Changelog for terraform-provider-azurerm-3.35.0-lp155.14.14.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Dec 12 2022 Update to version 3.35.0:
* v3.35.0
* updating the changelog
* tooling: fixing the github actions
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster`: Support for `image_cleaner` block (#19368)
* Chown 0755 for scripts/ (#19620)
* v3.35.0
* doc enhancement for `azurerm_site_recovery_replication_policy` (#19547)
* CHANGELOG #19162
* New resource: `azurerm_sentinel_data_connector_microsoft_threat_protection` (#19162)
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_gateway_route_config` - order defaults to -1 to differenciate 0 and not set (#18162)
* GHA - Limit CreateUpdate check to newly added files only (#19601)
* Doc update for azurerm_databricks_access_connector with identity block (#19618)
* pr review: fix nil checks
* Update for #19527
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - support for the `network_plugin_mode` `ebpf_data_plane` properties (#19527)
* Fix doc of `azurerm_machine_learning_computer_cluster` `ssh`
* updating to include #19602
* Update for #19546
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool` - support for the `custom_ca_trust_enabled` property (#19546)
* id fix
* make whitespace
* post mege cleanup
* update golangci.yml
* fix linting
* Update changelog for #19580
* `data.azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_template`: Set custom ID rather than using ID returned from API (#19580)
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20221207.1121859` of ``
* contributor docs - add section on schema design (#19559)
* r/stream_analytics_output_blob: `batch_min_rows` is now an integer
* Update changelog for #19586
* `azurerm_mssql_elasticpool` - Prevent `license_type` from being configured in specific scenarios (#19586)
* dependencies: updating to version `v0.20221202.1180026` of ``
* updating to include #19564
* updating to include #19537
* updating to include #19528
* updating to include #19578
* Update for 19396
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster`: Support for CSI arguments (#19396)
* CHANGELOG #19576
* New resource `azurerm_digital_twins_time_series_database_connection` (#19576)
* CHANGELOG #19334
* New Resource `azurerm_network_manager` (#19334)
* CHANGELOG #19082
* New Resource - `azurerm_vmware_netapp_volume_attachment` (#19082)
* media: fixing the state migration to parse case-insensitively
* Update for #19574
* Bug Fix - `azurerm_virtual_desktop_workspace_application_group_association`- Association should not remove the tags (#19574)
* Update for #19573
* `azurerm_lb_probe` - Support property `probe_threshold` (#19573)
* azurerm_vmware_private_cloud and azurerm_vmware_cluster adding new skus to validation - #19 (#19565)
* `azurerm_vpn_server_configuration` - update `nil` check for `radius` (#19566)
* Fixes duplicated ForceNew statements in document. (#19570)
* Lint
* azurerm_spring_cloud_active_deployment - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* azurerm_spring_cloud_container_deployment - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* azurerm_spring_cloud_java_deployment - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* azurerm_spring_cloud_storage - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* azurerm_spring_cloud_service - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* azurerm_spring_cloud_gateway_route_config - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* azurerm_spring_cloud_gateway_custom_domain - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* azurerm_spring_cloud_gateway - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* azurerm_spring_cloud_configuration_service - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* azurerm_spring_cloud_custom_domain - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* azurerm_spring_cloud_certificate - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* azurerm_spring_cloud_build_deployment - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* azurerm_spring_cloud_builder - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* Update
* `azurerm_firewall_policy` - support for `explicit_proxy` and `auto_learn_private_ranges_mode` properties (#19313)
* azurerm_spring_cloud_api_portal_custom_domain - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* Lint
* azurerm_spring_cloud_api_portal - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* Update
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_gateway_route_config` - support for the `filters`, `predicates` and `sso_validation_enabled` properties (#19493)
* azurerm_spring_cloud_app_
*_association - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* azurerm_spring_cloud_app - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing
* azurerm_api_management // New property `security.tls_rsa_with_aes256_gcm_sha384_ciphers_enabled` (#19472)
* Update
* new resource: `azurerm_spring_cloud_application_live_view` (#19495)
* Update
* `azurerm_key_vault` - fix two kv in different sub issue (#19531)
* Update
* `azurerm_app_service_connection` - fix the secret type issue. (#19519)
* Update
* `azurerm_lb` - Fix adding/removing a frontend configuration forces recreation of loadbalancer issue (#19548)
* CHANGELOG #19553
* `azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine` - support manual schedule `days_of_week` (#19553)
* Fix wrong Azure FrontDoor SP name to `Microsoft.Azure.Cdn` (#19560)
* Correct field name from `auth_config` to `authentication` on documentation example for `azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_active_directory_administrator` (#19555)
* r/media_services_account: fixing the Resource ID segment to match the validation function (#19557)
* Typo in sftp_enabled of `azurerm_storage_account` documentation (#19552)
* Update changelog for #19524
* `azurerm_iothub_x` - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing (#19524)
* Update changelog for #19513
* `azurerm_monitor_smart_detector_alert_rule` - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing (#19513)
* Update changelog for #19512
* `azurerm_frontdoor_rules_engine` - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing (#19512)
* Update changelog for #19525
* `azurerm_kusto_
*` - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing (#19525)
* Update changelog for #19511
* `azure_healthcare_
*` - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing (#19511)
* Update changelog for #19507
* `azurerm_container_registry_webhook` - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing (#19507)
* Update changelog for #19506
* `azurerm_automation_webhook`/`azurerm_automation_source_control` - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing (#19506)
* `dependencies` - update `proximityplacementgroups` to `2022-03-01`
* springcloud: adding a state migration for `buildpackBindings` -> `buildPackBindings` (#19482)
* Changelog for #19499
* Update for #19516
* `azurerm_automation_software_update_configuration` - fix nil tag in tagsSetting causes create error (#19516)
* Fixes inconsistency `Required`, `Optional` and `ForceNew` properties between code and document. (#19514)
* update code
* fix deprecated SetId style
* fix
* fix code
* fix
* skip purge if purge protect enabled
* v3.34.0
* Docs: azurerm_redis_cache - private_static_ip_address requires subnet_id (#19518)
* Update for #19494
* fix issue 19490 (#19494)
* Update changelog #19492
* `azurerm_monitor_autoscale_setting` - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing (#19492)
* Update changelog for #19489
* `azurerm_iot_security_solution` - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing (#19489)
* Update changelog for #19487
* `data.azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_template` and `azurerm_sentinel_automation_rule` - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing (#19487)
* Update changelog for #19486
* `azurerm_sql_active_directory_administrator` - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing (#19486)
* Update changelog for #19485
* `azurerm_synapse_integration_runtime_
*` - a state migration to work around the previously incorrect id casing (#19485)
* Update changelog for #19465
* `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set` Fix crash when upgrading `automatic_os_upgrade_policy` (#19465)
* Update for #19458
* Support Upload creation_type with uploadSizeBytes (#19458)
* `azurerm_stream_analytics_job`: fix `job_storage_account: authentication_mode` unsupported mode issue (#19225)
* updating to include #19484
* Update for #19382
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_gateway_route_config` - support for the `protocol` property (#19382)
* Upgrade managedservices.registrationdefinitions API version from 2019-06-01 to 2022-10-01
* updating to include #19483
* Update changelog for #19477
* `azurerm_synapse_linked_service` adding state migration for id (#19477)
* synapse: refactoring to use `tombuildstuff/kermit` rather than the embedded sdk
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20221129.1175354` of ``
* apimgmt: fixing the usage
* apimgmt: removing/regenerating
* updating to include #19479
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20221129.1151133` of ``
* Update for #19466 and #19447
* add state migrations
* `azurerm_kusto_database` - allows underscores in `name` (#19466)
* azurerm_stream_analytics_output_eventhub: Fix issue when it\'s toggled to Msi (#19447)
* Update for #19468
* `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_azure_file_storage` - only pass `host` and `user_id` when they\'re set (#19468)
* Update for #19464
* Fix crash around checking for existing azurerm_app_configuration_key (#19464)
* `azurerm_site_recovery_replication_policy` - improve existing check (#19391)
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20221128.1190504` of `` (#19462)
* portal: adding a todo
* Update for #19422
* `data.azurerm_api_management` - Support property `tenant_access` (#19422)
* Update a standard logic app with correct stack settings (#19399)
* updating to include #19453
* Update for #19446
* `azurerm_storage_management_policy` - Support `rule.actions.base_blob.{tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation_greater_than|tier_to_archive_after_days_since_creation_greater_than|delete_after_days_since_creation_greater_than}` (#19446)
* Update documentation Guide \"new resource\" (#19413)
* Update for #19428
* azurerm_storage_account - adds support for enabling SFTP (#19428)
* cognitive: removing the old Resource ID since this is no longer used
* apimanagement: removing a duplicate Resource ID with the same key
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20221128.1124937` of ``
* Updating based on eaa2d83b
* updating to include #19445
* Update for #19395
* `streamanalytics` - switch to `hashicorp/go-azure-sdk` (#19395)
* Update for #18568
* Fix currentStack is being reset when other site_config values are changed. (#18568)
* Update for #19425
* `azurerm_monitor_activity_log_alert` - fix action webhook (#19425)
* Update for #19285
* `media`: refactoring to use `hashicorp/go-azure-sdk` (#19285)
* `springcloud` - update sdk to 2022-11-01-preview
* Fix a typo in service_principal_client_certificate.html
* update nginx deployment document (#19434)
* v3.33.0
* updating changelog
* Changelog for #18918
* Updating based on c49f7025
* update for #19418
* `azurerm_storage_account` - Check `blob_properties.0.versioning_enabled` and `is_hns_enabled` (#19418)
* Update for #19298
* `azurerm_storage_account` - fix crash in multichannel checking (#19298)
* Update for #19419
* `azurerm_mysql_flexible_server` - expand max value for the `iops` property (#19419)
* Update changelog for #19386
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_app` - `ingress_settings` (#19386)
* Docs : Fix wrong description of `attachment_status` property for ` Data Source: azurerm_public_ips` (#19400)
* Doc Fix: `azurerm_private_dns_resolver_virtual_network_link` - `dns_forwarding_ruleset_id` (#19415)
* Doc Fix: `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - updating `api_server_authorized_ip_ranges` description (#19403)
* updating to include #19412
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20221122.1115312` of ``
* Update changelog for #19378
* `azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_rule` - allow `cache_duration` to be `null` if `cache_behavior` is set to `HonorOrigin` (#19378)
* `azurerm_sentinel_automation_rule` - improve acctest (#19387)
* Docs: `healthcare_dicom` and `healthcare_fhir_service` (#19392)
* Docs: Fix wrong description of `azurerm_mssql_database_extended_auditing_policy` (#19390)
* Including #19384
* Doc: Fix incorrect import spec for azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_active_directory_administrator
* Add placeholder for custom set function
* Update changelog for #19371
* `azurerm_cognitive_account` - Support property `dynamic_throttling_enabled` (#19371)
* updating to include #19325
* updating to include #19357
* including #19357 fixes #19296
* Update golangci-lint
* Custom runners for slow/intensive workflow jobs
* Disable tflint workflow until is fixed
* Custom runner for golint workflow
* Update & tidy workflows
* Ensure tflint exits on error
* Update changelog for #19352
* `azurerm_servicebus_subscription_rule` - `correlation_filter` with empty attributes no longer crashes (#19352)
* `azurerm_mssql_server_resource`, `azurerm_mssql_server_resource`: fix client name spelling (#19363)
* Fix build error
* Apply suggestions from code review
* updating to include #19362
* gofmt
* tooling: updating to Go 1.19.3
* update changelog for #19269
* `azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server` - support for `authentication`, `azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_active_directory_administrator` - add new resource (#19269)
* update changelog for #19336
* `data.azurerm_databricks_workspace` - support for \"storage_account_identity\" property (#19336)
* updating to include #19303
* updating to include #19340
* refactor: updating `FluidRelay` to use a MetaClient
* updating to include #19344
* update kusto_database_principal_assignment.html.markdown (#19354)
* Tool: generate typed SDK model for a given resource\'s schema
* Update changelog for #19338
* `azurerm_monitor_alert_processing_rule_action_group`, `azurerm_monitor_alert_processing_rule_suppression` - add `monitor_condition` in AtLeastOneOf #19338
* v3.32.0
* doc: Updated list of Premium SKUs (#19350)
* `azurerm_virtual_network_gateway`: fix AccTest for public ip resource with zones (#19305)
* update changelog for #19337
* fix update for instances (#19337)
* serialize tests including `azurerm_security_center_subscription_pricing`
* Update for #19348
* `azurerm_app_service_public_certificate` - add custom poller to ensure `Create` is complete before `Read` (#19348)
* update changelog for #19286
* `azurerm_storage_blob_inventory_policy` - support for deleted blobs in inventory policy via include_deleted property on filters (#19286)
* fix evaluation_frequency to Required in 4.0 (#19342)
* updating to include #19319
* upgrade cognitive service sdk to 2022-10-01
* adding `azurerm_log_analytics_solution` to acctests of `azurerm_iot_security_solution`
* `springcloud` - update sdk to 2022-09-01-preview
* `azurerm_security_center_server_vulnerability_assessment` and `azurerm_security_center_server_vulnerability_assessment_virtual_machine` - adding pricing tier in test config
* fix app gateway WAF_v2 sku need waf configuration from network 2022-05-01 (#19304)
* fix acctet TestAccMariaDbServer_createPointInTimeRestore,TestAccMsSqlDatabase_createPITRMode,TestAccMsSqlDatabase_scaleReplicaSet (#19297)
* [Documentation:] `azurerm_databricks_access_connector` - update private preview to public preview (#19288)
* change to ResourceSequentialTest for serial test cases (#19314)
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20221116.1175352` of ``
* Fix workspace_id resource case problem
* docs(cosmosdb/mongo): shard_key is optional (#19306)
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20221116.1125307` of ``
* possible fix for git error
* `TestAccSecurityCenterWorkspace` - run acctest in sequence.
* `TestAccSecurityCenterSetting` - run acctest in sequence.
* Docs: add possible value list of property for 43 resource (#19271)
* Docs: Fix document possible value missed of 45 resources (#19270)
* `azurerm_security_center_assessment` - adding arguments for acctest
* upgrade plugin-sdk/v2 to v2.24.1
* Highlight the important `skip_service_principal_aad_check` note (#19295)
* Update kubernetes_cluster.html.markdown (#19290)
* CHANGELOG #19164
* `azurerm_eventhub_namespace` - fix `zone_redundant` property for namespace (#19164)
* CHANGELOG #19163
* `azurerm_service_fabric_managed_cluster`: update the definition of `active_directory` to List (#19163)
* `azurerm_mssql_database` - Fix acctest failure for test case`TestAccMsSqlDatabase_elasticPool` (#19083)
* CHANGELOG #19222
* `azurerm_storage_account` - Support for `sas_policy` (#19222)
* CHANGELOG #19227
* `azurerm_synapse_firewall_rule` - ensure the firewall is ready (#19227)
* CHANGELOG #19263
* `azurerm_orchestrated_virtual_machine_scale_set` - fix issue with no image is specified (#19263)
* `azurerm_monitor_aad_diagnostic_setting` - serialize test cases (#19267)
* Updating based on bc2c4b32
* Update changelog for #19249
* add java 17 for windows web app (#19249)
* Update for #19273
* `azurerm_security_center_subscription_pricing`: Upgrade API, add `subplan` argument (#19273)
* Docs: Fix wrong name for forwarding_rule_state of azurerm_private_dns_resolver_forwarding_rule (#19264)
* go mod tidy/vendor
* storage: refactoring to use api version 2022-05-01
* r/data_factory_linked_service_azure_databricks: updating the import
* updating to include #19265
* update explanation
* upgrade containerservice sdk to 2022-09-02-preview
* adding ISE deprecated
* `Maintenance` - fix failed tests (#19247)
* Simplify sample for `azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_role_assignment` (#19251)
* Fixed the failing test.
* Update
* `azurerm_federated_identity_credential`: fix docs (#19254)
* pass CI
* Tool: generate schema snapshot for state migration
* `azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server` - remove `Standard_E96ds_v5` and `Standard_E104ids_v5` since they\'re not ready (#19246)
* Added support for auto_rotation of SQL MI CMK key rotation.
* Added new resource `azurerm_mssql_managed_instance_transparent_data_encryption` for managing TDE in SQL managed instance. Added `customer_managed_key` in `azurerm_mssql_managed_instance` data source. Added support for UserAssigned identities into `azurerm_mssql_managed_instance` resource and data source.
* Tue Nov 15 2022 Jan Kohoutek - Update of the .spec file:
* import_path changed to reflect actual tree
* install changed to have links targeted to the versioned binaries, not twisted otherwise
* Mon Nov 14 2022 Update to version 3.31.0:
* v3.31.0
* azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server - support new SKUs for Postgresql Flexible Server (#19245)
* fix cors flatten for windows/ linux web/ function app (#19141)
* Update broken link for keda in kubernetes_cluster.html.markdown (#19243)
* CHANGELOG #19232
* azurerm_linux_web_app , azurerm_windows_web_app, azurerm_linux_function_app, azurerm_windows_function_app - Add support for .NET 7 in app service resources (#19232)
* `azurerm_backup_container_storage_account` - fix a potential panic (#19229)
* `azurerm_logic_app_standard` - fix the UserAssigned Identity (#19228)
* docs `azurerm_scheduled_query_rules_alert` - add location required property (#19224)
* add `azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule` example (#19223)
* CHANGELOG #19206
* `azurerm_public_ip` - support for the `ddos_protection_mode` and `ddos_protection_plan_id` properties (#19206)
* CHANGELOG #19199
* New resource: `azurerm_federated_identity_credential` (#19199)
* CHANGELOG #19184
* `azurerm_disk_encryption_set` - add `federated_client_id` property (#19184)
* `vm/vmss` - move validation between `source_image_id` and `source_image_reference` to schema (#19230)
* Fix comments of community and shared gallery id (#19233)
* Fixed typo in obsolete warning message for azurerm_container_group (#19239)
* Remove note about NAT gateway outbound type being public preview
* Changelog for #17245
* goimports
* updating to include #19178
* including #19178 fixes #19103
* Rename feature flag
* Doc: Fix the incorrect import spec for automation source control (#19211)
* Doc: fix incorrect casing of iot central app related resources (#19210)
* Doc: fix incorrect casing of dns zone related resources
* `azurerm_public_ip_prefix`: skip `TestAccPublicIpPrefix_prefixLength24` (#19060)
* updating to include #19180
* adding #19180 fixes #19097
* [Documentation] `azurerm_frontdoor` - add migration tool link to deprecation notice block (#19201)
* updating to include #19175
* adding #19175 fixes #19174
* `azurerm_private_dns_resolver_dns_forwarding_ruleset` Fix wrong property/field name in Docs. (#19198)
* Auto PR: Regenerating based on (395c63528b405c4f407d836b95907096d9f129e9) (#19197)
* `azurerm_servicebus_queue`: adding wait function for property update. (#19092)
* `azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_nrt` - Add support for `techniques` (#19142)
* Update private_dns_resolver_inbound_endpoint.html.markdown (#19167)
* Update private_dns_resolver_forwarding_rule.html.markdown (#19181)
* updating to include #19193
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20221108.1145701` of ``
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_account` - Support `EnableMongo16MBDocumentSupport` capability (#19187)
* update more possible vaules for property data_location (#19186)
* corrected resource name for azurerm_attestation_provider
* go mod tidy/vendor
* r/managed_disk: support for Expand Without Downtime
* Updating based on 39b6fcde
* updating to include #19161
* Update for #19150
* added new resource azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_eventhub_v2 (#19150)
* fmt
* Update sentinel API to 2022-10-01-preview
* `azurerm_disk_encryption_set` - update the doc of `identity` (#19159)
* CHANGELOG #19093
* `azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_fusion` - support for `source`block (#19093)
* CHANGELOG #19123
* `azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine` - support `sql_instance_setting` (#19123)
* `azurerm_security_center_setting` - `setting_name` supports `WDATP_EXCLUDE_LINUX_PUBLIC_PREVIEW` and `SENTINEL` (#19126)
* CHANGELOG #19142
* `azurerm_container_registry_token_password` - Make `password{1|2}.0.expiry` to be `ForceNew` (#19140)
* CHANGELOG #19124
* Upgrade network API version from `2021-08-01` to `2022-05-01` (#19124)
* v3.30.0
* Update
* CHANGELOG #19095
* [Bug:] `azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_firewall_policy` - expose `AnomalyScoring` in `override` `rule` `action` for DRS 2.0 (#19095)
* CHANGELOG #19120
* `azurerm_stream_analytics_job`: add support for `job_storage_account` (#19120)
* CHANGELOG #19115
* `azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine` - support `system_db_on_data_disk_enabled` (#19115)
* `azurerm_application_gate_way` - fix `url_path_map` constraint (#19101)
* CHANGELOG #19114
* `azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting` - support `partner_solution_id` (#19114)
* Auto PR: Regenerating based on (50636834399e4bf1bd110bc8fabdf40834134c0c) (#19133)
* docs: `azurerm_key_vault_` add features toggle notes (#19117)
* updating to include #19111
* Update for #18999
* Trying to fix Issue #18971 (#18999)
* remove useless tag
* CHANGEOG #18605
* Allow Virtual Machine Scale Sets to have both Rolling upgrade mode and Automatic OS Upgrade (#18605)
* new resource: azurerm_mssql_managed_instance_security_alert_policy (#18985)
* CHANGELOG #19091
* `azurerm_
*_virtual_machine_scale_set` - support for `StandardSSD_ZRS` `PremiumV2_LRS` `Premium_ZRS` storage account type (#19091)
* CHANGELOG #19098
* `azurerm_virtual_machine_extension` `azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set_extension` `azurerm_
*_virtual_machine_scale_set` - support `protected_settings_from_key_vault` (#19098)
* `azurerm_windows_function_app_slot`, `azurerm_linux_function_app_slot`: fix runtime scale not being set (#18532)
* CHANGELOG #18988
* `azurerm_api_management` - fix `subnet_id` case sensitivity (#18988)
* CHANGELOG #19028
* new resource: `azurerm_private_dns_resolver_forwarding_rule` (#19028)
* CHANGELOG #19081
* azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_database: remove the resource from state file when this resource is deleted from outside (#19081)
* CHANGELOG #19084
* azurerm_mssql_database - fix persistent diff, `license_type` no longer returned by API (#19084)
* TestCase: Fix TestAccAzureRMServiceFabricCluster_manualClusterCodeVersion (#19090)
* New Resource: `azurerm_kubernetes_fleet_manager` (#19111)
* updating to include #19108
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20221102.1171058` of ``
* updating to include #19107
* dependencies: updating to `v0.47.0` of ``
* updating to include #19105
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20221101.1170513` of ``
* containers: spiking out the generated logic by hand
* containers: renaming the new Containers Client
* Docs: data.azurerm_management_group requires name or display_name in example (#19089)
* `VirtualMachineScaleSetTerminationNotificationSchema` - add feature flag for `ConflictsWith` (#19049)
* Update for #18892
* webpubsub: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk (#18892)
* Update for #19070
* dependencies: upgrade IoTHub devices to 2022-04-30-preview (#19070)
* `azurerm_container_connected_registry` - fix failed testcases (#18958)
* CHANGELOG #19073
* `azurerm_function_app_host_keys` - support for `webpubsub_extension_key` (#19073)
* Update
* CHANGELOG #19029
* new resource: `azurerm_private_dns_resolver_virtual_network_link` (#19029)
* CHANGELOG #19030
* `azurerm_eventhub_namespace_disaster_recovery_config`: fixing breaking pair logic (#19030)
* CHANGELOG #19026
* `azurerm_application_gateway` - data source - add backend_address_pool attribute (#19026)
* CHANGELOG #19071
* `virtual_network_gateway_connection` - set `authorization_key` from state (#19071)
* CHANGELOG #18609
* `azurerm_mssql_server_microsoft_support_auditing_policy` - New resource (#18609)
* `azurerm_vpn_gateway_connection`: fix `TestAccVpnGatewayConnection_customRouteTable` routing table (#18887)
* `azurerm_network_connection_monitor` &`azurerm_network_watcher`: `TestAccNetworkWatcher` set delete os disk of virtual machine (#18899)
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - Fix `http_proxy_config` AccTests (#19077)
* `azurerm_mariadb_server` and `azurerm_mysql_flexible_server` - Fix acc test failures for `TestAccMariaDbServer_createPointInTimeRestore` and `TestAccMySqlFlexibleServer_updateMaintenanceWindow` (#19064)
* `azurerm_app_configuration_feature` - add feature name validation (#19063)
* Fix acctest `
*VirtualMachine_orchestratedWithPlatformFaultDomain` (#19074)
* fix permissions on Pull Request Triage
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - Fix tests (#19058)
* Update for #19057
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - Make sure `auto_scaler_profile.expander` is not empty (#19057)
* updating to include #19038
* Fix incorrect import directives in document (#19059)
* Update changelog for #18338
* `azurerm_policy_set_definition`/`azurerm_policy_definition` - Reverse the order of policies lookup to favour builtin (#18338)
* Use Page Blob in tests of Gallery Application Version (#19050)
* doc: Fix setting name for remote_debugging_enabled (#19052)
* Update after v3.29.1 release
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - nil check `publicNetworkAccess` (#19048)
* Fix min value (#19035)
* provider: updating usages of `zones.Expand` -> `zones.ExpandUntyped` and `zones.Flatten` -> `zones.FlattenUntyped`
* dependencies: updating to v0.46.0 of `hashicorp/go-azure-helpers` / `v0.20221028.1081410` of `hashicorp/go-azure-sdk`
* Update for #19032
* `azurerm_app_configuration_keys` - fix nil pointer error of `label` (#19032)
* Fix link to goto top level resource (#19031)
* Update for #18667
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - support for the `web_app_routing` property (#18667)
* Updating based on bcd335b9
* v3.29.0
* CHANGELOG #18525
* `azurerm_disk_encryption_set` - `identity` support for `UserAssigned` and `SystemUserAssgined` identity (#18525)
* Update changelog for #19007
* `azurerm_synapse_workspace`: enable user assigned managed identity (#19007)
* CHANGELOG #17825
* new resources: azurerm_datadog_monitor_tag_rule azurerm_datadog_monitor_sso_configuration (#17825)
* `azurerm_mssql_database` - read maintenance configuration only if database is not in elastic pool (#18321)
* `azurerm_mysql_flexible_server ` - Fix AccTest failure for resource azurerm_mysql_flexible_server (#18937)
* `azurerm_monitor_log_profile` - fix test config dependency resource (#19011)
* CHANGELOG #19012
* new resource: `azurerm_private_dns_resolver_dns_forwarding_ruleset` (#19012)
* CHANGELOG #19014
* `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set` `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set` - rename `gallery_applications` (#19014)
* Update
* CHANGELOG #18789
* New resources: `azurerm_iothub_device_update_account` `azurerm_iothub_device_update_instance` (#18789)
* CHANGELOG #18966
* `azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule` - correctly support streams (#18966)
* updated to include #18906
* including #18906 fixes #18889 and #19008
* CHANGELOG #19020
* `appconfiguration/sdk`: Fix pagination logic (#19020)
* fix: markdownlint documentation (#18972)
* stop using (#19021)
* Update for #18967
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster`: Add support for KEDA Autoscaler (#18967)
* Update for #18986
* new resource: `azurerm_private_dns_resolver_outbound_endpoint` (#18986)
* Update for #19009
* `azurerm_data_factory_dataset_parquet` - mark `path` as optional (#19009)
* `azurerm_automation_webhook`: remove a AccTest case with uri property (#18992)
* Update for #18994
* `dependency` - update `compute` to `2022-08-01` (#18994)
* CHANGELOG #18523
* `azurerm_mssql_server_transparent_data_encryption` - Support for autorotation of KV keys (#18523)
* `azurerm_service_fabric_managed_cluster` - fix a bug in `custom_fabric_setting` (#18987)
* `azurerm_virtual_network_gateway_connection` - fix the panic caused by bgp peering address (#18989)
* CHANGELOG #18983
* new resource: `azurerm_private_dns_resolver_inbound_endpoint` (#18983)
* CHANGELOG #18957
* `azurerm_snapshot` - switch to go-azure-sdk (#18957)
* CHANGELOG #18996
* `azurerm_netapp_volume`: set snapshot Id when `create_from_snapshot_resource_id` is specified (#18996)
* Update for #17166
* Add api_management_gateway_hostname_configuration (#17166)
* `azurerm_managed_disk` - add log and remove feature flag in state migration (#18993)
* AcceptanceTesting: extend TC config to allow tests to be run in DevTest subscription (#18997)
* Update for #18991
* azurerm_managed_disk: allow to set logical_sector_size, disk_iops_read_write, disk_mbps_read_write, disk_iops_read_only and disk_mbps_read_only when storage_account_type is PremiumV2_LRS (#18991)
* `azurerm_managed_disk` - remove old parse/validate (#18990)
* Update for #18959
* `azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_eventhub` - Mark `shared_access_policy_key` and `shared_access_policy_name` as optional (#18959)
* [Documentation]: Rebrand the old FrontDoor resources as `classic` and the new CDN FrontDoor resources as `standard/premium` (#18961)
* `document` - Fix `source_resource_id` description in `azurerm_managed_disk` (#18984)
* CHANGEOG #18978
* `customproviders` - switch to `hashicorp/go-azure-sdk` (#18978)
* `azurerm_postgresql_server`: allow to set `public_network_access_enabled` when the PITR is enabled (#18962)
* Support for more OS SKUs (Windows2019/Windows2022/CBLMariner/Marine) AKS NodePool SKU (#18976)
* Update for #18960
* `azurerm_monitor_scheduled_query_rules_alert_v2` - add `evaluation_frequency`, `window_duration`, `mute_actions_after_alert_duration`, and `query_time_range_override`validation and doc (#18960)
* Update for #18968
* Dependencies: update to go-azure-helpers v0.45.0 (#18968)
* fix: optional sticky_settings block (#18964)
* `azurerm_site_recovery_replicated_vm` - update disks sdk (#18963)
* Updating based on c59fdb46
* Update for #18705
* `azurerm_kubernetes_
*` - Upgrade to go-azure-sdk (#18705)
* `azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine` - fix `manual_schedule` descriptions (#18955)
* CHANGELOG #18923
* `azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine` - add support for `assessment` (#18923)
* Auto PR: Regenerating based on (0ad85b60ecad383c413f74dd1a763c051f364c20) (#18953)
* CHANGELOG #18762
* New Resource: `azurerm_nginx_certificate` (#18762)
* CHANGELOG #18729
* `azurerm_servicebus_namespace_disaster_recovery_config`: support alias_authorization_rule_id (#18729)
* Deprecate Resource: azurerm_cosmosdb_notebook_workspace (#18529)
* CHANGELOG #18761
* New Resource: `azurerm_nginx_configuration` (#18761)
* refactor: removing utils/compare (#18952)
* refactor: removing the `resourceid` package (#18950)
* refactor: removing usages of the legacy `azure` schema types (#18951)
* CHANGELOG #17449
* `azurerm_hdinsight_kafka_cluster`, `azurerm_hdinsight_spark_cluster`, `azurerm_hdinsight_interactive_query_cluster`, `azurerm_hdinsight_hbase_cluster`, `azurerm_hdinsight_hadoop_cluster` - add support for `compute_isolation_properties` property (#17449)
* `azurerm_express_route_circuit`: fix AccTest of `azurerm_express_route_port` (#18910)
* VHANGELOG #18805
* `azurerm_postgresql_server` - Fixed issue with creating Postgres server in `Replica` mode (#18805)
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20221024.1162143` of `` (#18949)
* CHANGELOG #18853
* `azurem_logic_app_standard` - support for the scm related site config (#18853)
* CHANGELOG #18905
* `azurerm_disk_pool` `azurerm_disk_pool_iscsi_target` `azurerm_disk_pool_iscsi_target_lun` `azurerm_disk_pool_managed_disk_attachment` - Remove registration for `Microsoft.StoragePool` and add deprecation message for affected resources (#18905)
* CHAGELOG #18934
* `azurerm_logic_app_action_http` - support for the `queries` property (#18934)
* `azurem_private_link_service` - update `visibility_subscription_ids` validation to allow any alias (#18946)
* CHANGELOG #18689
* windows_function_app & linux_function_app - Add support for Java 17 (#18689)
* Update
* `azurerm_key_vault_certificate` - allow new versions of key vault certs to be imported (#18848)
* Auto PR: Regenerating based on (44b7f96869ed6479f6db6eea114cf4e80bc38901) (#18943)
* Update azurerm_private_endpoint resource documentation (#18944)
* updating to include #18928
* Updating based on 1c9d7d40
* Update for #18850
* `azurerm_synapse_workspace` - remove sql password requirement for synapse (#18850)
* `azurerm_monitor_autoscale_setting` - add email string validation (#18931)
* Docs: Use correct Resource Name in FrontDoor Route sample (#18932)
* Update for #18760
* `azurerm_[linux|windows]_function_app` and `azurerm_[linux|windows]_function_app_slot` add storage_account (#18760)
* `azurerm_point_to_site_vpn_gateway`: fix AccTest use default table id of virtual hub (#18912)
* `azurerm_public_ip`: fix AccTest `domain_name_label` has to be lowercase (#18929)
* disks: refactoring to use `go-azure-sdk` instead of an embedded Resource Manager SDK
* disks: refactoring/vendoring the sdk from `go-azure-sdk`
* authorization: adding TODOs for Role Assignment
* resource: implementing resourceids.Id
* billing: implementing resourceids.Id
* desktopvirtualization: implementing resourceids.Id
* internal/identity: removing this package since it\'s no longer used (#18926)
* Fix typo on docs (#18924)
* keyvault: implementing resourceids.Id
* monitor: implementing resourceids.Id
* policy: implementing resourceids.Id
* portal: implementing resourceids.Id
* network: generating the ID for ApplicationGatewayPrivateLinkConfiguration
* securitycenter: implementing the resourceids.Id interface
* storage: implementing the resourceids.Id interface
* synapse: implementing the resourceids.Id interface
* web: ensuring that certificate_binding implements the resourceids.Id interface
* CHANGELOG #18473
* new resource: `azurerm_private_dns_resolver ` (#18473)
* azurerm_automation_runbook - support python2 python3 values into validation (#18921)
* Upgrade Automation/Runbook API version from `2020-01-13-preview` to `2019-06-01` (#18213)
* CHANGELOG #17785
* Updated API version of `container_group` from `2021-03-01` to `2021-10-01` (#17785)
* fix: remote debugging argument is not expected here (#18916)
* restore bandwidth 10 gbps (#18909)
* Update for #18898
* Update for #18903
