Changelog for nextcloud-29.0.3-230.1.noarch.rpm :
* Tue Jun 25 2024 ecsos - Update to 29.0.3 - Fix(settings): show warning for indexToReplace as part of missing indices (server#44675) - Fix(appconfig): format app values (server#44894) - Fix(files): Display selected files count (server#44909) - Fix: regression with updating read-only config (server#44927) - Fix(auth): Keep redirect URL during 2FA setup and challenge (server#44977) - Feat: Add legal notice and privacy policy links to help page (server#44988) - 44032 fix show new shares without refresh (server#45304) - Avoid updating the same oc_authtoken row twice (server#45348) - Feat: Add `forbidden_filename_characters` to JSConfig for use in frontend libraries (server#45379) - Fix: register DI alias for IFileAccess (server#45476) - Fix(dav): Rate limit address book creation (server#45543) - CalDAV fix search with limit and time range (server#45566) - Fix(theming): replace standard generic package icon by material design (server#45577) - Unmark deleted users if their last login date is more recent than deleted date (server#45587) - Fix(files): Don’t fail if dir exists (server#45590) - Fix(files): Ensure active file list entry is highlighted (server#45597) - Fix: Update `AATTnextcloud/files` to fix public link shares (server#45601) - Fix(session): Do not update authtoken last_check for passwordless (server#45602) - Fix(core): unsupported browser redirect url (server#45621) - Fix(caldav): automatically delete outdated scheduling objects (server#45641) - Fix(core): Add missing null value possibility to Resource and Reference richObject (server#45644) - Fix(INavigationManager): Fix psalm alias not set in the right place (server#45645) - Fix(files): Close sidebar and update fileid when current node is deleted (server#45659) - Fix(Mailer): Allow to enforce strict email format (server#45660) - Fix(files): Only execute default action if there is an action to perform (server#45662) - Fix(files): reset menu pos when opening in grid mode (server#45666) - Fix(federatedfilesharing): import external federated share script (server#45675) - Fix(files_sharing): usage of NcTextField in SelectShareFolderDialogue (server#45690) - Fix(Session): avoid password confirmation on SSO (server#45705) - Fix(files): Make sure files are opened when using `open-in-files` action(s) or at lease are scrolled into view (server#45728) - Ci(eol): update workflow from template (server#45734) - Fix(dav): Don’t log access control as error (server#45756) - Fix(files): handling numbered type owner name & id (server#45764) - Fix(settings): Use axios directly for health check to preven URL sanitizing (server#45765) - Fix: Only list remnants as disabled if option is enabled (server#45773) - Fix: Autodetect legacy filekey instead of trusting the header for legacy header (server#45778) - Fix(search): tags redirect route (server#45791) - Fix(caldav): event links in shared calendar notifications (server#45800) - Use isRetryable to catch retryable exceptions (server#45808) - Fix(Token): make new scope future compatible (server#45809) - Fix(cron): Log long running jobs (server#45813) - Fix(files_sharing): fix parsing of remote shares (server#45816) - Test: add tests for ProfilePageController (server#45821) - Fix(files): also trigger new tab on file name middle click (server#45826) - Fix(files): do not rely on unique fileid (server#45837) - Fix(ObjectStore): Fix regression when hostname is empty (server#45840) - Get child ids for folder in a separate query during move (server#45851) - Feat: add option to disable scanner transactions (server#45856) - Fix(files): Ignore right click for default action (server#45862) - Show non writable folders during move or copy (server#45864) - Fix(comments): Use proper icon components instead of icon classes to fix dark mode (server#45871) - Fix(theming): also apply enforced theme for guests (server#45904) - Fix(deleteAction): Bump up delete requests concurrency to 5 (server#45907) - Ci: use precise ref for 3rdparty check (server#45928) - Fix(files): correctly import WebDAV client in files store (server#45942) - Fix: move repair mimetype repair step to the expensive steps (server#45966) - Fix(dav): Limit number of UPDATES for sync token created_at (server#45991) - Fix(Token): add FILESYSTEM scope with SCOPE_SKIP_PASSWORD_VALIDATION (server#46075) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump adm-zip from 0.5.12 to 0.5.14 (files_pdfviewer#977) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1236) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.12 to 5.2.13 (firstrunwizard#1242) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#343) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1933) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1941) - Fix(browser): Don’t create web notifications for old notifications (notifications#1945) - Fix: separate creation of browser notifications and sounds from Vue rendering (notifications#1948) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#429) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#434) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#614) - Ci: automate ocp updates (serverinfo#622) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (survey_client#281) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5854) - Fix(table): Fix readonly detection in vue components (text#5857) - Test(cypress): Fix selector for new button in files app (text#5860) - Fix(locks): only lock when editing (text#5865) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5883) - Reset all sessions (in occ command and on upgrade) (text#5889) - Fix: Ignore pushes of update steps for read only sessions (text#5896) - Truncate tables and rename documents folder on reset (text#5921) - Properly save old route when opening the viewer (viewer#2326) - Fix: Add missing generateUrl (viewer#2329) * Thu Jun 06 2024 ecsos - Update to 29.0.2 - Fix(files): Focus filename input in new-node dialog when opened (server#44852) - Enh(metadata): migrate metadata to lazy appconfig (server#44899) - Fix(comments): Fix issues thrown by comments sidebar tab code (server#44903) - Feat: add request id as comment to all queries (server#44959) - Fix: fix FileAccess::getByFileId(InStorage) (server#45158) - Fix(userstatus): catch unique constrain violation on revert (server#45206) - Perf(db): Sort data for IN before chunking (server#45215) - Expose subscription calendars (server#45224) - Fix(contactsmenu): empty content margin (server#45427) - Fix header menu icon color (server#45430) - Fix: Mark more configs as sensitive (server#45443) - Feat: Add back searching in disabled user list (server#45477) - Respect empty `expiryDate` value in server (server#45483) - Fix(db): Log long transaction times at debug level (server#45522) - Fix: forbid moving a folder into a subfolder of itself (server#45529) - Fix(files): Implement `SortingService` to fix sorting of files (server#45534) - Fix(db): Prevent two connections for single node databases (server#45541) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.11.3 (bruteforcesettings#604) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 (files_pdfviewer#949) - Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#953) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1230) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.11 to 5.2.12 (firstrunwizard#1232) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#340) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1931) - Fix(faces): Fix call to Viewer.open (photos#2476) - Fix: add typecast for mimetype (photos#2495) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#424) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#609) - Test(cypress): Avoid failure when editor is updated on webdav requests (text#5774) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5831) - Fix(preview): prev token can be undefined in `isPreviewLinkInParagraph` (text#5835) - Fix: smartpicker set links for selected text (text#5836) - Cleanup `_oc_webroot` stubs where possible (text#5841) - Test(cy): rely on AATTnextcloud/axios for requests (text#5844)- Changes from 29.0.1 - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#44564) - Fix npm audit (server#44590) - Fix(sharingDetails): Show correct share target (server#44918) - Chore: Fix update-psalm-baseline to use correct php version depending on branch (server#44956) - Support multiple scopes in DAV search (server#44969) - Fix(unifiedSearch): Prevent broken avatars for federated users in peo… (server#44972) - Fix(memcache): remove double $$ to fix error (server#44981) - Fix(provisioning_api): Show warning but do not fail when listing accounts in case of users removed from backend but still in database (server#44985) - Fix(DAV): Migrate known exceptions to Sabre exceptions when copying (server#45018) - Fix: chunked upload leading to 0-byte files (server#45040) - Fix(CalDAV): remove UNKNOWN from room / resource consideration (server#45053) - Feat: support “s3-accelerate” endpoint (server#45056) - Fix: Remove bogus code from query builder and fix parameter name (server#45104) - Fix(files): Fix ownership transfer encrypted files detection (server#45105) - Fix(setupchecks): Fix opcache buffer check (server#45106) - Fix: Fix default values for ini var in lib/base.php (server#45107) - Fix(user_ldap): Fix a var name (server#45108) - Retry smb notify test a few times (server#45148) - Fix(icons): Update files icon (server#45171) - Fix(session): Avoid race condition for cache::get() vs. cache::hasKey() (server#45192) - Fix(OC_Image): Set correct return type for exif_imagetype stub (server#45199) - Fix(User\\Manager): Avoid future collisions with updater/audit logs (server#45202) - Fix(settings): Save one HTTP request on enabling an app (server#45204) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#45208) - Fix(userstatus): Fix docs of user status manager (server#45231) - Fix(Router): Stop loading routes of disabled apps (server#45246) - Fix(files): handle multidimensional arrays in scanner (server#45279) - Fix(setupCheck): Only warn when memcache present w/o memcached (server#45283) - Fix(SetupChecks): Detect CLI mode in HTTPS / URL generator check (server#45284) - Fix: consider all paths the user has for a share source when considering max permissions (server#45293) - Update pdf icon (server#45296) - Fix(caldav): loop through all events for busy events (server#45313) - Fix(search): Limit maximum number of search results (server#45318) - Fix: Correctly check result of function (server#45322) - Revert: “Check datadirectory owner, not config owner.” (server#45326) - Perf(deleteAction): Queue delete requests (server#45328) - Fix(preview): check mime type before processing with Imagick (server#45337) - Fix: Extend SVG reference check (server#45341) - Fix: add ldap_exop_passwd function to sensitive value (server#45360) - Fix: delete user credentials stored in storages_credentials when user gets deleted (server#45363) - Fix(groups): allows to save group names with more than 64 characters (server#45367) - Hide ‘updater.server.url’ As It May Contain Enterprise Key (server#45373) - Fix(db): Prevent data loss by temporarily disabling `db:convert-type` (server#45469) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1631) - Fix npm audit (activity#1633) - Fix(tests): Fix selecting the correct tagging field (activity#1645) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 (bruteforcesettings#581) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (bruteforcesettings#593) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (bruteforcesettings#594) - Updating 2 workflows from template (bruteforcesettings#597) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (circles#1541) - Fix npm audit (files_downloadlimit#261) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (files_pdfviewer#963) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.11.1 to 8.11.2 (firstrunwizard#1167) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1171) - Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1172) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (firstrunwizard#1196) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/vite-config from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 (firstrunwizard#1198) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (firstrunwizard#1199) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.8 to 5.2.11 (firstrunwizard#1201) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.11.3 (firstrunwizard#1217) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1222) - Fix: LogIterator duplicates and drops log entries (logreader#1237) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#328) - Fix: Correctly check result of function (nextcloud_announcements#333) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (notifications#1899) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (notifications#1900) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.11.3 (notifications#1919) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1922) - Fix npm audit (photos#2419) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2423) - Feat: Allow multiple source folders (photos#2446) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2472) - Fix(SizeMetadataProvider): Swap the width and height if the image is rotated (photos#2479) - Fix npm audit (privacy#1056) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (privacy#1069) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (privacy#1070) - Fix npm audit (recommendations#730) - Fix npm audit (related_resources#390) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#393) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#418) - Fix: handle disabled shell_exec (serverinfo#600) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#605) - Update dependency (survey_client#269) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (suspicious_login#864) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.3.1 (text#5642) - Fix(links): 5539 close link bubble on click outside (text#5694) - Chore(deps): update cypress (text#5708) - Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to ^2.15.2 (text#5709) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.11 (text#5710) - Feat: disable spellcheck inside code blocks (text#5711) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.1 (text#5713) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/files to ^3.2.1 (text#5714) - Fix(description): 5688 no need to encode filename (text#5719) - Fix(editor): requestAnimationFrame in onResize callbacks (text#5753) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/browserslist-config to ^3.0.1 (text#5760) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.23.1 (text#5761) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/router to ^3.0.1 (text#5762) - Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.6.15 (text#5763) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/babel-config to ^1.1.1 (text#5764) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/auth to ^2.3.0 (text#5765) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/axios to ^2.5.0 (text#5766) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/browser-storage to ^0.4.0 (text#5767) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/event-bus to ^3.2.0 (text#5768) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/initial-state to ^2.2.0 (text#5769) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.23.2 (text#5783) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^8.11.3 (text#5788) - Fix(deps): update dependency y-prosemirror to ^1.2.5 (text#5789) - Fix(deps): update dependency y-websocket to ^2.0.3 (text#5790) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.3.2 (text#5791) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5796) - Fix: Correctly check result of function (updater#557) - Fix npm audit (viewer#2300)- Changes from 29.0.0 - Get access list share by email recipients (server#32631) - Added –enabled and –disabled options to occ app:list (server#33546) - Allow to specify allowed groups to share instead of excluded groups (server#34115) - Modernize mime typeloader (server#36252) - Feat: Reword login form disabled warning #37949 (server#37953) - Occ: Add `–all` support to `user:lastseen` (server#39669) - Add some recrusive detection/prevention (server#39990) - Refactor `OC\\Server::getCapabilitiesManager` (server#40115) - Refactor `OC\\Server::getCloudFederationFactory` (server#40116) - Refactor `OC\\Server::getCommentsManager` (server#40117) - Refactor `OC\\Server::getRootFolder` (server#40123) - Refactor `OC\\Server::getThemingDefaults` (server#40125) - Refactor `OC\\Server::getTwoFactorAuthManager` (server#40127) - Refactor `OC\\Server::getShareManager` (server#40131) - Refactor `OC\\Server::getGetRedisFactory` (server#40136) - Refactor `OC\\Server::getHasher` (server#40138) - Refactor `OC\\Server::getLazyRootFolder` (server#40142) - Refactor `OC\\Server::getLockdownManager` (server#40143) - Refactor `OC\\Server::getLockingProvider` (server#40144) - More comprehensive wording for devices wipe action (server#40161) - Respect custom webroot in setup form (server#41189) - Add mimetype for ReStructuredText (server#41684) - Use correct mode constant of files:scan’s –path option (server#41973) - Handle copy of live photos (server#42170) - Deprecated sysconfig ‘enable_file_metadata’ (server#42628) - Declarative settings (server#42661) - Enh(metadata): store current file etag (server#42707) - Fix: always add user to group cache (server#42931) - Fix(settings): `posix_getpwuid` can return `false` which should not be accessed like an array (server#43334) - Enh(appconfig): only try to insert new value if in doubt (server#43425) - Feat: add `PATCH` HTTP Verb Support To `IClient` Interface & its HTTP Client Implementation (server#43446) - Chore: Migrate samba `files_external` test from drone to github (server#43516) - Minor syntax update (server#43534) - Feat(files_reminders): Add reminder status indicator (server#43589) - Fix: fallback from guessing the owner from path in versioning (server#43613) - Fixes for getting the filename in the FileInfo class (server#43652) - Fix CSP for script-src with nonce on edge (server#43778) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump exports-loader from 4.0.0 to 5.0.0 (server#43806) - Add ability to cancel a scheduled transcription (server#43862) - Fix(provisioning_api): Fix AppInfo schema for OpenAPI (server#43877) - Feat(appconfig): storing integrity check result as a lazy config value (server#43907) - Fix: changed login-page to reflect correct LDAP settings (server#43946) - Fix(filecache): Move from array_merge to avoid memory exhaustion on large scans (server#43982) - Use the proper path to check if a file needs to be copied/moved to the actual target storage (server#43983) - Fix: Avoid clear cache with prefix (server#43992) - Fix default text processing provider in AI settings (server#43993) - Perf: improve performance of resolving group shares (server#44004) - Feat: Adding PublicSectorBundle (server#44011) - Fix/caldav/eventcomparisionservice uses wrong array comparison (server#44017) - Feat: show the id of last author in versions metadata (server#44049) - Fix(files): properly reset preview component (server#44062) - Refactor: depricate getNumberOfUnreadCommentsForFolder and redo it’s … (server#44064) - Migrate header check to setupcheck API (server#44067) - Split live photo listener to extract trashbin specific code into its own listener (server#44069) - Fix(AppManager): Allow to query dark * *or * * bright icon (server#44073) - Fix(updatenotification): Adjust tests for changed IAppConfig (server#44074) - Fix(dav): Add retention time to sync token cleanup (server#44075) - Use viewer to open files still on the simple widget (server#44076) - Fix(settings): Adjust order of parameters for `runRequest` (server#44082) - Revert “files_versions: add missing null check” (server#44083) - [master] Fix npm audit (server#44091) - Feat: Refactor app & account management UI code (server#44092) - Fix(cron): Fix Cron misrepresenting itself as console (server#44094) - Chore(deps): bump query-string from 8.2.0 to 9.0.0 (server#44102) - Chore(deps-dev): bump AATTtypes/dockerode from 3.3.24 to 3.3.26 (server#44103) - Feat: author displayname and avatar on versions (server#44109) - Test(dav): Add unit test for no calendars/subscription limit (server#44117) - Fix(theming): fix incorrectly inverted favicons (server#44119) - Feat: Apps discover section (server#44129) - Fix(dav): Add occ command to fix missing caldav sync tokens (server#44130) - Fix: don’t return null for SharedStorage::getWrapperStorage with share recursion (server#44132) - Chore(deps): bump `AATTnextcloud/vue` from 8.9.1 to 8.10.0 (server#44134) - Docs(config.sample.php): Warn that `updatedirectory` will break updates if set to a value within the installation folder (server#44138) - Fix(files): Right click menu offset and list scrolled glitch (server#44139) - Fix(settings): Fix always empty disabled users list for subadmins (server#44140) - [master] fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#44142) - Fix: Call execute until it is removed for Job class (server#44151) - Added rate limit bypass for app_api requests (server#44154) - Fix(files): fixed breadcrumbs dissapearing on narrow screens (server#44162) - Fix(updatenotification): spread the use of new iappconfig (server#44165) - Chore(files_versions): Use new metadata API for versions (server#44175) - Fix(Navigation): ensure NavManager is inited when adding an entry (server#44178) - Fix: Ensure correct stacking context for right click menu (server#44179) - Fix: No password set for new mail shares (server#44184) - Add listener and interfaces to allow versions migration across storage (server#44187) - Do not throw an exception if the etag is not set in metadata (server#44189) - Fix(CI): Add missing generic files_external tests (server#44191) - Fix: Migrate WebDAV endpoint check to SetupCheck API (server#44202) - Fix: avoid scanning a non existing directory (server#44203) - Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 (server#44207) - Fix: List specific share permissions as subline (server#44217) - Feat: Limit email input to 255 chars (server#44218) - Fix(files_sharing): ShareesAPI – Return empty response when user is not allowed to share (server#44223) - Fix(files): provide onDestroy callback for interactive widgets (server#44226) - Config: fix correctness issues in reading (server#44230) - Chore: bump ncvue to 8.11.0 (server#44231) - Fix(settings): apps list layout (server#44236) - Chore(deps): Bump davclient.js from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2 (server#44237) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump karma from 6.4.2 to 6.4.3 (server#44238) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump typescript from 5.3.3 to 5.4.2 (server#44239) - Chore(deps): Bump vue-multiselect from 2.1.8 to 2.1.9 (server#44240) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump cypress from 13.6.6 to 13.7.0 (server#44241) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTvueuse/integrations from 10.8.0 to 10.9.0 (server#44243) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTcypress/vue2 from 2.0.1 to 2.1.0 (server#44244) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump puppeteer from 21.11.0 to 22.5.0 (server#44245) - Feat(ObjectStore): Make the S3 `concurrency` option configurable (server#44252) - Fix(files): Adjust dropservice to work with Blink engine (server#44254) - Fix: Correctly add search event listener to make searching the app list work again (server#44255) - Fix: getLogLevel return type (server#44258) - Feat(settings): Allow app discover section links to open app routes or the appstore page (server#44259) - Docs: added codespace link (server#44260) - Fix(Logger): Warn on invalid `loglevel` configuration option (server#44262) - Fix(files_external): Remove invalid jQuery Tooltip usage (server#44264) - Fix(setupcheck): Catch Throwables from setup checks and show them to the admin (server#44270) - Fix(config): Make sure user keys are strings (server#44276) - Fix: ensure nested mount points are handled in the correct order (server#44279) - Fix(settings): App Store Discover carousel animations are inverted (server#44280) - Fix(AppDiscoverFetcher): Do not remove entries as expired that have no expiry date (server#44281) - Fix(settings): Support `order` property on App Discover elements and hide future elements (server#44282) - Fix(settings): Ensure media for app discover section is scaled correctly (server#44286) - Enh: Send empty expireDate when not expireDate set (server#44291) - Allow injecting the user temporarily for direct editing (server#44295) - Forbid tagging readonly files (server#44297) - Fix(federatedfilesharing): Use correct language file to render notifi… (server#44305) - Fix(sharing): resolveGroupShares setPermissions on null (server#44316) - Feat(settings): Implement `showcase` type for App Discover section (server#44328) - Fix(db): remove redundant index in cards (server#44333) - Fix(share): use share owner to get ownership (server#44339) - Fix(dav): adjust usages of webdav.customRequest (server#44344) - Log error when default getWrapperStorage would return null (server#44357) - Fix(caldav): add EXDATE and EXRULE to confidential object (server#44360) - Check permissions of all accessible file for versions (server#44362) - Rename MetadataFileEvents to VersionAuthorListener (server#44363) - Feat: Add new mdi New file menu icons (server#44368) - Fix(dav): ACLs for shared addressbooks (server#44376) - Fix(workflowengine): Use correct event names to make search for groups work again (server#44381) - Chore(ci): update block merge EOL workflow (server#44388) - Fix(DB): Sanitize `host` parameter for postgres databases when IPv6 address is passed (server#44394) - Fix(logging): Restore the option to log with debug level (server#44400) - Fix(files): Do not escape file names in the file picker (server#44407) - Fix(JSRecourceLocator): Add missing slash after server root (server#44408) - Fix(AppStore\\Fetcher): Ensure `get` returns an array (server#44410) - Fix(CSP): Add CSP nonce by default and convert `browserSupportsCspV3` to blacklist (server#44412) - Fix(files): Only add copy suffix before file extension for files (not folders) (server#44417) - Build(deps): bump libphonenumber-js from 1.10.57 to 1.10.58 (server#44423) - Build(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.90.3 to 5.91.0 (server#44424) - Build(deps): bump AATTnextcloud/router from 2.2.1 to 3.0.0 (server#44425) - Build(deps): bump dompurify from 3.0.9 to 3.0.11 (server#44426) - Build(deps-dev): bump cypress-split from 1.20.1 to 1.21.0 (server#44427) - Build(deps-dev): bump cypress from 13.7.0 to 13.7.1 (server#44428) - Build(deps-dev): bump tar from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 (server#44429) - Build(deps): bump core-js from 3.36.0 to 3.36.1 (server#44430) - Build(deps): bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.11.0 to 8.11.1 (server#44431) - Build(deps-dev): bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 in /build/integration (server#44432) - Build(deps-dev): bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (server#44436) - Feat(login): Clear login form (password) after IDLE timeout (server#44438) - Fix(federation): Fix creating local cloudIds with http:// protocol (server#44453) - Fix(personal-files): correctly filters groupfolders now (server#44455) - Fix(typo): Fix typo in docs (server#44456) - Fix(contactsinteraction): Allow vCard download (server#44457) - Feat: add interface for lower level filecache acess without having to do direct db queries (server#44458) - Fix(S3): Adjust typing for 32bit compatibility (server#44462) - Feat(settings): Allow to sort groups in the account management alphabetically (server#44465) - Fix: Allow using replica config with split databases (server#44470) - Fix(preview): webp preview format (server#44474) - Fix(dns): detect disabled IPv6 support in DNS pinning (server#44475) - Fix(settings): Also verify that `trusted_proxies` only contains IP addresses (with range) (server#44483) - Fix(share): Send correct share attributes upon share creation (server#44484) - Add retry logic to cover deadlock situations during move operations (server#44504) - Feat: Add more new mdi icons (server#44513) - [master] fix(security): Update code signing revocation list (server#44515) - Chore(branchoff): Test against stable29 branches (server#44531) - Fix(security): Update expiration date in security.txt (server#44546) - Fix(files): Fix translation of “Delete file” (server#44553) - Feat(trashbin): Show original location of deleted file (server#44584) - Fix(files_sharing): Create passwords when enforced for mail shares (server#44591) - Fix(files_sharing): Disable autocomplete for share label and password (server#44617) - Fix(tests): Fix tests when daytime saving time change happened recently (server#44618) - Build(deps): bump nextcloud/coding-standard from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1 in /vendor-bin/cs-fixer (server#44622) - Fix(dav): Fix quota check for chunk upload (server#44624) - Fix(federation): ICloudId->getRemote() should contain the protocol (server#44626) - Fix(SetupChecks): Add hint about dns/firewall if `mjs` check can’t run (server#44628) - Fix(encryption): Clicking default module in UI sets bogus value (server#44634) - Fix(appconfig): compare with original value (server#44645) - Fix(files): breadcrumbs drag-and-drop & unifying methods (server#44653) - Fix(deps): Update phpseclib from 2.0.45 to 2.0.47 (server#44671) - Fix(deps): Update `doctrine/dbal` to 3.8.3 (server#44686) - Fix(3rdparty): Add a CI job to check 3rdparty integrity (server#44692) - Fix(Blurhash): Suppress imagecreatefromstring() E_WARNING (server#44716) - Fix(oc-dialog): Get rid of the overlay (server#44725) - Fix(AppFramework): Fix error message about 204 not allowing custom headers (server#44729) - Feat(core): Include core capabilities in OpenAPI (server#44732) - Call davGetFavoritesReport after the registration of propfind properties (server#44735) - Fix: Fix avatar images (server#44737) - Fix: use proper jailed patch in watcher (server#44748) - Fix(breadcrumbs): improved rendering of breadcrumb progress bar (server#44760) - Fix(LDAP): escape DN on check-user (server#44765) - Fix(federation): give some time to prepare both servers (server#44778) - Fix(capabilities): Expose if mod-rewrite is working via capabilities (server#44800) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue to v8.11.2 (server#44816) - Chore(deps): Update openapi-extractor (server#44828) - Chore: Update AATTnextcloud/upload to 1.1.1 to fix uploading large files (server#44836) - Fix(files): Inherit some node attributes when creating new nodes to preserve shared state (server#44845) - Chore(files): Switch widget icon to primary color (server#44846) - Fix(files): Do not show files from hidden folders in “Recent”-view if hidden files are disabled by user (server#44866) - Fix(systemtags): Use built-in input label to satisfy a11y check of NcSelect (server#44880) - Fix(status): Update status time when reverting to it manually (server#44885) - Fix(files): Clear search filter when changing directory or view (server#44887) - Fix(files): Also skip cross storage move with access control (server#44890) - Fix(appconfig): returns correct value on details (server#44907) - Fix: avoid douple `expireDate` parsing (server#44910) - Fix(appconfig): returns correct value on details (server#44914) - Fix(sharing): Don’t change the type of the controller argument (server#44917) - Fix(files): Also restore shares after ownership transfer for object storage (server#44922) - Fix: Fix truncation on public page (server#44989) - Chore(deps): Bump phpseclib/phpseclib from 2.0.45 to 2.0.47 (3rdparty#1772) - Fix(deps): Update `doctrine/dbal` to 3.8.3 (3rdparty#1791) - MailQueueHandler: Don’t flood logs with useless messages (activity#1586) - Upgrade: Bump AATTtypes/dockerode from 3.3.23 to 3.3.26 (activity#1587) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1591) - Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (activity#1595) - Upgrade: Bump psalm/phar from 5.21.1 to 5.23.1 (activity#1596) - Upgrade: Bump cypress from 13.6.3 to 13.7.0 (activity#1597) - Upgrade: Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 (activity#1598) - Upgrade: Bump AATTvitest/coverage-v8 from 1.2.2 to 1.4.0 (activity#1599) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1600) - Upgrade: Bump vite from 5.0.12 to 5.2.3 (activity#1607) - Upgrade: Bump cypress from 13.7.0 to 13.7.1 (activity#1609) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1611) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (activity#1614) - Group activities sent by mail (activity#1622) - Chore: update workflows from templates (bruteforcesettings#569) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.7.1 to 8.9.1 (bruteforcesettings#570) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 5.1.2 to 5.2.0 (bruteforcesettings#571) - Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (bruteforcesettings#574) - Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (bruteforcesettings#575) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.9.1 to 8.11.1 (bruteforcesettings#577) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (bruteforcesettings#578) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.11.1 to 8.11.2 (bruteforcesettings#582) - Feat: Implement team resource provider for shared files (circles#1525) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (circles#1534) - Feat: Add admin setting to set default download limit (files_downloadlimit#232) - Create .l10nignore (files_downloadlimit#233) - Chore: update workflows from templates (files_downloadlimit#234) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 5.1.2 to 5.2.0 (files_downloadlimit#235) - Chore: Remove unnecessary workflows and update existing (files_downloadlimit#236) - Chore: Add some workflows from upstream (files_downloadlimit#237) - Chore: Add README and document API (files_downloadlimit#238) - Docs: Add asserts for example responses (files_downloadlimit#240) - Feat: Provide limit via dav property (files_downloadlimit#241) - Fix: Only allow the share owner to set a limit (files_downloadlimit#242) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.9.1 to 8.11.0 (files_downloadlimit#243) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.1.5 to 5.1.6 (files_downloadlimit#244) - Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (files_downloadlimit#245) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#246) - Chore: Disable ocp update for stable branches (files_downloadlimit#249) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.1.6 to 5.2.3 (files_downloadlimit#251) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#253) - Chore: update workflows from templates (files_pdfviewer#919) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 5.1.2 to 5.2.0 (files_pdfviewer#920) - Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (files_pdfviewer#922) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.6.7 to 1.6.8 (files_pdfviewer#929) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump adm-zip from 0.5.10 to 0.5.12 (files_pdfviewer#930) - Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (files_pdfviewer#931) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (files_pdfviewer#932) - Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#943) - Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#944) - Chore(deps): Bump dorny/paths-filter from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (firstrunwizard#1113) - Chore(deps): Bump icewind1991/nextcloud-version-matrix from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 (firstrunwizard#1116) - Chore: update workflows from templates (firstrunwizard#1117) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.8.1 to 8.9.1 (firstrunwizard#1119) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1121) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.1.4 to 5.1.6 (firstrunwizard#1123) - Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 (firstrunwizard#1124) - Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 (firstrunwizard#1125) - Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (firstrunwizard#1126) - Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (firstrunwizard#1127) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (firstrunwizard#1128) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.71.1 to 1.72.0 (firstrunwizard#1129) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.9.1 to 8.11.0 (firstrunwizard#1130) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1131) - Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 (firstrunwizard#1136) - Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 (firstrunwizard#1137) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (firstrunwizard#1138) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.1.6 to 5.2.3 (firstrunwizard#1140) - Chore(deps): Bump shivammathur/setup-php from 2.30.0 to 2.30.1 (firstrunwizard#1144) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (firstrunwizard#1146) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.11.0 to 8.11.1 (firstrunwizard#1148) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.3 to 5.2.6 (firstrunwizard#1150) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.6 to 5.2.8 (firstrunwizard#1156) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1160) - Feat: Add Nextcloud Hub changelog (firstrunwizard#1162) - Fix: Do not mess with all NcModal styles – scope styles to wizard (firstrunwizard#1168) - Fix(i18n): Fixed typo (firstrunwizard#1177) - Fix: Apply class to wizard page title (was a typo) and correctly navigate to page whats-new page (firstrunwizard#1186) - Add relative time format back (logreader#1099) - Build(deps): Bump axios from 1.6.5 to 1.6.7 (logreader#1129) - Build(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 2.2.0 to 3.0.0 (logreader#1138) - Build(deps): Bump vue-material-design-icons from 5.2.0 to 5.3.0 (logreader#1141) - Chore: update workflows from templates (logreader#1144) - Build(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/vite-config from 1.2.0 to 1.2.2 (logreader#1146) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1149) - Updating command-compile.yml workflow from template (logreader#1156) - Build(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 5.0.3 to 5.1.2 (logreader#1161) - Build(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.4.0 to 8.9.1 (logreader#1167) - Chore: update workflows from templates (logreader#1169) - Build(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 5.1.2 to 5.2.0 (logreader#1172) - Build(deps-dev): Bump typescript from 5.3.3 to 5.4.2 (logreader#1173) - Build(deps-dev): Bump happy-dom from 13.6.2 to 13.7.0 (logreader#1174) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1175) - Feat: Limit SetupCheck computing time to 5 seconds (logreader#1178) - Perf: read larger chunks in logiterator (logreader#1179) - Build(deps-dev): Bump happy-dom from 13.7.0 to 13.8.6 (logreader#1180) - Build(deps-dev): Bump AATTvitest/coverage-istanbul from 1.3.1 to 1.4.0 (logreader#1181) - Build(deps): Bump date-fns from 3.3.1 to 3.5.0 (logreader#1182) - Build(deps): Bump axios from 1.6.7 to 1.6.8 (logreader#1184) - Build(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (logreader#1187) - Build(deps-dev): Bump happy-dom from 13.8.6 to 14.3.1 (logreader#1190) - Build(deps-dev): Bump typescript from 5.4.2 to 5.4.3 (logreader#1191) - Bump date-fns from 3.5.0 to 3.6.0 (logreader#1192) - Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.9.1 to 8.11.1 (logreader#1193) - Fix: Catch exception from LogIteratorFactory, throw a clean error when log_type is not file (logreader#1195) - Build(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.1.4 to 5.2.6 (logreader#1196) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (logreader#1198) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1209) - Chore: update workflows from templates (nextcloud_announcements#302) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#305) - Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (nextcloud_announcements#306) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (nextcloud_announcements#307) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#309) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (nextcloud_announcements#310) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#311) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (nextcloud_announcements#312) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#317) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#321) - Feat(push): Try the new Route attribute (notifications#1798) - Chore: update workflows from templates (notifications#1845) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.8.1 to 8.9.1 (notifications#1846) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 5.1.2 to 5.2.0 (notifications#1847) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1849) - Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (notifications#1852) - Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (notifications#1853) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.9.1 to 8.11.0 (notifications#1854) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (notifications#1855) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1857) - Fix(api): Ignore “parsed” link and icon urls when deleting (notifications#1858) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (notifications#1862) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.11.0 to 8.11.1 (notifications#1863) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 in /tests/Integration (notifications#1864) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (notifications#1865) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1866) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (notifications#1868) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1877) - Perf(push): Only get user language when needed (notifications#1881) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 (notifications#1886) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 8.11.1 to 8.11.2 (notifications#1887) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1890) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump christophwurst/nextcloud_testing from 0.12.4 to 1.0.0 (password_policy#508) - Chore: Update workflows from organization (password_policy#512) - Fix: Migrate some deprecated functions (password_policy#516) - Fix: Modernize build system to use vite and `AATTnextcloud/vue` version 8 (password_policy#517) - Update npm and node engines versions (password_policy#536) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.16 to 9.6.17 (password_policy#551) - Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 (password_policy#560) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (password_policy#563) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.1.6 to 5.2.3 (password_policy#565) - Fix(setting): Clarify the “Account disabled” option (password_policy#578) - Add dashboard widget: On this day (photos#1121) - Chore: update workflows from templates (photos#2316) - Fix(i18n): Adapted wording (photos#2377) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2379) - Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (photos#2383) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (photos#2384) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2386) - [master] Fix npm audit (photos#2393) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (photos#2400) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (photos#2401) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2403) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (photos#2407) - Fix: Open Viewer when clicking on photo in folder (photos#2433) - Check download attribute when fetching previews (photos#2439) - Chore: update workflows from templates (privacy#1042) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 5.1.2 to 5.2.0 (privacy#1043) - Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (privacy#1045) - Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (privacy#1046) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (privacy#1051) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (privacy#1052) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 5.4.0 to 8.8.1 (recommendations#706) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 2.2.1 to 3.0.0 (recommendations#707) - Chore: update workflows from templates (recommendations#712) - Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (recommendations#715) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (recommendations#720) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (recommendations#722) - Fix: Fix navigation to folder (recommendations#728) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump nextcloud/coding-standard from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1 (related_resources#350) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 2.2.1 to 3.0.0 (related_resources#351) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#353) - Updating command-compile.yml workflow from template (related_resources#354) - Chore: update workflows from templates (related_resources#355) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 10.5.11 to 10.5.13 (related_resources#371) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (related_resources#372) - Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (related_resources#373) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (related_resources#381) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (related_resources#382) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.12.4 to 8.11.2 (related_resources#398) - Chore: update workflows from templates (serverinfo#569) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#570) - Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (serverinfo#571) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (serverinfo#573) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#575) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (serverinfo#576) - [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#577) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (serverinfo#578) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#584) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#587) - Fix: replace removed success and complete callbacks (serverinfo#590) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (survey_client#244) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.16 to 9.6.18 (survey_client#248) - Fix: Return type of Model::jsonSerialize() should be compatible with … (suspicious_login#863) - Bring back test failing due to server issue (text#5144) - Remove bottom margin for better warning blocks display (text#5310) - Fix(deps): update yjs (main) (text#5429) - Fix(Preview): allow removing Preview with backspace (text#5444) - Fix(Preview): hide link bubble when preview menu opens (text#5445) - Fix cypress (text#5447) - Chore: update workflows from templates (text#5449) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.1.6 (main) (text#5450) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.21.0 (main) (text#5451) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/dialogs to ^5.2.0 (main) (text#5452) - [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5453) - Fix(Tables): require at least one cell in the header (text#5461) - Fix(deps): update dependency mermaid to ^10.9.0 (main) (text#5462) - Fix(deps): update dependency slug to v9 (main) (text#5463) - Test(ci): Revert some cypress workflow changes (text#5464) - Fix(backend): Accept pushs with only step1 messages by read-only clients (text#5466) - Fix(session): Fix setting a guest name (text#5469) - Fix: Avoid race condition that may initialize a document twice on the clients (text#5470) - Ensure document stays consistent with y.js state file (text#5477) - Reset document session on filesystem change (text#5481) - Fix(attachments): Don’t use currentSession for fetching attachments (text#5484) - Fix(HelpModal): Migrate to `NcDialog`, fix padding (text#5488) - Fix(MarkdownContentEditor): Respect `onLoaded` callback passed via API (text#5489) - Fix(LinkPicker): Don’t open link picker inside code blocks (text#5490) - Chore(store): Remove unused currentSession from vuex store (text#5491) - Fix: catch expected exception in event handler (text#5497) - Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (text#5498) - Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.92 (main) (text#5499) - Chore(deps): bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (text#5501) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^8.11.0 (main) (text#5502) - [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5512) - Fix(sync): If `baseVersionEtag` changed, reset frontend (text#5523) - Fix/hide bubble when in menu (text#5529) - Test(cypress): Downgrade cypress-io/github-action to v5.3.0 to fix errors (text#5533) - Fix: Force visibility for tippy (text#5537) - Fix(LinkBubble): Display link bubble view only if href is set (text#5538) - Fix(files): Change icons+wording for adding text doc and folder description (text#5540) - Fix/5522 no link preview toggle for anchor links (text#5544) - [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5545) - Chore(deps-dev): bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (text#5546) - Fix: Use our own vue instance rendering anything but the viewer component (text#5547) - Update editor on readOnlyprop change (text#5549) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/files to ^3.1.1 (main) (text#5552) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^8.11.1 (main) (text#5553) - Fix(deps): update yjs (main) (text#5554) - Chore(deps-dev): bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (text#5556) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.6 (main) (text#5557) - Fix(deps): update dependency y-websocket to v2 (main) (text#5558) - Fix(LinkBubble): Limit hide on scroll to div elements (text#5566) - Chore(deps): bump katex from 0.16.9 to 0.16.10 (text#5568) - Chore(deps-dev): bump express from 4.18.1 to 4.19.2 (text#5570) - Fix(links): set default for `loadState(‘core’, ‘active-app’)` (text#5571) - Fix: Catch exceptions on non existing files (text#5572) - Chore: Skip files list in sharing tests (text#5573) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (text#5577) - Feat/5524 link preview add button to delete links in preview mode (text#5580) - Always initialize with the same yjs document if no state is present (text#5593) - Fix: workspace tables expand correctly (text#5595) - Fix: Make edit mode in interactive widgets opt-in (text#5596) - Fix(css): Adjust heading sizes (Fixes: #5515) (text#5598) - Test(cypress): Wait for syncs after opening+editing in in `sync.spec.js` (text#5602) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.21.2 (text#5612) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.8 (text#5613) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.2.4 (text#5614) - Fix(LinkBubble): Treat links to hashes in same page directly (text#5615) - Fix(deps): update dependency markdown-it-front-matter to ^0.2.4 (text#5617) - Fix(deps): update dependency y-websocket to ^2.0.2 (text#5618) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.2.5 (text#5633) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5646) - Fix npm audit (text#5647) - Fix: copy-paste markdown/raw text inconsistencies (text#5652) - Fix(imageview): Don’t try to load unresolved images (text#5656) - Fix: improve node and mark copy-paste behavior (text#5658) - Fix: Avoid throwing when a workspace file cannot be found due to a failed storage (text#5663) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^8.11.2 (text#5671) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.23.0 (text#5673) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.0 (text#5674) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5683) - Fix npm audit (text#5685) - Fix(l10n): “Connection failed” not translatable (text#5699) - [master] Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1506) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (twofactor_totp#1507) - Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1512) - Bump nextcloud/coding-standard from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1 (updater#537) - Revert “Also include *.config.php files” (updater#540) - Fix(deps): update nextcloud (master) (viewer#2020) - Chore(deps): update dockerode (master) (viewer#2053) - Chore(deps): update dependency wait-on to ^7.2.0 (master) (viewer#2054) - Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-or-update-comment from 3.1.0 to 4.0.0 (viewer#2136) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump nextcloud/coding-standard from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1 (viewer#2143) - Fix(deps): update dependency vue to ^2.7.16 (master) (viewer#2160) - Fix(deps): update dependency webdav to ^5.4.0 (master) (viewer#2168) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^13.6.6 (master) (viewer#2173) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.16 to 9.6.17 (viewer#2174) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.20.0 to 5.22.2 (viewer#2175) - Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 5.0.2 to 6.0.1 (viewer#2180) - Chore: update workflows from templates (viewer#2191) - Chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ^5.4.2 (master) (viewer#2192) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.1.5 (master) (viewer#2193) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTfontsource/roboto to ^5.0.12 (master) (viewer#2194) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTmdi/svg to ^7.4.47 (master) (viewer#2195) - Fix(deps): update dependency filerobot-image-editor to ^4.7.0 (master) (viewer#2196) - Fix(deps): update dependency vue-material-design-icons to ^5.3.0 (master) (viewer#2197) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTvue/tsconfig to ^0.5.1 (master) (viewer#2198) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-visual-regression to v5 (master) (viewer#2199) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/router to v3 (master) (viewer#2200) - Fix(deps): update dependency debounce to v2 (master) (viewer#2201) - [master] Update cypress snapshots (viewer#2211) - Fix(cypress): sharing download test (viewer#2222) - Chore(deps): lock file maintenance (master) (viewer#2229) - Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 (viewer#2232) - Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 (viewer#2233) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.3 (master) (viewer#2234) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^13.7.1 (master) (viewer#2235) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (viewer#2236) - Fix(deps): update nextcloud (master) (viewer#2237) - Fix: filerobot-image-editor ^4.7.0 (viewer#2248) - Chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ^5.4.3 (master) (viewer#2251) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (viewer#2252) - Fix(deps): update dependency webdav to ^5.5.0 (master) (viewer#2253) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.4 (master) (viewer#2256) - Fix npm audit (viewer#2286) * Fri May 24 2024 ecsos - Update to 28.0.6 - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#43412) - Fix(share): Send correct share attributes upon share creation (server#44500) - Fix(provisioning_api): Show warning but do not fail when listing accounts in case of users removed from backend but still in database (server#44984) - Fix(DAV): Migrate known exceptions to Sabre exceptions when copying (server#45017) - Fix: chunked upload leading to 0-byte files (server#45039) - Fix(setupchecks): Fix opcache buffer check (server#45112) - Fix: Fix default values for ini var in lib/base.php (server#45114) - Fix: Remove bogus code from query builder and fix parameter name (server#45116) - Fix(user_ldap): Fix a var name (server#45119) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#45133) - Retry smb notify test a few times (server#45147) - Fix(icons): Update files icon (server#45170) - Fix npm audit (server#45187) * Thu Apr 25 2024 ecsos - Update to 28.0.5 - Fix npm audit (related_resources#396) 6 - Feature(files): Hide breadcrumbs when an upload is ongoing on narrow screen #40942 (server#43834) - Migrate setup checks to new API – round 3 (server#44268) - Added rate limit bypass for app_api requests (server#44296) - Fix default text processing provider in AI settings (server#44343) - Fix(LDAP): escape DN on check-user (server#44352) - Fix(JSRecourceLocator): Add missing slash after server root (server#44413) - Fix(files): Do not escape file names in the file picker (server#44416) - Fix(files): Only add copy suffix before file extension for files (not folders) (server#44434) - Feat(perf): add cache for authtoken lookup (server#44446) - Fix(DB): Sanitize host parameter for postgres databases when IPv6 address is passed (server#44461) - Fix/caldav/eventcomparisionservice uses wrong array comparison (server#44473) 1 - Fix(preview): webp preview format (server#44489) 1 - Enh: Send empty expireDate when not expireDate set (server#44490) - Fix(settings): Also verify that trusted_proxies only contains IP addresses (with range) (server#44495) - Fix(security): Update expiration date in security.txt (server#44541) - Add retry logic to cover deadlock situations during move operations (server#44551) - Split live photo listener to extract trashbin specific code into its own listener (server#44561) - Fix(files_sharing): Create passwords when enforced for mail shares (server#44570) 1 - Feat(trashbin): Show original location of deleted file (server#44583) 1 - Fix(files_reminders): Fix translations (server#44599) - Config: fix correctness issues in reading (server#44605) - Fix(files): Fix translation of “Delete file” (server#44610) - Fix(tests): Fix tests when daytime saving time change happened recently (server#44615) - Fix(files_sharing): Disable autocomplete for share label and password (server#44616) 1 - Fix(encryption): Clicking default module in UI sets bogus value (server#44633) - Fix(files): breadcrumbs drag-and-drop & unifying methods (server#44652) 2 - Fix(dav): Fix quota check for chunk upload (server#44655) 1 - Fix(deps): Update phpseclib from 2.0.45 to 2.0.47 (server#44672) 1 - Perf: Avoid updating the folder size if we know the size difference (server#44679) - Fix(3rdparty): Add a CI job to check 3rdparty integrity (server#44691) - Call davGetFavoritesReport after the registration of propfind properties (server#44734) - Fix: Fix avatar images (server#44738) - Fix: use proper jailed patch in watcher (server#44750) - Fix(breadcrumbs): improved rendering of breadcrumb progress bar (server#44759) - Fix(federation): give some time to prepare both servers (server#44779) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue to v8.11.2 (server#44815) - Fix npm audit (server#44817) - Chore: Update AATTnextcloud/upload to 1.1.1 to fix uploading large files (server#44837) 1 - Fix(files): Inherit some node attributes when creating new nodes to preserve shared state (server#44844) - Fix(files): Focus filename input in new-node dialog when opened (server#44851) - Fix(files): Do not show files from hidden folders in “Recent”-view if hidden files are disabled by user (server#44867) - Fix(systemtags): Use built-in input label to satisfy a11y check of NcSelect (server#44879) - Fix(files): Clear search filter when changing directory or view (server#44883) - Fix(files): Also skip cross storage move with access control (server#44891) - Fix(files): Also restore shares after ownership transfer for object storage (server#44921) - Fix(deps): Update phpseclib to 2.0.47 (3rdparty#1788) 1 - Group activities sent by mail (activity#1623) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1630) - Fix npm audit (activity#1632) - Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#935) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1132) - Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1141) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1161) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1208) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#316) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1876 - Fix(setting): Clarify the “Account disabled” option (password_policy#577) - Fix npm audit (photos#2406) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2424) - Fix: Open Viewer when clicking on photo in folder (photos#2432) - Check download attribute when fetching previews (photos#2438) - Fix npm audit (privacy#1049) 1 - Fix npm audit (privacy#1064) 1 - Fix npm audit (recommendations#716) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#375) - Fix npm audit (related_resources#378) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#392) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#583) - Refactor document and session handling (text#5541) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/files to ^3.1.1 (text#5559) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^8.11.1 (text#5560) - Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.93 (text#5561) - Fix npm audit (text#5564) - Remove bottom margin for better warning blocks display (text#5567) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.21.1 (text#5585) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.7 (text#5586) - Fix: Catch exceptions on non existing files (text#5599) 1 - Test(cypress): Wait for syncs after opening+editing in in sync.spec.js (text#5603) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.21.2 (text#5619) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.8 (text#5620) - Fix(deps): update dependency markdown-it-front-matter to ^0.2.4 (text#5621) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5645) - Fix npm audit (text#5649) - Fix: copy-paste markdown/raw text inconsistencies (text#5653) - Fix: improve node and mark copy-paste behavior (text#5657) - Fix: Avoid throwing when a workspace file cannot be found due to a failed storage (text#5664) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^8.11.2 (text#5675) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.23.0 (text#5677) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.0 (text#5678) - Fix npm audit (text#5684) - Fix(l10n): “Connection failed” not translatable (text#5698) - Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1505) - Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1515) - Preserve sort order (viewer#2177) - Chore(deps): update cypress (viewer#2272) - Fix npm audit (viewer#2276) - Fix npm audit (viewer#2287) * Thu Mar 28 2024 ecsos - Update to 28.0.4 - No changelog from upstream at this time. * Fri Mar 01 2024 ecsos - Update to 28.0.3 - Add missing label to “back” button (photos#2273) 3 - Allow application to pass external links in navigation (server#43520) 1 - Buffer chunked requests (server#43129) 1 - Check share status when touching versions (server#43741) - Chore: Update AATTnextcloud/dialogs to 5.1.2 (server#43766) - Chore(dep): bump NcVue → 8.7.0 (server#43695) - Consider admin defaults when creating shares (server#43278) - Continue background scanning different storages if one fails (server#43421) - Correct values and attributes (server#43040) - Dav: fix wrong decoding of pluses in URLs (server#43236) - Do not break personal settings page is viewer is not there (server#43456) - Do not mess with AATTnextcloud/vue styles and fix navigation header a11y (photos#2299) - Document throwing behavior of SetupResult upon invalid rich object (server#43196) - Dont reuse etag for folders marked explicitly unscanned (server#43244) - Enh: breadcrumbs icons are now more visually descriptive (server#43622) - Enh: Migrate photos picker to use NcDialog (photos#2320) - Enh(a11y): Fix modal close button overlapping content (photos#2298) - Enh(a11y): Update folder design to fix contrast issues (photos#2274) - Enh(files_reminders): Allow clearing reminders (server#43591) 1 - Enh(UnifiedSearch): Keep the searchbar on top of the modal (server#42776) - Feat: add labels to textarea elements in translate modal (text#5319) 1 - Feat: added l10n translation prop to calendar component (server#43743) - Feat/4750 Make code type fields copyable (text#5403) - Filter out large EXIF entries (photos#2284) - Fix #745 ValueError: random_int(): Argument #1 ($min) must be less than or equal to argument #2 ($max) (suspicious_login#847) - Fix back arrow position in wide screens (photos#2325) - Fix color of app menu entries and background color (server#43392) - Fix for previews not being generated sometimes (server#43037) 1 - Fix kerberos test successfull authentication detection (server#43304) - Fix rss feed item guid (activity#1543) - Fix Slow logout on Chrome-like browsers (server#43525) - Fix undefined share object during expirationDate update (server#43685) - Fix: Add alt attribute to all image nodes (text#5398) - Fix: Add alt attribute to image nodes (text#5397) - Fix: Add bruteforce protection to email endpoint (server#43596) 1 - Fix: Add bruteforce protection to federation endpoint (server#43713) 1 - Fix: added a label element to the NcSelect in update settings (server#43158) - Fix: added last two places for aria-labels on setting icons (server#43403) - Fix: apply config flag for accessible features (text#5406) - Fix: config param ‘overwritecondaddr’ not working (server#43181) - Fix: Fix focus loop on tab navigation in Add to album modal + Migrate to new UploadPicker API (photos#2293) - Fix: Fix focus lost to body when closing firstrunwizard (firstrunwizard#1075) - Fix: Fix tab focus when other elements are displayed next to text that are within a focus trap (text#5318) - Fix: only register workspace once (text#5365) - Fix: Only unpause focus traps that we paused ourselves (text#5329) - Fix: removed wrong color on active actions button (viewer#2146) - Fix(a11y): Fix heading hierarchy in some places (photos#2272) - Fix(a11y): Fix informative graphics contrast of user status icons (server#43066) - Fix(a11y): Return focus to Add button on dialog close (photos#2282) - Fix(a11y): Unified search headings the sequel (server#42777) - Fix(apps): Fix type information of app manager (server#43046) - Fix(caldav): only call getTimestamp() on actual DateTime data (server#43282) - Fix(ContactsStore): Sanitize user ID given to guest avatar route (server#43422) - Fix(DAV): fix getNodeForPath cache (3rdparty#1738) - Fix(dav): fix getNodeForPath cache (server#43708) - Fix(dav): Rate limit calendar/subscription creation (server#43751) - Fix(files_sharing): Return focus to trigger element on sharing details close (server#43155) - Fix(files_sharing): SharingEntryLink lost styles (server#43559) - Fix(files): add mount root property and adjust delete wording (server#43404) - Fix(files): Allow to set node name before creating + bring back new-file highlingting (server#43470) - Fix(files): combine navigation and files list into single Vue app (server#43108) - Fix(files): Consistent sorting for folders before files (user configurable) (server#43175) - Fix(files): dav owner and mime types (server#43359) - Fix(files): do not open file by id on load for folders (server#43292) - Fix(files): Don’t attempt to format a partial cache entry (server#43391) - Fix(files): Dont’t warn re: full on either zero or unlimited quota (server#43672) - Fix(files): drag leave detection on safari (server#43336) - Fix(files): drop to folder path and user feedback (server#43418) - Fix(files): Fix description for favorite images and remove image description (photos#2276) - Fix(files): make sure we focus the parent actions submenu entry (server#43242) - Fix(files): move focus to sidebar on open (server#43448) - Fix(files): selected files actions position on scroll/with readme block (server#43222) - Fix(files): Update webdav to make XML entities in filenames work (server#43473) - Fix(menubar): menubar and table menus a11y (text#5330) - Fix(migration): Make naming constraint fail softer on updates (server#43445) - Fix(papercut): rerendered submenu actions for time sensitive actions (server#43590) - Fix(push): Correctly ignore push tokens that are not valid again (notifications#1829) - Fix(Request): Catch exceptions in isTrustedProxy (server#43192) - Fix(security): Describe occ security:bruteforce:attempts accurately (server#43726) - Fix(settings): Disable renaming for tokens marked to be wiped (server#43195) - Fix(settings): Disable SSL cert check for JavaScript modules SetupCheck (server#43587) - Fix(settings): federation scope menu a11y (server#43112) - Fix(settings): Fix required groups validation for subadmins (server#43719) - Fix(settings): focus on federation scope after dialog (server#43388) - Fix(settings): set viewBox on SVG icons (server#43065) - Fix(sharing): migrate QuickShareSelect to NcActions (server#43449) - Fix(sharing): Move video verification option to password and hide without Talk (server#43546) 1 - Fix(styles): Add default styles for disabled elements (server#43710) - Fix(theming): change color button contrast (server#43347) - Fix(user_status): Fix losing focus to body when closing user status modal (server#43291) - Fix(userstatus): add back 0 timestamp for status without message (server#43530) - Handle storage not available when expiring versions (server#43126) - Lower failed movie preview generation logs to level info (server#43511) - Make failure to load app commands non-fatal (server#43294) - Move away from deprecated utf8_encode() on PHP 8.2+ (server#43669) - Move modal outside of the Version component. (server#43167) - Perf: skip request without read permission (server#43722) - Remove disputed bz2 check (server#43013) 2 - Replace inaccessible disabled option of NcCheckboxRadioSwitch with NcNoteCard (server#43044) - SMB: allow to list root directory when using case-insensitive option (server#43523) - Stop the auto-logout loop after redirecting to the logout page (server#43706) - Use AccountPlusIcon in broadcrombs (server#43451) * Thu Feb 01 2024 ecsos - Update to 28.0.2 - Replace input filed with password field and added password error message (server#42118) - Fix(theming): Adjust theming util to calculate primary element color based on WCAG color contrast (server#42315) - Feat(setupcheck): Add setup check for maintenance_window_start config (server#42355) - Typo in move or copy (server#42358) - Fix(manager): removed dead code (server#42365) - Fix(files): Use DAV functions from library to fix invalid source links (server#42367) - Fix(theming): Adjust theming util to calculate primary element color based on WCAG color contrast (server#42369) - Fix(dav): allow multiple organizers if possible (server#42373) - Don’t write back .htaccess file on a RO filesystem (server#42384) - Fix: Ensure app menu entries and dashboard welcome message have enough contrast (server#42403) - Fix(files): drag and drop (server#42409) - Fix(dav): Hide less than minute diff in calendar notification title (server#42410) - Enh(dashboard): changed h1 to say Dashboard instead of Nextcloud (server#42413) - Fix(files): Adjust ID for skip content buttons (server#42425) - Fix(theming): Add adjusted color versions of default background (server#42426) - Fix(theming): Adjust dark high contrast to fulfill WCAG 2.1 AAA contrast (server#42429) * Fri Dec 22 2023 ecsos - Update to 28.0.1 - Fix npm audit (activity#1437) - Fix missing parameters when type is not “known” (activity#1469) - Fix: Allow older app values to be set (logreader#1079) - Fix(mail): Fix mail handling when force_language is true or false (notifications#1744) - Fix(push): Allow apps to provide already parsed notifications (notifications#1754) - Catch and log error thrown while parsing dates from metadata (photos#2194) - Fix: Adjust favorite icon to be accessible (photos#2197) - Fix TypeError with invalid coordinates (fix #2187) (photos#2207) - Fix(Users/Quota setting): Prevent floating point value from getting truncated in locales other than english (server#42106) - Comment legacy file_metadata table migrations (server#42108) - Enh(settings): Set main page heading (server#42125) - Fix(a11y): Unified search headings (server#42131) - Fix(caldav): don’t reuse query builder objects (server#42152) - Fix(dav): Prevent out-of-office