Changelog for
cfengine-examples-3.21.0-sm.1699.208.15.noarch.rpm :
* Tue Feb 14 2023 Update to version 3.21.0:
* Added cf-support utility for generating support information (ENT-9037)
* Adjusted cf-check and package module code for empty updates list (ENT-9050)
* \'$(this.promiser)\' can now be used in \'files\' promise attributes \'if\', \'ifvarclass\' and \'unless\' (CFE-2262, ENT-7008)
* Fixed storage promise for nfs on MacOS (CFE-4093)
* Fixed definition of _low_ldt class from cf-monitord (CFE-4022)
* Insertion of contents of a file with blank lines into another file with blank lines no longer results in mixed content (ENT-8788)
* Added suggestion to use a negative lookahead when non-convergent edits are attempted (CFE-192)
* Unresolved function calls that return scalar values are now considered OK for constraints expecting strings during syntax check (CFE-4094)
* cf-monitord now honors monitorfacility in body monitor control (ENT-4492)
* cf-serverd now periodically reloads its policy if it contains unresolved variables (e.g. $(sys.policy_hub) in \'allowconnect\'). (ENT-8456)
* cf-serverd now starts in the on systemd-based systems (ENT-8456)
* edit_line bundles can now use the new $(edit.empty_before_use) variable mirroring the value of edit_defaults=>empty_before_use of the related files promise (ENT-5866)
* Package modules with unresolved variables in their names are now skipped in package queries (ENT-9377)
* Removed unsupported name_connect capability for udp_socket class (ENT-8824)
* \'meta\' attribute can now be used in custom promises (CFE-3440)
* Custom promise modules can now support the \'action_policy\' feature allowing promises of their custom types to be used in dry-run and simulation modes and in combination with \'action_policy => \"warn\"\'. (CFE-3433)
* Use of custom promise modules that don\'t fully specify protocol now results in warning (CFE-3433)
* Warnings are logged if levels of log messages from custom promise modules don\'t match results of their related promises (CFE-3433)
* Adjusted SELinux policy for RHEL 9 (ENT-8824)
* Fixed SELinux policy to allow hub to send emails (ENT-9557, ENT-9473)
* SELinux no longer breaks SQL queries with large result sets on RHEL 8 hubs (ENT-9496)
* Added SELinux LDAP port access for Mission Portal (ENT-9694)
* Allowed ciphers are now properly split into TLS 1.3 cipher suites and ciphers used for TLS 1.2 and older (ENT-9018)
* Fixed git_cfbs_deploy_refspec in masterfiles_stage leaving temp dir- Update to version 3.20.0:
* \'rxdirs\' now defaults to \"false\". This means that the read permission bit no longer implies execute bit for directories, by default. Permission bits will be exactly as specified. To restore the old behavior you can still enable \'rxdirs\' explicitly. (CFE-951)
* \'N\' or \'Ns\' signal specs can now be used to sleep between signals sent by \'processes\' promises (CFE-2207, ENT-5899)
* Directories named .no-distrib are no longer copied from policy server (in bootstrap/failsafe) (ENT-8079)
* Files promises using content attribute or template method now create files by default unless create => \"false\" is specified. (CFE-3955, CFE-3916)
* template_method mustache and inline_mustache now create file in promiser, if template rendering was successfull and file does not exist. (ENT-4792)
* Added support for use of custom bodies in custom promise types (CFE-3574)
* Custom promise modules now never get promise data with unresolved variables (CFE-3434)
* Custom promises now use standard promise locking and support ifelapsed (CFE-3434)
* Enable comment-attribute for custom promise types (CFE-3432)
* cf-secret encrypt now encrypts for localhost if no key or host is specified (CFE-3874)
* CFEngine now builds with OpenSSL 3 (ENT-8355)
* CFEngine now requires OpenSSL 1.0.0 or newer (ENT-8355)
* Moved Skipping loading of duplicate policy file messages from VERBOSE to DEBUG (CFE-3934)
* CFEngine processes now try to use getent if the builtin user/group info lookup fails (CFE-3937)
* No longer possible to undefine reserved hard classes (ENT-7718)
* Unspecified \'rxdirs\' now produces a warning (CFE-951)
* Fixed wrong use of log level in users promises log messages (CFE-3906)
* Fixed default for ignore_missing_bundles and ignore_missing_inputs The issue here was that these attributes should default to false, but when they are assigned with an unresolved variable, they would default to true. (ENT-8430)
* Added protocol 3 (cookie) to syntax description (ENT-8560)
* Moved errors from data_sysctlvalues from inform to verbose (CFE-3818)
* Fixed inconsistencies with methods promises and missing bundles
* Thu Feb 24 2022 Ferdinand Thiessen
- Update to version 3.19.0
* -N/--negate now prevents persistent classes from being defined
* \'null\' JSON value is now handled as empty data in augments/host-specific data
* Added a new common control attribute \'system_log_level\' For specifying the minimum log level required for log messages to go to the system log.