* Data source: `azurerm_storage_management_policy` add supports for the `tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_tier_change_greater_than` (#18898)
* add halting on Azure Disk Pools preview\'s warning (#18900)
* [New Data Source:] `azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_firewall_policy` (#18903)
* v3.28.0
* Update
* Fix for accurate granularities on doc (#18890)
* CHANGELOG #17810
* azurerm_cosmosdb_account - primary_sql_connection_string, secondary_sql_connection_string, primary_readonly_sql_connection_string, secondary_readonly_sql_connection_string (#17810)
* `azurerm_managed_disk` - add state upgrader from V0 to V1 to fix ID issue (#18885)
* Update for #18684
* windows_function_app & linx_function_app - Add VS2022 to remote_debugging_version (#18684)
* `azurerm_app_configuration` - fix error msg and complement docs (#18863)
* Update for #18871
* `azurerm_recovery_services_vault` - fix a bug in update which caused soft_delete_enabled prop lost (#18871)
* `iothub` - Update test location to fit Device Update resource (#18884)
* aadb2c: refactoring to use the MetaClient within go-azure-sdk
* `azurerm_security_center_contact` - remove an abandon source to fix test (#18882)
* Update for #18876
* Data Source: `azurerm_linux_function_app` - fix missing error on data source not found (#18876)
* Update for #18872
* Modified `azurerm_storage_account` to allow setting CMK for Premium-tier services. (#18872)
* Update for #18859 #18862 #18858 #18857
* New resource: `azurerm_sentinel_data_connector_iot` (#18862)
* Update for #18874
* added RequestBodyJsonArgNames (#18874)
* New resource: `azurerm_sentinel_data_connector_dynamics_365` (#18859)
* New resource: `azurerm_sentinel_data_connector_office_365_project` (#18858)
* New resource: `azurerm_sentinel_data_connector_office_power_bi` (#18857)
* Allow php version 8.1 (#18867)
* Update for #18860
* fix validation of subscription id of target of automation softeware update configuration (#18860)
* fix zones of public ip (#18828)
* Update for #18856
* remove resource_group_name in resource control example (#18861)
* New resource: `azurerm_sentinel_data_connector_office_irm` (#18856)
* Update for #18799
* `azurerm_network_security_{group|rule}` - Setting correct casing `protocol` to state (#18799)
* Update for #18766
* `azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group` - limit dnat rule destination port max number to 1 (#18766)
* [Documentation:] `azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_custom_domain` and `azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_profile` - add better descriptions for some fields which maybe confusing (#18851)
* `azurerm_storage_account` - Refactor the service access based on the kind and sku tier (#17274)
* Update for #18836
* `azurerm_[linux|windows]_function_app` and `azurerm_[linux|windows]_function_app_slot` fix `app_settings` diff when `vnet_route_all_enabled = true` (#18836)
* Update for #18680
* `azurerm_windows_function_app`, `azurerm_linux_function_app`: remove hasChange condition during creation (#18680)
* updating to include #18833
* Update for #18822
* update subnet.html.markdown and subnet_resource.go with \"Microsoft.LabServices/labplans\" (#18822)
* Allow AMD sku for azurerm_mysql_flexible_server (#18816)
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20221018.1075906` of ``
* refactor: updating analysisservices to use a metaclient
* dox fix (#18823)
* Update for #16603
* Added client certificate exclusion paths app service setting (#16603)
* CHANGELOG #18824
* [Bug:] `azurerum_cdn_frontdoor_route` - fixes panic on import due to incorrect casing returned by the API (#18824)
* updating to include #18749
* including #18749 fixes #18747
* Update to include #18817
* including #18817 fixes #18769
* Update changelog for
* `azurerm_eventhub_namespace` - ignore case for `network_rulesets.x.virtual_network_rule.x.subnet_id` (#18818)
* CHANGELOG #18792
* `azurerm_storage_management_policy` - Support for `tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_tier_change_greater_than` (#18792)
* `azurerm_sentinel_data_connector_aws_s3` - fix import (#18806)
* add script to calculate pandora sdk stats (#18782)
* add make resource-count (#18783)
* corrected typo in docs (#18808)
* Docs: Provide format for point in time restore parameter on the databases (#18803)
* Remove \"profile\" from \"azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_custom_domain\" (#18804)
* Docs: Fix incorrect parameter description for data resource `azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_role_definition` (#18797)
* `azurerm_container_group` - Fix `volume` block error message (#18798)
* Update for #18765
* `azurerm_fluid_relay_server` - add `primary_key` and `secondary_key` properties (#18765)
* fix TestAccAppConfigurationDataSource_basic (#18794)
* Docs: fix `azurerm_nginx_deployment` import id (#18790)
* Docs: fix automation software update configuration `timezone` typo (#18791)
* CHANGELOG #18774
* `azurerm_storage_account`: Add support for `immutability_policy` argument (#18774)
* fix: Removed invalid storage_account_type value (#18777)
* fixing #18105 (#18668)
* update go-azure-sdk to v0.20221014.1215546 (#18785)
* Minor edit to Redis Cache documentation (#18775)
* Updating based on 1ad7913b
* updating to include #18759
* Update for #18251
* `azurerm_windows_web_app` - correct parsing of docker configuration from WindowsFxVersion (#18251)
* `storage`: introduce `ResourceManager` meta client
* Update for #18763
* add new attribtue service endpoint (#18763)
* Update for #18709
* New resource: `azurerm_databricks_access_connector` (#18709)
* [Test Case]: Fix acctest for Log Analytics Workspace Data Source (#18758)
* app service: add notes to the usage of virtual network properties (#18738)
* fix plural usage of custom domain in description
* Update resource \"azurerm_stack_hci_cluster\" with latest sdk
* v3.27.0
* Correct description
* Fix typo
* updated to include #18600
* including #18600 fixes #18598 #18613 and #18656
* CHANGELOG #17714
* `azurerm_app_configuration` - support for the `encrption`, `local_auth_enabled`, `public_network_access_enabled`, `purge_protection_enabled`,and `soft_delete_retention_days` properties (#17714)
* CHANGELOG #18588
* `azurerm_mssql_database` - support for the `import` property. (#18588)
* CHANELGO #18670
* `azurerm_hdinsight_hadoop_cluster`, `azurerm_hdinsight_hbase_cluster`, `azurerm_hdinsight_interactive_query_cluster`, `azurerm_spark_cluster`: add supoort for `script_actions` (#18670)
* CHANELOG #18699
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_connection`,` azurerm_app_service_connection`: fix inaccurate storage blob resource id (#18699)
* `azurerm_logic_app_standard` - fix acctest (#18722)
* Fix broken AccTests - `azurerm_api_management` (#18735)
* `dependencies`: updating to `v0.20221013.1082942` of `` (#18740)
* CHANGELOG #18742
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - add `workload_identity_enabled` property (#18742)
* App Service: Fixes asserts for 2 test failures (#18748)
* Update changelog for #18728
* New DataSource: `data.azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_database` and `data.azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_role_definition` (#18728)
* Update changelog for #18746
* `azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group`- add `Mssql` as an option for `type` validation (#18746)
* `azurerm_app_service_connection`, `azurerm_spring_cloud_connection`: Fix undetected provisioning failures (#18745)
* CHANGELOG #18744
* `azurerm_linux_web_app`, `azurerm_linux_web_app_slot`: add python 3.10 support in linux web app (#18744)
* sticky_settings should use \"Windows Web App\" (#18750)
* `azurerm_hpc_cache` - fix acc test (#18713)
* Auto PR: Regenerating based on (1bac120eaa1eb9cc74d733093a90d65e20fc83ab) (#18737)
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20221013.1033649` of `` (#18730)
* [COMPLIANCE] Update MPL 2.0 LICENSE (#18727)
* r/communication_service: adding a state migration to fix #17532 (#18704)
* CHANGELOG #18708
* New resource: `azurerm_sentinel_data_connector_office_atp` (#18708)
* `azurerm_servicebus_namespace`: add namespace status wait when updating auth rule\" (#18706)
* CHANGE #18696
* `azurerm_data_factory_integration_runtime_azure_ssis` - support Elastic Pool (#18696)
* dns: adding state migrations/removing the case-insensitive workarounds (#18692)
* Use Schema() instead of SchemaEnforceLowerCase() (#18720)
* CHANGELOG #18716
* Bump Hamilton to v0.50.0 and go-azure-helpers to v0.44.0 (#18716)
* CHANGELOG #18317
* New resource: `azurerm_orbital_contact_profile` (#18317)
* CHANGELOG #18491
* `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_servicebus_queue`: add support for `authentication_mode` (#18491)
* `vm/vmss` - fix unexpected set of `source_image_reference` (#18671)
* CHANGELOG #18510
* New Resource: `azurerm_nginx_deployment` (#18510)
* `data\\azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set` - fix `version` in `public_ip_address` (#18674)
* CHANGELOG #17961
* `automation_runbook` - add support of `draft` and `log_activity_trace` properties (#17961)
* Added sku_name to ensure example can be copy-paste (#18710)
* `azurerm_iotcentral_application` - fix default `display_name` (#18586)
* Docs - `azurerm_firewall` and `azurerm_firewall_policy` add `Basic` sku_tire (#18665)
* CHANGELOG #18702
* `azurerm_dedicated_hardware_security_module` - Support the `management_network_profile` property (#18702)
* CHANGELOG #18472
* Enhance - `azurerm_api_management_api` - support `contact`, `license` (#18472)
* `azurerm_app_service_connection`: changing default behavior of `vnet_solution` (#18431)
* updating to include #18700
* `azurerm_iothub_dps_certificate` - Fix `name` validation (#18694)
* fix acc test TestAccAzureRMDnsAAAARecord_RecordsToAlias (#18693)
* fix set identity and clusterid
* Update for #18130
* fix: AKS use currentOrchestratorVersion if orchestratorVersion is missing (#18130)
* update to use disks package instead of compute
* Fix `
*_extensionsAutomaticUpgradeWithServiceFabricExtension` (#18669)
* azurerm_spring_cloud_connection, azurerm_app_service_connection: renaming documentation name (#18672)
* Update changelog for #18660
* `azurerm_logic_app_workflow` - can now be updated when associated with `integration_service_environment_id` (#18660)
* v3.26.0
* updating to include #18654 and #18629
* Update for #16741
* `kubernetes_cluster` `kubernetes_cluster_node_pool` - `message_of_day` `scale_down_mode` `workload_runtime` `load_balancer_profile/managed_outbound_ipv6_count` (#16741)
* Updating based on 04fed301
* Update for #16657
* `kubernetes_cluster` -`pod_cidrs`/`service_cidrs` (#16657)
* GHA: update env var for gh cli in workflow (#18647)
* fix clients_gen.go after accidental removal of import (#18646)
* `azurerm_cdn_frontdoor` - Add CDN FrontDoor example configurations (#16671)
* loadtest: refactoring
* refactor: updating `user_assigned_identity` to be a typed resource
* Warn about using \'service\' as a diagnostic name (#18627)
* msi: adding an auto-registration file
* github actions: adding `contents: read` as required
* updating to include #18630
* dependencies: updating to `v0.43.0` of ``
* updating to include #18628
* automation: support for auto-Service and Client registration
* dependencies: updating to v0.20221004.1155444 of
* Remove warning about OIDC feature flag needing to be registered (#18625)
* updating to include #18601
* `azurerm_managed_disk` `azurerm_snapshot`: Deprecate `enabled` in `encryption_settings` (#15317)
* Handle gone gracefully in read for azurerm_mssql_server_dns_alias (#18619)
* CHANGELOG #18436
* `azurerm_batch_pool` - support node_deallocation_method dynamic_vnet_assignment_scope source_port_ranges (#18436)
* CHANGELOG #18396
* `azurerm_linux/windows_function_app_slot` - Read correct appsettings (#18396)
* CHANGELOG #18589
* New resource `azurerm_iotcentral_application_network_rule_set` (#18589)
* `azurerm_iotcentral_application` - fix `sku` `template` and update method (#18590)
* `azurerm_key_vault_key` - remove `oct` from docs and code (#18608)
* docs: add consumption tier example to apim docs (#18604)
* Fix bug in sample for ACR geo replications (#18602)
* dependencies: updating to v0.42.0 of
* document: removing addition word in `servicebus_namespace_network_rule_set` doc (#18592)
* v3.25.0
* Update
* Fix `TestAccOrchestratedVirtualMachineScaleSet_publicIPSkuName` (#18570)
* Add ForceNew to name of azurerm_iothub_route (#18565)
* Updating to include #18231
* Updating to include #18231 fixes #18063 #18249 #18333 #18370 #18470 #18551
* fix typo
* data source `azurerm_client_config` `azurerm_public_maintenance_configurations` `azurerm_public_ips` - Use static id instead of timestamp (#18526)
* CHANGELOG #18566
* `r/azurerm_healthcare_fhir` - `public_network_access_enabled` added (#18566)
* `azurerm_orchestrated_virtual_machine_scale_set` - set `network_inter… (#18569)
* CHANGELOG #18571
* `azurerm_healthcare_fhir_service` - `oci_artifact` support (#18571)
* CHANGELOG #18539
* `azurerm_automation_software_update_configuration` - fix windows update classification use a comma separate string (#18539)
* CHANGELOG #18508
* Enhance: `azurerm_api_management` - Support `additional_location.gateway_disabled`, `certificate_source`, `certificate_status` (#18508)
* Docs: fix missing word in index file (#18572)
* docs: update default value for `prevent_deletion_if_contains_resources` (#18573)
* CHANGELOG #18406
* `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine` `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine` - support for `gallery_applications` (#18406)
* [hot-fix] `azurerm_log_analytics_linked_storage_account` - add StateUpgraders in schema (#18556)
* TestCase: Fix TC for Log Analytics Data Source Windows Event (#18559)
* CHANGELOG #18564
* `azurerm_iotcentral_application` - support for `identity` and `public_network_access_enabled` (#18564)
* Changelog for #18335
* Update to go-azure-helpers v0.41.0
* `azurerm_eventhub_namespace`: update docs (#18555)
* tooling: bumping to v3 of the checkout github action
* CHANGELOG #18557
* Dependencies: update `go-azure-sdk` to `v0.20220921.1082044` (#18557)
* CHANGELOG #18419
* Data source: `azurerm_key_vault_certificate_data` - fix PEM private key block header for EC keys (#18419)
* Updating documentation based on actual arguments for data_protection_backup_instance_blob_storage (#18451)
* `azurerm_express_route_xxx` - set all bandwith of express route connection 1 gbps (#18442)
* CHANGELOG #18521
* `d/azurerm_databricks_workspace` - Add `location` (#18521)
* Enhacne - `azurerm_api_management_logger` - Recreate if `resource_id` changed (#18527)
* `azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule_association` - fix example config in doc (#18536)
* `azurerm_automation_schedule` - fix computed `interval` property value exists in CustomizeDiff (#18538)
* `azurerm_eventhub_namespace`: remove zone redundant restrictions from premium namespace (#18542)
* CHANGELOG #18116
* `azurerm_log_analytics_linked_storage_account` - fix `data_source_type` case sensitivity (#18116)
* CHANGELOG #17999
* azurerm_storage_account - support for the `multichannel_enabled` property (#17999)
* `azurerm_automation_module` - support update existing global automation module version (#18434)
* `compute` - ensure `azurerm_marketplace_agreement` cleaned up before vm/vmss test (#18522)
* `azurerm_subscription_policy_assignment` - `allowed location policy` in subscription assignment should contain all location in AccTest (#18428)
* CHANGELOG #18469
* Enhance - all machine learning resource - bump API to `v2022-05-01` (#18279)
* `comupte` - fix `health_probe_id` update and network tests (#18392)
* CHANGELOG #18469
* `azurerm_virtual_hub_bgp_connection` - support for `virtual_network_connection_id` property (#18469)
* `azurerm_windows_function_app`, `azurerm_linux_function_app`: add usage tips (#18512)
* `azurerm_linux_function_app_slot`: remove `resource_group_name` property (#18524)
* Correct VM image definition identifier validation (#18421)
* Docs: Fix wrong attributes in azurerm_data_protection_backup_instance_blob_storage (#18457)
* Run \'go mod vendor\'
* Rename \'
*token_path\' to \'
* Add ability to specify path to OIDC token
* docs: Update tense in resource_group note (#18530)
* `compute` - fix tests with `ZRS` storage type (#18520)
* `azurerm_dev_test_lab`: Deprecate `storage_type` (#18461)
* `azurerm_application_gateway` - fix T`estAccApplicationGateway_sslCertificateManualChangeIgnoreChange` (#18492)
* CHANGELOG #18516
* Added support of `customer_managed_key` into `azurerm_cognitive_account` (#18516)
* CHANGELOG #18056
* `azurerm_data_factory_flowlet_data_flow` `azurerm_data_factory_data_flow` - support for the `rejected_linked_service` property (#18056)
* `aurerm_public_ip` - fix AccTest failure of `TestAccPublicIpStatic_ipTags` and `TestAccDataSourcePublicIP_static` (#18384)
* CHANGELOG #18486
* `azurerm_orchestrated_virtual_machine_scale_set` - support for the `user_data_base64` property (#18486)
* Docs: Fix swapped property descriptions for `ramp_up_minimum_hosts_percent ` and `ramp_up_capacity_threshold_percent ` (#18490)
* Fix docs for data.azurerm_automation_account (#18504)
* Docs: Fix possible value of `threat_intel_mode` in `azurerm_firewall` resource (#18511)
* azurerm_mssql_elasticpool: gen5 with 8-10vCPU supports 2048 GB max data size (#18517)
* v3.24.0
* azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy - Add missing match_variable options (#18420)
* CHANGELOG #17671
* `azurerm_managed_disk` - support for `PremiumV2_LRS` (#17671)
* CHANGELOG #18025
* azurerm_private_endpoint - support for the `custom_network_interface_name` property (#18025)
* CHANGELOG #18467
* ID casing fixes (#18467)
* CHANGELOG #17006
* New Resource: `azurerm_monitor_alert_processing_rule_action_group`, `azurerm_monitor_alert_processing_rule_suppression` (#17006)
* CHANGELOG #17902
* New Resource: `azurerm_automation_software_update_configuration` (#17902)
* TestCase: Fix TCs for CosmosDB Account (#18435)
* CHANGELOG #18438
* `azurerm_monitor_metric_alert` - fix ordering of multi `criteria` (#18438)
* `azurerm_linux_function_app_slot`: remove application insight restrictions. (#18477)
* CHANGELOG #18478
* Data Source: `azurerm_automation_account` - support of `identity` property (#18478)
* Add missing identity_ids argument reference to cosmos account docs (#18449)
* `azurerm_virtual_hub` - fix acc test `TestAccVirtualHub_basic` and `TestAccDataSourceAzureRMVirtualHub_basic` (#18404)
* CHANGELOG #18405
* Data Source: `azurerm_storage_account` - support for the `azure_files_identity_based_auth` property (#18405)
* `compute` - remove invalid test `TestAccImage_standaloneImageZoneRedundant` (#18407)
* CHANGELOG #18409
* Enhance - `azurerm_api_management_api_operatio` - support config `example`, `schema_id` and `type_name` (#18409)
* `azurerm_marketplace_agreement` - fix acc tests (#18414)
* `compute` - fix test `TestAccWindowsVirtualMachineScaleSet_imagesFromCapturedVirtualMachineImage` (#18423)
* `azurerm_kusto_cluster` - add new skus to property `sku` by customer request. (#18425)
* `azurerm_xxx_policy_assignment` - fix AccTest for checking list existance (#18427)
* `windows_web_app_resource`, `linux_web_app_slot_resource`, `windows_function_app_slot_resource`, `linux_function_app_resource` - `ip_address` supports IP/CIDR range as input (#18429)
* CHANGELOG #18430
* `azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_scheduled` - support for the `techniques` property (#18430)
* CHANGELOG #18437
* `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine` `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine` - support for `patch_assessment_mode` (#18437)
* `azurerm_subnet_route_table_association` : Fix property `route_table_id` to use `validate.RouteTableID` validation instead of `azure.ValidateResourceID` (#18440)
* CHANGELOG #18441
* `virtual_machine_extension` `virtual_machine_scale_set_extension` - support for `failure_suppression_enabled` (#18441)
* fmt
* updating to include #18446
* `document` - fix default value in Virtual Machine Scale Set (#18432)
* go mod vendor
* dependencies: updating to version `v0.20220916.1125744` of ``
* cleanup: removing a file leftover from local dev
* v3.23.0
* CHANGELOG #18394
* Enhance - `azurerm_api_management_api_schema` support config `components` and `definitions` (#18394)
* `compute` - Fix acc tests (#18398)
* `azurerm_shared_image_resource` - Fix setting default `architecture` (#18400)
* `Consumption` - fix failed tests (#18354)
* CHANGELOG #17731
* `azurerm_logic_app_standard` - expose `virtual_network_subnet_id` for vNet integration (#17731)
* CHANGELOG #18378
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_account` - Add UserAssigned identity support (#18378)
* CHANGELOG #18045
* New Data Source: `private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link` (#18045)
* CHANGELOG #18037
* azurerm_
*_policy_remediation - should use policy_definition_reference_id in favor of policy_definition_id Fix (#18037)
* CHANGELOG #17104
* azurerm_batch_pool\'s support user_assigned_identity_id (#17104)
* User-assigned managed identity support for Logic Apps Standard (#18109)
* Added Resource naming restrictions to docs (#18150)
* `azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server`: limit max storage size for azure flexible server to 16TB (#18166)
* `azurerm_disk_pool_iscsi_target_lun_resource` `azurerm_disk_pool_iscsi_target_resource` `azurerm_disk_pool_managed_disk_attachment_resource` - Extend create and delete timeouts (#18339)
* `azurerm_[linux|windows]_function_app_slot` remove incorrect schema constraint (#18343)
* `azurerm_firewall` - fix AccTest `TestAccFirewall_withZones` (#18359)
* `azurerm_application_insights_analytics_item` - fix failed test case `TestAccApplicationInsightsAnalyticsItem_multiple` (#18379)
* Make location required in `azurerm_network_watcher_flow_log` (#18364)
* `azurerm_automation_webhook` - fix missing `URI` of request body when `uri` provided (#18380)
* `azurerm_consumption_budget_subscription` - fix notification keys (#18385)
* Features: log_analytics_workspace block change default value for permanently_delete_on_destroy flag (#18390)
* invert disk type matching logic to be more explicit
* Docs: Add a note about flow log overwriting existing storage lifecycle management rules (#18369)
* Update changelog for #18348
* `azurerm_netapp_volume`: add extra validation when `data_protection_snapshot_policy.0. snapshot_policy_id` is empty (#18348)
* `azurerm_firewall_nat_rule_collection` - fix AccTest `TestAccFirewallNatRuleCollection_multipleRules` (#18353)
* `azurerm_monitor_private_link_scoped_service` - support `Data Collection endpoint` for the `linked_resource_id` property (#18356)
* `azurerm_application_insights` - fix failed test case `TestAccApplicationInsights_disableGeneratedRule` (#18357)
* `azurerm_application_insights_api_key` - fix failed test case `TestAccApplicationInsightsAPIKey_no_permission` (#18358)
* CHANGELOG #18226
* `azurerm_batch_pool` - support `user_accounts`, `data_disks` and etc properties (#18226)
* `azurerm_management_group` - fix failed tests (#18306)
* CHANGELOG #18314
* `azurerm_eventhub_namespace`: update public_network_access settings (#18314)
* CHANGELOG #18318
* New Datasource: `azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule` (#18318)
* `azurerm_resource_group_template_deployment` - fix nested resources cannot be deleted (#18319)
* CHANGELOG #18320
* `azurerm_automation_account` - support for the `hybrid_service_url` property (#18320)
* `legacy` - Fix tests (#18329)
* Argument Update: argument \"authentication_mode\" (#18336)
* Fix `TestAccLinuxVirtualMachine_diskOSStorageTypePremiumZRS` (#18331)
* `iotcentral` - Fix test locations (#18340)
* Missing Argument - Added missing argument \"database\" from the argument reference in the docs of resource \"azurerm_stream_analytics_output_mssql\" (#18341)
* Typo in the docs: (#18342)
* Event Hub namespace identity attribute description update to include the support for `UserAssigned` type (#18330)
* Fix azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule_association documentation example (#18327)
* Make each geo_location in example usage unique (#18332)
* v3.22.0
* CHANGELOG #17948
* New Resource: `azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule_association` (#17948)
* CHANGELOG #18247
* `azurerm_mssql_database` - add support for maintenance_configuration_name (#18247)
* `azurerm_monitor_action_group` - fix `event_hub_receiver` when dependent event_hub is not in the same resource group (#17335)
* `azurerm_container_registry` - Doc: mention the expected order of `georeplications` (#18004)
* `Resources` - fix failed tests (#18280)
* make terrafmt
* CHANGELOG #15939
* New resource: `azurerm_container_registry_token_password` (#15939)
* CHANGELOG #17927
* New Resource: `azurerm_automation_watcher` (#17927)
* #18259 Added support for Node.js 18 version in linux and windows function apps. (#18283)
* Fix use of versioned source_image_id from gallery (#18292)
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_certificate` - fix testcase (#18207)
* TestCase: Fix TCs for NetApp Volume (#18209)
* TestCase: Fix TCs for CosmosDB Cassandra Table (#18229)
* `azurerm_mssql_managed_instance` - Fix the returned from API has changed (#18278)
* Correct the sample import resource path for azurerm_servicebus_namespace_authorization_rule (#18285)
* CHANGELOG #18291
* azurerm_log_analytics_solution - add state migration for ID case (#18291)
* `azurerm_monitor_autoscale_setting` - fix failed test case (#18295)
* `azurerm_blueprint_assignment` - fix failed tests (#18296)
* Update
* `iothub` - switch `dps` to `go-azure-sdk` (#18299)
* Fix `TestAccManagedDisk_import` (#18303)
* Docs: Update service principal client secret docs to reflect example code (#18308)
* Removing sql_compression_enabled as its not a vaild attribute (#18301)
* azurerm_linux_web_app and azurerm_linux_web_app_slot: Fixing docs (#18290)
* updating to include #18282
* update go-azure-sdk to v0.20220907.1111434 and adjust for fixed plurals
* `azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_scheduled` - support for new values in `tactics` property (#18059)
* Doc Fix: Remove HashiCorp Learn References from Overview Page (#18276)
* Doc Fix: CosmosDB SQL Container (#18262)
* Update changelog for #18264
* `azurerm_synapse_sql_pool` - `name` has correct validation error message (#18264)
* Update for #16437
* `kubernetes_cluster` -`gmsa` (#16437)
* `azurerm_mssql_managed_instance_vulnerability_assessment` - Fix wrong location setting in test cases (#18246)
* CHANGELOG #17846
* `azurerm_hdinsight_kafka_cluster`, `azurerm_hdinsight_spark_cluster`, `azurerm_hdinsight_interactive_query_cluster`, `azurerm_hdinsight_hbase_cluster`, `azurerm_hdinsight_hadoop_cluster` - Add support for `extension` property (#17846)
* CHANGELOG #17876
* New Resource: `azurerm_api_management_api_tag_description` support config API tag description (#17876)
* azurerm_windows_web_app_slot - fix zip_deploy_file on Update (#18002)
* `azurerm_service_plan` - update the limitation of `maximum_elastic_worker_count` (#18156)
* CHANGELOG #17860
* New Resource: `azurerm_spacecraft` (#17860)
* CHANGELOG #18158
* New Resource: `azurerm_api_management_schema` support config global schema (#18158)
* CHANGELOG #18175
* New Resource: `azurerm_automation_source_control` (#18175)
* `azurerm_monitor_action_group` - fix tests and doc of `itsm_receiver` (#18190)
* CHANGELOG #17812
* Deprecate `soap_pass_through` in favour of `api_type` (#17812)
* `azurerm_monitor_aad_diagnostic_setting` - fix failed test (#18192)
* CHANGELOG #18115
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - support for the `edge_zone` property (#18115)
* CHANGELOG #17489
* Update Desktop Virtualization API to 2022-02-10; scheduled_agent_updates supports scheduled_agent_updates (#17489)
* Update changelog for #18230
* `azurerm_mssql_database` - `license_type ` is now also Computed (#18230)
* docs: replace azurerm_mssql_server with azurerm_mssql_failover_group in title (#18233)
* v3.21.1
* azurerm_log_analytics_data_export_rule - add a state migration to work around id casing (#18240)
* CHANGELOG #18240
* CHANGELOG #18239
* Revert \"Update ACR API version to 2022-02-01-preview and add up the new properties\" (#18239)
* v3.21.0
* update to include properties for #17571
* Update
* Update
* CHANGELOG #17893
* New resource: `azurerm_automation_hybrid_runbook_worker` (#17893)
* `azurerm_policy_definition` - expose `role_definition_ids` property if exists (#18043)
* CHANGELOG #18043
* Also allow \"OptionalInteractiveUser\" as client_certificate_mode (#18214)
* docs: mariadb_database: use utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci (#18212)
* WIP `azurerm_active_directory_domain_service` - Update acctest to use existing aad SP (#18216)
* CHANGELOG #18211
* `azurerm_stream_analytics_reference_input_mssql`: add support for `table` property (#18211)
* `azurerm_role_definition` - Increase the continuous count of post delete checks (#18208)
* Updating to include #18010
* adding #18010
* `azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_
*` - Add lock to avoid operation conflict (#18159)
* Fix test `TestAccIotHubDPS_linkedHubs` (#18153)
* CHANGELOG #18042
* `azurerm_batch_pool` - support for the `mount` property (#18042)
* CHANGELOG #17962
* New Resource : `azurerm_api_management_gateway_host_name_configuration` (#17962)
* updated to include #17571
* including #17571
* [Document]`azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool` - Add `host_group_id` information to the document. (#18217)
* Fixed basic batch account example. (#18219)
* `azurerm_monitor_scheduled_query_rules_alert` - Add `query_type` Enums (#18193)
* `azurerm_logz_monitor` - fix failed tests (#18196)
* Fix name check in windows web app (#18201)
* Docs: Supplementary description of possible values of keyvault secret ID (#18191)
* CHANGELOG #17456
* `azurerm_role_assignment` - Support `scope` to be `/providers/Subscription` (#17456)
* CHANGELOG #18154
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_cluster` - support for the `HoursBetweenBackups` property (#18154)
* Policy Mode Docs (#18181)
* remove preview comment for spot node pools and fix identity block in docs (#18180)
* updating to include #18183
* Update changelog for #18098
* `log_analytics` - switch to using hashicorp/go-azure-sdk (#18098)
* update sdk to v0.20220830.1105041, adjust casing fixes in container_group and service_fabric_managed_cluster
* Update for #18124
* feat(AKS): add support for spot node pools upgrades (#18124)
* CHANGELOG #17351
* `azurerm_hdinsight_kafka_cluster`, `azurerm_hdinsight_spark_cluster`, `azurerm_hdinsight_interactive_query_cluster`, `azurerm_hdinsight_hbase_cluster`, `azurerm_hdinsight_hadoop_cluster` - add support for `disk_encryption_properties` property (#17351)
* CHANGELOG Fix typo
* CHANGELOG #17926
* Update ACR API version to 2022-02-01-preview and add up the new properties (#17926)
* v3 Upgrade doc: adding up the change for `customer_managed_key` of `azurerm_storage_account`
* Hotfix - Recover Mistakenly Deleted DCE Client Code (#18174)
* CHANGELOG #17879
* new resource azurerm_api_management_gateway_certificate_authority (#17879)
* CHANGELOG #17881
* New Resource: `azurerm_automation_hybrid_runbook_worker_group` (#17881)
* CHANGELOG #18005
* `azurerm_storage_account` - support for the `public_network_access_enabled` property (#18005)
* Support for static IP configuration in azurerm_private_endpoint #13061 (#17864)
* Permit additional partner_id formats (#17441)
* `azurerm_servicebus_namespace` - Adding support of property `public_network_access_enabled`, `minimum_tls_version` (#17805)
* CHANGELOG #15120
* New resource: `azurerm_container_registry_task_schedule` (#15120)
* Docs: Fix outdated reference link of `timezone` of `azurerm_automation_schedule` (#18160)
* CHANGELOG #18151
* `azurerm_iothub_dps` - support for `data_residency_enabled` property (#18151)
* `azurerm_windows_function_app`, `azurerm_linux_function_app`: fix the `runtime_scale_monitoring_enabled` not being set issue (#18149)
* CHANGELOG #18137
* `azurerm_stream_analytics_reference_input_blob` - support for `authentication_mode` (#18137)
* CHANGELOG #18133
* New Resource: `azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_dedicated_gateway` (#18133)
* CHANGELOG #18120
* `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_cosmosdb` - support for `partition_key` property (#18120)
* CHANGELOG #18117
* `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_powerbi` - support for `token_user_principal_name` and `token_user_display_name` properties (#18117)
* CHANGELOG #18096
* `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_eventhub`, `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_mssql`, `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_servicebus_topic` - support for `authentication_mode` property (#18096)
* CHANGELOG #16367
* New Data Source: `azurerm_monitor_data_collection_endpoint` (#17992)
* `azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting`: adding support for `category_group` (#16367)
* `azurerm_web_pubsub`, `azurerm_web_pubsub_hub` resource: Migrating `id` and `web_pubsub_id` (#17823)
* CHANGELOG #17805
* CHANGELOG #17798
* New Resource: `azurerm_api_management_product_tag` - Support API Management product tag (#17798)
* CHANGELOG #17767
* Enhance - `azurerm_redis_cache` - Recreate Redis cache when downgrade the SKU (#17767)
* CHANGELOG #17744
* new resource: azurerm_search_shared_private_link_service (#17744)
* New Resource: `azurerm_automation_connection_type` (#17538)
* CHANGELOG #17313
* `policy_remediation_xxx_resource` - support for the `resource_count`, `parallel_deployments` and `failure_percentage` properties (#17313)
* CHANGELOG #15999
* New resource: `azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_nrt` (#15999)
* Update to include #16907
* New Resource: `azurerm_spring_cloud_connection` and `azurerm_app_service_connection` (#16907)
* Doc Fix: Cosmos SQL DB Resource name (#18170)
* CHANGELOG #15967
* `Dependency` New Resource - azurerm_healthcare_medtech_service (#15967)
* Revert \"Update feature request template (#18167)\" (#18168)
* Update feature request template (#18167)
* Update changelog for #18161
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_service` - ignore default zero value for `read_timeout_seconds` (#18161)
* update docs for cdn_frontdoor_(firewall/security)_policy (#18163)
* Correct resource name references in documentation (#18091)
* For azurerm_static_site, documentation does not mention identity and principal_id access (#18125)
* Docs: Fix wrong import command and config in `azurerm_monitor_scheduled_query_rules_alert_v2` (#18136)
* fix(docs): PostgreSQL flexible server PointInTimeRestore (#18145)
* Update changelog for #18142
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - `kube_config` is now set when AAD is enabled for a v1.24 cluster (#18142)
* Removed typo space in hyperlink (#18138)
* azurerm_app_configuration: add support for public_network_access (#17549)
* `HDInsight`: Fix autoscale related failing tests (#17795)
* Update for #17840
* New Resource: `azurerm_dashboard_grafana` (#17840)
* Update for #17929
* New Resource: `azurerm_log_analytics_query_pack_query` (#17929)
* v3.20.0
* Update changelog for #18041
* `azurerm_mssql_elastic_pool` - list of values for `maintenance_configuration_name` is now correct (#18041)
* Update changelog for #18131
* `data.azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - `kube_config` is now set when AAD is enabled for a v1.24 cluster (#18131)
* Changelog for #18118
* Add generic OIDC authentication (#18118)
* Update changelog for #18106
* azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server - update point_in_time_restore_time_in_utc to RFC3339 (#18106)
* azurerm_sql_managed_instance_failover_group in docs (#18111)
* update for #18100
* Dependencies: update `go-azure-sdk` to `v0.20220824.1090858` (#18100)
* Update for #18101
* `consumption` - switch to `hashicorp/go-azure-sdk` (#18101)
* added missing tags property
* Update for #18070
* Update for #18074
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool` - nil check first element when expanding upgrade settings (#18074)
* Update changelog for #18061
* `azurerm_data_factory_dataset_json` - `filename` and `path` in `azure_blob_storage_location` block can now be empty (#18061)
* CHANGELOG #17765
* New Resource: `azurerm_backup_policy_vm_workload` (#17765)
* CHANGELOG #17772
* New Resource: `azurerm_monitor_scheduled_query_rules_alert_v2` (#17772)
* Update service_principal_oidc.html.markdown
* Add warning that OIDC auth only works in GitHub Actions
* dependencies: update go-azure-sdk to v0.20220819.1134400 (#18046)
* Update the document about the import id for `azurerm_servicebus_namespace_network_rule_set` (#18055)
* cosmosdb - prevent panic (#18070)
* v3.19.1
* Update for #18048
* parse resource ids insensitively in the read functions (#18048)
* v3.19.0
* CHANGELOG #17114