event time drifts (server#42166) - Fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#42190) - Feat(settings): add occ commands to handle admin delegation (server#42201) - Wrap metadata generation in try/catch (server#42263) - Fix(files): Conditionally add drag handlers (server#42277) - Fix(UnifiedSearch): Drop title prop (server#42278) - Feat(files): add batch support to copy-move (server#42279) - Fix(files): navigation exact (server#42282) - Fix(files): Partly revert 32c1aeb and show correct quota again (server#42293) - Fix: Ensure correct max contrast color is used when blurred background is used (server#42294) - Enh(oauth2): allowed toggling of aria label (server#42295) - Fix(dashboard): changed h3 elements to h2 (server#42296) - Fix(files): fix download file encoded source (server#42302) - Fix(joblist): also reset last_run timestamp on updating an existing job (server#42316) - Fix(ooo): add new ooo status with new emoji (server#42351) - Don’t query oc_properties for metadata props (server#42357) - Add global accessibility switch (server#42371) - Use FileInfo’s metadata for hidden prop (server#42378) - Fix(userstatus): set user status to ‘In a meeting’ if calendar is busy (server#42380) - Update crl after revoke rides.csr (server#42400) - Fix(dav): undeclared `$cache` property (server#42423) - Disable image editor if accessibility switch is off (viewer#2102)- Update to 28.0.0 Too many changes. See instead: https://nextcloud.com/changelog/#28-0-0 * Thu Dec 14 2023 ecsos - Update to 27.1.5 - No changelog from upstream at this time. * Thu Nov 23 2023 ecsos - Update to 27.1.4 - Fix/admin ai settings (server#40916) - LDAP: Increase profile picture limit to 512 (server#40918) - Allow share expiry dates lower than enforced limits (server#40928) - Fix version number in ITimeFactory after it was delayed (server#40929) - Fix(sharing): set name to target name in sharing cache (server#41069) - Fix(isLegitimatedForUserId): Setup mountpoints to check file access (server#41082) - Fix: duplicating contacts with the Recently contacted feature (server#41096) - Fix(ldap): store last known user groups (server#41106) - Fix(login): Fix JS error on login grant page (server#41138) - Fix: Don’t try to access null array (server#41147) - Fix(OCM): Make the public API only rely on OCP (server#41150) - Chore(deps): bump davclient.js from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2 (server#41161) - Fix: encode uri for trashbin delete (the second one) (server#41176) - Don’t pass invalid streams to Imaginary (server#41186) - Fix(files): race condition on web files view change (server#41206) - Fix(twofactor): avoid DB error on Twofactor (en/dis)abled event (server#41212) - Fix(install): Make installing more verbose (server#41215) - Fix(files_external): on case insensitive system, block case change (server#41219) - Catch Imaginary processing errors (server#41231) - Fix: add index on migration only if needed (server#41232) - Return correct status if touch failed (server#41236) - Fix(session): Log why session renewal failed (server#41238) - Fix(dav): Reduce CalDAV backend memory footprint (server#41245) - Fix semaphore unguarding (server#41289) - Optimize cache jail creation (server#41324) - Get children from dav node when preloading system tags (server#41347) - Fix(files): prevent redirect on heading column sort (server#41356) - Fix(JobList#hasReservedJob): Break tie when multiple jobs are reserved (server#41359) - Optimize builtin storage wrappers (server#41363) - Fix(LDAP): prevent incomplete displaynames… (server#41367) - Fix: Validate that we have a proper distributed cache configured (server#41371) - Lower log level about invalid session token (server#41383) - Fix(workflow): Fix “Call to a member function getUID() on null” with … (server#41418) - Fix(log): Log exception class when message is empty (server#41427) - Fix(workflowengine): use andWhere() not second where() (server#41429) - Fix(s3): support SSE-C headers for the MultipartCopy call (server#41482) - Add some support for rename on case insensitive local filesystems (server#41502) - Finish password confirmation (server#41521) - Reverse X-Forwarded-For list to read the correct proxy remote address (server#41527) - Check for open_basedir before reading /proc (server#41539) - Optimize UserMountCache::registerStorage (server#41545) - Fix(files_versions): don’t call getUid() on null (server#41553) - Revert “fix(files_versions): don’t call getUid() on null” (server#41612) - Build(js): compile assets (server#41697) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1368) - Fix npm audit (activity#1375) - Fix: chunk delete in query (activity#1395) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1404) - Fix npm audit (activity#1408) - Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 (bruteforcesettings#463) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 (bruteforcesettings#475) - Revert “Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1” (bruteforcesettings#509) - Lighter name update (circles#1435) - Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#838) - Show forms as read only (files_pdfviewer#849) - Setup Transifex translations (files_pdfviewer#851) - Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#858) - Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1000) - Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#975) - Fix styles location to they can be loaded (logreader#1042) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#244) - Fix(UI): Merge UI setting with updatenotifications admin settings (nextcloud_announcements#249) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#252) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1690) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/moment from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 (notifications#1695) - Chore(deps): Bump vue and vue-template-compiler (notifications#1706) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1714) - Fix npm audit (photos#2084) - Filter out some permission for public albums (photos#2105) - Wrap cache query in a try/catch (photos#2112) - Enh: Add unique DOM identifiers for nav entries (photos#2132) - Fix npm audit (privacy#976) - Fix npm audit (recommendations#663) - Fix npm audit (recommendations#676) - Fix npm audit (related_resources#310) - Ci: update workflows for 27 (serverinfo#512) - Update ocp package 27 (serverinfo#516) - Fix: add flag to skip external requests (serverinfo#520) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#525) - Run cypress (in serial) in stable27 again (text#4808) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/eslint-config to ^8.3.0 (text#4866) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4892) - Fix(paste): collapse whitespace before pasting (text#4897) - Fix(mermaid): Only switch back on failure if in preview mode (text#4899) - Fix line-through selector (text#4912) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/files to ^3.0.0-beta.26 (text#4915) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/moment to ^1.2.2 (text#4916) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.12.6 (text#4917) - Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to ^2.15.1 (text#4918) - Chore(deps): update vite (text#4919) - Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.87 (text#4923) - Fix(deps): update dependency markdown-it to ^13.0.2 (text#4924) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4928) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.1.12 (text#4929) - Fix(deps): update vue monorepo to ^2.7.15 (text#4930) - Chore(deps): update vueuse to ^10.5.0 (text#4931) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/browser-storage to ^0.3.0 (text#4932) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/router to ^2.2.0 (text#4933) - Fix(deps): update dependency highlight.js to ^11.9.0 (text#4934) - Fix(deps): update dependency mermaid to ^10.6.0 (text#4935) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/files to ^3.0.0-beta.27 (text#4962) - Fix: clear pending autosync on close (text#4966) - Fix 403 on close (text#4968) - Fix(sync): prevent race condition by relying on autoincrement (text#4970) - Fix(codeblock): Display mermaid graph per default in readonly mode (text#4974) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/dialogs to ^4.2.2 (text#4984) - Chore(deps): update vueuse to ^10.6.0 (text#4985) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/files to ^3.0.0 (text#4986) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.12.7 (text#4987) - Fix(deps): update dependency mermaid to ^10.6.1 (text#4988) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4996) - Fix(deps): update dependency filerobot-image-editor to ^4.5.2 (viewer#1994) - Fix(deps): update dependency webdav to ^4.11.3 (viewer#1995) - Chore(deps): update dependency jest to ^29.7.0 (viewer#2004) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTskjnldsv/vue-plyr to ^7.4.0 (viewer#2015) - Fix(deps): update dependency vue to ^2.7.15 (viewer#2037) - Fix npm audit (viewer#2049) * Fri Oct 27 2023 ecsos - Update to 27.1.3 - Fix: Escape group names for LDAP (server#37201) 2 - Fix(updatenotification): Skip update check (server#39826) - Fix: Avoid failing with duplicate checks (server#40383) 1 - Add wrapper for external storage to ensure we don’t get an mtime that is lower than we know it is (server#40569) - Clear progress bar text when hiding it (server#40572) 1 - Use multipart copy for s3 (server#40577) - Enh(a11y): Add label to share note textbox (server#40681) - Fix(unifiedsearch): Allow searching for “0” (server#40683) - Fix Dashboard IManager getWidgets return annotation (server#40695) - Multiple bug fix in users list (server#40718) - Fix: Escape group names for LDAP (server#40739) 1 - Updates to new sharing flow (server#40747) 1 - Fix: encode uri for trashbin delete (server#40757) - Feat: Add occ user:user:sync-account-data for updating oc_accounts information from user backends (server#40759) - Fix(files): Show correct quota size (file size base 2) (server#40787) 1 - Fix(user): Log affected user of app token login name mismatch (server#40797) 1 - Added CORS skip if session was created by AppAPI (server#40830) - Generate all preview sizes for Imaginary (server#40834) 1 - Fixed mixed translations in sharing details (server#40837) - Fix: Log critical session renewal and logout paths (server#40849) - Remove leading slash (server#40856) - Add in:users as a search filter to limit searches to users (server#40882) - Update version.php to owncloud 10.13 (server#40987) 2 - Fix(external): Get storage before update it (server#41124) - Fixes and additions to editor API (text#4838) - Enh(editorApi): Introduce editor API version number (text#4841) - Fix(editorApi): Use attachment resolver in MarkdownContentEditor (text#4845) - Fix(paste): paste plaintext with separate paragraphs (text#4879) * Thu Oct 05 2023 ecsos - Update to 27.1.2 - Chore: Update `AATTnextcloud/dialogs` to 4.2.1 (server#40557) - Let `occ trashbin:restore` restore also from groupfolders and add filters (server#40581) - Ocm services (server#40586) - Revert change that made `OC.Util.humanFileSize` return decimal sizes instead of binary (server#40605) - Store size in int|float for 32bit support (server#40623) - Fix(dav): expand recurrences when searching (server#40631) - Fix jsunit tests (server#40638) - Use proper app id in Version.vue (server#40640) - Fix: encode uri for trashbin delete (server#40642) - Fix ocm-provider rewrite rules (server#40778) - Fix(db): also chunk MariaDB deletes (activity#1312) - Re-enabled cypress tests (activity#1336) - Run npm audit fix (activity#1339) - Return if user is empty (firstrunwizard#953) - Chore(deps): Bump howler from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4 (notifications#1672) - Bump cypress to v13 (photos#2057) - Fix(security): Bump semver (suspicious_login#815) - Fix(deps): update nextcloud abandoned (text#4756) - Bugfix/duplicated load of yjs (text#4807) - Feat: hide workspace if no readme.md (text#4811) * Sun Sep 24 2023 ecsos - Update to 27.1.1 - Fix issues where unencrypted_size was being falsely used for non-encrypted home folders (server#40379) - Fix alignments for share different share entry types. (server#40429) - Fix: use faster method to fetch user count (server#40433) - Fix: don’t use davtags for tag search (server#40444) - Backport consider link shares in removeShare method in SharingTab #40440 (server#40448) - Fix(mimetype): Fix aborted transaction on PostgreSQL when storing mimetype (server#40461) - Don’t preload metadata for the sub-childen (server#40473) - SFTP improvements (server#40487) - Fix(comments): Use provided offset in best effort when loading comments (server#40506) - Fix: content info footer on guest pages (server#40520) - Consider share type for enforced share expiry dates (server#40530) - Auto set password for new email shares (server#40535) - Allow printing log messages during occ (logreader#997) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#233) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1656) - Fix (visually) removing first notification when executing an action (notifications#1662) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4789)- Changes from 27.1.0 - Improved display of app links (server#38526) - Show supported apps on app settings if subscribed (server#39637) - Fix(notifications): Remove share notification when the node is deleted (server#39710) - Catch more invalid cache source storage paths (server#39722) - Fix npm audit (server#39728) - Feat(HTTPClient): Provide wrapped access to Guzzle’s asyncRequest() (server#39740) - Avoid adding (attribute=) part to filter which will confuse LDAP servers (server#39746) - Expose gps data via webdav (server#39755) - Fix(3rdparty): Revert accidental 3rdparty bump (server#39761) - Support opening and comparing versions in viewer (server#39763) - Feat: File reminders backend (server#39764) - The almighty text processing PR (server#39776) - Feat: Set file reminders (server#39783) - Feat(caldav): linkify location in scheduling mails (server#39784) - Optimize calendar search query (server#39785) - Vue based FilePicker (server#39793) - Fix: Pass proper viewer filename (server#39794) - Log imaginary errors as info to not spam the server logs (server#39795) - AppEcosystem Authentification (server#39799) - Enh(files_reminders): Adjust reminder options (server#39800) - Update `AATTnextcloud/dialogs` for FilePicker design fixes (server#39803) - Chore: update `AATTnextcloud-vue` to `v7.12.2` (server#39813) - Fix: close cursor after reading the invitation (server#39817) - Wrap long productName on login form (server#39853) - Add l10n for files_reminders (server#39855) - Calendar optimizations (server#39858) - Select the fileid first when looking for incomplete files (server#39871) - Fix: Also cleanup version metadata if expiring (server#39873) - Bump Hub 5 -> Hub 6 (server#39886) - Fix various file reminders bugs (server#39887) - Reduce the number of container queries (server#39890) - Fix smart picker integration of new Vue based file picker (server#39893) - Fix(CardDAV): set owner-principal, displayname properties for SAB (server#39900) - Enh(contacts): show/hide addressbooks for all (server#39904) - Update `AATTnextcloud/dialogs` to 4.2.0-beta.3 to fix FilePicker issues (server#39913) - Adjust add button (server#39915) - Fix(files): Fix legacy files list sorting (server#39919) - Try to fix regression with public file upload button (server#39921) - Prevent PHP warning when CacheEntry extension keys are not set (server#39930) - Fix: don’t emit Hooks when hookpaths are empty (server#39934) - Chore: update tarstreamer to 2.1.0 (server#39939) - Fix(memcache): Fix comparison of Memcache configs to classes (server#39947) - Fix: always use display name from correct backend (server#39949) - Allow to upgrade from 26.0.x to 27.1.x directly (server#39952) - Don’t bother checking dav acl’s in files (server#39953) - Fix(CS): Use the naming pattern for the URL scheme (server#39962) - Feat(dashboard): implement widget item api v2 (server#39993) - Feat(security): Add a bruteforce protection backend base on memcache (server#39997) - Fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#40007) - Chore: Update `AATTnextcloud/dialogs` to 4.2.0-beta.4 for FilePicker improvments (server#40030) - Do not log passwords in debug mode (server#40032) - Fix user log.condition feature (server#40034) - Fix(utility): De- deprecate getDateTime and getTime as now() only returns DateTimeImmutable (server#40039) - Encode filename trashbin restore (server#40045) - Improve upload progress visualization (server#40060) - Fix(theming): Add `__webpack_nounce__` to support async chunks (server#40062) - Fix(CardDAV): only run upgrade sync if 1000 users or less (server#40066) - Pass the share to the cache instead of having to ask the storage (server#40074) - Hide shares by disabled users (server#40078) - Fix(cache): Remove displayname cache entry on delete (server#40080) - Fix(CalDAV): check voject exists before attempting any operation (server#40081) - Fix(CI): Add empty eslint and node when unrelated (PHP only) (server#40101) - Feat: add switch to disable dns pinning (server#40162) - Revert accidental direct push of 8b42fb033fdcd3775b4850de6faf6091c8dcc716 (server#40175) - Improve sharing flow (server#40179) - Fix(s3): fix handling verify_bucket_exists parameter (server#40186) - Chore(3rdparty): update sabre/http to 5.1.10 (server#40197) - Fix(CardDAV): allow disabling of the system address book (server#40200) - Fix npm audit (server#40220) - Fix: prevent sharing permissions on user root folder (server#40227) - Move share permission logic to storage wrapper (server#40231) - Enh: skip processing for empty response (server#40258) - Change proftpd ci image (server#40269) - Admin have no special rights on users’ entries (server#40271) - Chore: Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs to v4.2.0 beta 5 (server#40281) - Detect aborted connection in OC\\Files\\View and stop writing data to t… (server#40286) - Feat: Add events for version restore (server#40297) - Enable download configuration on circles shares (server#40298) - Fix(ratelimit): Only use memory cache backend for redis (server#40300) - Fix(CalDAV): check birthday calendar owner (server#40309) - Rename AppEcosystemV2 to AppAPI (server#40315) - Backport Polish new sharing flow : accesibility, expand bahavior, click outside behaviour (server#40327) - Theming: Revert broken SVG optimization in default-source.svg (server#40333) - Enable new versions feature for groupfolders (server#40339) - Fix: Hide set reminder action on public shares (server#40342) - 40289 fix appearance (server#40343) - Fix(autoloader): no apcu no side effects (server#40350) - Fix(ldap): avatar is not being fetched (server#40369) - Backport polish sharing flow bugs (server#40390) - Fix(caldav): add webroot to objectid for activities (server#40402) - Display user status by the side in sharing flow (server#40405) - Ellipsize user status in sharing entry (server#40412) - Hide additional content when share details is open (server#40414) - Fix invite guest for new sharing flow (server#40415) - Bump AATTnc/dialogs to 4.2.0 (server#40417) - Correctly switch/revert from custom to bundled perms (server#40437) - Chore(deps): Bump cweagans/composer-patches from 1.7.1 to 1.7.3 (3rdparty#1525) - Chore(deps): Bump deepdiver1975/tarstreamer from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 (3rdparty#1531) - Chore(deps): update sabre/http to 5.1.10 in stable27 (3rdparty#1560) - Perf(dashboard): implement widget item api v2 (activity#1299) - Chore(deps): Downgrade nextcloud/ocp to stable27 (activity#1301) - Resolve dependency hell (activity#1304) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 27 on stable27 (bruteforcesettings#459) - Filter system circles (circles#1381) - Download permissions on share for internal/external members (circles#1384) - Support files_external (circles#1386) - Feat: Fix styling for version comparison (files_pdfviewer#795) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 (files_pdfviewer#801) - Fix extraction of PDF.js package (files_pdfviewer#807) - Fix(CI): Fix OCP package on stable27 (nextcloud_announcements#226) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#229) - Fix(CI): Fix nextcloud/ocp package version (notifications#1638) - Fix(fairuse): Adjust website URL (notifications#1639) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1650) - Chore(deps): Bump webdav from 4.11.0 to 4.11.2 (photos#1814) - Fix npm audit (photos#1958) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump postcss from 8.4.19 to 8.4.27 (photos#1967) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump jest from 29.6.1 to 29.6.2 (photos#1968) - Chore(deps): Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 29.4.1 to 29.4.3 (photos#1969) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump autoprefixer from 10.4.13 to 10.4.14 (photos#1970) - Chore(deps): Bump immutable from 4.3.0 to 4.3.2 (photos#1990) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTvue/vue2-jest from 29.2.4 to 29.2.5 (photos#1997) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 (photos#1998) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump tslib from 2.5.0 to 2.5.3 (photos#2004) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump autoprefixer from 10.4.14 to 10.4.15 (photos#2011) - Fix npm audit (photos#2016) - Fix npm audit (recommendations#643) - Perf(dashboard): implement widget item api v2 (recommendations#649) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#271) - Fix: handle non markdown files in conflicts (text#4272) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.17.3 (text#4631) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^4.4.9 (text#4633) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4640) - Fix: Use default font size (text#4647) - Fix: Use resize observer to calculate menubar icon limit (text#4649) - Fix(css): Move code highlighting CSS to `prosemirror.scss` (text#4651) - Feat: add component SkeletonLoading (text#4655) - Feat: Add support for mermaid.js rendering (text#4656) - Allow opening files outside of the file system in viewer (text#4658) - Feat: Expose formatting menu bar actions through slash command (text#4661) - Text processing integration (text#4662) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTvue/vue2-jest to ^29.2.5 (text#4675) - Fix missing text on assistant task list (text#4679) - Ci(cypress): Fix selectors for new file picker (text#4680) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.17.4 (text#4694) - Fix: Sort regular smart picker options first (text#4697) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/files to ^3.0.0-beta.16 (text#4704) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.12.2 (text#4705) - Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.82 (text#4706) - Fix(deps): update dependency mermaid to ^10.3.1 (text#4708) - Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to ^2.14.0 (text#4709) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.1.6 (text#4710) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4731) - Chore(deps): update dependency vue-demi to ^0.14.6 (text#4737) - Chore(deps): update jest to ^29.6.4 (text#4738) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.9.0 (text#4739) - Fix: select all in code block (text#4748) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.1.7 (text#4757) - Chore(deps): update vueuse to ^10.4.1 (text#4758) - Fix(deps): update dependency mermaid to ^10.4.0 (text#4759) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4765) - List fixes (text#4774) - Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs to 4.2.0 (text#4794) - Ci(xmllint): bump action to v1.1 (twofactor_totp#1429) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 (viewer#1808) - Update cypress snapshots (viewer#1816) - Fix npm audit (viewer#1828) - Default to source if fileid is undefined (viewer#1848) - Add option to disable sidebar (viewer#1849) - Feat: Compare files side by side (viewer#1850) - Fix: Avoid issues when switching between versions (viewer#1852) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.13.3 to 2.13.4 (viewer#1856) - Update cypress snapshots (viewer#1869) - Fix(cypress): header sharing download button selector (viewer#1871) - Fix panning of zoomed images (viewer#1874) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/l10n to ^2.2.0 (viewer#1907) - Fix(deps): update dependency filerobot-image-editor to ^4.5.1 (viewer#1908) - Chore(deps): update dependency jest to ^29.6.4 (viewer#1933) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/auth to ^2.1.0 (viewer#1937)- Changes from 27.0.2 - Fix app menu flicker (server#38563) - Fix creating events with old (< unix time) lastoccurence (server#39059) - Fix(node): non-existing folder is not searchable (server#39369) - Fix(profile): fix getUID on nullable user variable (server#39435) - Fix: ContactManager search with fullmatch (server#39448) - Fix: check that object store backend supports multi part uploads (server#39458) - Fix: Correctly add `module` content type to script tags with versions (server#39462) - Fix(s3): Pass SSE-C parameters for multipart upload (server#39499) - Add instance category while checking new updates (server#39522) - Fix npm audit (server#39543) - Bugfix/bulk upload empty files (server#39554) - Fix(files): fix extension with custom displayName (server#39566) - Fix(SystemTagManager): Use truncated tagName in getTag and updateTag (server#39596) - Ocs/v1.php/cloud/groups` `UPDATE` method – correct status when group not found (server#39601) - Fix(IParallelAwareJob): Check for other reserved jobs before setting new ones as reserved (server#39612) - Fix share roots always being marked as writable (server#39614) - Fix(s3): add SSE-C parameters to headObject call (server#39642) - Fix(files): url used to retrive storage stats (server#39643) - Only show weather credits if the app is enabled and the weather statu… (server#39663) - Fix(files_sharing): String translations (server#39665) - Fix(dav): use quota of destination in s3 chunk upload (server#39678) - Generate path if app does exist (circles#1350) - Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#928) - Chore: update workflows from templates (firstrunwizard#931) - Chore(deps) – bump semver to 6.3.1 (notifications#1611) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 (notifications#1615) - Fix npm audit (privacy#938) - Fix npm audit (related_resources#247) - Remove useless logs (related_resources#265) - Update composer dependencies (related_resources#268) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/stylelint-config to ^2.3.1 (text#4494) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.12.1 (text#4512) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^4.4.5 (text#4529) - Fix: Remember cursor position when autofocus on load (text#4544) - Fix(deps): update dependency slug to ^8.2.3 (text#4561) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.17.2 (text#4565) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.8.2 (text#4566) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.0.4 (text#4572) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^4.4.6 (text#4577) - Fix(deps): update yjs (text#4580) - Fix(mentions): encode user id in mentions URLs (text#4589) - Fade out user cursor labels after five seconds of inactivity (text#4591) - Add syntax highlighting in code blocks (text#4595) - Fix(css): Fix margin-bottom for list items (text#4598) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^4.4.7 (text#4605) - Chore(deps): update jest to ^29.6.2 (text#4606) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4612) - Fix: tab key in code block (text#4616) - Fix(editor): Don’t load both Tiptap collaboration history extensions (text#4622) - Chore: run npm audit fix (twofactor_totp#1424)-Changes from 27.0.1 - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#38357) - 38340 fix add group broken (server#38361) - Show pending popover menu when password is enabled by default (server#38395) - Reload filelist when adding or removing shares (server#38420) - Revert “Fix table view” (server#38474) - Fix(carddav): Make system contact phone number RFC compliant (server#38475) - Add fallback when a there is no preview for a version (server#38510) - Fix(caldav): Ignore invalid events for reminder generation (server#38572) - Increase from 100000 to 600000 iterations for hash_pbkdf2 (server#38580) - Fix(caldav): Close DB cursor in reminder index background job (server#38659) - Improve oauth2 database migration from ownCloud (server#38671) - Fix(systemtags): Incorrect tags shown temporarily (server#38678) - Fix(apache): Serve `mjs` (module javascript) as static files (server#38689) - Store encrypted OAuth2 client secrets (server#38707) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.11.6 to 7.12.0 (server#38716) - Add utility command for object store objects (server#38731) - Fix npm audit (server#38740) - Allow to specify upgrade.cli-upgrade-link in order to link to the correct documentation (server#38751) - Log failures to read certificates during listing (server#38756) - Fix(carddav): Make SystemAddressBook::__construct $groupManager argument nullable (server#38792) - Make sure to show download button only one time (server#38811) - Emit an event when a message is logged (server#38816) - Add config variable for curl timeout (server#38825) - Fix: Removed invalid user from CODEOWNERS file (server#38847) - Generate user themed favicon and touchicon (server#38851) - Fix confusion around mail settings and improve layout a bit (server#38885) - Use source cache when listing folder during recursive copy (server#38891) - Fix(core): Do not invert app menu text color (server#38897) - Add bruteforce protection in OauthApiController (server#38898) - PruneOutdatedSyncTokens deletes all entries (server#38919) - Adjust admin setup check to increase warning to configure https (server#38929) - Fix(sab): put location in proper address field (server#38947) - Fix(l10n): Fix plural issue with different locale and language (server#38953) - Fix(systemtags): Add missing systemtags index (server#38960) - Perf: skip request without write permission (server#38968) - Fix: Avoid failing to update the current version entry if there is none (server#38970) - Implement optimized getDirectoryContent for DAV (server#38971) - Fix: expect interface, not a specific implementation (server#38976) - Move deprecation warnings to debug (server#38980) - Fix npm audit (server#38983) - Fix(weather_status): Pass address as param to OSM API (server#38991) - Fix: restore AppsSlideToggle feature (server#38994) - Use getsystemvalue-functions in Mailer.php (server#39004) - File scanner performance improvements (server#39019) - Fix(dav): Catch SAB sync errors during upgrade (server#39028) - Adjust saving of status messages (server#39055) - Fix(cypress): branch definition (server#39067) - Fix(files): Only render the menu if there are actions to show (server#39078) - Silent `imagecreatefromstring()` errors (server#39099) - Reduce load of files versions preview loading (server#39119) - Fix(OC/password-confirmation): Hide the correct button (server#39142) - Enable version features again with S3 versioning (server#39147) - Fix(sse): don’t update uncached files (server#39151) - Fix(ocp): Fix reference of dashboard IAPIWidget::getItems from WidgetItem (server#39157) - Fix(TagSearchProvider): Short circuit if no tag matches the query (server#39193) - Use more efficient tag retrieval on DAV report request (server#39202) - Fix(cypress): revert only toggle (server#39205) - Fix(files_sharing): hide download permission for circle shares (server#39261) - Enable all files_versions features when groupfolders is enabled (server#39265) - Add command do delete orphan shares (server#39267) - Display displayname on federated shares (server#39269) - Add command do delete orphan shares (server#39283) - Preload custom properties when propfinding folders (server#39292) - Fix(files): fix legacy router query change (server#39301) - Fix npm audit (server#39325) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#39326) - Fix(files): sanitize name and ext display (server#39333) - Cibit): fix failing test setup (server#39334) - Chore(CI): Sign .drone.yml file (server#39344) - GetStorage before remove (server#39354) - Fix: also run phpunit on `apps/theming/css` modified files (server#39374) - Fix(db): no hardcoded table prefix is expected (server#39392) - Feat: Add public event for missing indices (server#39396) - Fix(core): Add password confirmation requirement for getapppassword (server#39417) - Fix sharing of encrypted files (server#39454) - Fix(apps): Fix loading info.xml file (server#39491) - Groupfolder activities on move/rename (activity#1203) - Fix npm audit (activity#1245) - Bump unzipper from 0.10.11 to 0.10.14 (files_pdfviewer#752) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2 (files_pdfviewer#759) - Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#764) - Fix npm audit (again) (files_pdfviewer#772) - Update phpunit workflows from master (files_pdfviewer#777) - Replace “Unselect” with “Unselect all” in right click menu (files_rightclick#170) - Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#892) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2 (firstrunwizard#899) - Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#906) - Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#914) - Manual backport #877 (logreader#916) - Choreaudit dependencies (logreader#924) - Chore(deps) – bump semver to 6.3.1 (logreader#937) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.11.4 to 7.11.6 (notifications#1556) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2 (notifications#1576) - Chore: update workflows from templates (notifications#1580) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.8 to 9.6.9 in /tests/Integration (notifications#1581) - Fix(settings): Delete settings when a user is deleted (notifications#1584) - Update target branch of performance.yml (notifications#1587) - Fix(CI): Delay mysql configuration so we wait for the mysql container… (notifications#1591) - Choreaudit dependencies (notifications#1603) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 27 on stable27 (password_policy#474) - Fix: properly handle public link share deletion (photos#1824) - Fix: use owner instead of owner_id to delete photos by owner (photos#1843) - Update view when layout setting changes (photos#1857) - Prevent progress bar overflow when uploading in album content (photos#1864) - Make file list semantically correct (photos#1868) - Bump AATTvue/test-utils from 1.3.3 to 1.3.6 (photos#1872) - Fix npm audit (photos#1878) - Reset selection state in route change (photos#1891) - Support browsers that do not support caches (photos#1896) - Fix npm audit (photos#1903) - Fix npm audit (photos#1915) - Add unselect all (photos#1921) - Adapt to SystemTags optimizations on server (photos#1925) - Fix npm audit (photos#1937) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 27 on stable27 (privacy#893) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.8.0 to 7.8.5 (privacy#898) - Fix npm audit (privacy#906) - Chore: update workflows from templates (privacy#908) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2 (privacy#910) - Fix npm audit (privacy#916) - Fix npm audit (privacy#922) - Fix npm audit (privacy#928) - Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 27 on stable27 (related_resources#234) - Chore(deps): update dependency vue-demi to ^0.14.5 (text#4213) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/event-bus to ^3.1.0 (text#4214) - Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.78 (text#4227) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/auth to ^2.1.0 (text#4230) - Don’t expect HTML element with ID `mimetype` in public share (text#4256) - Fix: paste multiple line to table issue (text#4264) - Fix npm audit (text#4277) - Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.6.4 (text#4281) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATThocuspocus/provider to ^2.1.0 (text#4283) - Fix: Catch unique constraint violation when creating