Changelog for
coppermine-1.5.48-2.1.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Jan 13 2021 Fix build configuration
* Sun Dec 08 2019 Build version 1.5.48
* Fixed XSS issue (CVE-2018-14478)
* Updated header information to reflect current year
* Fixed white screens with low privileged users clicking into open albums when using theme \"curve\" (thread ID 79283)
* Updated Japanese language file (user contribution)
* Added support for custom MySQL server port to vBulletin bridge (thread ID 78918)- Clean-up spec
* Fri Nov 09 2018 Build version 1.5.46 - Release of cpg1.5.46 {eenemeenemuu} - Updated header information to reflect current year {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed possible directory traversal vulnerability (thread ID 78978) {eenemeenemuu} - Release of cpg1.5.44 {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed possible arbitrary shell command execution {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed possible SQL injection vulnerabilities {eenemeenemuu} - Replaced hard-coded number \"10000\" with constant \"FIRST_USER_CAT\" (thread ID 78848) {eenemeenemuu} - Added new options to hidden feature \"sort order of albums\" (thread ID 78795) {eenemeenemuu} - Updated link in credits page (thread ID 78727) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed zip upload of plugins for 64 bit PHP (thread ID 78710) {eenemeenemuu} - Counted version count up in SVN repository from cpg1.5.42 to cpg1.5.43 {eenemeenemuu} - Release of cpg1.5.42 {eenemeenemuu} - Added new cpg_db_
* functions (thread ID 77214 & 78699) {eenemeenemuu} - Changed default color of flash upload button (thread ID 77179) {eenemeenemuu} - Changed redirection target if classic installer is locked {eenemeenemuu} - Removed PHP notices in classic installer {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed preview pictures in batch-add interface (thread ID 78626) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed install wizard step 9 for some PHP versions (thread ID 78388 & 78513) {ron4mac} - Updated header information to reflect current year {eenemeenemuu} - Removed superfluous code in function \"UnsharpMask\" {eenemeenemuu} - Counted version count up in SVN repository from cpg1.5.40 to cpg1.5.41 {eenemeenemuu} - Release of cpg1.5.40 {eenemeenemuu} - Updated header information to reflect current year {eenemeenemuu} - Added hidden feature to display confirmation message when adding/removing pictures to/from favorites (thread ID 78394) {eenemeenemuu} - Better double vote prevention if detailed vote statistics are enabled in the config {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed broken referrer feature (thread ID 78385) {eenemeenemuu} - Added hidden feature to set default value for album property \"Visitors can upload files\" (thread ID 78355) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed not processed variable in db_input.php (thread ID 78348) {eenemeenemuu} - Updated Finnish language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu} - Counted version count up in SVN repository from cpg1.5.38 to cpg1.5.39 {eenemeenemuu} - Release of cpg1.5.38 {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed database error if meta albums are viewed with invalid or missing parameters (thread ID 78067) {eenemeenemuu} - Added hidden feature to adjust log file retention (thread ID 78309) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed album sort order for \"first level\" albums (thread ID 77314) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed GIF support check when resizing images (thread ID 78279) {eenemeenemuu} - Counted version count up in SVN repository from cpg1.5.36 to cpg1.5.37 {eenemeenemuu} - Preparation for hidden features plugin to display button next to album drop-down box to display only empty albums (thread ID 77824) {eenemeenemuu} - Added hidden feature to hide file count and disk space usage in user manager to increase performance (thread ID 78129) {eenemeenemuu} - Updated onlinestats plugin: fixed MySQL error (thread ID 77521) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed watermarking issue in admin tools (thread ID 78212) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed batch-add interface if directory name contains specific strings (thread ID 78202) {eenemeenemuu}
* Tue Jun 16 2015 Build version 1.5.36 - Fixes [bnc#934346]: - CVE-2015-3923: coppermine: directory enumeration vulnerability - Fixed various security vulnerabilities (thread ID 78158) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed typo in French docs (thread ID 78188) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed database error for non-existing files (thread ID 78067) {eenemeenemuu} - Made phpBB 3 bridge compatible with phpBB version 3.1.x (thread ID 78055) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed icon when deleting picture from an album (thread ID 78036) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed XSS issue (thread ID 77880) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed XSS issue (thread ID 77831) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed comment form submit for Android browser {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed several issues with file path names on batch-add (thread ID 77820 & 77823) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed pre-selection of files for Windows driven systems on batch-add interface (thread ID 77834) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed issue with user gallery pagination (thread ID 77790) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed displaying wrong image issue (thread ID 77705) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed default value for columns that use the MySQL datatype \"datetime\" (thread ID 77646) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed display of not allowed file types that already exist in the gallery (thread ID 77381) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed batch add interface issue when selecting folder (thread ID 77442) {eenemeenemuu} - Allow access to update.php if gallery is in offline mode (thread ID 77485) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed wrong display of albums in not displayed sub categories (thread ID 77464 & 77470) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed utilization of CSS class \'middlethumb\' on film strip (thread ID 77353) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed XSS issue {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed several issues with keywords manager {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed function \'starttable\' in theme \'curve\' to make fully compatible with plugin hook \'search_form\' {eenemeenemuu} - Don\'t redirect to registration form after login (thread ID 77140) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed album and file count if category contains currently not displayed sub-categories (thread ID 60827 & 76914) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed album and file count if category contains private albums {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed reference to documentation in config {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed misleading template error message {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed permission check if users aren\'t allowed to upload to public albums (thread ID 76979) {eenemeenemuu} - Updated SWFUpload to fix several XSS issues (thread ID 76930) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed XSS issue (thread ID 76930) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed smiley detection in theme directory (thread ID 76746) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed XSS issue (thread ID 76830) {eenemeenemuu} - Removed references to constants THEME_HAS_VANITY_GRAPHICS and THEME_IS_XHTML10_TRANSITIONAL, as they didn\'t worked as intended {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed clickable keyword list content (thread ID 76793) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed regex check for \"The content of the main page\" in config (thread ID 76317) {eenemeenemuu} - Extended captcha_plugin_enabled function to distinguish various forms {eenemeenemuu} - Added PHP4-replacement of function htmlspecialchars_decode to fix email issues (thread ID 76665) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed strict standards warning messages (thread ID 76493) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed possible issue when searching for image titles (thread ID 76393) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed error message when removing favorite pictures (thread ID 76549) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed custom menu link icon (thread ID 76418) {eenemeenemuu} - Added missing plugin hooks to theme \'curve\' (thread ID 75613) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed accent issues on keyword manager (thread ID 76226) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed possible missing parameter error during registration process (thread ID 76112) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed registration process if \"personal_album_on_registration\" is enabled (related to thread ID 74187) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed edit files button next to public albums if user isn\'t allowed to create albums, but can upload files (thread ID 75545) {eenemeenemuu} - Fixed album drop-down box options for guests (thread ID 75905) {eenemeenemuu}
* Wed Jan 16 2013 build version 1.5.22
* Tue Apr 17 2012 Build version 1.5.20- Install directory is now /srv/www/coppermine as it\'s more logical
* Mon Aug 08 2011 build version 1.5.14
* Sat Dec 18 2010 build version 1.5.10
* Mon Jun 28 2010 build version 1.5.6
* Sun Feb 14 2010 build version 1.4.26
* Fri Jul 03 2009 build version 1.4.25
* Fri Jun 19 2009 build version 1.4.24
* Fri Apr 03 2009 build version 1.4.21