* `azurerm_cdn_endpoint_custom_domain` - user managed https allows key vault secret (#17114)
* CHANGELOG #16987
* `azurerm_data_factory_data_flow` `azurerm_data_factory_flowlet_data_flow` - `flowlet` (#16987)
* `d/azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set`: Add scale set instances details (#14754)
* CHANGELOG #18035
* App Service: fix content settings and MSI storage access (#18035)
* wait LRO (#17448)
* CHANGELOG #18036
* Add data sources for every type of private DNS record (#18036)
* CHANGELOG #16758
* Enhacne: `azurerm_batch_account ` - storage_account_authentication_mode, storage_account_node_identit, allowed_authentication_modes (#16758)
* `azurerm_private_endpoint` Try to add retry on creation (#16315)
* CHANGELOG #17954
* switch maintenance sdk to use hashicorp/go-azure-sdk (#17954)
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - improve docs for `kubelet_identity` (#18027)
* remove resource_discovery_mode attribute (#17008)
* Update for #18028
* Data Source: `azurerm_windows_web_app` - add missing schema definition for \'virtual_network_subnet_id\' (#18028)
* CHANGELOG #17651
* `azurerm_application_gateway` - support for the `globalConfiguration` property (#17651)
* CHANGELOG #17630
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_app` - `public_endpoint_enabled`; `azurerm_spring_cloud_gateway_route_config`- support for the `open_api`;`azurerm_spring_cloud_service` - `log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled``read_timeout_seconds` properties (#17630)
* Update
* Update CHANGELOG to include #17770
* `azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool_address` - support for the `backend_address_ip_configuration_id` property (#17770)
* Update CHANGELOG to include #17365
* `azurerm_log_analytics_workspace` - support for the `cmk_for_query_forced` property (#17365)
* Update CHANGELOG to include #17137
* `azurerm_key_vault_access_policy` - Data source fix lowercased return values for `(key|secret|certificate)_permissions` for provider v4.0 (#17137)
* CHANGELOG #18014
* `azurerm_windows_function_app` and `azurerm_windows_function_app_slot` fix bug in setting value for \'WindowsFxString\' (#18014)
* Update changelog for #15782
* Update changelog for #17986
* `dns` - switch to `go-azure-sdk` (#17986)
* Update for #17715
* [New Resources:] `azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_firewall_policy` and `azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_security_policy` (#17715)
* Update for #18015
* Dependencies: update `go-azure-helpers` to `v0.39.1` (#18015)
* Fix typo in doc
* update changelog for #17700
* dataprotection - swap to hashicorp/go-azure-sdk (#17700)
* Update CHANGELOG to include #17757
* `azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy` - support for the `excluded_rule_set ` property (#17757)
* Update changelog for #13899
* `azurerm_application_gateway`: Support for `components` in `rewrite_rule_set.rewrite_rule.url` (#13899)
* CHANGELOG #17756
* `azurerm_data_factory_integration_runtime_azure_ssis` - support for the `express_vnet_injection` property (#17756)
* CHANGELOG #17416
* `azurerm_batch_pool` - Added support for `identity_reference` into `container_registries` (#17416)
* CHANGELOG #17853
* `azurerm_active_directory_domain_service` - Support for `kerberos_armoring_enabled` and `kerberos_rc4_encryption_enabled` (#17853)
* CHANGELOG #17635
* new resource: azurerm_eventhub_namespace_schema_group (#17635)
* CHANGELOG #17454
* `azurerm_automation_account` - support for the `encryption` and `local_authentication_enabled` property (#17454)
* fix spring cloud enterprise tier config server failure (#17856)
* CHANGELOG #17768
* `azurerm_shared_image_version` - support for `blob_uri`, `storage_account_id` (#17768)
* Migrating servicebus auth rule ID (#17824)
* CHANGELOG #17842
* `firewall_policy_resource` - support for the `private_ranges` and `allow_sql_redirect` properties (#17842)
* azurerm_postgresql_server - Fix legacy database ids handling (#17871)
* Fix outputs for `azurerm_windows_function_app` and `azurerm_linux_function_app`, both resource and data source (#17361)
* CHANGELOG #17116
* `azurerm_storage_account` support for setting defaultToOAuthAuthentication (#17116)
* Update azurerm_network_interface to correctly reflect what dynamic means in azure context (#15264)
* CHANGELOG #17250
* resource `azurerm_shared_image` - add architecture option. (#17250)
* CHANGELOG #17226
* Allow Delete eviction policy on Azure VMs (#17226)
* CHANGELOG #16208
* `data.azurerm_management_group` - Add new attributes: `management_group_ids`, `all_management_group_ids` and `all_subscription_ids` (#16208)
* `azurerm_key_vault_{key,secret,certificate}`: Resource/DataSource increase read timeout from 5min to 30min (#17782)
* `azurerm_storage_management_policy` - Relieve the rule name validation (#17973)
* CHANGELOG #17934
* `azurerm_automation_account` - support for the `private_endpoint_connection` property (#17934)
* azurerm_key_vault_access_policy - Update KeyVault Access Policy Key Permissions with new parameters (#17895)
* MSSQL size increase to 16384 (#17712)
* azurerm_application_gateway - Mark probe.match.body as not required (#17696)
* CHANGELOG #16595
* `azurerm_mssql_server` - Fix `azurerm_mssql_server` automatically sets `minimum_tls_version` even if not provided issue (#16595)
* update for #17998
* Dependencies: bump `go-azure-sdk` to `v0.20220815.1092453` (#17998)
* Docs: fix diagnostic_categories typo (#17995)
* Updated for #17996
* Dependencies: bump `go-azure-helpers` to `v0.39.0` (#17996)
* Docs: move lb datasource to \'Load Balancer\' subcategory
* remove duplicate yaml section created by merge to main (#17993)
* GHA: add explicit workflow permissions (#17966)
* Updating changelog for #17616
* dedicated hosts: refactoring to use `hashicorp/go-azure-sdk` (#17616)
* gha - allow waiting-response to be added/removed from forked repo prs (#17985)
* CHANGELOG #17477
* Add data sources for every type of public DNS record (#17477)
* `mariadb` - switch to `go-azure-sdk` (#17939)
* swap to go-azure-sdk (#17984)
* Revert \"Update naming validation to allow length to be 1 - 128 (#17965)\" (#17977)
* Fix grammar for `waf_configuration.enabled` (#17978)
* Add example for Private Link Scope (#17873)
* CHANGELOG ##17552
* azurerm_key_vault : Support public_network_access_enabled proptery for resource azurerm_key_vault (#17552)
* bugfix: azurerm_application_gateway: unable to create private DNS record out of frontend_ip_configuration[
*].private_ip_address (#17632)
* CHANGELOG #17766
* `d\\images`: Use fixed id (#17766)
* CHANGELOG #17790
* mssql_elastic_pool - add support for maintenance_configuration_name (#17790)
* fix KeyVault test: `TestAccKeyVault_softDeleteRecoveryDisabled` (#17878)
* CHANGELOG #17904
* `data_protection_backup_policy_postgresql_resource`: fix provider crash if given an empty criteria block (#17904)
* `r\\virtual_machine_extension` `r\\virtual_machine_scale_set_extension`: Fix validation of `name` (#17941)
* internal/services/cognitive: add kind = \"OpenAI\" (#17959)
* `service_fabric_mananged_cluster_resource`: fix authentication block (#17960)
* Fix Import As Exists Error Message of`azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting` (#17963)
* CHANGELOG #17964
* azurerm_disk_encryption_set: fix creation issue when disk encryption set and key vault in different subscriptions (#17964)
* `cdn` `iotcentral` `network` - `documents example improvement` (#17447)
* clarify how to associate an App Service Environment v3 with a Service Plan (#17694)
* feat: update the Linux /window function app at v3 provider for doc and testcase (#16609)
* Add azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association to associate we… (#17917)
* v3.18.0
* azurerm_cognitive_account - update docs wrt bing search types (#17958)
* Update naming validation to allow length to be 1 - 128 (#17965)
* updating to include #17905
* depednencies: updating to `v0.20220809.1122626` of ``
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20220805.1100614` of ``
* updating to include #17523
* Update document for property `engine` in `azurerm_kusto_cluster` (#17695)
* gha - fix waiting-response label (#17952)
* Update for #16299
* DataSource: `azurerm_blueprint_definition` - Fix `version` property output (#16299)
* make terrafmt (#17947)
* remove make tools from some actions (#17946)
* CHANGELOG #17101
* `azurerm_servicebus_subscription`: support client affine property, `azurerm_servicebus_subscription_rule`: add property `sql_filter_compatibility_level` (#17101)
* CHANGELOG #17338
* [azurerm_express_route_circuit_peering]- enhance - support for ipv4_enabled gateway_manager_etag (#17338)
* Update internal/services/storage/storage_table_entity_resource_test.go
* Update internal/services/storage/storage_table_entity_resource_test.go
* azure_storage_table_entity: support propoerty data types
* CHANGELOG #15783
* `r\\site_recovery_replicated_vm`: Add support for `target_disk_encryption` (#15783)
* Update
* CHANGELOG #17684
* New Resouce: `azurerm_monitor_data_collection_endpoint` (#17684)
* update changelog for #17880
* backup_policy_vm_resource: fix validation issue when frequency is set to Hourly (#17880)
* add note for spring cloud enterprise sku (#17920)
* Fix function app examples (#17908)
* Update doc and deprecated warning in `azurerm_security_center_server_vulnerability_assessment` with correct resource name (#17874)
* fix doc of schduled query rule alert: import command case sensitivity
* Update for #17464
* `azurerm_subnet` - deprecate old enforce fields in favour of the new enable fields (#17464)
* #17425 — use dot operator for `principal_id`. (#17923)
* gha -add check for Get in Delete func for typed resources (#17882)
* updated markdown for postresql_server
* reverted to use SSL 1.2
* fix: typo in Azure Orbital service delegation name (#17896)
* Corrected role assignment example usage (#17894)
* typos, note regarding lack of MSI support in vnet (#17888)
* fix doc of schduled query rule: add `tags` (#17901)
* build: using Go 1.18.5
* v3.17.0
* `d\\shared_image_version`: Fix paging (#17822)
* CHANGELOG #17887
* `azurerm_api_management` - update `sku_name` validation to accept new Premium SKUs (#17887)
* CHANGELOG #17194
* updated TLS
* updated markdown for PostgreSQL
* changed setting to optional
* Update to include #17194
* `azurerm_eventhub_namespace`: support latest released properties:`local_authentication_enabled`,`public_network_access_enabled`,`minimum_tls_version` (#17194)
* gha - fix and improvements to waiting-response (#17870)
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - fix failed tests (#17861)
* fix doc of data collection rule (#17857)
* updating to include #17854
* Network: Add support for orbitalGateway
* add github token to wating-response labeler (#17849)
* Updating Eventhub as the log analytics destination (#17668)
* `r\\mssql_virtual_machine`: add state refresh for `auto_patching` (#17203)
* azurerm_subnet - support new service for delegation (#17796)
* CHANGELOG #17737
* Upgrade API for domain service: 2020-01-01 -> 2021-05-01 (#17737)
* Update for #17577
* change sku tier to not force new (#17577)
* gha - check for d.Get in delete and new CreateUpdates (#17830)
* Update for #17547
* Validate shared image identifier attributes (#17547)
* Fix test case for `azurerm_signalr_service` (#17835)
* `azurerm_app_service_virtual_network_swift_connection` - updated documentation for associating to vNets (#17734)
* Update for #17780
* azurerm_log_analytics_cluster - update the validation for size_gb (#17780)
* Update for #17836
* Make `instances` optional since the API doesn\'t require this parameter. (#17836)
* Update kubernetes_cluster_node_pool.html.markdown (#17793)
* Docs: point `timeouts`, `operation-timeouts` and `lifecycle` links to their new place (#17819)
* Update postgresql_flexible_server.html.markdown (#17826)
* updating to include #17776
* updating to include #17729
* `d\\virtual_machine_extension`: Fix `settings` to be Optional in doc
* `azurerm_log_analytics_cluster` - enable Minimum of 500GB (#17794)
* Fix docs typo and invalid target fqdn in azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group (#17807)
* v3.16.0
* Update
* CHANGELOG #17106
* `r\\iothub_dps_certificate`: support `is_verified` (#17106)
* Update
* new resource `azurerm_kusto_cluster_managed_private_endpoint` (#17667)
* CHANGELOG #17347
* update automation account to use go-azure-sdk (#17347)
* `HDInsight`: Adding support for `httpsEndpoints` and `installScriptAction` in hadoop edge node (#17655)
* CHANGELOG #16187
* New Resourece: azurerm_signalr_shared_private_link_resource (#16187)
* fixing dotnet core version issue for resource `azurerm_windows_web_app` (#17285)
* CHANGELOG #17557
* New Resource: azurerm_logz_sub_account_tag_rule (#17557)
* `d\\managed_disk`: Add support for `encryption_settings` (#15774)
* CHANGELOG #17683
* `azurerm_cognitive_account` - `custom_question_answering_search_service_key` (#17683)
* CHANGELOG #17423
* azurerm_bot_service_azure_bot - support streaming_endpoint_enabled (#17423)
* CHANGELOG #17739
* `azure_stream_analytics_stream_input_eventhub`: Add support for `authentication_mode` (#17739)
* Update changelog for #16131
* New Resource: `azurerm_datadog_monitor` (#16131)
* CHANGELOG #17685
* New Resource: azurerm_log_analytics_query_pack (#17685)
* Fix typo for TTL Argument Reference in dns_a_record (#17783)
* CHANGELOG #17789
* `azurerm_linux_function_app` and `azurerm_linux_function_app_slot` - fix casing bug in `linux_fx_string` for Node apps (#17789)
* Remove the invalid \'FREE\' SKU from app_service_plan (#17778)
* goimports
* Updated for #17494
* `azurerm_linux_function_app` `azurerm_linux_function_app_slot` expose `virtual_network_subnet_id` for vNet integration (#17494)
* Updated for #17576
* `azurerm_windows_web_app` `azurerm_windows_web_app_slot` expose `virtual_network_subnet_id` for vNet integration (#17576)
* Updated for #17572
* `azurerm_windows_function_app` `azurerm_windows_function_app_slot` expose `virtual_network_subnet_id` for vNet integration (#17572)
* GHA - add waiting-response label based on comment (#17775)
* Updated for #17584
* `azurerm_linux_web_app` `azurerm_linux_web_app_slot` - Documentation and test enhancements related to `virtual_network_subnet_id` argument (#17584)
* gofmt
* refactor: removing the legacy resource id parser for proximityplacementgroups
* refactor: migrating `proximity_placement_group` to `hashicorp/go-azure-sdk`
* updating to include #17707
* ultra ssd also require restart
* including 3.15.1
* updating to include #17753
* `azurerm_postgresql_server` `data.azurerm_servicebus_queue` - Fix regression around ids (#17755)
* Fixing api_management_api_operation_policy.html.markdown
* Update changelog for #17732
* `azurerm_postgresql_aad_administrator`: Fix state migration (#17732)
* dependencies: updating to use `v0.20220725.1163004` of ``
* updating to include #17749
* Documentation: `azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_origin` - Fix example usage (#17730)
* docs: fix import command user_assigned_identity
* Add checks to acceptance tests
* bump go-azure-sdk to v0.20220725.1131927
* Updated for #17719
* eventhub: consolidating onto API Version 2021-11-01 (#17719)
* formating
* fix front door examples
* updating to include #17726
* Correct Sku names to match code
* Remove single-use local variables
* change storage_size_in_gb from 8192 to 16384 (#17711)
* Update linux_web_app.html.markdown (#17718)
* GHA - new actions to add/remove wating-response (#17708)
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20220722.1091911` of ``
* no live resize for Standard HDD
* v3.15.0
* Update
* Updating to include #17089
* adding #17089
* #17595
* domainservice: refactoring domainservice resources to using go-azure-sdk (#17595)
* Update
* fix test
* vendor
* flip default to true
* terrafmt
* go mod vendor
* Fix API version error
* Add test for API version error
* Update dns_ns_record.html.markdown
* fix doc of features-block for api_management
* Update changelog for #17625
* `postgres` - swap to `hashicorp/go-azure-sdk` (#17625)
* Update windows_web_app.html.markdown (#17679)
* Fixing wrong reference for resource `azurerm_servicebus_topic` (#17673)
* CHANGELOG #17130
* `azurerm_storage_account` - add supports for `change_feed_retention_in_days` (#17130)
* `azurerm_storage_account` - support disable `blob_properties.0.{delete_retention_policy|container_delete_retention_policy}` & `share_properties.0.retention_policy` (#17256)
* CHANGELOG #17581
* kusto_cluster_resource - allowed_fqdns, allowed_ip_ranges, outbound_network_access_restricted (#17581)
* CHANGELOG #16578
* New Resource - azurerm_route_server_bgp_connection, azurerm_route_server (#16578)
* CHANGELOG #17368
* New Resource: azurerm_application_insights_workbook (#17368)
* CHANGELOG #15550
* Adding shared private link resource for the Azure web pubsub resource (#15550)
* Update go-azure-sdk to v0.20220719.1202339 (#17680)
* Update changelog for #17342
* New Resource: `azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule` (#17342)
* Changes documentation to reflect ISE network requirements
* Import spec fix: azurerm_managed_disk (#17658)
* Fix: Get valid API version from error code for `resource group template deployment` resource when original API version is mismatched (#15758)
* updating to include #17645
* adding #17653
* Update for #17628
* `servicebus` - switch to `go-azure-sdk` (#17628)
* Remove callouts for PodSubnetPreview feature
* make goimports (#17650)
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20220715.1071215` of `` (#17645)
* docs: fix up `azurerm_eventhub_authorization_rule` to stay in proper category (#17647)
* v3.14.0
* Migrating eventhub auth rule ID in state (#17615)
* CHANGELOG #17554
* Update cipher name to correct custom property (#17554)
* azurerm_mssql_server : Fix \"identity.0.identity_ids\" not being accessible in dynamic \"identity\" block (#17556)
* Fix azurerm storage management policy data source (#17570)
* azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_configuration : Clarify the usage of azure extension for PostgreSQL Flexible Server (#17580)
* Fixing partitioning issue for premium servicebus namespace (#17599)
* azurerm_traffic_manager_nested_endpoint, azurerm_traffic_manager_external_endpoint, azurerm_traffic_manager_azure_endpoint : Fix issue about \"weight is required even with priority traffic manager profile\" (#17602)
* CHANGELOG #17524
* azurerm_kusto_eventgrid_data_connection - support database_routing, eventgrid_resource_id, managed_identity_resource_id (#17524)
* CHANGELOG #16652
* azurerm_stream_analytics_output_blob - support new property authentication_mode (#16652)
* azurerm_mssql_managed_instance_failover_group :fix update error \"Only one managed instance pair is supported\" (#16798)
* Fix free sku issue for app (#16983)
* Update changelog for #17629
* `azurerm_signalr_service` - Add support for `live_trace` (#17629)
* fix: dns server order must be respected (#17427)
* Updating changelog for #17463
* signalr: update to use go-azure-sdk (#17463)
* sdk: extracting the Plugin SDKv2 schema types to their own interface
* updating to include #17614
* azurerm_dev_test_lab_schedule: delete itself rather than a vm extension
* Modified `azurerm_monitor_metric_alert` to detect `webhook_properties` changes (#17509)
* CHANGELOG #17467
* update spring sdk to 2022-05-01-preview (#17018)
* CHANGELOG #17013
* azurerm_[orchestrated|windows|linux]_virtual_machine_scale_set: support `placement` for os disks (#17013)
* Docs: Fix management_group, resource_group and subscription policy exemption and remediation file names (#17594)
* updating to include #17609
* updating to include #17608
* updating to include #17606
* go mod vendor
* compute/sshpublickeys: refactoring to use `hashicorp/go-azure-sdk`
* go mod tidy
* compute: refactoring `availability_set` to use ``
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20220712.1111122` of ``
* updating to include #17598
* go mod vendor
* r/legacy_dashboard: refactoring to use `go-azure-sdk`
* updating to include #17588
* updating to include #17590
* go mod vendor
* dependencies: updating to `v0.37.0` of ``
* updating to include #17589
* Update
* link contrib docs in readme and dev mds (#17591)
* go mod vendor
* lighthouse: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20220711.1181406` of ``
* updating to include #17467
* updating to include #17587
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20220711.1122120` of ``
* updating to include #17471
* updating to include #17141 & cleanup
* go mod tidy && go mod vendor
* databricks: refactoring to use `go-azure-sdk`
* CHANGELOG #17519
* `azurerm_container_group` - Add supports of `http_headers` (#17519)
* #17525
* CHANGELOG #17526
* Add `database_routing` to resource kusto eventhub (#17525)
* CHANGELOG #17526
* Add `database_routing` to azurerm_kusto_iothub_data_connection (#17526)
* `azurerm_subscription_policy_assignment` & `azurerm_management_group_policy_assignment` Add `UserAssignedIdentities` to the update request to fix #17082 and #16898 (#17231)
* CHANGELOG #17300
* `r\\shared_image`: support `end_of_life_date` `disallowed_disk_types` `[max|min]_recommended_[vcpu_count|memory_in_gb]` (#17300)
* #17394
* New resources `gallery_application` `gallery_application_version` (#17394)
* Update subnet service delegation list with the support of DNS Private Resolvers. (#17574)
* Changing QoS value and adding CreateOnDate tag (#17568)
* #17141
* Bump terraform-plugin-sdk to v2.18.0 to increase the size of gRPC messages upto 256MB (#17141)
* Doc Fix : azurerm_mssql_database - Removal of doc for deprecated extended_auditing_policy (#17487)
* `azurerm_cognitive_account` - update document (#17535)
* remove spring quota validation (#17422)
* Update
* CHANGELOG #17298
* update PolicyRemediation sdk to pandora sdk 2021-10-01 (#17298)
* CHANGELOG #17496
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool` - `host_group_id` (#17496)
* CHANGELOG #17433
* New Resource: azurerm_application_insights_workbook_template (#17433)
* #17498
* Fixing invalid LinuxFxVersion issue for linux function app (#17345)
* CHANGELOG #17530
* `r\\[linux|windows]_virtual_machine_scale_set`: add support for `capacity_reservation_group_id` (#17530)
* Update
* Update
* Writing the property `default_hostname` back to state for function apps (#17498)
* CHANGELOG #17522
* Add `script_content` and update `url` and `sas_token` for resource kusto script (#17522)
* Fix incorrect import spec for `azurerm_netapp_snapshot_policy` , `azurerm_policy_management_group_policy_remediation`, etc (#17521)
* #17520
* azurerm_kusto_cluster - Add new `public_ip_address` property (#17520)
* windows_web_app_(slot)_resource: Fix currentStack is not fetched from state when updating infrastructure using terraform. (#17490)
* Update
* custom domain verification id is blank unless it\'s saved to the model (#17485)
* v3.13.0
* Update changelog for #17238
* New Resource - `azurerm_fluid_relay_server` (#17238)
* Update changelog for #17380
* `azurerm_application_gateway` - `request_routing_rule.x.priority` is optional (#17380)
* update changelog for #17465
* NetApp: Swap to `hashicorp/go-azure-sdk` (#17465)
* CHANGELOG #16810
* New Data Source: `azurerm_public_maintenance_configurations` (#16810)
* Update storage api to 2021-09-01
* CHANGELOG #16581
* New Resource: azurerm_logz_sub_account (#16581)
* Load balancer new feature - inbound NAT rule port mapping (#16000)
* CHANGELOG #17415
* azurerm_key_vault_certificate : fix azurerm_key_vault_certificate could not be recovered issue (#17415)
* CHANGELOG #16984
* `spring_cloud_deployment` - `addon_json` (#16984)
* CHANGELOG #17111
* `synapse_integration_runtime_azure`- `locations` supports `Auto Resolve` (#17111)
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster ` - fix test cases (#17124)
* remove validation on spring cloud route config route.uri (#17230)
* azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_datacenter - support new properties (#16800)
* Update Kusto API Version to latest (#17457)
* Fix hashicorp#15640 making fqdns in data_factory_managed_private_endp… (#15644)
* CHANGELOG #17236
* `r\\linux/windows_virtual_machine`: add support for `capacity_reservation_group_id` (#17236)
* CHANGELOG #17395
* `kubernetes_cluster/node_pool`- `capacity_reservation_group_id` (#17395)
* #17259
* `azurerm_hdinsight_kafka_cluster` add support for `network` block (#17259)
* Update changelog for #17445
* eventhub: refactoring to use `go-azure-sdk` (#17445)
* Update changelog for #17499
* containerinstance: refactoring to use `hashicorp/go-azure-sdk` (#17499)
* `d/shared_image_version`: fix `id` (#17332)
* fix aks trusted ca (#17497)
* Document: Fix import instruction (#17500)
* Update for #17466
* `azurerm_container_registry` - Data source supports `data_endpoint_enabled` (#17466)
* updating to include #17470
* formatting
* updating to include #17469
* Doc: Fix import spec for azurerm_policy_remediation
* storage: dependencies
* storage: refactoring `storageobjectreplication` to use `go-azure-sdk`
* hsm: updating to API version `2021-11-30`
* hsm: dependencies
* hsm: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk`
* dependencies: go mod tidy / go mod vendor
* azurestackhci: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20220701.1073833` of ``
* updating to include #17436
* update app_configuration version to 2022-05-01
* privatedns: vendoring
* refactor: switching usages of the internal ID parsers
* privatedns: removing the old resource id types
* privatedns: fixing a bug where `zone_name` wasn\'t force new/todo\'s
* privatedns: refactoring to use `go-azure-sdk`
* v3.12.0
* Update
* Add Contributor Documentation (#16732)
* updating to include #17435
* powerbi: vendoring
* powerbi: refactoring to use `go-azure-sdk`
* updating to include #17434
* updating to include #17431
* maps: vendoring
* maps: refactoring to use `go-azure-sdk`
* updating to include #17432
* loadtest: vendoring
* loadtest: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* ordering
* updating to include #v
* mixedreality: removing the transition file, this is no longer needed
* mixedreality: splitting the create/update function
* mixedreality: `go mod vendor`
* mixedreality: switching to use go-azure-sdk
* updating to include #17430
* updating to include #16484
* updating to include #16368
* updating to include #15849
* updating to include #17419
* documents example improvement
* documents example improvement
* elastic: go mod vendor
* elastic: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* msi: vendoring
* refactor: updating `msi` to use `go-azure-sdk`
* refactor: switching the UserAssignedIdentity usages out for `commonids`
* Document: Fix import specification for azurerm_stream_analytics_function_javascript_udf
* updating to include #17407
* updating to include #16966
* updating to include #
* rewording the document
* `azurerm_key_vault_{key|secret}` - Expose attributes `resource_id` and `resource_versionless_id`
* Remove transistion file
* Removve transition.go from communication
* Removve transition.go from portal
* Removve transition.go from cognitive
* Removve transition.go from privatedns
* Removve transition.go from iotcentral
* Removve transition.go from disks
* Removve transition.go from mssql
* Removve transition.go from maps
* Removve transition.go from notificationhub
* Removve transition.go from video analyzer
* Removve transition.go from msi
* Removve transition.go from desktopvirtualization
* Fix crash
* Clean up
* Swap to new sdk
* Add azure sdk
* updating to include #17399
* go mod vendor
* dependencies: updating to v0.20220628.1190740 of
* portal: refactoring to account for the updated ID structures
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20220627.1082008` of ``
* updating to include #17386
* cognitive: updating the import path for the search service
* search: removing the embedded sdk
* search: refactoring to use `go-azure-sdk`
* CHANGELOG #17325
* New Resource: azurerm_data_protection_resource_guard (#17325)
* cleanup: removing the 3.0 feature toggle (#17414)
* CHANGELOG #17354
* `azurerm_linux_web_app` `azurerm_linux_web_app_slot` expose `virtual_network_subnet_id` for vNet integration (#17354)
* CHANGELOG #17295
* `r\\shared_image_version`: add support for `disk_encryption_set_id` `end_of_life_date` `replication_mode` (#17295)
* Sentinel data connector document: emphasize that `tenant_id` can only be the current tenant (#17411)
* updating to include #17387
* redisenterprise: removing the embedded sdk\'s
* redisenterprise: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* updating to include #17385
* relay: removing the embedded sdk
* relay: refactoring to use `go-azure-sdk`
* `azurerm_key_vault` data source: cache the `vault_uri` once read
* Update for #17084
* AKS (`azurerm_kubernetes_cluster`, `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool`): add support for version aliases (#17084)
* `r\\shared_image_version`: update `target_region` to list (#17391)
* azure function app: fix `elastic_instance_minimum` not being set correctly issue (#17322)
* `azurerm_cdn_endpoint_custom_domain` - Set to state once created (#17396)
* for #17369
* azurerm_bot_channels_registration - support streaming_endpoint_enabled (#17369)
* CHANGELOG #16820
* azurerm_vpn_site - support new property o365_policy (#16820)
* `azurerm_container_group` - Support resource limit for cpu/mem/gpu (#16775)
* CHANGELOG/md for #17076
* `r\\digital_twins_instance`: support `identity` (#17076)
* `r\\application_insights` Add validation for `workspace_id` (#15621)
* Add role assignment to azurerm_disk_encryption_set (#17075)
* CHANGELOG #17077
* azurerm_bot_service_azure_bot: support new property MsaAppType (#17077)
* CHANGELOG #16966
* new resource `azurerm_spring_cloud_api_portal_custom_domain` (#16966)
* azurerm_batch_account :fix storage account id is invalid error (#16731)
* Update changelog for #17366
* `azurerm_private_link_service ` - add support for `fqdns` (#17366)
* Update changelog for #17390
* `shared_image_version`:add new `storage_account_type`: `Premium_LRS` (#17390)
* Update changelog for #17398
* `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_azure_file_storage` - Fix assignment to `user_id`(#17398)
* `loganalytics` `lighthouse` `loadbalancer` `kusto` `healthcare` `bot` `appservice` `network` `eventhub`- `docs example improvement` (#17283)
* `azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy` Change `KNOWN-CVES` to `Known-CVEs` to fix #17214 (#17243)
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_service` update note (#17334)
* sqlvirtualmachine: switch to go-azure-sdk and upgrade api to 2022-02-01 (#17374)
* fix multiple docs: keyvault enum case sensitivity (#17402)
* Changelog for #17045
* New resource - `azurerm_active_directory_domain_service_trust` (#17045)
* fixing the typo for linux web app
* Update for #17001
* `azurerm_data_factory` - `purview_id` (#17001)
* updating to include #17384
* servicefabricmanaged: removing the embedded sdk
* servicefabricmanaged: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* updating to include #17382
* go mod vendor
* videoanalyzer: removing the embedded sdk
* videoanalyzer: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* updating to include #17381
* updating to include #17392
* vmware: removing the embedded sdk
* vmware: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* updating to include #17383
* Doc Fix : azurerm_subnet - Add note to address_prefixes that \"AllowMultipleAddressPrefixesOnSubnet\" is currently not supported (#17109)
* Update for #17241
* Add length and nil check to fix #17207 (#17241)
* update sku_name (#17284)
* fix issue 17353 (#17364)
* `document` Fix example for `key_vault_managed_storage_account` (#17367)
* Replace deprecated ioutil pkg with os & io
* updating to include #17346
* tooling: updating the track2 check to callout go-azure-sdk
* trafficmanager: fixing an import
* trafficmanager: removing the embedded sdk
* trafficmanager: refactoring to use `go-azure-sdk`
* Update for #17209
* Remove incorrect validation of app service sticky setting names (#17209)
* Update for #17296
* `azurerm_windows_web_app`, `azurerm_linux_web_app`: Fix auto heal slow request issue (#17296)
* `azurerm_linux_function_app`: remove the property in docs (#17316)
* v3.11.0
* Update for #17215
* `data.azurerm_storage_account` - add supports of `identity` (#17215)
* Update for #17234
* `r\\iot_time_series_insights_gen2_environment`: fix `id_properties` schema (#17234)
* updating to include #17348
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20220623.1064317` of ``
* `azurerm_data_factory_dataset_snowflake`: fix table can\'t be loaded
* add missing dedicated host skus (#17312)
* updating to include #v
* go mod tidy
* r/virtual_desktop_workspace_application_group_association: switching to use the patch method rather than put/post
* ependencies: vendoring `2021-09-03-preview` of `desktopvirtualization` from go-azure-sdk rather than the Azure SDK for Go
* desktopvirtualization: removing the Resource IDs now available in go-azure-sdk
* migration: switching to use the ID Parsers in go-azure-sdk
* r/virtual_desktop_workspace: refactoring to use `go-azure-sdk`
* desktopvirtualisation: removing the unused OperationsClient
* r/virtual_desktop_workspace_application_group_association: refactoring to use `go-azure-sdk`
* r/virtual_desktop_scaling_plan: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* r/virtual_desktop_host_pool: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* r/virtual_desktop_host_pool_registration_info: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* r/virtual_desktop_application: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* r/virtual_desktop_application_group: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* updating to include #17289
* IoTCentral: Add and swap to embedded SDK (#16912)
* portal: switching to go-azure-sdk (#17337)
* updating to include #17270
* notificationhub: switching to use go-azure-sdk (#17336)
* updating to include #17339
* dependencies: updating `go-azure-sdk` to `v0.20220622.1090000`
* connections: missing reference
* connections: removing the embedded sdk
* connections: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* confidentialledger: removing the embedded sdks
* confidentialledger: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* dependencies: removing the old azure sdk for go
* communication: removing the (unused?) embedded sdk
* r/communication_service: refactoring to use hashicorp/go-azure-sdk
* updating to include #14524
* Add ForceNew warn
* r/cognitive_account: refactoring to use the new identity methods
* cognitive: removing the embedded sdk
* dependencies: switching to use the split-out Cognitive SDK in hashicorp/go-azure-sdk
* updating to include #17146
* attestation: removing the embedded sdk
* dependencies: vendoring
* attestation: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* appconfiguration: removing the embedded sdks
* appconfiguration: switching to use go-azure-sdk
* analysisservices: removing the embedded sdk
* analysisservices: refactoring to use go-azure-sdk
* aadb2c: removing the embedded Go SDK
* policy: refactoring to use CommonIDs rather than the AADB2C package
* services/addb2c: migrating to use hashicorp/go-azure-sdk
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` update document (#17299)
* Update for #17301
* Update mysql_flexible_server_data_source.go (#17301)
* Fix image tests with dangling os disk (#17297)
* azurerm_mssql_elasticpool : fix elastic pool with gen5 8 cpu cannot have 2048 GB of storage issue (#17196)
* Crash Fixes: Fix various crashes throughout the provider (#17100)
* Test Fixes: Across various services (#17122)
* `r\\shared_image`: add `ForceNew` to `publisher``offer``sku``privacy_statement_uri`
* hpc_cache_nfs_target
* Fix some incorrect import instructions
* `d\\managed_disk`:add support for `network_access_policy` and `disk_access_id`
* Use \'Workspace\' not \'Workflow\'
* tweak docs
* Added a note for `vault_key_reference` (#17102)
* `securitycenter` - `docs example improvement` (#17151)
* `recoveryservices` - `docs example improvement` (#17154)
* #16527
* New Data Source: `azurerm_policy_assignment` (#16527)
* Missing vnet_route_all_enabled setting in Web app (slot) resource doc (#17200)
* Updated documentation for Databricks Workspace Resource (#17223)
* Update servicebus_namespace_network_rule_set.html.markdown (#17225)
* Add tracking issue for uppercase in VM (#17235)
* `docs example improvement`-` 30 file part1` (#17237)
* `netapp` `database` `monitor` `media` `policy` `managedapplications` `maintenance` `machinelearning` `logz` `logicapp` `loganalytics` - `docs example improvement` (#17258)
* `network` - `docs example improvement` (#17217)
* review: check disk type on resize
* review: switch to feature from resource argument
* vendor
* fix imports
* new sdk
* sku is mandatory for resource azurerm_container_registry
* Add support for no-downtime disk resizes.