new documents (text#4292) - Chore: Bump composer autoloader for new composer version (text#4296) - Fix(css): info callout box color to –color-info (text#4302) - Fix/2708 pasting tables (text#4313) - Bring back keyboard shortcuts to help modal on non-mobile (text#4320) - Fix: Pass origin along the initial state update (text#4323) - Fix: clickable zone of task list checkbox (text#4324) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/files to ^3.0.0-beta.10 (text#4331) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/router to ^2.1.2 (text#4332) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.15.0 (text#4333) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.12.0 (text#4334) - Fix(deps): update highlight (text#4341) - Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.6.5 (text#4352) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.8.0 (text#4354) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATThocuspocus/provider to ^2.2.0 (text#4355) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/dialogs to ^4.1.0 (text#4356) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/l10n to ^2.2.0 (text#4384) - Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.6.6 (text#4387) - Flaky CI fixes (text#4391) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.16.0 (text#4397) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/eslint-config to ^8.3.0-beta.2 (text#4403) - Fix: remove redundant css (text#4407) - Chore(ci): Run cypress against proper stable branch (text#4411) - Fix(frontend): Update last saved timestamp when document is saved (text#4415) - Fix: hotkey ctrl-s (text#4417) - Fix npm audit (text#4428) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/axios to ^2.4.0 (text#4432) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATThocuspocus/provider to ^2.2.1 (text#4441) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/files to ^3.0.0-beta.11 (text#4442) - Fix(deps): update dependency mitt to ^3.0.1 (text#4446) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.17.0 (text#4447) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^4.4.1 (text#4448) - Chore(deps): update jest to ^29.6.1 (text#4449) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^4.4.2 (text#4454) - Fix npm audit (text#4467) - Fix(frontend): Improve paste handler for table cells (text#4470) - Fix: Delete inactive sessions in one query (text#4472) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.17.1 (text#4477) - Fix: Fetch attachment share permissions (text#4484) - Fix sync errors after network issues (text#4486) - Fix: Encode individual parts of the dav url as uri components (text#4498) - Fix: max width of editor container on mobile (text#4499) - Fix: link preview width on mobile (text#4501) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^4.4.3 (text#4506) - Fix(sync): only save on close if changes were made (text#4508) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.8.1 (text#4511) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/initial-state to ^2.1.0 (text#4513) - Fix: remove duplicated save key action (text#4516) - Tests(cypress): Refactor reconnect test to be more reliable and add second test for actual reconnect (text#4517) - Fix: Add index to session_id on text_steps table (text#4523) - Fix: Use simple query and chunk in PHP to delete inactive sessions (text#4551) - Fix(postgres): Use a unique index name (text#4555) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump tslib from 2.5.0 to 2.5.3 (viewer#1701) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTtypes/dockerode from 3.3.17 to 3.3.19 (viewer#1723) - Fix npm audit (viewer#1730) - Fix: update snapshots (viewer#1736) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2 (viewer#1741) - Fix npm audit (viewer#1752) - Use the Node object as event payload (viewer#1754) - Update cypress snapshots (viewer#1759) - Chore: update cypress.yml workflow from template (viewer#1766) - Update cypress snapshots (viewer#1771) - Fix npm audit (viewer#1778) - Update cypress snapshots (viewer#1794) - Send CSRF token in rawStat (viewer#1798) - Fix/video fullscreen i phone stable27 (viewer#1805) - Fix/fullscreen ios stable27 (viewer#1823)- Changes from 27.0.0 Too many changes. See https://nextcloud.com/changelog/#27-0-0 * Thu Sep 21 2023 ecsos - Update to 26.0.7 - Add version sidebar events (server#40352) - Fix issues where unencrypted_size was being falsely used for non-encrypted home folders (server#40380) - Fix(caldav): add webroot to objectid for activities (server#40403) - Fix: don’t use davtags for tag search (server#40445) - Hide shares by disabled users (server#40476) - Fix(comments): Use provided offset in best effort when loading comments (server#40507) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#231) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1655) - Fix (visually) removing first notification when executing an action (notifications#1663) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4788) - Fix(integrity): expect pkg mgmt files (updater#494) - Fix: update testing range for 25, 26 and 27, and update dependencies (updater#495) * Thu Sep 14 2023 ecsos - Update to 26.0.6 - Do not allow to toggle between password and text in sharing (server#39602) - Fix(notifications): Remove share notification when the node is deleted (server#39711) - Catch more invalid cache source storage paths (server#39726) - Optimize calendar search query (server#39788) - Chore: update `AATTnextcloud-vue` to `v7.12.2` (server#39812) - Fix: close cursor after reading the invitation (server#39816) - Wrap long productName on login form (server#39854) - Calendar optimizations (server#39861) - Select the fileid first when looking for incomplete files (server#39872) - Fix: Also cleanup version metadata if expiring (server#39874) - Fix(weather_status): Pass address as param to OSM API (server#39917) - Prevent PHP warning when CacheEntry extension keys are not set (server#39931) - Fix: don’t emit Hooks when hookpaths are empty (server#39935) - Fix(memcache): Fix comparison of Memcache configs to classes (server#39948) - Fix: always use display name from correct backend (server#39991) - Fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#40006) - Fix(logging): user log condition feature (server#40035) - Improve upload progress visualization (server#40061) - Do not log passwords in debug mode (server#40076) - Fix(cache): Remove displayname cache entry on delete (server#40085) - Fix(CalDAV): check voject exists before attempting any operation (server#40086) - Feat: add switch to disable dns pinning (server#40167) - Fix(s3): fix handling verify_bucket_exists parameter (server#40187) - Fix: prevent sharing permissions on user root folder (server#40229) - Move share permission logic to storage wrapper (server#40232) - Enh: skip processing for empty response (server#40260) - Detect aborted connection in OC\\Files\\View and stop writing data to the output buffer (server#40280) - Admin have no special rights on users’ entries (server#40291) - Fix(ratelimit): Only use memory cache backend for redis (server#40302) - Fix(CalDAV): check birthday calendar owner (server#40310) - Replace deprecated “request” with “axios” (files_pdfviewer#793) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 (files_pdfviewer#800) - Fix extraction of PDF.js package (files_pdfviewer#808) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#925) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#947) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#964) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#220) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1630) - Chore: update workflows from templates (privacy#945) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.8.0 to 7.8.5 (privacy#947) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#272) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#286) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.17.3 (text#4636) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^4.4.9 (text#4638) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4643) - Fix: Use default font size (text#4646) - Fix: Use resize observer to calculate menubar icon limit (text#4650) - Fix(css): Move code highlighting CSS to `prosemirror.scss` (text#4652) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTvue/vue2-jest to ^29.2.5 (text#4695) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.17.4 (text#4696) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.12.2 (text#4712) - Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.82 (text#4713) - Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to ^2.14.0 (text#4715) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.1.6 (text#4717) - Chore(deps): update dependency vue-demi to ^0.14.6 (text#4740) - Chore(deps): update jest to ^29.6.4 (text#4741) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.9.0 (text#4742) - Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.83 (text#4760) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.1.7 (text#4761) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4764) - Fix(deps): update vueuse to ^10.4.1 (text#4766) - List fixes (text#4775) - Ci(xmllint): bump action to v1.1 (twofactor_totp#1428) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 (viewer#1807) - Update cypress snapshots (viewer#1827) - Fix npm audit (viewer#1829) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/files from 3.0.0-beta.11 to 3.0.0-beta.14 (viewer#1854) - Revert “Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/files from 3.0.0-beta.11 to 3.0.0-beta.14” (viewer#1865) - Fix(cypress): header sharing download button selector (viewer#1872) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/initial-state to ^2.1.0 (viewer#1909) - Fix(deps): update dependency filerobot-image-editor to ^4.5.1 (viewer#1910) * Thu Aug 10 2023 ecsos - Update to 26.0.5 - Fix(node): non-existing folder is not searchable (server#39370) - Fix(profile): fix getUID on nullable user variable (server#39437) - Fix: ContactManager search with fullmatch (server#39450) - Fix: check that object store backend supports multi part uploads (server#39459) - Bugfix/bulk upload empty files (server#39510) - Add instance category while checking new updates (server#39523) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#39559) - Fix(SystemTagManager): Use truncated tagName in getTag and updateTag (server#39597) - Ocs/v1.php/cloud/groups` `UPDATE` method – correct status when group not found (server#39600) - Fix share roots always being marked as writable (server#39659) - Only show weather credits if the app is enabled and the weather statu… (server#39664) - Fix(files_sharing): String translations (server#39666) - Fix(dav): use quota of destination in s3 chunk upload (server#39679) - Generate path if app does exist (circles#1351) - Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#929) - Chore: update workflows from templates (firstrunwizard#932) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#944) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#950) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#217) - Chore(deps) – bump semver to 6.3.1 (notifications#1612) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1624) - Fix npm audit (privacy#937) - Fix npm audit (recommendations#626) - Fix npm audit (related_resources#248) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#262) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#473) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#487) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#491) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/stylelint-config to ^2.3.1 (text#4514) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^4.4.5 (text#4531) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.8.2 (text#4532) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.12.1 (text#4533) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/initial-state to ^2.1.0 (text#4534) - Fix: Remember cursor position when autofocus on load (text#4543) - Fix(deps): update dependency slug to ^8.2.3 (text#4562) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.17.2 (text#4567) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.0.4 (text#4573) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^4.4.6 (text#4578) - Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.6.7 (text#4581) - Fix(mentions): encode user id in mentions URLs (text#4590) - Fade out user cursor labels after five seconds of inactivity (text#4593) - Add syntax highlighting in code blocks (text#4594) - Fix(css): Fix margin-bottom for list items (text#4599) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^4.4.7 (text#4607) - Chore(deps): update jest to ^29.6.2 (text#4608) - Fix: tab key in code block (text#4617) - Fix(editor): Don’t load both Tiptap collaboration history extensions (text#4623) - Chore: run npm audit fix and fix jest (twofactor_totp#1425) * Thu Jul 20 2023 ecsos - Update to 26.0.4 - Move encrypt-all password email to EmailTemplate (server#37737) - Store encrypted OAuth2 client secrets (server#38708) - Generate user themed favicon and touchicon (server#38853) - Fix confusion around mail settings and improve layout a bit (server#38887) - Fix(core): Do not invert app menu text color (server#38908) - PruneOutdatedSyncTokens deletes all entries (server#38920) - Adjust admin setup check to increase warning to configure https (server#38932) - Add bruteforce protection in OauthApiController (server#38949) - Fix(systemtags): Add missing systemtags index (server#38961) - Perf: skip request without write permission (server#38972) - Fix: expect interface, not a specific implementation (server#38977) - Fix: Avoid failing to update the current version entry if there is none (server#39003) - Use getsystemvalue-functions in Mailer.php (server#39006) - Fix setup-check test (server#39014) - Fix(l10n): Fix plural issue with different locale and language (server#39031) - Fix creating events with old (< unix time) lastoccurence (server#39060) - Fix(cypress): branch definition (server#39072) - Fix(files): Only render the menu if there are actions to show (server#39080) - Silent `imagecreatefromstring()` errors (server#39100) - Ignore and log non integer versions (server#39117) - Fix password confirmation (server#39143) - Fix(sse): don’t update uncached files (server#39152) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#39155) - Fix(ocp): Fix reference of dashboard IAPIWidget::getItems from WidgetItem (server#39159) - Fix(TagSearchProvider): Short circuit if no tag matches the query (server#39194) - Fix(cypress): revert only toggle (server#39206) - Use more efficient tag retrieval on DAV report request (server#39232) - Fix(dav): Abort requests with 429 instead of waiting (server#39252) - Fix(files_sharing): hide download permission for circle shares (server#39260) - Display displayname on federated shares (server#39270) - Add command do delete orphan shares (server#39285) - Preload custom properties when propfinding folders (server#39293) - Cibit): fix failing test setup (server#39335) - Chore(CI): Sign .drone.yml file (server#39345) - GetStorage before remove (server#39355) - Fix: also run phpunit on `apps/theming/css` modified files (server#39375) - Fix(db): no hardcoded table prefix is expected (server#39393) - Feat: Add public event for missing indices (server#39397) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#39406) - Fix(core): Add password confirmation requirement for getapppassword (server#39418) - Fix(apps): Fix loading info.xml file (server#39492) - Modernize cypress tests (activity#1189) - Fix npm audit (activity#1243) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1249) - Update 3rdparty dependencies (bruteforcesettings#467) - Revert “Update 3rdparty dependencies” (bruteforcesettings#478) - Bump unzipper from 0.10.11 to 0.10.14 (files_pdfviewer#751) - Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#766) - Fix npm audit (again) (files_pdfviewer#773) - Update phpunit workflows from master (files_pdfviewer#778) - Replace “Unselect” with “Unselect all” in right click menu (files_rightclick#171) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#901) - Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#904) - Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#916) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#914) - Choreaudit dependencies (logreader#925) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#210) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#214) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1579) - Fix(settings): Delete settings when a user is deleted (notifications#1585) - Choreaudit dependencies (notifications#1604) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1609) - Reset selection state in route change (photos#1890) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#1894) - Fix npm audit (photos#1902) - Fix npm audit (photos#1913) - Add unselect all (photos#1922) - Adapt to SystemTags optimizations on server (photos#1927) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#1934) - Fix npm audit (privacy#919) - Fix npm audit (privacy#924) - Fix npm audit (privacy#930) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#195) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#467) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (survey_client#179) - Fix(deps): update highlight (text#4143) - Fix(css): info callout box color to –color-info (text#4303) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4307) - Fix/2708 pasting tables (text#4314) - Bring back keyboard shortcuts to help modal on non-mobile (text#4319) - Fix: Pass origin along the initial state update (text#4322) - Fix: clickable zone of task list checkbox (text#4325) - Chore(deps): update dependency prosemirror-test-builder to ^1.1.1 (text#4342) - Chore(deps): update dependency vue-demi to ^0.14.5 (text#4358) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/files to ^3.0.0-beta.10 (text#4359) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/router to ^2.1.2 (text#4360) - Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.78 (text#4361) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.15.0 (text#4365) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.8.0 (text#4366) - Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.6.5 (text#4368) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/auth to ^2.1.0 (text#4369) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/dialogs to ^4.1.0 (text#4370) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/event-bus to ^3.1.0 (text#4371) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.12.0 (text#4372) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/l10n to ^2.2.0 (text#4385) - Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.6.6 (text#4388) - Flaky CI fixes (text#4392) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/eslint-config to ^8.3.0-beta.2 (text#4404) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.16.0 (text#4405) - Fix: remove redundant css (text#4408) - Chore(ci): Run cypress against proper stable branch (text#4410) - Ci(cypress): Revert show_hidden method for cypress interception (text#4413) - Fix(frontend): Update last saved timestamp when document is saved (text#4416) - Fix: hotkey ctrl-s (text#4418) - Fix npm audit (text#4430) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/axios to ^2.4.0 (text#4433) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/files to ^3.0.0-beta.11 (text#4450) - Fix(deps): update dependency mitt to ^3.0.1 (text#4451) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.17.0 (text#4455) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^4.4.2 (text#4456) - Chore(deps): update jest to ^29.6.1 (text#4457) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4463) - Fix npm audit (text#4465) - Fix(frontend): Improve paste handler for table cells (text#4471) - Fix: Delete inactive sessions in one query (text#4473) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.17.1 (text#4478) - Fix: Fetch attachment share permissions (text#4485) - Fix sync errors after network issues (text#4487) - Fix: Encode individual parts of the dav url as uri components (text#4497) - Fix: max width of editor container on mobile (text#4500) - Fix: link preview width on mobile (text#4502) - Fix(sync): only save on close if changes were made (text#4509) - Fix: remove duplicated save key action (text#4515) - Tests(cypress): Refactor reconnect test to be more reliable and add second test for actual reconnect (text#4518) - Fix: Add index to session_id on text_steps table (text#4524) - Fix: Use simple query and chunk in PHP to delete inactive sessions (text#4552) - Fix(postgres): Use a unique index name (text#4554) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTtypes/dockerode from 3.3.18 to 3.3.19 (viewer#1724) - Fix: update npm scripts for visual regression snapshots update (viewer#1735) - Fix npm audit (viewer#1753) - Use the Node object as event payload (viewer#1755) - Chore: update cypress.yml workflow from template (viewer#1765) - Fix npm audit (viewer#1776) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/files from 3.0.0-beta.10 to 3.0.0-beta.11 (viewer#1789) - Send CSRF token in rawStat (viewer#1799) - Fix/video fullscreen iphone (viewer#1803) - Fix/fullscreen ios stable26 (viewer#1822) * Thu Jun 22 2023 ecsos - Update to 26.0.3 - No changelog from upstream at this time.- Changes from 26.0.2 - Also unmark deleted ldap user when checking the ldap entry (server#37304) - Fix DBAL exception handling in setValues (server#37549) - Fix(dav): Use an icon with correct color for calendar user settings section (server#37601) - Fix button text (server#37708) - Handle not being able to write file for notify self-test (server#37740) - Fix: Make sure that rollback hook is triggered on all version backends (server#37743) - Really disable versions features when S3 versioning is enabled (server#37768) - Handle reminders where calendar name is null (server#37785) - Ungroup `placeholder` css rules to prevent browsers from removing all rules (server#37793) - Fix event move issue (server#37812) - Fix background color of external devices with errors on dark color theme (server#37833) - Fix(files): Don’t throw an error when guests access the controller (server#37836) - Sec(deps): Update guzzlehttp/psr7 (server#37845) - Fix TypeError in Profiler (server#37849) - Add the server roots and version info hash to apcu prefix (server#37872) - Check free space only if source exists and is dir (server#37873) - Ignore errors while trying to update parent storage_mtime (server#37875) - Do not override stored credentials when login in with SAML (server#37900) - Make grid toggle sticky (server#37907) - Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.8.0 to 7.10.0 (server#37910) - Trap focus in dialogs (server#37911) - Update crl after revoke shifts.csr (server#37922) - Backport: Fix profile view edit button overlapping status text (server#37939) - Fix(settings): Fix title of profile scope options (server#37941) - Do not show Tags action when systemtag is disabled (server#37957) - Fix npm audit (server#37973) - Add command for getting fileinfo for debugging (server#38005) - Fix: change maintenance mode info wording (server#38009) - Fix multiple LDAP configuration support by fixing AccessFactory (server#38027) - Update expire_date column of table comments (server#38037) - Mutualize expireDate handling when creating and updating a share (server#38040) - Fix: catch ManuallyLockedException and use app context (server#38043) - Fix app overflow menu on bright color theme (server#38049) - Fix: add workaround for oci and limit queries (server#38054) - Fix(ocp): Add deprecation version to ILogFactory::getCustomLogger (server#38070) - Fix “skip content”-buttons on small screen sizes (server#38076) - Increase “Edit your profile visibility button” contrast (server#38078) - Fix weather app aria label (server#38079) - Increase imaginary timeouts as for big files the processing could take very long (server#38081) - Check return value and improve error handling on certificate manager (server#38091) - Fix(theming): unwanted variables and colours calc fixes (server#38098) - Fix: always use proper path on node api when calling the view (server#38128) - Fix json_decode expecting a string (server#38130) - Check if version entity is not null before delete (server#38153) - Do not stop at the first PHP error/warning in files:scan (server#38154) - Fix error on delete in ChunkingV2Plugin (server#38167) - Fix(workflowengine): Fix multiple UI issues in workflow engine admin settings (server#38189) - Make sure to never trigger files hooks on a null path (server#38204) - Fix redirect on unsupported browser warning (server#38208) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#38212) - Fix: Check for wrapped retriable exceptions (server#38238) - Fix(carddav): Mark system address book as read-only (server#38248) - Check if version has entity before trying to access it (server#38254) - Add command to summarize space usage (server#38255) - Fix incosistent scrolling in Firefox (server#38257) - Fix(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue to 7.11.5 (server#38263) - Fix(lostpassword): Also rate limit the setPassword endpoint (server#38268) - Fix(middleware): Also abort the request when reaching max delay in af… (server#38275) - Check the username when doing external storage session auth (server#38281) - Get rid of more int casts in file size manipulations (server#38289) - Fix generated avatars cache (server#38304) - SystemTags endpoint to return tags used by a user with meta data (server#38307) - Rename `numericStorageId` to `numericExternalStorageId` in PersonalMount.php (server#38317) - Fix(search): fix load more (server#38318) - Fix : Share Expire After N Days width (server#38319) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.11.5 to 7.11.6 (server#38331) - Revert “Ungroup `placeholder` css rules to prevent browsers from removing all rules” (server#38437) - Sec(deps): Update guzzlehttp/psr7 (3rdparty#1387) - Rename “user” to “account” in description (bruteforcesettings#455) - App cfg from cli (circles#1295) - Make changes to circle config synchroneous (circles#1309) - Add npm-audit-fix (files_pdfviewer#732) - Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#739) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#842) - Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#862) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#193) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.7.1 to 7.7.2 (notifications#1518) - Fix(deps): Update webpack (notifications#1526) - Fix header menu color by updating AATTnextcloud/vue to 7.10.0 (notifications#1534) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1543) - Do not allow deletion from public albums (photos#1750) - Fix #1753: Media and Photos views are blank after upgrade to 26.0.1 (photos#1759) - Fix: hide upload button on public album shares (photos#1763) - Expose DAV permissions on album and places photos (photos#1775) - Do not silence error when setting a place (photos#1778) - Fix folder view (photos#1779) - Use display name instead of id for shared albums (photos#1783) - Reset file list on upload in FilesPicker (photos#1792) - Run npm audit fix (photos#1799) - Revert using display name in shared albums’ name (photos#1801) - Prevent progress bar overflow when uploading in Folders (photos#1803) - Fix npm audit (privacy#888) - Fix npm audit (recommendations#613) - Fix(API): Add a log entry when an error occurs so the admin can pass … (related_resources#208) - Fix npm audit (related_resources#223) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.9.0 to 7.11.6 (related_resources#232) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#433) - Fix Undefined Array key Family in DefaultOs (serverinfo#438) - With FreeBSD jails, networkinfo->gateway can be empty (serverinfo#444) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#446) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#457) - Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to ^2.13.3 (text#4017) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.0.3 (text#4055) - Chore(deps): update dependency vue-demi to ^0.14.0 (text#4056) - Fix: Only handle recent awareness messagess from sessions (text#4062) - Adjust smart picker menu action (text#4065) - Enh(log): use level warning for saving empty docs (text#4072) - Fix(cypress): show hidden files request now uses PUT (text#4074) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/webpack-vue-config to ^5.5.1 (text#4098) - Pass data to `this.$parent.$emit` in `Editor.vue` (text#4103) - Fix double readme files getting created on case-insensitive storages (text#4105) - Fix npm audit (text#4110) - Fix editing image description fails if enter isn’t pressed (text#4114) - Fix(Viewer): remove outdated fix from stable16. (text#4120) - Fix: autofocus own rich workspaces only at freshly created (text#4125) - Fix(conflict): resolve quickly with fast sync. (text#4127) - Fix: pass file id for direct editing and fail y.js provider setup if none was passed (text#4128) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.17.1 (text#4133) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTvue/vue2-jest to ^29.2.4 (text#4134) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/files to ^3.0.0-beta.9 (text#4135) - Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.74 (text#4136) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.11.0 (text#4137) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^4.3.5 (text#4138) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.7.0 (text#4139) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/router to ^2.1.1 (text#4141) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.11.2 (text#4142) - Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.6.1 (text#4144) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4150) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.11.3 (text#4159) - Chore(deps): update dependency vue-demi to ^0.14.1 (text#4168) - Fix(deps): update dependency path-normalize to ^6.0.12 (text#4172) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.12.0 (text#4173) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.11.4 (text#4175) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/eslint-config to ^8.3.0-beta.0 (text#4180) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.7.1 (text#4188) - Chore: v8.0.0 (twofactor_totp#1343) - Fix(deps): Update vulnerable npm packages (twofactor_totp#1375) - Chore(deps-dev): replace vue-jest with AATTvue/vue2-jestAATT27 (twofactor_totp#1395) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTskjnldsv/vue-plyr from 7.3.0 to 7.3.1 (viewer#1613) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/webpack-vue-config from 5.4.0 to 5.5.1 (viewer#1621) - Add npm-audit-fix (viewer#1623) - Fix npm audit (viewer#1632) - Fix: use left position of sidebar to set viewer width (viewer#1641) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTtypes/dockerode from 3.3.16 to 3.3.17 (viewer#1644) - Fix: remove undefined method call (viewer#1649) - Use proper alt text for viewer app modal (viewer#1652) - Override hardcoded save button width (viewer#1657) - Increase z-index of SfxPopper instead of its children (viewer#1659)- Changes from 26.0.1 - Update wording for disabled web updater (server#37052) - Don’t try to hash a nonexisting password (server#37217) - Use native tooltip for version’s date (server#37264) - Set `h1` headings for navigation through files app (server#37273) - Replace custom tooltips with native ones and add description to all e… (server#37275) - Fix: add important to css hidden files class (server#37286) - Add parent index on filecache (server#37318) - Fix(security): Mark recording_servers key appconfig as private as it … (server#37336) - Fix/36908 set aria hidden for default shipped widgets icons (server#37338) - Fix OC_Image: Prevent E_WARNING from getimagesize * (server#37368) - Create `h3` headings for profile page. Replace `` which have… (server#37389) - Fix(mailer): remove value comparison for smtp_authtype as there is only one option (server#37391) - Do onetime user setup before getting any mount from providers (server#37394) - Backport/stable26/jerome herbinet/patch 15 (server#37431) - Fix(files_sharing): Allow file actions other than download for hide download shares (server#37439) - Fix(references): Do not log errors on 404 responses of opengraph image fetching (server#37440) - Fix(docs): Fix RST parsing of the sample config (server#37441) - Fix/36917 the statuses list was implemented semantically incorrectly (server#37449) - Replace custom tooltips with native ones of entries in contacts menu. (server#37463) - Add label for logo link (server#37471) - Fix the avatar generation on Alpine Linux (server#37482) - Change contactsmenu structure to a list (server#37485) - Hide shared files located in group folder’s trash bin (server#37488) - Fix default_language doc (server#37508) - Improve handling of profile fields (server#37523) - Stable25] Quota value as float for 32-bit systems (server#37533) - Clear encrypted flag when moving away from encrypted storage (server#37537) - Fix: Avoid scrolling the #content wrapper container (server#37545) - Feat(security): Allow to opt-out of ratelimit protection, e.g. for te… (server#37551) - Extend path-prefix optimizer to remove all cases of path_hash= when encountering a path prefix filter (server#37558) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#37565) - Migrate metadata JSON column to new value TEXT column (server#37571) - Fix(initial-state): Log an error when initial-state can not be JSON e… (server#37576) - Fix cypress tests for files_versions (server#37589) - Fix: Always create user directory when transfering files to new users (server#37666) - Doc(auth): Warn about disabled token passwords and LDAP logout (server#37684) - Fix(dav): add string comparison for diff (server#37687) - App type extended_authentication (server#37689) - Handle not being able to write file for notify self-test (server#37701) - Fix(translation): Fix several issues with the translations api (server#37705) - Revert “handle not being able to write file for notify self-test” (server#37718) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1144) - Fix multiselect right-click options (files_rightclick#153) - Fix-right-click multiselect in trash bin (files_rightclick#158) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#175) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#185) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1481) - Deduplicate notifications (notifications#1485) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1499) - Add object type as data attr to notification (notifications#1501) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1506) - Feat(API): Add an endpoint to check for existance of notification ids (notifications#1509) - Fix: null password handling in entry control logic (password_policy#454) - Fix scrolling in large folders (photos#1706) - Fix(settings): Debounce filepicker calls (photos#1712) - Migrate to the new file_metadata column layout (photos#1736) - Albums: check copy source owner is the current user and throw (photos#1737) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.2.0 to 7.9.0 (related_resources#205) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATThocuspocus/provider to ^1.1.1 (text#3896) - Fix(deps): update dependency y-websocket to ^1.5.0 (text#3897) - Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.5.51 (text#3898) - Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.72 (text#3914) - Feat: Add Shift-Mod-C for copying the markdown source (text#3942) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.8.1 (text#3948) - Get mimeIconUrl for media attachments without a session (text#3955) - Fix: split layout of conflict view (text#3959) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.8.3 (text#3966) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/webpack-vue-config to ^5.5.0 (text#3967) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#3969) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^4.2.1 (text#3971) - Revert composer autoload