Changelog for python312-antlr4-python3-runtime-4.13.1-26.5.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Mar 07 2024 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Switch package to modern Python Stack on SLE-15 + Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} + Drop %{?!python_module:%define python_module() python-%{
*} python3-%{
*}} + Drop %define skip_python2 1 + Drop support for older Python 3.x versions
* Thu Feb 08 2024 Adrian Schröter - fix build for python 3.12
* Wed Jan 03 2024 Dirk Müller - require setuptools
* Thu Nov 16 2023 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to version 4.13.1 csharp target
* [CSharp] Fix for #4386 -- change signatures for ReportAttemptingFullContext() and ReportContextSensitivity() to be identical to all other targets (target:csharp, type:cleanup) go target
* Move GetText(), SetText(), and String() from CommonToken to BaseToken (target:go, type:cleanup)
* Restore \"Obtained from string\" source name. (target:go, type:cleanup)
* fix: Fix very minor code issues spotted by (target:go, type:cleanup) java target
* Java: suppress this-escape warning introduced in JDK 21. (actions, target:java) javascript target
* Adds default targets for babel configuration (target:javascript)
* fix dependabot warnings (target:javascript, type:cleanup) swift target
* [SWIFT] Add Antlr4Dynamic product (target:swift)
* Cleanup duplicate SwiftTarget code (target:swift, type:cleanup) dart target
* [Dart] Fix for #4320--export additional types (type:bug, target:dart)- from version 4.13.0 Issues fixed
* antlr4 jar doubled in size in 4.9.3 (unicode, comp:performance)
* Go: exponentially bad/absymal performance as of ... (type:bug, target:go)
* Go runtime panic (type:bug, target:go) Improvements, features
* Update LexerATNSimulator.cs with virtual Consume (type:improvement, target:csharp)
* Feature/fixembedding (type:improvement, target:go, comp:performance)
* Provide Javascript port of TokenStreamRewriter (type:feature, target:javascript, target:typescript)- from version 4.12.0 Issues fixed
* github actions now fail for python2 and ubuntu clang and ubuntu swift (comp:runtime, comp:build, comp:testing)
* js mergeArrays output differs from java (atn-analysis, target:javascript)
* C++ target fails Performance/DropLoopEntryBranchInLRRule_4.txt (atn-analysis, type:bug, target:cpp)
* Wrong grammarFileName in generated code (code-gen, type:bug)
* C++ crashes on new test ParserExec/ListLabelsOnRuleRefStartOfAlt.txt (atn-analysis, type:bug, target:cpp)
* [JavaScript runtime] Bad field name, bad comments (type:bug) Improvements, features
* Fully qualify std::move invocations to fix -Wunqualified-std-cast-call (type:improvement, target:cpp)
* Extract FileUtils updates by AATTericvergnaud (type:improvement, cross-platform-issue, comp:testing)
* Extract unit test updates by AATTericvergnaud needed for TypeScript (type:improvement, comp:testing)
* [Go target] Fix for #3926: Add accessors for tree navigation to interfaces in generated parser (trees-contexts, code-gen, type:improvement, target:go)
* GitHub Workflows security hardening (actions, type:improvement, comp:testing)- from version 4.11.1
* Just fixes 4.11.0 release issue. I forgot to change runtime tool version so it didn\'t say SNAPSHOT.- from version 4.11.0 Issues fixed
* Disable failing CI tests in master (comp:build, comp:testing)
* Create accessor for Go-based IntervalSet.intervals (target:go)
* Grammar Name Conflict Golang with SPARQL issue (target:go, type:cleanup)
* Dependency declaration error in ANTLR 4.10.1 (comp:build)
* Drop old version of Visual Studio C++ (2013, 2015, 2017) (comp:build, target:cpp)
* Circular grammar inclusion causes stack overflow in the tool. (comp:tool, type:bug)
* Cpp, Go, JavaScript, Python2/3: Template rendering error. (code-gen, comp:runtime, target:java, target:javascript, target:python2, target:python3, target:go) Improvements, features
* Augment error message during testing to include full cause of problem. (type:improvement, comp:testing)
* Include swift & tool verification in CI workflow (type:improvement, comp:build, cross-platform-issue, target:swift)