* updating to include #17219
* update batch_account_data_source_test.go
* [fix](eventgrid_system_topic_event_subscription.html):fix docs `userAssignedIdentity`
* docs example improvement
* Update changelog for #17201
* `azurerm_shared_image_
*` - Fix validation of `gallery_name` (#17201)
* v3.10.0
* Update
* Update changelog for #16849
* `azurerm_applicaton_gateway` -`priority` is now required (#16849)
* Update changelog for #16524
* `azurerm_api_management` - Default hostname proxy configuration is no longer ignored (#16524)
* Update changelog for #17148
* `azurerm_key_vault_managed_hardware_security_module` - support for purging when soft deleted (#17148)
* Update changelog for #17183
* `azurerm_windows_function_app_x` - `custom_domain_verification_id` is now written to state file (#17183)
* Update changelog for #17094
* New Data Source/Resource: `azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_rule_set` (#17094)
* state migration for servicebus namespace network rule set id (#17187)
* update document (#17180)
* Update
* reverting ##17161
* Revert \"New Resource: `azurerm_monitor_workbook` (#17161)\"
* Update changelog for #17161
* New Resource: `azurerm_monitor_workbook` (#17161)
* CHANGELOG #16972
* `r\\hpc_cache`: Add support for encryption key (#16972)
* CHANGELOG #16799
* azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_cluster - support new properties (#16799)
* `azurerm_api_management` waitLRO (#16962)
* for #16464
* New resources `capacity_reservation_group` and `capacity_reservation` (#16464)
* fix batch pool data source (#16757)
* Update changelog for #17162
* `azurerm_application_gateway`: add default value for `backend_http_settings.0.request_timeout` (#17162)
* docs example improvement (#17163)
* [docs](bot):documents example improvement. (#17164)
* docs example improvement (#17153)
* [docs](batch):documents example improvement. (#17160)
* `policy` -`docs example improvement` (#17156)
* [docs](automation): docs example improvement. (#17152)
* docs example improvement (#17157)
* Update modules.txt with latest client
* Update typo (#17103)
* `synapse` - `docs example improvement` (#17108)
* `streamanalytics` -`docs example improvement`(#17126)
* `streamanalytics` - `docs example improvement` (#17128)
* `web`-`docs example improvement` (#17129)
* `storage` - `docs example improvement` (#17132)
* `azurestackhci` - `docs example improvement` (#17133)
* `springcloud` - `docs example improvement` (#17134)
* `servicebus` - `docs example improvement` (#17136)
* `attestation` - `docs example improvement` (#17131)
* `sentinel` - `docs example improvement` (#17139)
* add 2022-05-13 version
* Update for #17138
* Refactor out use of `IsNewResource` in Typed resources (#17138)
* Remove use of `ResourceData.Timeout` and switch to context deadline (#17107)
* Fix some incorrect import spec
* Doc Fix: Policy (#17110)
* Update changelog for #17115
* `azurerm_container_group` - Double the check timeout of deletion of nic (#17115)
* Doc Fix : azurerm_automation_job_schedule - Fix schedule_name property missing in tf doc issue (#17113)
* Doc Fix: correct documentation for `oidc_request_url` (#17118)
* docs example improvement (#17071)
* fix error msgs
* formatting
* formatting
* use ID in test as well
* use ID instead of name for mgmt group
* Update internal/services/resource/resource_group_template_deployment_data_source.go
* Update internal/services/resource/tenant_template_deployment_data_source.go
* Update internal/services/resource/management_group_template_deployment_data_source.go
* Update internal/services/resource/subscription_template_deployment_data_source.go
* Update website/docs/d/management_group_template_deployment.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/d/management_group_template_deployment.html.markdown
* fix plan changes
* skip tenant test when permissions are not there
* set id in mgmt group data source
* docs formatting
* add docs
* formatting
* add test methods
* add test configs
* template data sources implementation
* v3.9.0
* Update
* updating to include #17069
* adding #17069
* Fix a bug cause TestAccBatchPool_startTask_basic failed (#17004)
* Update changelog for #17024
* azurerm_synapse_role_assignment` - `role_name` now supports `Synapse Monitoring Operator` (#17024)
* CHANGELOG #17053
* New data source: `azurerm_app_configuration_keys` (#17053)
* azurerm_cdn_endpoint_custom_domain - Allow Premium Verizon profile for BYOC custom domain (#17017)
* Fix `TestAccHPCCache_directoryLDAP` (#17060)
* azurerm_mysql_flexible_server: update validation for sku_name (#16976)
* #16990
* [Enhance] azurerm_redis_cache - support config identity (#16990)
* fix: not set management_group_id cause error in policy set resource (#16974)
* `static_site_resource` wait LRO (#16964)
* CHANGELOG #16940
* `r\\backup_policy_vm`: Add support for Enhanced Policy (#16940)
* Update changelog for #17057
* `azurerm_eventhub_authorization_rule` - extend regex char limit for `name` and doc fixes (#17057)
* Update changelog for #16724
* `azurerm_vpn_gateway_nat_rule` - support for `port_range` (#16724)
* Update changelog for #17078
* New Data Source/Resource: `azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_endpoint` (#17078)
* `signalr` - `docs example improvement` (#17025)
* `apimanagement`-`docs example improvement` (#17048)
* `document`: Update `kubernetes_cluster` attributes doc (#17059)
* CHANGELOG #17043
* [ANF] Standard Network Feature (#17043)
* updating to include #17061
* Update internal/services/cdn/cdn_frontdoor_profile_data_source_test.go
* d/cdn_frontdoor_profile: fixing the test
* r/cdn_frontdoor_profile: clarifying attributes and arguments
* New Data Source: `azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_profile`
* New Resource: `azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_profile`
* go mod vendor
* cdn: adding the clients for CDN Frontdoor
* updating to include #17074
* dependencies: upgrading to v1.6.1 of
* dependencies: updating to v0.33.0 of
* `apimanagement`-`docs example improvement` (#17070)
* valid value on version in image reference (#17062)
* document improvement (#17047)
* Update windows_web_app.html.markdown (#17051)
* Fix azurerm_firewall docs (#17056)
* Add missing possible subscription endpoint types (#17068)
* Fix Event Grid Subscription documentation (#17072)
* updating to include #17002
* Update for #17037
* `azurerm_web_pubsub_hub` - set `event_handler` block to `Optional` (#17037)
* update uuid
* document improvement
* CHANGELOG #16911
* New resource: azurerm_vpn_server_configuration_policy_group (#16911)
* CHANGELOG #16922
* `data_factory_trigger_schedule` - `pipeline` (#16922)
* CHANGELOG #16825
* Fix vm not turning back on after update (#16674)
* replaced virtual_subnet_id in example (#16986)
* azurerm_key_vault_secret : fix error when creating 16 tags for key vault secret - \"Property has invalid value\" (#16947)
* `azurerm_dns_x_record` - Add disclaimer for large scale (#16988)
* `compute` - `docs example improvement` (#17027)
* `connections` - `docs example improvement` (#17022)
* `appservice` - `docs example improvement` (#17021)
* Update for #17005
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - nil check `APIServerAccessProfile` (#17005)
* update code per review
* modify the inplace change to explict return for the patch function
* Align SKU with SDK enums (#16989)
* removes duplicate line in route table doc line (#17009)
* docs(domainservices): 📝 document\'s example valiadated (#17003)
* [feat](stream_analytics_job_schedule): wait lro (#16965)
* `azurerm_container_registry_task` - Fix missing `authentication` when updating
* Doc: Fix some incorrect import spec
* v3.8.0
* tidy changelog for release
* `azurerm_kusto_cluster`: `4.0`: make V3 the default engine type (#16878)
* CHANGELOG #16730
* new resource `azurerm_spring_cloud_build_deployment` (#16730)
* fix validation (#16981)
* Update `examples/app-service/
*` for 3.x resources (#16969)
* fix: 🐛 Set default for week_of_year (#16946)
* CHANGELOG #16861
* New resource - `azurerm_mssql_server_dns_alias` (#16861)
* azurerm_cosmosdb_account: set default_identity_type as default value when it\'s empty string in older cosmosdb account (#16963)
* #16960
* azurerm_vpn_gateway_connection: support new property custom_bgp_address (#16960)
* azurerm_app_configuration_key : fix \"cannot use a / (slash) in the name of a label\" issue (#16863)
* `azurerm_storage_share` - Add new enum `Premium` for `access_tier` (#16842)
* CHANGELOG #16920
* `azurerm_active_directory_domain_service` - Add supports for `domain_configuration_type` (#16920)
* CHANGELOGn #16841
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_service` - `build_agent_pool_size` (#16841)
* Doc Update: `azurerm_backup_protected_vm` - Add note about removing `source_vm_id` (#16979)
* dependencies: upgrading to use v3 of (#16977)
* CHANGELOG #16862
* azurerm_virtual_network_gateway_connection - support egress_nat_rule_ids and ingress_nat_rule_ids (#16862)
* `azure_spring_cloud_service`: Fix acceptance test(s) (#16970)
* Update changelog for #16939
* `azurerm_backup_protected_vm` - Allow the associated vm to be disassociated from the backup (#16939)
* Update Changelog for #16955
* Upgrade keyvault SDK (#16955)
* Use d.GetOk for the identity property of azurerm_mssql_server (#15900)
* CHANGELOG #16719
* new resource `azurerm_spring_cloud_api_portal` (#16719)
* Add example for zone-zone site recovery (#16205)
* CHANGEL:OG #16506
* `azurerm_mysql_server` Add update in create function to update `public_network_access_enabled` (#16506)
* CHANGELOG #16406
* azurerm_portal_dashboard - update dashboard name validation (#16406)
* CHANGELOG #16721
* new resource `azurerm_spring_cloud_gateway_route_config` (#16721)
* `azurerm_data_factory_data_flow` - `script_lines` `transformation.dataset/linked_service` (#16728)
* `azurerm_source_control_token` Fix #16693 by correcting `IDValidationFunc` (#16723)
* for #16665
* Upgrade Bot Service API version from 2021-03-01 to 2021-05-01-preview (#16665)
* fix: update docs for policy_definition and policy_set_definition (#16961)
* `storage-account-html.markdown` - adds missing share_properties reference (#16953)
* Update changelog for #16872
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_service`: Add `zone_redundant` property (#16872)
* Update changelog for #16918
* `azurerm_data_factory_trigger_schedule` - `time_zone` (#16918)
* Fixing the incorrect page_title for some document
* Fixing the incorrect header for some document
* Updating to include #16905 #16908 and #16916
* Adding #16916
* Adding #16908
* Adding #16905
* Test Fixes: Skip VideoAnalyzer tests (#16924)
* Fixing minor typo in `container_group.html.markdown` (#16925)
* Update for #16410
* windows_function_app_slot fix slot name formatting #16305 (#16410)
* Update for #16779
* `azurerm_[linux|windows]_web_app` and `azurerm_[linux|windows]_web_app_slot` - add support for zip deployment (#16779)
* Update changelog for #16866
* `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine`: Add `ForceNew` to `timezone` (#16866)
* for #16817
* azurerm_vpn_gateway - support new property bgp_route_translation_for_nat_enabled (#16817)
* Update changelog for #16906
* `synapse_spark_pool`-`spark_version` supports `3.2` (#16906)
* Doc Fix: `r\\virtual_network_gateway`: Add `bgp_settings` (#16880)
* Doc Fix : azurerm_storage_share - fix issue \"Storage docs missing complete access_tier coverage\" (#16886)
* docs: kubernetes maintenance window (#16887)
* Update changelog for #16894
* `azurerm_data_factory_managed_private_endpoint` Update DataFactoryManagedPrivateEndpointName (#16894)
* PrivateDNS: Swap to embedded sdk (#16858)
* oidc: fixing the formatting / cross-linking to the Azure Backend
* v3.7.0
* Update
* #16868
* `r\\shared_image`: Fix update issue related to unchanged `eula` (#16868)
* `azurerm_cdn_endpoint` - Enhance document for the `transforms` (#16843)
* [Docs fix]Correct docs for resource `azurerm_linux_web_app` (#16879)
* CHANGELOG #15913
* `Dependency` New Resource azurerm_healthcare_fhir_service (#15913)
* Update changelog for #16870
* `azurerm_disk_encryption_set`: `encryption_type` supports `ConfidentialVmEncryptedWithCustomerKey` (#16870)
* Update changelog for #16875
* `azurerm_signalr_service`: Support `Premium_P1` SKU (#16875)
* updating to include #16555
* Update website/docs/guides/azure_cli.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/guides/service_principal_oidc.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/guides/service_principal_oidc.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/index.html.markdown
* updating to include #16845
* updating to include #16847
* Update service_principal_oidc.html.markdown
* PrivateDNS - Add embedded sdk (#16769)
* Purview: Add embedded sdk (#16764)
* Update changelog for #16832
* `azurerm_mssql_managed_instance` - add support for `maintenance_configuration_name` (#16832)
* videoanalyzer: deprecating since this is scheduled for removal on 2022-11-30
* refactor: switching to use the workaround client for webtests everywhere
* applicationinsights: working around the breaking upstream api change
* Fix the issue of Network API version of Virtual Network Gateway Nat Rule (#16839)
* Update azurerm_application_gateway priority attribute to confirm its now mandatory (#16794)
* Fixing error importing the deprecated resource (#16827)
* Redis API Upgrade - 2020-12-01 to 2021-06-01 (#16532)
* CHANGELOG #16722
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_app` - `addon_json` (#16722)
* for #15720
* New resource: azurerm_virtual_network_gateway_nat_rule (#15720)
* CHANGELOG #16678
* `azurerm_container_registry` - support update replications on demand (#16678)
* Fix TC for azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_cluster and azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_datacenter (#16752)
* Update changelog for #16718
* `azurerm_windows_function_app`/`azurerm_linux_function_app` - Add support for PowerShell 7.2 (#16718)
* Doc Fix: azurerm_linux_function_app - [force_disable_content_share] property should match windows property [content_share_force_disabled] (#16796)
* Search: Swap to embedded sdk (#16763)
* Update Changelog for #14821
* New Data Source/Resource: `azurerm_elasticsearch` (#14821)
* Update Changelog for #16819
* Make sure SKU is not null before using it (#16819)
* removve all ThreePointOhBeta mentions
* Update changelog for #16804
* `azurerm_express_route_gateway` - Handle gateway connections not found error (#16804)
* Doc Fix: `azurerm_mssql_managed_instance` Updates vcores options for Gen5 SKUs (#16770)
* update code
* for #16280
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_app` supports `identity` (#16280)
* v3.6.0
* Update
* for #16743
* azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_cluster - support new property tags (#16743)
* azurerm_cdn_endpoint_custom_domain: add None option for tls_version (#16750)
* #16631
* azurerm_cosmosdb_account : support version 4.2 to mongo_server_version property of resource azurerm_cosmosdb_account (#16738)
* CHANGELOG #16631
* `azurerm_virtual_network_gateway_connection` Add new feature to set `custom_bgp_addresses` (#16631)
* #16720
* new resource `azurerm_spring_cloud_gateway_custom_domain` (#16720)
* for #14847
* `r\\linux_virtual_machine`,`r\\windows_virtual_machine`: Add support for `diff_disk_settings.placement` (#14847)
* d/servicebus_queue_authorization_rule: switching to use the right field name (#16495)
* Documentation Improvements - Markdown formating parameters.
* Search: Add embedded sdk (#16749)
* `azurerm_container_registry_task` - Fix document about `registry_credential.custom.identity` (#16737)
* `example`: Add examples for Azure Disk Encryption VM Extension and Managed Disk Property (#15356)
* CHANGELOG #16733
* azurerm_synapse_workspace - correctly update the property public_network_access_enabled (#16733)
* Update documentation for `azurerm_synapse_sql_pool` resource (#16747)
* Add information to documentation that changing vm_size of default node pool will recreate the whole cluster (#16755)
* CHANGELOG #16439
* New Resource azurerm_stream_analytics_output_powerbi (#16439)
* for #16709
* `azurerm_container_group` - Support customer managed key encryption (#16709)
* for #16705
* azurerm_mssql_managed_instance_failover_group : Fix \"The given primary field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid\" error (#16705)
* for #16673
* new resource `azurerm_spring_cloud_build_pack_binding` (#16673)
* [azurerm_redis_enterprise_database] - Update Eviction Policy due to service update (#16700)
* remove computed flag from license type (#16746)
* [Bug fix] azurerm_express_route_gateway - Set gateway connection back on update (#16680)
* Documentation Improvements - Localization of MSFT docs links.
* Fix linux_web_app documentation
* Documentation Improvements - Updated external links to HTTPS
* Update changelog for #16690
* `azurerm_kusto_script` - Lock kusto cluster so multiple scripts can be applied (#16690)
* Update Changelog for #15420
* Update for #16250
* [New Resource] `azurerm_confidential_ledger` - Add Azure Confidential Ledger Terraform Resource (#15420)
* azure_kubernetes_service: Add support for BYO cni #15663 (#16250)
* Update for #16575
* azurerm_stream_analytics_function_javascript_uda - support new property is_configuration_parameter (#16575)
* Update for #16459
* fix issue 16329 (#16459)
* Corrected typo in role argument value (#16735)
* `azurerm_storage_management_policy` - Mark `rule.filters.blob_type` as required (#16701)
* CHANGELOG #16679
* `r\\snapshot` `d\\snapshot`: Add support for `trusted_launch_enabled` (#16679)
* Add IPv6 support to App/Function ip_restrictions (#16521)
* Add tip to prevent gotcha around `MicrosoftWindowsServer` Publisher and using `plan` block (#16635)
* Doc: Fix wrong command in 3.0-upgrade-guide (#16703)
* refactor: update firewall website markdown (#16713)
* Refactor: Remove ThreePointOhBeta from p -> r service packages (#16692)
* Refactor: Remove `ThreePointOhBeta` from some `s` service packages (#16696)
* Refactor: Remove `ThreePointOhBeta` from `s` -> `w` service packages (#16697)
* CHANGELOG #16175
* new resource `azurerm_spring_cloud_gateway` (#16175)
* CHANGELOG #15558
* New resource azurerm_managed_disk_sas_token to manage disk exports (#15558)
* Refactor: Remove `ThreePointOhBeta` from `n` service packages (#16691)
* Refactor: Remove `ThreePointOhBeta` from `m` service packages (#16689)
* waitLRO (#16699)
* update document (#16675)
* Update version number azurerm_postgresql_server (#16708)
* Update for #16579
* azurerm_stream_analytics_function_javascript_udf - support new property is_configuration_parameter (#16579)
* add test for tags (#16658)
* add test for enabled/retention_policy.days (#16655)
* add test for authorized_resource_ids/tags (#16654)
* Update for #16360
* `cluster_node_pool/kubernetes_cluster` remove node_labels forceNew (#16360)
* Refactor: Remove `ThreePointOhBeta` from `k` service packages (#16688)
* Refactor: Remove ThreePointOhBeta from k service packages (#16670)
* Refactor: Removing ThreePointOhBeta from `h` -> `i` service packages (#16668)
* Refactor: Remove ThreePointOhBeta from e->f packages (#16667)
* Refactor: Removing `ThreePointOhBeta` from `d` service packages (#16666)
* Refactor: Removing `ThreePointOhBeta` from A -> C service packages (#16661)
* azurerm_key_vault_secret - update the example in resource document (#16676)
* Update Changelog for #16462
* Add access_tier attribute to storage_share (#16462)
* v3.5.0
* Update
* Fixes minor spelling error and highlights Default with backticks (#16663)
* docs(kubernetes_cluster): Fix failing output (#16664)
* CHANGELOG for #16440
* New resource - `azurerm_sentinel_data_connector_aws_s3` (#16440)
* CHANGELOG for #16001
* `dependencies`: Update `recoveryservices` to 2021-12-01/backup (#16001)
* [Bug fix] Fix service bus subscription id case diff issue (#16267)
* `azurerm_kusto_script` - Lock kusto database so multiple scripts can be applied (#16649)
* Add support for `-` in `azurerm_data_factory_managed_private_endpoint` (#16646)
* `azurerm_batch_pool` add test for start_task.user_identity.user_name (#16602)
* updating to include #16659
* dependencies: updating to `v1.5.11` of ``
* for #16431
* data.azurerm_service_plan: fix missing setting values of “kind” and “os_type” properties issue (#16431)
* `recovery_services_vault`: Split create and update (#16545)
* `r\\iothub` Add validation for `` (#16601)
* `notification_hub_namespace` waitLRO (#16593)
* Update for #16640
* switch delete mode to Delete instead of Detach (#16640)
* Update changelog for #16639
* New Resource: `azurerm_mssql_managed_instance_vulnerability_assessment` (#16639)
* Documentation note to match examples (#16643)
* Update virtual_desktop_scaling_plan.html.markdown - bad parameter ref in example (#16647)
* Update for #16641
* `azurerm_linux_function_app` and `azurerm_linux_function_app_slot` fix WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE handling from external sources (#16641)
* CHANGELOG for #16087
* new resource `azurerm_spring_cloud_configuration_service` (#16087)
* Add unit test for `MergeUserAppSettings` (#16633)
* Update changelog for #16351
* Control cross tenant replication (#16351)
* Update for #15740
* fix: MergeUserAppSettings does not deduplicate merged app settings (#15733) (#15740)
* Update for #16533
* bump azure-go-sdk to v63.4 (#16533)
* Documentation Improvements - Broken links, streamlining (#16620)
* `azurerm_frontdoor` add test for `backend_pool`/`backend_pool_health_probe`/`friendly_name`/`frontend_endpoint`/`load_balancer_enabled`/`routing_rule`/`tags` (#16296)
* Update changelog for #15938
* `azurerm_virtual_network_gateway_connection` - Multiple `traffic_selector_policy` can now be specified (#15938)
* Update changelog for #16523
* `azurerm_servicebus_namespace` - `sku` can be updated to `Basic`/`Standard` without recreating the resource (#16523)
* for #16036
* new resource `azurerm_spring_cloud_builder` (#16036)
* `azurerm_storage_account` - Allow omitting optional blocks under`queue_properties` (#16557)
* `azurerm_linux_web_app_slot` add test for site_config.scm_ip_restriction.action/ip_address/name/priority/virtual_network_subnet_id/headers.x_azure_fdid/x_fd_health_probe/x_forwarded_for/x_forwarded_host (#16564)
* for #15887
* `Dependency` New Resource/Data Source azurerm_healthcare_dicom_service (#15887)
* Documentation Improvements - General streamlining in code blocks. (#16614)
* Remove unneeded storage account from example (#16604)
* Update for #16572
* azurerm_stream_analytics_output_servicebus_queue - support new properties property_columns and system_property_columns (#16572)
* Update for #16543
* Add missing default values to fix #13545 (#16543)
* add test for virtual_network_subnet_id (#16577)
* doc: update function app naming rule (#16592)
* Update for #16594
* Fix validation and doc for vm/vmss `termination_notification` (#16594)
* Update for #16561
* Fix #16561 by correcting argument name (#16597)
* `iothub`: Fix `default_action` values (#16598)
* v3.4.0
* Updating to include #16516
* merge #16516
* for #15570
* `r\\linux_virtual_machine_scale_set` `r\\windows_virtual_machine_scale_set`: Rename `terminate_notification` to `termination_notification` (#15570)
* `api_management_custom_domain` waitLRO (#16544)
* update the document of data source `azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set` (#16580)
* Documentation Improvements: Spelling corrections and casing (#16589)
* `linux/windows_web_app` - Add missing level parameter for azure_blob_storage (#16591)
* Update to include terraform registry manifest
* Update for #16551
* fix node pool validation and remove ThreePointOhBeta flags (#16551)
* Update for #16546
* `azurerm_[linux|windows]_[function|web]_app` - add support for `sticky_settings` (#16546)
* azurerm_virtual_network_gateway - not set bgpSettings.BgpPeeringAddress when it isn\'t specified (#16383)
* `azurerm_linux_function_app` add test for site_config.scm_ip_restriction.virtual_network_subnet_id (#16559)
* for #15835
* `dependencies`: Upgrade sqlvirtualmachine to 2021-11-01-preview (#15835)
* Update vendor for go-azure-helpers v0.31.1
* Doc Fix: azurerm_public_ip_prefix - remove availability_zone for public ip prefix in tf doc as it is not supported after v3.0 (#16562)
* Add ability to use dashes in administrator login (#16522)
* Test Fix: Post 3.0 More quota region changes (#16556)
* Formatting
* Formatting
* Apply suggestions from code review
* for #16548
* azurerm_stream_analytics_job - support new property job_type (#16548)
* Updated index on guide page adding new provider options
* Terraform block formatting
* Update service_principal_oidc.html.markdown
* Update azure-go-helpers
* Adding OIDC as auth method
* Fix `TestAccBackupProtectedVm_
*` `TestAccSiteRecoveryReplicatedVm_
*` (#16552)
* Update changelog for #16528
* `azurerm_mssql_database` - Support for `short_term_retention_policy.0.backup_interval_in_hours` (#16528)
* Update for #16441
* Stream analytics output to CosmosDB (#16441)
* Update for #15029
* Add run command enabled parameter to AKS cluster (#15029)
* Correct documentation of boundary conditions for azurerm_storage_share.quota property (#16550)
* CI config - App Service Plans not available in WestUS2 currently (#16549)
* Update for #16534
* `azurerm_monitor_aad_diagnostic_setting` - remove validation on `log.category` (#16534)
* Doc Fix: `linux_web_app` and `windows_web_app` - make file_system_level argument required (#16538)
* Update changelog for #16514
* Test Fixes - Swapping regions based on quota (#16514)
* Doc Fix: azurerm_linux_web_app - Fix vnet_route_all_enabled property missing from azurerm_linux_web_app site config (#16531)
* Fix dangling OS disk in `TestAccMsSqlVirtualMachine_
*` (#16519)
* Fix the document issue related with #12456 . (#16536)
* Update mssql_server_transparent_data_encryption.html.markdown (#16512)
* Fix docs example error in `azurerm_data_protection_backup_instance_blob_storage` (#16517)
* Documentation Improvements: Spelling corrections and casing. (#16520)
* Rename additional_login_params to additional_login_parameters (#16474)
* DocumentationImprovements 2: Casing
* DocumentationImprovements #1: Spelling corrections.
