Changelog for python-Pillow-4.2.1-7.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Fri May 21 2021 Jacek Tomasiak - Add 017-CVE-2020-35653.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes CVE-2020-35653, bsc#1180834- Add 018-CVE-2021-25287+8.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes CVE-2021-25287, CVE-2021-25288, bsc#1185805, bsc#1185803- Add 019-CVE-2021-28675.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes CVE-2021-28675, bsc#1185804- Add 020-CVE-2021-28677.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes CVE-2021-28677, bsc#1185785- Add 021-CVE-2021-28676.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes CVE-2021-28676, bsc#1185786 * Thu Mar 11 2021 Jacek Tomasiak - Add 014-Tests-for-tiff-crashes.patch * From upstream, reimplemented with old test framework * Base change for later CVE test cases + on_ci() helper- Add 015-Fix-negative-size-read-in-TiffDecode.patch * From upstream, backported * CVE-2021-25290, bsc#1183105- Add 016-Fix-Memory-DOS-in-BLP-ICNS-and-ICO-Image-Plugins.patch * From upstream, backported * CVE-2021-27922, CVE-2021-27923, bsc#1183108, bsc#1183107 * Wed Jul 01 2020 Jacek Tomasiak - Add 011-Fix-OOB-reads-in-FLI-decoding.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes CVE-2020-10177, bsc#1173413- Add 012-Fix-bounds-overflow-in-JPEG-2000-decoding.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes CVE-2020-10994, bsc#1173418- Add 013-Fix-bounds-overflow-in-PCX-decoding.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes CVE-2020-10378, bsc#1173416 * Fri Jun 19 2020 Jacek Tomasiak - Remove decompression_bomb.gif and relevant test case to avoid ClamAV scan alerts during build * Thu Jun 04 2020 Jacek Tomasiak - Add 001-Corrected-negative-seeks.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes part of CVE-2019-16865, bsc#1153191- Add 002-Added-DecompressionBombError.patch * From upstream, backported * Adds DecompressionBombError class * Used by 003-Added-decompression-bomb-checks.patch- Add 003-Added-decompression-bomb-checks.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes part of CVE-2019-16865, bsc#1153191- Add 004-Raise-error-if-dimension-is-a-string.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes part of CVE-2019-16865, bsc#1153191- Add 005-Catch-buffer-overruns.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes part of CVE-2019-16865, bsc#1153191- Add 006-Catch-PCX-P-mode-buffer-overrun.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes CVE-2020-5312, bsc#1160152- Add 007-Test-animated-FLI-file.patch * From upstream, backported * Adds test animated FLI file * Used by 008-Ensure-previous-FLI-frame-is-loaded.patch- Add 008-Ensure-previous-FLI-frame-is-loaded.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/2649 * Uncovers CVE-2020-5313, bsc#1160153- Add 009-Catch-FLI-buffer-overrun.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes CVE-2020-5313, bsc#1160153- Add 010-Invalid-number-of-bands-in-FPX-image.patch * From upstream, backported * Fixes CVE-2019-19911, bsc#1160192 * Tue Aug 22 2017 tbechtoldAATTsuse.com- fix conditional build with tk (bsc#1054719) * Mon Aug 21 2017 tbechtoldAATTsuse.com- update to 4.2.1: - CI: Fix version specification and test on CI for PyPy/Windows #2608 - Doc: Clarified Image.save:append_images documentation #2604 - CI: Amazon Linux and Centos6 docker images added to TravisCI #2585 - Image.alpha_composite added #2595 - Complex Text Support #2576 - Added threshold parameter to ImageDraw.floodfill #2599 - Added dBATCH parameter to ghostscript command #2588 - JPEG: Adjust buffer size when icc_profile > MAXBLOCK #2596 - Specify Pillow Version in one place #2517 - CI: Change the owner of the TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR, fixing broken docker runs #2587 - Fix truncated PNG loading for some images, Fix memory leak on truncated PNG images. #2541, #2598 - Add decompression bomb check to Image.crop #2410 - ImageFile: Ensure that the `err_code` variable is initialized in case of exception. #2363 - Tiff: Support append_images for saving multipage TIFFs #2406 - Doc: Clarify that draft is only implemented for JPEG and PCD #2409 - Test: MicImagePlugin #2447 - Use round() instead of floor() to eliminate zero coefficients in resample #2558 - Remove deprecated code #2549 - Added append_images to PDF saving #2526 - Remove unused function core image function new_array #2548 - Remove unnecessary calls to dict.keys() #2551 - Add more ImageDraw.py tests and remove unused Draw.c code #2533 - Test: More tests for ImageMorph #2554 - Test: McIDAS area file #2552 - Update Feature Detection #2520 - CI: Update pypy on TravisCI #2573 - ImageMorph: Fix wrong expected size of MRLs read from disk #2561 - Docs: Update install docs for FreeBSD #2546 - Build: Ignore OpenJpeg 1.5 on FreeBSD #2544 - Remove \'not yet implemented\' methods from PIL 1.1.4 #2538 - Dependencies: Update FreeType to 2.8, LibTIFF to 4.0.8 and libimagequant to 2.9.1 #2535 #2537 #2540 - Raise TypeError and not also UnboundLocalError in ImageFile.Parser() #2525 - Test: Use Codecov for coverage #2528 - Use PNG for Image.show() #2527 - Remove WITH_DEBUG compilation flag #2522 - Fix return value on parameter parse error in _webp.c #2521 - Set executable flag on scripts with shebang line #2295 - Flake8 #2460 - Doc: Release Process Changes #2516 - CI: Added region for s3 deployment on appveyor #2515 - Doc: Updated references to point to existing files #2507 - Return copy on Image crop if crop dimensions match the image #2471 - Test: Optimize CI speed #2464, #2466 - Undef PySlice_GetIndicesEx, see https://bugs.python.org/issue29943 #2493 - Fix for file with DPI in EXIF but not metadata, and XResolution is an int rather than tuple #2484 - Docs: Removed broken download counter badge #2487 - Docs: Fixed rst syntax error #2477 * Thu Aug 10 2017 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Improve TK handling.