Changelog for rubygem-foodcritic-doc-1.7.0-1.29.i586.rpm :

* Fri Mar 08 2013 Update to version 1.7.0- see also Features
* FC038: Invalid resource action rule added (related issue). Thanks AATTjaymzh.
* FC039: Node method cannot be accessed with key rule added.
* FC040: Execute resource used to run git commands rule stolen from Etsy rules (ETSY003) (related issue). Thanks AATTjonlives.
* FC041: Execute resource used to run curl or wget commands rule stolen from Etsy rules (ETSY002) (related issue). Thanks AATTjonlives.
* FC042: Prefer include_recipe rule added (related issue). Thanks AATTpwelch.
* FC043: Prefer new notification syntax rule added (related issue). Thanks AATTjtimberman.
* FC044: Avoid bare attribute keys rule added (related issue). Thanks AATTjtimberman.
* FC045: Consider setting cookbook name in metadata rule added (related issue). Thanks AATTmiketheman.
* Linter #check method no longer requires options to be explicitly passed if you are using the defaults (related issue). Thanks AATTkreynolds.- Bugfixes:
* Bump version of Nokogiri to fix installation failure on Ubuntu 12.10 (related issue). Thanks AATTdracoater.
* Support added for quoted symbols as notification actions (related issue). Thanks AATTohm.
* Add spec/
* and features/
* to default rake task :exclude_paths (related issue). Thanks AATTfnichol.
* Remove unnecessary whitespace from rake task output (related issue). Thanks AATTketan.
* Removed FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes (related issue). Thanks AATTjtimberman.
* FC003: Check whether you are running with chef server before using server- specific features updated to also match unless (related issue). Thanks AATTcap10morgan.
* Decode numeric attributes. This could cause FC005: Avoid repetition of resource declarations to warn incorrectly (related issue). Thanks AATTmasterkorp.
* Recognise attributes correctly within a block. This could cause FC005: Avoid repetition of resource declarations to warn incorrectly (related issue). Thanks AATTmasterkorp.
* FC009: Resource attribute not recognised would warn incorrectly on methods used within a resource block (related issue). Thanks AATTarangamani.
* FC019: Access node attributes in a consistent manner would warn incorrectly when referencing node attributes from a user-created hash. (related issue). Thanks AATTschubert.
* FC033: Missing Template would warn incorrectly when using templates from another cookbook (related issue). Thanks AATTwoohgit.
* Tue Nov 20 2012 Remove ruby-macros from requirements
* Wed Nov 14 2012 Manually built the gem again to fix nokogiry dependency
* Wed Nov 14 2012 Tweaked gem file so it requires now the recent version 1.5.5 of rubygem-nokogiri
* Mon Nov 12 2012 Initial package based on