Business Process Addon).
* Display role description in user depended role grid. (#6261)
* Fix long plugin output to have multiline support. (#2653)
* Thu Apr 17 2014 Update to upstream version 1.11.0
* Timezone handling has been fixed for duration and command fields (#4983 #5713)
* The ExtJS framework has been updated to for browser issues (#5620)
* During Icinga reload the top bar will show a notice that a reload is in progress. (#5098 #5107)
* Some macros in action_url and notes_url are now expanded (#1882)
* Minor grammar fixes (#5075)
* Hostgroup or servicegroup filters could cause duplicate views (#4913 #5020 #5660)
* Some links have been added (#4984)
* Fri Feb 21 2014 update to upstream version 1.10.1
* Makefile fixes for some versions (#4956 #4955)
* Fixed non-working command API (#5013 #5465)
* Disabled verbose logging of database queries (#5014)
* Use system timezone in command forms (#4983)
* Add backward compatibility for renamed function customColumnPerfdataSanatized (#5065)
* Open Problems: Fix host status column\'s width (#4944)
* Allow \".\" in Cronk URLs (#5289)
* RPM spec file fixes (#5426 #5094)
* Hide inactive objects from the views (#5646)
* Cleaning up non-breaking space UTF-8 character throughout the code (#4965 #4966)
* Added unique index to nsm_session for indexing the really used session_id (#5668)
* Fixed auth_key authentication problems due to lowercase on PgSQL (#5678)- removed obsolete patches icinga-web-apache.conf.patch and icinga-web-apache-2.4.conf.patch
* Tue Jan 28 2014 For some silly reason Apache 2.4 behaviour has changed with an update requiring to to have both 2.2 and 2.4 authorization mechanisms. Modified the Apache 2.4 patch to include both despite all official apache documentation saying you don\'t need them.
* Sun Dec 01 2013 Created patch file that modifies apache configuration file to work with Apache 2.4 in OpenSuSE v.13.1+
* Tue Oct 29 2013 imported upstream version 1.10.0
* Icinga Web 1.10 will require an IDO schema version of >= 1.10, this comes due to the introduction of some database changes that can be designed backwards compatible (#4764)
* Spec file introduces 2 config rpms: icinga-web-{mysql,config} for database specific configuration in databases.xml
* Timestamp of the last login of any user is now saved in the database and accessible for admins in the user information (#2529) Make sure to update your database schema, or the login will fail!
* Notifications for a complete instance can now be disabled until expiration timestamp within the instance view (#3888)
* The basic menu layout has been changed to multiple expandable categories, while state of the opened categories is saved in session. Also we split the old category \"Data\" into multiple categories for better overview of available Cronks. (#4660 #4807 #4167)
* A state type column has been added to all host/service views, but is disabled in the non-problem views. (#3529)
* Appstate and sessions of a user can now be reset by the admin via a menu in the user listing (#2086)
* Instance grid shows now more information within the grid (#3956)
* Comments on a host and service can now be cleared from the normal grids Warning: the command removes any comment existing for a host or service (#2636)
* Charts in tactical overview are now rendered with RaphaelJS and GRaphaelJS. see doc/VENDOR for license information (#3474 #4806)
* We added a new category \"Addons\" for a default place for addons (#4852) Reporting has been moved to this category (#4853)
* All Flash components have been removed from the tarball. (#3474 #4806) (previously used for rendering ExtJS charts)
* Business Process Cronk has been removed from Icinga Web distribution see \"contrib/businessprocess-icinga-cronk/README\" for details and info on where to find the addon in the future (#4818) [...]- removed BPAddon
* Thu Oct 10 2013 imported upstream version 1.9.2
* Fixed Javascript debug output crashing commands (#4226)
* Fixed tooltips in grids being truncated by the browser window (#4425)
* Fixed JSON filter in generated Cronk URLs (#4425)
* Fixed commands restriction preventing read access to the Icinga Api (#4339)
* Fixed symmetrical bracket problem in SQL queries by Icinga_DoctrineQuery (#4733)
* Fixed rendering glitch with row event buttons (#4369)
* Fixed service principals being applied on host-only api checks and forbidding access to hosts (#4154)
* Fixed \"Services for
\" tab is always overwritten by saved Cronks (#4560)
* Fixed iterator being reset and causing an implicit endless loop in charts (#4014)
* Fixed grouping and pagination for hostgroups (#4810)
* Changed service combo sort to host_name for better usability (#4418)
* icinga-web.spec: remove nagiosbp requirement
* Tabslider is now stateful (#4626)
* Remove row event icons if no sub actions defined (#4401)
* Fixed CronkBuilder adding \"CUSTOM-\"-prefix everytime a cronk is saved (#3917)
* Fixed state persistence of opened Tab in Cronk listing (#4660)
* Disabled half-implemented log sorting in Admin->Logs (#4779)
* Fixed icon_image glitching out in host or service grids (#2784)
* Wed Sep 11 2013 fixed building on sle11sp3 - updated php dependencies - thanks pgajdos- provided links for download sources- employed gpg-offline - verify sources
* Tue Sep 10 2013 imported upstream version 1.9.1
* NOTE for Oracle users: the initial database schema for 1.9.0 and the update delivered an index whose identifier was too long Please make sure you have the index \"target_key_unq_tgt_n_uq\", the too long name was: target_key_unq_tgt_n_uq Update from 1.8.3 has been updated as well.