changes to PHP 8.1 version (text#3982) - Emit events from editor when image nodes get added or deleted (text#3983) - Conflict fixes (text#3988) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.8.4 (text#3992) - Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.73 (text#3993) - Add table wrapper as scroll container for readonly tables (text#4000) - Make saving indicator a button for force-save (text#4002) - Fix: Ensure to not persist user put into the session for direct editing (text#4003) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATThocuspocus/provider to ^1.1.3 (text#4013) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.9.0 (text#4014) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.0.1 (text#4015) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^12.9.0 (text#4016) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4022) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/files to ^3.0.0-beta.8 (text#4032) - Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.5.52 (text#4033) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.0.2 (text#4034) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4036) - Fix: scroll for outline (text#4038) - Fix: Properly emit ready event on conflicts with the editor API (text#4040) - Fix(deps): update dependency path-normalize to ^6.0.11 (text#4042) - Fix(challenge): invert icon on light mode (twofactor_totp#1349) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump dockerode and AATTtypes/dockerode (viewer#1583) - Update vue to 7.6.1 (viewer#1594) - Fix enter key in text input in image editor (viewer#1597) - Bump AATTtypes/dockerode from 3.3.15 to 3.3.16 (viewer#1600)- Changes from 26.0.0 No changelog from upstream. * Thu Jun 22 2023 ecsos - Update to 25.0.8 - No changelog from upstream at this time. * Fri May 26 2023 ecsos - Update to 25.0.7 - Backport: Make the container fully fulfill PSR container interface (server#36618) - Also unmark deleted ldap user when checking the ldap entry (server#37307) - Fix(dav) Handle Calendar trashbin UID conflicts by removing the deleted calendar object (server#37569) - Handle not being able to write file for notify self-test (server#37702) - Fix button text (server#37720) - Handle reminders where calendar name is null (server#37769) - Ungroup placeholder css rules to prevent browsers from removing all rules (server#37829) - Fix background color of external devices with errors on dark color theme (server#37832) - Sec(deps): Update guzzlehttp/psr7 (server#37844) - Fix TypeError in Profiler (server#37850) - Check free space only if source exists and is dir (server#37874) - Ignore errors while trying to update parent storage_mtime (server#37876) - Do not override stored credentials when login in with SAML (server#37901) - Make grid toggle sticky (server#37908) - Update kerberos sso test setup to use new user_saml config system (server#37919) - Fix(settings): Fix title of profile scope options (server#37942) - Do not show Tags action when systemtag is disabled (server#37956) - Fix npm audit (server#37974) - Update crl after revoke shifts.csr (server#37996) - Add command for getting fileinfo for debugging (server#38006) - Update expire_date column of table comments (server#38039) - Fix: catch ManuallyLockedException and use app context (server#38044) - Fix app overflow menu on bright color theme (server#38052) - Fix(ocp): Add deprecation version to ILogFactory::getCustomLogger (server#38071) - Add required accessibility attributes to legacy files navigation (server#38074) - Increase imaginary timeouts as for big files the processing could take very long (server#38084) - Check return value and improve error handling on certificate manager (server#38090) - Fix: always use proper path on node api when calling the view (server#38129) - Fix json_decode expecting a string (server#38132) - Make sure to never trigger files hooks on a null path (server#38203) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#38236) - Fix: Check for wrapped retriable exceptions (server#38239) - Fix(carddav): Mark system address book as read-only (server#38249) - Fix incosistent scrolling in Firefox (server#38258) - Fix(lostpassword): Also rate limit the setPassword endpoint (server#38269) - Fix(middleware): Also abort the request when reaching max delay in af… (server#38276) - Check the username when doing external storage session auth (server#38282) - Fix generated avatars cache (server#38305) - SystemTags endpoint to return tags used by a user with meta data (server#38309) - Fix(search): fix load more (server#38325) - Update psr/container to `1.1.2` (3rdparty#1318) - Sec(deps): Update guzzlehttp/psr7 (3rdparty#1386) - Rename “user” to “account” in description (bruteforcesettings#454) - Make changes to circle config synchroneous (circles#1308) - Add npm-audit-fix (files_pdfviewer#733) - Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#737) - Bump unzipper from 0.10.11 to 0.10.14 (files_pdfviewer#745) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#830) - Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#860) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#871) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#188) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#197) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 (notifications#1516) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTnextcloud/eslint-config from 8.1.2 to 8.1.5 (notifications#1520) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1522) - Add object type as data attr to notification (notifications#1523) - Fix(deps): Update webpack (notifications#1527) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1542) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1550) - Fix: null password handling in entry control logic (password_policy#461) - Do not allow deletion from public albums (photos#1751) - Fix: hide upload button on public album shares (photos#1762) - Expose DAV permissions on album and places photos (photos#1776) - Listen to more events for albums (photos#1780) - Use display name instead of id for shared albums (photos#1784) - Reset file list on upload in FilesPicker (photos#1793) - Run npm audit fix #1799 (photos#1800) - Revert using display name in shared albums’ name (photos#1802) - Prevent progress bar overflow when uploading in Folders (photos#1804) - Fix npm audit (privacy#886) - Fix npm audit (recommendations#612) - Fix npm audit (related_resources#221) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#424) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#445) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#450) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTvue/test-utils to ^1.3.5 (text#4059) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4061) - Fix double readme files getting created on case-insensitive storages (text#4106) - Fix npm audit (text#4109) - Fix editing image description fails if enter isn’t pressed (text#4113) - Fix(Viewer): remove outdated fix from stable16. (text#4121) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.17.1 (text#4145) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/webpack-vue-config to ^5.5.1 (text#4146) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^3.2.6 (text#4147) - Fix(deps): update dependency path-normalize to ^6.0.11 (text#4148) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4149) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.7.0 (text#4151) - Chore(deps): update dependency vue-demi to ^0.14.0 (text#4152) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/router to ^2.1.1 (text#4154) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.11.2 (text#4155) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.11.3 (text#4160) - Chore(deps): update dependency vue-demi to ^0.14.1 (text#4182) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.11.4 (text#4183) - Fix(deps): update dependency path-normalize to ^6.0.12 (text#4184) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/eslint-config to ^8.3.0-beta.0 (text#4185) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4186) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.7.1 (text#4189) - Fix(deps): Update vulnerable npm packages (twofactor_totp#1374) - Chore(deps-dev): replace vue-jest with AATTvue/vue2-jestAATT27 (twofactor_totp#1396) - Chore(deps): Bump AATTskjnldsv/vue-plyr from 7.3.0 to 7.3.1 (viewer#1618) - Add npm-audit-fix (viewer#1624) - Fix npm audit (viewer#1631) - Fix: use left position of sidebar to set viewer width (viewer#1642) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTtypes/dockerode from 3.3.16 to 3.3.17 (viewer#1646) - Fix: remove undefined method call (viewer#1650) - Use proper alt text for viewer app modal (viewer#1653) - Override hardcoded save button width (viewer#1658) - Increase z-index of SfxPopper instead of its children (viewer#1660) * Fri Apr 21 2023 ecsos - Update to 25.0.6 - Fix: Make sure to reopen session before cleaning (server#36605) - Fix(user-management): Fix deleting user in hidden group(s) (server#37267) - Fix: add important to css hidden files class (server#37287) - Add parent index on filecache (server#37315) - Redo “Replace custom tooltips with native ones and add description to all e…”” (server#37323) - Fix/36908 set aria hidden for default shipped widgets icons (server#37337) - Share type sciencemesh (server#37347) - Fix alt attrs for images in files versions (server#37363) - Fix OC_Image: Prevent E_WARNING from getimagesize * (server#37366) - Create `h3` headings for profile page. Replace `` which have… (server#37388) - Fix(files_sharing): Allow file actions other than download for hide download shares (server#37438) - Fix(docs): Fix RST parsing of the sample config (server#37442) - Fix 2FA blocks’ width on login screen (server#37445) - Fix/36917 the statuses list was implemented semantically incorrectly (server#37460) - Replace custom tooltips with native ones of entries in contacts menu. (server#37462) - Add label for logo link (server#37472) - Dispatch BeforeUserLoggedInEvent (server#37479) - Change contactsmenu structure to a list (server#37483) - Fix the avatar generation on Alpine Linux (server#37484) - Hide shared files located in group folder’s trash bin (server#37490) - Fix default_language doc (server#37509) - Improve handling of profile fields (server#37524) - Clear encrypted flag when moving away from encrypted storage (server#37535) - Fix: Avoid scrolling the #content wrapper container (server#37546) - Feat(security): Allow to opt-out of ratelimit protection, e.g. for te… (server#37552) - Extend path-prefix optimizer to remove all cases of path_hash= when encountering a path prefix filter (server#37560) - Fix: Always create user directory when transfering files to new users (server#37667) - App type extended_authentication (server#37690) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1142) - Fix multiselect right-click options (files_rightclick#154) - Fix-right-click multiselect in trash bin (files_rightclick#159) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#178) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#182) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1488) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1498) - Fix scrolling in large folders (photos#1707) - Fix(settings): Debounce filepicker calls (photos#1713) - Albums: check copy source owner is the current user and throw (photos#1738) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#3970) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.8.4 (text#3994) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/webpack-vue-config to ^5.5.0 (text#3995) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#3996) - Add table wrapper as scroll container for readonly tables (text#4001) - Fix: Ensure to not persist user put into the session for direct editing (text#4004) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.9.0 (text#4018) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#4021) - Fix: scroll for outline (text#4039) - Fix(challenge): invert icon on light mode (twofactor_totp#1350) - Bump dockerode and AATTtypes/dockerode (viewer#1585) - Update vue to 7.6.1 (viewer#1595) - Fix enter key in text input in image editor (viewer#1598) - Chore(deps-dev): Bump AATTtypes/dockerode from 3.3.15 to 3.3.16 (viewer#1601) * Fri Mar 24 2023 ecsos - Add missing require php-opcache. * Thu Mar 23 2023 ecsos - Update to 25.0.5 - Add brute force protection on all methods wrapped by PublicShareMiddleware (server#35650) - Add option to return an exit-code when occ status signals an update is needed (server#36218) - Allow settings navigation items with no route entry (server#36529) - Fix(client-login-flow): Handle missing stateToken gracefully (server#36585) - Fix(caldav): Fix reminder timezone drift for all-day events (server#36642) - Safer URL match in FileReferenceProvider (server#36645) - Port user menu to Vue (server#36668) - Fix the login log entry (server#36672) - Create an accessible name for logo on logged in page (server#36682) - Fix missing files:navigation:changed when clicking on a dir in the favorites view (server#36683) - Fix: Only get params from PUT content if possible (server#36696) - Add a disk_free_space check before writing config (server#36729) - Check for opcache.file_cache_only=1 (server#36731) - Avoid locking on restore/delete and limit concurrent requests (server#36745) - Fix too long entries in contacts-menu (server#36747) - Change X-Robots-Tag header from “none” to “noindex, nofollow” (server#36749) - Fix the contacts-menu vcf-contact avatars (server#36752) - Don’t regard 1024px width viewport as mobile (server#36764) - Bump AATTnextcloud/password-confirmation from 4.0.2 to 4.0.4 (server#36770) - Avoid extra parenthesis around SQL in IN expressions (server#36797) - Fix event listener race condition on login-form (server#36806) - Avoid getting null mimetype when getting reference preview (server#36828) - Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.5.0 to 7.7.0 and add node-polyfill-webpack-plugin (server#36841) - Add focus border for search results (server#36844) - Fix broken search for tags in workflow checks (server#36856) - Add name for home breadcrumb in filepicker (server#36858) - Bump php-opencloud/openstack to 3.2.1 in stable25 (server#36879) - Remove extraneous Node.js core module dependencies (server#36885) - Fix(CI): Run repair steps against Oracle DB (server#36886) - Convert tag id to number (closing #35645) (server#36887) - Adapt native tooltip for new structure of NcAvatar (server#36896) - Fix(SystemTagManager): Truncate overlong tag names (server#36899) - Port admin delegation selects (server#36929) - Port clear user status select (server#36932) - Fix share select dropdown not opening when viewer is open (server#37000) - Db]: Remove not supported column comments for SQLite (server#37003) - Fix right-click img tags (server#37007) - Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.7.0 to 7.8.0 (server#37027) - Chore(security): Bump “Expires” of well-known/security.txt (server#37036) - Add avatar contact img description (server#37047) - Update wording for disabled web updater (server#37051) - Add label and switch ocdialog close button to button element (server#37063) - Fix(CI): Fix acceptance test password field selector after AATTnextcloud… (server#37075) - Create headings for apps, users, settings pages (server#37118) - Imaginary – fix autorotate for heic and improve the logic (server#37156) - Add a check for disk_free_space in Config.php (server#37158) - Postgresql installation – add quotes around user names (server#37162) - Fix white scrollbar corner in dark mode (server#37164) - Fix(user_status): Fix the user status automation on the day availablity rules are adjusted (server#37196) - Fix(dav): Handle no next potential toggle in availability detection (server#37200) - Add chunking in SystemTagObjectMapper::getTagIdsForObjects (server#37216) - Save some CI time (server#37225) - Set headings for navigation through files app (server#37232) - Chore: use local variable for remote address (server#37236) - Fix Cache-Control header of non-versioned assets (server#37249) - Fix(workflow): Check tag attribute (server#37255) - Replace custom tooltips with native ones and add description to all e… (server#37274) - Revert “Replace custom tooltips with native ones and add description to all e…” (server#37285) - Bump php-opencloud/openstack to 3.2.1 in stable25 (3rdparty#1321) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1097) - Exception on missing session (circles#1270) - Upgrade AATTnextcloud/vue from 5.4.0 to 7.5.0 (firstrunwizard#817) - Mount menu entry into Vue user menu (firstrunwizard#827) - Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.5.0 to 7.7.1 (firstrunwizard#837) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#164) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1460) - Fix(FetchFacesMixin): Decode entities in file.realpath (photos#1646) - Improve overall preview loading (photos#1658) - Use full filenames in folder view (photos#1660) - Take into account cropped layout setting (photos#1669) - Create headings for photos pages (photos#1688) - Remove unneeded attr `title` (privacy#860) - Bump/bump nextcloud vue to 7.8.0 (privacy#866) - Fix FreeBSD: Add Support for Swap Output on TrueNas Core (serverinfo#431) - Chore(deps): update dependency jest-environment-jsdom to ^29.4.3 (text#3809) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.17.0 (text#3810) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.7.1 (text#3811) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#3813) - Ci: Pin phpunit to 9 (text#3840) - Fix: solve publicly shared document with hide download issue (text#3851) - Shrink heading anchor links to `1em`, fixes links in headings (text#3852) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.8.0 (text#3867) - Use the href of links for link previews, not `node.textContent` (text#3887) - Only open direct link files if link points to Files app (text#3905) - Chore(deps): update dependency jest-environment-jsdom to ^29.5.0 (text#3920) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.6.2 (text#3935) - Allow to scroll tables horizontally (text#3938) - Bump dns-packet from 5.3.1 to 5.4.0 (twofactor_totp#1334) - Bump filerobot-image-editor from 4.3.7 to 4.3.8 (viewer#1547) - Update preview when file is updated in ImageEditor (viewer#1555) - Handle 404 when opening files (viewer#1559) - Fix AxiosError when deleting photo in viewer (viewer#1561) - Fix(dependencies): force `react-filerobot-image-editorAATT^4.3.8` (viewer#1576) * Thu Feb 23 2023 ecsos - Update to 25.0.4 - Fix array to string conversion in errorlog writer (server#35821) 5 - Use mimetype from cache for workflow checks (server#35842) 1 - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#35954) 1 - Fix: show toggle grid view button with open sidebar (server#36032) - Replace custom tooltips with native one in vue components and views (server#36044) 2 - Remove js navigation on alternative login click (server#36076) 1 - Replace custom tooltips with native ones in apps page (server#36082) 2 - Replace custom tooltips with native ones in users page (server#36084) - Escape path prefix when doing cache jail search (server#36099) 1 - IMigrationStep progress bar fix (server#36102) - Limit key names when uploading theme images (server#36103) - Fix inability to re-enter share password after invalid input (server#36106) 1 - Differentiate share links (server#36129) 7 - Add always visible share label (server#36134) - Focus trap contacts menu with NcHeaderMenu port (server#36142) 1 - Catch Exceptions when loading storage data of users (server#36155) - Extend ViewOnly DAV plugin to versions endpoint (server#36164) - Ext storage configs default value support + enable SSL by default (server#36165) 3 - Improve exception serializing (server#36167) - Improve saving applicable users in ext storage (server#36174) - Improve password generation for link shares (server#36179) 1 - Only expose storage location to admins (server#36180) 1 - Revert “Add alt to the logo, adapt css for logo” (server#36193) 4 - Fix/35886 replace custom tooltips with native one for personal and administration settings stable25 (server#36197) 1 - Fix login loop if login CSRF fails and user is not logged in (server#36208) 7 - Fix(search): Fix settings section icon color (server#36226) - Fix(dav): catch MaxInstancesExceededException for recurring events without end date (server#36230) 1 - Port global search menu to focus trapped NcHeaderMenu (server#36236) - Allow interaction with encrypted folders (server#36238) 2 - Disable unreliable acceptance tests (server#36240) - Fix github action “performance-8.0” when PR is from a fork. (server#36243) 1 - Specify the profiler app branch to test with (server#36246) - Docs: document types flag for search options (server#36255) - Fix(theming): fix admin images migration (server#36272) - Remove Bootstrap version reference from tooltip.scss (server#36273) 2 - Fix(occ): Fix comment formatting of maintenance:repair command (server#36274) - L10n: Fixed grammar (server#36283) - Fix interned strings buffer check if 0 free bytes (server#36292) 3 - Fix double where in CustomProperiesBackendTest (server#36294) - Add success message to personal settings clipboard button (server#36296) - Fix user status message input (server#36297) - Fix WHERE condition when selecting user’s availability for the status… (server#36308) - [Fix]: scan-app-data conversion (server#36311)]([stable25] - [Fix]: scan-app-data conversion by backportbot-nextcloud[bot] · - Pull Request #36311 · nextcloud/server · GitHub 2) - Fix double where() usage in resource manager (server#36317) - Bump AATTnextcloud/vue to v7.5.0 (server#36322) 1 - Fix default value for files_no_background_scan (server#36335) 1 - Port files sharing selector (server#36339) 1 - Don’t translate a variable (server#36344) 1 - Imaginary – add tiff to supported formats (server#36364) 3 - Fix moving files of encrypted local storage to unencrypted local storage (server#36374) 1 - Fix(dav): check if principal has email address before accessing it (server#36387) - Fix admin-disabled background and user pristine theming settings (server#36394) - Fix focus not returning to search icon (server#36398) 1 - Do not store generated mysql password if it was not used (server#36400) - Fix(caldav): Fix wrong Psalm report for nullable calendar data (server#36412) - Allow keyup enter in user status (server#36415) - Fix the exif_read_data issue (server#36439) 3 - Fix(encryption): don’t throw on missing file (server#36442) - Fix MigrateBackgroundImages on oracle (server#36456) 1 - Add a safeguard for Version23000Date20210721100600.php (server#36466) - Non-static app_dir (server#36476) - Do not reuse query builder objects in DAV account deletion (server#36490) - Drop vue-clipboard2 in favour of native Clipboard API to fix copy to clipboard (server#36507) - Do not open the sidebar automatically on small widths (server#36514) - Chore(CI): Opt-out of PHPUnit 10 for now (server#36518) - Perf(federation): Only request root share info for checking availability (server#36557) - Add bruteforce protection to password reset page (server#36573) 4 - Revert #34908 to allow 32bit setups to upgrade to 26 (server#36593) 3 - Port profile visibility select (server#36595) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#36597) - Imaginary – fix generation of heif, pdf, illustrator and svg thumbnails (server#36602) 2 - Prevent scrolling hover .files-controls (server#36614) - Restore copy button text on directory fetch error (server#36615) - Fix compilation of Vue 2.7 features (server#36624) 3 - Revert “update 64-bit check wording” (server#36631) - Also copy meta data when converting DataResponse to JSONRe… (server#36702) - Validate the scope when validating operations (server#36815) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1053) - Replace custom tooltips with native tooltips (activity#1055) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1067) - Show full date after headings like “Today” as a hidden-visually span (activity#1070) - Create an unordered list for the list of activities (activity#1078) - Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 (files_pdfviewer#706) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#807) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#820) 1 - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#157) - Bugfix/noid/close header menu (notifications#1417) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1438) - Replace custom tooltips with native ones. (notifications#1439) - Remove focus border when not keyboard focused (notifications#1449) - Update title when changing sections in navigation (photos#1515) - Make face covers smaller (photos#1552) - Fix renaming faces: Do not delete existing face when renaming (photos#1581) 1 - Fix upload of pictures into album (photos#1603) 1 - Fix sharing with group (photos#1605) 1 - Listen to NodeDeletedEvent to remove photos from albums (photos#1607) - Fix FaceContent: Fix viewer path (photos#1608) - Correctly listen to group change events (photos#1612) - Fix(tags performance): Cache tag counts on server and load them using initial state (photos#1620) 1 - Fix viewer in public albums (photos#1630) 2 - Fix(FetchFacesMixin): Decode entities in file.realpath (photos#1646) 2 - Replace custom tooltips with native ones (privacy#849) - Improve related resources’ title (related_resources#163) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#408) 1 - Fix(deps): update dependency markdown-it-image-figures to ^2.1.1 (text#3648) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#3651) - Fix(deps): update dependency path-normalize to ^6.0.10 (text#3655) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/eslint-config to ^8.2.0 (text#3661) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/logger to ^2.5.0 (text#3662) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.5.0 (text#3664) - Fix(deps): update tiptap (text#3675) - Chore(deps): update dependency jest-environment-jsdom to ^29.4.0 (text#3699) - Chore(deps): update dependency jest-environment-jsdom to ^29.4.1 (text#3702) - Fix bug when session not found (text#3705) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTvue/test-utils to ^1.3.4 (text#3708) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#3721) 3 - Fix background color of tables (text#3734) 3 - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.16.2 (text#3743) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/eslint-config to ^8.2.1 (text#3744) - Fix(deps): update dependency vue-material-design-icons to ^5.2.0 (text#3755) 1 - Fix: transations in status message (text#3767) 1 - Fix(Polling): Perform computations in milliseconds (text#3773) - Fix: empty code blocks (text#3780) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.16.3 (text#3782) - Chore(deps): update dependency jest-environment-jsdom to ^29.4.2 (text#3783) - Catch error if no user is logged in (viewer#1527) - Enable app specific preview URL (viewer#1536) 7 * Tue Jan 17 2023 ecsos - Update to 25.0.3 - Set page titel for each sidebar section through User management pages (server#35467) - Change header semantic in the user status dialog (server#35480) - Rename personal Groupware settings section to “Availability” (server#35492) - Remove old code from comment to not trigger automatic scanners more than needed (server#35497) - Add migration for encryption keys in wrong location (server#35499) - Fix SQL comparison with int array during external storage deletion (server#35516) - Fix the popovermenu (server#35517) - Bump AATTnextcloud/vue to 7.2.0 (server#35551) - Update ca-cert bundle (server#35573) - Fix type of PreviewController::$userId (server#35577) - Show success on share actions (server#35578) - Allow to set a custom timeout for ldap connections (server#35602) - Set page title for each sidebar section through User management pages (server#35629) - Fix contrast of global search headings (server#35639) - Add new border color variable and adjust primary color for increased contrast (server#35640) - Add success popup message for copying share links (server#35641) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#35663) - Update the unencrypted file size when closing streams (server#35668) - Update handlebars-loader to 1.7.3 (server#35673) - Add alt to the logo, adapt css for logo (server#35676) - Increase default global input field border contrast (server#35683) - Improve verbosity of search description (server#35688) - Fix default primary for user theming (server#35702) - Update sensitive config list of Talk (server#35706) - Show group name instead of group id as recommendation (server#35710) - Use correct filter for app icons in the right sidebar of app management (server#35711) - Improve email results for sharing (server#35712) - Ci: update minio image for s3 primary storage tests (server#35724) - Preview: fix HEIC orientation (server#35727) - Quota value as float for 32-bit systems (server#35734) - Fix vue-select styles (server#35742) - Read loginName from token (server#35747) - Change app menu focused items behavior that neighbor elements (text and border) have no overlapping (server#35771) - PHP8] check if params given to API are really an array (server#35797) - Fix missing cast of double controller parameters (server#35798) - Fix case sensitivity of email when saving settings (server#35803) - Restoring clearCachedConfig() (server#35812) - Use display name cache on getStorageInfo (server#35815) - Allow additional Sabre plugins in publicwebdav.php (server#35817) - Allow running encryption:fix-encrypted-version for all users (server#35827) - Fix parameter type for EntityCollection::setReadMarker in comments app (server#35835) - Fix: remove other shares from ui when deleted (server#35848) - Remove comment and guests option from Invitations UI (server#35859) - Increase preview_max_memory and make it easier to debug (server#35864) - Avatar generation – disable setimageformat (server#35895) - Fix video fullscreen on public page (server#35902) - Replace custom tooltips with native one for files sharing (server#35904) - Replace custom tooltips with native ones in files (server#35905) - Revert “avatar generation – disable setimageformat” (server#35914) - Update the user status dashboard widget and fix the icon color (server#35948) - Chore(CI): Improve rate limit situation when installing phpunit (server#35962) - Docs: trusted_proxies support IPv6 ranges (server#35963) - Also limit the password length on reset (server#35977) - Appsidebar should be compact when opened on small heights (server#35983) - Fix user status icon in avatar menu (server#35984) - Bump json5 from 1.0.1-1.0.2 and 2.2.0-2.2.3 (server#35988) - Remove myself from being codeowner of some modules (server#35992) - Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.2.0 to 7.3.0 (server#35997) - Allow target=”_blank” in app navigation items (server#36007) - Fix default phone region validation (server#36010) - Update crl after revoke files_bpm.csr (server#36017) - Add restrictions when downloading to resolve with opengraph link provider (server#36022) - Fix scrolling while dragging in file list view (server#36028) - Fix cache key used to verify shared mountpoints (server#36049) - Link reference provider: Improve content-type check (server#36053) - Update ca-cert bundle (server#36059) - Fix theming migration repair step by passing correct type for argument (server#36081) - Allow keyup enter in user status (server#36132) - Revert “Allow keyup enter in user status” (server#36143) - Still include the share target in the cache key for validating share mount (server#36169) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1034) - Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.0.0-beta.3 to 7.3.0 (activity#1043) - Fix background image size (firstrunwizard#790) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#799) - Various fixes (logreader#824) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#144) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#150) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1399) - Bump deps to newer versions (notifications#1407) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1413) - Bump postcss-loader from 7.0.1 to 7.0.2 (photos#1519) - Lazy load faces (photos#1523) - Remove broken icons.css references (photos#1533) - Bump postcss from 8.4.18 to 8.4.20 (photos#1545) - Bug fix] encode file name for file source (photos#1563) - Backport: #1569 to stable25 (photos#1574) - Bump AATTnextcloud/axios from 1.10.0 to 2.1.0 (recommendations#575) - Fix(deps): update tiptap (text#3486) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/axios to ^2.2.0 (text#3487) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.6.0 (text#3491) - Prevent dangling debounced extractHeadings function (text#3522) - Only scroll images into view when they’re added (text#3533) - Don’t empty list of headings in onDestroy (text#3537) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.15.6 (text#3539) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.15.7 (text#3549) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^3.2.5 (text#3553) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.6.1 (text#3554) - Fix(deps): update dependency path-normalize to ^6.0.9 (text#3555) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.0.0-beta.209 (text#3578) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/axios to ^2.3.0 (text#3579) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#3582) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.16.0 (text#3590) - Backport missing pieces for outline suport in Collectives (text#3593) - Block file access for secure view (text#3595) - Increase idle timeout to one day 40 minutes) (text#3597) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTtiptap/prosemirror-tables to ^1.1.4 (text#3602) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.3.0 (text#3605) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/router to ^2.0.1 (text#3612) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.16.1 (text#3620) - Treat newlines as linebreaks when pasting as plaintext (text#3625) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/eslint-config to ^8.1.5 (text#3629) - Fix: reconnect – reload main container (text#3635) - Npm audit fix (text#3638) - Fix(Images): Update image alt text on blur (text#3641) - Bump webdav from 4.11.0 to 4.11.2 (viewer#1484) - Bump camelcase from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1 (viewer#1493) - Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 (viewer#1508) - Update vue to 7.3 (viewer#1511)- Changes from 25.0.2 - Avoid double ldap_unbind in Wizard.php (server#34577) - Fix disabled federated scope (server#34862) - Fix NC25 for 32-bit (server#34905) - Update 64-bit check wording (server#34921) - Disable upgrades to 26 for 32-bit (server#34922) - Fix visibility of internal expire date (server#34925) - Update AATTnextcloud/dialogs and fix toasts styling (server#34928) - Fix deprecations logged as errors (server#34944) - Skip general login with email for non-valid addresses and LDAP (server#34946) - Run session token renewals in a database transaction (server#34953) - Read encrypted session data again on reopen (server#34955) - Fix invalid date in security.txt (server#34964) - Fix duplicate event email notifications (server#34978) - Avoid a crash when a PHP extension has no version (server#34998) - Fix cron warning with time insensitive jobs (server#35010) - Fix unsuccessful token login logged as error (server#35011) - Cast to int (server#35023) - Add repair command to fix wrong share ownership (server#35034) - Fix checkmark for theme settings in dark mode (server#35035) - Fix size calculation on copying the skeleton files (server#35048) - Add description for calendar uri (server#35058) - Fix sidebar not automatically hidden in Files app (server#35060) - Fix top margin in empty versions list (server#35064) - Add pre-commit configuration (server#35078) - Bump microsoft/azure-storage-blob to 1.5.4 in stable25 (server#35082) - Fix HTML entities not decoded in comment just added (server#35085) - Make sure that path is normalized and then checked, (server#35086) - Fix