Changelog for
python-neutron-lib-doc-1.18.0-1.57.noarch.rpm :
* Tue Sep 04 2018 update to version 1.18.0 - Fix placement calls in placement client - Switch to stestr - rehome create functions from plugin utils - Imported Translations from Zanata - Add a shim extension standard-attr-segment - api-ref: correct the list of taggable resources - api-ref: add filter parameters to networks - api-ref: add filter parameters to resource management - ut updates for extending sub-resources - Add placement calls for bandwith resource provider - Mark neutron-lbaas as deprecated - Adding qos policy to the different port and network operations - Remove LABEL from API definitions - rehome get_deployment_physnet_mtu into plugin utils - api-ref: some fixes on metering labels and rules - Document QoS bandwidth limit direction extension - api-ref: add filter parameters to trunk - Fix list_resource_providers filters - api-ref: add filter parameters to qos - rehome used db utils - rehome qos bw limit direction api def - api-ref: document sorting parameters for l3 - api-ref: document sorting parameters for l2 - api-ref: add filter parameters to floatingip - Shim extension - segments peer subnet host routes, and api-ref - api-ref: document sorting for qos resources - Document L3 HA extension - rehome port-security-groups-filtering api extension - Updated from global requirements - Annotate filter parameters for all resources - Remove os-testr from test-requirements - Remove the ensure_dir - Update url links in README.rst - Annotate all the filter parameters for networks - api-ref: add filter parameters to router - Rehome get_port_binding_by_status_and_host - Add API extensions to advertise support of std attributes for BGPVPN - Cleanup unused key-value in the attribute of l3 - fix docs/links for 1.14.0 release - Documenting DHCP agent scheduler - bgpvpn API definition: add API_PREFIX - Fix binding:profile parameter type in API reference - Add shim extension sort-key-validation - remove debtcollector from requirements - api-ref: add filter parameters to port resource - Documenting subnet_allocation extension - Add a shim extension availability_zone_filter - api-ref: add filter parameters to segment - Add port bindings to RPC topics resources - tell flake8 to ignore unicode - Fix the description of some parameters - callback: priority to specify calling order - api-ref: document sorting for resource management - Documenting network_availability_zone extension - Follow the new PTI for document build - Fix badly formatted log when adding extension - api-ref: document sorting parameters for address scope - Add support to regenerate port mac_address - fix tox python3 overrides - Remove repeated parameter from floatingip - api-ref: document sorting parameters for security - Add the missing response parameters to network - Adding DVR extension docs in routers api-ref - Add shim extension filter-validation - [Api-ref] Cleanup parameters.yaml - Change name of test file - api-ref: several fixups on the rbac policies - fix tox release note generation - Add release notes link to README - Documenting Router service type ID - api-ref: several fixes on security group rules - Documenting L3 External gateway mode - api-ref: add filter parameters to subnetpool - Document subnet_service_types extension in api-ref - Remove os-testr from lower-constraints - Update api-ref to reflect update allowed for subnet segment_id - api-ref: document sorting parameters for networks - Documenting L3 agent scheduler - api-ref: add the missing samples in floatingips - Annotate network parameters for sort_key - Modify the type of subnet in the api-ref - remove the unused neutron_lib.api.utils module - Fix requirements for api-ref - Add timestamp attributes to standard resources - Documenting L2 adjacency extension - Change some parameters in path to be required - \'sfc\' and \'flowclassifier\' API extension definitions (networking-sfc) - rehome rpc and related plumbing - Reorder and capitalize the list of extensions in ports, networks and routers - api-ref: add filter parameters to agents - rehome db api - Documenting l3_flavors extn in api-ref - api-ref: document sorting for log management - rehome model_query and its dependencies - Documenting QoS default policy extension - api-ref: add filter parameters to log - versioned object plugin registry - Add bandit to pep8 gate - remove CORE and L3 from neutron_lib.constants - fix vpnaas subnet_list_or_none type - Add attribute propagate_uplink_status to port - Add the two missing \'is_filter\' keyword - Add the floatingip pools extension - Add prefixlen to subnet api-ref for create actions - api-ref, bgpvpn API extension: update status - Rehome unstable_test decorator - Remove tools/ - API attribute processing: allow to populate dict attribute default values - Add API extension fip-port-details - fix lower constraints to match requirements - Add documentation for callback priority - Documenting ip_allocation extension in api-ref - Trivial: Update pypi url to new url - api-ref: add \'project_id\' as sort_key - Add DHCP_OPT_CLIENT_ID_NUM - Fix pep8 errors - Document extra_dhcp_opt extension in api-ref - fix typos in parameters.yaml - Annotate sort_key parameters for all resources - API attribute processing: add \'default_overrides_none\' - Add new Resource Provider functions to placement client - Introduce API definition of Floating IP Port Forwarding - Subnet segment_id writable extension - Document the error code on conditional update/delete - Add empty-string-filtering API extension - Adding tags to responses for relevant resources - api-ref: document the address scope extension - api-ref: add filter parameters to subnet resource - api-ref: add filter parameters to SG and rules - add lower-constraints job - api-ref: add filter parameters to rbac - Extend port_forwardings field in Floatingip response
* Fri Mar 02 2018 update to version 1.13.0 - Remove rbac-policy callback into lib - rehome allowedaddresspairs API definition - Parameter modifications of edit-constraints - Imported Translations from Zanata - Introduce API for port bindings extended - rehome default subnet pools API def - DVR: Move DVR agent related constants to neutron-lib - Documenting Router AZ extension in routers api-ref - Fix one small typo in api-ref - Security Groups: Fix rule docs regarding protocols - rehome service type api def - rehome extraroute api definition - Add exception when a synthetic field is invalid - add PROVISIONAL_IPV6_PD_PREFIX to constants - rehome flavor extension API definition - fix doc links - revert get_random_mac behavior from review 400408 - Fix value of pool_id-request required attribute - Add new resource for port bindings - Revert \"Withdraw doc for bgpvpn-routes-control API extension\" - Add support to Create/Update subnets in subnet_onboard - finish qos_rule_type_details extension api-ref - Add headers for sections in LBaaS v2.0 API docs - Fix unit test failures due to switch to testr changes - Updated from global requirements - fix up dvr api def exceptions - rehome dvr extension api def - rehome sorting api def - rehome l3 ext gw mode extension api definition - rehome network availability zone extension api definition - Fix some typos - Removing LBaaS v1 API reference - Add empty BGPVPN Route Target to unit test - Document the new net-mtu-writable extension - complete api-ref for addr pairs and port security - Add \'convert_to_string\' and apply for firewall-rule - rehome qos api definition - rehome multi provider net extension api definition - net_utils: Speed up mac address generation - rehome revisionifmatch api def - add api ref for agents - fix linkcheck tox target - fix typos - Add the default-subnetpools extension to api-ref - Add events and resources for L3 flavors. - api ref for standard-attr-tag extension - Add missing library into requirements.txt - Update reno for stable/pike - Remove setting of version/release from releasenotes - update releasing doc links for zuul v3 - Remove unreferenced protocol parameters - Fix comment in - rehome availability zone API def - rehome router availability zone extension api def - docs: Add primary_key attribute key - rehome metering extension api definition - bgpvpn-vni api extension - rehome vlantransparent api def - Adds IPinIP protocol - rehome l3 ext ha mode extension api definition - class methods and sub resources in base api ext - rehome the qos default api def - Add description about QoS minimum bandwidth rules API - api-ref for inherit trunk segmentation type - rehome plugin utils - Update the documentation link for doc migration - Rehome net-mtu-enh extension definition - Fix spaces in Firewall\'s error messages - Remove vestigate HUDSON_PUBLISH_DOCS reference - sync ml2 plugin api - add DCCP, SCTP and UDP-Lite to validated protos for port ranges - Fix API Doc LBaaS v2 - Update links in README - Update links in CONTRIBUTING.rst - rehome external net api definition - rehome segement api def - Fix port comparison in port range validation - api ref for dns integration - Don\'t allow an empty-string Route Target - Rehome placement client to neutron-lib - rehome project id api definition - rehome ip allocation extension API definition - docs: Subscribing events using registry decorator - Remove a bogus leftover string - Add description of API call to get QoS rule type details - Remove pep8 from test-requirements - Check that duplicate Segmentation IDs 0 get caught - Modify the validator for segmentation_id 0 - rehome common topics into neutron-lib - Fix openstackdocstheme options for api-ref - Update security group rule protocol parameter text - rehome router service type api def - rehome l3 flavors extension api definition - api ref for quota details extension - rehome shared constant - Add the IP substring filter extension - complete api ref for std attr revisions - add description in api-ref for external net extension - Add default value as none for vni attribute in bgpvpn resource - Add a new method ha_state_change to L3 agent extension - rehome pagination api definition - rehome the qos rule type details api def - sync plugin common constants - Remove periods at the end of validator and converter messages - Adopted to new oslo.context code to remove deprecation warnings - Fix RBAC POST parameter of api-ref - add api ref and doc link validation to release - rehome network ip availability extension api definition - Fix typos and address formatting issues - Add API Definition for Subnet Onboard - finish routes api ref - Adds Remote Firewall Groups to FWaaS V2 Rules - rehome l2 adjacency extension API definition
* Mon Aug 07 2017 update to version 1.9.1 - enforce maximum length for name and tenant_id fields - api-ref: some quota APIs don\'t return 404 - Rehome FAULT_MAP from the neutron API - Fix html_last_updated_fmt for Python3 - Update api-ref for enhanced tag mechanism - bgpvpn-routes-control extension - Handle tenant_name and project_name more equally - Change comment to match new constant name - Add headers for QoS sections in api-ref - Add VIF_TYPE_TAP constant to portbindings - Add interface to add a constraint to context - Patch _get_callback_manager for callback fixture - Revert \"hardware offload support for openvswitch\" - Add FIP64 extension from networking-midonet - Drop dictionary construction on get_plugin - api-ref: provider and multiple provider are allowed to update - api-ref: Add a few type checks for consistency - api: Fix firewall aliases - rehome plugin common constants - Add OVS_DATAPATH_TYPE in portbindings constants - Stop creating a context manager during db._api module import - make extra_dhcp_opt vars public - bgpvpn_routes_control: API definition fixes - boilerplate extension descriptor for api-def - Only log IDs of callbacks in debug message - Tweak trunk extension to support Ironic use case - Change dashboard for periodic jobs - Fix N536 - Use assertIsNone regex - Add ACTION_STATUS to dummy of API definition - Fix rst heading while reading - rectify the definition of API timestamp for trunk_details - Stop enforcing non-debug log translations - Use a single hacking check factory - Use flake8-import-order plugin - rehome is_port_trusted util function - API definition and reference for data plane status extension - Remove duplicated \"set of\" - rearrange content to fit the new standard layout - add exceptions package - Add validators package - Validate API sample JSON files - extensions: Tweak docstring for get_required_extensions - Rehome dns-integration extension - Add router-interface-fip extension from networking-midonet - Add missing LOG.debug to hacking rule - Clarify pep8 inclusion in periodic job - Enable module reference - Add a space after comma - rehome NETWORK_ID ml2 constant - Updated from global requirements - Formalize base service classes - Sync neutron callbacks into lib - rehome neutron\'s agent extension API definition - API extension updates and fixture - rehome extra_dhcp_opt api-def - Updated api-ref with more details on net-mtu extension - Remove trailing whitespaces from VPN api doc - api-ref: Introduce logging api reference - api-ref: add description to ports - Fix typo in release note for import path - rehome ml2 driver_api - api-ref: Add QoS rule types list API - Add AFTER_SPAWN