* The initial database schema shipped with 1.9.0 had a wrong version of 1.8.4 You don\'t have to change it as of now, but be aware of it when updating the schema in the future. (#4309) The schema itself was correct.
* Fixed problems with the combined host/service views (#4205 #4239 #4241)
* Downtime view: Host status not being displayed
* credentials for host/servicegroups and contacts not applied correctly
* customvar credentials now apply correctly
* Credential fixes for combined views in the legacy API (#4667)
* Fixed a rendering glitch with some icons in the grid (#4236)
* Fixed a problem with the SSH command functions, they were requiring the wrong libraries (#4411)
* Fixed a problem with selections in the grid after a data refresh (#4452)
* Fixed broken userpreference window when the application state has grown too big (#4003 #4062 #4063)
* Fixed a problem when two Grids are reloading nearly at the same time (#4563 #4562)
* Using Refresh in a grid resets the grid to first page (#4685)
* Fixed filter for StateType in OpenProblem Cronk (#4317)
* Fixed ConsoleCommandModel to escape single quotes correctly (#4455) (caused problems when using \' in command fields)
* Fixed DISTINCT error on PostgreSQL when using customvar filters on host status grids (#4564)
* Fixed JS errors in Internet Explorer 8 while loading the interface (#4166 #4659)
* Fixed host and servicedetails show only one contact under the Relations Tab (#4222)
* Wed May 08 2013 fixed builddir patch- added a patch to fix the new official apache conf file and removed our own configuration file- imported upstrem version 1.9.0 (check the official changelog for further details) [ IMPORTANT CHANGES ] Permission and Credential system has been revised and fixed in major parts The permissions are now logically grouped like this: ( ( OR ) AND ( OR ) ) OR Please make sure to read the issue for details and test if your permissions work as intended! (#3715 - (Fixes #3578 #3625) New Cronk Menu style - now a smaller list instead of big icons (#3396 #3430) Also the scrolling behavior has been improved for high amounts of Cronks The default menu style can be changed in etc/conf.d/userpreferences.xml New filtering system (#3268 #3927 #3928 #3935 #3981)
* interface redesigned
* grouping in AND, OR or NOT subsections now possible Updating existing cronks for new filters and layout changes You should update any saved cronks to work correctly with the new version cd etc/ ../bin/phing drop-customcronk-layout ../bin/phing upgrade-cronk-filter WARNING: The first statement drops all layout definitions from the cronks, this means the cronk will look like any fresh opened grid cronk. Any filter or sorting setting should be kept intact. Please see New Apache2 configuration - replaces old .htaccess files (#2759 #2735) Make sure to update the config file for your apache and remove any old .htaccess file in your installation. Don\'t forget to reload ;) In addition access rules (Order,Deny) have been removed from the file. Please add your own if your setup needs strict access rules (#3982) [ DEPRECATED ]
* Tackle Cronk is deprecated with the release of 1.9 and may be removed in one of the next releases! (#3452)
* old SOAP Api has been removed completely now ...