- Fix self-obsoletes * Wed Aug 09 2017 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- python(3)-tk does not exist on SLE * Wed Apr 12 2017 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Fix download URL. * Wed Apr 12 2017 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Update to 4.1.0 * Close files after loading if possible #2330 * Fix Image Access to be reloadable when embedding the Python interpreter [#2296] * Fetch DPI from EXIF if not specified in JPEG header #2449, #2472 * Removed winbuild checksum verification #2468 * Git: Set ContainerIO test file as binary #2469 * Remove superfluous import of FixTk #2455 * Fix import of tkinter/Tkinter #2456 * Pure Python Decoders, including Python decoder to fix for MSP images #1938 * Reorganized GifImagePlugin, fixes #2314. #2374 * Doc: Reordered operating systems in Compatibility Matrix #2436 * Test: Additional tests for BurfStub, Eps, Container, GribStub, IPTC, Wmf, XVThumb, ImageDraw, ImageMorph ImageShow #2425 * Health fixes #2437 * Test: Correctness tests ContainerIO, XVThumbImagePlugin, BufrStubImagePlugin, GribStubImagePlugin, FitsStubImagePlugin, Hdf5StubImagePlugin, PixarImageFile, PsdImageFile #2443, #2442, #2441, #2440, [#2431], #2430, #2428, #2427 * Remove unused imports #1822 * Replaced KeyError catch with dictionary get method #2424 * Test: Removed unrunnable code in test_image_toqimage #2415 * Removed use of spaces in TIFF kwargs names, deprecated in 2.7 #1390 * Removed deprecated ImageDraw setink, setfill, setfont methods #2220 * Send unwanted subprocess output to /dev/null #2253 * Fix division by zero when creating 0x0 image from numpy array #2419 * Test: Added matrix convert tests #2381 * Replaced broken URL to partners.adobe.com #2413 * Removed unused private functions in setup.py and build_dep.py #2414 * Test: Fixed Qt tests for QT5 and saving 1 bit PNG #2394 * Test: docker builds for Arch and Debian Stretch #2394 * Updated libwebp to 0.6.0 on appveyor #2395 * More explicit error message when saving to a file with invalid extension [#2399] * Docs: Update some http urls to https #2403 * Preserve aux/alpha channels when performing Imagecms transforms #2355 * Test linear and radial gradient effects #2382 * Test ImageDraw.Outline and and ImageDraw.Shape #2389 * Added PySide to ImageQt documentation #2392 * BUG: Empty image mode no longer causes a crash #2380 * Exclude .travis and contents from manifest #2386 * Remove \'MIT-like\' from license #2145 * Tests: Add tests for several Image operations #2379 * PNG: Moved iCCP chunk before PLTE chunk when saving as PNG, restricted chunks known value/ordering #2347 * Default to inch-interpretation for missing ResolutionUnit in TiffImagePlugin #2365 * Bug: Fixed segfault when using ImagingTk on pypy Issue #2376, #2359. * Bug: Fixed Integer overflow using ImagingTk on 32 bit platforms #2359 * Tests: Added docker images for testing alternate platforms. See also https://github.com/python-pillow/docker-images. #2368 * Removed PIL 1.0 era TK readme that concerns Windows 95/NT #2360 * Prevent `nose -v` printing docstrings #2369 * Replaced absolute PIL imports with relative imports #2349 * Added context managers for file handling #2307 * Expose registered file extensions in Image #2343 * Make mode descriptor cache initialization thread-safe. #2351 * Updated Windows test dependencies: Freetype 2.7.1, zlib 1.2.11 #2331, [#2332], #2357 * Followed upstream pngquant packaging reorg to libimagquant #2354 * Fix invalid string escapes #2352 * Add test for crop operation with no argument #2333- update to version 4.0.0: * Refactor out postprocessing hack to load_end in PcdImageFile [wiredfool] * Add center and translate option to Image.rotate. #2328 [lambdafu] * Test: Relax WMF test condition, fixes #2323 [wiredfool] * Allow 0 size images, Fixes #2259, Reverts to pre-3.4 behavior. [wiredfool] * SGI: Save uncompressed SGI/BW/RGB/RGBA files #2325 [jbltx] * Depends: Updated pngquant to 2.8.2 #2319 [radarhere] * Test: Added correctness tests for opening SGI images #2324 [wiredfool] * Allow passing a list or tuple of individual frame durations when saving a GIF #2298 [Xdynix] * Unified different GIF optimize conditions #2196 [radarhere] * Build: Refactor dependency installation #2305 [hugovk] * Test: Add python 3.6 to travis, tox #2304 [hugovk] * Test: Fix coveralls coverage for Python+C #2300 [hugovk] * Remove executable bit and shebang from OleFileIO.py #2308 [jwilk, radarhere] * PyPy: Buffer interface workaround #2294 [wiredfool] * Test: Switch to Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 on Travis CI #2294 * Remove vendored version of olefile Python package in favor of upstream #2199 [jdufresne] * Updated comments to use print as a function #2234 [radarhere] * Set executable flag on selftest.py, setup.py and added shebang line #2282, #2277 [radarhere, homm] * Test: Increase epsilon for FreeType 2.7 as rendering is slightly different. #2286 [hugovk] * Test: Faster assert_image_similar #2279 [homm] * Removed depreciated internal \"stretch\" method #2276 [homm] * Removed the handles_eof flag in decode.c #2223 [wiredfool] * Tiff: Fix for