Changelog for terraform-provider-kubernetes-2.3.2-lp154.1.29.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Jul 29 2021 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to version 2.3.2 BUG FIXES:
* Revert \"Filter well known labels and annotations\" (#1298) IMPROVEMENTS:
* docs/stateful_set: add import section (#1287)- from version 2.3.1 BUG FIXES:
* `cluster_ip` for `kubernetes_service` should support value `None` (#1291)
* Remove `self_link` from metadata (#1294)
* Add missing labels to fix \"`` always in plan\" (#1293)- from version 2.3.0 BUG FIXES:
* Add missing annotations (#1289) IMPROVEMENTS:
* Datasource: `kubernetes_secret`: add `binary_data` attribute (#1285)
* Add validations to `validating_webhook_configuration` (#1279)
* Add validations to `mutating_webhook_configuration` (#1278)
* Add validations to `storage_class` (#1276)
* Add validations to container PodSpec (#1275)
* Add validations to `service` (#1273)
* Update EKS example to use two applies (#1260)
* Resource `kubernetes_deployment`: allow changing strategy from `rolling` to `recreate` (#1255)
* Filter well known labels and annotations (#1253)
* Resource `kubernetes_resource_quota`: suppress diff for no-op changes (#1251)
* Resource `kubernetes_deployment`: allow removing volume mount (#1246)- For changes from 2.0.0 through 2.2.0, see shipped with the package
* Mon Jan 18 2021 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to version 1.13.3:
* FEATURES: + Add support for readiness_gate on Pod spec (#811) + Add Azure Managed disk to PV resource (#202) + Add support for enable_service_links to the pod specification (#975)
* BUG FIXES: + Fix annotation diffs on affinity tests (#993) + Fix api_group requirement in cluster_role_binding and role_binding (#1024) + Fix service test leaking ELBs (#947) + Fix annotation diffs on affinity tests (#993) + Fix job documentation + Fix build on macOS (#1045) and windows/386
* IMPROVEMENTS: + Update Go dependencies (#968) + Update acceptance tests for tfproviderlint (#887) + Refactor Typhoon test configuration to allow selection of Kubernetes version (#992) + Update Pull Request Lifecycle docs (#1032) + CI checks for docs website (registry migration) (#953)
* Wed Nov 11 2020 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Add symbolic link to comply with new filesystem layout for local provider copies- Define and use common Go spec file variables
* Mon Oct 19 2020 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to version 1.13.2:
* BUG FIXES: + Fix spurious forced replacement in empty_dir volume (#985) + Fix reported replica count when waiting for Deployment rollout (#998) + health_check_port_node should force replacement (#986) + Don\'t force replacement StatefulSet / Deployment when affinity rule selectors change (#755)
* IMPROVEMENTS: + Wait for `kubernetes_service` to be deleted + Updates to and from version 1.13.1
* BUG FIXES: + Fix crash when size_limit is not present on empty_dir volume (#983)- from version 1.13.0
* FEATURES: + Add resource `CertificateSigningRequest` (#922) + Add resource `default_service_account` (#876)
* IMPROVEMENTS: + Allow in-place update of PVC\'s storage request (#957) + Add sysctl support to pod spec (#938) + Add ability to wait for deployment to delete (#937) + Add support for `aggregation_rule` to `cluster_role` resource (#911) + Add `health_check_node_port` to Service resource (#908) + Add support for `size_limit` for `empty_dir` block (#912) + Add support for volume mode (#939) + Add projected volumes in pod_spec (#907) + Add termination_message_policy to container schema (#847)
* BUG FIXES: + Recreate Storage Class on VolumeBindingMode update (#757) + Fix url attribute in admissionregistration client_config.service block (#959) + Fix crash when deferencing nil pointer in v1beta1.IngressRule (#967)