* updating to include #16504
* dependencies: upgrading to `v0.30.0` of ``
* Update changelog for #16478
* `azurerm_resource_policy_remediation` - Fix deletion failure due to canceling a completed remediation task (#16478)
* updating to include #16458
* adding example to maintenance window documentation (#16502)
* add test for request/response
* dependencies: updating to v0.11.26 of
* updating to include #16283
* v3.3.0
* `azurerm_cosmos_db_account` - `ip_range_filter` moved from string to List (#16017)
* fixup changelog for release
* `azurerm_api_management_subscription` add test for primary/secondary key (#16485)
* `cosmosdb_account_resource` wait LRO (#15684)
* `app_service_environment_v3_resource` wait LRO (#16279)
* `app_service_environment_resource`wait LRO (#16278)
* for #16277
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_service` supports `service_registry_enabled` (#16277)
* for #16118
* `data_factory_linked_service_sql_server_resource` supports userName (#16118)
* Update changelog for #16403
* `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_azure_blob_storage` - support for `storage_kind` (#16403)
* azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_collection: fix default_ttl_seconds=null is not reflected correctly in state issue (#16405)
* Fix for azurerm_api_management_api_operation with default sample representations (#16273)
* for #16045
* azurerm_redis_enterprise_cluster - support linked_database_id and linked_database_group_nickname (#16045)
* Fix: Clear properties of `NetworkRuleSet` after deleting `storage account network rules` resource (#15780)
* `azurerm_api_management_backend` add test for service_fabric_cluster.server_x509_name.issuer_certificate_thumbprint/name (#16338)
* for #16478
* for #16181
* new resource `azurerm_spring_cloud_container_deployment` (#16181)
* Update changelog for #16143
* `azurerm_cdn_endpoint` -`origin.0.http/https_ports` are now set as the default values of `80`/`443` (#16143)
* `azurerm_application_gateway` - Split the create/update methods (#16477)
* Update property description for fqdn of azurerm_private_dns_zone (#16427)
* CI: `validate-example` uses local built provider (#16388)
* Update the description of the enabled property of azurerm_logic_app_workflow (#16480)
* for #16414
* `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_azure_blob_storage`: Support SP key KV reference (#16414)
* update doc on defaults option (#16492)
* Update for #16488
* fix disabling of rbac (#16488)
* `kubernetes_cluster` Remove ip_version parameter from nat_gateway_profile (#16489)
* Fix load_balancer_sku string case sensitive (#16490)
* Changelog for #16455
* `azurerm_{\\w+_}?policy_assignment` - ensure `name` not contains `/`
* Update for #16389
* Add support for columns_to_remove of azurerm_stream_analytics_output_table (#16389)
* Doc Update: `azurerm_route
*` - Update `address_prefix` to reflect service tags can be set (#16466)
* Update for #16218
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - add support for Defender Profile (#16218)
* Update to Hamilton v0.44.0 and go-azure-helpers v0.28.0. Closes #16291
* Update for #16446
* `azurerm_[linux|windows]_web_app` fix removal of appstack block (#16446)
* Update website/docs/r/lb.html.markdown
* docs: updating `availability_zones` to `zones` for the LB resource
* updating to include #16428
* update for #16442
* `azurerm_[windows|linux]_function_app` - refactor `app_settings` processing for updates (#16442)
* Update for #16426
* Update for #16409
* `AppService` - fix bug in flattening ip_restriction shared code (#16426)
* azurerm_stream_analytics_output_mssql - add support for new properties `max_batch_count` and `max_writer_count` (#16409)
* updating to include #16460
* storage: changes required for Giovanni v0.19.0
* dependencies: updating to v0.19.0 of
* updating to include #16419
* updating to include #16402
* updating to include #16404
* frontdoor: adding a note about api versions (#16450)
* remove go-getter
* Update changelog for #16430
* `azurerm_virtual_hub_connection` - Remove ForceNew for `internet_security_enabled` (#16430)
* Update for #16425
* azurerm_stream_analytics_output_servicebus_topic - add support for new property system_property_columns (#16425)
* Document on which day a week starts for postgresql_flexible_server (#16432)
* Fix `TestAccCognitiveAccountCustomerManagedKey_complete`
* `azurerm_linux_web_app` Add length check to fix #16400 (#16408)
* sentinel - removing setting `etag` before updating it
* Update doc example for azurerm_mysql_server (#16407)
* azurerm_kusto_cluster - Fix typo MyTentantOnly to MyTenantOnly
* `azurerm_storage_account` - Fix error when enabling identity and cmk
* Onboard project to Releases API
* `azurerm_storage_account` data source - Export `nfsv3_enabled`
* `azurerm_subnet` - add up the missing part for deprecating `address_prefix`
* Changed the database SKU from BC_Gen5_2 to S0. (#16398)
* v3.2.0
* tidy changeling for releases
* build: switching to use Go 1.18.1 (#16393)
* Function apps, note about not using FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME (#16394)
* clients: registering using the specific Azure Environment
* Update changelog for #16328
* `azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server` - allow `high_availability` blocks to be added and removed (#16328)
* Update changelog for #16385
* `azurerm_cdn_endpoint` - New value for `operator` of `url_path_condition`: `RegEx` and `Wildcard`. (#16385)
* doc fix (#16387)
* Update changelog for #16371
* `azurerm_eventhub_namespace` - separate create and update funcs (#16371)
* Update for #16349
* Update changelog for #16370
* add $superuser as option for owner and group (#16370)
* New Resource: `azurerm_stream_analytics_job_schedule` (#16349)
* for #16366
* Update radius.server_root_certificate of azurerm_vpn_server_configuration to optional (#16366)
* for #16369
* `r\\lb_outbound_rule` Allow `0` for `allocated_outbound_ports` (#16369)
* for #16313
* Fix `data_source_type` for the resource `Log Analytics Linked Storage Account Type` (#16313)
* Mention `se`/`st` fails if has the time offset set, in the document (#16314)
* docs: updating the 3.0 upgrade notes for keyvault to include the casing changes (#16363)
* for #15731
* New resource: `azurerm_container_connected_registry` (#15731)
* for #15861
* `azurerm_sentinel_watchlist` - Add required property `item_search_key` (#15861)
* Add property description for public_network_access_enabled of azurerm_kusto_cluster (#16362)
* Fix svc plan SKU typo (#16364)
* fix issue 16289
* Fix issue - the get throughput api should not be called when cosmos account is serverless (#16281)
* Update changelog for #16293
* New Resources: `azurerm_
*_policy_exemption` (#16293)
* aks: raise conntrack_max limit to 1048576 (#16347)
* for #16204
* add `init_container` to `azurerm_container_group` resource. (#16204)
* `mysql_virtual_network_rule` waitLRO (#16043)
* `mariadb_virtual_network_rule` waitLRO (#16042)
* Fix provider URL
* Add release script
* Update changelog for #16312
* Fix MySQL flexible server backup_retention_days (#16312)
* fix issue 16337 (#16339)
* `azurerm_api_management_api_diagnostic` add test for backend_response.data_masking.headers.mode/value/frontend_request.data_masking.query_params.mode/value (#16318)
* `azurerm_api_management_authorization_server` - add test for client_authentication_method/description/ (#16324)
* `azurerm_frontdoor_firewall_policy` add test for tags (#16316)
* Update changelog for #16180
* `kusto_database ` support data source `kusto_database_data_source.go` (#16180)
* Update .goreleaser.yml
* docs:
*_virtual_machine: add note about provision_vm_agent
* Migrate Provider Releases from TeamCity to GitHub Actions
* docs: fix property name for `azurerm_
*_policy_remediation` doc (#16303)
* Update changelog for #16304
* `azurerm_media_streaming_endpoint` support Standard Streaming Endpoint (#16304)
* Update for #16288
* rename public_network_access_enabled to better reflect that this applied to behind a vnet (#16288)
* v3.1.0
* pre release fixups
* Update for #14848
* [Bug Fix - azurerm_api_management_api_operation] - Handling example.value none-string types (#14848)
* for #16258
* Update changelog for #16268
* add support for local_auth_enabled (#16268)
* Update for #16270
* Upgrade Stream Analytics API version from 2020-03-01-preview to 2020-03-01 (#16270)
* tidy
* go mod
* upgrade sdk from 63.0 to 63.1 to use the monitor sdk
* website-scaffold: generate TF configuration example from AccTest (#13985)
* `synapse_workspace_resource`wait LRO (#16266)
* add dynamic_container_enabled support for datafactory (#15749)
* New resource: `azurerm_container_registry_agent_pool` (#16258)
* Dataset blob store location path can be empty (#16169)
* Update changelog for #16214
* `azurerm_mssql_database` - support for property `ledger_enabled` (#16214)
* Test Fixes: Post 3.0 (#16264)
* Update for #16156
* `azurerm_service_plan` - add support for `zone_balancing_enabled` (#16156)
* `private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link` waitLRO (#15872)
* for #15601
* `azurerm_servicebus_namespace` supports `customer_managed_key` (#15601)
* for #16229
* azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_container: fix issue about removing analytical_storage_ttl needs to force replacement (#16229)
* `lighthouse_assignment` waitLRO (#16041)
* for #16253
* r/dedicated_host: support for the Sku\'s `DSv3-Type4` and `ESv3-Type4` (#16253)
* Update mssql_server_security_alert_policy.html.markdown (#16236)
* Test Fix: Post 3.0 (#16251)
* TC - enable location and location rotation overrides (#16254)
* fix for 10573 - Error during terraform apply on existing LA workspace in Free tier (#15843)
* Update for #16088
* `kubernetes_cluster_resource` support network_profile.ip_versions (#16088)
* Update for #16130
* Adding `oidc_issuer_profile` support to `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` (#16130)
* Update for #16192
* `azurerm_windows_web_app` and `azurerm_windows_web_app_slot` - fix docker windowsfxversion string clobbering (#16192)
* updating to include #16247
* examples: updating to account for 3.0
* tooling: updating golangci-lint to 1.45.0
* tooling: pinning golangci to go 1.18
* go mod vendor
* go mod tidy
* dependencies: updating to Go 1.18
* Fix ordering issue
* refactor: switching to wrap the strings.Title dependency
* Fix `postgresql_server_key` documentation example (#16232)
* Fixing Route Server Example (#16243)
* Update firewall_policy_rule_collection_group.html.markdown (#16227)
* tools: updating to v1.45.0 of golangci-lint
* Update changelog for #16132
* `azurerm_application_gateway` - allow `frontend_ip_configuration` blocks to be changed (#16132)
* updating to include #16147
* Update for #16152
* azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_container,azurerm_cosmosdb_gremlin_graph: fix the case-insensitive issue about indexing_mode property after 3.0 release (#16152)
* More test fixes
* update changelog for #16215
* update validation to allow superuser value (#16215)
* Test Fixes - Post 3.0 (#16199)
* [fix] Wrong reference to txt record. (#16212)
* `azurerm_monitor_metric_alert` add dynamic_criteria.evaluation_failure_count/evaluation_total_count/ignore_data_before (#15996)
* add test for probe (#16203)
* Update for #16161
* automation_account_resource: make dsc_
*_access_key sensitive (#16161)
* Fix incorrect resource referenced in header (#16207)
* Fix `azurerm_public_ip` docs around default zone redundant behavior (#16209)
* `spring_cloud_app_cosmosdb_association` waitLRO (#16039)
* Update changelog for #16170
* `azurerm_application_insights` - Remove disable logic for the Azure created Action Group (#16170)
* Replace existing issue templates with github forms (#16159)
* update url validation (#16186)
* Update preview notes (#16137)
* TC - update policy tests target, update acctest tertiary location (#16185)
* Updated for #16080
* `azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy` Fix #16019 by adding `KNOWN-CVES` to `ValidateWebApplicationFirewallP… (#16080)
* docs: add case-sensitive fields for azurerm_key_vault_access_policy (#16160)
* fix: update attribute name to match documentation (#16171)
* Updated for #16164
* `azurerm_windows_function_app` - fix import check for Service Plan `kind` (#16164)
* Updated for #16149
* `azurerm_linux_web_app_slot ` - fix `container_registry_managed_identity_client_id` validation (#16149)
* Test Fixes: Post 3.0 Authorization -> Data Factory (#16144)
* Update changelog for #16044
* `dependencies` Update `digitaltwins` api version to 2020-12-01 (#16044)
* Update changelog for #16074
* Additional two filters, SubscriptionID and SubscriptionName, for consumption_budget_management_group resource (#16074)
* Updated for #16129
* `azurerm_windows_web_app` - add support for `dotnetcore` in site metadata value `current_stack` (#16129)
* Update for #16134
* `azurerm_linux_function_app` and `azurerm_linux_function_app_slot` remove `RequiredWith` constraints on app insights settings (#16134)
* Upgrading go SDK from v62.3.0 to v63.0.0
* docs: data source allow public access (#16145)
* azurerm_mssql_database - storage_account_type remove force new (#16113)
* Update for #15804
* `r\\cognitive_account`: Add support for `custom_question_answering_search_service_id` (#15804)
* Update go-azure-helpers to v0.28.0
* Remove legacy ADAL support previously hidden behind a feature flag
* Mention free tier restrictions (#16127)
* fix: wrong doc resource page title (#16117)
* CI - update acctest regions based on quota expectations and re-enable region rotation (#16119)
* Remove duplicated `os_type` in `service_plan` doc (#16122)
* default acctests to deleting non-empty rgs so failed tests clean up (#16094)
* Doc update: app_service_source_control incorrect variable requirements (#16082)
* `lighthouse_definition` waitLRO (#16040)
* docs: update default value for min_tls_version and reference to deprecated argument (#16108)
* fix: typo on user_assigned_identity resource name (#16102)
* service_plan example missed required os_type (#16100)
* allow_blob_public_access in Note renamed (#16098)
* Service Plan and Web App docs update (#16091)
* Update mssql_database.html.markdown (#16110)
* for #16006
* Bug fix `azurerm_api_management_api_operation_tag` get tag by operation (#16006)
* `spring_cloud_custom_domain` waitLRO (#16037)
* `spring_cloud_certificate` waitLRO (#16038)
* Update
* Update
* v3.0.2
* for #16078
* Update go-azure-helpers to v0.27.0 (#16078)
* Update changelog for #16073
* `azurerm_resource_group` - Wait for eventual consistency when deleting (#16073)
* for #16070
* azurerm_managed_disk - mark zone as force new (#16070)
* azurerm_cosmosdb_account - update docs and example to remove prefix (#16067)
* for #16066
* `azurerm_cdn_endpoint` nil check contents of `country_codes` (#16066)
* azurerm_api_management_gateway_api - fix docs example (#16062)
* Fix documentation on azurerm_public_ip (#16064)
* Add guide on how to migrate to replacement resources (#16060)
* Update resource address of import command (#16056)
* `azurerm_application_gateway` - update docs and upgrade guide for `match` block properties (#16053)
* for #16046
* `azurerm_[linux|windows]_function_app` - fix update to storage settings when using MSI (#16046)
* for #16031
* azurerm_cosmosdb_account - prevent panic (#16031)
* Update
* to include allow_blob_public_access change
* 3.0 Doc Fix (#16025)
* v3.0.1
* Features block schema fixes
* Update
* Changelog for #16021
* Features: be explicit about all default values
* Bugfix: default the resource group `prevent_deletion_if_contains_resources` feature flag to `true`
* placeholder for 3.1.0
* v3.0.0
* `azurerm_policy_definition` - fix creation of management group policy definitions and policy tests (#16013)
* remove extended_audit related code
* docs: referencing v3.0
* loadtest: renaming the test so it matches the expected syntax
* r/api_management: adding a lifecycle test (CRUD) using consumption since it\'s considerably quicker
* r/api_management: recovering only during creation
* sql: remove tests for blob auditing policy block
* azurerm_sql_server / azurerm_sql_database: fix up blob auditing policy removal
* update storage config for mariadb and mysql tests for removal of storage_profile
* fixing the build
* cleanup: removing dead code
* Docs: Make `identity` and `zones` documentation consistent (#16007)
* terrafmt
* docs: adding data sources/resources containing deprecated tags
* r/function_app_slot: removing the deprecated `client_affinity_enabled` field
* r/function_app: removing the deprecated fields
* docs: further updating of the upgrade guide
* docs: clarifying the block
* r/network_connection_monitor: removing the deprecated fields
* docs: misc additions to the upgrade guide
* mssql: removing the deprecation from the migration
* r/keyvault: removing the note about soft delete since this is now always enabled
* r/frontdoor: updating to account for the properties being moved inside a block
* eventgrid: removing `hybrid_connection_endpoint`
* eventgrid: removing `eventhub_endpoint`
* r/container_registry: `sku` is now required and can no longer be set to `Classic`
* remove version property from redis_enterprise_cluster
* remove 3.0 beta docs from guides
* remove beta feedback issue template
* data factory - remove deprecated structure_column
* updating to include #16004
* 3.0 test fixes for pgsql and trafficmanager (#16008)
* r/storage_account: StorageV1 and ZRS is no longer supported
* Fix UT for LogAnalyticsWorkspace default feature
* splitting the Readme and Developer guides
* Rollback issues introduced in 48d9aadb1e1397d99fe3dc535a2e7c4928f441ae
* `web_pubsub_hub` waitLRO (#15896)
* update spring cloud sdk to 2022-03-01-preview (#15953)
* Fix error message for form_parameter (#15995)
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_java_deployment` supports `runtime_version` Java17 (#15954)
* `spring_cloud_service` supports `E0` sku (#15957)
* Add name validation for azurerm_mysql_firewall_rule (#15959)
* azurerm_lb_probe: remove unused resource_group_name property (#15993)
* `azurerm_route_table ` - Move `route` from List to Set (#15991)
* for #15992
* `azurerm_cdn_endpoint` -> Rename `host_name` to `fqdn` (#15992)
* for #15747
* `azurerm_security_center_server_vulnerability_assessment` - deprecate in favour of `azurerm_security_center_vm_server_vulnerability_assessment` (#15747)
* for #15983
* `azurerm_security_center_setting` - Disable on Delete and RequiresImport support (#15983)
* for #15892
* `azurerm_application_insights` - Disable Rule and Action Group that are automatically created when creating this resource (#15892)
* `azurerm_key_vault_certificate` - `x509_certificate_properties.0.key_usage` swapping TypeList to TypeSet (#15988)
* for #15989
* 3.0: adding missing import validators (#15989)
* mssql test fixes (#15949)
* remove outdated example
* updating to include #15984
* make fmt
* updating to include #15901
* fix linting
* azurerm_lb_rule / azurerm_lb_outbound_rule: remove the deprecated resource_group_name property (#15986)
* fix test
* minor fix
* updating to include #15982
* updating to include #15933
* fix sql auditing panic
* remaining tests and docs
* update subnets in tests to use prefixes
* fix error that made it into main during GHA outage
* test fixes
* update cosmos throughput test for new validation - see #15978 for related change (#15985)
* remove more tests for unsupported app versions
* various fixes
* various fixes
* Fix up schema and docs, and align defaults, for soft-deleted-recover and purge-on-delete behaviors
* terrafmt
* remove tests for unsupported node versions
* Update website/docs/r/storage_share.html.markdown
* azurerm_storage_share - make quota required
* portal: re-introducing the deprecated `azurerm_dashboard` resource
* Update app stack versions
* updating to include #15973
* fix: 🐛 Adjust minimum limit of max_throughput validation (#15978)
* `azurerm_service_plan` - remove retiring skus (#15971)
* Update docs for 3.0 (#15974)
* Doc FIx: log_analytics_workspace block (#15975)
* d/kubernetes_cluster: updating to account for the identity changes
* r/kubernetes_cluster: documenting the changes to the identity block
* r/purview_account: documenting the identity block changes
* r/storage_account: documenting the identity block changes
* r/synapse_workspace: documenting the identity changes
* r/app_service: documenting the identity changes
* r/app_service_slot: documenting the identity changes
* Update for #15969
* App Service - add dotnet-isolated runtime support (#15969)
* r/function_app: documenting the identity block changes
* r/function_app_slot: removing/documenting the identity changes
* r/log_analytics_cluster_customer_managed_key: updating the Exists function to check that CMK exists
* r/portal_dashboard: updating the docs
* docs: note about azurerm_dashboard being renamed
* terrafmt
* apim: updating the todo to be for 4.0
* appconfig: handling the app configuration being deleted
* refactor: working through todo\'s
* r/eventgrid_topic: tests can now run anywhere
* r/firewall_policy: updating the docs to account for the identity changes
* hpccache: fixing the validation message
* iothub: documenting the change
* todo cleanup
* r/log_analytics_cluster_customer_managed_key: swithcing to use the Cluster ID directly
* machinelearning: switching to use the new identity types
* r/mssql_server: migrating to use the new `identity` type
* updating to include #15948
* r/mysql_server: removing support for 5.6 (not present in the docs)
* policy: removing an unnecessary todo
* policy: removing the old id parser
* TC - deactivate location shuffling for acceptance tests (#15962)
* modify code and clean up code
* `azurerm_vpn_site` add test for tags
* Update for #15907
* update function apps and app slots to correctly maintain content settings (#15907)
* fix build
* for #15617
* Added \'target_availability_zone\' argument for zone-zone ASR (#15617)
* typos and terrafmt
* fix some linting errors
* intial pass through deprecations
* linting: unnecessary pointer deref (#15950)
* for #14759
* azurerm_mssql_database_vulnerability_assessment_rule_baseline: fix the resource is being replaced every new tf apply issue (#14759)
* fix tests
* feature log_analytics_workspace/permanently_delete_on_destroy defaults to true
* for #15741
* azurerm_virtual_hub - support for virtual_router_asn and virtual_router_ips properties (#15741)
* for #15597
* update spring cloud sdk to 2022-01-01-preview (#15597)
* for #15562
* `r\\shared_image`: Add support for `support_accelerated_network` (#15562)
* change custom_subdomain_name from optional to required (#15944)
* Block Blob Storage: Allow infrastructure_encryption_enabled to be set for accounts of type BlockBlobStorage. (#15885)
* `azurerm_storage_management_policy` - bug fix for `rule.actions` block (#15832)
* for #15897
* azurerm_synapse_workspace_key - can not be correctly rotated (#15897)
* updating to include #15890
* Update changelog for #15159
* `azurerm_local_network_gateway` : fix for `address_space` cannot be updated #15159
* `s\\recoveryservices` `s\\loganalytics`: Deprecate unsupported tags (#15403)
* Add uprade note for 15403
* `azurerm_subnet` - Swap `service_endpoints` from TypeList to TypeSet (#15424)
* Add upgrade guide note
* Bugfix: correct env var for custom metadata host
* Bugfix: ensure MSAL is always enabled
* Fix auto_swap_slot_name missing from app_service_slot documentation (#15925)
* Changelog for #15871
* Add upgrade guide for this resource
* rename `group_by` to `group_by_entities`
* r/redis_cache: updating the todo
* postgres: clarifying a todo
* refactor: cleanup of unnecessary todo\'s
* redis: refactoring the validate max memory policy validation function
* portal: requires import
* azurerm_api_management: support recovery of soft deleted instances and enable purge on deletion by default
* add missing proxy property doc
* updating to include #15829
* Update internal/services/synapse/synapse_workspace_resource.go
* Update internal/services/synapse/synapse_workspace_resource.go
* r/linux_virtual_machine: adding an explicit type assertion
* CI - remove spaces from cron days for `web` (#15935)
* r/sentinal_alert_rule_scheduled: fixing the 3.0 todo\'s
* rename all remaining blob access properties
* go mod vendor
* make generate
* cleanup: removing remnants of datalake
* docs: adding deprecations to the upgrade guide
* network: removing remnants of the older tests
* datalake: removing the Gen1 dependent resources
* hdinsight: removing the deprecated HDInsight resources
* apimanagement: removing the legacy `azurerm_api_management_property` resource
* costmanagement: removing `azurerm_cost_management_export_resource_group`
* datalake: removing deprecated resources:
* policy: adding back in a removed function
* trafficmanager: removing `azurerm_traffic_manager_endpoint`
* kusto: removing `azurerm_kusto_database_principal`
* network: removing `azurerm_packet_capture`
* policy: removing deprecated resources `azurerm_policy_assignment` and `azurerm_virtual_machine_configuration_policy_assignment`
* securitycenter: removing `azurerm_security_center_assessment_metadata`
* Data factory: fix failing tests (#15931)
* updating to include #15927
* updating to include #15873
* Update for #15930
* fix issue 15898 (#15930)
* App Service Tests: update blob access property name in template (#15911)
* Change type of `group_by` to List
* Add firewall note to upgrade guide
* `azurerm_firewall_rule_x` - change various attribute blocks from `Set` to `List` (#15008)
* modify code
* `azurerm_cdn_endpoint` add test for global_delivery_rule.cache_key_query_string_action/modify_request_header_action/url_redirect_action/url_rewrite_action
* Fix: The real updated time will be equal or after the requested time for azurerm_role_definition (#15817)
* Upgrading go SDK from v62.1.0 to v62.3.0
* remove features flags
* for #15863
* Data Source: azurerm_storage_account_sas - support for tag and filter (#15863)
* Support user assigned identitied in api_management_custom_domain (#15845)
* azurerm_virtual_network - add vnet_peering_address_list as datasource output for vnet (#15153)
* for #14933
* `r\\linux_virtual_machine` `r\\windows_virual_machine`: Add support for `termination_notification` (#14933)
* `r\\site_recovery_replicated_vm`: Fix issue of `create` depending on `update` timeout (#15501)
* Add upgrade note for 14027 (#15916)
* `azurerm_eventhub_namespace` - Swap TypeList to TypeSet for `network_rulesets.x.virtual_network_rule` (#14027)
* fix: remove deprecated property from documentation (#15903)
* update docs for app service 3.0 deprecations (#15908)
* `azurerm_windows_web_app` - correct 32bit worker property name in docs (#15912)
* goimports
* tests: updating the configurations to account for edge zone requirements
* r/storage_account: support for edge_zone
* r/virtual_network_gateway: support for `edge_zone`
* r/virtual_network: support for edge_zone
* r/public_ip: support for edge_zone
* r/network_interface: adding support for edge_zone
* r/loadbalancer: support for edge_zone
* r/managed_disk: support for edge_zone
* r/windows_virtual_machine_scale_set: adding support for `edge_zone`
* r/windows_virtual_machine: support for edge_zone
* r/linux_virtual_machine_scale_set: support for edge_zone
* r/linux_virtual_machine: support for Edge Zones
* Update for #15884
* `azurerm_windows_function_app` node version validation strings. (#15884)
* Fix golangci-lint error
* add missed update properties in win web and win web slot (#15883)
* `azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_scheduled - support for `group_by_{alert|custom}_details`, `alert_details_override`, `entity_mapping`, `custom_details`
* CI - enable acctest distribution across subscriptions and enable location rotation (#15826)
* Fix iothub docs (#15876)
* fix failed testcases in Synapse
* `spring_cloud_java_deployment_resource` wait LRO (#15833)
* `spring_cloud_app_redis_association_resource` wait LRO (#15836)
* `spring_cloud_app_mysql_association_resource` wait LRO (#15838)
* for #15847
* `azurerm_container_registry` - Validate `georepliactions` to ensure it does not include the location of the ACR (#15847)
* Add lock for azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_role_assignment and azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_role_definition (#15862)
* Update resource name (#15864)
* Fix TC TestAccPostgreSQLServer_createPointInTimeRestore (#15870)
* `recovery_services_vault` waitLRO (#15877)
* 3.0 `azurerm_policy_remediation` split into `azurerm_management_group_policy_remediation`, `azurerm_resource_policy_remediation`, `azurerm_resource_group_policy_remediation` and `azurerm_subscription_policy_remediation` (#15860)
* updating to include #15834
* updating to include #15889
* dependencies: upgrdint to `v0.26.0` of ``
* Moving 2.90 - 2.99 into the 2.x file
* splitting the changelog for 2.x out
* Update for #15874
* `r\\iothub`: Add support for identity-based `file_upload` (#15874)
* Update for #15878
* mark kube_config and kube_admin_config as sensitive (#15881)
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - Allow key vault provider and open service mesh in China and Government (#15878)
* update code
* Update for #15793
* update code
* `azurerm_[linux|windows]_function_app` and `azurerm_[linux|windows]_function_app_slot` - support Key Vault Secret for storage connection string (#15793)
* updating to include the changes from #15800
* update code
* New Data Source: `azurerm_key_vault_encrypted_value`
* update code
* Fix TC for MySql
* common: updating the \"+beta\" user agent to be behind the 4.0 feature toggle
* deps: removing unused dependencies
* make generate
* devspace: removing older resources
* servicefabricmesh: removing
* make generate
* provider: enabling 3.0 mode
* updating to include #15867
* function apps: updating the read timeout to 5m
* Update for #15831
* New Resource: azurerm_stream_analytics_function_javascript_uda (#15831)
* updated value
* add comment
* fix import a connected synapse workspace
* log analytics cluster docs: Removed outdated capacity constraints message (#15859)
* for #15736
* azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_collection: Fix the issue that expireAfterSeconds property could not be set to -1 (#15736)
* change the test for identity
* Update for #15759
* Healthcareapi/workspace (#15759)
* `azurerm_hdinsight_rserver_cluster` - add test for storage_account.storage_resource_id (#15498)
* `azurerm_static_site_custom_domain` - make `validation_type` optional
* make comment a TODO
* 3.0 Datafactory Refactor (#15828)
* Update for #15376
* support user assigned identity for policy assignments (#15376)
* `vpn_gateway` wait LRO (#15755)
* r/log_analytics_saved_search: updating the casing of the resource ids
* loganalytics: removing unused code
* r/lighthouse_definition: refactoring to use an id parser
* d/private_endpoint_connection: switching to use an id parser
* refactor: lighthouse assignment now uses an id parser
* r/eventgrid_event_subscription: refactoring to use an ID Parser
* docs: fix server reference example (#15802)
* `azurerm_static_site` - `identity` supports `SystemAssigned, UserAssigned`
* updating to include #15797
* bold
* adding the 3.0 major notes section to the changelog
* updating to include #15719
* docs: adding missing docs for `azurerm_api_connection`
* remove deprecated addon_profile and http_application_routing blocks from docs (#15822)
* make generate
* New Resource: `azurerm_api_connection`
* New Data Source: `azurerm_managed_api`
* connections: importing the embedded sdk
* connections: scaffolding the new service
* Update for #15559
* add `delivery_property` to `azurerm_eventgrid_system_topic_event_subscription` (#15559)
* 3.0 Various Test Fixes (#15812)
* docs: correct long_term_retention_policy section (#15801)
* Fix tests for 3.0 (#15788)
* adding the changelog placeholder for 3.0
* fix document typos error (#15798)
* v2.99.0
* - pre release tidy
* `subnet_service_endpoint_storage_policy` wait LRO (#15730)
* `sql_virtual_network_rule_resource` wait LRO (#15764)
* Windows VMSS: allow prefix end with dashes (#15742)
* 3.0 Test Fixes - any test using KeyVault (#15796)
* data.azurerm_active_directory_domain_service: correct documentation for the `replica_sets` block (#15738)
* for #15038
* New Resource: azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_role_assignment (#15038)
* for #14983
* Upgrade sentinel API to 2021-09-01-preview (#14983)
* `mssql/mssql_virtual_network_rule` wait LRO (#15781)
* for #15757
* Support cross region restore on azurerm_recovery_service_vault (#15757)
* `netapp_pool` wait LRO (#15785)
* Address TODO items for storage package (#15739)
* Final sweep of straightforward TODO changes for 3.0 (#15761)
* for #14882
* Data Source azurerm_virtual_network - add tags property (#14882)
* Changelog for #15771
* remove old resource rename doc (#15766)
* update \'web\' accTest start time and schedule (#15767)
* Beta Fixes - Function Apps `app_settings` / `storage_uses_managed_identity` bugs (#15735)
* Fix tests for `azurem_iothub`, `azurem_digital_twins` and `azurem_stream_analytics` (#15769)
* docs: Typo (#15773)
* Fixing Load Balancer documentation (#15779)
* 3.0 Test Fixes - Postgres, keyvault, storage, eventgrid (#15727)
* azurerm_mssql_server: make the SQL administrator optional when using AAD-only authentication
* `azurerm_function_app_function` - (beta resource) fixes validation method on `function_id` schema item (#15763)
* refactor: more 3.0 prep (#15718)
* Fix schema issue with api_management_custom_domain resource (#15744)
* adding a note around preparing for 3.0
* Address TODO items in preparation for 3.0 beta (8/many) (#15699)
* tests: fix tests in container package for 3.0 (#15732)
* Update changelog for #14749
* Support customer managed keys for azurerm_batch_account (#14749)
* [3.0 Beta] TODO changes for netapp (#15706)
* Changelog for #15725
* [3.0 Beta] TODO changes for hdinsight (#15700)
* `dependency` Fix compute vendor mod (#15729)
* for #15036
* `azurerm_container_registry`: add support of `export_policy_enabled` (#15036)
* `key_vault_resource` wait LRO (#15717)
* Wait LRO for automation resources (#15642)
* Fix refresh failure of removed `azurerm_logic_app_trigger_http_request` (#15519)
* website: example of python function app (#15460)
* Upgrade blob inventory policy API to 2021-04-01 (#14183)
* for #15099
* Update Azure compute sdk version to 2021-11-01 (#15099)
* for #15035
* New Resource: azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_role_definition (#15035)
* Deprecation of `sql` package for v3.0 (#15676)
* Bugfix: fix broken read func for mssql_managed_instance_active_directory_administrator
* Update for #15648
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` upgrade sdk to 2022-01-02-preview (#15648)
* Update for #15546
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` deprecate and remove `role_based_access_control` block and `private_link_enabled` (#15546)
* r/network_security_rule: removing the locks by default in 3.0
* updating to include #15716
* updating the changelog
* Updated for #15702
* New Beta Resources: `azurerm_function_app_hybrid_connection` and `azurerm_web_app_hybrid_connection` (#15702)
* upgrading go sdk from 61.6.0 to 62.1.0
* add 3.0 conditional deprecations to web (#15668)
* `azurerm_postgresql_server` - update document link (#15714)
* Update changelog for #15656
* `azurerm_backup_protected_vm`: Make `source_vm_id` case insensitive (#15656)
* Update changelog for #15694
* `azurerm_lb_nat_rule` - `frontend_port` and `backend_port` now support `0` (#15694)
* `azurerm_network_profile` - use `future.WaitForCompletionRef`
* `iothub_resource` - swapping custom wait logic to `future.WaitForCompletion` (#15698)
* 3.0 Test Fixes - Purview -> Traffic Manager (#15692)
* docs: adding the legacy vmss resource to the upgrade guide page
* `azurerm_signalr_service` Fix #15626 by adding nil check. (#15643)
* `azurerm_function_app_slot` - add test for headers.x_azure_fdid/x_fd_health_probe/x_forwarded_for/x_forwarded_host/service_tag/virtual_network_subnet_id (#15469)
* `azurerm_function_app` - add test forheaders.x_azure_fdid/x_fd_health_probe/x_forwarded_for/x_forwarded_host/name/priority/service_tag/virtual_network_subnet_id (#15472)
* Update for #15584
* Data Source `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` deprecate and remove `addon_profile`, `role_based_access_control` and `private_link_enabled` (#15584)
* add sentence for forcenew behaviour on public_network_access_enabled
* Update Changelog for #15671
* Address TODO items in preparation for 3.0 beta (7/many) (#15671)
* Update for #15605
* New Beta Resource - `azurerm_function_app_function` (#15605)
* Logic app access control disappear when modifing workflow steps (#15517)
* `azurerm_app_service_slot` - add test for action/name/priority/service_tag/headers.x_azure_fdid/x_fd_health_probe/x_forwarded_for/x_forwarded_host (#15500)
* for #15624
* Support enabled property for azurerm_mssql_database_extended_auditing_policy and azurerm_mssql_server_extended_auditing_policy resources (#15624)
* `azurerm_hdinsight_storm_cluster` - add test for storage_account.storage_resource_id (#15497)
* fix(mssql): retry creating security alert policies when getting datab… (#15532)
* Case sensitive enums fix - Containers (#15654)
* for #15670
* Set key vault id on key import issue #12357 (#15670)
* 3.0 Test Fixes - Log Analytics, HDInsight, MSSQL (#15659)
* `azurerm_synapse_workspace_key` - update example (#15688)
* azurerm_api_management_api_operation_policy.operation_id validation too restrictive (#15690)
* Update changelog for #15623
* As #15444 described, the `parameters` is updatable according to the `updateFunc` function in `assignment_base_resource.go`. (#15623)
* Update Changelog for #15689
* fix panic in virtual_network_gateway resources (#15689)
* Update for #15618
* Fix forces replacement on empty array (#15618)
* Update for #15686
* Bug Fix: azurerm_batch_job - Fix failure to create azurerm_batch_job with multiple properties in common_environment_properties (#15686)
* Address TODO items in preparation for 3.0 beta (6/many) (#15442)
* updating to include #14839
* Remove potentially destructive setting in example (#15667)
* Changing streaming_ingest_enabled to streaming_ingestion_enabled (#15625)
* `appservice` / `web` - Fix tests and a few feature flag issues (#15665)
* Update internal/features/four_point_oh.go
* add test for azurerm_automation_runbook.tags (#14908)
* Update internal/services/machinelearning/machine_learning_compute_instance_resource.go
* updating to include #15637
* updating to include #15598
* Update doc for MySQL Flexible Server Database
* updating to include #15603
* features: adding a feature-flag placeholder for 4.0 and 4.0 beta
* add test for backend
* docs: adding a note about the azurerm backend/msal to the upgrade guide
* Enable the case sensitive enum for 3.0-beta
* azurerm_active_directory_domain_service: link to official LDAPS docs
* Correct argument reference (#15652)
* r/virtual_machine_scale_set: deprecating the legacy VM Scale Set resource
* update changelog for #15590
* `azurem_iothub`- deprecate `ip_filter_rule` in favour of `network_rule_set` (#15590)
* updating to include #15582
* lint
* 3.0 Test Fix: Firewall (#15596)
* More test fixes
* r/eventhub_namespace_customer_managed_key: fixing linting
* add test for deliveryrule
* generalize \"subscription\" for test data && resolve other comments
* More compute test fixes
* continued test fixes
* start of compute test fixes
* make fmt
* refactor: removing `pluginsdk.DefaultImporter`
* S -> W: adding missing import validators
* L -> S: switching to use custom importers
* r/kusto_database_principal: refactoring to use an import validator & removing in 3.0 mode
* E -> K: refactoring to use import-time validation
* r/eventhub_namespace_customer_managed_key: making the Delete function a noop in 3.0
* r/eventhub_namespace_customer_managed_key: custom importer
* D -> E: refactoring to use id parsers
* refactor: A -> C now have ID validators at import time
* apimanagement: refactoring to use id validators
* r/mssql_managed_instance: normalizing the SystemAssigned check
* refactor: deprecating `azure.SchemaLocationForDataSource`
* refactor: removing usages of `azure.SchemaLocationForDataSource`
* refactor: removing `azure.ValidateResourceGroupName`
* fixing a merge conflict
* refactor: switching usages of `SchemaResourceGroupNameForDataSource` to commonschema`
* Update for #15604
* refactor: removing the old UUID constant since this should be used via the helper
* refactor: switching to use the new IsUUID function
* internal/acceptance: introducing a new `IsUUID` function
* upgrade azure sdk to 61.6.0
* terrafmt
* `azurerm_storage_object_replication` - supports replicating containers across subscriptions
* add test for complete
* terrafmt
* `azurerm_storage_data_lake_gen2_filesystem` - add supports of `owner` and `group`
* Update
* v2.98.0
* fix tests for automation runbook (#15581)
* `azurerm_data_factory` - add test for vsts_configuration (#15580)
* Remove preview warning for GA kubelet identity feature (#15583)
* for #15529
* azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_collection: support to set autoscale_settings without shard_key when creating a cosmos DB mongo collection (#15529)
* include 3.0 beta in useragent if enabled (#15577)
* refactor: removing the old location package
* refactor: removing usages on \"\"
* refactor: removing the old `StateFunc` function
* refactor: removing the old `HashCode` function
* refactor: removing the old `DiffSuppressFunc` function
* refactor: removing SchemaComputed
* appservice - fixup failing tests (#15579)
* embed pandora sdk: sdk/2021-04-01/objectreplicationpolicies
* azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting - Update parser for case-insensitive while reading
* Update changelog for #15561
* `azurerm_firewall_policy` - wait for completion after calling create (#15561)
* updating to include #15507
* `azurerm_mssql_database`: Move hyper scale comment to the right place (#15573)
* Update for #15246