writing Tiff to BytesIO using libtiff #2263 [wiredfool] * Doc: Design docs #2269 [wiredfool] * Test: Move tests requiring libtiff to test_file_libtiff #2273 [wiredfool] * Update Maxblock heuristic #2275 [wiredfool] * Fix for 2-bit palette corruption #2274 [pdknsk, wiredfool] * Tiff: Update info.icc_profile when using libtiff reader. #2193 [lambdafu] * Test: Fix bug in test_ifd_rational_save when libtiff is not available #2270 [ChristopherHogan] * ICO: Only save relevant sizes #2267 [hugovk] * ICO: Allow saving .ico files of 256x256 instead of 255x255 #2265 [hugovk] * Fix TIFFImagePlugin ICC color profile saving. #2087 [cskau] * Doc: Improved description of ImageOps.deform resample parameter [#2256] [radarhere] * EMF: support negative bounding box coordinates #2249 [glexey] * Close file if opened in WalImageFile #2216 [radarhere] * Use Image._new() instead of _makeself() #2248 [homm] * SunImagePlugin fixes #2241 [wiredfool] * Use minimal scale for jpeg drafts #2240 [homm] * Updated dependency scripts to use FreeType 2.7, OpenJpeg 2.1.2, WebP 0.5.2 and Tcl/Tk 8.6.6 #2235, #2236, #2237, #2290, #2302 [radarhere] * Fix \"invalid escape sequence\" bytestring warnings in Python 3.6 [#2186] [timgraham] * Removed support for Python 2.6 and Python 3.2 #2192 [jdufresne] * Setup: Raise custom exceptions when required/requested dependencies are not found #2213 [wiredfool] * Use a context manager in FontFile.save() to ensure file is always closed #2226 [jdufresne] * Fixed bug in saving to fp-objects in Python >= 3.4 #2227 [radarhere] * Use a context manager in ImageFont._load_pilfont() to ensure file is always closed #2232 [jdufresne] * Use generator expressions instead of list comprehension #2225 [jdufresne] * Close file after reading in ImagePalette.load() #2215 [jdufresne] * Changed behaviour of default box argument for paste method to match docs #2211 [radarhere] * Add support for another BMP bitfield #2221 [jmerdich] * Added missing top-level test __main__ #2222 [radarhere] * Replaced range(len()) #2197 [radarhere] * Fix for ImageQt Segfault, fixes #1370 #2182 [wiredfool] * Setup: Close file in setup.py after finished reading #2208 [jdufresne] * Setup: optionally use pkg-config (when present) to detect dependencies #2074 [garbas] * Search for tkinter first in builtins #2210 [matthew-brett] * Tests: Replace try/except/fail pattern with TestCase.assertRaises() #2200 [jdufresne] * Tests: Remove unused, open files at top level of tests #2188 [jdufresne] * Replace type() equality checks with isinstance #2184 [jdufresne] * Doc: Move ICO out of the list of read-only file formats #2180 [alexwlchan] * Doc: Fix formatting, too-short title underlines and malformed table #2175 [hugovk] * Fix BytesWarnings #2172 [jdufresne] * Use Integer division to eliminate deprecation warning. #2168 [mastermatt] * Doc: Update compatibility matrix [daavve, wiredfool]- update to version 3.4.2: * Fix Resample coefficient calculation #2161 [homm]- update to version 3.4.1: * Allow lists as arguments for Image.new() #2149 [homm] * Fix fix for map.c overflow #2151 (also in 3.3.3) [wiredfool]- update to version 3.4.0: * Removed Image.core.open_ppm, added negative image size checks in Image.py. #2146 [wiredfool] * Windows build: fetch dependencies from pillow-depends #2095 [hugovk] * Add TIFF save_all writer. #2140 [lambdafu, vashek] * Move libtiff fd duplication to _load_libtiff #2141 [sekrause] * Speed up GIF save optimization step, fixes #2093. #2133 [wiredfool] * Fix for ImageCms Segfault, Issue #2037. #2131 [wiredfool] * Make Image.crop an immediate operation, not lazy. #2138 [wiredfool] * Skip empty values in ImageFileDirectory #2024 [homm] * Force reloading palette when using mmap in ImageFile. #2139 [lambdafu] * Fix \"invalid escape sequence\" warning in Python 3.6 #2136 [timgraham] * Update documentation about drafts #2137 [radarhere] * Converted documentation parameter format, comments to docstrings [#2021] [radarhere] * Fixed typos #2128 #2142 [radarhere] * Renamed references to OS X to macOS #2125 2130 [radarhere] * Use truth value when checking for progressive and optimize option on save #2115, #2129 [radarhere] * Convert DPI to ints when saving as JPEG #2102 [radarhere] * Added append_images parameter to GIF saving #2103 [radarhere] * Speedup paste with masks up to 80% #2015 [homm] * Rewrite DDS decoders in C, add DXT3 and BC7 decoders #2068 [Mischanix] * Fix PyArg_ParseTuple format in getink() #2070 [arjennienhuis] * Fix saving originally missing TIFF tags. #2111 [anntzer] * Allow pathlib.Path in Image.open on Python 2.7 #2110 [patricksnape] * Use modern base64 interface over deprecated #2121 [hugovk] * ImageColor.getrgb hexadecimal RGBA #2114 [homm] * Test fix for bigendian machines #2092 [wiredfool] * Resampling lookups, trailing empty coefficients, precision #2008 [homm] * Add (un)packing between RGBA and BGRa #2057 [arjennienhuis] * Added return for J2k (and fpx) Load to return a pixel access object #2061 [wiredfool] * Skip failing numpy tests on Pypy <= 5.3.1 #2090 [arjennienhuis] * Show warning when trying to save RGBA image as JPEG #2010 [homm] * Respect pixel centers during transform #2022 [homm] * TOC for supported file formats #2056 [polarize] * Fix conversion of bit images to numpy arrays Fixes #350, #2058 [matthew-brett] * Add ImageOps.scale to expand or contract a PIL image by a factor [#2011] [vlmath] * Flake8 fixes #2050 [hugovk] * Updated freetype to 2.6.5 on Appveyor builds #2035 [radarhere] * PCX encoder fixes #2023, pr #2041 [homm] * Docs: Windows console prompts are > #2031 [techtonik] * Expose Pillow package version as PIL.