* Mon Aug 17 2020 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to version 1.12.0 + Update + Update + Update + docs: Fix spacing so the page renders properly + Update staleness check + Fix crash in resource_kubernetes_pod_security_policy host_ports attribute (#932) + Add wait_for_rollout to kubernetes_stateful_set (#914) + Add wait_for_rollout attribute to kubernetes_deployment (#916) + Cleanup after v1.11.4 release- from version 1.11.4 + Update + r/persistent_volume - add support for CSI (#817) + Add Q3 2020 roadmap (#906) + Add go-version file (#915) + doc: mention Delete reclaim policy + Update memory\'s unit + Set service block to optional for webhook configurations (#902) + Allow ttl_seconds_after_finished = 0 in kubernetes_job resource (#849) + Update target project + document inverse of k8s default behaviour (#814) + Update + Add data source for Pod and PVC (#715) + Update GKE example to remove deprecated (#895) + Skip tests for CSIDriver if cluster version is less than 1.16 + Add CSIDriver resource (#825) + Pod security policies (#861) + Possible typo, missing underscore (#893) + Add Kubernetes Job - `wait_for_completion` functionality (#625) + Support optional flag for ConfigMap mounted as volume (#823) + use a more common example config for provider quickstart (#751) + fix(provider): do not swallow client config errors (#780) + Add volume_binding_mode resource docs (#883) + add configuration for LKE based acceptance test environment (#851) + Support optional on env valueFrom for secret key/configmap key (#824) + Replace all instances of old github org with new one (#880) + Update .hashibot.hcl (#885) + Docs: Change host_alias to host_aliases (#869) + Configure travis for repo migration (#879) + Delete issues.yml (#875) + Update (#867) + Clarify Network Policy documentation (#669) + Add community note (#862) + Adding more detail to the container port documentation (#698) + Fix broken links in kubernetes_cron_job README (#572) + Improve readme and associated documentation (#857) + Update metadata name attribute to required + Update getting-started.html.markdown + Remove namespace from metadata attributes (#858) + Add missing space (#832) + Update cron_job.html.markdown (#852) + Cleanup after v1.11.3 release- from version 1.11.3 + Add an example for GKE + NFS + PVC (#840) + Update + New datasources: kubernetes_namespace & kubernetes_all_namespaces (#701) + Update + Add ingress data source and move to swagger docs for ingress (#845) + Update + Cleanup after v1.11.2 release- from version 1.11.2 + Add release badge and license badge + Add wait_for_load_balancer field to kubernetes_ingress (#830) + Add kubernetes_mutating_webhook_configuration (#829) + Add support for ValidatingWebhookConfiguration (#806) + Fix token name + Add issue pruning features + Update changelog + Changes per code review + Add data_source_kubernetes_service_account docs + Add data_source_kubernetes_service_account tests + preliminary support for service account data source + Include provider version in header + Update issue templates + Add configuration for Typhoon based acceptance test environment (#807) + Add Github Actions for issues+PRs + clarify and simplify the data source tests + Add data source for config map + Go 1.13 introduced version validation with some specific requirements: + Fix ttl_seconds_after_finished acc test + Add metric field to kubernetes_horizontal_pod_autoscaler + Pin AzureRM provider to pre-2.0.0 versions (#778) + Cleanup after v1.11.1 release- from version 1.11.1 + Update + Bump provider SDK to v1.7.0 (#777) + Defer client initialization to improve resilience (#767) + Explicitly skip check if ttlAfterFinished gate is not enabled + Fix static provider config code block (#771) + Cleanup after v1.11.0 release- from version 1.11.0 + Update + add mount_options argument to kubernetes_persistent_volume (#429) + Support for mount_options for StorageClass (#653) + Do not force base64 encoding for the ca_bundle (#735) + Refactor kubernetes client config initialization and fix in-cluster config (#690) + Skip ttlAfter test + Add ttlSecondsAfterFinished to kubernetes_job and kubernetes_cron_job + Allow 3s age gap between serviceaccount and secret (#748) + Add `load_config_file = false` to static configurations (#750) + Add support for startup_probe (#739) + Revendor after plugin-sdk bump + go get -u (#733) + Go v1.13 module compatibility (#732) + Fix broken link in ResourceQuota documentation (#730) + Fix (cluster-)role bindings and rules updates (#714) + Fix GKE test infra attributes for Google provider v3.x.x (#700) + Update description to match other official providers (#699) + Fix namespacing issues on kubernetes_priority_class (#682) + Cleanup after v1.10.0 release- Add missing relative path to %{gobuild} call
* Wed Mar 04 2020 Robert Schweikert - Spec clean up- Create required symlink
* Wed Feb 05 2020 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Initial build + Version 1.10.0