* New Beta Resources: `azurerm_web_app_active_slot` and `azurerm_function_app_active_slot` (#15246)
* Update description for sku_name of azurerm_mysql_flexible_server
* 3.0 Test Fixes for Key Vault (#15566)
* updated displayname
* updated complete
* add test for complete
* update for #15553
* app_service Beta - complete support for `key_vault_reference_identity_id` (#15553)
* [BUG] `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set` - fix for issue 15516 (#15523)
* `azurerm_api_management_diagnostic` - add test `data_masking` for backend_request/backend_responsefrontend_request/frontend_response (#15527)
* fix: fix read error when consumption budget does not exist in azure (#15522)
* `azurerm_monitor_metric_alert` - add test for action.webhook_properties (#15545)
* Document globally unique constraint on (#15478)
* `document`: Fix `r\\site_recovery_replicated_vm` doc example (#15506)
* docs: add required argument to r\\active_directory_domain_service example (#15520)
* `azurerm_network_watcher_flow_log` - fix a potential panic happened during state migration (#15543)
* Fix wrong deprecation warning for enable_disk_encryption (#15554)
* fix public_network_access_enabled (#15510)
* remove the deprecated addon_profile block and sub-blocks from documentation
* Doc: Fix featuers-block link
* go mod tidy
* refactor: misc cleanup of the `azure` and `utils` package (#15508)
* Add reference to purge on destroy feature flag for APIM (#15511)
* dependencies: upgrading to `v0.18.0` of ``
* Update machine_learning_compute_instance_resource.go
* refactor: updating the azure methods to call commonschema
* refactor: removing `azure.SchemaResourceGroupNameOptionalComputed()`
* refactor: removing `azure.SchemaResourceGroupNameSetOptional()`
* refactor: removing `azure.SchemaResourceGroupNameOptional()`
* refactor: removing `azure.SchemaResourceGroupNameDeprecatedComputed`
* refactor: removing `location.SchemaWithoutForceNew()`
* refactor: removing azure.LocationOptional()
* make generate
* legacy: registrating the Service Registration
* refactor: moving the legacy vmss resource into the legacy package
* refactor: moving the legacy vm resource into Legacy
* compute: refactoring to use the linux vm resource
* refactor: making the VirtualMachineResourceName public
* r/legacy_virtual_machine_scale_set: refactoring to use the client in the legacy package
* r/virtual_machine: refactoring to use the legacy client
* legacy: adding a new client for the legacy resources
* Update
* adding 2.98.0
* v2.97.0
* address issues after merging the \"TODO\" PRs (#15496)
* [ANF-WI-13416925] Changing ANF resource update methods to use Update instead of CreateOrUpdate (#15491)
* for #15368
* azurerm_kusto_cluster - rename enable_
* to
*_enabled (#15368)
* spring cloud: custom_persistent_disks -> custom_persistent_disk (#15488)
* `azurerm_log_analytics_data_export_rule` - Added parser importer and fixed tests (#15480)
* Doc Update: `azurerm_traffic_manager_external_endpoint` - adding `endpoint_location` (#15485)
* Changelog for #15203
* Upgrade guide for 3.0 (#15358)
* cleanup: removing the 2.x upgrade guides (#15486)
* fix main (#15492)
* docs: improve local account disabled section (#15489)
* Test fixes for mssql_managed_instance_active_directory_administrator
* MSSQL managed instance test fixes
* Add missing resource registrations
* New resource: azurerm_mssql_managed_instance_administrator
* New resource: azurerm_mssql_managed_instance_failover_group
* New resource: azurerm_mssql_managed_database
* New data source: azurerm_mssql_managed_instance, supercedes azurerm_sql_managed_instance
* New resource: azurerm_mssql_managed_instance, supercedes azurerm_sql_managed_instance
* Update go-azure-helpers to v0.25.0
* Address TODO items in preparation for 3.0 beta (5/many) (#15418)
* fix imports issue (#15490)
* Address TODO items in preparation for 3.0 beta (3/many) (#15340)
* `azurerm_application_gateway` - swapping various attribute from TypeList to TypeSet (#15071)
* Address TODO items in preparation for 3.0 beta (4/many) (#15390)
* Adding the 3.0 beta to the changelog
* updating to include #14181
* Update for #15108
* fix lint
* add ConflictsWith for new properties and old addon_profile block and update docs
* updating to include #15482
* r/machine_learning_workspace: conditionally setting the user assigned identity id
* fix #15474 by adding nil check
* r/machine_learning_workspace: switching the Set to a List as this is a List
* refactor: splitting the TestAccKubernetesCluster_addonProfileOMSToggle test in 2.x/3.0 mode
* r/kubernetes_cluster: removing run_command_enabled from a test since that\'s outside this PR
* r/kubernetes_cluster: updating the addons test to skip the test in 3.0 mode
* r/kubernetes_cluster: switching the schema function to return the schema fields to add
* fix deprecation
* use ThreePointOhBeta flag and fix deprecation of addon_profile
* use enum for skuTier for #15229
* fmt
* fix code comments
* refactor map of addons and clarify comments
* fix property names in deprecation messages
* update casing
* update tests
* add new schema as well as expand and flatten functions
* updating to include #15470
* refactor: splitting the TestAccKubernetesCluster_addonProfileOMSToggle test in 2.x/3.0 mode
* r/kubernetes_cluster: removing run_command_enabled from a test since that\'s outside this PR
* r/kubernetes_cluster: updating the addons test to skip the test in 3.0 mode
* r/kubernetes_cluster: switching the schema function to return the schema fields to add
* fix deprecation
* use ThreePointOhBeta flag and fix deprecation of addon_profile
* use enum for skuTier for #15229
* fmt
* fix code comments
* refactor map of addons and clarify comments
* fix property names in deprecation messages
* update casing
* update tests
* add new schema as well as expand and flatten functions
* teamcity: enabling 3.0 beta mode
* feature: kubernetes config sensitivity - enabled when the 3.0 beta is enabled
* `r\\virtual_machine_data_disk_attachment`: Fix panic when disk id is wrong
* for #15400
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_app` supports `custom_persistent_disks` (#15400)
* Provider - Add the missing `suppress.CaseDifference` for case-insensitive string properties (#15182)
* `kubelet_disk_type` supports `Temporary` (#15464)
* Doc Fix: azurerm_mssql_server_vulnerability_assessment - Add comments for the storage_account_access_key and storage_container_sas_key properties (#15465)
* App Service Beta - fix custom values for `WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE` and `WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING` in Function App resources (#15446)
* Update changelog for #15429
* `automation_account` - add support for `public_network_access_enabled` (#15429)
* Update changelog for #15461
* New resource - `azurerm_iothub_certificate` (#15461)
* `azurerm_logic_app_standard` - add test for `ip_restriction` (#15448)
* Update changelog for #15451
* `azurerm_log_analytics_linked_storage_account` - correct casing for `data_source_type` when using `ingestion` (#15451)
* `azurerm_monitor_activity_log_alert` add test for `criteria` (#15453)
* Doc Fix: `azurerm_sql_managed_instance` updates `license_type` to correct values (#15458)
* updating to include #15288
* updating to include #15181
* r/machine_learning_workspace: refactoring to remove the error
* updating to include #15371
* updating the test config
* Update changelog for #15343
* `azurerm_iothub_dps` - support for `ip_filter_rule` block and `public_network_access_enabled` (#15343)
* r/machine_learning_workspace: adding the missing fmt function
* updating to include #14953
* r/extended_locations: refactoring things spotted in PR review
* r/machine_learning_workspace: validating the `user_assigned_identity_id`
* d/machine_learning_workspace: documenting the exported identity block
* support user assigned identity and customer managed key
* format
* format
* support UAMI and data encryption
* r/servicebus_namespace: exposing the identity_ids when a user assigned identity id is present
* r/servicebus_namespace: updating to use the new identity types
* `azurerm_servicebus_namespace` supports `identity`
* for #14795
* `azurerm_mssql_outbound_firewall_rule` - New resource (#14795)
* [Bug fix] Handle redis version upgrade state (#15372)
* CHANGELOG.mnd for #14917
* Add resource health to `azurerm_monitor_activity_log_alert` (#14917)
* for #15428
* `azurerm_kusto_cluster` supports `public-Network-Access` (#15428)
* azurerm_monitor_action_group: fix the format issue of the workspace_id property for itsm_receiver (#15422)
* CHANGELOG.nmd for #15370
* azurerm_logic_app_integration_account_map - support content type text/plain (#15370)
* for #15423
* `azurerm_storage_management_policy` - add supports for `{tier_to_cool|tier_to_archive|delete}_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than` (#15423)
* Common Schema for Zones [part 2] (#15405)
* Common Schema for Zones [part 1] (#15393)
* r/web_pubsub: bringing into line with #15187
* Cleanup the k8s docs (#15435)
* `example`: Fix sentinel csv watchlist item example (#15421)
* refactor: removing the constants to
* updating to include #15430
* refactor: removing the old identity types
* refactor: sorting imports
* r/virtual_desktop_host_pool_registration_info: removing the note as we\'re doing a force migration
* r/virtual_desktop_host_pool_registration_info: tests now output a UTC string which should always match
* r/virtual_desktop_host_pool: fixing a test
* r/virtual_desktop_host_pool: removing the `registration_info` block
* r/virtual_desktop_host_pool: splitting the Create and Update method
* `azurerm_iothub` - upgrade api from 2021-03-31 to 2021-07-02 (#15409)
* r/virtual_desktop_host_pool: conditionally removing the `registration_info` block in 3.0 mode
* removed commented lines
* rework to handle co-existence with reg_info resource
* Updated test case to check for token
* Update internal/services/desktopvirtualization/virtual_desktop_host_pool_resource.go
* Update internal/services/desktopvirtualization/virtual_desktop_host_pool_resource_test.go
* Update virtual_desktop_host_pool_resource_test.go
* Update AccTest to not ignore expiration time changes
* Updated HostPool to use RetrieveRegistrationToken function in Read
* website: splitting the Features block out to it\'s own page
* features: hooking up the ThreePointOhBeta flag
* dependencies: upgrading to v0.24.1 of
* updating the changelog
* Update for #15082
* dependencies: upgrading to `v0.24.0` of `` (#15414)
* r/application_gateway: checking if input and not the flattened object is non-nil (#15412)
* `azurerm_logic_app_standard` - add test for enabled (#15379)
* updated character length (#15402)
* Update docs as AKS cluster auto upgrade is now GA
* Fix potential deadlocks among provider level (#15396)
* `azurerm_logic_app_action_http` - add test for body (#15377)
* Update changelog for #15375
* New Resource - `azurerm_spring_cloud_storage` (#15375)
* update docs for beta source control resources (#15385)
* Update changelog for #15386
* `azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy` - `disabled_rules` is now optional (#15386)
* Update mssql_virtual_machine.html.markdown (#15383)
* Add DR as validation option (#15384)
* update conditional schemas for tflint errors (#15391)
* azurerm_vpn_site - Update doc example (#15374)
* Update for #15380
* `r\\stream_analytics_cluster`: Fix `tags`
* conditionally set key_vault_key_id to computed
* Update
* second batch of 3.0 TODO items (2 of many) (#15320)
* CHANGELOG/md tidyup
* v2.96.0
* Updating to include #14935
* Updating to include #14935
* Updating to include #14906
* Updating to include #14906
* Updating to include ##14796
* fixes #14383
* `azurerm_bastion_host` - validate subnet name (#15365)
* for #15360
* `azurem_virtual_machine
*` - add `StandardSSD_ZRS` and `Premium_ZRS` as `storage_account_type` options (#15360)
* `azurerm_key_vault_certificate` - add test for certificate_policy.lifetime_action.trigger.lifetime_percentage (#15354)
* r/windows_web_app_slot: re-adding the `KeyVaultReferenceIdentityID`
* Update changelog for #15332
* `azurerm_kusto_cluster` - support for `enable_auto_stop` (#15332)
* Update for #15338
* `data_protection_backup_instance_blob_storage.html.markdown` - add ` identity `block (#15353)
* linting
* r/linux_function_app: adding tests covering the identity block
* r/linux_function_app_slot: adding tests covering the identity block
* r/linux_web_app: adding tests for the identity block
* tests: example -> test
* r/linux_web_app_slot: adding tests for identity end to end
* r/windows_function_app: adding tests covering identity
* r/windows_function_app_slot: adding tests for identity
* r/windows_web_app: adding tests covering the identity lifecycle
* appservice: implementing the expand/flatten functions
* r/windows_web_app_slot: adding a test covering identity end to end
* fmt
* use key_vault_key_id instead
* appservice: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* appservice/legacy: refactoring the identity types to use the common schema in 3.0
* r/static_site: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* identity: fixing up a couple of schema bugs
* for #15329
* New resource: `azurerm_disk_pool_iscsi_target_lun` (#15329)
* fix: fix bug where properties on route were not updated (#15257)
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_account` - add test for tags (#15315)
* Update changelog for #15349
* New Data Sources `azurerm_site_recovery_fabric`, `azurerm_site_recovery_protection_container`, and `azurerm_site_recovery_replication_policy` (#15349)
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_table `- add test for autoscale_settings.max_throughput/default_ttl/throughput (#15331)
* for #15016
* `azurerm_network_watcher_flow_log`: the `name` property can now be configured for new resources. (#15016)
* Fix TestAccSnapshot_fromUnmanagedDisk (#15318)
* `azurerm_policy_assignment` Add convert check to avoid panic and fix #15218 (#15333)
* DOC: fix invalid JSON in parameter definition of azurerm_resource_group_policy_assignment (#15335)
* refactor: consistent identity blocks - machine learning (#15341)
* Update changelog for #15344
* `azurerm_data_factory` - refactor: consistent identity blocks (#15344)
* updating to include #15337
* switch order in if/else
* set managed lb when unlinking outbound ip addresses or prefixes and clarify docs
* r/application_gateway: `type` is now required
* fixing up pr comments
* Update internal/services/containers/kubernetes_cluster_network_resource_test.go
* Update internal/services/containers/kubernetes_cluster_auth_resource_test.go
* d/api_management: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* r/api_management: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* r/app_configuration: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* r/batch_account: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* r/batch_pool: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* r/blueprint_assignment: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* r/cognitive_account: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* Update provisioningservices api from 2018-01-22 to 2021-10-15 (#15321)
* r/disk_encryption_set: switching to use the common identity schema
* virtual_machine: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* r/orchestrated_virtual_machine_scale_set: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* vmss: refactoring to use the common identity schema types
* r/container_registry: fixing the build
* updating to include #15330
* `azurerm_firewall` - workaround the destroy failure
* Update changelog for #15326
* New Data Source: `azurerm_portal_dashboard` (#15326)
* Migrate APIM to `sku` block, and add zones and public IP support (#14660)
* r/container_group: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* r/container_registry: switching to use the common identity schema
* r/container_registry_task: switching to use the common identity types
* d/kubernetes_cluster: refactoring to use the new identity schema when the beta is enabled
* r/kubernetes_cluster: conditionally switching over to the new identity schema
* r/cosmosdb_account: refactoring to use common identity schema
* r/data_lake_store: refactoring the Expand method to use the None type
* r/data_share_account: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* eventgrid: refactoring so that the identity blocks are consistent
* r/firewall_policy: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* r/purview_account: refactoring to use common schema for resource group/location
* goimports
* d/application_gateway: refactoring to use the common schema types
* r/application_gateway: refactoring to use the common identity types
* r/express_route_port: refactoring to use the common schema
* r/search_service: fixing a missing type conversion
* r/sql_managed_instance: linking the feature-request for user assigned identity
* d/postgresql_server: refactoring to use the common identity types
* r/postgresql_server: refactoring to use common schema
* r/purview_account: refactoring the `identity` block to be behaviourally consistent
* r/recovery_services_vault: switching to use common schema
* d/search_service: refactoring to use the common schema
* r/search_service: refactoring to use the common schema
* d/sql_managed_instance: updating to use the common schema for identity
* d/sql_server: updating to use the common identity types
* r/sql_server: updating to use the common identity types
* Update changelog #14827
* Add `Network ACL` for the resource `Web Publishing Subscription` (#14827)
* 3.0 Pre-release cleanup of TODO items [1/many]
* r/logic_app_standard: removing unused code
* updating to include #15316
* iothub: switching to use the common identity schema
* kusto: switching to use the common schema
* loganalytics: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* logic: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* r/media_services_account: switching to use the common schema
* d/mssql_server: refactoring to use the common schema
* r/mssql_server: refactoring to use the common schema
* d/mysql_server: refactoring to use the common schema
* r/mysql_server: refactoring to use common schema
* updating to include #15312
* consistency
* updating to include #15314
* fix issue 15066
* Fix test config format
* dependencies: upgrading to v0.23.1 of
* fix bug and add regression test case for 15229
* Update for #15301
* New Beta Resource: `azurerm_app_service_source_control_slot` (#15301)
* Update for #15297
* Update docs to to declare orchestration mode
* `azurerm_service_plan` fix name of `worker_count` property in docs (#15286)
* `azurerm_flexible_server` - Fix `administrator_login` validation (#15280)
* azurerm_key_vault_secret - update doc example
* Linting, add docs note on new behavior in v3.0
* azurerm_api_management: drop the `remove_samples_on_create` feature flag and make it a 3.0 behaviour
* azurerm_api_management: move the `remove_samples_on_create` property to provider features
* azurerm_api_management: support the `remove_samples_on_create` property
* check for existing keys in import check
* update for #15291
* `azurerm_app_service_active_slot` - fix regression in ID set in creation of new resource (#15291)
* rename `ThreePointOhBetaResources` to `ThreePointOhAppServiceResources` (#15293)
* Update for #15162
* update code
* apply review comments
* updating to include #15287
* build: fixing the schema linting
* update code
* fmt
* update code
* update code
* sort imports
* add identity
* add identity
* dependencies: updating to v0.23.0 of
* fixing typo beat -> beta
* for #14366
* New resource: `azurerm_sentinel_watchlist_item` (#14366)
* tfschema linting fix
* remove space for tflint directives due to
* make whitespace & fumpt
* Update changelog for #15254
* `azurerm_application_insights` - Add support for `force_customer_storage_for_profiler` (#15254)
* make goimports
* Linting Fix (#15271)
* Update changelog for #15072
* `azurerm_automation_account` - Support for managed identity (#15072)
* updating to include 2.96.0
* fmt
* remove intermediate functionOutputProps variable
* add docs
* output functions typed resource
* v2.95.0
* apimanagement: make subscription_required optional with default value of true (#14118)
* `azurerm_private_endpoint` Try add internal lock when private connection resource id is cosmosdb account id to fix #14364 (#14398)
* for #14980
* Update backup api from 2019-05-13 to 2021-07-01; allows Zone Redundant storage for azurerm_recovery_services_vault. storage_mode_type (#14980)
* Update changelog for #15178
* New Resource: `azurerm_traffic_manager_azure_endpoint`, `azurerm_traffic_manager_external_endpoint`, and `azurerm_traffic_manager_nested_endpoint` (#15178)
* doc: storage_account_id clarification (#15226)
* Refactor beta [windows|linux] function app slots for ID (#15231)
* Update for #14946
* Support for azurerm_container_group data source (#14946)
* Update website/docs/r/storage_account.html.markdown
* r/static_site: fixing the identity test
* r/synapse_workspace: updating the tests to work in both 2.x and 3.0 mode
* r/storage_account: handling the identity type being different in the Storage API\'s
* Update postgresql_server.html.markdown
* Fix for issue 15161
* add example on how to attach acr to aks
* r/storage_account: only specifying the User Assigned Identities block when the field has a value
* r/stream_analytics_job: fixing an issue when creating a resource with no identity
* tools/generator-services: the same label can be present in multiple packages
* bump testing default version to TF 1.1.5
* Update dns_zone.html.markdown
* Fix #14845 by listing hybrid connection\'s access keys if listing access keys of relay failed. (#15118)
* for #15098
* `azurerm_container_group`: fix parallel provision failure given the same `network_profile_id` (#15098)
* for #14975
* New resource `azurerm_disk_pool_iscsi_target` base on `azurerm_disk_pool` on pr #14675 (#14975)
* for #15039
* support storage_resource_id for azurerm_hdinsight_hbase_cluster, azurerm_hdinsight_hadoop_cluster,azurerm_hdinsight_spark_cluster and azurerm_hdinsight_interactive_query_cluster resources (#15039)
* `azurerm_mysql_server` - add test for infrastructure_encryption_enabled/public_network_access_… (#15004)
* for #14936
* `azurerm_[linux|windows]_virtual_machine`: Add support for `dedicated_host_group_id` (#14936)
* labels: adding tooling
* regenerating
* services: adding github labels for single-service packages
* recoveryservices: combining the two resource id generation files
* regenerate
* Update for #15229
* linting
* assign updated value to skuTier variable
* nil check sku in update
* linting
* tools/generator-services: noting that the labels file is now generated
* service/addb2c: implementing the label interface
* tooling: generating Github Labels for Services based on the interface being implemented
* refactor: updating to workaround the breaking changes in v0.22.0 of
* updating to include #15194
* Updated for #14940
* New Beta Resources - `azurerm_linux_function_app_slot` and `azurerm_windows_function_app_slot` (#14940)
* goimports
* dataprotection: refactoring a hidden usage of SystemAssigned
* refactor: fixing cast errors which weren\'t flagged
* identity: removing the System Assigned type
* r/sql_managed_instance: switching to use the common identity schema
* r/enenthub_namespace: removing an unused type alias
* r/policy_assignment: refactoring to use the common identity schema
* r/spring_cloud_app: refactoring to use the common identity type and using the future during deletion
* r/eventhub_namespace: switching to use the new identity schema
* updating to include #15180
* Update internal/features/three_point_oh.go
* Updated for #14613
* New (Beta) Resource: `azurerm_windows_web_app_slot` (#14613)
* updating to include #15207
* Update for #15209
* Update changelog for #15183
* `azurerm_web_pubsub_hub` - Modify the logic of `auth.0.managed_identity_id` now accepts UUIDs (#15183)
* \'azurerm_eventhub_namespace\' - add test for network_rulesets.ip_rule.action (#15158)
* Update changelog for #15199
* New Data Source: `azurerm_logic_app_standard` (#15199)
* linting: add missing assignment
* correct property name in deprecation info
* apply deprecation info to the correct property in docs
* fix deprecation of management_group_name
* dependencies: upgrading to v0.22.0
* refactor: updating the schema used by existing resources
* r/storage_account: refactoring to use the common identity type
* streamanalytics: refactoring to use the common identity types
* videoanalyzer: switching to use the common schema type
* synapse/workspace: `identity` is now required in 3.0 in line with other resources
* r/static_site: switching to using the new identity method name
* d/function_app: refactoring to use the common identity types
* r/storage_account: changing the tls default in the beta
* redis: changing the tls default in the beta
* postgres: changing the tls default in the beta
* policy: removing the deprecated resource in the beta
* mysql: changing the tls default in the 3.0 beta
* mssql: switching the feature flags to use the beta
* loadbalancer: removing backend_address when the beta is enabled
* kusto: refactoring to use the beta flag
* keyvault: removing the `soft_delete_enabled` flag when the Beta is enabled
* iothub: switching over to using the Beta flag
* disks: removing the deprecated resource when the Beta is enabled
* devspace: removing when the Beta is enabled
* costmanagement: removing the deprecated resource in the beta / fixing an inverted removal
* provider: removing skip_credentials_validation / enabling msal when the Beta is enabled
* provider/features: the Key Vault Items flags are now feature-flagged on the ThreePointOhBeta functionality
* features: ThreePointOhBetaResources - also picking from ThreePointOhBeta
* new feature flag: ThreePointOhBeta
* state migration for case conversion of ID element
* updating to include #15141
* Fix Minor Typo
* updating to include #15174
* update code
* update code
* New Data Source: azurerm_subscription_locations
* `azurerm_storage_share` - fix re-create error
* fix frontdoor resource group name being treated as location
* Update signalr_service.html.markdown
* Fix capacity typo in Web PubSub example
* fix doc missing sensitive = true issue
* updated config
* updated complete
* v2.94.0
* Update
* Changelog for #14403
* `webpubsub` - Moved web_pubsub into signalr package (#15145)
* Always use MSAL tokens in v3
* Traffic Manager: Swap to embedded sdk (#15114)
* `use_msal` defaults to true in v3.0
* typo
* Update internal/services/web/static_site_resource.go
* add test for blank line
* `azurerm_static_site` - fix Free tier creation error
* more fixes
* Fixing linting errors
* add test for tags
* Update servicebus_subscription_rule.html.markdown
* Update docs kust cluster assign include name (#15129)
* Update changelog for #15123
* `azurerm_api_management_backend` Fix crash around `backend_credentials` (#15123)
* update order prop in docs (#15126)
* Update changelog for #15119
* `data.image_source` - Fix regression around id (#15119)
* fixing the Resource ID for `api_management_policy` when this was provisioned using version `2.92.0` of the Azure Provider (#15060)
* Update changelog for #15019
* #15018 Added partition key property to event hub input resource (#15019)
* Update changelog for #14134
* New resource: `azurerm_virtual_desktop_host_pool_registration_info` #14134
* go mod vendor
* Apply suggestions from code review
* Documentation for `use_msal` provider property and related changes
* Support for v2 auth tokens (i.e. MSAL)
* Update go-azure-helpers to v0.20.0
* goimports
* Clarify what the endpoint_uri property should be
* Update changelog for #15088
* updating to include #15040
* `azurerm_eventhub` - seperate update and create and add check for sku (#15088)
* Update changelog for #14731
* Update changelog for #14731
* New resource: `web pubsub` (#14731)
* Update for #15084
* `azurerm_app_service_slot`: Add storage_account block option (#15084)
* updated withTags
* log analytics free sku docs and extra check (#15057)
* Update changelog for #15074
* `azurerm_bastion_host` - Fix crash by adding nil check for `copy_paste_enabled (#15074)
* r/redis_enterprise_
*: fixing the import resource name
* r/kubernetes_cluster: fixing a missing formatting segment
* d/azurerm_public_ips: Update the \"Example Usage\" (#15089)
* updating to include #15062
* r/dedicated_host: adding a missing formatting placeholder
* updating to include #15085
* updating to include #15043
* updating to include #15080
* Updated azurerm_kubernetes_cluster documentation
* terrafmt
* `azurerm_template_deployment`: fix delete bug`
* add docs
* add acctests
* add cmk schema with expand and flatten functions
* Update Azure Go Sdk to 61.3.0
* Update example to align with official documents
* r/dedicated_host: refactoring to use id formatters throughout
* r/kubernetes_cluster: refactoring to use an id parser all the way through
* r/kubernetes_cluster_node_pool: refactoring to use id parsers throughout
* refactor: switching to use the ID Formatter ID where it exists
* `lintignore`ing current lint errors
* regen sdk
* fix availability check request data
* Update changelog for #15009
* New Data Source :`azurerm_linux_function_app` (#15009)
* Update for #15054
* azurerm_dev_test_lab: normalize the `key_vault_id` (#15054)
* add test for timezone
* Update for #15017
* add test for timezone
* Update
* v2.93.0
* update code
* Update
* service bus public network access (#14967)
* Added purge_protection to Databricks DBFS example
* refactor: updating to account for the changes to Tags in hashicorp/go-azure-helpers v0.21.0
* clients/builder: defaulting to ADAL for now until #14403 is merged
* dependencies: updating to v0.21.0 of
* add tet for azurerm_recovery_services_vault
* update kusto sdk to 2021-08-27
* add test for tags
* Update changelog for #15007
* fix(services/storage/file): change at the `content_md5` attribute will now trigger recreation; set content length of share file when updating properties to prevent clearing of byte range. (#15007)
* Update changelog for #14967
* Documentation updates - Azure Front Door and WAF (#15022)
* Update changelog for #14705
* `iothub`: Support Identity-Based Endpoint (#14705)
* Fix bug that missing Etag when updating azurerm_resource_group_cost_management_export and azurerm_subscription_cost_management_export resource
* Adding traffic manager embedded sdk
* updated encryptedUpdate
* updated encryptedUpdate
* updated encryptedUpdate
* updated encryptedUpdate
* dox fix: remove the wrong description of index_policy for resource azurerm_cosmosdb_gremlin_graph (#15006)
* Update for #14964
* Data Sources: `azurerm_linux_web_app` and `azurerm_windows_web_app` - use correct model type (#15005)
* updated value
* add test for encrypted
* remove length check in DS for AppInsightsInstrumentationKey, AppInsightsConnectionString and HealthCheckEvictionTime
* Update website/docs/d/windows_function_app.html.markdown
* remove check on AppInsightsInstrumentationKey, AppInsightsConnectionString and HealthCheckEvictionTime
* use DS model
* add test for encrypted
* add test for encrypted
* add test for encrypted
* updated complete
* `azurerm_loadbalancer_rule` - add test for load_distribution
* clean up code
* `azurerm_lb_probe` - add test for interval_in_seconds/number_of_probes
* `azurerm_purview_account` - add test for public_network_enabled/tags
* add test for description
* updating to include #14996
* updating to include #14896
* length check all references of SiteConfig in unpackWindowsFunctionAppSettings
* length check SiteConfig for ApplicationStack
* Update for #14844
* `azurerm_linux_function_app` fix #14812 by using length check for SiteConfig and ApplicationStack. (#14844)
* updating to include #14987
* Update security_center_automation_resource_test.go
* updating to include #14911
* updated unit test to also test the new source types
* Update website/docs/d/logic_app_workflow.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/logic_app_workflow.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/d/logic_app_workflow.html.markdown
* updating to include #14961
* Update for #14982
* updating to include #14828
* updating to include #14976
* updated tags
* updated fmt
* azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link - add test for registration_enabled
* updated fmt
* updated docuementation to reflect new source types
* azurerm_dashboard - add test for tags
* added new validations for source
* update code
* update code
* azurerm_bastion_host - support new properties
* add test for public_network_access_enabled/tags
* clean up code with make terrafmt
* clean up code for style
* `azurerm_firewall_application_rule_collection` - add test rule.fqdn_tags
* updated test for tags
* `azurerm_machine_learning_compute_instance` - add protection code and validation
* add test for tags
* add test for azurerm_user_assigned_identity.tags
* update markdown for azurerm_api_management_identity_provider_aadb2c to reference api_management_name instead of id
* Fix resource docs based on datasource fix
* Fix review comments
* Docs
* `d/azurerm_mysql_flexible_server` - New Datasource
* Id Parsers: Various Resources (#14974)
* Doc Fix: `azurerm_virtual_desktop_scaling_plan` - Fix wrong block name `hostpool_reference` -> `host_pool` used in example (#14960)
* `azurerm_machine_learning_compute_cluster` - add test for tags/description (#14962)
* Update changelog for #14968
* `azurerm_bastion_host` - support for `scale_units` (#14968)
* `r/iothub_dps`: Normalize location and linked hub location (#14963)
* fix docs subcat
* terrafmt
* amend docs
* add missing prop and fix wording
* add windows function app data source docs
* remove comments
* register data source
* add test
* add windows function app data source
* add computed schemas for windows function app
* update complete test
* add complete value
* upgrade container registry API from 2020-11-01-preview to 2021-08-01-preview
* ID Parsers: Network (#14954)
* ID Parsers: compute resources (#14934)
* v2.92.0
* for #14879
* azurerm_aadb2c_directory: fix broken import support (#14879)
* for #14864
* storage account rename infrastructure_encryption to infrastructure_en… (#14956)
* for #14268
* New resource `azurerm_disk_pool_managed_disk_attachment` based on New Resource `azurerm_disk_pool` on pr #14675 (#14268)
* for #14865
* Add managed_resources block to purview_account 14814 (#14865)
* Added infrastructure_encryption to azurerm_storage_account (#14864)
* remove germany from teamcity (#14926)
* Update changelog for #14942
* `azurerm_iothub` - export `event_hub_events_namespace` and add a fallback route by default (#14942)
* Update changelog for #14943
* `azurerm_iothub_dps` - updating default `allocation_weight` (#14943)
* Update Changelog for #14944
* use the correct parser function for event hub rule IDs (#14944)
* update complete
* updated complete test
* Adding Id Parsing to various resources (#14930)
* frontdoor - regen embedded sdk (#14927)
* clean up code for test again
* small readme update (#14928)
* for #14910
* fix typo in `azurerm_log_analytics_workspace` argument: reservation_capcity_in_gb_per_day to reservation_capacity_in_gb_per_day (#14910)
* for #14718
* `r\\azurerm_recovery_services_vault` #13178 Support for customer-managed keys (CMK) for azurerm_recovery_services_vault (#14718)
* Test-Data_Protection (#14913)
* Test-Data_Lake (#14890)
* Update Changelog for #14924
* only force ForceMongo when kind is set to mongo (#14924)
* ID Parser: batch/containers/cosmosdb (#14905)
* Update for #14915
* Update Changelog for #14916
* Add state migration for case conversion of ID element (#14916)
* add infra encryption enabled to test
* remove infra encryption enabled check for cmk
* Update Changelog for #14900
* Fix panic when removing git repos (#14900)
* add test for \" azurerm_disk_pool.tags\"and\"azurerm_storage_disks_pool.tags\"
* fix linting issue
* bugfix
* fixing a typo
* push changes
* for #14711
* new resource: azurerm_api_management_api_tag #14453 (#14711)
* for #14433
* upgrade eventgrid to 2021-12-01; azurerm_eventgrid_domain support for local_auth_enabled, auto_create_topic_with_first_subscription, auto_delete_topic_with_last_subscription (#14433)
* azurerm_logic_app_standard - update example document for the sku property (#14909)
* Fix tests for `azurerm_stream_analytics_function_javascript_udf` (#14902)
* `TimeSeriesInsights`: Update SAS Key to Sensitive (#14888)
* update azurerm_automation_dsc_configuration.log_verbose (#14830)
* update azurerm_application_insights_web_test.description/retry_enabled/tags (#14829)
* Test for `azurerm_automation_module.module_link` (#14892)
* Update changelog for #14883
* `azurerm_mysql_server_key` - Fix issue when checking for existing resource on create (#14883)
* Update Changelog for #14656
* Support storing audit data in storage account that is behind a firewall and VNet (#14656)
* ID Parser: various resources (#14885)
* adding a test for systemassigned identity
* Update changelog for #14880
* add to oozie-site (#14880)
* Update Changelog for #14898
* Fix type issue in migration logic (#14898)
* drop abandoned file
* adding docs
* adding docs
* add test for azurerm_firewall.sku_tier
* clean up code
* Update changelog for #14857
* `azurem_cosmosdb_mongo_collection` - check for \"_id\" in index keys (#14857)
* `azurerm_app_service_source_control` - (beta) bring docs inline with resource changes (#14870)
* add test for azurerm_automation_variable_int.encrypted
* Add comment on kube_admin_config for local accounts
* dependencies: upgrading to v61.1.0 of
* for #14771
* azurerm_monitor_action_group: support for the `event_hub_receiver` block (#14771)
* add test for azurerm_automation_variable_bool.encrypted
* Update for #14628
* v2.91.0
* tidy
* for #14784
* servicebus related resources: reference parent resource ID (#14784)
* for #14797
* azurerm_application_gateway - support new property enableFips (#14797)
* Add validation for storage_account_name in the databricks workspace resource (#14809)
* CHANGELOG/.md for #14836
* `azurerm_iot_fallback_route` - Added support for `source` property (#14836)
* for #14838
* `azurerm_mysql_server` - Allow 16TB `storage_mb` configuration (#14838)
* make generate (#14840)
* for #14825
* HDInsight: Support network property for azurerm_hdinsight_hbase_cluster resource (#14825)
* Test-Service_Bus (#14824)
* Update for #14815
* `azurerm_linux_function_app` - fix filtering of app_settings for `WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE` and `WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING` (#14815)
* Updated for #13283
* `azurerm_cdn_endpoint_custom_domain` - add supports for HTTPS (#13283)
* Update for #13097
* New resource `azurerm_app_service_slot_custom_hostname_binding` (#13097)
* Fix Colon After Notes (#14819)
* for #14675
* New Resource: `azurerm_disk_pool` (#14675)
* Test time series insights (#14782)
* for #14799
* azurerm_storage_management_policy: handle unexpected deletion of the referenced storage account (#14799)
* updating to include #14739
* Update for #14805
* `azurerm_app_service_environment_v3` - fix for default value of `allow_new_private_endpoint_connections` (#14805)
* Unused import
* Make identity purely computed
* Update website/docs/d/sql_managed_instance.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/d/sql_managed_instance.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/d/sql_managed_instance.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/d/sql_managed_instance.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/d/sql_managed_instance.html.markdown
* Update internal/services/sql/sql_managed_instance_data_source.go
* Update for #14803
* Update for #14787
* updating to include #14753
* r/consumption_budget_subscription: adding a v2 state migration
* Set resource id (facepalm)
* add test for azurerm_stream_analytics_job.stream_analytics_cluster_id
* refactor: switching to check the response is not found rather than the ID is non-null where a Resource ID Formatter is present (#14793)
* docs(website/application_gateway): add the latest supported OWASP ruelset 3.2 (#14794)
* Fix test failure
* Apply suggestions from code review
* switch to a hard deprecation for proxy property
* Fix connection_string
* New resource
* Update for #14687
* use gateway property in tests
* Update for #14386
* add test for azurerm_firewall_network_rule_collection.rule.description (#14758)
* Updated error message to provide the solution
* add test for azurerm_firewall_nat_rule_collection.rule.description (#14757)
* add test for azurerm_firewall_application_rule_collection.rule.description (#14760)
* Fix crash in 14698 (#14740)
* for #14738
* `r/azurerm_virtual_network_gateway_connection`: Add support for `connection_mode` argument (#14738)
* Correct the description of the name field. (#14764)
* Correct name field description. (#14763)
* Corrected the name description. (#14765)
* Corrected name description. (#14766)
* Calculate DS id
* update code
* fix crashing on import of specific resource type
* Admin password isn\'t stored
* Fix ds name in test
* typofix
* Add docs
* New datasource: `azurerm_sql_managed_instance`
* for #14724
* New resource: `azurerm_load_test` (#14724)
* for #14708
* `d/azurerm_shared_image_version`: Add semver sorting option (#14708)
* `azurerm_iothub_dps`- set `apply_allocation_policy` to true and remove ForceNews from `linked_hub` (#14697)
* for #14689
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_certificate` supports `certificate_content` (#14689)
* Added Premium Page Blob Account Kind Information (#14700)
* fix to fqdn behaviour on backend pool (#14685)
* tools/generator-resource-id: removing a rogue reference to the local resourceid package (#14722)
* `r\\azurerm_stream_analytics_output_table` Fix #14709 by adding nil check (#14725)
* github: updating the titles (#14723)
* r/kusto_cluster: de-referencing the pointer
* updating to include #14715
* issue14556 fix expensive sku in elasticpool doc
* update doc
* fix #12817 by loose `file_upload_limit_in_mb` to 4000.
