Changelog for python310-python-miio-0.5.8-1.23.noarch.rpm :

* Mon Sep 06 2021 Antonio Larrosa - Update to 0.5.8:
* Implemented enhancements: - vacuum: skip timezone call if there are no timers #1122
* Closed issues: - Smart Mi Standing fan 3 (Xiaomi Pedestal Fan 3, #788
* Merged pull requests: - readme: add micloudfaker to list of related projects #1127 - Update readme with section for related projects #1126 - add lumi.plug.mmeu01 - ZNCZ04LM #1125 (starkillerOG) - Do not use deprecated depth property #1124 (bieniu) - vacuum: remove long-deprecated \'return_list\' for clean_details #1123 (rytilahti) - deprecate Fan{V2,SA1,ZA1,ZA3,ZA4} in favor of model kwarg [#1119] (rytilahti) - Add support for Smartmi Standing Fan 3 ( #1087- Update to 0.5.7:
* This release improves several integrations (including yeelight, airpurifier_miot, dreamevacuum, rockrobo) and adds support for Roidmi Eve vacuums, see the full changelog for more details.
* Note that this will likely be the last release on the 0.5 series before breaking the API to reorganize the project structure and provide common device type specific interfaces.
* Implemented enhancements: - Add setting for carpet avoidance to vacuums #1040 - Add optional \"Length\" parameter to play_raw(). for \"chuangmi.remote.v2\" to send some command properly #820 - Add update_service callback for zeroconf listener #1112 - Add rockrobo-vacuum-a10 to mdns discovery list #1110 - Added additional OperatingModes and FaultStatuses for dreamevacuum #1090 (StarterCraft) - yeelight: add dump_ble_debug #1053 (rytilahti) - Convert codebase to pass mypy checks #1046 (rytilahti) - Add optional length parameter to play_
* for chuangmi_ir #1043 - Add features for newer vacuums (eg Roborock S7) #1039
* Fixed bugs: - air purifier unknown oprating mode #1106 - Missing Listener method for current zeroconf library #1101 - DeviceError when trying to turn on my Xiaomi Mi Smart Pedestal Fan #1100 - Unable to discover vacuum cleaner: Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Mop (aka dreame.vacuum.mc1808) #1086 - Crashes if no hw_ver present #1084 - Viomi S9 does not expose hv_wer #1082 - set_rotate FanP10 sends the wrong command #1076 - Vacuum 1C STYTJ01ZHM (dreame.vacuum.mc1808) is not update, 0% battery #1069 - Requirement is pinned for python-miio 0.5.6: defusedxml>=0.6,<0.7 #1062 - Problem with #1036 - Yeelight Smart Dual Control Module (yeelink.switch.sw1) - discovered by HA but can not configure #1033 - Update-firmware not working for Roborock S5 #1000 - Roborock S7 #994 - airpurifier_miot: return OperationMode.Unknown if mode is unknown #1111 (rytilahti) - Fix set_rotate for (#1076) #1078
* Closed issues: - Xiaomi Roborock S6 MaxV #1108 - dreame.vacuum.mb1808 unsupported #1104 - The new way to get device token #1088 - Add Air Conditioning Partner 2 support #1058 - Please add support for the Mijia 1G Vacuum! #1057 - ble_dbg_tbl_dump user ack timeout #1051 - Roborock S7 can\'t be added to Home Assistant #1041 - Cannot get status from my zhimi.airpurifier.mb3(Airpurifier 3H) #1037 - Xiaomi Mi Robot (viomivacuum), command stability #800 - [meta] list of miot-enabled devices #627
* Merged pull requests: - Fix cct_max for ZNLDP12LM #1098 (mouth4war) - deprecate old helper scripts in favor of miiocli #1096 - Add link to the Home Assistant custom component hass-xiaomi-miot #1095 (al-one) - Update to accept 2 arguments (frequency and length) #1091 (mpsOxygen) - Add water_level and water_tank_detached property for humidifiers, deprecate depth #1089 (bieniu) - DeviceInfo refactor, do not crash on missing fields #1083 - Calculate depth for zhimi.humidifier.ca1 #1077 (bieniu) - increase socket buffer size 1024->4096 #1075 (starkillerOG) - Loosen defusedxml version requirement #1073 (rytilahti) - Added support for Roidmi Eve #1072 (martin9000andersen) - airpurifier_miot: Move favorite_rpm from MB4 to Basic #1070 - fix error on GATEWAY_MODEL_ZIG3 when no zigbee devices connected #1065 (starkillerOG) - add fan speed enum 106 as \"Auto\" for Roborock S6 MaxV #1063 - Add additional mode of Air Purifier Super 2 #1054 - Fix home() for Roborock S7 #1050 (whig0) - Added Roborock s7 to troubleshooting guide #1045 (Claustn) - Add github flow for ci #1044 (rytilahti) - Improve Yeelight support (expose more properties, add support for secondary lights) #1035 (Kirmas) - improvements #1032 (rytilahti)
