Changelog for
python311-reportlab-4.0.7-47.22.noarch.rpm :
* Mon Nov 27 2023 Dirk Müller
- update to 4.0.7:
* allow testutils.makeSuiteForClasses to specify a prefix for test method names
* SpiderChart can have direct draw flowable labels
* fix and improve tests for python -mreportlab.lib.rl_accel
* fix barchart 3D stacked case & fix barchart valueAxis reverseDirection behaviour.
* fix importlib usage in reportlab init, reported by Frank Epperlein and others
* add value axes extraMinMaxValues as aid to parallel axes
* add styles str2alignment maps left/right/center/centre/justify etc
* fix validators.isSubclassOf
* test ddfStyle as instance first in
* allow Pie Doughnut classes to control label class- drop importlib.patch (upstream)
* Tue Oct 03 2023 Ondřej Súkup - drop reportlab-missing-includes.patch- add importlib.patch to fix support for python3.12- update to 4.0.5:
* add in test for alpha composite colour
* Added an SvgPath class; as used in
* Added a simple log axis ticklabeller class
* Allow for strokeWidth in LineSwatch
* update extension alias\'
* allow BalancedColumns to work in a container flowable (ie with no frame)
* allow custom styles for inrowsplitStaart & inrowsplitend
* test --failfast works
* allow running all tests without renderPM support
* AR made some changes to allow running without renderPM support
* AR merged accessibility branch and released 4.0.0
* initial support for rml ul ol dl tagging
* added support for an ol/ul/dl caption paragraph
* implement a safer toColor with rl_config.toColorCanUse option and rl_extended_literal_eval
* added _ExpandedCellTupleEx for more tagging support
* Thu Sep 21 2023 Markéta Machová - Update to 3.6.13
* fixes for python 3.12.0a1
* error improvement
* allow exclusions in tests in and
* implement a safer toColor with rl_config.toColorCanUse option
* Thu Jul 27 2023 ecsos - Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
* Thu Feb 16 2023 Dirk Müller - pick the primary interpreter for doc generation even if it is not \"python3\"
* Tue Jan 10 2023 Daniel Garcia - Update to 3.6.12:
* fix dpi handling in; bug found by Terry Zhao Terry dot Zhao at fil dot com
* attempt fix in
* add rl_settings.xmlParser with default \'lxml\'
* nano RHEL related fix to contributed by James Brown jbrown at easypost dot com
* minor speedup in functions
* allow usage of freetype testpaths via rl_config/rl_settings textPaths
* _renderPM.c remove parse_utf8, make pict_putrow same as for rlPyCairo- CHANGES 3.6.11 24/06/2022
* support HORIZONTAL2 & VERTICAL2 table cell backgrounds; as suggested by Sina Khelil < sina at khelil dot com >
* support general LINEAR & RADIAL gradient table cell backgrounds
* support ShowBoundaryValue in canv.drawImage- CHANGES 3.6.10 31/05/2022
* fix symlink looping in reported by Michał Górny < mgorny at gentoo dot org >
* allow bearerBox attribute for some barcodes
* require pillow>=9.0.0 patch contributed by Claude Paroz claude at
* Apply Claude Paroz < claude at 2xlibre dot net > patch to assume hashlib md5 exists
* ImageReader updated to allow deepcopy; similarly for doctemplate.onDrawStr
* fix 3.11.0b2 regression in rl_safe_eval.