__version__ #2027 [techtonik] * Add Box and Hamming filters for resampling #1959 [homm] * Retain a reference to core image object in PyAccess #2009 [homm]- update to version 3.3.3: * Fix fix for map.c overflow #2151 [wiredfool]- update to version 3.3.2: * Fix negative image sizes in Storage.c #2105 [wiredfool] * Fix integer overflow in map.c #2105 [wiredfool]- update to version 3.3.1: * Fix C90 compilation error for Tcl / Tk rewrite #2033 [matthew-brett] * Fix image loading when rotating by 0 deg #2052 [homm]- update to version 3.3.0: * Fixed enums for Resolution Unit and Predictor in TiffTags.py #1998 [wiredfool] * Fix issue converting P mode to LA #1986 [didrix] * Moved test_j2k_overflow to check_j2k_overflow, prevent DOS of our 32bit testing machines #1995 [wiredfool] * Skip CRC checks in PNG files when LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES is enabled [#1991] [kkopachev] * Added CMYK mode for opening EPS files #1826 [radarhere] * Docs: OSX build instruction clarification #1994 [wiredfool] * Docs: Filter comparison table #1993 [homm] * Removal of pthread based Incremental.c, new interface for file decoders/encoders to access the python file. Fixes assorted J2k Hangs. #1934 [wiredfool] * Skip unnecessary passes when resizing #1954 [homm] * Removed duplicate code in ImagePalette #1832 [radarhere] * test_imagecms: Reduce precision of extended info due to 32 bit machine precision #1990 [AbdealiJK] * Binary Tiff Metadata/ICC profile. #1988 [wiredfool] * Ignore large text blocks in PNG if LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES is enabled #1970 [homm] * Replace index = index+1 in docs with +=1 [cclauss] * Skip extra 0xff00 in jpeg #1977 [kkopachev] * Use bytearray for palette mutable storage #1985 [radarhere, wiredfool] * Added additional uint modes for Image.fromarray, more extensive tests of fromarray #1984 [mairsbw, wiredfool] * Fix for program importing PyQt4 when PyQt5 also installed #1942 [hugovk] * Changed depends/install_ *.sh urls to point to github pillow-depends repo #1983 [wiredfool] * Allow ICC profile from encoderinfo while saving PNGs #1909 [homm] * Fix integer overflow on ILP32 systems (32-bit Linux). #1975 [lambdafu] * Change function declaration to match Tcl_CmdProc type #1966 [homm] * Integer overflow checks on all calls to *alloc #1781 [wiredfool] * Change equals method on Image so it short circuits #1967 [mattBoros] * Runtime loading of TCL/TK libraries, eliminating build time dependency. #1932 [matthew-brett] * Cleanup of transform methods #1941 [homm] * Fix \"Fatal Python error: UNREF invalid object\" in debug builds [#1936] [wiredfool] * Setup fixes for Alpine linux #1937 [wiredfool] * Split resample into horizontal + vertical passes #1933 [homm] * Box blur with premultiplied alpha #1914 [homm] * Add libimagequant support in quantize() #1889 [rr-] * Added internal Premultiplied luminosity (La) mode #1912 [homm] * Fixed point integer resample #1881 [homm] * Removed docs/BUILDME script #1924 [radarhere] * Moved comments to docstrings #1926 [hugovk] * Include Python.h before wchar.h so _GNU_SOURCE is set consistently [#1906] [hugovk] * Updated example decoder in documentation #1899 [radarhere] * Added support for GIF comment extension #1896 [radarhere] * Removed support for pre- 1.5.2 list form of Image info in Image.new #1897 [radarhere] * Fix typos in TIFF tags #1918 [radarhere] * Skip tests that require libtiff if it is not installed, fixes [#1866] [wiredfool] * Skip test when icc profile is not available, fixes #1887 [doko42] * Make deprecated functions raise NotImplementedError instead of Exception. #1862, #1890 [daniel-leicht, radarhere] * Replaced os.system with subprocess.call in setup.py #1879 [radarhere] * Corrected Image show documentation #1886 [radarhere] * Added check for executable permissions to ImageShow #1880 [radarhere] * Fixed tutorial code and added explanation #1877 [radarhere] * Added OS X support for ImageGrab grabclipboard #1837 [radarhere] * Combined duplicate code in ImageTk #1856 [radarhere] * Added --disable-platform-guessing option to setup.py build extension, #1861 [angeloc] * Fixed loading Transparent PNGs with a transparent black color [#1840] [olt] * Add support for LA mode in Image.fromarray #1865 [pierriko] * Make ImageFile load images in read-only mode #1864 [hdante] * Added _accept hook for XVThumbImagePlugin #1853 [radarhere] * Test TIFF with LZW compression #1855, TGA RLE file #1854 [hugovk] * Improved SpiderImagePlugin help text #1863 [radarhere] * Updated Sphinx project description #1870 [radarhere] * Remove support for Python 3.0 from _imaging.c #1851 [radarhere] * Jpeg qtables are unsigned chars #1814, #1921 [thebostik] * Added additional EXIF tags #1841, TIFF Tags #1821 [radarhere] * Changed documentation to refer to ImageSequence Iterator #1833 [radarhere] * Fix Fedora prerequisites in installation docs, depends script [#1842] [living180] * Added _accept hook for PixarImagePlugin #1843 [radarhere] * Removed outdated scanner classifier #1823 [radarhere] * Combined identical error messages in _imaging #1825 [radarhere] * Added debug option for setup.py to trace header and library finding #1790 [wiredfool] * Fix doc building on travis #1820, #1844 [wiredfool] * Fix for DIB/BMP images #1813, #1847 [wiredfool] * Add PixarImagePlugin file extension #1809 [radarhere] * Catch struct.errors when verifying png files #1805 [wiredfool] * SpiderImagePlugin: raise