PublicKeyTokenProviderTest import and mock (server#35099) - Fix distorted previews when using imaginary (server#35117) - Fix hasBigIntConversionPendingColumns missing files_trash (server#35118) - [LDAP] always create instance of own user manager (server#35130) - Run integration tests on 3rdparty bump (server#35133) - Support postgres15 (server#35135) - Bump aws/aws-sdk-php to 3.240 in stable25 (server#35137) - Make sure to not pass null to DateTime::createFromFormat (server#35161) - Deprecate PHP7.4 (server#35164) - Allow single character search by default (server#35166) - Fix rendering of login headline (server#35172) - Bump swiftmailer/swiftmailer to 6.3.0 in stable25 (server#35174) - Use the updated mariadb10.6 container in drone (server#35180) - Update CODEOWNERS (server#35183) - Bump AATTnextcloud/vue to 7.1.0-beta0 (server#35188) - Fix dashboard scrolling (server#35190) - Fix AppMenu icons for firefox (server#35191) - Mark more config values as sensitive (server#35199) - Fix settings for setting default expiration date (server#35214) - Fix logo not correctly inverted (server#35216) - Fix sharing expiration date handling and saving (server#35220) - Check quota on file copy (server#35232) - Close global search menu when keyboard focus leaves (server#35233) - Limit toggle grid view button scope (server#35235) - Fix missing native submit type from OAuth client add button (server#35237) - Delay updating setup providers untill we register the mounts (server#35255) - Fix default theming variables (server#35256) - Generate user themed icons (server#35261) - Also cancel XHR when cancelling uploads (server#35265) - Hide warning about missing apps for when shipped in the next version (server#35291) - Increase the fair-use push limit to 1.000 users (server#35298) - Don’t use quota cache through user management (server#35312) - Fix mentions rendering in comment editor (server#35322) - Optimize background image migration job (server#35326) - Handle badly named version files more gracefully and log information (server#35327) - Help pages: set window title for sidebar sections (server#35330) - Revert “Fix quota type to int” (server#35335) - Fix navigation order (server#35338) - Prevents the selection of encrypted folders when clicking on the “Select all” checkbox (server#35340) - Fix border color contrast (server#35346) - Fix forwarding the object id when searching comments (server#35354) - Update cache when file size === 0 (server#35366) - Fix user settings layout (server#35375) - Add repair job that will ensure that secret and passwordsalt are set (server#35377) - Add label to sharing search field (server#35382) - Fix UX of renaming token (server#35390) - Update some deps (server#35394) - Revert minimum length for tags (server#35404) - Do not check quota for non Node (server#35408) - Fix missing share icon (server#35411) - Place into main content (server#35412) - Fix share admin page (server#35414) - Fix theming tests (server#35415) - Fix update for 32-bit (server#35453) - Revert “Fix border color contrast” (server#35454) - Allow upgrading from ownCloud 10.11 (server#35478) - Add fallback routines for empty secret cases (server#35605) - Downgrade ubuntu in order to fix CI (server#35606) - Fix migration to non-empty secret (server#35616) - Bump microsoft/azure-storage-blob to 1.5.4 in stable25 (3rdparty#1217) - Bump aws/aws-sdk-php to 3.240 in stable25 (3rdparty#1227) - Bump swiftmailer/swiftmailer to 6.3.0 in stable25 (3rdparty#1229) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1001) - Run NPM audit fix (activity#1003) - Apply ACL groupfolders (activity#1015) - Add filter to page title (activity#1017) - Update load-utils to 2.0.4 (bruteforcesettings#420) - Re-activate getMember() (circles#1203) - Avoid exception loop (circles#1220) - Update loader-utils and minimatch (files_pdfviewer#681) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#752) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#780) - Fix navigation menu order (firstrunwizard#784) - Update some libs (logreader#817) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#136) - Still push notifications of twofactor_nextcloud_notification when in DND (notifications#1355) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1366) - Close menu when focus leaves (notifications#1368) - Add admin setting page with users defaults (notifications#1369) - Run NPM audit fix (notifications#1373) - Update user status with event data (notifications#1377) - Update loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.2 and 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 (password_policy#410) - Update some libs (password_policy#411) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#1443) - Add primary key index to collaborators table (photos#1449) - Bump AATTvue/test-utils from 1.3.0 to 1.3.3 (photos#1460) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#1482) - Prevent throwing an error in node deletion hook (photos#1493) - Run npm audit fix (photos#1495) - Fix version20003Date20221102170153 migration (photos#1501) - Audit fix (privacy#814) - Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 3.1.2 to 3.1.4 (privacy#817) - Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 5.4.0 to 7.0.1 (privacy#822) - Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 7.1.0-beta.1 to 7.1.0-beta.2 (privacy#827) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#132) - Remove completed remove route TODO (related_resources#133) - Revert “Revert”alternate route for complex itemid”” (related_resources#135) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#138) - Bump npm dependencies (related_resources#145) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/webpack-vue-config to ^5.4.0 (text#3314) - Fix: relative link in RichWorkspace (text#3323) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^3.2.2 (text#3337) - Fix(deps): update tiptap (text#3338) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#3343) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.15.3 (text#3355) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTvue/test-utils to ^1.3.3 (text#3359) - DirectEditing: Set session user for DirectSession editing (text#3371) - Disable rich workspace rendering when view is not visible (text#3377) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.15.4 (text#3383) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^3.2.3 (text#3385) - Chore(deps): update dependency jest-environment-jsdom to ^29.3.0 (text#3386) - Don’t apply author annotations when in composition (text#3395) - Set IUserSession user in SessionController if available (text#3397) - Chore(deps): update dependency jest-environment-jsdom to ^29.3.1 (text#3406) - Fix(deps): update vue monorepo to ^2.7.14 (text#3409) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.15.5 (text#3412) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/eslint-config to ^8.1.3 (text#3415) - Fix hard line breaks displayed with additional new line between (text#3416) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#3420) - Fix(deps): update tiptap (text#3426) - Make images block nodes (text#3431) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.1.0-beta.0 (text#3433) - Bring back menubar without formatting on plain text mode (text#3437) - Refactor vuex store (text#3439) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^3.2.4 (text#3440) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/eslint-config to ^8.1.4 (text#3447) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.1.0-beta.1 (text#3455) - Fix(deps): update dependency prosemirror-model to ^1.18.3 (text#3456) - Fix notification icon color (text#3463) - Add APIs for outline state to RichTextReader and WrapperComponent (text#3466) - Update loader-utils (text#3468) - Fix mention uid autocomplete and keyboard handler in list nodes (text#3471) - Fix direct editing loading of txt files (text#3479) - Combined code block backport (text#3480) - Backport of #3460 – Fix front matter rendering (text#3481) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.1.0-beta.2 (text#3485) - Prevent file deletion when pressing Ctrl+Delete (text#3515) - Revert “Set autocomplete attribute of input field to one-time-code” (twofactor_totp#1301) - Fallback to direct image if preview load failed (+ cypress fixes) (viewer#1452) - Increase visual regression for video to 0.02% (viewer#1454) - Build(deps): bump vue from 2.7.13 to 2.7.14 (viewer#1459) - Build(deps-dev): bump AATTtypes/dockerode from 3.3.11 to 3.3.12 (viewer#1460) - Build(deps-dev): bump tslib from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1 (viewer#1463) - Bump AATTnextcloud/vue to 7.1.0-beta0 (viewer#1468) - Stop encoding sidebar path (viewer#1471) - Bump AATTtypes/dockerode from 3.3.12 to 3.3.14 (viewer#1476) - Audit fix (viewer#1479)- Changes from 25.0.1 - Extract GPS data from EXIF (server#34535) - Return proper error code when reporting exception fails in remote.php (server#34581) - Bump AATTnextcloud/password-confirmation from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 (server#34590) - Fix reference preview when no server-side cache configured (server#34594) - Fix file creation issue if no action are registered (server#34597) - Fix “email changed” activity email check (server#34601) - Reduce number of database queries during WebDAV propfind request (server#34610) - Expose clearing the profiles and fix it (server#34616) - Set theming app to alwaysEnabled (server#34646) - Add a repair step to cleanup old theming cache (server#34647) - Fix unnecessary highlighting of selected element (server#34648) - Fix vertical alignment of user status icon (server#34649) - Fix icon of encrypted folders in filepicker (server#34657) - Add rate limiting on lost password emails (server#34658) - Fix regexp for unified searching in apps (server#34661) - Fix rebuild navigation (server#34663) - Update OCI workflow of server (server#34667) - Run npm audit (server#34669) - Add admin user customization kill switch (server#34681) - Invert header icons on bright preset backgrounds (server#34686) - Bump jquery-ui-dist from 1.13.1 to 1.13.2 (server#34699) - Propagate attributes when resharing (server#34704) - Fix alternative logins custom css class (server#34705) - Use vue lib multiselect tags component (server#34709) - Don’t crash with outdated share provider on update with the web updater (server#34712) - Fix more icon color (server#34718) - WebDAV – use file/folder name for dav:displayname (server#34721) - Fix null error in getUnencryptedSize (server#34725) - On installation save channel to config.php if not stable (server#34726) - LDAP to not register new users when outside of fair use or over limits (server#34728) - Add ico image/x-icon (server#34764) - Update notifications for one-click instances (server#34779) - Fix Uninitialized string offset 0 at GenerateMimetypeFileBuilder.php#39 (server#34791) - Expose mapped user count from LDAP and use that for user limit check (server#34796) - Fix getMetadata return type (server#34821) - Check share attributes on preview endpoints (server#34823) - Fix empty content regressions in comments app (server#34827) - Fix autotest creating PostgreSQL database before install (server#34848) - Emit typed event when preview is requested (server#34854) - Display invalid input message (server#34860) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#971) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#979) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#991) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#124) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#126) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#130) - Invert header icon on bright preset backgrounds (notifications#1341) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1344) - Bump AATTnextcloud/notify_push to 1.1.3 (notifications#1346) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1352) - Add public link logic (photos#1321) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#1367) - Bump postcss from 8.4.16 to 8.4.18 (photos#1380) - Bump vue and vue-template-compiler (photos#1383) - Bump autoprefixer from 10.4.11 to 10.4.12 (photos#1385) - Bump jest from 29.0.2 to 29.0.3 (photos#1387) - Fix nomedia exclusion (photos#1391) - Limit auth backend to public albums (photos#1405) - Fix fetching album content when navigating (photos#1406) - Make tag translations work by loading recognize translations (photos#1407) - Fix logic of share album content fetching (photos#1408) - Prevent building prefixPath on loading (photos#1409) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#1415) - Fix albumName typo (photos#1422) - Bump autoprefixer from 10.4.12 to 10.4.13 (photos#1438) - Implement dashboard api for recommended files (recommendations#564) - Revert “Revert “virtual groups”” (related_resources#105) - Polishing ‘n cleaning code (related_resources#118) - Room starts with single participant (related_resources#120) - Using principalUri:uri to id calendar (related_resources#122) - Alternate route for complex itemid (related_resources#125) - Revert “alternate route for complex itemid” (related_resources#134) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#99) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^7.0.1 (text#3178) - Fix(deps): update tiptap (text#3197) - Fix(deps): update vue monorepo to ^2.7.13 (text#3235) - Chore(deps): update dependency jest-environment-jsdom to ^29.2.0 (text#3251) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/stylelint-config to ^2.3.0 (text#3253) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#3260) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.5.3 (text#3262) - Mentions: small test adjust (text#3267) - Fix copy and paste of user mentions (text#3274) - Chore(deps): update dependency jest-environment-jsdom to ^29.2.1 autoclosed (text#3277) - Chore(deps): update dependency jest-environment-jsdom to ^29.2.2 (text#3279) - Remember the last opened folder (text#3283) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.15.0 (text#3285) - Fix: adjust margin for hr (text#3286) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#3296) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^10.11.0 (text#3307) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/browser-storage to ^0.2.0 (text#3308) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/logger to ^2.4.0 (text#3309) - Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^3.2.0 (text#3315) - Build(deps): bump vue from 2.7.10 to 2.7.13 (viewer#1419) - Fix sidebar opening for different dav root and non-dav files (viewer#1433)- Changes from 25.0.0 See: https://nextcloud.com/blog/announcing-nextcloud-hub-3-brand-new-design-and-photos-2-0-with-editor-and-ai/ * Tue Jan 17 2023 ecsos - Update to 24.0.9 - Bump bootstrap from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 (server#33422) - Invalidate existing tokens when deleting an oauth client (server#35094) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#35417) - Add migration for encryption keys in wrong location (server#35500) - Allow to set a custom timeout for ldap connections (server#35520) - Fix SQL comparison with int array during external storage deletion (server#35524) - Update ca-cert bundle (server#35574) - Update the unencrypted file size when closing streams (server#35657) - Update handlebars-loader update to 1.7.3 + others (server#35674) - Fix share admin page (server#35687) - Preview: fix HEIC orientation (server#35729) - Ci: update minio image for s3 primary storage tests (server#35735) - PHP8] check if params given to API are really an array (server#35796) - Fix missing cast of double controller parameters (server#35799) - Rename personal Groupware settings section to “Availability” (server#35800) - Fix case sensitivity of email when saving settings (server#35804) - Allow additional Sabre plugins in publicwebdav.php (server#35818) - Fix: remove other shares from ui when deleted (server#35849) - Remove comment and guests option from Invitations UI (server#35861) - Allow running encryption:fix-encrypted-version for all users (server#35865) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#35879) - Quota value as float for 32-bit systems (server#35940) - Only normalize data in public shares and not crud (server#35949) - Bump json5 from 1.0.1-1.0.2 and 2.2.0-2.2.3 (server#35989) - Bump jQuery-UI dist to 1.13.2 (server#36009) - Update crl after revoke files_bpm.csr (server#36018) - Fix cache key used to verify shared mountpoints (server#36050) - Update ca-cert bundle (server#36061) - Still include the share target in the cache key for validating share mount (server#36172) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1049) - Various fixes (logreader#825) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#148) - Bump deps to newer versions (notifications#1408) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1414) - Bump postcss from 8.4.19 to 8.4.20 (photos#1544) - Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to ^39.6.4 (text#3488) - Fix(deps): update tiptap (text#3489) - Only scroll images into view when they’re added (text#3534) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.15.7 (text#3556) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.0.0-beta.209 (text#3580) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.16.0 (text#3591) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTtiptap/prosemirror-tables to ^1.1.4 (text#3603) - Fix(deps): update dependency core-js to ^3.27.0 (text#3608) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/router to ^2.0.1 (text#3613) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.16.1 (text#3621) - Fix(deps): update dependency core-js to ^3.27.1 (text#3622) - Npm audit fix (text#3639) - Bump AATTnextcloud/router from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 (viewer#1507) * Thu Dec 08 2022 ecsos - Update to 24.0.8 - Update guzzlehttp/guzzle requirement from 7.4.5 to 7.5.0 in /build/integration (server#33888) - Add rate limiting on lost password emails (server#34659) - Emit typed event when preview is requested (server#34855) - Avoid double ldap_unbind in Wizard.php (server#34942) - Skip general login with email for non-valid addresses and LDAP (server#34947) - Cleanup tempfiles after each cron job run (server#34949) - Run session token renewals in a database transaction (server#34952) - Fix invalid date in security.txt (server#34966) - Avoid a crash when a PHP extension has no version (server#35005) - Fix unsuccessful token login logged as error (server#35012) - Only show cron warning after 24h due to time insensitive jobs (server#35018) - Fix duplicate event email notifications (server#35019) - Cast to int (server#35022) - Add repair command to fix wrong share ownership (server#35039) - Fix size calculation on copying the skeleton files (server#35049) - Add description for calendar uri (server#35059) - Fix sidebar not automatically hidden in Files app (server#35061) - Fix top margin in empty versions list (server#35065) - Make sure that path is normalized and then checked, (server#35088) - Fix HTML entities not decoded in comment just added (server#35100) - Fix PublicKeyTokenProviderTest import and mock (server#35101) - Appropriate length check in Notification.php (server#35113) - Use the updated mariadb10.6 container in drone (server#35114) - Fix distorted previews when using imaginary (server#35115) - [LDAP] always create instance of own user manager (server#35131) - Run integration tests on 3rdparty bump (server#35134) - Revert “Appropriate length check in Notification.php” (server#35140) - Detect weird local ips (server#35141) - Make sure to not pass null to DateTime::createFromFormat (server#35162) - Mark more config values as sensitive (server#35200) - Fix settings for setting default expiration date (server#35215) - Fix JSON error when comment has no reactions (server#35245) - Properly compare quota against both float/int values (server#35250) - Delay updating setup providers untill we register the mounts (server#35258) - Also cancel XHR when cancelling uploads (server#35266) - Hide warning about missing apps for when shipped in the next version (server#35292) - Bump swiftmailer/swiftmailer to 6.3.0 in stable24 (server#35297) - Don’t use quota cache through user management (server#35313) - Fix mentions rendering in comment editor (server#35321) - Check quota on file copy (server#35328) - Check quota on file copy (server#35332) - Revert “Fix quota type to int” (server#35334) - Prevents the selection of encrypted folders when clicking on the “Select all” checkbox (server#35349) - Handle badly named version files more gracefully and log information (server#35351) - Fix forwarding the object id when searching comments (server#35356) - Update cache when file size === 0 (server#35367) - Fix UX of renaming token (server#35392) - Update some libs (server#35395) - Do not check quota for non Node (server#35409) - Update behat/behat requirement from ~3.11.0 to ~3.12.0 in /build/integration (server#35564) - Downgrade ubuntu in order to fix CI (server#35607) - Add mlocati/ip-lib in stable24 (3rdparty#1221) - Bump swiftmailer/swiftmailer to 6.3.0 in stable24 (3rdparty#1237) - Run NPM audit fix (activity#1004) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#993) - Do not pass an instance of User where a string is expected (activity#996) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#999) - Re-activate getMember() (circles#1204) - Refresh cache on demand (circles#1215) - Avoid exception loop (circles#1221) - Audit fix (files_pdfviewer#682) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#753) - Update some libs (logreader#818) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#132) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#135) - Still push notifications of twofactor_nextcloud_notification when in DND (notifications#1356) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1359) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1364) - Run NPM audit fix (notifications#1372) - Update user status with event data (notifications#1378) - Update some libs (password_policy#412) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#1442) - Bump AATTvue/test-utils from 1.3.0 to 1.3.3 (photos#1461) - Bump postcss from 8.4.18 to 8.4.19 (photos#1479) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#1480) - Run npm audit fix (photos#1496) - Audit fix (privacy#813) - Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 3.1.2 to 3.1.4 (privacy#816) - Fix(deps): update dependency prosemirror-markdown to ^1.10.1 (text#3339) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#3341) - Avoid saving without changes (text#3351) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.15.3 (text#3360) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTvue/test-utils to ^1.3.3 (text#3361) - Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.0.0-beta.202 (text#3362) - Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to ^39.6.2 (text#3363) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#3366) - DirectEditing: Set session user for DirectSession editing (text#3372) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.15.4 (text#3387) - Don’t apply author annotations when in composition (text#3396) - Set IUserSession user in SessionController if available (text#3398) - Fix typo in serializePlainText (text#3402) - Disable rich workspace rendering when view is not visible (text#3403) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.15.5 (text#3413) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#3418) - Fix(deps): update dependency core-js to ^3.26.1 (text#3421) - Fix(deps): update tiptap (text#3441) - Chore(deps): update dependency regenerator-runtime to ^0.13.11 (text#3448) - Fix(deps): update dependency prosemirror-model to ^1.18.3 (text#3457) - Update npm dependencies (text#3469) - Bring back menubar without formatting on plain text mode (text#3475) - Audit fix (viewer#1478) * Wed Nov 30 2022 pgajdosAATTsuse.com- a2enmod php8 in TW and 15.4 onwards * Thu Nov 03 2022 ecsos - Update to 24.0.7 - Update behat/behat requirement from ~3.10.0 to ~3.11.0 in /build/integration (server#33185) - Fix quota type to int (server#34032) - Use filesystem user instead of file owner for creating version (server#34040) - Fix renaming in shared with you file list (server#34355) - Url encode the web dav url for copying (server#34381) - Trigger a rescan when trying to fopen a file that exists in cache but not on disk (server#34410) - Fix User profile picture when performing the search (server#34440) - Fix: Prevent deadlocks during mtime/size/etag propagation (server#34447) - Makes untrusted domain error on info (server#34454) - Fix Error: Undefined index: redirect_url (server#34460) - Harden disk_free_space check in CheckSetupController (server#34506) - Update ca-cert bundle (server#34518) - Update security.txt expires field (server#34527) - Fix password length limitation (server#34532) - Avoid allocating too much memory for the buffer on s3 uploads (server#34552) - Return proper error code when reporting exception fails in remote.php (server#34584) - Fix “email changed” activity email check (server#34600) - LDAP to not register new users when outside of fair use or over limits (server#34730) - Fix external storages access (server#34750) - Fix null error in getUnencryptedSize (server#34770) - Fix Uninitialized string offset 0 at GenerateMimetypeFileBuilder.php#39 (server#34792) - Expose mapped user count from LDAP and use that for user limit check (server#34795) - Fix updating cached mounts that didn’t have their mount provider set previously (server#34797) - DB mounts table: Add index for mount_provider_class (server#34798) - Add pre-commit configuration to stable24 as well (server#34802) - Update notifications for one-click instances (server#34805) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#34812) - Check share attributes on preview endpoints (server#34824) - Propagate attributes when resharing (server#34840) - Fix psalm errors fron the end of the baseline file (server#34845) - Run NPM audit fix (activity#972) - Improve email logging (activity#982) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#989) - Bump terser from 5.7.1 to 5.15.1 (files_videoplayer#293) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#128) - Fix multi-tab usage with notify_push (notifications#1303) - Run audit fix (notifications#1311) - Send the subscription key to the Community push proxy (notifications#1320) - Adjust the expected query count (notifications#1338) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1351) - Bump workbox-webpack-plugin, qs, postcss, AATTnextcloud/moment and autoprefixed (photos#1401) - Bump vue-router from 3.5.3 to 3.5.4 (photos#1412) - Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#1413) - Bump autoprefixer from 10.4.12 to 10.4.13 (photos#1437) - Run audit (recommendations#557) - Bump terser and moment (text#3136) - Fix(deps): update tiptap (text#3171) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTvue/vue2-jest to ^27.0.0 (text#3198) - Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to ^39.3.6 (text#3199) - Fix(deps): update dependency highlight.js to ^10.7.3 (text#3200) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^9.7.0 (text#3201) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/moment to ^1.2.1 (text#3205) - Fix emoji suggestion regression (text#3206) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.14.0 (text#3207) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/browserslist-config to ^2.3.0 (text#3208) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/stylelint-config to ^2.2.0 (text#3211) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/axios to ^1.11.0 (text#3215) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/dialogs to ^3.2.0 (text#3216) - Chore(deps): update dependency regenerator-runtime to ^0.13.10 (text#3220) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/vue to ^5.4.0 (text#3221) - Fix(deps): update dependency core-js to ^3.25.5 (text#3222) - Fix(deps): update dependency prosemirror-view to ^1.29.0 (text#3223) - Fix(deps): update dependency vue-material-design-icons to ^5.1.2 (text#3225) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/stylelint-config to ^2.3.0 (text#3254) - Fix(deps): update dependency prosemirror-state to ^1.4.2 (text#3264) - Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to ^39.3.13 (text#3272) - Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to ^39.3.14 (text#3281) - Chore(deps): update dependency AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor to ^5.15.0 (text#3287) - Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to ^39.3.20 (text#3293) - Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to ^39.3.21 (text#3297) - Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to ^39.3.23 (text#3299) - Fix(deps): update dependency core-js to ^3.26.0 (text#3300) - Fix(deps): update dependency AATTnextcloud/browser-storage to ^0.2.0 (text#3310) - Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to ^39.3.25 (text#3316) - Bump terser and async (viewer#1406) - Use preview for unsupported images (viewer#1415) - Fix previewpath legacy variable (viewer#1430) * Thu Oct 06 2022 Michael Ströder - Update to 24.0.6 * Bump moment from 2.29.3 to 2.29.4 (server#33423) * Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 3.1.2 to 3.1.4 (server#33461) * Make groupfolders use system wide encryption keys (server#33700) * Log if cookie login failed with token mismatch or session unavailability (server#33787) * Wait for the new user form to be visible in acceptance tests (server#33791) * Fix handling of internal errors when uploading theming files (server#33798) * 33036 [Bug]: Set default expiration date (server#33805) * Always use the default fs owner when storing versions (server#33970) * Improve getting recent files performance (server#33983) * Do not empty config.php file if reading failed for any reason (server#34021) * Do not output a warning when a file is not found (server#34089) * Convert file_metadata.id from intto bigint (server#34090) * Reset global search on files sidebar navigation change (server#34106) * Dont try email login if the provider username is not a valid email (server#34111) * Fix translation of user exists error server-side (server#34112) * Update ca-cert bundle (server#34128) * Clear search results when remove search query (server#34159) * Show long names correctly on profile card (server#34228) * Bump moment-timezone from 0.5.34 to 0.5.37 (server#34259) * Correctly handle Redis::keys returning false (server#34341) * Fix empty content of dashboard (activity#924) * Update christophwurst/nextcloud dependency (activity#931) * Migrate to nextcloud/OCP package in stable24 (activity#937) * Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#942) * Migrate to nextcloud/OCP package in stable24 (firstrunwizard#746) * Migrate to nextcloud/OCP package in stable24 (logreader#792) * Migrate to nextcloud/OCP package in stable24 (nextcloud_announcements#110) * Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#114) * Fix checking for links finally (notifications#1277) * Update christophwurst/nextcloud dependency (notifications#1284) * Migrate to nextcloud/OCP package in stable24 (notifications#1294) * Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1297) * Revert “Revert “fix service-worker”” (photos#1220) * Migrate to nextcloud/OCP package in stable24 (serverinfo#403) * Migrate to nextcloud/OCP package in stable24 (survey_client#149) * Build(deps-dev): bump AATTcypress/webpack-preprocessor from 5.12.0 to 5.12.2 (text#2819) * Append a newline after inserted image (text#2864) * Fix: update link menububble on editor updates (text#2874) * Update: tiptap and prosemirror (text#2909) * Fix emoji autocompletion keyboard behaviour (text#2911) * Fixes focus handling in MenuBar (text#2916) * Align popover menus to the left on mobile (text#2917) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-table from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2935) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-italic from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2936) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-history from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2938) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-task-item from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2940) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-horizontal-rule from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2941) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-table-header from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2942) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-image from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2943) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-heading from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2944) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-bold from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2945) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-table-row from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2946) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-paragraph from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2948) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/suggestion from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2950) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-underline from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2953) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-dropcursor from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2954) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-code-block from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2956) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-strike from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2957) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-text from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2958) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-list-item from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2959) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-task-list from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2960) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-code from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2961) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-document from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2962) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-hard-break from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2963) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-ordered-list from 2.0.0-beta.194 to 2.0.0-beta.195 (text#2964) * Update: all of tiptap (text#2966) * Make it possible to insert heif/heic images (text#2975) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-code-block from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#2996) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/core from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#2997) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-history from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#2998) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-table-header from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#2999) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-blockquote from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3000) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-bold from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3001) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-table-row from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3002) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-task-item from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3003) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/suggestion from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3004) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-code from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3005) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-italic