Changelog for php-pear-DB_DataObject-1.11.5-1.40.noarch.rpm :
* Mon Dec 09 2019 Arjen de Korte - use correct macro to reference metadata (boo#1158112)- regenerate spec from template- make package PHP version independent * Sat Aug 19 2017 ecsosAATTopensuse.org- New upstream release 1.11.5 Minor feature and fix release. * Changes - force usage of tableName - rather than direct access to __table - autoJoin: check joined tables against database structure * Bugs - #20536 - generator spaces after dataobject variables * Feature requests - #20540 - support empty extends_location so that no require_once is generated by Generator- Changes from 1.11.4 Minor feature and fix release. (Basically a yearly release now..) - #20291 Ignored in update $dao->field = 0 (fix bad check for null) - #20149 - correct free for linked objects / more detailed error reporting on update error - #19962 - Cannot insert or update when part of a reference in multi-key case is NULL by vtamma - #19973 - accept START TRANSACTION as an alias for BEGIN - suport for useindex (mysql only) and - #19922 - pear error not being set in static property. - fix static infront of depricated staticget() method and fix call to PEAR:: static calls. - Fix some static errors that are now fatal unfortunatly... - fix building of autojoin when using distinct columns- Changes from 1.11.3 Minor feature and fix release. (Basically a yearly release now..) - #19922 - fix for pear error not being set in static property. - #19973 - accept START TRANSACTION as an alias for BEGIN - #19962 - Cannot insert or update when part of a reference in multi-key case is NULL by vtamma - #20149 - correct free for linked objects / more detailed error reporting on update error - fix building of autojoin when using distinct columns- Changes from 1.11.2 (re-release of 1.11.0 - to fix archive tar issue. / fix dependancy) Minor feature and fix release. (Basically a yearly release now..) * Dependancies - MDB2 and DB are now optional dependancies, although one of them is required. * AutoJoin - improvements - support sqlValue and DB_DataObject_Cast values in setFrom() - correct filtering - diff and intersect... so additional cols do not get injected by exclude.. - autoJoin( \"exclude\" => array( \"col1\", \"col2\") ) should now exclude the columns from selectAdd/As - correctly handle include in autojoin - based on derived column names - autojoin now supports include and distinct, and returns count as the column to count on + handles Closure on debugging output of config * Other Changes - add limited support for building derived table queries - which can speed up mysql queries hugely when using distinct/limit * Removed / changed / depricated - remove PHP4 support - Make staticGet depricated in generator and main code (move to end of file with rest of depricated stuff.. * Minor fixes - fix signature on depricated staticGet method - fix typo in links code DO::getLinks() - fix is_a syntax error - RTFM might be a good idea - check return value from generator - remove blob test from stringtostring code.. * Bug Fixes - #19697 - str_replace only if needed to reduce memory - and move staticAutoloadTAble to depricated section - #19637 - strip support with regex broke boolean settings - #19640 - indentation not correct on generator - #19500 - use same way that pear db mssql driver quotes for regular strings (tidy up) - #19500 - support for mssql in DataObject Cast - #19505 - simplify the proxy loading code detection and usage. - #19479 - simpler test should do the job - #19479 - link loaded test was incorrect - #19475 - comment out a few echos that got left in- Changes from 1.11.1 (re-release of 1.11.0 - to fix archive tar issue.) Minor feature and fix release. (Basically a yearly release now..) * Dependancies - MDB2 and DB are now optional dependancies, although one of them is required. * AutoJoin - improvements - support sqlValue and DB_DataObject_Cast values in setFrom() - correct filtering - diff and intersect... so additional cols do not get injected by exclude.. - autoJoin( \"exclude\" => array( \"col1\", \"col2\") ) should now exclude the columns from selectAdd/As - correctly handle include in autojoin - based on derived column names - autojoin now supports include and distinct, and returns count as the column to count on + handles Closure on debugging output of config * Other Changes - add limited support for building derived table queries - which can speed up mysql queries hugely when using distinct/limit * Removed / changed / depricated - remove PHP4 support - Make staticGet depricated in generator and main code (move to end of file with rest of depricated stuff.. * Minor fixes - fix signature on depricated staticGet method - fix typo in links code DO::getLinks() - fix is_a syntax error - RTFM might be a good idea - check return value from generator - remove blob test from stringtostring code.. * Bug Fixes - #19697 - str_replace only if needed to reduce memory - and move staticAutoloadTAble to depricated section - #19637 - strip support with regex broke boolean settings - #19640 - indentation not correct on generator - #19500 - use same way that pear db mssql driver quotes for regular strings (tidy up) - #19500 - support for mssql in DataObject Cast - #19505 - simplify the proxy loading code detection and usage. - #19479 - simpler test should do the job - #19479 - link loaded test was incorrect - #19475 - comment out a few echos that got left in- Changes from 1.11.0 Minor feature and fix release. (Basically a yearly release now..) * Dependancies - MDB2 and DB are now optional dependancies, although one of them is required. * AutoJoin - improvements - support sqlValue and DB_DataObject_Cast values in setFrom() - correct filtering - diff and intersect... so additional cols do not get injected by exclude.. - autoJoin( \"exclude\" => array( \"col1\", \"col2\") ) should now exclude the columns from selectAdd/As - correctly handle include in autojoin - based on derived column names - autojoin now supports include and distinct, and returns count as the column to count on + handles Closure on debugging output of config * Other Changes - add limited