an error when seeking in a non-stack file [#1794] [radarhere, jmichalon] * Added Support for 2/4 bpp Tiff Grayscale Images #1789 [zwhfly] * Removed unused variable from selftest #1788 [radarhere] * Added warning for as_dict method (deprecated in 3.0.0) #1799 [radarhere] * Removed powf support for older Python versions #1784 [radarhere] * Health fixes #1625 #1903 [radarhere]- update to version 3.2.0: * Added install docs for Fedora 23 and FreeBSD #1729, #1739, #1792 [koobs, zandermartin, wiredfool] * Fixed TIFF multiframe load when the frames have different compression types #1782 [radarhere, geka000] * Added __copy__ method to Image #1772 [radarhere] * Updated dates in PIL license in OleFileIO README #1787 [radarhere] * Corrected Tiff tag names #1786 [radarhere] * Fixed documented name of JPEG property #1783 [radarhere] * Fixed UnboundLocalError when loading a corrupt jpeg2k file #1780 [wiredfool] * Fixed integer overflow in path.c #1773 [wiredfool, nedwill] * Added debug to command line help text for pilprint #1766 [radarhere] * Expose many more fields in ICC Profiles #1756 [lambdafu] * Documentation changes, URL update, transpose, release checklist [radarhere] * Fixed saving to nonexistant files specified by pathlib.Path objects, fixes #1747 [radarhere] * Round Image.crop arguments to the nearest integer, fixes #1744 [hugovk] * Fix uninitialized variable warning in _imaging.c:getink, fixes [#486] [wiredfool] * Disable multiprocessing install on cygwin, fixes #1690 [wiredfool] * Fix the error reported when libz is not found #1764 [wiredfool] * More general error check to avoid Symbol not found: _PyUnicodeUCS2_AsLatin1String on OS X #1761 [wiredfool] * Added py35 to tox envlist #1724 [radarhere] * Fix EXIF tag name typos #1736 [zarlant, radarhere] * Updated freetype to 2.6.3, Tk/Tcl to 8.6.5 and 8.5.19 [radarhere] * Add a loader for the FTEX format from Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos #1688 [jleclanche] * Improved alpha_composite documentation #1698 [radarhere] * Extend ImageDraw.text method to pass on multiline_text method specific arguments #1647 [radarhere] * Allow ImageSequence to seek to zero #1686 [radarhere] * ImageSequence Iterator is now an iterator #1649 [radarhere] * Updated windows test builds to jpeg9b [radarhere] * Fixed support for .gbr version 1 images, added support for version 2 in GbrImagePlugin #1653 [wiredfool] * Clarified which YCbCr format is used #1677 [radarhere] * Added TiffTags documentation, Moved windows build documentation to winbuild/ #1667 [wiredfool] * Add tests for OLE file based formats #1678 [radarhere] * Add TIFF IFD test #1671 [radarhere] * Add a basic DDS image plugin with more tests #1654 [jleclanche, hugovk, wiredfool] * Fix incorrect conditional in encode.c #1638 [manisandro]- update to version 3.1.2: * Fixed an integer overflow in Jpeg2KEncode.c causing a buffer overflow. CVE-2016-3076 [wiredfool]- removed patch python3-Pillow-tests-update-epsilon-for-freetype27.patch, fixed upstream- require python3-olefile * Wed Feb 22 2017 jmatejekAATTsuse.com- update for singlespec- drop update-alternatives- add fdupes- actually build in %build section * Thu Sep 29 2016 badshah400AATTgmail.com- Add python-Pillow-tests-update-epsilon-for-freetype27.patch: Fix buildfailures against freetype 2.7 by increasing the epsilon (gh#python-pillow/Pillow#2116); this seems to be the recommended solution by upstream. * Sun May 22 2016 roAATTsuse.de- ignore make check errors on all bigendian archs (adding ppc s390 s390x) * Sun Mar 13 2016 dmuellerAATTsuse.com- add LICENSE * Tue Mar 01 2016 normandAATTlinux.vnet.ibm.com- ignore make check errors ppc64 architecture as upstream issue https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/1204 * Mon Feb 29 2016 michaelAATTstroeder.com- update to version 3.1.1 with security fixes: * Fixed an integer overflow in Resample.c causing writes in the Python heap. * Fixed a buffer overflow in PcdDecode.c causing a segfault when opening PhotoCD files. CVE-2016-TBD * Fixed a buffer overflow in FliDecode.c causing a segfault when opening FLI files. CVE-2016-0775 (fixes bsc#965582) * Fixed a buffer overflow in TiffDecode.c causing an arbitrary amount of memory to be overwritten when opening a specially crafted invalid TIFF file. CVE-2016-0740 (fixes bsc#965579) * Mon Feb 01 2016 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- update to version 3.1.0: * Fixing test failures on Python 2.6/Windows #1633 [wiredfool] * Limit metadata tags when writing using libtiff #1620 [wiredfool] * Rolling back exif support to pre-3.0 format #1627 [wiredfool] * Fix Divide by zero in Exif, add IFDRational class #1531 [wiredfool] * Catch the IFD error near the source #1622 [wiredfool] * Added release notes for 3.1.0 #1623 [radarhere] * Updated spacing to be consistent between multiline methods #1624 [radarhere] * Let EditorConfig take care of some basic formatting #1489 [hugovk] * Restore gpsexif data to the v1 form [wiredfool] * Add /usr/local include and library directories for freebsd #1613 [leforestier] * Updated installation docs for new versions of dependencies #1611 [radarhere] * Removed unrunnable test file #1610 [radarhere] * Changed register calls to use format property #1608 [radarhere] * Added field type constants to TiffTags #1596 [radarhere] * Allow saving RowsPerStrip with libtiff #1594 [wiredfool] * Enabled conversion to numpy array for HSV images #1578 [cartisan] * Changed some urls in the docs to use https #1580 [hugovk] * Removed logger.exception from