* d/netapp_snapshot_policy: refactoring to use an id formatter
* kusto: refactoring to use an id formatter
* postgres: refactoring to use an id formatter
* storgae: refactoring to use an id formatter
* Fix document of iothub servicebus topic and queue endpoint (#14704)
* loadbalancer: refactoring to use an ID Formatter
* machinelearning: refactoring to use an ID Formatter
* sql: refactoring to use ID Formatters
* Fixed databricks workspace document (#14693)
* Updated lock duration (#14692)
* Update changelog for #14690
* IotHub Endpoints: deprecate `iothub_name` in favour of `iothub_id` (#14690)
* updating to include #14688
* gocritic ignore
* sdk: updating the deprecated resource definition
* Fix mod tidy issue.
* Upgrading azure-go-sdk from 60.0.0 to 60.2.0 in order to enable encryption for RecoveryVault (need the latest version sdk for recoveryservices)
* fix: fix subscription id on subscription budget resource
* Changelog for #14671
* Throwing an error for property `default_action` of the resource `servicebus_namespace_network_rule_set` (#14664)
* for #14661
* azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server - support new property `geo_redundant_backup_enabled` (#14661)
* for #14659
* azurerm_recovery_services_vault: support storage_mode_type property (#14659)
* Adds `startsWith` as an operator for `dynamic_criteria` in `azurerm_monitor_metric_alert` (#14683)
* r/virtual_network: removing the DDOS Protection Plan from the example
* Added high-cost note (#14681)
* make whitespace & goimports
* New resource and data source: azurerm_aadb2c_directory
* Changed ingestion to Ingestion (#14677)
* updating to include #14365
* disks: registering the client
* r/storage_disks_pool: refactoring the validation to use the new disks package
* disks: scaffolding the service package
* disks: adding the embedded sdk
* go mod tidy
* update spring cloud sdk version
* updating to include #14667
* r/data_factory_dataset_binary: defining the missing DatasetCompression constants inline
* updating to include #14354]
* updating to include #14666
* dependencies: upgrading to v60.0.0 of
* dependencies: upgrading to v60.0.0 of
* dependencies: upgrading to v2.10.1 of
* updating to include #14164
* make generate (#14663)
* fix typos in docs (#14662)
* for #14188
* Add support for `azurerm_virtual_desktop_scaling_plan` (#14188)
* for #13888
* `compute`: Add `user_data` to VM & VMSS resources (#13888)
* Docs: Add ASEv3 example (#13582)
* for #14413
* azurerm_application_gateway - key_vault_secret_id, force_firewall_policy_association (#14413)
* for #14121
* `r\\managed_disk`: Add support for `gallery_image_reference_id` (#14121)
* go: updating to use Go v1.17.5 (#14654)
* fix imports
* update vendor
* splitting to release 2.89.0
* updating / splitting the changelog
* update network sdk package
* update network sdk package
* go mod vendor, post rebase
* revert pointless operation
* Set vpn protocol to OpenVpn for multiple auth test
* remove routes before deleting hub
* Handle the resource going away during deletion gracefully
* remove code added prematurely
* use new network SDK (2021-05-01)
* swap SDK versions in vendor dir
* Update
* Use identity from common schema
* `r\\iothub`: Support managed service identity
* v2.90.0
* remove computed
* `azurerm_consumption_budget_
*` refactor into base and scoped resources (#14592)
* for #14007
* azurerm_logic_app_workflow - support open_authentication_policy (#14007)
* for #14566
* new resource: azurerm_maps_creator (#14566)
* for #14648
* azurerm_blueprint_assignment - Added lock_exclude_actions (#14648)
* Doc Fix: blueprint_assignment.html.markdown (#14651)
* for #14230
* Support for azurerm_netapp_snapshot_policy (#14230)
* Update changelog for #14460
* `azurerm_container_group`: support for `ip_address_type = None` (#14460)
* Update changelog for #14527
* New Resource: `azurerm_vpn_gateway_nat_rule` (#14527)
* Update changelog for #14341
* New Resource: `azurerm_synapse_workspace_sql_aad_admin` (#14341)
* for #14412
* new resource \"azurerm_synapse_sql_pool_workload_classifier\" (#14412)
* Update changelog for #14518
* `azurerm_xyz_policy_assignment` add support for `non_compliance_message` (#14518)
* for #14632
* `azurerm_iothub_endpoint_eventhub` - deprecate `iothub_name` in favour of `iothub_id` (#14632)
* for #14646
* `azurerm_signalr` - Add support for property `live_trace_enabled` (#14646)
* for #14643
* `r\\azurerm_cosmosdb_account` Fix #14439 and #14630 by setting default value to `default_identity_type` when API return a nil. (#14643)
* add `make pr-check` and make generate check error message more clear (#14650)
* Fixed #12408: Import Correction (#14649)
* for #14546
* azurerm_iothub - Add support for cloud_to_device block (#14546)
* for #14638
* `azurerm_function_app` - address app_settings on create rather than just on update (#14638)
* for #14607
* Add lock for the write operation of azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_configuration (#14607)
* for #14619
* Add lock for the write operation of azurerm_postgresql_configuration (#14619)
* azurerm_iothub - Fix iothub `encoding` and `file_name_format` schema (#14508)
* `azurerm_app_service_environment_v3` remove preview note from docs (#14623)
* Update Changelog for #14484
* Fix failing test (#14647)
* new data source azurerm_app_configuration_key (#14484)
* azurem_signalr - check serviceMode is not empty (#14590)
* increase timeouts
* set apim id correctly
* updating to include #14635
* upgrade SDK version
* Update changelog for #14583
* `azurerm_application_gateway ` - support for private link configuration (#14583)
* Update changelog for #14614
* `azurerm_marketplace_agreement` - Fix crash when the import check triggers (#14614)
* update docs
* Updated link that leads to incorrect section (#14631)
* Fix issue #14381 (#14603)
* updating to include #14627
* dependencies: upgrading to v0.19.1 of
* add gateway property and deprecate proxy property
* Update Changelog for #14533
* New resource: `azurerm_container_registry_task` (#14533)
* Update for #14610
* `enforce_private_link_endpoint_network_policies` and `enforce_private_link_service_network_policies` are not conflict to each other anymore as schema shows.
* dependencies: updating to v0.19.0
* Update changelog for #13648
* `data.azurerm_function_app_host_keys` - support for `signalr_extension_key` and `durabletask_extension_key` (#13648)
* updating to include #14596
* sdk: updating to handle deprecations in the plugin sdk
* set data_factory_name to computed
* set data_factory_name to optional
* update docs
* go mod vendor
* deprecate data_factory_name
* dependencies: updating
* [Document]`r\\azurerm_private_link_service` The `network_interfaces` attribute seems never existed. The nearest `network_interface_ids` was removed at 9f53e4e61844d347658bc335213ab720aa98b130 .
* for #14362
* azurerm_cosmosdb_account - support create_mode and restore (#14362)
* for #14312
* Upgrade Api Management from 2020-12-01 to 2021-08-01 (#14312)
* Update doc with full address of standby_availability_zone for azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server (#14587)
* azurerm_data_factory_integration_runtime_azure_ssis - updated docs with new pricing tier options (#14593)
* Doc Fix: `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine` - remove out of date `patch_mode` note (#14589)
* Added SQL MI Private Endpoint Info because it was missing. (#14595)
* updating to include #14502
* [Document]`r\\azurerm_api_management_api_version_set` Fix #14576 by adding `name` and `api_management_name`\'s validation messages to document. (#14585)
* change \"api_server_authorized_ip_ranges\" to computed+optional
* Fix #12001 by correct document `resource_type` from \"Required\" to \"Optional\".
* r/redis_enterprise_database: making the linter happy
* Update
* Update
* `azurerm_virtual_hub_ip` - Make `public_ip_address_id` required for new instance and ForceNew (#14438)
* goimports
* Feature/#14570 asev3 doc typo (#14571)
* kubernetes support scale_down_mode workload_runtime and public_network_access_enabled
* v2.89.0
* [Bug fix] - fix the `key_vault_managed_hardware_security_module` resource destruction timeout issue[GH issue #14163] (#14505)
* for #14528
* `r\\shared_image` Add support for `trusted_launch_enabled` (#14528)
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` allow Azure Policy addon for Azure Government (#14554)
* fix: write the ID to terraform state for the management_lock_resource (#14544)
* for #14371
* azurerm_vpn_gateway_connection - support routing.propagated_route_table.labels, vpn_link.connection_mode and traffic_selector_policy (#14371)
* for #14376
* Change PostgreSQL password after instance was promoted from Replica to Default mode (#14376)
* Update for #14411
* BUG: remove eroneous validate (#14553)
* Update changelog for #13974
* New Resource: `azurerm_sql_managed_instance_failover_group`: (#13974)
* refactor: rename management_group_name to management_group_id
* update linter config and remove lintignores (#14547)
* Improve documentation around Azure Portal and Azure filter range
* Amended example in doc as incorrect (#14543)
* Update for #14538
* App Service Beta - property consistency renames carried from 14247 and 14305 (#14538)
* Update for #14305
* New Beta Resource: `azurerm_linux_web_app_slot` (#14305)
* Update for #14247
* New Beta resource: `azurerm_windows_function_app` (#14247)
* More relevant / standard route_table name
* Unify managed disk test name
* Update: Containers in security center pricing (#14511)
* Update `azurerm_function_app` `storage_account_access_key` docs (#14517)
* [Document] `r\\azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool` Fix incorrect subnet description (#14504)
* fmt and goimport
* remove test wrappers, make tests public and rebase
* Update for #14308
* default enableSecretRotation in expand func
* Update changelog for #14360
* azurerm_signalr_service - deprecate features block in favour of connectivity_logs_enabled, messaging_logs_enabled and service_mode (#14360)
* Update for #14491
* `azurerm_app_service_environment_v3` - allow updating of `tags` (#14491)
* Update for #14492
* Remove invalid validation from azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group (#14503)
* Fix #12884 by change eventhub name length upper limitation from 50 to 256. (#14494)
* redisenterprise: refactoring to use the embedded sdk
* fix(lb_rule): change typo rsource to resource (#14500)
* sdk: embedding the redisenterprise sdk
* Update changelog for #14104
* New Resource: `azurerm_sql_managed_instance_active_directory_administrator` (#14104)
* Rename identity block to secret_identity
* Update for #14177
* update deprecation message
* set no_proxy to type set since ordering isn\'t preserved and add note on ignore changes for the field in docs
* NetApp: Fix returned name in netapp_volume datasource (#14490)
* Fix example code in resource document. (#14486)
* Modified the casing
* update TODO message, deprecate property in synapse
* mssql: reintroducing the Restorable Dropped Database ID
* code changes since PR opened
* update docs
* refactor: subscription id validation now comes from commonids
* mssql: removing dead code
* r/mssql_database_vulnerability_assessment_rule_baseline: refactoring to use id parsers
* monitor: scheduled query rules log now uses an insensitive parser too
* monitor: scheduled query rules gets an insensitive parser
* monitor: refactoring metric alert to use an id parser
* monitor: autoscale settings gets an insensitive parser
* monitor: refactoring activity log alert to use an insensitive parser
* monitor: refactoring to use an insensitive id parser
* loganalytics: refactoring to use a single id formatter/parser
* r/eventgrid_system_topic_event_subscription: fixing a rogue usage
* deprecate data_factory_name
* goimports
* Update for #14462
* Update resource_group_policy_assignment.html.markdown
* making requested changes
* Update resource_group_policy_assignment.html.markdown
* `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set` - add test case for ilpip (#14480)
* Remove interpolation syntax. Deprecated as of Terraform 0.12+. (#14483)
* for #14391
* `azurerm_data_fatory_trigger_schedule` - Fix `schedule` for `frequency = \"Month/Week\"` (#14391)
* updating to include #14432
* updating to include #14429
* Update changelog for #14123
* `azurerm_sql_managed_instance`: Support for `storage_account_type` (#14123)
* r/container_group: switching over to using an id formatter/parser
* datalake: working around the upstream api
* datalake: changes required from the updated sdk
* datalake: updating the embedded sdk
* frontdoor: fixing an incorrect unit test
* frontdoor: fixing a bug with the wrong parser being specified
* devtestlabs: using the correct parser for schedules
* frontdoor: refactoring to use the generated id parsers
* eventgrid: refactoring to use a generated id parser
* devtest: refactoring the windows vm migration to use an insensitive parser
* devtest: refactoring virtual network to use a case insensitive parser
* devtest: refactoring policy to use an insensitive id parser
* devtest: refactoring virtual machine to use an insensitive parser
* r/devtestlabs_schedule: refactoring to use an insensitive id parser
* r/dev_test_lab: refactoring to use the insensitive id parser
* firewall: refactoring to use an id parser
* datafactory: refactoring to use the id parsers
* databoxedge: refactoring to use an id formatter/parser
* r/container_group: switching to use an id parser
* r/orchestrated_vmss: refactoring to use an id parser
* cdn: case-insensitive parsers for Endpoint/Profile
* applicationinsights: refactoring Web Test ID to use an insensitive parser
* applicationinsights: refactoring SmartDetectionRule to use a case insensitive parser
* applicationinsights: refactoring to use a case insensitive parser for components
* applicationinsights: updating the state migration to use an insensitive id parser
* apimanagement: generating the Resource Id for NotificationRecipientUser
* for #14372
* `service/netapp`: Various additions (#14372)
* for #14287
* azurerm_key_vault_certificate - support versionless_id, versionless_secret_id (#14287)
* `r/azurerm_storage_object_replication` Fix #14454 by adding a nil check. (#14475)
* for #13825
* `r/azurerm_managed_disk`: Add support for `hyper_v_generation` property (#13825)
* Add retry for APIM subscription creation 412 error code (#14414)
* updating to include #14430
* Fix order of properties
* changelog from 2.88.1
* Update automation_account_resource.go
* Automation datasource initialization
* Bugfix: parse User Assigned Identity ID insensitively
* Update for #14464
* Update automation_account_resource.go
* Automation datasource initialization
* Update for #14458
* add docs and fmt
* Modified the docs
* Modified the docs
* use different email for each test case
* `r\\iothub_endpoint_storage_container`: Fix `file_name_format` Schema
* document: fix ACR bad example
* v2.88.0
* formatting
* for #14445
* `azurerm_subscription` - add support for setting and updating tags (#14445)
* eventhub_namespace - Correct the default capacity specified as 2. (#14441)
* make generate
* tools/generator-resource-id: refactoring to use the Go Azure Helpers ID Parser
* tooling: switching to bash
* github actions: triggering whenever there\'s a change to the `./.github` folder
* scripts: removing the brackets
* Move virtual machine extension snippet in docs to example (#14446)
* scripts: adding an import-check for Track2 of the Azure SDK for Go
* add requires import test
* added custom importer
* Update website/docs/r/mssql_server_extended_auditing_policy.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/mssql_database_extended_auditing_policy.html.markdown
* Fixed the casing
* Fixed #13775-Docs updated
* linting
* `azurerm_synapse_sql_pool_extended_auditing_policy` - Fix fmt issue
* Update for #14419
* fix check in test and rename test case
* frontdoor: code changes required for the updated sdk
* Fix docs, rename identity block
* frontdoor: updating the embedded sdk
* msi: code changes needed for the updated sdk
* msi: updating the embedded sdk
* databricks: updating the embedded sdk
* d/cdn_profile: refactoring to use an id formatter
* d/eventgrid_topic: switching to use an id formatter
* d/hdinsight_cluster: refactoring to use an id formatter
* d/maintenance_configuration: refactoring to use an id formatter
* r/sql_administrator: refactoring to use id formatters
* r/sql_database: refactoring to use an id formatter
* r/sql_failover_group: refactoring to use an id formatter
* r/sql_firewall_rule: refactoring to use an id formatter
* d/sql_server: refactoring to use an id formatter
* r/sql_server: refactoring to use an id formatter
* r/sql_virtual_network_rule: refactoring to use an id formatter
* d/storage_account: refactoring to use an id formatter
* r/storage_sync_cloud_endpoint: refactoring to use an id formatter
* d/storage_sync: refactoring to use an id formatter
* d/storage_sync_group: refactoring to use an id formatter
* r/storage_sync_group: refactoring to use an id formatter
* r/storage_sync: refactoring to use an id formatter
* Update for #14368 and #14378
* Added windows Example
* register bot typed resource
* azure bot kind with test
* bot base resource
* `azurerm_virtual_hub_ip` - Fix tests (#14408)
* Update changelog for #14370
* `azurerm_bastion_host` - Support for `sku` (#14370)
* updating to include #14406
* r/mysql_server_key: fixing the printf
* update doc
* `azurerm_container_group` Fix #9831 by change `dns_config.search_domains` and `dns_config.options` from `Required` to `Optional`
* Fixing #14417
* ip_version documentation fbug ix
* for #14355
* azurerm_data_factory_managed_private_endpoint - support fqdns (#14355)
* feat: create consumption budget management group resource
* refactor: create funcs for notification schema differences for management groups
* d/netapp_snapshot: refactoring to use an id formatter
* r/netapp_snapshot: refactoring to use an id formatter
* d/netapp_pool: refactoring to use an id formatter
* d/netapp_account: refactoring to use an id formatter
* d/netapp_volume: refactoring to use an id formatter
* r/stream_analytics_function_javascript_udf: refactoring to use an id formatter
* Automation: finalize id parsers
* r/stream_analytics_output_blob: switching to use an id formatter
* d/stream_analytics_job: switching to use an id formatter
* r/stream_analytics_output_eventhub: refactoring to use an id formatter
* for #13658
* new resource \"azurerm_synapse_sql_pool_workload_group\" (#13658)
* `azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy` fix #14322 by change `policy_settings.max_request_body_size_in_kb` length limitation from [8, 128] to [8, 2000] (#14369)
* r/stream_analytics_output_mssql: refactoring to use an id formatter
* `azurerm_frontdoor_rules_engine` Fix #14313 by correct validate function (#14375)
* r/stream_analytics_output_servicebus_queue: switching to use an id formatter
* for #14395
* `r/azurerm_app_service`: Add support for `client_cert_mode` parameter (#14395)
* `azurerm_api_management` - fix tests (#14405)
* `azurerm_kusto_cluster` - Fix VNet test (#14407)
* r/template_deployment: adding a state migration for the legacy template deployment resource
* resource: generating insensitive parsers for resource group template deployment id\'s
* resourcegroups: adding a disclaimer about why these are being left for the moment
* r/management_lock: switching to use a nextgen ID parser/formatter
* r/mysql_server_key: refactoring to use an id formatter
* d/mariadb_server: refactoring to use an id formatter
* d/traffic_manager_geographical_location: adding a note about the use of the id
* d/subscription: updating to use a Resource ID Formatter
* d/synapse_workspace: refactoring to use an id formatter
* d/recovery_services_vault: switching to use an id formatter
* d/servicebus_namespace_disaster_recovery_config: refactoring to use an id formatter
* r/mariadb_server: refactoring to use an id formatter
* d/firewall: switching to use a resource id formatter
* r/logic_app_standard: refactoring to use an id parser
* r/monitor_aad_diagnostic_setting: fixing the id validator to use the eventhub auth rule id rather than the relay id
* Fix acceptance test
* fmt, terrafmt and all that good stuff
* set fields to compute for deprecation and refactor/fix tests for data source
* apply review comments
* improve docs for machine learning workspace
* tfconfigs - cleanup (#14382)
* Update Changelog for #13748
* mssql_db: add support for transparent data encryption (#13748)
* revert compute and add a note on the behaviour of the fields node_taint and eviction_policy
* update sku in test for container config
* Add twitter block info to function_app{_slot} documentation. (#14363)
* update docs and fix more tests
* deprecate properties and fix tests
* Update for #14241
* updating to include #14361
* `azurerm_mssql_server` - Throw error when `azuread_authentication_only = true` and `administrator_login_password` is changed (#14356)
* refactor: switching to use ID Formatters in (some) Requires Import steps (#14338)
* r/storage_account: populating the cache on creation
* for #14345
* `azurerm_point_to_site_vpn_gateway` - Support for `internet_security_enabled` (#14345)
* CHANGELOG>me for #14285
* `azurerm_mysql_flexible_database` - New resource (#14285)
* for #13842
* r/azurerm_linux_virtual_machine and r/azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set - secure_boot_enabled, vtpm_enabled (#13842)
* for #14311
* Update storage cache sdk to 2021-09-01 (#14311)
* Update
* v2.87.0
* for #14346
* Add support for new properties of azurerm_cosmosdb_account (#14346)
* for #14258
* New resource: `azurerm_sentinel_watchlist` (#14258)
* `azurerm_kusto_cluster` - Fix `trusted_external_tenant` for MyTenantOnly incl default change for 3.0 (#14243)
* for #14239
* [new resource] API management recipient user (#14239)
* Fix #9454 by setting `eviction_policy` and `node_taints` as Computed (#14030)
* Changing Postgres instance type from Default to Replica forces a new resource to be created (#14351)
* remove unnecessary subscripiton id check
* `azurerm_mssql_server` - Enable inline creation of `azuread_authentication_only` to allow Azure Policies (#14316)
* CHANGELOG.nmd for #14318
* azurerm_eventgrid_event_subscription - support queue_message_time_to_live_in_seconds and user_assigned_identity (#14318)
* for #14329
* azurerm_site_recovery_replication_policy - allow disabling of app snapshots and retention (#14329)
* for #14337
* Add new resource: azurerm_app_service_public_certificate (#14337)
* for #14340
* fix(firewall_policy): replace ip address range with cidr range as valid input for threat_intelligence_allowlist (#14340)
* add azurerm_app_service_certificate_binding to example (#14335)
* docs: backup_instance_disk: fix example (#14328)
* Add \'optional\' keyword to aks->aad->managed bool in the Docs (#14350)
* Update for #14211
* Fix function slot WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE secretly changes (#14211)
* Update changelog for #14042
* Read patch_mode in resourceLinuxVirtualMachineRead (#14042)
* Update for #14288
* `azurerm_service_plan` (beta) - add Logic App SKUs to validation. (#14288)
* Updated for #12764
* New Resource: `azurerm_static_site_custom_domain` (#12764)
* docs: backup_instance_disk: add necessary identity block (#14332)
* updated to include #14236
* merge #14236
* fixing lint
* adding in a test case for trusted ca
* Support exporting identity for AKV provider
* Use better logic for defaults. Use existing validation
* Address review comments
* azurerm_dev_test - refactored with parsers and migration (#14306)
* docs: fix wrong documentation of max_pid featore of azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool
* `azurerm_recovery_services_vault` Update doc modify example code to meet service side\'s constraint, update `name` field description (#14300)
* Format tests
* Added docs for AKV provider
* Added data source
* Fixed state file
* [docs] Remove unsupported argument \"tier\" from iothub examples.