from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3006) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-document from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3007) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-text from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3008) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-paragraph from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3009) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-table-cell from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3011) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-table from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3012) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-horizontal-rule from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3013) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-strike from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3014) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-dropcursor from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3015) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-ordered-list from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3016) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-hard-break from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3017) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/vue-2 from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3019) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-code-block-lowlight from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3020) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-heading from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3021) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-image from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3022) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-list-item from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3023) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-bullet-list from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3024) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-task-list from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3025) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-underline from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3026) * Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-link from 2.0.0-beta.195 to 2.0.0-beta.196 (text#3027) * Disable formatting menububble in Safari on iOS (text#3056) * Migrate to nextcloud/OCP package in stable24 (text#3061) * Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#3115) * Build(deps): bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 3.1.2 to 3.1.4 (viewer#1389) * Create psalm.yml (viewer#1399) * Fri Sep 16 2022 Petr Vanek - Fix php-bcmath package version recommendation in case of PHP 8 * Thu Sep 08 2022 ecsos - Update to 24.0.5 - Recover installation when creating the database user fails and improve password strength (server#33514) - Unify initial and updated quota display (server#33538) - Fix updating size when folder is empty (server#33562) - Optimize search post-processing for jail wrapper (server#33603) - Further pre-filter search result before setting up share source cache (server#33604) - Fix encryption:fix-encrypted-version command when encrypted is set to 0 (server#33636) - Bump marked from 4.0.13 to 4.0.19 (server#33642) - Respect user settings in php.ini if they are big enough (server#33644) - Improve handling of profile page (server#33648) - Fix carddav activities (server#33651) - Directly build the search filter for shared storage instead of setting up the source cache (server#33656) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#33663) - Fix plural usage in LDAP wizard (server#33667) - Update CRL (server#33676) - Logger ignore args of sharepoint-related methods (server#33689) - Add back TokenCleanupJob to invalidate old temporary tokens (server#33696) - Fix copy in view-only mode (server#33720) - Remove leading slash for search results at mountpoint root (server#33749) - Check calendar URI length before creation (server#33782) - Compare lowercase email when updating from ldap (server#33920) - Revert “Compare lowercase email when updating from ldap” (server#33935) - Update christophwurst/nextcloud dependency (activity#883) - Update .l10nignore (activity#885) - Fix translation ignore (activity#889) - Update christophwurst/nextcloud dependency (activity#896) - Ignore remnants (circles#1128) - Update christophwurst/nextcloud dependency (circles#1139) - Fix background email job for disabled users (notifications#1256) - Fix duplicate ID on settings page (notifications#1262) - Fix service-worker (photos#1214) - Revert “fix service-worker” (photos#1217) - Build(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-jsdoc from 39.3.4 to 39.3.6 (text#2800) - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-markdown from 1.9.3 to 1.9.4 (text#2820) - Revert “build(deps): bump prosemirror-markdown from 1.9.3 to 1.9.4” (text#2870) * Thu Aug 11 2022 ecsos - Update to 24.0.4 - Bump underscore from 1.12.0 to 1.12.1 (server#31984) - Allow compatibility wrapper on local external storage (server#32273) - Bump vue-router from 3.5.3 to 3.5.4 (server#32840) - Bump handlebars-loader from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 (server#33096) - DAV custom props: catch Exception and rollback transaction in case (server#33132) - Fix empty address books being exported (server#33178) - Fix listening for circle events in SetupManager (server#33212) - Also use nextcloud certificate bundle when downloading from s3 (server#33252) - Translate error when user already exists (server#33262) - Fix loading legacy app.php with multi app dir (server#33276) - Always triger setup of builtin storage wrappers (server#33326) - Fix reading blob data as resource (server#33343) - Reset user status based on message ID only (server#33350) - Bump sabre dav to 4.4.0 in stable24 (server#33352) - Improve local IP detection (server#33353) - Bump dompurify from 2.3.8 to 2.3.10 (server#33363) - Don’t try to purge objects from the birthday calendar when it doesn’t exist (server#33364) - Bump jsdoc from 3.6.10 to 3.6.11 (server#33369) - Bump AATTnextcloud/moment from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 (server#33370) - Don’t set `null` as a bundle path (server#33382) - Handle AccessDenied error when checking if external s3 support versions (server#33391) - Handle one time and large passwords (server#33407) - Add share attributes + prevent download permission (server#33416) - Bump clipboard from 2.0.10 to 2.0.11 (server#33438) - Fix file public link permissions if public upload is not enabled (server#33439) - Bump jquery-ui from 1.13.1 to 1.13.2 (server#33441) - Revert “Revert “Remove inefficient fed share scanner”” (server#33455) - Do not update passwords if nothing changed (server#33490) - Bump sabre/dav to 4.4.0 (3rdparty#1109) - Add psalm (circles#1108) - Ignore circle with no initiator (circles#1123) - Build(deps-dev): bump cypress from 9.6.0 to 9.6.1 (text#2694) - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-view from 1.26.4 to 1.26.5 (text#2695) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/core from 2.0.0-beta.181 to 2.0.0-beta.182 (text#2696) - Do not unintended remove or modify link titles (text#2701) - Build(deps): bump core-js from 3.23.3 to 3.23.5 (text#2727) - Make cypress CI faster (text#2728) - Build(deps): bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 3.1.2 to 3.1.4 (text#2746) - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-schema-list from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 (text#2747) - Fix bullet list input role for CJK input (text#2753) - Build(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-jsdoc from 39.3.3 to 39.3.4 (text#2767) - Merge pull request #1273 from nextcloud/enh/open_with (viewer#1296) - Fix bundling in stable24 (viewer#1308) * Mon Jul 18 2022 ecsos - Update to 24.0.3 - Fix cropped image generated when not asked (server#32483) - Fix loading groupfolder info when share api is disabled (server#32654) - Validate custom dashboard background image (server#32791) - Bump webpack from 5.72.0 to 5.72.1 (server#32819) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#32824) - Fix deletion of additional emails (server#32850) - Don’t spam the log with fatals when maintenance mode is enabled or an… (server#32858) - Run php tests when 3rdparty changed (server#32870) - Make sure ResetTokenBackgroundJob doesn’t execute if config is read-only (server#32882) - Fix default toast message for failed uploads with HTTP/2 (server#32894) - Mention missing files subdir (server#32920) - Fix profiler trying to serialize invalid utf8 (server#32939) - Fix email shares not being shown to other users (server#32940) - Do not display the buffer_size info if the size is already set to a c… (server#32968) - Use stored user for PasswordUpdatedEvent (server#32974) - Fix logging data context to file (server#32983) - Fix hook encryption with cron job (server#32986) - Improve local domain detection (server#32990) - Load dashboard widgets of enabled apps only (server#32997) - Bump guzzlehttp/guzzle from 7.4.0 to 7.4.5 (server#33009) - Update guzzlehttp/guzzle requirement from 7.4.4 to 7.4.5 in /build/integration (server#33019) - Bump sass from 1.50.0 to 1.50.1 (server#33026) - Rename setting name to reduce its length (server#33028) - Fix metadata extraction (server#33049) - Check whether entry is of type ICacheEntry in Cache->remove() (server#33058) - Fix undefined when no tags (server#33062) - Fix detection of firefox in ContentSecurityPolicyNonceManager (server#33069) - Add trashbin export expiration notice (server#33077) - Enable binary protocol again (server#33078) - Update sabre/dav requirement from 4.3.1 to 4.4.0 in /build/integration (server#33092) - Remove .php from ajax url (server#33113) - Fix translation of home breadcrumb (server#33119) - Fixes for quota text in navigation bar (server#33125) - Fix branch selection (server#33138) - Do not send display name twice for saving (server#33143) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#33149) - Fix trashbin expiration notice casing (server#33155) - Only ignore attempts of the same action (server#33157) - Bump guzzlehttp/guzzle from 7.4.0 to 7.4.5 (3rdparty#1090) - Fix one hardcoded string (circles#1100) - Avoid using non-existing \\OCP\\Server::get (circles#1106) - Ensure the content takes the whole height when we hide the footer (files_pdfviewer#612) - Fix footer not hidden when Talk sidebar is shown (files_pdfviewer#616) - Shuffle before validating (password_policy#364) - Timeline: Do not take VirtualGrid out of DOM to avoid infinite loop (photos#1118) - Fix external storage support (photos#1125) - Stable24 / Upgrade dependencies (text#2610) - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-view from 1.26.1 to 1.26.2 (text#2623) - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-state from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 (text#2624) - Text: fix cypress selector to find the right image (text#2626) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-code-block from 2.0.0-beta.41 to 2.0.0-beta.42 (text#2640) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-task-item from 2.0.0-beta.36 to 2.0.0-beta.37 (text#2641) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-dropcursor from 2.0.0-beta.28 to 2.0.0-beta.29 (text#2642) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-link from 2.0.0-beta.42 to 2.0.0-beta.43 (text#2643) - Build(deps): bump core-js from 3.23.2 to 3.23.3 (text#2644) - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-view from 1.26.2 to 1.26.3 (text#2645) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/core from 2.0.0-beta.180 to 2.0.0-beta.181 (text#2646) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/vue-2 from 2.0.0-beta.83 to 2.0.0-beta.84 (text#2647) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/suggestion from 2.0.0-beta.96 to 2.0.0-beta.97 (text#2648) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-code-block-lowlight from 2.0.0-beta.72 to 2.0.0-beta.73 (text#2649) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-horizontal-rule from 2.0.0-beta.35 to 2.0.0-beta.36 (text#2650) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-placeholder from 2.0.0-beta.52 to 2.0.0-beta.53 (text#2651) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-history from 2.0.0-beta.25 to 2.0.0-beta.26 (text#2652) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-table from 2.0.0-beta.53 to 2.0.0-beta.54 (text#2654) - Fix: return promise in cypress command to wait for it (text#2659) - Backport/stable24/2326 update eslint config (text#2666) - Backport link fixes to stable24 (text#2672) - Fix: only show delete image button when editing (text#2673) - Use better wording in english to allow easier gender neutral translations (text#2674) - Avoid loading the image before the node view (text#2675) - Fix/dav (text#2676) - Trigger event on content change in syncservice (text#2679) - Update prosemirror dependencies (text#2680) - Fix: use own workspace endpoint instead of PROPFIND properties (text#2682) - Remove invalid leading slash in blank.mp4 path (viewer#1270) - Always use the main background for the default theme (viewer#1280) * Mon Jun 20 2022 ecsos - Update to 24.0.2 - Bump dompurify from 2.3.6 to 2.3.8 (server#32416) - Bump AATTtesting-library/vue from 5.8.2 to 5.8.3 (server#32419) - Remove storage wrappers when deleting the user storage (server#32444) - Adjust wording for database checks (server#32457) - Fix backgroundjobs mode (server#32470) - Properly calculate primary element based on background luminance (server#32510) - Fix crop condition (server#32513) - Fix handling events without names in activities (server#32585) - Improve warning about missing pnctl (server#32603) - Fix status handling (server#32619) - Move Gd failed operations to debug level (server#32621) - Update guzzlehttp/guzzle requirement from 7.4.2 to 7.4.3 in /build/integration (server#32638) - Update 3rdparty for symfony/translation:4.4.41 (server#32650) - Handle non existing settings again (server#32657) - Add a method to get estimated export size in IMigrator (server#32664) - Fix Nextcloud Android app not showing proper name (server#32668) - Fix share permissions rendering (server#32674) - Allow use of rememberme cookies for IApacheAuth backends (server#32677) - More meaningfull message when a public authenticated share’s password is wrong or has expired. (server#32683) - Make sure activities are not created when a deleted calendar object expires (server#32692) - Trim mount point before matching in encryption code (server#32705) - Store unencrypted size in the unencrypted_size column (server#32708) - Cleanup temporary files after finishing the write to object storage (server#32710) - Always log errors from sending federation api requests to ease debugging (server#32750) - Add new share attributes column (server#32752) - Make X-HAS-{MD5/SHA256} opt-in (server#32758) - Temporary passwords fixes 31952 (server#32764) - Fix get avatar authorization (server#32770) - Handle stream wrappers in SeekableHttpStream (server#32776) - Add back the deleted.png file (server#32786) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#32794) - Fix mounts mounted at the users home (server#32801) - Properly import maintenance script (server#32802) - Perform onetime setup earlier to ensure wrappers are registered on time (server#32811) - Update guzzlehttp/guzzle requirement from 7.4.3 to 7.4.4 in /build/integration (server#32822) - Fix exception handling when profile data is too long (server#32833) - Fix issue #31692 of occ files:scan (server#32841) - Fix replacing external storage password during debug log (server#32842) - Revert “Remove inefficient fed share scanner” (server#32848) - Correctly log failed attempts (server#32854) - Fix logger overwriting vars in some circumstances (server#32904) - Bump symfony/translation to 4.4.41 (3rdparty#1042) - Save parameters also in the notifications (activity#814) - Limit the $limit to a maximum of 200 (activity#816) - ConfirmKey must be uuid (circles#1053) - Create CODEOWNERS (notifications#1211) - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-view from 1.23.12 to 1.23.13 (text#2407) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-task-item from 2.0.0-beta.31 to 2.0.0-beta.32 (text#2408) - Build(deps): bump AATTnextcloud/moment from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 (text#2410) - Ci: only run php unit tests when php files changed (text#2414) - Add support for different encodings (text#2416) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/core from 2.0.0-beta.174 to 2.0.0-beta.176 (text#2423) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/suggestion from 2.0.0-beta.90 to 2.0.0-beta.92 (text#2424) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-link from 2.0.0-beta.36 to 2.0.0-beta.38 (text#2425) - Changes menu entry. (text#2427) - Build(deps): bump AATTtiptap/extension-table from 2.0.0-beta.48 to 2.0.0-beta.49 (text#2436) - Improve image attachment management (text#2444) - Do not register text/csv mimetype when office can handle it (text#2453) - Fix non-working hard line breaks (text#2487) - Encode file to UTF-8 on fetch call (text#2498) - An empty string is a valid encoded result (text#2501) - Bring back inline code support (text#2507) - Use modern API to cancel requests (viewer#1249) * Thu May 19 2022 ecsos - Update to 24.0.1 - Bump karma-spec-reporter from 0.0.33 to 0.0.34 (server#31985) - Tell mysql to ignore the sort index for search queries (server#32123) - Update description of cronjob settings to be aligned to the documenta… (server#32133) - Fix showing of all apps are up-to-date in apps management (server#32153) - Fx translations with trailing colon (server#32159) - Fix social sharing buttons (server#32181) - Revert “Show the child folders in the breadcrumb menu when on a parent entry.” (server#32219) - Use sabre function directly rather than duplicating it (server#32236) - Revert “Revert “Make the order of reactions reliable”” (server#32241) - Include more emoji chars to test and fixes after include it (server#32256) - Expose shareWithDisplayNameUnique also on autocomplete endpoint (server#32275) - Don’t use hash to check if binding worked (server#32282) - Fix preview generator trying to recreate an existing folder (server#32320) - Fix for transferring ownership of groupfolders (server#32329) - Add share search tweaks (server#32360) - Don’t unjail the path when getting the storage info (server#32365) - Increase retry delay on ‘Wait for S3’ CI job (server#32368) - Bump karma from 6.3.17 to 6.3.20 (server#32386) - Bump moment from 2.29.2 to 2.29.3 (server#32402) - Fix user agent trimming on installation (server#32414) - Show user account on grant loginflow step (server#32415) - Only log diagnostic events if a treshhold is set (server#32424) - Replace isValidEmoji by method in EmojiHelper (server#32437) - Add Email validation (server#32472) - Switch to getOption() (circles#1042) - Add new diagram templates (example-files#23) - Adapt layout after viewer update (files_pdfviewer#597) - Update phpunit workflows (files_pdfviewer#599) - Prevent video file downloads when there is a download limit (files_videoplayer#275) - Fix password generation (password_policy#357) - Fix FreeBsd Interface parsing (serverinfo#373) - Switch to auto table layout (text#2375) - Use ‘(n)’ suffix instead of timestamp prefix for uploaded image names (text#2377) - Manually get a mounted instance of the file if needed during lock/unlock (text#2380) - Fix attachment cleanup when file names contain parenthesis (text#2389) - Build(deps-dev): bump cypress from 9.5.3 to 9.5.4 (text#2402) - Build(deps-dev): bump AATTvue/vue2-jest from 27.0.0-alpha.4 to 27.0.0 (text#2405) - Fix viewer integration styling (text#2419) - Revert “Revert “Improve preloading”” (viewer#1237) - Revert “Revert “Revert “Improve preloading””” (viewer#1238) - Fix design update after 5 vue components upgrade (viewer#1239) - Improve preloading (viewer#1240) * Tue May 03 2022 ecsos - Update 24.0.0 - User migration - Smart file locking - 4x lower db load - Reactions & media tab in Talk - Reply to calls & messages in Desktop client - Undo send & schedule emails Read announcement blog for all the the details: https://nextcloud.com/blog/nextcloud-hub-24-is-here/ * Sun Apr 24 2022 ecsos - Update to 23.0.4 - Run tests with primary object storage in CI + large upload fixes (server#31453) - User_ldap fix ldap connection resets #31421 (server#31514) - Validate overwrite.cli.url to be a url in setup check (server#31518) - Fix duplicated UUID detection when there are empty uuids (server#31521) - Fix occ user:add-app-password (server#31536) - Fix the logger that is imported for critical actions (server#31540) - Toggle profile globally (server#31624) - Improve imagick, bcmath and gmp extension warnings (server#31634) - Add optional WebDav propfind properties to count sub elements (server#31641) - Fix listeners declaration in case of occ usage (server#31656) - Do not forget DB table prefix with truncate query (server#31666) - Limit the length of app password names (server#31678) - Add OPcache recommendations to Transifex (server#31705) - Bump babel-loader from 8.2.3 to 8.2.4 (server#31721) - Add oauth2_clients migration for Owncloud (server#31730) - Don’t create cards_abiduri it if already exists (server#31733) - Show that the web updater is not recommended on big instances (server#31740) - Add direct arg to login flow (server#31748) - Wrap oauth2 migrations inside conditions (server#31774) - Fix assignment of the LDAP Wizard connection (server#31785) - Fix ldap wizard styling (server#31804) - Bump guzzlehttp/psr7 from 1.8.3 to 1.8.5 (server#31821) - Ignore errors when searching for bundled preview (server#31831) - Deduplicate storage ids in list before reusing (server#31835) - Dont re-query fileinfo when getting dav quota (server#31836) - Take permissions from multiple paths into account for share permissions (server#31846) - Log in audit log federated shares events (server#31856) - Update autoloaders and Node package-lock.json (server#31862) - Fix incorrect if conditions in View (server#31878) - Do not decorate the CLI output if it’s explicitly turned off (server#31880) - Fix _App::getCurrentApp() when being called from CLI or phpunit (server#31882) - Bump moment from 2.29.1 to 2.29.2 (server#31913) - Fix shared mount roots not being returned from getSharesInFolder (server#31923) - Confirm user is internal to globalscale (server#31940) - AmazonS3: allow not implemented versioning (server#31946) - Fix accept/reject remote share action (server#31949) - Update CRL after revocation of socialsharing_telegram.csr (server#31955) - Fix LDAP Dark Theme Issue (server#31968) - Bump guzzlehttp/psr7 from 1.8.3 to 1.8.5 (3rdparty#1016) - Fallback to the admin settings if the user did not configure it (activity#781) - Bypass/limit permissions (circles#1001) - Update memberships on path change (circles#1007) - Check owner attendance (circles#1010) - Remove child shares (circles#1015) - Update displayName (circles#1017) - Oracle support (circles#978) - Limit some feature when Circles is managed by an app (circles#982) - Use stable23 for oci tests (circles#985) - Missing $prec (circles#995) - Update population (circles#997) - Disable social recommendation (firstrunwizard#693) - Fix settings navigation order (firstrunwizard#697) - Bump babel-loader from 8.2.3 to 8.2.4 (privacy#752) - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-view from 1.23.7 to 1.23.9 (text#2233) - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-view from 1.23.9 to 1.23.10 (text#2259) - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-view from 1.23.10 to 1.23.11 (text#2274) - Fix: menu bubble size at the end of the line (text#2277) - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-view from 1.23.11 to 1.23.12 (text#2286) - Properly cancel and reset ongoing streams when unmounting (viewer#1208) * Mon Mar 21 2022 ecsos - Update to 23.0.3 - Allow writing audit log to syslog and systemdlog (server#30852) - Allow to disable AuthToken v1 (server#30949) - Add primary key for ratelimit table (server#30965) - Bump samba images in tests (server#30967) - Update variables.scss - Fallback font before Noto Color Emoji (server#30969) - Show if the mail server settings are not set or verified (server#30998) - Use the unjailed-path in OC_Helper::getStorageInfo() for files located in SharedStorage. (server#30999) - Fix: Birthday events missing after reimporting contacts (server#31000) - Bump clipboard from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10 (server#31023) - Fix bugs with incorrect currentFileList in the favorite and share by you view (server#31050) - Allow specify a config prefix for another database connection (server#31059) - Don\'t provide favorite activity settings (server#31084) - Only setup part of the filesystem for appdata requests (server#31098) - Allow sub-admins to access delegated settings. (server#31102) - Ignore contact interaction with self (server#31120) - Fix overlapping buttons in apps-management (server#31179) - Fix typo in DAV namespace registration (server#31183) - Fix a broken tooltip (server#31184) - Improve user status revert performance (server#31192) - Fix path handling when transferring incoming shares (server#31204) - Bump dompurify from 2.3.5 to 2.3.6 (server#31226) - Improve caching policy use immutable when loading versionned assets (server#31244) - Hide download button for images (server#31253) - Don\'t redirect when loading files index page (server#31255) - Consider only reminders with calendar data (server#31262) - Also cache non-existing to reuse it (server#31297) - Ignore cache in occ ldap:check-ldap command (server#31299) - Wrap S3 multipart upload exception (server#31302) - Fix ldap:check-user method for newly created LDAP users (server#31306) - Avoid PHP errors in the checkers drone step (server#31313) - Background job time windows (server#31318) - Mark split database configs as sensitive (server#31331) - Update CRL after revocation of rocket_integration.csr (server#31350) - Bump backbone from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 (server#31369) - Make Sabre File exception messages translatable (server#31392) - Censor more configs (server#31399) - Don\'t set up full filesystem to check for certificates (server#31401) - Also use hashed/indexed column on delete (server#31402) - Fix caching of the user avatar (server#31410) - Fix duplicate primary email message (server#31412) - Fix developer link (server#31423) - Fix fileactions for sharing overview (server#31424) - Prevent default right-click options when hideDownload is enabled (server#31427) - Fix return type of avatar file (server#31432) - Fix \"Nextcloud is not allowed to use the OPcache API\" warning (server#31437) - Add Nextcloud docs link to OPcache recommends (server#31438) - Be conservative when reading from fresh created column (server#31442) - Init user\'s file system if not existing on ownership transfer (server#31445) - Use persistent connections when connecting to redis (server#31450) - Fix settings error message timeout (server#31457) - Connectivity check: allow using the protocol in \'connectivity_check_domains\' (server#31479) - Add option to disallow creation of local storages (server#31481) - Fix too many file download notifications when watching a video (server#31485) - Fix new file menu (server#31490) - Fix listeners declaration in case of occ usage (server#31529) - Fix user status not resetting correctly after a call (server#31543) - Prevent reading key on SFTP stat bool (server#31547) - Fix more than 1000 entries in queries exception in CardDavBackend (server#31550) - Update CRL after revoke deckimportfromtrello.csr (server#31618) - Revert \"Fix listeners declaration in case of occ usage\" (server#31642) - Try to reduce the load from writing (activity#731) - Allow specify a config prefix for another database connection (activity#735) - Adjust nextcloud lib version (activity#739) - Make background job time insensitive (activity#741) - Fix cached circle returning bool before being parsed as JSON (circles#932) - MembershipsService -> membershipService (circles#934) - Block/force circle types (circles#938) - Set member as INVITED only if not external (circles#940) - Allow configuration of one single password per circle (circles#944) - Display spent time on request (circles#949) - Lighter SQL requests and compat with Oracle (circles#956) - Update population (circles#959) - Fix PrimaryKey on circles_event (circles#965) - Fix import (circles#970) - Only refresh notifications once with notify push (notifications#1155) - Improve mass notification processing (notifications#1156) - Bump url-parse from 1.5.4 to 1.5.10 (photos#1043) - Fix privacy UI with subscription (privacy#707) - Bump vue-loader from 15.9.6 to 15.9.8 (privacy#712) - Bump AATTnextcloud/babel-config from 1.0.0-beta.1 to 1.0.0 (privacy#715) - Bump AATTbabel/core from 7.13.15 to 7.13.16 (privacy#718) - Bump eslint-import-resolver-webpack from 0.13.0 to 0.13.2 (privacy#721) - Bump babel-loader from 8.2.2 to 8.2.3 (privacy#724) - Bump sass from 1.32.10 to 1.32.13 (privacy#731) - Bump vue and vue-template-compiler (privacy#732) - Bump eslint-config-standard from 16.0.2 to 16.0.3 (privacy#733) - Bump node-polyfill-webpack-plugin from 1.1.0 to 1.1.4 (privacy#734) - Bump eslint-webpack-plugin from 2.5.3 to 2.5.4 (privacy#738) - Add index for last_contact in text_sessions table (text#2147) - Use file.path to track EditorWrapper instances more accurately (text#2150) - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-transform from 1.3.3 to 1.3.4 (text#2159) - Fix: only apply bullet style to ul > li (text#2195) - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-view from 1.23.6 to 1.23.7 (text#2207) - Fix: update psalm baseline to account for changes in server (text#2208) - Derpgon cz fix/stable23/image data urls (text#2210) - Display content first and then load menus (text#2228) - Build(deps-dev): bump AATTbabel/plugin-proposal-class-properties from 7.16.0 to 7.16.7 (viewer#1171) - Build(deps-dev): bump AATTnextcloud/webpack-vue-config from 4.1.0 to 4.1.4 (viewer#1174) - Build(deps): bump camelcase from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 (viewer#1175) - Build(deps): bump AATTnextcloud/event-bus from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 (viewer#1176) - Build(deps-dev): bump AATTcypress/browserify-preprocessor from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (viewer#1178) - Build(deps-dev): bump AATTnextcloud/eslint-config from 6.1.0 to 6.1.2 (viewer#1179) - Build(deps-dev): bump wait-on from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 (viewer#1180) * Wed Feb 16 2022 ecsos - Update to 23.0.2 - Check for disk_free_space (server#29798) - Avoid use of iconv to get rid of unicode (server#29965) - Don\'t query the bruteforce attempts when we just deleted them (server#30026) - Fix input for groups validation in new user form (server#30144) - Reload page instead of file list when getting 401 authentification error (server#30151) - Allow to delete non-migrated previews instead of moving them (server#30175) - Fix relation \"user_id\" already exists migration error (server#30176) - Check resource before closing in encryption wrapper (server#30180) - Use correct icon for dir-external-root (server#30187) - Properly format sharing datepicker locale (server#30190) - Update guzzlehttp/guzzle requirement from 6.5.2 to 6.5.5 in /build/integration (server#30212) - Update sabre/dav requirement from 4.2.1 to 4.2.3 in /build/integration (server#30213) - Bump dompurify from 2.3.3 to 2.3.4 (server#30214) - Bump core-js from 3.19.2 to 3.19.3 (server#30215) - Don\'t check the configvalue for lastLogin which is never null (server#30236) - Support LDAP dns longer than 255 characters (server#30238) - Only wildcard search if enumeration is allowed (server#30245) - Fix setting up 2FA when no providers are set up but backup codes (server#30252) - Carefully filter out non matching time ranges for CalDAV search (server#30267) - Use bigint for autoincremented column (server#30272) - Fix ShareLink Upload UI for Folders (server#30289) - Use proper translation source for direct editing (server#30301) - Ignore non-existing groups when notifying group shares (server#30306) - Fix share owner not being displayed in sharing tab (server#30315) - Update sabre/dav requirement from 4.2.3 to 4.3.0 in /build/integration (server#30325) - Enhance and complement OPcache setup checks (server#30339) - Fix potential unwarranted memberships in nested groups from LDAP (server#30343) - Fix overlapping in the help settings section (server#30344) - Remove iconv from dependencies and tests (server#30351) - Fix persistent tooltip in the \"new folder\" input of the file picker (server#30356) - Don\'t die with LockedException when removing/restoring multiple files from trash (server#30390) - Improve personal settings on mobile (server#30411) - Fix rendering app authors with homepage or email (server#30431) - Add missing index for propertypath only queries of DAV properties (server#30433) - Handle external share with invalid host (server#30443) - Make sure to get file model in template picker (server#30449) - Improve status modal (server#30455) - Allow using composer plugin with composer 2.2 (server#30462) - Fix uploading text position (server#30480) - Run migrations fully when reenabling an app (server#30486) - Fix passing on the parameter (server#30522) - Fix email verification (server#30525) - Update CRL after revocation of sharerenamer.crt (server#30528) - Handle LocalServerException when scanning external shares (server#30557) - Fix fail when keys/files folder already exists (server#30576) - Use npm ci when running JS tests (server#30580) - Fix: only use jquery once it is available (server#30592) - Avoid zero division in setup checks (server#30594) - Prevent loading images that would require too much memory. (server#30602) - Fix undefined/unset scope in account properties (server#30611) - Fix RequestURL check for cli commands (server#30619) - Reset job disabling timer on adding the job again (server#30621) - Set the file\'s mtime from the headers in bulk upload (server#30623) - Trigger \"changeDirectory\" event on URL change (server#30627) - Properly abort uploads (server#30636) - Fix idn emails not working in shares (server#30643) - Implement multibucket shift for ObjectStore (server#30659) - Fix wrong unified search link to folder (server#30662) - Fix primary key change in user_ldap migration (server#30663) - Improve accessibility settings on mobile (server#30671) - Fix file picker not respecting hidden files settings (server#30672) - Add version of disabled apps when available (server#30674) - Optimize FileSystemTags workflow for groupfolder (server#30684) - Fix users can\'t login external mount user entered credentials not set (server#30685) - Remove inefficient fed share scanner (server#30688) - New Files internal link GET param to avoid opening the file (server#30689) - UpdateEncryptedVersion: cleanup on target if cache already got renamed (server#30695) - Improve layout for the public download page (server#30698) - Fix loading of the text app in public shared links (server#30722) - Fix non-ascii characters present in the header (server#30728) - Hash job argument (server#30734) - Increase email main buttons width for non-english languages (server#30740) - Improve install process (server#30747) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (server#30753) - Log bruteforce throttle and blocking (server#30759) - Always call flush() as getAllKeys() is broken (server#30773) - Add KerberosApacheAuth support to files_external (server#30782) - Update sabre/dav requirement from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 in /build/integration (server#30799) - Bump jquery-ui from 1.13.0 to 1.13.1 (server#30800) - Fix accessing undefined offsets (server#30811) - Fix psalm not running (server#30814) - 23.0.1 Final (server#30840) - Fix php:cs (server#30847) - Prevent merging on EOL branches (server#30872) - Fixes occ user:info when the user