* apply massive contribution for Table inRowSplit from Lennart Regebro < lregebro at shoobx dot com >- CHANGES 3.6.9 22/03/2022
* fix up _rl_accel.c 0.81 to allow better error messages and support python 3.11.0a6
* change the cibuildwheel setup to support macos M1 build- CHANGES 3.6.8 28/02/2022
* remove old Python2 constructs; patch from Claude Paroz < claude at 2xlibre dot net >
* Sun Feb 20 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 3.6.7:
* Remove use of cPickle
* Remove unneccessary object inheritance
* minor changes to python rendering in shapes.Drawing
* remove jython (dead project no python3)
* remove unicodeT/bytesT
* import directly from string module
* eliminate getBytesIO and getStringIO
* remove unused and indirect imports
* remove uniChr alias of chr
* modify pdfdoc template to be eventually compatible with pikepdf
* fix bug in table gradient bg
* fix bug in validateSetattr (__dict__)
* fix handling of ddfStyle in XLabel class
* Sun Jan 09 2022 Michael Ströder - Update to 3.6.5
* only skip listwrap on for small height objects
* changes to allow for deprecated stuff in Python-3.11- Update to 3.6.4
* try to improve multi-frag paragraph justification
* fix justification condition
* allow validator OneOf to take re.Pattern- Update to 3.6.3
* modernisation of contribution from
* many changes to .github workflows
* changes to to support cibuildwheel
* _FindSplitterMixin protect against deepcopy failure
* allow textAnnotation to have QuadPoints keyword
* Tue Nov 16 2021 Matej Cepl - Increase verbosity of running the test suite.
* Tue Nov 16 2021 ecsos - Update to 3.6.2
* add mock for urlopen calls so tests can run off line. Contribution by Antonio Trande sagitter at fedoraproject dot org- Update to 3.6.1
* create py-2-3 branch
* Cease support for Python-2.7- Update to 3.6.0
* graphics improve some error messages for renderPM
* changed lib.urilt.recursiveImport after errors in python3.10, reflect changes in readJPEGInfo
* pdfutils readJPEGInfo extracts dpi if present defaults to (72, 72)
* Image flowable allows a useDPI argument
* paraparser annotate some errors- Update to 3.5.68
* Allow unicode PDFString to use encoding directly; fixes bug where colorspace indexes are broken
* Ensure PIL images can be size checked- Update to 3.5.67
* fix obvious bug in cut\'n\'paste bah :(
* fix bug saving to SpooledtemporaryFile\'s reported by Robert Schroll
* fix bug in justified RTL paragraphs example & bugfix contributed by Moshe Uminer
* fix regex deprecation reported by Jürgen Gmach - Update to 3.5.66
* add yieldNoneSplits utility function
* fix BarChart so it lines can have markers and Nones in their data- Update to 3.5.65
* add ability to have lineplots in barcharts; no support yet for line markers
* added checkAttr method to TypedPropertyCollection- Update to 3.5.64
* ensure works from sdist; bug reported by Antonio P. Sagitter (sagitter at
* restore broken somehow overwritten by Robin :(- Update to 3.5.63
* simplify annotateException and add better error messages for asUnicode/Bytes etc
* improve embeddedHyphenation in Update to 3.5.62
* add adjustableArrow widget
* allow para tag borderPadding attribute
* minor cosmetics in renderPM C extension and add fontSize setattr
* allow a bounding box constraint in definePath
* efficiency savings in text2Path
* refactor transformation math and text2Path functionality
* allow a renderPM plugin cairo backend package rlPyCairo- Update to 3.5.61
* Allow legend column control of vertical alignment
* Allow renderTextMode attribute in
* Allow renderTextMode drawString handling in renderPDF/PM/PS/SVG
* Some fixes to fillMode handling
* Fri Feb 12 2021 Markéta Machová - Get rid of %ifpython3, we could provide/obsolete more variants
* Mon Jan 11 2021 Antonio Larrosa - Update to 3.5.59
* Allow variant corners in Canvas.roundRect
* Allow tables to have rounded corners- Update to 3.5.58
* added ddfStyle to Label
* allowed for embedded(and ordinary)Hyphenation to pre-empt splitting when embeddedHyphenation>=2
* fix extension escapePDF so it can handle unicode
* fix poundsign in Ean5BarcodeWidget
* Table can use __styledWrap__ for sizing
* test fixes so 3.9 and 2.7 produce same pdf- Update to 3.5.57
* added .github action wheel.yml
* micro change to userguide doc