Changelog for python3-pyzmq-14.0.0-1.6.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Dec 21 2017 build python3 subpackage (FATE#324435, bsc#1073879)
* Wed Feb 12 2014 disable testsuite for qemu-linux-user builds
* Sun Nov 24 2013 Update to version 14.0.0 + Update bundled libzmq to current (4.0.1). + Backends are now implemented in ``zmq.backend`` instead of ``zmq.core``. This has no effect on public APIs. + Various build improvements for Cython and CFFI backends (PyPy compiles at build time). + Various GIL-related performance improvements - the GIL is no longer touched from a zmq IO thread. + Adding a constant should now be a bit easier - only zmq/sugar/constant _names should need updating, all other constant-related files should be automatically updated by `` constants``. + add support for latest libzmq-4.0.1 (includes ZMQ_CURVE security and socket event monitoring).- Changes from version 13.1.0 + The main new feature is improved tornado 3 compatibility. PyZMQ ships a \'minitornado\' submodule, which contains a small subset of tornado 3.0.1, in order to get the IOLoop base class. zmq.eventloop.ioloop.IOLoop is now a simple subclass, and if the system tornado is ≥ 3.0, then the zmq IOLoop is a proper registered subclass of the tornado one itself, and minitornado is entirely unused.- Changes from version 13.0.2 + EAGAIN was unconditionally turned into KeyboardInterrupt + fix use of totally deprecated ctypes_configure to generate constants in CFFI backend + fix memory leak in CFFI backend for PyPy + typo prevented IPC_PATH_MAX_LEN from ever being defined + various build fixes - linking with librt, Cython compatibility, etc.
* Fri Apr 12 2013 Changes suggests to recommends since there is no way to install suggets currently
* Fri Apr 05 2013 license update: LGPL-3.0+ and BSD-3-Clause the core is LGPL-3.0+ but most of what is outside the code is BSD-3-Clause
* Wed Mar 27 2013 Update to version 13.0.0: + PyPy support + The Threadsafe ZMQStream experiment in was deemed inappropriate and not useful, and has been removed. + The zmq.web experiment has been removed, to be developed as a standalone project + Fixes bnc#811890- Add rpmlintrc- Drop useless macros- Run testsuite
* Fri May 18 2012 Fix rpmlint warnings
* Fri Apr 27 2012 fixed building of python3 package on openSUSE 11.4 and older
* Tue Mar 27 2012 Update to version 2.1.11:
* remove support for LABEL prefixes. A major feature of libzmq-3.0, the LABEL prefix, has been removed from libzmq, prior to the first stable libzmq 3.x release.
* The prefix argument to ~.Socket.send_multipart remains, but it continue to behave in exactly the same way as it always has on 2.1.x, simply prepending message parts.
* ~.Socket.recv_multipart will always return a list, because prefixes are once again indistinguishable from regular message parts.
* add .Socket.poll method, for simple polling of events on a single socket.
* no longer require monkeypatching tornado IOLoop. The :class:.ioloop.ZMQPoller class is a poller implementation that matches tornado\'s expectations, and pyzmq sockets can be used with any tornado application just by specifying the use of this poller. The pyzmq IOLoop implementation now only trivially differs from tornado\'s.- Don\'t package documentation sources
* Tue Jan 31 2012 Update to version 2.1.11:
* remove support for LABEL prefixes.
* add :meth:`.Socket.poll` method, for simple polling of events on a single socket.
* no longer require monkeypatching tornado IOLoop.- Moved Python-3 package into seperate spec file
* Mon Dec 05 2011 Cleaned up spec file formatting- Added python3 subpackage
* Mon Sep 26 2011 license update: LGPL-3.0+ LGPL is not a recognized license
* Fri Aug 19 2011 Update to version 2.1.7:
* Added proper GIL management for non-copying send
* Implemented support for zmq_errno().
* Added Socket.create_socket()
* Fixed to work with libzmq.dll on Window
* The flags argument to Socket.send/Socket.recv must be a C int to prevent Python-C API calls in the nogil section.
* Added a protocol argument to pyobj_send that defaults to -1 (the highest pickle protocol).
* Added a try/finally in Socket.recv.
* Sun Dec 12 2010 Re-generated with py2pack
* now builds for all RPM-based distros
* Wed Dec 01 2010 Initial version (2.0.10).