ImageFile.py #1590 [radarhere] * Removed warnings module check #1587 [radarhere] * Changed arcs, chords and pie slices to use floats #1577 [radarhere] * Update unit test asserts #1584, #1598 [radarhere] * Fix command to invoke ghostscript for eps files #1478 [baumatron, radarhere] * Consistent multiline text spacing #1574 [wiredfool, hugovk] * Removed unused lines in BDFFontFile #1530 [radarhere] * Changed ImageQt import of Image #1560 [radarhere, ericfrederich] * Throw TypeError if no cursors were found in .cur file #1556 [radarhere] * Fix crash in ImageTk.PhotoImage on win-amd64 #1553 [cgohlke] * ExtraSamples tag should be a SHORT, not a BYTE #1555 [Nexuapex] * Docs and code health fixes #1565 #1566 #1581 #1586 #1591 #1621 [radarhere] * Updated freetype to 2.6.2 #1564 [radarhere] * Updated WebP to 0.5.0 for Travis #1515 #1609 [radarhere] * Fix missing \'version\' key value in __array_interface__ #1519 [mattip] * Replaced os.popen with subprocess.Popen to pilprint script #1523 [radarhere] * Catch OverflowError in SpiderImagePlugin #1545 [radarhere, MrShark] * Fix the definition of icc_profile in TiffTags #1539 [wiredfool] * Remove old _imagingtiff.c and pilplus stuff #1499 [hugovk] * Fix Exception when requiring jpeg #1501 [hansmosh] * Dependency scripts for Debian and Ubuntu #1486 [wiredfool] * Added Usage message to painter script #1482 [radarhere] * Add tag info for iccprofile, fixes #1462. #1465 [wiredfool] * Added some requirements for make release-test #1451 [wiredfool] * Flatten tiff metadata value SAMPLEFORMAT to initial value, fixes [#1466] [wiredfool] * Fix handling of pathlib in Image.save. Fixes #1460 [wiredfool] * Make tests more robust #1469 [hugovk] * Use correctly sized pointers for windows handle types. #1458 [nu744] * Sun Nov 15 2015 opensuseAATTcboltz.de- fix wrong macro name in %post - it\'s %{py_ver}, not %{py-ver} * Mon Oct 05 2015 arunAATTgmx.de- specfile: * added new binary files as update alternatives * cleaned up update alternatives * removed build command, since it will be rebuild during install anyway (taken from python3 spec file)- update to version 3.0.0: * Check flush method existence for file-like object #1398 [mrTable, radarhere] * Added PDF multipage saving #1445 [radarhere] * Removed deprecated code, Image.tostring, Image.fromstring, Image.offset, ImageDraw.setink, ImageDraw.setfill, ImageFileIO, ImageFont.FreeTypeFont and ImageFont.truetype file kwarg, ImagePalette private _make functions, ImageWin.fromstring and ImageWin.tostring #1343 [radarhere] * Load more broken images #1428 [homm] * Require zlib and libjpeg #1439 [wiredfool] * Preserve alpha when converting from a QImage to a Pillow Image by using png instead of ppm #1429 [ericfrederich] * Qt needs 32 bit aligned image data #1430 [ericfrederich] * Tiff ImageFileDirectory rewrite #1419 [anntzer, wiredfool, homm] * Removed spammy debug logging #1423 [wiredfool] * Save as GiF89a with support for animation parameters #1384 [radarhere] * Correct convert matrix docs #1426 [wiredfool] * Catch TypeError in _getexif #1414 [radarhere, wiredfool] * Fix for UnicodeDecodeError in TiffImagePlugin #1416 [bogdan199, wiredfool] * Dedup code in image.open #1415 [wiredfool] * Skip any number extraneous chars at the end of JPEG chunks #1337 [homm] * Single threaded build for pypy3, refactor #1413 [wiredfool] * Fix loading of truncated images with LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES enabled [#1366] [homm] * Documentation update for concepts: bands [merriam] * Add Solaris/SmartOS include and library directories #1356 [njones11] * Improved handling of getink color #1387 [radarhere] * Disable compiler optimizations for topalette and tobilevel functions for all msvc versions, fixes #1357 [cgohlke] * Skip ImageFont_bitmap test if _imagingft C module is not installed [#1409] [homm] * Add param documentation to ImagePalette #1381 [bwrsandman] * Corrected scripts path #1407 [radarhere] * Updated libtiff to 4.0.6 #1405, #1421 [radarhere] * Updated Platform Support for Yosemite #1403 [radarhere] * Fixed infinite loop on truncated file #1401 [radarhere] * Check that images are L mode in ImageMorph methods #1400 [radarhere] * In tutorial of pasting images, add to mask text #1389 [merriam] * Style/health fixes #1391, #1397, #1417, #1418 [radarhere] * Test on Python 3.5 dev and 3.6 nightly #1361 [hugovk] * Fix fast rotate operations #1373 [radarhere] * Added support for pathlib Path objects to open and save #1372 [radarhere] * Changed register calls to use format property #1333 [radarhere] * Added support for ImageGrab.grab to OS X #1367, #1443 [radarhere, hugovk] * Fixed PSDraw stdout Python 3 compatibility #1365 [radarhere] * Added Python 3.3 to AppVeyor #1363 [radarhere] * Treat MPO with unknown header as base JPEG file #1350 [hugovk, radarhere] * Added various tests #1330, #1344 [radarhere] * More ImageFont tests #1327 [hugovk] * Use logging instead of print #1207 [anntzer] * Wed Jul 29 2015 jacobwinskiAATTgmail.com- Update to 2.9.0: * Added test for GimpPaletteFile #1324 * Fixed ValueError in Python 2.6 #1315 #1316 * Fixed tox test script path #1308 * Added width and height properties #1304 * Update tiff and tk tcl 8.5 versions #1303 * Add functions to convert: Image <-> QImage; Image <-> QPixmap #1217 * Remove duplicate code in gifmaker script #1294 * Multiline text in ImageDraw #1177 * Automated Windows CI/build support #1278 * Removed support for Tk versions earlier than 8.4 #1288 * Fixed polygon edge drawing #1255 (fixes #1252) * Check prefix