support for building derived table queries - which can speed up mysql queries hugely when using distinct/limit * Removed / changed / depricated - remove PHP4 support - Make staticGet depricated in generator and main code (move to end of file with rest of depricated stuff.. * Minor fixes - fix signature on depricated staticGet method - fix typo in links code DO::getLinks() - fix is_a syntax error - RTFM might be a good idea - check return value from generator - remove blob test from stringtostring code.. * Bug Fixes - #19697 - str_replace only if needed to reduce memory - and move staticAutoloadTAble to depricated section - #19637 - strip support with regex broke boolean settings - #19640 - indentation not correct on generator - #19500 - use same way that pear db mssql driver quotes for regular strings (tidy up) - #19500 - support for mssql in DataObject Cast - #19505 - simplify the proxy loading code detection and usage. - #19479 - simpler test should do the job - #19479 - link loaded test was incorrect - #19475 - comment out a few echos that got left in- Changes from 1.10.0 Major feature and fix release. - Fix transactions - query(BEGIN) did not actually run when called. - Refactor Link and join code - link code moved to DB_DataObject_Link, new option generate_link_methods, new method link() - make the links option work with autojoin, add setter feature to links() - support links option on autojoin - add support for excluded columns on autoJoin - more detailed check on assigning numbers in link() - new link syntax in generated methods - make links() support same array syntax as joinAdd(), and change links() to support input as func_get_args() for the second argument, cleans up wrapper code.. - support joinAdd(array(\"local_col\", $dataObject, \"remote_col\"), \"LEFT\"), extra debugging on count(), and case sensitive checking on numRows (not sure if that was needed..) - remove notes relating to MDB as they are not relivant anymore - SVN/git has new directory layout - Add pid() - a quick way to get the value from the primary \"id\" column of the database - add sqlValue() - a factory method to create a DB_DataObject_Cast Object - nice warning on failed to write to temporary file - fixes to correctly support portability in selectAs() - fixes to correctly support portability in joinAdd - lower case links and ini during load, when portability set, fix handling in joinAdd - add experimental support for posgresql introspected native keys - move assignment to error in raiseError after it actually happens, this should ensure _lastError gets set correctly as the aliased setting does not appear to work very well.. - find() will return false when an error occurs (rather than 0) - #18995 - Remove error_reporting settings from tests (closes bug #18995). - #18931 - typos in comments - rasmus would appreciate this one... (depreciated to depricated) - support ini_database in foreign key generation, and regex matching on strip schema - document change to generator_strip_schema which now supports regexp to strip from matching schemas - add support for portability in tableName() - most references to tablename will now call tablename, so that code working on mysql can work on postgres, where tables are mixed case in mysql. - document build_views change - support _TEXT type (postgres view returns this.) - support build_views=schema.views for building dataobjects from views with schemas - #18767 - use argv0 for the usage line, and ensure that is is run from cli sapi- Changes from 1.9.6 Small fix release. - #18749 - Fix is_a() for 5.3.7+ due to php-core stupidity - #18602 - optimize fetch - thanks to shadesofgraylin - #18605 - optimize sprintf in toArray() - #18446 - use table() method rather than accessing static global. - toArray support for only returning returned columns use \"0\" as the second parameter - allow tableless dataobject connect() call to work - disable overload using DB_DATAOBJECT_NO_OVERLOAD on PHP5 - Im supprised no one ever noticed this - overload is EVIL ;) - Add autoJoin method, which will build a full join with all related tables. - #16867 - fix doc comments - change to public methods for the ones that are supposed to be overridden - #17637 - fix detection of non-existant links files resulting in defaulting to autolinks- renamed package to php7-pear-DB_DataObject * Mon Feb 13 2012 cooloAATTsuse.com- patch license to follow spdx.org standard * Thu Jan 20 2011 chrisAATTcomputersalat.de- change to php_pear_gen_filelist macro * Wed Jan 19 2011 chrisAATTcomputersalat.de- update to 1.9.5 - fix bug #17554 - update when id=0 (or primary key is 0) thanks to the persistance of Jacek Pawlowski- 1.9.4 - #17508 - whereAddIn used wrong method to quote strings - #6202 - better docs on getLinkArray - needs documentation as well really.. - #17343 - tidy up padding code, - fix alignnment of comments in generated files (Original Patch by madsliejensen) - #17289 - fix sequence_ = XXXXX (madsliejensen) - #17157 - use property_exists in newer versions of php.- for mor info see ChangeLog http://pear.php.net/package/DB_DataObject/download/All- added php-macros- added rpmlintrc o addFilter: non-executable-script * Tue Nov 10 2009 chrisAATTcomputersalat.de- new version 1.8.12 - Changed Error and Cast Licence to 3.01 to keep Debian/Ubuntu happy. o version 1.8.11 - Licence changed to 3.01 to keep Debian/Ubuntu happy. - Change order of preference for links in JoinAdd - prefer called table links over jointo table. - Retry support for connection failure on queries - Factory now uses \'/\' for database/table seperator (experimental) - Fix INSERT on Postresql with empty data. * Sat May 30 2009 chrisAATTcomputersalat.de- fixed deps (removed) o because optional o Requires php-pear-MDB2 >= 2.0.0RC1 o Requires php-pear-Validate >= 0.1.1 * Sat May 30 2009 chrisAATTcomputersalat.de- fixed post script * Thu May 21 2009 chrisAATTcomputersalat.de- added stuff to automatically create correct filelist o tested against Factory (1120) o opensuse >= 1100 complains about \"directory not owned by package\"- some rpmlint stuff * Tue May 19 2009 chrisAATTcomputersalat.de- initial package - 1.8.10