* Mon May 17 2021 Antonio Larrosa - Update to 0.5.6:
* Implemented enhancements: - RFC: Add a script to simplify finding supported properties for miio - Improve test_properties output - Relax zeroconf version requirement - Add test_properties command to device class - Add discover command to miiocli - Fix supported oscillation angles of the - Add additional operation mode of the deerma.humidifier.jsq1 - Roborock S7: Parse history details returned as dict
* Fixed bugs: - zeroconf 0.29.0 which is incompatible - Remove superfluous decryption failure for handshake responses - Skip pausing on Roborock S50 - Roborock S7 after Firmware Update 4.1.2-0928 - KeyError - No air quality value when aqi is 1 - Fix exception on devices with removed lan_ctrl - Fix start bug and improve error handling in walkingpad integration - gateway: fix zigbee lights - Silence unable to decrypt warning for handshake responses - Fix set_mode_and_speed mode for airdog airpurifier
* Closed issues: - Add Dafang camera ( support - Roborock S7 - WalkingPad A1 Pro
* Merged pull requests: - Add basic support - Always return aqi value [Revert PR#930] - Added S6 to skip pause on docking - Added number of dust collections to CleaningSummary if available - Reformat history data if returned as a dict/Roborock S7 Support - Add support for Walkingpad A1 (ksmb.walkingpad.v3)
* Thu Apr 08 2021 Antonio Larrosa - Update to
* This release is mainly to re-add mapping parameter to MiotDevice constructor for backwards-compatibility reasons, but adds also PyYAML dependency and improves MiOT support to allow limiting how many properties to query at once.
* Implemented enhancements: - Please add back the mapping parameter to MiotDevice constructor
* Fixed bugs: - Missing dependency: pyyaml
* Merged pull requests: - Add pyyaml dependency - Re-add mapping parameter to MiotDevice ctor - Move hardcoded parameter max\\_properties- Update to
* This release fixes a single regression of non-existing sequence file for those users who never used mirobo/miiocli vacuum previously. Users of the library do not need this upgrade.- Update to 0.5.5:
* Implemented enhancements: - Connecting from external network - Filter out value 1 from the property AQI - Any plans on supporting Air Detector Lite PM2.5? - Get possible device commands/arguments via API - Add support for xiaomi scishare coffee machine - Make netifaces optional dependency - Unify subdevice types - Cleanup: add DeviceStatus to simplify status containers - add method to load subdevices from dict (EU gateway support) - Refactor & improve support for gateway devices - Add docformatter to pre-commit hooks - Improve MiotDevice API (get_property_by, set_property_by, call_action, call_action_by) - Stopgap fix for miottemplate - Support resume_or_start for vacuum\'s segment cleaning - Add missing annotations for ViomiVacuum - Add generic __repr__ for Device class - Set timeout as parameter - Improve Viomi support (status reporting, maps)
* Fixed bugs: - Make netifaces optional dependency - Some errors in miio/ - Roborock S5 Max not discovered - Vacuum timezone returns \'int\' object is not subscriptable - discover_devices doesnt work with xiaomi gateway v3 - Can control but not get info from the vacuum - - mapping attribute error - Xiaomi Humidifier CA4 fail to read status. (zhimi.humidifier.ca4) - print specs.json fails - Miiocli and Airdog appliance - ServiceInfo has no attribute \'address\' in miio/discovery - Devtools exception generate - Issue with Xiaomi Miio gateway Integrations ZNDMWG03LM - Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum V1 - Fan Speed Issue - Xiaomi Smartmi Evaporation Air Humidifier 2 (zhimi.humidifier.ca4) - Report more specific exception when airdehumidifer is off - vacuum: second try to fix the timezone returning an integer - Fix the logic of staring cleaning a room for Viomi - vacuum: skip pausing on s50 and s6 maxv before return home call - Fix airpurifier_airdog x5 and x7sm to derive from the x3 base class - Fix discovery for python-zeroconf 0.28+ - Vacuum: add fan speed preset for gen1 firmwares 3.5.8+