* Added support for cfbs managed policy set to masterfiles staging script
* Trailing commas can now be used in policy argument lists
* Changed cf-key option --print-digest to take an optional argument.
* Enabled \'handle\', \'depends_on\', \'with\' attribute for custom promise types
* Don\'t fail on new file creation when backups are enabled
* Set apache umask to 0177
* cf-serverd now binds to both IPV6 and IPV4 if bindtointerface is unspecified
* cf-serverd now reports if fails to bind to all possible addresses/interfaces
* Fixed dbm_quick.c, dbm_tokyocab.c DBPrivRead() argument type
* Fixed crashes (Segfaults)- Update to version 3.18.0
* Fix CVE-2021-38379 - Publicly available exported reports An attacker with network access to the hub machine (port 443) can obtain reports generated by users in Mission Portal with potentially sensitive data.
* Fix CVE-2021-36756 - Certificate not checked in Federated Reporting An attacker can use IP spoofing, DNS spoofing or other common techniques to direct the traffic from the superhub to their own machine instead of the real feeder hub and get it connected to the superhub.
* \"No action for file\" warning is no longer triggered when only \'content => \"something\"\' is used
* \"source=promise_iteration\" variables are no longer created in foreign bundles
* \'rename => newname()\' now supports relative paths
* \'variables\' and \'classes\' in CMDB and augments data now support \'comment\' fields
* Added a new --simulate=manifest-full mode
* Added a new runagent_socket_allow_users body executor control attribute
* Fixed crash when attempting to put methods promises in bundles which are not agent bundles
* Fixed various memory leaks
* Various other changes see provided ChangeLog file- Refresh harden_cf-hub.service.patch
* Wed Aug 25 2021 Johannes Segitz - Added hardening to systemd service(s). Added patch(es):
* harden_cf-apache.service.patch
* harden_cf-execd.service.patch
* harden_cf-hub.service.patch
* harden_cf-monitord.service.patch
* harden_cf-postgres.service.patch
* harden_cf-runalerts.service.patch
* harden_cf-serverd.service.patch
* harden_cfengine3.service.patch Modified:
* cf-execd.service
* cf-monitord.service
* cf-serverd.service
* Sun Apr 18 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen - Fixed SPEC file: Replaced broken URL with current upstream- Update to 3.17.0
* cf-agent can now simulate the changes done to files in a chroot, printing diff or manifest information about what it would do in a normal evaluation. Use the new command line option: `--simulate=diff` or `--simulate=manifest`. Please note that only files and packages promises are simulated currently.