* Sun Apr 28 2013 also allow other webservers providing http_daemon and mod_php_any to run icinga-web
* Mon Mar 25 2013 imported upstream version 1.8.3 (Please make sure to apply the SQL update for MySQL and PgSQL)
* Session does not get cleared on logout #3721
* Fixed duplicated user preferences / appstate #3727 #3870 (caused a Doctrine_Hydrator_Exception)
* Fix for PHP 5.3.22 / 5.4.xx #3751
* Fix Pending states shown as OK #3843
* Fix order handling with Cronk templates #3886
* Disabed all caching of permissions for a user #3880 (caused problems when deleting a user from the system)
* Wed Feb 13 2013 prevented replacement of the BPAddon files bp.xml and cronks.xml during update
* Tue Feb 12 2013 imported upstream version 1.8.2
* Bugfix update of contrib businessprocess-icinga-cronk #3690
* Fix Cronk listing - hide hidden Cronks from userdisplay #3569
* Fix session handling for creation and destruction #3530
* Fix missing change on the DB model of NsmTarget #3652
* Reporting Module: fix servicegroup reports (thx jschanz, wolle) #3503
* icinga-web.spec: several updates (see changlog within) (includes #3526 #3452)
* Fix missing comma in Api Target SERVICE #3588
* status cronk: state filter urls don\'t work, sql exception in json #3515
* wrong selects not working with other databases than mysql #3330 (overlapping with the performance tweaks and fixed there)
* Fixed wrong credentials being given when user without credentials is being created #3423
* Fix for AdvancedHoststatusColumnRenderer when db returns object id as a number (thx to crysmi, #3417)
* Fixed wrong hard state filter (service views)
* Removed wrong columnWidth definition crashing IE #3485 (thx tgelf)
* Fix case handling with LDAP user attributes
* Some smaller fixes, including fixes for IE and php 5.4
* ...- fix spurious-executable-perm of the Contrib directory
* Wed Feb 06 2013 added missing parts to icinga-web.conf
* Tue Dec 18 2012 Use usermod instead of groupmod when suse_version > 1220 due to pwdutils/shadow switch
* Wed Dec 12 2012 imported upstream version 1.8.1 Bugs
* Removed duplicate insert in sql upgrade scripts #3328
* IE7 window fix for cronk save dialog
* Disabled grouping of of unhandled problems grid #3320
* Re-added missing command restriction class #3457
* Removed ghost column after changing to new grid events #3458
* Fixes PNP extension #3427
* Removed flash for packaging and flash security fixes
* Various custom cronk dialog fixes Features
* Allow xtypes in grid events to customize menues
* Clearcache enhancements
* Make ApiComboBox default for filters (Pagination)
* Fri Oct 26 2012 fixed spec file typo
* Sun Oct 21 2012 require some dependencies which are documented as optional but seem to be mandatory
* Thu Oct 18 2012 fixed dependency issue
* Thu Oct 18 2012 updated/cleaned up dependencies- imported upstream version 1.8.0
* Various Improvements in statusmap
* Ordered cronk js files to match their namespaces
* Cronk permissions in frontend also System cronks
* Category permissions in frontend
* Real loading mask
* New data credentials: IcingaService and IcingaHost
* New db upgrade scripts #3239 #3052 #2890
* New event interface in grids
* fix configure option --with-api_cmd_instance is ignored in access.xml (fixes #3170)
* fix for configure option icinga_bin in app/modules/Api/config/access.xml (thx Ulf
* Grids now ignore burst request and only execute the last one (refs #3060)
* icinga-web.spec: import changelog from 1.7.x, updated to 1.8.0
* contrib: fix Type-error in pnp-host|service-extension.xml (thx ossmon)fixes #3063
* config: add hint about API_Views_ApiDQLViewModel for query logging
* Removed paging, added sorting and filtering to user selection in role grid
* Statusmap fixes (fixes #2931, fixes #2816, fixes #2595, refs #757)
* Added authsrc to user dialog (fixes #3061 thx to pdeneu)
* User selection is now sortable (fixes #3039)
* Fixed db update strings (thx to mfrosch, fixes #2694)
* Typo error fix in Performance cronk (thx to sgronewold fixes #2656)
* Fri Aug 17 2012 imported upstream version 1.7.2
* Applied sort fix for OpenProblems view (fixes #2933)
* Performance fix for log view, fixes #2937
* Compact version of open problem view, thanks TG (fixes #2933)
* Notification View, bugfixing Hostgroup credential for services
* Fixes SummaryStatus links into subgrids
* Openproblem subgrid link fixes, patch applied - fixes 2932
* Duration field bugfix, fixes #2736.