* Closed issues: - miiocli command not found - [Roborock S6 MaxV] Need a delay between pause and charge commands to return to dock - Support for Xiaomi Air purifier 3C - zhimi.heater.mc2 not fully supported - Support for (xiaomi Rosou SS4 Ventilator) - Constant spam of: Unable to discover a device at address [IP] and Got exception while fetching the state: Unable to discover the device [IP] - Add documentation for miiocli
* Thu Dec 17 2020 Antonio Larrosa - Update to 0.5.4:
* New devices: - Xiaomi Smartmi Fresh Air System VA4 (zhimi.airfresh.va4) - Xiaomi Mi Smart Pedestal Fan P9, P10, P11 (,, - Mijia Intelligent Sterilization Humidifier SCK0A45 (deerma.humidifier.jsq1) - Air Conditioner Companion MCN (lumi.acpartner.mcn02) - Xiaomi Water Purifier D1 (yunmi.waterpuri.lx9) and C1 (Triple Setting, yunmi.waterpuri.lx11) - Xiaomi Mi Smart Air Conditioner A (xiaomi.aircondition.mc1, mc2, mc4 and mc5) - Xiaomiyoupin Curtain Controller (Wi-Fi) / Aqara A1 (lumi.curtain.hagl05)
* Improvements: - ViomiVacuum: New modes, states and error codes - ViomiVacuum: Consumable status added - Gateway: Throws GatewayException in get_illumination - Vacuum: Tangible User Interface (TUI) for the manual mode added - Vacuum: Mopping to VacuumingAndMopping renamed - raw_id moved from Vacuum to the Device base class - __json__ boilerplate code from all status containers removed - Pinned versions loosed and cryptography dependency bumped to new major version - importlib_metadata python_version bounds corrected - CLI: EnumType defaults to incasesensitive now - Better documentation and presentation of the documentation
* Fixes: - Vacuum: Invalid cron expression fixed - Vacuum: Invalid cron elements handled gracefully - Vacuum: WaterFlow as an enum defined - Yeelight: Check color mode values for emptiness - Airfresh: Temperature property of the zhimi.airfresh.va2 fixed - Airfresh: PTC support of the dmaker.airfresh.t2017 fixed - Airfresh: Payload of the boolean setter fixed - Fan: Fan speed property of the fixed
* Implemented enhancements: - Add error codes 2103 & 2105 - ViomiVacuumState 6 seems to be VaccuumMopping - Added some parameters: Error code, Viomimode, Viomibintype - Add mopping state & log a warning when encountering unknown state
* Fixed bugs: - Invalid cron expression when using xiaomi_miio integration in Home Assistant - viomivacuum doesn´t work with -o json_pretty - yeeligth without color temperature status error - set_waterflow roborock.vacuum.s5e - Requirement is pinned for python-miio 0.5.3: zeroconf>=0.25.1,<0.26.0 - Requirement is pinned for python-miio 0.5.3: pytz>=2019.3,<2020.0 - miiocli: remove network & AP information from info output - Fix PTC support of the dmaker.airfresh.t2017 - Vacuum: handle invalid cron elements gracefully - yeelight: Check color mode values for emptiness - Define WaterFlow as an enum
* Closed issues: - Notify access support for MIoT Device - Xiaomi WiFi Power Plug(Bluetooth Gateway)(chuangmi.plug.hmi208) - Mi Air Purifier 3H - unable to connect - update-firmware on Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum V1 fails - Freash air system calibration of CO2 sensor command - Unable to discover the device (zhimi.airpurifier.ma4) - Mi Air Purifier 3H Timed out - Xiaomi Smartmi Fresh Air System XFXTDFR02ZM. upgrade version of XFXT01ZM with heater. - mi smart sensor gateway - check status - Installation problem 64bit - support and - Add support for lumi.acpartner.mcn02 please?