never logged in (server#30890) - Bump dompurify from 2.3.4 to 2.3.5 (server#30911) - Bump clipboard from 2.0.8 to 2.0.9 (server#30912) - Bump webpack-cli from 4.9.1 to 4.9.2 (server#30913) - Fix psalm warning related to registerEventListener (server#30915) - Update version.php (server#30975) - Fix duplicated UUID migration issue (server#31107) - Revert the \'broken\' public page changes (server#31108) - Disable bulk upload by not advertising it (server#31171) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (3rdparty#971) - Fix sorting of filters on php 8.0+ (activity#715) - Filter allowed type of member (circles#865) - Lighten select for single circle (circles#867) - Bypass moderator check on CFG_FRIEND (circles#873) - Better display of federated user (circles#876) - Strtolower on mail address (circles#882) - Only returns population on direct request from the front-end or occ command (circles#885) - Enforce password on new share (circles#887) - Ignore exception to group sync (circles#894) - Exception on null token (circles#896) - L10n: Improved grammar (circles#898) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (circles#907) - Fix loosing memberships in low depth (circles#914) - Remove shares during circles destruction, clean orphan shares on cron (circles#918) - Paginate Circles through OCS query parameters (circles#919) - GetSingleId(): string; (circles#922) - Bump actions (files_pdfviewer#530) - Bump AATTnextcloud/eslint-config from 6.1.0 to 6.1.2 (files_pdfviewer#534) - Bump AATTnextcloud/webpack-vue-config from 4.1.0 to 4.1.4 (files_pdfviewer#535) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (files_pdfviewer#544) - Updating lint-php.yml workflow from template (files_pdfviewer#549) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (files_rightclick#131) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (files_videoplayer#256) - Fix overlapping buttons (firstrunwizard#652) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (firstrunwizard#661) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (logreader#636) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (nextcloud_announcements#92) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (notifications#1137) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (password_policy#315) - Bump autoprefixer from 10.3.6 to 10.3.7 (photos#1009) - Bump AATTnextcloud/eslint-config from 6.1.0 to 6.1.2 (photos#1010) - Bump postcss-loader from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 (photos#1011) - Bump AATTnextcloud/event-bus from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 (photos#1012) - Bump AATTnextcloud/initial-state from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 (photos#1013) - Fix default previews (photos#951) - Fix Tags: Don\'t display tags without photos (photos#960) - Update workflows (photos#981) - Bump AATTnextcloud/webpack-vue-config from 4.1.0 to 4.1.4 (photos#985) - Bump url-parse from 1.5.3 to 1.5.4 (photos#986) - Bump vue-router from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3 (photos#987) - Bump qs from 6.10.1 to 6.10.3 (photos#988) - Bump camelcase from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 (photos#989) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (photos#998) - Fix label of account name and hide parts with subscription (privacy#676) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (privacy#684) - Update workflows (privacy#690) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (recommendations#470) - Update test.yml (recommendations#473) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (serverinfo#352) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (survey_client#123) - Update mark input/paste rules to tiptap v2 regular expressions (text#1976) - Don\'t show \"Link file\" button when using direct edition (text#1979) - Make sure translations are detected (text#1984) - Fix only the first item gets tasklist-ified issue (text#2005) - Fix: use stable23 branch for cypress tests (text#2023) - Fix autofocus on empty documents without a node (Fixes: #1974) (text#2035) - Add stylelint to github actions (text#2041) - Fix: cypress login with new session feature (text#2046) - Bump AATTnextcloud/event-bus from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 (text#2078) - Bump AATTnextcloud/initial-state from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 (text#2081) - Bump AATTnextcloud/webpack-vue-config from 4.1.0 to 4.1.4 (text#2084) - Bump AATTcypress/browserify-preprocessor from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (text#2085) - Bump prosemirror-markdown from 1.6.0 to 1.6.2 (text#2086) - Bump AATTnextcloud/eslint-config from 6.1.0 to 6.1.2 (text#2088) - Bump prosemirror-view from 1.23.5 to 1.23.6 (text#2100) - Fix closing the editor modal in public folder view (text#2105) - Fix: 2020 let heading menu overflow workspace (text#2109) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (text#2115) - Disable fade-out because of accessbility reasons (viewer#1066) - Fix german (Sie) translations comming from nextcloud-vue (viewer#1089) - Add cypress summary for easier branch protection mgmt (viewer#1094) - Add engines support for cypress tests (viewer#1099) - Always check for `OCA.Files` before using it (Fixes: #1106) (viewer#1108) - Disable swiping on viewer video controls (viewer#1114) - Disable swiping on viewer audio controls (viewer#1122) - Create block-merge-freeze.yml (viewer#1133) - Update lint-php.yml (viewer#1138) * Fri Jan 28 2022 ecsos - Update to 23.0.1 - No changelog from upstream at this time. * Tue Nov 30 2021 ecsos - Update to 23.0.0 - No changelog from upstream at this time. * Tue Nov 16 2021 Michael Ströder - Update to 22.2.3 - Bump moment-timezone from 0.5.33 to 0.5.34 (server#29658) - Don\'t flash external storage mountpoints during the status check (server#29706) - Bump doctrine/dbal to 3.1.4 (server#29717) - Add composer patch (3rdparty#890) - Bump doctrine/dbal to 3.1.4 (3rdparty#895) * Sat Nov 13 2021 Michael Ströder - Update to 22.2.2 - Single fix that could cause significant performance degradation: Fix missing token update #29682 * Thu Nov 11 2021 ecsos - Update to 22.2.1 - Ensure that user and group IDs in LDAP\'s tables are also max 64chars (server#28968) - Fix Lots of Error: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect.… (server#29016) - Change output format of Psalm to Github (server#29046) - Don\'t further setup disabled users when logging in with apache (server#29062) - Allow \"TwoFactor Nextcloud Notifications\" to pull the state of the 2FA again (server#29066) - Fix path of `file_get_contents` (server#29073) - Do not transfer shares for deleted users (server#29078) - Add a few sensitive config keys (server#29086) - Update the certificate bundle (server#29096) - Add button color variables (server#29113) - Generate a better optimized query for path prefix search filters (server#29121) - Set associative = true for cleanup job (server#29124) - Keep pw based auth tokens valid when pw-less login happens (server#29129) - Explicitly close source stream on local / encryption storage (server#29133) - Properly handle folder deletion on external s3 storage (server#29160) - Tokens without password should not trigger changed password invalidation (server#29162) - Add \'supported\'-label to all supported apps (server#29183) - Keep group restrictions when reenabling apps after an update (server#29196) - Fix translated app details (server#29207) - Add documentation for files_no_background_scan (server#29217) - Don\'t setup the filesystem to check for a favicon we don\'t use anyway (server#29221) - Add proper message to created share not found (server#29225) - Fix background scan doc in config (server#29251) - Add configuration flag to disable the background job for files_trashbin (server#29262) - Add configuration flag to disable the background job for files_versions (server#29263) - Fix bug introduced on drag and drop external files (server#29283) - Get `filesize()` if `file_exists()` (server#29288) - Fix app upgrade (server#29301) - Fix cliping issues in alternative logging buttons (server#29311) - Avoid PHP errors when the LDAP attribute is not found (server#29316) - Fix basic auth for OAuth token endpoint (server#29341) - Fix login button alignment (server#29359) - Fix security issues when copying groupfolder with advanced ACL (server#29365) - Prevent duplicate auth token activity updates (server#29381) - Catch null path in share manager (server#29383) - Scheduling plugin not updating responding attendee status (server#29385) - Make calendar schedule options translatable (server#29389) - S3 external storage fixes (server#29391) - Fix federated scope not shown when public addressbook upload is disabled (server#29393) - Make the route name error more helpful (server#29398) - Bump babel-loader from 8.2.2 to 8.2.3 (server#29409) - Update behat/behat requirement from ~3.8.0 to ~3.9.0 in /build/integration (server#29410) - Handle files with `is_file` instead of `file_exists` (server#29415) - Fixes an undefined index when getAccessList returns an empty array (server#29419) - Backport #29260: Respect user enumeration settings in user status lists (server#29427) - Implement local filtering in file list (server#29442) - Detect mimetype by content only with content (server#29459) - Fix permissions when copying from ObjectStorage (server#29475) - Bump vue-router from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3 (server#29494) - Bump bootstrap from 4.6.0 to 4.6.1 (server#29495) - Update CRL (server#29503) - Limit parameter count per query in Cache.removeChildren (server#29506) - Fix/images php 8.0 (server#29519) - Revert split capability \"AccountPropertyScopesFederationEnabled\" (server#29528) - Expose send_password_by_mail via capabilities (server#29534) - Update update-psalm-baseline workflow (server#29549) - Do not retain VerifyUserData job when lookup server is not available (server#29562) - Bump AATTnextcloud/initial-state from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 (server#29575) - Update behat/behat requirement from ~3.9.0 to ~3.10.0 in /build/integration (server#29578) - Handle empty directory drag-and-drop in Files UI (server#29597) - Fix HTML entity rendering in file comments sidebar (server#29598) - Reduce the sleep time in test-dummy-token handler (circles#816) - Dispatching event before the action (circles#825) - Bump version (files_pdfviewer#513) - Allow to open links in new tab (notifications#1078) - Fix deleting notifications with numeric user ID (notifications#1088) - Add integration tests for push registration (notifications#1095) - Restore old device signature so the proxy works again (notifications#1103) - Bump autoprefixer from 9.8.6 to 9.8.7 (photos#902) - Bump autoprefixer from 9.8.7 to 9.8.8 (photos#907) - Bump prosemirror-schema-list from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6 (text#1871) - Bump prosemirror-transform from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3 (text#1881) - Additional checks for workspace controller (text#1885) * Thu Sep 30 2021 ecsos - Update to 22.2.0 - Fix SQL type error (server#28531) - Allow to open any app in a standalone window (server#28594) - Fix encrypted version to 0 when finding unencrypted file (server#28603) - Only recommand for php-sodium on >= PHP 7.4 (server#28658) - Fix position of search bar (server#28670) - Fix S3 ObjectStore proxy option (server#28683) - NMC-464 Highlight the search term on no results (server#28685) - NMC-552 Move filename/size out of the download button (server#28697) - Fix user list infinite loading state in user settings (server#28701) - Pin Psalm version for security analysis (server#28705) - Bump css-vars-ponyfill from 2.4.6 to 2.4.7 (server#28712) - Check if SVG path is valid (server#28734) - Remove 2FA exemption from PublicPage annotation (server#28740) - Bump 3rdparty ref (server#28744) - Send attendence links to required and optinal attendees of an event without an RSVP (server#28748) - Bump 3rdparty ref (server#28752) - Fix trashbin files view sticky action bar (server#28769) - Make it possible to override the default collation on mysql (server#28777) - Allow users to choose a different email for notifications (server#28780) - Dashboard - fix touch layout (server#28781) - Scan the shared external storage source on access (server#28785) - Bump vue-clipboard2 from 0.3.1 to 0.3.2 (server#28801) - Add database ratelimiting backend (server#28814) - Fixes missing prefix to validate password reset token (server#28824) - Update .htaccess (php8+ and mod_lsapi) (server#28827) - Do not cache file ids in FileSystemTags inside group folders (server#28830) - Allow using of disabled password reset mechanism for special cases (server#28841) - The user always may modify their additional emails (server#28843) - Added support for transferring incoming file shares. (server#28844) - L10n: ignore packed js files from TX sync (server#28850) - Add config.php option for transfer ownership (server#28851) - L10n: Remove a text string from translation (server#28852) - Let user choose notification email in user settings (server#28855) - Add email addresses to contacts menu (server#28860) - Add new ExternalShareActions API (server#28865) - Fix files view change and undefined currentFileList (server#28878) - Fix file creation from template without ext (server#28881) - Bump vue-clipboard2 from 0.3.2 to 0.3.3 (server#28888) - Fall back to full file for video previews (server#28895) - Update CRL due to revoked twofactor_email.crt (server#28900) - Support seeking also from the end of file on S3 storage (server#28910) - Use IRoomMetadata as source of truth for supported room types (server#28919) - Bump 3rdparty ref (server#28928) - Allow upgrade from to (server#28945) - Fix caching of objectsid searches (server#28949) - Allow casting query functions (server#28953) - Fix check for redis minimal version (server#28954) - Don\'t allow to change activity settings that don\'t work (server#28962) - Bump app versions (server#28984) - Fix redirect during initial setup (server#28998) - Fix CI (3rdparty#758) - Bump Webauthn Lib to 3.3.9 (3rdparty#780) - Bump Archive_Tar to latest release (3rdparty#781) - Composer install (3rdparty#812) - Read the email from IUser (API) not guess from the DB (activity#637) - Increase activity email speed in instances with more than 500 users (activity#641) - Bump pdfjs-dist from 2.8.335 to 2.9.359 (files_pdfviewer#478) - Bump AATTnextcloud/babel-config from 1.0.0-beta.1 to 1.0.0 (files_pdfviewer#479) - Fix phpunit (files_pdfviewer#487) - Update workflows (files_pdfviewer#492) - Use setup-php v2 (files_pdfviewer#495) - Bump cli-progress from 3.9.0 to 3.9.1 (files_pdfviewer#504) - Fix illustrations (photos#876) - Bump AATTnextcloud/vue from 3.10.0 to 3.10.2 (photos#889) - Dependency updates (text#1835) - Bump prosemirror-markdown from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 (text#1851) - Update dependabot (viewer#1013) * Fri Aug 27 2021 ecsos - Update to 22.1.1 - No changelog from upstream at this time. * Wed Aug 04 2021 ecsos - Update to 22.1.0 - Update guzzlehttp/guzzle requirement from 6.5.2 to 7.3.0 in /build/integration (server#27654) - Bump vue and vue-template-compiler (server#27658) - Bump vue-router from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2 (server#27659) - Ignore subdomain for soa queries (server#27825) - Fix in locking cache check (server#27826) - Fixes recursion count incrementation (server#27848) - Make search popup usable on mobile, too (server#27856) - Cache images on browser (server#27861) - Fix add group button (server#27878) - Fix dark theme on public link shares (server#27889) - Make user status usable on mobile (server#27898) - Check if dns_get_record returns non-false (server#27925) - Correctly skip suppressed errors in PHP 8.0 (server#27938) - Fix newfileMenu on public page (server#27942) - Do not escape display name in dashboard welcome text (server#27944) - Fix svg icons disapearing in app navigation when text overflows (server#27957) - Revert \"Update guzzlehttp/guzzle requirement from 6.5.2 to 7.3.0 in /build/integration\" (server#27959) - Also hide group from direct matches (server#27964) - Show registered breadcrumb detail views in breadcrumb menu (server#27966) - Fix regression in file sidebar (server#27974) - Allow to get a local cloud id without going through the contacts manager (server#27979) - Multiple Emails UI and Integration (server#28001) - Improve notcreatable permissions hint (server#28008) - Some multiselect design fixes (server#28011) - Only display supported email scopes (server#28014) - Update CRL due to revoked twofactor_nextcloud_notification.crt (server#28016) - Increase footer height for longer menus (server#28043) - Add titleTooltip to sidebar (server#28047) - Mask password for Redis and RedisCluster on connection failure (server#28053) - Fix missing theming for login button (server#28061) - Improve Emails UX (server#28071) - Fix overlapping of elements in certain views (server#28073) - Disable HEIC image preview provider for performance concerns (server#28079) - Improve provider check (server#28085) - Sanitize more functions from the encryption app (server#28089) - Hide download button for public preview of audio files (server#28093) - Fix dark theme in file exists dialog (server#28109) - Support redis user password auth and tls encryption (server#28112) - Bump AATTbabel/core from 7.14.3 to 7.14.8 (server#28121) - Let memory limit set in tests fit the used amount (server#28123) - Bump AATTnextcloud/babel-config from 1.0.0-beta.1 to 1.0.0 (server#28126) - Allow empty Redis config (server#28131) - Add an option to the multiple files selected actions to add and remov… (server#28135) - Bump css-vars-ponyfill from 2.4.3 to 2.4.5 (server#28149) - Make sure that the dav propfind plugins always use the proper user id (server#28152) - Admin Audit - Sharing: createShare - report the full path (server#28167) - Fix sort function of files multiple selection actions (server#28168) - User management - Add icon to user groups (server#28170) - Bump AATTbabel/preset-env from 7.14.7 to 7.14.8 (server#28177) - Bump sass from 1.35.1 to 1.35.2 (server#28179) - Bump autosize from 4.0.2 to 4.0.4 (server#28181) - Fix variable override in file view (server#28193) - Fix comments file action sidebar opening (server#28197) - Set openfile params when following internal links (server#28215) - Fix Files breadcrumbs being hidden even if there is enough space (server#28222) - Dont apply jail search filter is on the root (server#28228) - Fix missing label of Search function (server#28244) - Add missing order attribute to tag multiselect action (server#28247) - Update guzzlehttp/guzzle requirement from 6.5.2 to 6.5.5 in /build/integration (server#28269) - Bump css-loader from 5.2.6 to 5.2.7 (server#28270) - Bump css-vars-ponyfill from 2.4.5 to 2.4.6 (server#28272) - Bump regenerator-runtime from 0.13.7 to 0.13.9 (server#28273) - Fix \"Enable notification emails\" (activity#611) - Show add, del and restored files within by and self filter (activity#614) - Only call getCloudId if needed (activity#618) - Link from app-navigation-settings to personal settings (activity#623) - Remove echo (circles#688) - Returns files shared to Personal (circles#698) - Make cs-fix/cs-check (circles#699) - Cs fix (circles#700) - Backport of 704 (circles#708) - Avoid timeout on check (circles#709) - Better probe (circles#714) - Removing hidden flag by default (circles#717) - Generate probe if needed (circles#719) - Adding unified search (circles#721) - Detect source of search (circles#724) - Remove root circles from search for new members (circles#727) - Sending mail on new shares (circles#729) - GetDefinition (circles#732) - Cloud_force_base (circles#737) - Fixing notification and mails (circles#738) - Remote inherited and memberships (circles#740) - Sendmail on new fileshare (circles#741) - Fix phpdoc+lint (circles#742) - Better display of mail addresses (circles#744) - Limit non-local circles as members of local circles (circles#747) - Local stays local (circles#749) - Local circles starts local (circles#751) - Throw instead of doing nothing (circles#754) - Send mails to inherited members on GS (circles#755) - Optional details on Link (circles#757) - Include and config path in loopback (circles#759) - Cleaning old code (circles#761) - Migration to 22.1.0 - child shares (circles#762) - Fix pdfviewer design (files_pdfviewer#445) - Include version number in firstrunwizard (firstrunwizard#568) - Remove timeout of browser notifications (notifications#1049) - Some Design fixes (text#1711) - Unify error responses and add logging where appropriate (text#1717) - Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.23.3 to 2.23.4 (text#1734) - Bump AATTbabel/core from 7.14.3 to 7.14.6 (text#1739) - Fix: rich workspaces overlap with new file dropdown (text#1769) - Azul/fix links 1676 (text#1775) - Extend mimetypes for direct editing (text#1781) - Bump AATTvue/test-utils from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 (text#1792) - Make occ command return an integer as return code (text#1797) - Custom input rule to add first character after bullet (Backport #1798) (text#1806) - Fix: cypress icon close selector (text#1808) - Disable header timeout on mobile (viewer#977) * Tue Jul 06 2021 ecsos - Fix some scriptlet and their output text. * Tue Jul 06 2021 Michael Ströder - Update to 22.0.0 - User-defined groups with Circles that makes it easier to manage teams where you can share files or assign tasks to circles, or create chat rooms for a circle - Integrated chat and task management where you can simply share a deck card into a chat room or turn a chat message into a task - Easy approval workflow, where an administrator can define a new approval flow in the settings and users can, on a document, request approval - Getting your document signatures easy with integrated PDF signing with DocuSign, EIDEasy, and LibreSign - Integrated knowledge management Nextcloud puts knowledge available to everyone at a moments\' notice, providing easy search, sharing, and portable access - Groupware improvements bringing a trash bin feature in Calendar, resource booking to facilitate the handling of resources in organizations. Nextcloud Mail features improved threading, email tagging, and support for Sieve filtering * Thu Jul 01 2021 ecsos - Update to 21.0.3 - Don\'t break OCC if an app is breaking in it\'s Application class (server#26879) - Bump handlebars from 4.7.6 to 4.7.7 (server#26905) - Bump url-parse from 1.4.7 to 1.5.1 (server#26911) - Bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 (server#26912) - Bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9 (server#26918) - Fix occ command user:add-app-password (server#26952) - Add bruteforce protection to the shareinfo endpoint (server#26955) - Ignore readonly flag for directories (server#26964) - Throttle MountPublicLinkController when share is not found (server#26972) - Respect default share permissions for federated reshares (server#26999) - Harden apptoken check (server#27012) - Use parent wrapper to properly handle moves on the same source/target storage (server#27015) - Fix log error when creating files from an empty template (server#27021) - Fix error when using CORS with no auth credentials (server#27028) - Fix filesize error on log rotation, if file does not exist (server#27058) - Avoid reading ~/.aws/config when using S3 provider (server#27097) - Fix return value of getStorageInfo when \'quota_include_external_storage\' is enabled (server#27107) - Move remnants of ocs api requests to v2 endpoint (server#27109) - Add DB exception \'AATTthrows\' tag to QBMapper PHPDoc (server#27121) - Improve type handling of Avatar::generateAvatarFromSvg (server#27124) - Bump patch dependencies (server#27184) - Fix the get editable fields endpoint without a user id (server#27195) - Use noreplyAATT as email address for share emails (server#27208) - Bump vue-loader from 15.9.6 to 15.9.7 (server#27231) - Bump moment-timezone from 0.5.32 to 0.5.33 (server#27237) - Bump browserslist from 4.16.0 to 4.16.6 (server#27248) - Bump ws from 7.3.1 to 7.4.6 (server#27250) - Properly use limit and offset for search in Jail wrapper (server#27303) - Make user:report command scale (server#27318) - Properly log expiration date removal in audit log (server#27324) - Emit UserLoggedInEvent on apache auth (server#27333) - Don\'t allow executing cli if cache backend is unavailable (server#27334) - Propagate throttling on OCS response (server#27336) - Replace OCSController with OCP\\API (server#27346) - Don\'t throw when comments is disabled (server#27347) - Set umask before operations that create local files (server#27350) - Escape filename in Content-Disposition (server#27359) - Don\'t update statuses to offline again and again (server#27411) - Fix some php 8 warnings (server#27415) - Don\'t pass a column object to addOrderBy (server#27446) - Header must contain a colon (server#27455) - Only allow removing existing shares that would not be allowed due to reshare restrictions (server#27551) - Bump postcss from 7.0.35 to 7.0.36 (server#27569) - Properly cleanup entries of WebAuthn on user deletion (server#27599) - Throttle on public DAV endpoint (server#27616) - Bump dompurify from 2.2.8 to 2.2.9 (server#27622) - Unshift crash reports when they are loaded, to break the recusion (server#27670) - Validate the theming color also on CLI (server#27679) - LDAP: determine shares of offline users only when needed (server#27703) - Downstream encryption:fix-encrypted-version for repairing \"bad signature\" errors (server#27727) - Remove encodeURI code (files_pdfviewer#397) - Disable content copy for PDF files that specify it (files_pdfviewer#417) - Update openssl for PHP 8.0 (nextcloud_announcements#78) - Only ask for permissions on HTTPS (notifications#997) - Fix sorting if one of the file name is only composed with number (photos#784) - Update File.vue (photos#812) - Hide free space if it can\'t be calculated (serverinfo#295) - Update chart.js (serverinfo#308) - Only return workspace property for top node in a propfind request (text#1610) - Use text/plain as content type for fetching the document (text#1691) - Log exceptions that happen on unknown exception and return generic messages (text#1697) - Try enabling apcu on cli for cypress (text#1700) - Add fixup (viewer#923) - Fix: fullscreen for Firefox (viewer#928) - Use physical pixel size for preview resolution (viewer#937) * Fri May 07 2021 ecsos - Update to 21.0.2 - L10n: Add word user in FederatedShareProvider.php (server#26508) - Increase subnet matcher (server#26514) - Limit size of properties to 2048 characters (server#26525) - Fix accessibility issues on log in screen (server#26535) - Fix constraint violation detection in QB Mapper (server#26587) - Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 (server#26604) - Add force option to app install command (server#26607) - Update root.crl due to revoked news.crt (server#26616) - Do not allow adding file drop shares to your own cloud (server#26621) - Fix empty password check for mail shares (server#26625) - Require read permissions for federated shares (server#26636) - Ensure redis returns bool for hasKey (server#26639) - Make lookup search explicit (server#26641) - Update psalm baseline (server#26653) - Fix broken Expiration test (server#26667) - Do not stop directory listing when ACL is blocking access (server#26677) - Mention MariaDB in MySQL support warning (server#26685) - Make Testcase class compatible with phpunit-9.5 (server#26690) - Explicitly check hex2bin input (server#26694) - Remove undefined parameter, add description (server#26702) - FIx Oracle by testing on Ubuntu 20.04 until oci8.so is available for … (server#26703) - Update icewind/smb to 3.4.1 (server#26704) - Bump AATTnextcloud/dialogs from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 (server#26733) - Private cannot be final (server#26752) - Fix installer deprecation warnings for PHP 8 (server#26759) - Validate the website field input to be a valid URL (server#26760) - Respect the error level when logging (server#26766) - Improve federated permission handling (server#26770) - No longer add trusted servers on federated share creation (server#26778) - Fix ratelimit template (server#26789) - LDAP: do not bother to search after the last page (server#26797) - Fail when creating new files with an empty path (server#26808) - Only return display name as editable when the user backend allows it (server#26815) - Do not try to contact lookup server if not needed (server#26823) - Only perform login check during ownership transfer for encryption (server#26863) - Fix creating vcards with multiple string values (server#26865) - L10n: Spelling unification (server#26881) - Remove self setting checking which can not be set anymore (activity#574) - Ensure link names are unique for accessibility, thanks AATTnickvergessen, fix #575 (activity#578) - Use PNG images in daily activity summary emails (activity#584) - Fix accessibility issues in PDF pt. II (example-files#18) - Fix admin notification api (notifications#929) - Only push delete-push to devices that also got the notification (notifications#938) - Move counting storage statistics to the background (serverinfo#298) - Hide squashfs and overlay-FS from the overview (serverinfo#304) - Add download button in actions menu (viewer#849) - Limit scope of the icon white overwrite (viewer#858) - Fixes for naughty filenames (viewer#869) * Thu Apr 08 2021 ecsos - Update to 21.0.1 - No changelog from upstream at this time. - Switch requires from mysql to mariadb. - Now minimum require php is 7.3 and recommend 7.4. * Fri Feb 19 2021 ecsos - Update to 21.0.0 The biggest improvements we introduce with Nextcloud 21 are: - High Performance Back-end for Nextcloud Files: reduces server load from desktop clients and web interface polling by 90% while delivering instant notifications to users. - And a wide range of performance improvements all over on top, decreasing loading times of pages and reducing load on the server - Collaborative features: new Whiteboard, author colours in Text and Document Templates to increase team productivity - Nextcloud Talk: debuts message status indicators, a raise hand feature, a group conversation description and more! - A range of Groupware improvements like drag\'n\'drop and nicer threading in Mail and syncing social media avatars in Contacts. * BugFixes: https://github.com/nextcloud/server/milestone/120?closed=1- Fix missing db things automatically at upgrade. * Wed Feb 03 2021 ecsos - Update to 20.0.7 - Catch NotFoundException when querying quota (server#25315) - CalDAV] Validate notified emails (server#25324) - Fix/app fetcher php compat comparison (server#25347) - Show the actual error on share requests (server#25352) - Fix parameter provided as string not array (server#25366) - The objectid is a string (server#25374) - 20.0.7 final (server#25387) - Properly handle SMB ACL blocking scanning a directory (server#25421) - Don\'t break completely when creating the digest fail for one user (activity#556) - Only attempt to use a secure view if hide download is actually set (files_pdfviewer#296) - Fix opening PDF files with special characters in their name (files_pdfviewer#298) - Fix PDF viewer failing on Edge (not based on Chromium) (files_pdfviewer#299) - Cannot unfold plain text notifications (notifications#846) - Remove EPUB mimetype (text#1391) * Tue Jan 26 2021 ecsos - Update to 20.0.6 - Make sure to do priority app upgrades first (server#25077) - Respect DB restrictions on number of arguments in statements and queries (server#25120) - Add a hint about the direction of priority (server#25143) - Do not redirect to logout after login (server#25146) - Fix comparison of PHP versions (server#25152) - Add \"composer.lock\" for acceptance tests to git (server#25178) - Update CRL due to revoked gravatar.crl (server#25190) - Don\'t log keys on checkSignature (server#25193) - Update 3rdparty after Archive_Tar (server#25199) - Bump CA bundle (server#25219) - Update handling of user credentials (server#25225) - Fix encoding issue with OC.Notification.show (server#25244) - Also use storage copy when dav copying directories (server#25261) - Silence log message (server#25263) - Extend ILDAPProvider to allow reading arbitrairy ldap attributes for users (server#25276) - Do not obtain userFolder of a federated user (server#25278) - Bump pear/archive_tar from 1.4.11 to 1.4.12 (3rdparty#603) - Add gitignore entry for .github folder of dependencies (3rdparty#604) - Clear event array on getting them (activity#551) * Thu Jan 14 2021 ecsos - Update to 20.0.5 - Don\'t log params of imagecreatefromstring (server#24546) - Use storage copy implementation when doing dav copy (server#24590) - Use in objectstore copy (server#24592) - Add tel, note, org and title search (server#24697) - Check php compatibility of app store app releases (server#24698) - Fix #24682]: ensure federation cloud id is retruned if FN property not found (server#24709) - Do not include non-required scripts on the upgrade page (server#24714) - LDAP: fix inGroup for memberUid type of group memberships (server#24716) - Cancel user search requests to avoid duplicate results being added (server#24728) - Also unset the other possible unused paramters (server#24751) - Enables the file name check also to match name of mountpoints (server#24760) - Fixes sharing to group ids with characters that are being url encoded (server#24763) - Limit getIncomplete query to one row (server#24791) - Fix Argon2 descriptions (server#24792) - Actually set the TTL on redis set (server#24798) - Allow to force rename a conflicting calendar (server#24806) - Fix IPv6 localhost regex (server#24823) - Catch the error on heartbeat update (server#24826) - Make oc_files_trash.auto_id a bigint (server#24853) - Fix total upload size overwritten by next upload (server#24854) - Avoid huge exception argument logging (server#24876) - Make share results distinguishable if there are more than one with the exact same display name (server#24878) - Add migration for oc_share_external columns (server#24963) - Don\'t throw a 500 when importing a broken ics reminder file (server#24972) - Fix unreliable ViewTest (server#24976) - Update root.crl due to revocation of transmission.crt (server#24990) - Set the JSCombiner cache if needed (server#24997) - Fix column name to check prior to deleting (server#25009) - Catch throwable instead of exception (server#25013) - Set the user language when adding the footer (server#25019) - Change defaultapp in config.sample.php to dashboard to improve docs and align it to source code (server#25030) - Fix clearing the label of a share (server#25035) - Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#25066) - Don\'t remove assignable column for now (server#25074) - Add setup check to verify that the used DB version is still supported… (server#25076) - Correctly set the user for activity parsing when preparing a notifica… (activity#542) - Bump vue-virtual-grid from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0 (photos#597) - Catch possible database exceptions when fetching document data (text#1221) - Make sure we have the proper PHP version installed before running composer (text#1234) - Revert removal of transformResponse (text#1235) - Bump prosemirror-view from 1.16.1 to 1.16.5 (text#1255) - Bump AATTbabel/preset-env from 7.12.1 to 7.12.11 (text#1257) - Bump babel-loader from 8.1.0 to 8.2.2 (text#1259) - Bump eslint-plugin-standard from 4.0.2 to 4.1.0 (text#1261) - Bump vue-loader from 15.9.5 to 15.9.6 (text#1263) - Bump prosemirror-model from 1.12.0 to 1.13.1 (text#1265) - Bump core-js from 3.7.0 to 3.8.1 (text#1266) - Bump stylelint from 13.7.2 to 13.8.0 (text#1269) - Bump AATTbabel/plugin-transform-runtime from 7.12.1 to 7.12.10 (text#1271) - Bump sass-loader from 10.0.5 to 10.1.0 (text#1273) - Bump webpack-merge from 5.3.0 to 5.7.2 (text#1274) - Bump AATTbabel/core from 7.12.3 to 7.12.10 (text#1277) - Bump cypress from 5.1.0 to 5.6.0 (text#1278) - Bump AATTvue/test-utils from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 (text#1279) - Bump webpack-merge from 5.7.2 to 5.7.3 (text#1303)