length in _accept methods #1267 * Register MIME type for BMP #1277 * Adjusted ImageQt use of unicode() for 2/3 compatibility #1218 * Identify XBM file created with filename including underscore #1230 (fixes #1229) * Copy image when saving in GifImagePlugin #1231 (fixes #718) * Removed support for FreeType 2.0 #1247 * Added background saving to GifImagePlugin #1273 * Provide n_frames attribute to multi-frame formats #1261 * Add duration and loop set to GifImagePlugin #1172, #1269 * Ico files are little endian #1232 * Upgrade olefile from 0.30 to 0.42b #1226 * Setting transparency value to 0 when the tRNS contains only null byte(s) #1239 * Separated out feature checking from selftest #1233 * Style/health fixes * Update WebP from 0.4.1 to 0.4.3 #1235 * Release GIL during image load (decode) #1224 * Added icns save #1185 * Fix putdata memory leak #1196 * Keep user-specified ordering of icon sizes #1193 * Tiff: allow writing floating point tag values #1113- Update to 2.8.2: * Bug fix: Fixed Tiff handling of bad EXIF data- Remove 0001-Ico-files-are-little-endian-ref-1204.patch: merged upstream- Remove fix-textsize-equal.patch: merged upstream * Mon Jul 27 2015 seife+obsAATTb1-systems.com- fix build and dependencies for RHEL/CentOS 7 * Sat Jun 13 2015 dmuellerAATTsuse.com- add 0001-Ico-files-are-little-endian-ref-1204.patch: fix for s390x * Wed Apr 22 2015 mciharAATTsuse.cz- Update to 2.8.1: - Bug fix: Catch struct.error on invalid JPEG, fixes #1163 - Fix 32-bit BMP loading (RGBA or RGBX) - Fix UnboundLocalError in ImageFile #1131 - Re-enable test image caching - Fix: Cannot identify EPS images, fixes #1104 - Configure setuptools to run nosetests, fixes #729 - Style/health fixes - Add support for HTTP response objects to Image.open() - Improve reference docs for PIL.ImageDraw.Draw.pieslice() #1145 - Added copy method font_variant() and accessible properties to truetype() #1123 - Fix ImagingEffectNoise #1128 - Remove unreachable code - Let Python do the endian stuff + tests #1121 - Fix webp decode memory leak #1114 - Fast path for opaque pixels in RGBa unpacker #1088 - Enable basic support for \'RGBa\' raw encoding/decoding #1096- Remove Pillow-fixtests.patch, merged upstream * Tue Apr 21 2015 tbechtoldAATTsuse.com- Add fix-textsize-equal.patch. Fixes testsuite on SLE11SP3 * Fri Feb 06 2015 hpjAATTurpla.net- fix test for lossy webp alpha deviation of earlier lib versions * Add Pillow-fixtests.patch * Thu Jan 08 2015 tbechtoldAATTsuse.com- update to version 2.7.0: - Look for OSX and Linux fonts in common places. #1054 - Fix potential PNG decompression DOS #1060 - Use underscores, not spaces, in TIFF tag kwargs. #1044, #1058 - Update PSDraw for Python3, add tests. #1055- Use Bicubic filtering by default for thumbnails. Don\'t use Jpeg Draft mode for thumbnails. #1029 - Fix MSVC compiler error: Use Py_ssize_t instead of ssize_t #1051 - Fix compiler error: MSVC needs varaibles defined at the start of the block #1048 - The GIF Palette optimization algorithm is only applicable to mode=\'P\' or \'L\' #993 - Use PySide as an alernative to PyQt4/5. - Replace affine-based im.resize implementation with convolution-based im.stretch #997 - Replace Gaussian Blur implementation with iterated fast box blur. #961 Note: Radius parameter is interpreted differently than before. - Better docs explaining import _imaging failure #1016, build #1017, mode #1018, PyAccess, PixelAccess objects #1019 Image.quantize #1020 and Image.save #1021 - Fix for saving TIFF image into an io.BytesIO buffer #1011 - Fix antialias compilation on debug versions of Python #1010 - Fix for Image.putdata segfault #1009 - Ico save, additional tests #1007 - Use PyQt4 if it has already been imported, otherwise prefer PyQt5. #1003 - Speedup resample implementation up to 2.5 times. #977 - Speed up rotation by using cache aware loops, added transpose to rotations. #994 - Fix Bicubic interpolation #970 - Support for 4-bit greyscale TIFF images #980 - Updated manifest #957 - Fix PyPy 2.4 regression #952 - Webp Metadata Skip Test comments #954 - Fixes for things rpmlint complains about #942- update to version 2.6.2: - Fix potential PNG decompression DOS #1060 - Fix Regression in PyPy 2.4 in streamio #958 * Tue Nov 18 2014 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Update to 2.6.1 - Fix SciPy regression for in Image.resize - Fix manifest to include all test files- Update to 2.6.0 - Relax precision of ImageDraw tests for x86, GimpGradient for PPC - Use redistributable image for testing - Use redistributable ICC profiles for testing, skip if not available - Additional documentation for JPEG info and save options - Fix JPEG Encoding memory leak when exif or qtables were specified - Image.tobytes() and Image.tostring() documentation update - On Windows, do not execute convert.exe without specifying path - Fix msvc build error - Fix for handling P + transparency -> RGBA conversions - Retain alpha in ImageEnhance operations - Jpeg2k Decode/encode memory leak fix - EpsFilePlugin Speed improvements - Don\'t resize if already the right size - Fix for reading multipage TIFFs - Correctly handle saving gray and CMYK JPEGs with quality=keep - Correct duplicate Tiff Metadata and Exif tag values - Windows fixes - Fix TGA files with image ID field - Fixed wrong P-mode of small, unoptimized L-mode GIF - Fixed CVE-2014-3598, a DOS in the Jpeg2KImagePlugin - Fixed CVE-2014-3589, a DOS in the IcnsImagePlugin - setup.py: Close open file handle before deleting - Return Profile with Transformed Images - Changed