* Custom promise types can now be added using promise modules
* cf-monitord now uses /proc/net/
* files to get network information if possible
* Added new policy function execresult_as_data()
* Added optional argument to execresult for choosing between stdout and stderr
* Outcome classes are now always defined for promiser in files promises
* and(), or(), not() now return boolean and cannot be used directly in slist vars. They can now be used in other places where a boolean is expected. (Most notably and / or promise attributes). The return values can be converted to strings using concat(), if necessary (CFE-3470)
* Backgrounded commands are now correctly executed in the child process
* CFEngine policy bodies can now be completely empty
* Directory listings in files changes monitoring are now only updated when there is a change
* Promises with \'action => bg()\' no longer break reporting data (ENT-6042)
* Spaces inside square brackets (slist/data index) are now allowed in class expressions (CFE-3320)
* Variables specifying data/list names in AATT() references are now expanded
* Added warnings when trying to use to expand containers in mustache templates (CFE-3457, CFE-3489)
* Limited unqualified host and domain name to 511 characters (CFE-3409)
* AVCs are no longer produced for CFEngine processes accessing /proc/net
* Fixed how we check for `--cols` argument to `ps` (ENT-6098)
* Fixed a memory leak in users promises
* Fixed a small memory leak in cf-promises (CFE-3461)
* Fixed expansion of variables in data/list references (CFE-3299)- FHS issue upstream resolved, can be installed accoring to FHS
* Wed Sep 23 2020 Klaus Kämpf - drop cfengine-doc subpackage in favor of cfengine-documentation
* Tue Sep 22 2020 Klaus Kämpf - update to 3.16.0 - Added \'cf-secret\' binary for host-specific encryption (CFE-2613) - \'cf-check diagnose --test-write\' can now be used to test writing into LMDB files (ENT-4484) - \'if\' constraint now works in combination with class contexts (CFE-2615) - Added $(sys.cf_version_release) variable (ENT-5348) - Added new macros to parser: else, maximum_version, between_versions, before_version, at_version and after_version. Version macros now accept single digits (CFE-3198) - Added cf-postgres requirement to cf-apache and cf-hub systemd units (ENT-5125) - Added files promise content attribute (CFE-3276) - Added string_trim() policy function (CFE-3074) - Added warning if CSV parser parses nothing from non-empty file (CFE-3256) - All changes made by \'files\' promises are now reported. Also, directory and file creations are now properly reported as \'info\' messages. And failures in edit_xml result in promises marked as failed not interrupted. Purged dirs and files are reported as repaired (ENT-5291, CFE-3260) - Bootstrap to loopback interface is now allowed, with a warning (CFE-3304) - Client initiated reporting was fixed on RHEL 8.1 (ENT-5415) - Fixed rare crashing bug when parsing zombie entries in ps output. The problem was only ever observed on AIX, but could theoretically happen on any platform depending on exact libc behavior. (ENT-5329) - Fixed an issue causing duplicate entries in sys.interfaces, and sys.hardware. (CFE-3046) - Fixed ifelse() to return fallback in case of unresolved variables (ENT-4653) - Fixed locking of promises using log_repaired / log_string with timestamps (CFE-3376) - Fixed memory leak in handling of inline JSON in policy evaluation - Fixed memory leak in readlist functions (CFE-3263) - Fixed race condition when multiple agents are acquiring critical section locks simultaneously (CFE-3361) - Fixed selection of standard_services when used from non-default namespace (ENT-5406) - Fixed service status cfengine3 on systemd managed hosts (ENT-5528) - Fixed some memory leaks and crashes in policy evaluation (CFE-3263) - Improved error message for invalid body attribute names (CFE-3273) - Improved management of secondary groups to avoid intermediary state failures (ENT-3710) - LMDB files are now created with correct permissions (ENT-5986) - Log messages about broken Mustache templates are now errors (CFE-3263) - Made classfiltercsv() fail properly on invalid class expression index - Measurements promises with no match no longer produce errors (ENT-5171) - Moved error reading file in countlinesmatching() from verbose to error (CFE-3234) - Added new data validation policy functions validdata() and validjson() (CFE-2898) - New version checking convenience policy functions (CFE-3197) Added the following policy functions to check against local CFEngine version: - cf_version_maximum() - cf_version_minimum() - cf_version_after() - cf_version_before() - cf_version_at() - cf_version_between() - Removed (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK) from cf-key help menu for -x (ENT-5090) - Rewrote to use files promises content attribute (CFE-3276) - The outcome classes are now defined for the top-level directory when \'include_basedir\' is \'false\' (ENT-5291) - Variable references with nested parentheses no longer cause errors (CFE-3242) - cf-check: Added a more user friendly message when trying to print unknown binary data (ENT-5234) - cf-check: Added data validation for cf_lastseen.lmdb (CFE-2988) - cf-check: Added nice printing for nova_agent_executions.lmdb (ENT-5234) - cf-check: Added validation for timestamps in cf_lock.lmdb (CFE-2988) - cf-check: Added validation for timestamps in lastseen.lmdb (CFE-2988) - cf-check: Fixed issue causing repair to target the wrong database file (ENT-5309) - cf-check: Symlinked LMDB databases are now preserved in repair Performs diagnosis and repair on symlink target instead of symlink. Repaired files / copies are placed alongside symlink target. In some cases, the symlink target is deleted to repair a corrupt database, and the symlink is left as a broken symlink. This is handled gracefully by the agent, it will be recreated. Broken symlinks are now detected as an acceptable condition in diagnose, it won\'t try to repair them or delete them. (ENT-5162) - storage promises managing nfs mounts should now correctly mount after editing fstab entries- drop 0001-Simplify-and-fix-parsing-of-etc-SuSE-release-fixes-i.patch, 0002-Reduce-string-truncation-warnings.patch, 0003-make-home-dir-for-tests.patch - all upstream
* Tue Jul 28 2020 Thorsten Kukuk - Fix version format for suse_version (SuSEfirewall2 check)
* Fri Jun 12 2020 Klaus Kämpf - update to 3.15.0 - New policy function basename() added (CFE-3196) - Added read_module_protocol() policy function This function reads module protocol from a file, and can be used for caching the results of commands modules. (CFE-2973) - The AATT character is now allowed in the key of classic arrays defined by the module protocol (CFE-3099) - nth() policy function now supports negative indices (CFE-3194) - Fixed .xy floating point numbers parsing in eval() (CFE-2762) - Added inform constraint to commands promises, to allow suppression of INFO log messages (CFE-2973) - Changed unless constraint to be more consistent with if For any situation where if would NOT skip a promise, unless will cause the promise to be skipped. When there are unresolved variables / function calls, if will skip, unless will NOT skip. (CFE-3160) - Default minimum allowed TLS version is now 1.1 (ENT-4616) - Network protocol version 2 is now called \"tls\" \"tls\" or \"2\" can be used in places where you specify network protocol. Log messages were altered, to show \"tls\" instead of \"latest\". (ENT-4406) - Introduced protocol version 3 - \"cookie\" This protocol is identical to version 2 (\"tls\"), except it allows the enterprise reporting hub to send the COOKIE command to enterprise hosts. This command is used for detecting hosts using duplicate identities. Protocol version \"latest\" now points to version 3. For community installations, it should not make a difference, policy servers will not send this command. The only visible difference is the new version number (in logs and policy). (ENT-4406) - Package modules now hit network when package cache is first initialized (CFE-3094) - Fixed promise skipping bug in unless (CFE-2689) - Fixed error message for unexpanded variables in function calls in unless (CFE-2689) - Prevented buffer overflow when policy variable names are longer than 1024 bytes - Zero bytes in class guards no longer cause crashes (CFE-3028) - Fixed bug in ps parsing on OpenBSD / NetBSD causing bootstrap to fail - Fixed crash in policy/JSON parsing of numbers with too many decimal points (CFE-3138) - copy_from without preserve now respects destination mode (ENT-4016) - Removed stime_range and ttime_range constraints from promise hash (ENT-4921) - Fixed promise result when using process_stop in processes type promises (ENT-4988) - cf-execd now sends SIGKILL to the agent process in case of agent_expireafter, after attempting SIGINT and SIGTERM (CFE-2664) - cf-serverd now tries to accept connection multiple times (CFE-3066) - Fixed multiple measurements tracking growth of same file (ENT-4814) - Set create permissions of monitord files in state directory to 0600 0600 matches the permissions enforced by policy. Affected files:
* state/cf_incoming.
* state/cf_outgoing.