* Merged pull requests: - Add deerma.humidifier.jsq1 support - Fix CLI of the PTC support (dmaker.airfresh.t2017) - Fix payload of all dmaker.airfresh.t2017 toggles - Fix fan speed property of the - Initial support for lumi.curtain.hagl05 - Add basic support - Vacuum: Implement TUI for the manual mode - Throwing GatewayException in get_illumination - improve poetry usage documentation - Correct importlib_metadata python_version bounds - Remove __json__ boilerplate code from all status containers - Add basic support for yunmi.waterpuri.lx9 and lx11 - Add basic support for xiaomi.aircondition.mc1, mc2, mc4, mc5 - Bump cryptography dependency to new major version - Add support for and - Add support for lumi.acpartner.mcn02 - Add consumable status to viomi vacuum - Add zhimi.airfresh.va4 support - Fix zhimi.airfresh.va2 temperature - Make EnumType default to incasesensitive for cli tool - Rename Mopping to VacuumingAndMopping - Loosen pinned versions - Improve documentation presentation - Move raw_id from Vacuum to the Device base class- Drop patch which was already fixed by upstream:
* fix_importlib_metadata.patch
* Mon Aug 03 2020 Antonio Larrosa - Update to 0.5.3:
* New devices: - Xiaomi Mi Air Humidifier CA4 (zhimi.humidifier.ca4)
* Improvements: - S5 vacuum: adjustable water volume for mopping - Gateway: improved light controls - Chuangmi Camera: improved home monitoring support
* Fixes: - Xioawa E25: do not crash when trying to access timers - Vacuum: allow resuming after error in zoned cleanup
* Implemented enhancements: - Vacuum: Add water volume setting (s5 max) - improve gateway light class
* Fixed bugs: - AqaraSmartBulbE27 support added in - Broken timezone call (dictionary instead of string) breaks HASS integration
* Closed issues: - Roborock S5 Max, Failure to connect in Homeassistant. - Unable to decrypt, returning raw bytes: b\'\' - while mirobo discovery - Error with Windows x64 python - Xiaomi Vacuum - resume clean-up after pause
* Merged pull requests: - Remove labeler as it doesn\'t work as expected - Add support for zhimi.humidifier.ca4 (miot) - add \"lumi.acpartner.v3\" since it also works with this code - Add automatic labeling for PRs - Add --version to miiocli - Add preliminary issue templates - Create separate API doc pages per module - Add sphinxcontrib.apidoc to doc builds to keep the API index up-to-date - Resume zoned clean from error state - Allow alternative timezone format seen in Xioawa E25 - Fix readthedocs build after poetry convert - Add retries to discovery requests - AirPurifier MIoT: round temperature - chuangmi_camera: Improve home monitoring support- Update to
* A quick minor fix for vacuum gen1 fan speed detection.