event to callbacks - [FWaaS] Migrate Public attribute to Shared - Indicating the location tests directory in oslo_debug_helper - Add a note about the current status of FWaaS v1 - rehome ovo exceptions - api-ref: Correcting QoS policies in API extension - rehome neutron\'s address-scope extension API definition - Add flush_on_subtransaction=True to engine config - remove deprecated N523 hacking check - rehome utils: synchronized decorator and load_class_by_alias_or_classname - Remove tag-obtain-response.json in the top directory - rehome qos service DriverBase class - rehome NeutronWorker class - Enable warning-is-error in doc build - rehome consumed neutron.common.constants - Trivial fix typos - Migrate logging-resource extension from networking-midonet - Move networking-bgpvpn API reference into neutron-lib - api-ref: RBAC policies api reference - Fix API ref with regards to OR queries - fix broken link in review guidelines - Moved net-mtu extension definition - Downgrade callback abortable event log to debug - Add bgpvpn to list of known extensions - Add CIDR for canonical format conversion - api-ref: Improve network IP availability extension - Rehome neutron.api.v2.attributes - rehome neutron\'s auto-allocated-topology extension API definition - Add is_extension_supported to neutron_lib - Remove support for py34 - Add new protocols in Firewalls - rehome core resource api-defs - Add info about direction in QoS bandwidth limit rule - Make port_range validator accept an integer - api-ref: Remove tags for neutron-in-tree-api-ref from LBaaSv1 - api-ref: Add \'qos_policy_id\' parameter to PUT - Define dns-domain-ports extension - api-ref: Cleanup quotas API - Remove unnecessary variables in UT - rehome port security api-def - api-ref: Correct port binding extension - Move BGPVPN API definition into neutron-lib - Move Firewall Exceptions to neutron-lib - Enforce log messages not being translated - Add Agilio OVS VIF and virtio-forwarder VNIC type - api-ref: Fix using examples of API - rehome ml2 MechanismDriver class - Replace assertTrue(isinstance()) with assertIsInstance() - Switch from oslosphinx to openstackdocstheme - rehome l3 api-def exceptions - Withdraw doc for bgpvpn-routes-control API extension - sync callbacks: Eliminate SUBNET_GATEWAY resource - Add backward compatible alias - sync callbacks with neutron - use constants rather than static strings - Add sanity check to receives decorator - api-ref: Fix api-ref for ports - Repair link in Neutron documentation - APIDefinitionFixture bugfix - Introduce logging api extension - hardware offload support for openvswitch
* Fri Jul 28 2017 update to version 1.1.0 - Ensure new entry in immediates gets processed during wait(s) - Fix jitter strategies - Handle exceptions from executor.submit in PeriodicWorker - Begin adding our own thread pool executor - Just use a deque vs reverse pushing/popping - Some minor refactoring and comment/note addition - Update reno for stable/ocata - Fix time related check in rejection test - Eliminate unneccessary patching in GreenFuture - Add what the watcher watches to the watcher as a property - PeriodicWorker.create to accept arguments for periodic tasks - Remove \'smart\' idleness check - Typo fix: arbitary => arbitrary - Expose underlying futures.CancelledError - Handle the case where 0.199 is provided as runtime - Add Constraints support - Add reno for release notes management - Activate pep8 check that _ is imported - Show team and repo badges on README - Don\'t include openstack/common in flake8 exclude list - Introducing NeverAgain functionality for periodics - Add re-raising SystemExit exception - Remove green worker reference to its executor - Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv - Have the executor stats object repr look like the watcher repr - Move most of green helper classes -> \'\' - Reschedule failed periodic tasks after a short delay - Removes unnecessary utf-8 coding - Change ignore-errors to ignore_errors - Remove discover from test-requirements - Do not check spacing if periodic disabled - Remove tests output from code coverage - docs - Set pbr warnerrors option for doc build - Fix wrong comparison in reject_when_reached - Fix \'on_failure\' param not be used - Update homepage with developer documentation page - The python 3.4 support is removed - replace _callables by _works - Modification of the example code - Add useful watcher \'__repr__\' function - Use prettytable to show pretty schedule/active/planned time table - py26/py33 are no longer supported by Infra\'s CI - Ensure all futures have completed before run returns - Allow for providing different run work sync functions - Add periodics.is_periodic to check if object is a periodic task - Allow PeriodicWorker to skip executor shutdown in case of a preexisting executor - Expose underlying timeout error - Remove dummy/placeholder \'ChangeLog\' as its not needed - No need for Oslo Incubator Sync - Add \'enabled\' parameter to AATTperiodic decorator - Reduce/remove duplication in run functions - Remove link to modindex - Updated from global requirements - Enhance the README - Single quote the callables name (when submission errors)
* Tue Aug 30 2016 update to 0.4.0:
* Remove new checks from hacking factory()
* Correcting information in configuration
* Updated from global requirements
* Add docstrings for
* Add docstrings for
* Add docstrings for utils.helpers
* Add docstrings for utils.file
* Add docstrings for hacking.translation_checks
* Add docstrings for hacking.checks
* Add docstrings for db.utils
* Get ready for os-api-ref sphinx theme change
* Add docstrings for policy
* Base DB: rehome model_base
* Start migration of utility methods
* Add docstrings for exceptions
* Add docstrings for converters
* Enhance pyir tooling CLI
* Support copy() in Sentinel
* Don\'t run api-report during pep8
* Add a hacking rule for string interpolation at logging
* Correcting \'extention\' parameter on Networking API v2.0
* Remove invalid depreaction warning
* Generate API report tooling
* Add DeviceNotFoundError to neutron_lib exceptions
* Revert \"Update hacking check consumption\"
* Enable DeprecationWarning in test environments
* Update the home-page in setup.cfg
* Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv
* Don\'t pass argument sqlite_db in method set_defaults
* api-ref: Fix api-ref for routers
* api-ref: Rename file names for consistency
* api-ref: Move sample JSON files under v2 directory
* api-ref: Merge v2 and v2-ext into one directory
* Sync neutron callbacks into lib
* Forbid eventlet hacking check
* api-ref: Split LBaaS API reference into v1 and v2
* Update hacking check consumption
* translation_checks: Exclude rally plugins
* Add Neutron context module and some policy methods
* Thu Aug 11 2016 update to 0.3.0:
* Remove discover from test-requirements
* Add validator to test integers
* Deprecate N523 check that forbids oslo.
* imports
* devref for public API docstring
* Migration report: validate that bc is installed
* add tags to api-ref files for the content verification phase
* Add tool to track migration to neutron-lib
* Document release steps for neutron-lib
* Expand the API reference Table of Content
* Updated from global requirements
* Fix simple typo
* Tweak validation logic for subport validator
* Updated from global requirements
* Update documents to address some issues
* Updated from global requirements
* Rehome IPV6_MODES constants
* Update validator accessors
* Forbid eventlet based code
* Make the constant Sentinel() class public
* 100% unit test coverage for hacking/
* Localized exception message hacking check
* Updated from global requirements
* WADL to RST migration
* Add translation validations to the hacking policy
* Updated from global requirements
* Fix E128 hacking errors and enable it
* TrivialFix: Fix a bad indentation in a doc file
* Enable local hacking rule in neutron-lib
* Hacking: update iteritems hacking message
* Add Neutron L3 agent types
* Fix exception for invalid type
* Add subport validator for vlan-aware-vms
* Updated from global requirements
* Remove unused oslo.service requirement- Use for Source url- Adjust Requires
* Thu Jul 07 2016 update to 0.2.0:
* Updated from global requirements
* Add IPv6_LLA_PREFIX constant
* Maintain ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED constant with deepcopy
* Add constants for additional ICMPv6 types
* Define legacy ICMPv6 protocol name \'icmpv6\' for backward compaty- Adjust Requires
* Fri Apr 22 2016 update to 0.1.0:
* Remove config module
* New device owner flag for HA router interface
* Revert \"Add Collector Agent type string\"
* Sun Apr 10 2016 update to 0.0.3:
* Add pagination helpers
* Fix \'import neutron\' hacking check
* Add in missing constants
* Remove unused pngmath Sphinx extension
* Fri Mar 04 2016 Initial packaging (version 0.0.2)