docstring to refer to the correct function - Adding coverage support for C code tests - PyPy performance improvements - Added support for reading MPO files - Added support for encoding and decoding iTXt chunks - HSV Support - Removed unusable ImagePalette.new() - Fix Scrambled XPM - Doc cleanup - Fix `ImageStat` docs - Added docs for ExifTags - More tests for CurImagePlugin, DcxImagePlugin, Effects.c, GimpGradientFile, ImageFont, ImageMath, ImagePalette, IptcImagePlugin, SpiderImagePlugin, SgiImagePlugin, XpmImagePlugin and _util - Fix return value of FreeTypeFont.textsize() does not include font offsets - Fix dispose calculations for animated GIFs - Added class checking to Image __eq__ function - Test PalmImagePlugin and method to skip known bad tests- Update to 2.5.3 - Fixed CVE-2014-3598, a DOS in the Jpeg2KImagePlugin (backport)- Update to 2.5.2 - Fixed CVE-2014-3589, a DOS in the IcnsImagePlugin (backport) * Mon Aug 18 2014 mciharAATTsuse.cz- Use versioned provides and conflicts to fix installation on SLE11 * Mon Aug 11 2014 mciharAATTsuse.cz- enable build time testing, but not for i586 as it\'s broken there due to some rounding error (see https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/819) * Mon Aug 11 2014 mciharAATTsuse.cz- Update to 2.5.1: * 2.5.1 (2014-07-10) Fixed install issue if Multiprocessing.Pool is not available [wiredfool] 32bit mult overflow fix #782 [wiredfool] * 2.5.0 (2014-07-01) Imagedraw rewrite [terseus, wiredfool] Add support for multithreaded test execution [wiredfool] Prevent shell injection #748 [mbrown1413, wiredfool] Support for Resolution in BMP files #734 [gcq] Fix error in setup.py for Python 3 [matthew-brett] Pyroma fix and add Python 3.4 to setup metadata #742 [wirefool] Top level flake8 fixes #741 [aclark] Remove obsolete Animated Raster Graphics (ARG) support [hugovk] Fix test_imagedraw failures #727 [cgohlke] Fix AttributeError: class Image has no attribute \'DEBUG\' #726 [cgohlke] Fix msvc warning: \'inline\' : macro redefinition #725 [cgohlke] Cleanup #654 [dvska, hugovk, wiredfool] 16-bit monochrome support for JPEG2000 [videan42] Fixed ImagePalette.save [brightpisces] Support JPEG qtables [csinchok] Add binary morphology addon [dov, wiredfool] Decompression bomb protection [hugovk] Put images in a single directory [hugovk] Support OpenJpeg 2.1 [al45tair] Remove unistd.h #include for all platforms [wiredfool] Use unittest for tests [hugovk] ImageCms fixes [hugovk] Added more ImageDraw tests [hugovk] Added tests for Spider files [hugovk] Use libtiff to write any compressed tiff files [wiredfool] Support for pickling Image objects [hugovk] Fixed resolution handling for EPS thumbnails [eliempje] Fixed rendering of some binary EPS files (Issue #302) [eliempje] Rename variables not to use built-in function names [hugovk] Ignore junk JPEG markers [hugovk] Change default interpolation for Image.thumbnail to Image.ANTIALIAS [hugovk] Add tests and fixes for saving PDFs [hugovk] Remove transparency resource after P->RGBA conversion [hugovk] Clean up preprocessor cruft for Windows [CounterPillow] Adjust Homebrew freetype detection logic [jacknagel] Added Image.close, context manager support. [wiredfool] Added support for 16 bit PGM files. [wiredfool] Updated OleFileIO to version 0.30 from upstream [hugovk] Added support for additional TIFF floating point format [Hijackal] Have the tempfile use a suffix with a dot [wiredfool] Fix variable name used for transparency manipulations [nijel]- adjusted testsuite execution * Fri Aug 01 2014 tiwaiAATTsuse.de- Add missing PIL.pth installation (bnc#889973) * Wed May 28 2014 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Fixing conflicting provides/conflicts that prevent installation of the tk subpackage. * Tue May 27 2014 mciharAATTsuse.com- Adjust openjpeg2 dependency for older distributions * Thu May 08 2014 hpjAATTurpla.net- New upstream release 2.4.0. For details see https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pillow/2.4.0- New dependency: openjpeg2 for JPEG 2000 support * Sun Apr 27 2014 hpjAATTurpla.net- provide python-imaging in order to act as a drop in replacement for it. * Fri Feb 14 2014 mciharAATTsuse.cz- Fix build for older distributions which do not include lcms2 * Tue Feb 04 2014 hpjAATTurpla.net- symlink alternatives files, as requested from Coolo, in order to get rid of suse version conditional * Fri Jan 17 2014 hpjAATTurpla.net- also exclude 12.2 from ghost etc/alternatives/ * as this results in failed builds with: Explicit file attributes required in spec for: $BUILDROOT/etc/alternatives/pil * * Tue Jan 07 2014 marko.kohtalaAATTgmail.com- New upstream release 2.3.0. For details see https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pillow/2.3.0- Drop use-recommended-freetype-include.patch: merged on upstream- Build with liblcms2 instead of liblcms due to upstream switching library. * Wed Dec 11 2013 hrvoje.senjanAATTgmail.com- Added use-recommended-freetype-include.patch -- Freetype upstream recommends using their macros together with ft2build include. Positive sideeffect is that this patch makes it build with both freetype2 2.5.1, and older version * Mon Nov 18 2013 speilickeAATTsuse.com- Move away from pkgconfig-style buildrequires to support SLE- Implement update-alternatives * Thu Nov 14 2013 cfarrellAATTsuse.com- License update: HPND * Tue Nov 12 2013 speilickeAATTsuse.com- Add split-provides inside tk sub-package to get rid of python-imaging-tk * Thu Nov 07 2013 speilickeAATTsuse.com- Initial version