* Merged pull requests: - vacuum: Catch DeviceInfoUnavailableException for model detection- Update to 0.5.2
* Improvements: - gateway: plug controls, support for aqara wall outlet and aqara smart bulbs, ability to enable telnet access & general improvements - viomi: ability to change the mopping pattern - fan: ability to disable delayed turn off
* Fixes: - airpurifier_miot: Incorrect get_properties usage
* Fixed bugs: - Air priefier H3 doasn\'t work in 0.5.1
* Closed issues: - Viomi V8: AttributeError: \'NoneType\' object has no attribute \'header\' - viomi: add command for changing the mopping mode - fan za3, got token, but does not work - Capitalisation of Air Purifier modes - STYJ02YM Unable to decrypt error
* Merged pull requests: - Use \"get_properties\" instead of \"get_prop\" for miot devices - viomi: add ability to change the mopping pattern - fan: Ability to disable delayed turn off functionality - Gateway: Add control commands to Plug - gateway: cleanup SensorHT and Plug class - Add \"enable_telnet\" to gateway - prevent errors on \"lumi.gateway.mieu01\" - Moved access to discover message attribute inside \'if message is not None\' statement - Add AqaraSmartBulbE27 support - Gateway: add name + model property to subdevice & add loads of subdevices - Add gentle mode for Roborock E2 - gateway: add model property & implement SwitchOneChannel - Add support for fanspeeds of Roborock E2 (E20/E25) - add AqaraWallOutlet support - Add new device type mappings, add note about \'used_for_public\'- Rebase patch:
* fix_importlib_metadata.patch
* Fri Jul 03 2020 Antonio Larrosa - Add patch to work with zeroconf 0.27:
* fix_zeroconf_0.27.patch- Add patch to work with importlib.metadata included in python 3.8:
* fix_importlib_metadata.patch- Remove the maximum versions of dependencies in and PKG-INFO
* Tue Jun 16 2020 Antonio Larrosa - Update to 0.5.1:
* Support for new devices: - chuangmi.plug.hmi208 - Gateway subdevices: Aqara Wireless Relay 2ch (AATTbskaplou), AqaraSwitch{One,Two}Channels (AATTstarkillerOG)
* Fixes & Enhancements: - The initial UDP handshake is sent now several times to accommodate spotty networks - camera rotation & alarm activation - acuum: added next_schedule property for timers, water tank status, is_on state for segment cleaning mode - huangmi.plug.v3: works now with updated firmware version - iomi vacuum: various minor fixes
* API changes: - Device.send() accepts extra_parameters to allow passing values to the main payload body. This is useful at least for gateway devices. - Two new exceptions to give more control to downstream developers: + PayloadDecodeException (when the payload is unparseable) + DeviceInfoUnavailableException (when fails) - Dependency management is now done using poetry & pyproject.toml
* Mon May 11 2020 Antonio Larrosa - Update to
* Closed issues: - Xiaomi Mijia Smart Sterilization Humidifier (SCK0A45) error - DEBUG:miio.protocol:Unable to decrypt, returning raw bytes: b\'\'
* Merged pull requests: - Prepare for 0.5.0 - Add miottemplate tool to simplify adding support for new miot devices - Add Xiaomi Zero Fog Humidifier (shuii.humidifier.jsq001) support - Gateway get_device_prop_exp command - Add fan_speed_presets() for querying available fan speeds - Initial support for xiaomi gateway devices- Update to 0.5.0:
* Support for new devices: - Air purifier 3/3H support (zhimi.airpurifier.mb3, zhimi.airpurifier.ma4) - Xiaomi Gateway devices (lumi.gateway.v3, basic support) - SmartMi Zhimi Heaters (zhimi.heater.za2) - Xiaomi Zero Fog Humidifier (shuii.humidifier.jsq001)
* Fixes & Enhancements: - Vacuum objects can now be queried for supported fanspeeds - Several improvements to Viomi vacuums - Roborock S6: recovery map controls - And some other fixes, see the full changelog!