* Issue #3783: CI Check Builds (type:improvement, comp:build, cross-platform-issue, comp:testing)
* Parallel lock free testing, remove potential deadlocks, cache static data, go to descriptor via test (comp:runtime, type:improvement, comp:testing)
* update getting-started doc (type:improvement, comp:doc)
* Getting Started has error (type:improvement, comp:doc)
* new nuget directory for building ANTLR4 C++ runtime as 3 Nuget packages (type:improvement, comp:build, target:cpp)
* Add interp tool like TestRig (comp:tool, type:feature)
* Issue 3720: Java 2 Security issue (type:improvement, target:java)
* Cpp: Disable warnings for external project (type:bug, type:improvement, target:cpp)
* Fix Docker README for arm OS user (type:improvement, comp:doc)- from version 4.10.1
* [C++] Remove reference to antlrcpp:s2ws
* Update publishing instruction for Dart- from version 4.10.0 Issues fixed
* C++ runtime: Version identifier macro ? (target:cpp, type:cleanup)
* Generating XPath lexer/parser (actions, type:bug)
* do we need this C++ ATN serialization? (target:cpp, type:cleanup)
* Incorrect type of token with number 0xFFFF because of incorrect ATN serialization (atn-analysis, type:bug)
* Clean up ATN serialization: rm UUID and shifting by value of 2 (atn-analysis, type:cleanup)
* The parseFile method of the InterpreterDataReader class is missing code: \"line = br.readLine();\" (type:bug, target:java)
* antlr.runtime.standard 4.9.3 invalid strong name. (type:bug, comp:build, target:csharp)
* Serialized ATN data element 810567 element 11 out of range 0..65535 (atn-analysis, type:cleanup)
* Go target, unable to check when custom error strategy is in recovery mode (target:go)
* Escape issue for characeters (grammars, type:bug)
* antlr4 java.lang.NullPointerException Antlr 4 4.8 (grammars, comp:tool, type:bug)
* UnsupportedOperationException while generating code for large grammars. (atn-analysis, type:cleanup)
* Add a more understandable message than \"Serialized ATN data element .... element ... out of range 0..65535\" (atn-analysis, type:cleanup)
* avoid java.lang.StackOverflowError (lexers, error-handling)
* Getting this error: Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Serialized ATN data element out of range (atn-analysis, type:cleanup) Improvements, features
* Updated getting started with Cpp documentation. (type:improvement, comp:doc)
* Escape bad words during grammar generation (code-gen, type:improvement)
* Implement caseInsensitive option (lexers, options, type:improvement)
* Some tool bugfixes (error-handling, comp:tool, type:improvement, type:cleanup)- Run testsuite using the tests/ script instead of %pyunittest- Switch build systemd from setuptools to pyproject.toml- Update BuildRequires from pyproject.toml- Update filename pattern in %files section
* Tue May 24 2022 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to version 4.9.3 Issues fixed
* Swift Target Crashes with Multi-Threading
* JavaScript Runtime bug
* Go target, cannot use superClass for the lexer grammar!
* Python runtime is inconsistent with Java
* FunctionDef source extract using getText()
* Provide .NET Framework target in the csharp nuget package
* Go target for Antlr tool, type \",int8\" => \"int8\"
* Flutter/Dart web support
* Allow Antlr Javascript runtime to be loaded into Kindle Touch
* Fix Go test suite
* Weird error Improvements, features
* [C++] Use faster alternative to dynamic_cast when not testing inherit
* Stackoverflow after upgrading from 4.6 to 4.7- from version 4.9.2 Issues fixed
* CSharp and Java produce different results for identical input, identical tokens Improvements, features
* Moved away from Source upstream tarball from Github since PyPi tarball no longer ships testsuite
* Sun Jan 31 2021 andy great - Update to version 4.9.1.
* Improve python3 performance by adding slots
* Fix incorrect python token string templates- Add testing.- Skip python2 because this is for python3.- Use python_alternative
* Wed Apr 29 2020 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Initial build + Version 4.8