* OpenProblems bug when restricted to Hostgroup credential - fixes #2857
* Getting cronks as url feature and cleanup
* Use the right to allow sharing of cronks
* Added icinga.cronk.admin right. This lets you edit and delete cronks created from others
* JSLint rewrite of CronkUtil.js. Changed duplicate open cronk
* Oracle SQL schema file fix (missing lines)
* Removed gz compression (optional configuration possible) - refs #2660
* Wed Jun 20 2012 imported upstream version 1.7.1
* Misc commands with field COMMAND_DATA (e.g. Downtimes)
* Oracle SQL initial dump (Thank Tommi) #2584
* Duration fixes in grid views
* Translation fixes
* PGSQL sequence fixes
* Fixed IE crashing trailing comma of dead(TM)
* Fixes for info icons
* Removed redundant joins
* JS mising function in Date fixes #2660
* Mon Jun 18 2012 fixed readme
* Fri Jun 15 2012 updated the example mysql db creation script, it granted the user icinga_web access to all dbs - so please check the permissions of your mysql icinga_web user- updated the readme - mysql db creation in detail, missing pgsql information, better distinguishable topics
* Mon Jun 11 2012 added more information to the readme
* Thu Jun 07 2012 added upstream fix for the login delay added an compatibility fix for IE8 - thanks to mopp
* Tue Jun 05 2012 added README.SUSE - thanks to mopp
* Tue Jun 05 2012 the db schema has changed, check /usr/share/doc/packages/icinga-web/README.SUSE how to upgrade it- imported upstream version 1.7.0
* Control custom cronk creation #2456 (Database upgrade required to 1.7)
* Let modify cronk by component #2457
* Added DQL-Views as backend for templates ( #2178 #2426 #2459 #2368 #2056 ) - Better performance when using multiple credentials - see
* Overwriting of default cronks are now possible #2494 - Standalone configuration only module
* New Cronk which shows agavi/icinga-web configuration only for appkit_admins #2494
* icinga-web release version in database #2096 SELECT
* from nsm_db_version;
* Checking for XSL before running #2564
* Clearcache script configurable #2383
* Strip down library overhead for installation
* Random password generation of auth provider #2578
* Wed Mar 07 2012 Fixed SLES 10 pnp_integration building issue
* Fri Mar 02 2012 Imported Upstream version 1.6.2
* Default reporting cronk for admins only
* Disabled tackle per default #2275 (not ready yet)
* LDAP TLS feature #1980
* Logout for HTTP BASIC AUTH #1005
* Cleaner configuration way, more overwrites #2080
* Analogue head summary counts to classic interface #2159, #2328
* Manual refresh counter for head cronks
* New security layer for new api (DOCTRINE filter chain) #2297
* Removed useless SQL counts for views: history, logs, notification
* Fixed old JS objects the JSHINT way (performance, IE compat)
* Added tackle components for object info #2132
* Some UI enhancements (congruent icons, label and locations) #1558
* More logging, verbose query logging #2277
* New \"simple\" searchbox #2353
* Show downtime type (fixed, flexible) #2076
* Group inheritance, load group data from tree #2370- Moved clearcache to /usr/sbin/icinga-web-clearcache- Removed all other /usr/share/icinga-web/bin files (following upstream)- Fixed SLES 10 BPAddon building issue- Fixed SLES 11 SP2 building issue
* Fri Feb 17 2012 added nagios-rpm-macros for Icinga paths and names- excluded BPAddon files from icinga-web package
* Tue Jan 17 2012 recommend pnp4nagios for pnp_integration- replaced static pathes in access.xml
* Thu Jan 05 2012 execute after installation- allowed apache to write into /usr/share/icinga-web/app/modules/Reporting/data- removed rpmlintrc since it is not really needed for icinga-web- some spec file optimizations (removed other distro entries, ran spec-cleaner, used %{name} more often)
* Thu Dec 22 2011 imported Upstream version 1.6.1
* Sun Dec 04 2011 imported Upstream version 1.6.0
* Fri Sep 16 2011 initial version 1.5.2- changed configure to use /var/log/icinga-web for logs- changed configure to use /etc/icinga-web for config files
* Sat Aug 27 2011 initial version 1.5.1- added icinga-web-fixlogdir.patch- removed icinga-api dependency
* Mon Jul 11 2011 using the Build Service SourceService for the tarball- fixed icinga dependency
* Thu Jun 09 2011 added db update notification
* Wed Jun 08 2011 initial version 1.4.1
* Thu May 19 2011 initial version 1.4.0- fixed the mysql creation script
* Tue Apr 19 2011 cleaned up mysql db creation script
* Thu Mar 31 2011 initial version 1.3.1
* Tue Mar 08 2011 add apache user to cmdgroup
* Thu Mar 03 2011 fixed cmd path- added simple script to initialize the mysql icinga_web db
* Mon Feb 28 2011 initial package 1.3.0- fixed web path- updated apache icinga-web file- added some addtional dependencies and recommends- added a patch to fix wrong sheebangs and a windows text file
* Wed Feb 16 2011 do not find Requires automatically to avoid dependency to /usr/bin/php
* Mon Feb 14 2011 enable icinga-web via apache serverflag in /etc/sysconfig/apache2 during first installation
* Fri Feb 11 2011 initial package 1.2.1