* Closed issues: - viomi.vacuum.v7 and zhimi.airpurifier.mb3 support homeassistain yet? - subcon should be a Construct field - Roborock S6 - only reachable from different subnet - Python 3.7 error - Posibillity for local push instead of poll? - Xiaomi STYJ02YM discovered but not responding - miplug module is not working from python scrips - Unsupported device found: zhimi.humidifier.v1 - Support for Smartmi Radiant Heater Smart Version (zhimi.heater.za2) - Support for Xiaomi Qingping Bluetooth Alarm Clock? - Additional commands for vacuum - \"cgllc.airmonitor.b1\" No response from the device - Xiao AI Smart Alarm Clock Time - Support new device (yeelink.light.lamp4) - Errors not shown for S6 - Fully charged state not shown - Support for Roborock S6/T6 - Pi3 b python error - Support for Xiaomi Air Purifier 3 (zhimi.airpurifier.ma4) - Updater: Uses wrong local IP address for HTTP server - How to deal with getDeviceWifi().subscribe - Move Roborock when in error - Roborock v2 zoned_clean() doesn\'t work - [ADD] Xiaomi Mijia Caméra IP WiFi 1080P Panoramique - Add unit tests - Get the map from Mi Vacuum V1?
* Merged pull requests: - Add miottemplate tool to simplify adding support for new miot devices - Add Xiaomi Zero Fog Humidifier (shuii.humidifier.jsq001) support - Gateway get_device_prop_exp command - Add fan_speed_presets() for querying available fan speeds - Air purifier 3/3H support (remastered) - Add eyecare on/off to philips_eyecare_cli - Extend viomi vacuum support - Add support for SmartMi Zhimi Heaters - Add error code 24 definition (\"No-go zone or invisible wall detected\") - s6: two new commands for map handling - Refactoring: Split Device class into Device+Protocol - STYJ02YM: Manual movement and mop mode support - Initial support for xiaomi gateway devices
* Sat Jan 11 2020 Antonio Larrosa - Update to 0.4.8:
* This release adds support for the following new devices: - Xiaomi Mijia STYJ02YM vacuum (viomi.vacuum.v7) - Xiaomi Mi Smart Humidifier (deerma.humidifier.mjjsq) - Xiaomi Mi Fresh Air Ventilator (dmaker.airfresh.t2017) - Xiaomi Philips Desk Lamp RW Read (philips.light.rwread) - Xiaomi Philips LED Ball Lamp White (philips.light.hbulb)
* Fixes & Enhancements: - Improve Xiaomi Tinymu Smart Toilet Cover support - Remove UTF-8 encoding definition from source files - Azure pipeline for tests - Pre-commit hook to enforce black, flake8 and isort - Pre-commit hook to check-manifest, check for pypi-description, flake8-docstrings
* Implemented enhancements: - Support for new vaccum Xiaomi Mijia STYJ02YM - Support for Mi Smart Humidifier (deerma.humidifier.mjjsq) - Support for Mi Fresh Air Ventilator dmaker.airfresh.t2017
* Closed issues: - The voice pack does not change in Xiaomi Vacuum 1S - Support for chuangmi.plug.hmi206 - miplug crash in macos catalina 10.15.1 - Roborock S50 not responding to handshake anymore - Cannot control my Roborock S50 through my home wifi network - I can not get load_power with my set is Xiaomi Smart WiFi with two usb (chuangmi.plug.v3)
* Merged pull requests: - Add Xiaomi Mi Fresh Air (dmaker.airfresh.t2017) support - Add philips.light.rwread support - Add philips.light.hbulb support - Add support for deerma.humidifier.mjjsq - Improve toiletlid various parameters - Add support for Xiaomi Mijia STYJ02YM (viomi.vacuum.v7) - Add check-manifest, check for pypi-description, flake8-docstrings - Remove UTF-8 encoding comment - Improve the contribution process with better checks and docs - add azure pipeline for tests, and enforce black, flake8 and isort for commits- Update to 0.4.7:
* This release adds support for the following new devices: - Widetech WDH318EFW1 dehumidifier (nwt.derh.wdh318efw1) - Xiaomi Xiao AI Smart Alarm Clock (zimi.clock.myk01) - Xiaomi Air Quality Monitor 2gen (cgllc.airmonitor.b1) - Xiaomi ZNCZ05CM EU Smart Socket (chuangmi.plug.hmi206)