* state/cf_users
* state/env_data (ENT-4863) - Clarified descriptions of io_writtendata and io_readdata (ENT-5127) - Clarified log message about process_count and restart_class being used concurrently (CFE-208) - Agent runs that hit abortclasses now record results (ENT-2471) - An ID of rhel in os-release file will now define both rhel and redhat classes (CFE-3140) - Version specific distro classes are now collected by default in Enterprise (ENT-4752) - redhat_8 and redhat_8_0 are now defined on RHEL 8 (CFE-3140) - Added derived-from-file tag to hard classes based on /etc/redhat-release (CFE-3140) - Added sys.bootstrap_id policy variable containing the ID from /var/cfengine/bootstrap_id.dat, if present (CFE-2977) - sys.interfaces now contains interfaces even when they only have IPv6 addresses (ENT-4858) - IPv6-only interfaces added to sys.hardware_(addresses,mac) (CFE-3164) - IPv6 addresses are now added to policy variable sys.ip_addresses (CFE-682) - IPv6 addresses now respect ignored_interfaces.rx (CFE-3156) - hostname now allowed in bindtoaddress (CFE-3190) - Fixed issue when removing comments from files in various policy functions This also fixes many erroneous occurences of the error message mentioning: [...] because it legally matches nothing (A warning can still appear if a comment regex actually matches nothing). Also made this comment removing logic faster. Affected functions include:
* readstringlist()
* readintlist()
* readreallist()
* peers()
* peerleader()
* peerleaders()
* data_readstringarray()
* data_readstringarrayidx()
* data_expand()
* readstringarray()
* readstringarrayidx()
* readintarray()
* readrealarray()
* parsestringarray()
* parsestringarrayidx()
* parseintarray()
* parserealarray() (CFE-3188, ENT-5019) - Fixed memory leak in JSON / env file parsing (CFE-3210) - Fixed memory leak in handling of nfs / fstab (CFE-3210) - Fixed memory leak in string_replace() and regex_replace() (CFE-3210) - Fixed memory leak when using with constraint (CFE-3210) - Fixed minor memory leak in policy evaluation (CFE-3210) - Fixed small memory leak in SQL database promises (CFE-3210) - Received SIGBUS now triggers a repair of local DBs (CFE-3127) - Corrupted LMDB files are now automatically repaired (CFE-3127) - Keys in the lock database, cf_lock.lmdb, are now human-readable (CFE-2596) - Local databases now use synchronous access on AIX and Solaris (ENT-4002) - Report corrupted local database with a critical log message (CFE-2469) - Local DB errors are now logged with the particular DB file path (CFE-2469) - cf-check: repair now preserves readable data in corrupted LMDB files (CFE-3127) - cf-check: --dump option was added to the backup command - cf-check: Added --no-fork to diagnose command (CFE-3145) - cf-check: Added -M manpage option and other common options (CFE-3082) - cf-check: No DB files in state dir now causes errors - cf-check: dump command now dumps DB contents to JSON5 (CFE-3126) - cf-check: help command can now take a topic as argument
* Fri Feb 07 2020 Stefan Brüns - Drop fakeroot build dependency, unused.- Drop python build dependency, is not used.- Always build with systemd, distribution versions without systemd are no longer supported by CFEngine.- Drop RHEL5/SLE11 only remove-am_subst_notmake.patch- Cleanup spec file, remove obsolete conditionals.- Make doc and examples packages noarch.- rename 0002-Simplify-and-fix-parsing-of-etc-SuSE-release-fixes-i.patch to 0001-Simplify-and-fix-parsing-of-etc-SuSE-release-fixes-i.patch 0003-Reduce-string-truncation-warnings.patch to 0002-Reduce-string-truncation-warnings.patch 0004-make-home-dir-for-tests.patch to 0003-make-home-dir-for-tests.patch- remove 0001-Set-sys.bindir-to-usr-sbin-expect-cf-components-ther.patch
* Mon Feb 03 2020 Dominique Leuenberger - BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to shortcut through the -mini flavors.