* Fixes & Enhancements: - Air Humidifier: Parsing of the firmware version improved - Add travis build for python 3.7 - Use black for source code formatting - Require python >=3.6
* Implemented enhancements: - Add support for WIDETECH WDH318EFW1 dehumidifier (nwt.derh.wdh318efw1) - Support for Xiaomi Xiao AI Smart Alarm Clock (zimi.clock.myk01) - Add support for the cgllc.airmonitor.b1
* Fixed bugs: - Air Humidifier
* Closed issues: - mirobo updater -- No request was made - What‘s the plan to release 0.4.6? - does this support aqara water leak sensor? - Unsupported device chuangmi.plug.hmi206 - python-miio not compatible with Python <=3.5.1 - Support for Xiaomi Air Quality Monitor 2gen
* Merged pull requests: - Add travis build for python 3.7 - Use black for source code formatting - Add initial support for Xiao AI Smart Alarm Clock (zimi.clock.myk01) - Improve firmware version parser of the Air Humidifier - Bring cgllc.airmonitor.s1 into line - Add Xiaomi ZNCZ05CM EU Smart Socket (chuangmi.plug.hmi206) support- Update to 0.4.6:
* This release adds support for the following new devices: - Xiaomi Air Quality Monitor S1 (cgllc.airmonitor.s1) - Xiaomi Mi Dehumidifier V1 (nwt.derh.wdh318efw1) - Xiaomi Mi Roborock M1S and Mi Robot S1 - Xiaomi Mijia 360 1080p camera ( - Xiaomi Mi Smart Fan (,, - Xiaomi Smartmi Pure Evaporative Air Humidifier (zhimi.humidifier.cb1) - Xiaomi Tinymu Smart Toilet Cover - Xiaomi 16 Relays Module
* Fixes & Enhancements: - Air Conditioning Companion: Add particular swing mode values of a chigo air conditioner - Air Humidifier: Handle poweroff exception on set_mode - Chuangmi IR controller: Add indicator led support - Chuangmi IR controller: Add discovery of the Xiaomi IR remote 2gen (chuangmi.remote.h102a03) - Chuangmi Plug: Fix set_wifi_led cli command - Vacuum: Add state 18 as \"segment cleaning\" - Device: Add easily accessible properties to DeviceError exception - Always import DeviceError exception - Require click version >=7 - Remove pretty_cron and typing dependencies from requirements.txt
* Closed issues: - Roborock Vacuum Bin full - Add support for Xiao AI Smart Alarm Clock - rockrobo.vacuum.v1 Error: No response from the device - Unsupported device found - roborock.vacuum.s5 - Discovery mode to chuangmi_camera. - Add swing mode of a Chigo Air Conditioner - Discover not working with Mi AirHumidifier CA1 - Question about vacuum errors_codes duration - Support device model - Roborock S50: ERROR:miio.updater:No request was made.. - Roborock S50: losing connection with mirobo - Support for Xiaomi IR Remote (chuangmi.remote.v2) - Support for Humidifier new model: zhimi.humidifier.cb1 - impossible to get the last version (0.4.5) or even the 0.4.4 - Getting the token of Air Purifier Pro v7 - Moonlight sync with HA - Replace pretty-cron dependency with cron_descriptor
* Merged pull requests: - remove pretty_cron and typing dependencies from requirements.txt - Add tinymu smart toiletlid - Add support for Air Quality Monitor S1 (cgllc.airmonitor.s1) - Add pwzn relay - add mi dehumidifier v1 (nwt.derh.wdh318efw1) - add mi robot s1 (m1s) to discovery - Add preliminary Roborock M1S / Mi Robot S1 support - Add state 18 as \"segment cleaning\" - Add particular swing mode values of a chigo air conditioner - Add support - Add support - Add support - Add support - Require click version >=7 - Add indicator led support of the chuangmi.remote.h102a03 and chuangmi.remote.v2 - Chuangmi Plug: Fix set_wifi_led cli command - Add discovery of the Xiaomi IR remote 2gen (chuangmi.remote.h102a03) - Air Humidifier: Handle poweroff exception on set_mode - Add zhimi.humidifier.cb1 support - Add easily accessible properties to DeviceError exception - Always import DeviceError exception
* Wed Aug 14 2019 Antonio Larrosa - Initial release of python-python-miio 0.4.5