* Added validation for secret rotation interval
* Add test for AKV provider addon
* Support for rotationPollInterval
* Add support for CSI driver
* `azurerm_eventhub_consumer_group` add state migration for resource ID (#14289)
* Add check for existing resource when creating new resource (#14296)
* `azurerm_frontdoor_rules_engine` - Fix panic (#14292)
* updating to include #14275
* azurerm_dev_test - Updating dev_test_lab and dev_test_lab_policy with parser and migration (#14274)
* Update for #14294
* updating to include #14261
* uncomment compatibility level 1.2
* Docs: Add examples of built-ins roles needed by data lake gen2
* Clarify code and update Acceptance Test
* Fix typo in kubernetes_cluster_node_pool resource doc
* Update Changelog for #14131
* New resource for Service Fabric Managed Clusters service (#14131)
* Update Changelog for #14277
* Swap Relay parser and validator with EventHub (#14277)
* for #14262
* `azurerm_automation_rule` - add supports for `expiration` (#14262)
* Fix acctests for `azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_tempalte` datasource (#14263)
* for #14264
* Allow creation of `azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_eventhub` with the default `eventhub_consumer_group_name` (#14264)
* for #14270
* `azurerm_mssql_elasticpool` - Support for DC family (#14270)
* `azurerm_synapse_workspace` - Fix nilpointer for `sql_aad_admin`
* remove Get function, use parse method to generate id. add subscription id check for `kube rnetes_cluster_id` in `kubernetes_cluster_node_pool_resource`
* Update for #14082
* Update for #14229
* switch validate import from eventhub to streamanalytics
* internal: changes needed for v0.18.0 of
* go mod vendor
* dependencies: upgrading to v0.18.0 of
* Updated app svc env v3 doc for ip (#13981)
* cognitive: switching to use the embedded sdk (#13984)
* for #14199
* `r\\managed_disk`: Add support for `public_network_access_enabled` (#14199)
* tags: remove transition file from packages that were swapped to the embedded sdk (#14215)
* v2.86.0
* for #14079
* Enchancing `azurerm_key_vault_certificate` by making `tags` updatable due to #13315 (#14079)
* for #14137
* `r\\managed_disk` Add support for `on_demand_bursting_enabled` (#14137)
* F/14092 expand pricing tier options (#14113)
* for #14140
* ththe azurerm_cost_management_export_resource_group has been deprecated in favour of azurerm_resource_group_cost_management_export, azurerm_subscription_cost_management_export (#14140)
* for #14096
* `azurerm_container_registry` - add supports of `anonymous_pull_enabled`, `data_endpoint_enabled` and `network_rule_bypass_option` (#14096)
* for #14142
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - Support for `outbound_type = \"
*NATGateway\"` and `nat_gateway_profile` (#14142)
* for #14145
* New resource `azurerm_storage_disks_pool` (#14145)
* #14252
* `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_servicebus_topic` add `property_columns` attribute (#14252)
* for #14227
* New attribute for `r/virtual_desktop_application_group` (#14227)
* for #14238
* azurerm_backup_protected_file_share: Fix issue about file share is added to an exist storage account but it cannot be listed by Backup Protectable Items (#14238)
* for #14250
* `azurerm_elastic_pool` - Support for Fsv2 family (#14250)
* for #14253
* `azurerm_key_vault_managed_hardware_security_module` - extend context timeouts for create and delete. (#14253)
* merging #14255
* fix `redis_cache_id` issue for the resource `api_management_redis_cache` (#14208)
* Logic App Standard: Fix tests (#14246)
* Update for #14218
* remove fields except Type/Optional/Required/Computed from schema snapshot
* for #13843
* r/postgresql_flexible_server: `zone` and `standby_availability_zone` are no longer computed (#13843)
* for #14228
* `azurerm_public_ip_prefix` - Support for `ip_version` to support `IPv6` (#14228)
* for #14217
* `r\\purview_account`: Add support for `managed_resource_group_name` (#14217)
* for #14225
* `azurerm_key_vault_certificate` - Make `certificate_policy` optional for imported certs (#14225)
* for #14119
* New Resource: azurerm_monitor_private_link_scoped_service (#14119)
* for #14200
* Support new property flow_timeout_in_minutes for azurerm_virtual_network (#14200)
* for #14169
* `azurerm_mssql_server` - support `azuread_authentication_only` on create (#14169)
* for #14172
* `azurerm_sql_active_directory_administrator` - Support for `azuread_authentication_only` (#14172)
* for #13893
* New resource: `azurerm_automation_webhook` (#13893)
* for #14020
* new resource azurerm_logz_tag_rule (#14020)
* updating to include #14237
* adding #14237
* modify migration schema, add unit test for migration code, add migration for `kubernetes_cluster_node_pool_resource` to correct it\'s `id` and `kubernetes_cluster_id`
* Resolve comments
* updating to include #14235
* adding #14235
* Update Changelog for #13607
* State migration for storage account resource (#13607)
* GHA - split concurrency groupings per workflow (#14232)
* updating to include #12385
* Update for #14080
* fix import order
* set default for tls to 1.2 behind threepointoh
* azurerm_storage_account - refactoring to use parsers (#14205)
* updating to include #13713
* vendor: updating to account for the latest Azure SDK for Go version changes
* Update Changelog for #13682
* Add per-resource recovery control for soft-deleted key vault items (#13682)
* `azurerm_mssql_server`: Fix documentation (#14223)
* TestAccResourceProviderRegistration_feature: updating to use an available RP/features
* TestAccResourceProviderRegistration_requiresImport: switching the RP to one which doesn\'t require extra T&C\'s
* r/resource_provider_registration: being explicit with the new features functionality
* azurerm_resource_provider_registration supports feature
* Update doc
* Add encryption type discovery to virtual machine
* fix typo
* fix azurerm_synapse_workspace_key doc example
* `managed_disk`,`disk_encryption_set`: Add support of `EncryptionAtRestWithPlatformAndCustomerKeys`
* modify migration schema, set `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` id while read to set correct case, use parsed id as `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool_resource`\'s `kubernetes_cluster_id` while read
* try to fix #13919, not complete yet
* Update changelog for #14192
* `azurerm_mssql_database`: Fix error with OnlineSecondary with auditing on Primary (#14192)
* Update for #14202
* App Service Beta - support for Load Balancer timeouts and VNet Route All. (#14202)
* fixing lint issue
* update workflows for single concurrency per PR. remove redundant \'strategy\' block
* making enhancements per pr comments
* azurerm_log_analytics - refactoring to use parsers (#14191)
* make fmt
* Update internal/services/compute/windows_virtual_machine_resource.go
* Update internal/services/compute/windows_virtual_machine_scale_set_resource.go
* Update for #14204
* `r/azurerm_frontdoor`: Fix incorrect validation in `backend_pool_health_probe`
* Add usage example for `azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting` integration with `eventhub` (#14151)
* Update internal/services/storage/storage_account_data_source.go
* Update internal/services/storage/storage_account_resource.go
* Adding embedded sdk
* eventhub - regenerate embedded sdk (#14156)
* pass build
* Update website/docs/r/storage_account.html.markdown
* use pull_request_target without checkout of code
* Update for 13806
* New (Beta) Resource: `azurerm_linux_function_app` (#13806)
* build: updating to use Go 1.17.3
* updating to include #14083
* Adding `http_proxy_config` to `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` (#4)
* for #14160
* Fix #14152 by adding lock to avoid parallel race error on service side (#14160)
* for #14120
* azurerm_machine_learning_workspace - encryption block (#14120)
* Updating to include #14003
* merge #14003
* Corrected version of compute API
* for 314174
* Splitting SDK upgrade and OVMSS work into two PR\'s (#14174)
* Update changelog for #14165
* `windows_virtual_machine_scale_set`/`linux_virtual_machine_scale_set` - `source_image_reference.offer` and `source_image_reference.publisher` are now ForceNew #14165)
* vmware - regen embedded sdk (#14133)
* internal/acceptance: round 2
* updating to include #14150
* updating to include #14135
* azurerm_api_management - refactoring remaining api_management resources to use parsers (#14148)
* d/data_lake_store: fixing linting by ensuring all fields have defaults
* r/data_lake_analytics_account: fixing the linting
* internal/acceptance: fixing the linting
* videoanalyzer: updating to the latest embedded sdk
* regeegen part 2
* regen embedded sdk
* updating to include #14153
* updating to include #14158
* imports
* r/private_endpoint: fixing the casing on `private_connection_resource_id` if needed
* website: updating the resource id for signalr_service_network_acl to match the new format
* r/signalr_service_network_acl: adding a state migration for the old -> new id
* r/signalr_service_network_acl: updating to use the native Resource ID validator function
* website: updating signalr_service to account for the updated resource id
* r/signalr_service: adding a state migration for the old/new ID format
* regen part two
* regen embedded sdk
* updating to include #14154
* updating to include #14155
* Update internal/services/relay/relay_namespace_resource.go
* Update internal/services/relay/relay_hybrid_connection_resource.go
* updating to include #14157
* dependencies: removing the old azure sdk
* `azurerm_(ms)sql_server` - removal of doc for deprecated `extended_auditing_policy`
* datalake: goimports
* handling the import change
* Fix struct issue
* moving bulk of datalake to embedded sdk
* v2.85.0
* for #14052
* `azurerm_sql_managed_instance`: Support for `identity` (#14052)
* `managed_disk_resource`: Add `disk_iops_read_only`, `disk_mbps_read_only` (#14025)
* Doc Fix: `azurerm_iothub_resource` doc shows correct route source option names (#14149)
* regen part two electric boogaloo
* regen part two electric boogaloo
* regen part two electric boogaloo
* `azuread`: upgrade of `azuread` components in AccTest to v2 (#14105)
* for #14136
* `azurerm_mysql_flexible_server_firewall_rule`: New resource (#14136)
* for #13600
* New resource: `azurerm_synapse_workspace_aad_admin` - supports setting AAD admin for synapse workspaces with CMK (#13600)
* for #14025
* for #14085
* `azurerm_storage_encryption_scope`: Allow versionless `key_vault_key_id` (#14085)
* for #14098
* New Resource: azurerm_monitor_private_link_scope (#14098)
* for #14097
* azurerm_backup_protected_vm: Support exclude_disk_luns and include_disk_luns properties for backup protected VM resource (#14097)
* updating to include #14141
* go mod vendor
* dependencies: upgrading to v0.17.1
* Update changelog for #14124
* `azurerm_virtual_network_gateway`: Enable configuration of an active-active zone redundant gateway with P2S (#14124)
* Update changelog for #14093
* `azurerm_frontdoor_resource` - route engines are no longer removed on update (#14093)
* cognitive - regenerate embedded sdk (#14114)
* Update for #14043
* Update for #14125
* remove import step from data source test
* add threshold_type to data source schema
* updating to include #14108
* attestation: regenerate embedded sdk (#14112)
* App Configuration - regenerating the embedded sdk (#14111)
* reregen embedded sdk
* regen embedded sdk
* regen embedded sdk
* Regenenerate sdk
* Correct all references to properties
* Correct formatting issues
* Correct casing in website documentation
* Use precreated ID
* Use ID in error message
* Use ID in error messages
* Use ID references where appropriate
* Use ID parser to build the Application ID
* Remove CHANGELOG update
* updating to include #14070
* Fix typos and smoothen short descriptions
* goimports
* d/redis_cache: parsing the subnetId case-insenstively
* r/redis_cache: parsing the subnetId insensitively
* updating to include #14103
* updating to include #14100
* Update security_center_subscription_pricing.html.markdown
* Update security_center_subscription_pricing_resource.go
* Fix storage blob cache_control test failure (i.e. TestAccStorageBlob_cacheControl)
* Remove stray string format from test
* Update documentation for topic_type available values in EG system topic (#14091)
* Remove stray parameter from data source test function
* adding datasource
* update import path
* using storage 2021-01-01 for blob inventory policy
* pass build for test code
* fix update
* upgrade storage sdk to 2021-04-01 (compatible way to mitigate breaking chagne of the inventory, but not working actually)
* fix the account_kind validation
* `azurerm_storage_account` - add supports of `{table|queue}_encryption_key_type`
* frontdoor: swapping to embedded sdk (#13966)
* Correct attribute reference (#14072)
* `azurerm_key_vault_certificate`: Prevent `certificate.contents` to be empty (#14061)
* azurm_api_management - refactoring to use parsers (#14062)
* `azurerm_app_service_virtual_network_swift_connection`: Fix nilpointer
* Fix tests for `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_table` (#14059)
* Corrected all \"aci-helloworld\" and \"aci-tutorial-sidecar\" Docker image references in examples/docs (#14064)
* for #14035
* azurerm_application_insights - support internet_ingestion_enabled, internet_query_enabled (#14035)
* updating to include #14060
* go mod vendor
* dependencies: updating to v0.17.0 of & v2.8.0 of
* refactor: updating to account for the changes in hashicorp/go-azure-helpers#85
* increase timeout
* Update for 14026
* fix tf block in test
* Convert Bool to String in check
* Correct test function name
* Removed unused imports
* azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_cluster: Fix import test (#14046)
* Correct terraform formatting
* v2.84.0
* for #13785
* new resources: azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_datacenter, azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_cluster (#14019)
* for #14013
* new resource `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_synapse` (#14013)
* hpc_cache Added support for readonly SKUs (#14037)
* foir #14028
* `managed_disk_resource`: Add validation for `disk_iops_read_write`, `disk_mbps_read_write` (#14028)
* Create Batch Application data source
* fmt and lint
* update and format test blocks
* docs for managed private endpoint
* add cluster docs
* add stream analytics cluster prop to docs
* update resource registration
* rename to managed private endpoint
* complete endpoint client registration
* Change api_management_certificate Subject attribute to reference correct certificate property
* for #13988
* Add `key_vault_reference_identity_id` attribute for `azurerm_app_service_slot` (#13988)
* for #13934
* key_vault_key - add the cureve, x, y, public_key_pem, public_key_openssh (#13934)
* for #14015
* Add support for Integration Account with Integration Service Environment (#14015)
* for #13874
* new resource \"logz_monitor\" (#13874)
* for #13465
* update aks sdk to 2021-08-01 (#13465)
* add endpoints client, resource id and generated parser
* update cluster prop and refactor
* added stream analytics cluster property
* for #14004
* `azurerm_firewall_policy - add supports for the `insights` (#14004)
* datalake: add embedded sdk
* Fix acctest for sentinel DC (#13875)
* for #13820
* azurerm_machine_learning_compute_cluster, azurerm_machine_learning_compute_cluster, azurerm_machine_learning_synapse_spark - support for local_auth_enabled (#13820)
* for #13967
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_account`: Allow change of backup type from `Periodic` to `Continuous` (#13967)
* Added support for patch_mode in resource_linux_virtual_machine. (#13866)
* for #13998
* azurerm_monitor_smart_detector_alert_rule: Support additional detector types (#13998)
* for #13938
* `azurerm_storage_share` - add supports for `enabled_protocol` (#13938)
* for #13964
* `azurerm_logic_app_standard` - fixes error when working on private network (#13964)
* for #13962
* Add `key_vault_reference_identity_id` attribute for `azurerm_function_app` (#13962)
* for #13866
* azurerm_backup_protected_file_share supplement doc: add `depends_on` for adding a protected item to a pre-e… (#13955)
* for #13976
* `azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group` - add supports of `translatedFqdn` for NAT rule (#13976)
* `azurerm_mssql_database`: Fix `storage_account_type` (#13990)
* Update
* for #13946
* feat(storage_blob): implement control_cache (#13946)
* azurem_mariadb - Refactoring to use parsers (#13996)
* for #13951
* `azurerm_sql_managed_instance`: Support for `dns_zone_partner_id` (#13951)
* Upgrade Azure Go SDK to v59.0.0 (#13943)
* Updated documentation for `azurerm_frontdoor_rules_engine` (#13940)
* for #13971
* azurerm_application_insights - increase allowed validate for the daily_data_cap_in_gb property (#13971)
* Updated documentation for `azurerm_frontdoor_rules_engine` (#13975)
* Fix the HCL example in the sentinel documents (#13978)
* for #13973
* azurerm_mssql_elasticpool Added GP_FSv2 to sku validate function (#13973)
* for #13659
* synapse_workspace supports sql_aad_admin (#13659)
* Remove security_type from internal/services/compute/windows_virtual_machine_scale_set_resource.go
* Update internal/services/compute/windows_virtual_machine_scale_set_other_resource_test.go
* Update internal/services/compute/windows_virtual_machine_scale_set_resource.go
* Update internal/services/compute/windows_virtual_machine_resource.go
* Update internal/services/compute/windows_virtual_machine_resource.go
* Update internal/services/compute/windows_virtual_machine_resource.go
* Update internal/services/compute/windows_virtual_machine_scale_set_other_resource_test.go
* Update internal/services/compute/windows_virtual_machine_resource_other_test.go
* Update internal/services/compute/windows_virtual_machine_resource_other_test.go
* linting: increasing the timeout to 60m
* for #13897
* `r\\purview_account_resource`: Deprecate `sku_name` property (#13897)
* for #13785
* Upgrade Purview from 2020-12-01-preview to stable version 2021-07-01 (#13785)
* Adding cognitive sdk
* for #13881
* `azurerm_synapse_workspace_key`: deprecate `cusomter_managed_key_name` in favour of the correctly spelled `customer_managed_key_name` (#13881)
* Update
* Update
* lint and fmt
* gha for linking milestone
* create, read, delete and basic test
* internal/acceptance: cleanup
* fmt
* testing: reworking the concept for now
* r/resource_group: switching over to using the new ApplyStep an example
* testing: adding an ApplyStep to the TestData func
* frontdoor: Adding embedded sdk #13949
* azurerm_network - refactoring network importers, create and log messages (#13945)
* v2.83.0
* for #12924
* “azurerm_spring_cloud_java_deployment” – the `cpu` and `memory_in_gb ` properties have been deprecated in favour of the `quota` block (#12924)
* Move ignore:AT001 annotation so it\'s recognized (#13950)
* `r/azurerm_monitor_autoscale_setting`: Add `ServiceAllowedNextValue` (#13944)
* for #13498
* azurerm_application_gateway - support priority property (#13498)
* for #13942
* Validate administrator_login in postgres flexible server (#13942)
* for #13936
* azurerm_cosmosdb_account: Ignore the change of capabilities property (#13936)
* for #13692
* new resource \"azurerm_kusto_script\" (#13692)
* Update changelog for #13394
* `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set/`azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set``azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set_extension ` - Add support for `automatic_upgrade_enabled` in extensions (#13394)
* generate cluster id parser
* register clusters client
* Update for #13723
* Remove field InvoiceSectionName from struct
* Update website/docs/r/subscription.html.markdown
* remove debug log from testing
* Add `StoragePool/diskpools` to subnet\'s `service_delegation` allow list, get ready for DisksPool resource (#13935)
* for #13849
* `r\\managed_disk`: Add support for `security_type` (#13849)
* Refactoring remaining network services to use parsers (#13920)
* for #13917
* New resource: `azurerm_iot_time_series_insights_event_source_eventhub` (#13917)
* for #13904
* azurerm_firewall_policy - changing the identity will no longer create a new resource (#13904)
* `azurerm_sql_server`: Remove deprecated value `new` from `threat_detection_policy.state` (#13905)
* [postgres/flexible] Fix & Update SKU validation Regex (#13927)
* for #13817
* azurerm_synapse_workspace - support linking_allowed_for_aad_tenant_ids, compute_subnet_id, public_network_access_enabled, purview_id,last_commit_id (#13817)
* for #13929
* Prevent multiple azurerm_application_gateway.ssl_policy blocks. … (#13929)
* for #13906
* azurerm_automation_schedule_resource: Changing Automation Time Helper to be \'Etc/UTC\' rather than just \'UTC\' (#13906)
* Fix the application_gateway.redirect_configuration docs. Fixes #13930. (#13931)
* add 3.0 todo note about azurerm_data_lake_store
* Docs: Note that Azure Data Lake Store is the Data Lake Storage Gen 1 (#13921)
* for #13925
* Add \"Accepted\" to pending state list (#13925)
* for #13882
* `azurerm_vpn_gateway`: Support for `routing_preference` (#13882)
* fix typo in docs
* fix camel casing for analytics items and goimports
* camel case api key section of id from azure api
* complete webtests refactor for id parser
* Update for #13854
* consolidate if conditions
* `azurerm_service_bus_queue|topic`: Support for `max_message_size_in_kilobytes` for Premium SKU (#13762)
* Update for #13635
* Update API version for azurerm_mysql_flexible_server_configuration (#13895)
* Fix example usage of azurerm_data_protection_backup_policy_blob_storage in docs for azurerm_data_protection_backup_instance_blob_storage (#13850)
* video_analyzer: use embedded sdk (#13837)
* for #13818
* Upgrade API version for azurerm_mysql_flexible_server (#13818)
* for #13853
* Enhancement to azurerm_servicebus_namespace_network_rule_set: Support \'allow trusted services\' (#13853)
* Fix #13647 (#13876)
* Refactoring virtual_network
* services to use parsers (#13885)
* for #13887
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` expose `azurePortalFqdn` (#13887)
* for #13859
* `azurerm_app_configuration_key`: Support for slashes in `key` (#13859)
* Application insights `application_type` parameter is case insensitive (#13823)
* for #11502
* New Resource - `sentinel_automation_rule` (#11502)
* Fixing the azurerm_machine_learning_inference_cluster creation with a private AKS cluster (#13845)
* for #13762
* cleanup changelogs (#13891)
* for #13851
* `d/azurerm_eventgrid_system_topic`: New data source (#13851)
* Refactoring ddos_plan, security_rule and backend_address_pool to use parsers (#13855)
* `d/azurerm_network_interface`: Support for `gateway_load_balancer_frontend_ip_configuration_id` to prevent nilpointer (#13865)
* for #13862
* `azurerm_firewall_policy`: Fix import by removing potential nilpointers (#13862)
* Documentation for kubernetes cluster node count minimum differentiating user and system pools (#13871)
* Update changelog for #13519
* Data Factory - Global Parameters, bug fix while reading editted or existing global parameter values (#13519)
* Update changelog for #13840
* add default_route_table to virtual hub (#13840)
* update import statement in docs
* add state migration and regenerate id parser for analytics item
* state migration and regenerated id parsers for api key, smart detection rule, web tests
* `azurerm_monitor_metric_alert`: Tags added to AccTests
* register typed resource in alphabetical order
* Update for #13869
* `azurerm_firewall_application_rule_collection`: Make `protocol.port` required
* docs: disable local accounts
* Fix sku_size doc definition
* terrafmt docs
* fmt and lint
* register typed resource and add docs
* add test and registration
* Update for 13822
* check for blob type input data source in custom importer
* rename refresh_rate to refresh_interval_duration
* initial draft with typed resource
* Updated message
* Refactoring network services to use parsers (#13798)
* v2.82.0
* Update
* for #13831
* `azurerm_mysql_flexible_server_configuration`: New resource to support configuration on `mysql_flexible_server` (#13831)
* `servicebus`: Replace API version `2018-01-01-preview` with `2021-06-01-preview` (#13760)
* for #13462
* azurerm_kubernetes_cluster support for open_service_mesh (#13462)
* Sync the documentation of the app service slot (#13815)
* for #13507
* Remove forceNew for `zone` and `standby_availability_zone` of azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server (#13507)
* fix #13596 (#13814)
* refactor: minor zones bugs (#13821)
* for #13767
* `azurerm_container_registry` - add supports for `region_endpoint_enabled` (#13767)
* for #13744
* new resource \"azurerm_synapse_sql_pool_vulnerability_assessment_baseline\" (#13744)
* add web and function app documentation with slot (#13834)
* `azurerm_mssql_database`: Fix `threat_detection_policy` options for AccTests (#13828)
* for #13743
* New Resource: azurerm_virtual_hub_route_table_route (#13743)
* for #13812
* Azure NetApp Files SDK updated to latest and removal of opt-in text for CRR (#13812)
* for #13754
* `azurerm_mssql_server`: Support for `azuread_authentication_only` (#13754)
* for #13779
* `azurerm_batch_pool`: Support for `identity` (#13779)
* Update for 13799
* goimports
* remove whitespace
* fix typo
* add custom importer for reference blob and fix printing of
* add docs
* new resource stream analytics reference input mssql
* Fix minor error in doc for queue_properties attribute (#13808)
* Add support for new property ConnectionFromIPNotAllowed of azurerm_iot_security_device_group (#13768)
* for #13731
* azurerm_data_factory_integration_runtime_azure - support `AutoResolve` for the location property (#13731)
* for #13783
* azurerm_iot_security_solution - support for additional_workspace, disabled_data_sources (#13783)
* for #13742
* `azurerm_batch_account` - add supports for `identity` (#13742)
* for #13753
* `azurerm_mssql_server`: Set `azuread_administrator` inline on creation (#13753)
* fix psql admin name (#13746)
* Removed note of container soft delete preview (#13807)
* databricks: moving to use an embedded sdk (#13764)
* Update Changelog for #13773
* Expose a Virtual Machine\'s IP addresses as outputs (#13773)
* attestation: moving to use an embedded sdk (#13800)
* Update for #13747
* Boolean input validaton
* terrafmt
* Fix and extend AccTest
* updating to include #13797
* Fix tests
* `azurerm_mssql_database`: Fix for `extended_auditing_policy` for imported Secondary
* CHANGELOG./md for #13559
* `azurerm_lb`, `azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool`, `azurerm_network_interface` - add supports for gateway LB (#13559)
* `azurerm_servicebus_subscription`: Support for `name=\"_somename_`
* fmt
* Resolve reference error and remove unnecessary test check
* move property read to correct block
* Update Changelog for #13771
* Handle default value for Percentage appconfig feature filters (#13771)
* Update Changelog for #13757
* force mongoenabled for mongo34 (#13757)
* make fmt
* Update for #13690
* Update website/docs/r/synapse_spark_pool.html.markdown
* fix typo
* Implement requested changes
* for #13701
* `servicebus`: Update SDK to `2021-06-01-preview` (#13701)
* for #13674
* azurerm_lb_nat_pool: Add support for floating_ip_enabled, tcp_reset_enabled, idle_timeout_in_minutes (#13674)
* Rename variable
* update deps (#13751)
* `azurerm_disk_encryption_set` support for `enable_auto_key_rotation`
* for #13613
* Upgrade to v58.0.0 of `Azure/azure-sdk-for-go` (#13613)
* Update
* v2.81.0
* Update
* for #13732
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - `kube_config` and `kube_admin_config` blocks can now be marked entirely as `Sensitive` via environment variable. (#13732)
* for #13711
* azurerm_function_app_slot - azurerm_function_app_slot has been deprecated as it is no longer configurable in the service API (#13711)
* for #13736
* Swap calls to `GetKeyValues()` with `GetKeyValue()` (#13736)
* CHANGELOG./md for #13678
* New resource: azurerm_mysql_flexible_server (#13678)
* storage_data_lake_gen2_path note about ACL inheritance (#13738)
* `azurerm_virtual_network_dns_servers` - Add documentation (#13739)
* for #13680
* azurerm_lb: Add support for SkuTier property (#13680)
* for #13683
* `azurerm_mssql_server`: user_assigned_identity_ids and primary_user_assigned_identity_id (#13683)
* Refactor `azurerm_monitor_
*` to use id parser (#13644)
* examples: fixing the formatting
* tooling: checking that each of the examples validates via `terraform fmt`
* examples: fixing validation issues
* examples: removing a duplicate example
* removing the old \'go.sum\'
* examples/app-service/functions-python: fixing the vars file
* tooling: adding a Github Action to validate the examples are valid
* tooling: adding a script to validate the examples in the `./examples` folder are valid
* examples: removing the old test functionality
* Update for #12538 and #12540
* update test and for order inconsistency in API
* update test and doc for order inconsistency in API
* replace typeset with typelist and fix test
* missed one
* replace typeset with typelist
* for #13720
* r/azurerm_app_service: Make key_vault_reference_identity_id configurable (#13720)
* for #13560
* azurerm_cosmosdb_account data source - prevent panic: runtime error: index out of range (#13560)
* update
* Test Fix: `azurerm_security_center_
*` (#13727)
* for #13595
* `azurerm_eventgrid_event_subscription` : Support delivery_property (#13595)
* for #13622
* Update `mssql` SDK version to `preview/v5.0` (#13622)
* for #13487
* `azurerm_kusto_attached_database_configuration` supports `sharing_properties` (#13487)
* for #13717
* enable_rbac_authorization in azurerm_key_vault data sources (#13717)
* Fixed Lint issues
* Update
* Update
* for #13726
* `azurerm_subnet_resource` - Lock virtual network and subnet on update (#13726)
* fix issue: 11150 (#13669)
* data eventgrid domain - add: access keys to docs (#13707)
* update doc, changing `tags` will cause a re-creation (#13721)
* Update changelog for #13710
* `r/azurerm_security_center_workspace`: Allow creation with `Free` pricing tier (#13710)
* update checks and make terrafmt
* make fmt
* Apply suggestions from code review
* remove Set as elements are specified directly in the schema
* remove Set as elements are specified directly in the schema
* Fix formatting with terrafmt
* Add support for adding MPA subscriptions
* Add azurerm_billing_mpa_account_scope datasource
* Update for #13718
* rename test
* Update sdk version for batch from 2020-03-01 to 2021-06-01
* refactor and add documentation
* Fixup from Acceptance Tests
* Added additional SecurityProfile parameters for windows_virtual_machine resources
* Update sku_name for implementation example
* Update for #13636
* Update website/docs/r/machine_learning_compute_cluster.html.markdown
* fix lint
* add acceptance test checks and fix up docs
* Sorry that was my bad
* Remove unnecessary resource from doc example
* Apply suggestions from code review
* add beta 3.0 opt in to TC for new resource tests (#13698)
* Add possible values for the VM Priority for Azure ML Compute Cluster
* make whitespace (#13696)
* fix regex for cases where service contains more than one upper case char e.g. DataFactory
* Update for #13689
* check casing in rp part of id
* Update for #13518
* enhancement for synapse_spark_pool
* add nil check to fix #13646
* fixing TestAccDataFactoryManagedPrivateEndpoint_requiresImport
* make fmt
* adjust schema
* simplify tests
* add some more checks
* make fmt
* fix provide Element to TypeList
* fix: Computed: true
* Test Fix: `TestAccAppService_x` (#13671)
* Rename property in tests
* Docs
* Address feedback
* weblint
* New resource: `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_cosmosdb_mongoapi`
* make fmt
* fix add Computed:true to filter tag
* simplify resourceArmConsumptionBudgetSubscriptionDataSourceRead
* remove Optional: True
* make fmt
* add check for resource_group_id
* remove Optional true
* rename
* Fixing #13481
* Test Fix: More compute test fixes (#13656)
* fix test and fix get call
* Fixing typo - missing quote
* Update for #13540
* v2.80.0
* inline function due to AATTstephybun code review
* Update
* Add new node types to hdinsight\'s hardcoded validation list (#13638)
* azurem_ application_gateway - Refactoring to use parsers (#13628)
* for #13653
* add updating overprovision property (#13653)
* for #13444
* New data source: `backup_policy_file_share` (#13444)
* Refactor `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_
*` to use id parser (#13602)
* for #13399
* azurerm_service_fabric_cluster - support service_fabric_zonal_upgrade_mode and service_fabric_zonal_upgrade_mode (#13399)
* Update
* enhancement for kusto event hub data connection (#13488)
* fix formatting
* move logo
* add tf logo to readme (#13649)
* for #13637
* `r/azurerm_managed_disk`: Add support for `logical_sector_size` property (#13637)
* Update Changelog for #13641
* Fix type casting bug (#13641)
* lf adjust
* adjust spaces
* adjusting spaces
* Fix for #13380
* Test Fix: `TestAccKubernetesCluster_upgrade` (#13634)
* azurerm_firewall - Refactoring to use parsers (#13578)
* feature for scale_in_on_delete
* Adding comments to code that needs to be removed on v3.0 (#13588)
* CHANGELOG>md for #13562
* #13561 Added support for partition_key on azurerm_stream_analytics_output_eventhub. (#13562)
* Test Fix: DDoSProtectionPlan and TestAccVirtualHub (#13633)
* fix ShortTermRetentionPolicy retention_days (#13626)
* Update for #13580
* `azurerm_function_app` - fix regressions in function app storage (#13580)
* Test Fix: Additional compute package test fixes (#13619)
* Update for #13610
* Update website/docs/r/site_recovery_network_mapping.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/databricks_workspace.html.markdown
* fixes typo in upgrade guide
* fixes typos in data sources
* fixes typos in resources
* Update for #13500
* `d/azurerm_public_ips`: Deprecate `attached` for `attachment_status` (#13500)
* Fix 10822 (#13599)
* add check for ips with natgatewaz property
* update resource ids
* refactor remaining datafactory resources
* refactory datafactory pipeline
* add pipeline parser
* r/kubernetes_cluster: clarifying the `automatic_channel_upgrade` behaviour
* fixing issue #13563 (#13592)
* docs: add defaults for upgrade channel (#13594)
* docs: improve kubernetes local account disabled documentation (#13593)
* Update
* v2.79.1
* Update changelog for #13587
* `azurerm_managed_disk` - `max_share` is now `Computed` to account for managed disks that are already managed by Terraform (#13587)
* refactor integration runtimes
* Update
* v2.79.0
* CHANGELOGmd for #13478
* azurerm_mssql_database: Attempt to work around SKU change constraints for replicating databases (#13478)
* Update changelog for #13567
* `azurerm_consumption_
*` add support for `Forecasted` threshold type (#13567)
* Update changelog for #13571
* `azurerm_managed_disk` - Add support for `max_shares` (#13571)
* docs: clarifying the 3.0 overview (#13565)
* Update changelog for #13196
* New resource: `azurerm_logic_app_standard` (#13196)
* for #13520
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_account`: Support for `mongo_server_version` changes (#13520)
* for #13452
* New Resource: azurerm_app_configuration_feature (#13452)
* Update target_resource_id (#13538)
* for #13549
* azurerm_communication_service - export primary_connection_string, secondary_connection_string, primary_key, secondary_key (#13549)
* Updated notes for Log Analytics (#13539)
* azurem_compute - Refactoring to use parsers (#13556)
* Update changelog for #13548
* `azurerm_virtual_hub_connection` - Optimized state change refresh function (#13548)
* Test Fix: Compute tests that used key vault (#13555)
* refactor data sets to use id parsers
* Update Changelog for #13534
* set etag attribute when reading (#13534)
* adjust errcheck and nil check\'s order
* add nil check to fix #12163
* Test Fix: Various Compute tests (#13524)
* fix last link
* K8s private-api-server easier example startup
* Update links to the provider documentation in docs and comments.
* Update website/docs/r/linux_virtual_machine.html.markdown
* Update output to lowercase and no spaces
* refactor actions and triggers
* updating to include #13527
* updating to include #13493 / sorting
* Comments fixed
* updating to include #13516
* Add expires and not_before attribute to data.key_vault_certificate
* fmt :)
* `azurerm_app_configuration_key`: Documentation of necessary permissions
* Add not_before attribute to data.key_vault_certificate_data
* Update for #13517
* Update links to the provider documentation in docs and comments.
* generate parsers and refactor workflow
* correct imports
* Refactor containers to use parsers
* update diffsuppress func
* Add support for new property of azurerm_network_connection_monitor
* Refactor `azurerm_data_lake_
*` to use id parsers #13491
* Doc Fix: `azurerm_servicebus_subscription` - Fix incorrect \'P5M\' and \'P1M\' ISO8601 duration values #13499
* Update changelog for #13440
* `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set`/`azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set` - define Hash function for extension block to ignore `protected_setting` (#13440)
* convert storage account connection string to iothub connection string order
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster`: Set default upgrade channel to `none` on create
* v2.78.0
* fort #13324
* API of iothub/mgmt upgraded to 2021-03-31 (#13324)
* for #13473
* `azurerm_data_factory`: Support for `identity = SystemAssiged,UserAssigned` (#13473)
* azurerm_container_group - fix image in container group tests (#13480)
* for #13268
* azurerm_machine_learning_workspace - support for azurerm_machine_learning_workspace, discovery_url (#13268)
* for #13344
* Update Changelog for #13483
* Fix #13482 (#13483)
* Update changelog for #13271
* New Resource: `azurerm_key_vault_managed_storage_account` and `azurerm_key_vault_managed_storage_account_sas_token_definition` (#13271)
* Fix schema_column for azurerm_data_factory_dataset_snowflake resource (#13344)
* azurem_automation - Refactor remaining automation services to use parsers (#13476)
* Refactor `azurerm_application_insights_analytics_
*` to use id parser (#13477)
* for #13413
* azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - private_cluster_public_fqdn_enabled is no longer force new (#13413)
* Update changelog for #13374
* Allow empty_dir volume shared across containers in container group (#13374)
* Update changelog for #13307
* `azurerm_storage_account_network_rules ` - Deprecate `storage_account_name` and `resource_group_name` in favor of `storage_account_id` #13307
* Changelog for #13446
* Test fix
* Wait for network provisioning state when creating or updating resources (#13355)
* for #13464
* azurerm_synapse_workspace - mark tenant_id as computed (#13464)
* for #13249
* New Resource: azurerm_frontdoor_rules_engine (#13249)
* for #13310
* azurerm_function_app & azurerm_app_service - support for vnet_route_all_enabled (#13310)
* Wait for network provisioning state when creating or updating resource (#13426)
* Correct test names
* Tidy up, variable scoping
* Update changelog for #12952
* New Resource: `azurerm_synapse_sql_pool_extended_auditing_policy` and `azurerm_synapse_workspace_extended_auditing_policy` (#12952)
* for #13454
* Add support for signing_secret of azurerm_bot_channel_slack (#13454)
* Updated for #13455
* Revert 13379 (#13455)
* update beta resources for modelobject return change in typed sdk (#13456)
* New resource: mssql_failover_group
* Typed SDK: DecodeDiff method for use in CustomizeDiff funcs
* make fmt ./internal/services/consumption/schema.go
* use data source elements functions in schema
* Update changelog for #13421
* `azurerm_private_endpoint_connection` - Export `network_interface` attributes from private endpoints (#13421)
* remove superfluous general data source schema items from common schema.go
* fix: remove Required:true for start_date.
* use name and resource group name instead of subscription id
* fix Computed:true blocks
* `data_protection_backup_instance_blob_storage`: Fix example docs (#13431)
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_account`: Add extra nil checking (#13432)
* Correct validation for typed resource/data source model tests, don\'t validate is the model is nil
* Update changelog for #13419
* fix Computed:true blocks
* Refactoring automation account, credentials and certificate to use parsers (#13419)
* fix schema and make independent from schema.go
* update schema and define data source consumption budget read function on its owninstead of taking it from schema.go file
* `azurerm_vpn_gateway_connection`: Fix example doc
* `azurerm_maps_account`: Fix documentation
* fix incorrect document (#13410)
* `policy_virtual_machine_configuration_assignment` - Remove erroneous horizontal rule in Arguments Reference (#13408)
* Improve docs for `azurerm_log_analytics_data_export_rule` (#13423)
* Lint: combine declaration/assigmnent
* Pass
*struct as ModelObject
* Typed SDK: ensure we don\'t unintentionally skip over a
* for #13269
* Let `azurerm_storage_share_file` re-create deleted files (#13269)
* for #13401
* Prevent nil pointers in `azurerm_app_service_certificate` resources (#13401)
* Update
* v2.77.0
* for #13390
* `azurerm_data_factory_trigger_schedule` - add support for `activated` (#13390)
* for #13262
* azurerm_spring_cloud_service supports connection_string (#13262)
* for #13265
* azurerm_logic_app_workflow - support for enabled & access_control (#13265)
* Test Fix: `TestAccBackendAddressPoolAddressUpdate` (#13389)
* for #12833
* azurerm_machine_learning_inference_cluster support identity, azurerm_machine_learning_compute_cluster support ssh, ssh_public_access_enabled enhancement, identity (#12833)
* Refactored remaining recoveryservices to use parsers (#13363)
* virtual_network_gateway: remove CustomizeDiff func (#13359)
* for #12850
* Support for `purge_soft_delete_on_destroy` in `azurerm_api_management` (#12850)
* Test Fix: `TestAccLogAnalyticsLinkedService_
*` (#13366)
* for #13311
* `azurerm_policy_virtual_machine_configuration_assignment`: Updated example HCL, add datasource (#13311)
* App Service beta-3.0: missed docs and tweaks (#13322)
* for #13349
* `azurerm_function_app` and `azurerm_function_app_slot` - fix `app_settings` for `WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE` (#13349)
* updated doc for identity block (#13384)
* Updates formatting (#13371)
* Test Fix: `azurerm_mysql_
*` (#13370)
* Update for #13379
* `azurerm_app_service_certificate_binding` - rework for removal of thumbprint from service (#13379)
* Synapse Workspace Activation with CMK (#13179)
* Update for #13276
* Update for #13213
* Incorporate schema change suggestions from code review
* Apply suggestions from code review
* fix note in docs
* update for #13357
* `azurerm_app_service_managed_certificate`: Fix for empty `issue_date` (#13357)
* fix tf linting
* fix bad github apply
* Apply suggestions from code review
* replace id.String() instances in error msg with id
* Remove var, make it a string
* for #13341
* add resource \"azurerm_synapse_integration_runtime_azure\" (#13341)
* [WIP] Test Fix: `postgresql` (#13354)
* Update changelog for #13321
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool` - `os_sku` is now computed #13321
* fix lint
* fix import
* remove unneccessary var assignment in tests
* Update for #13294
* remove unneccessary var assignments
* Apply polling error suggestions from code review
* refactor data sources
* refactor tests
* refactor resources
* resolve conflict from rebase
* Update changelog for #13328
* azurem_site_recovery - Refactored to use parser (#13328)
* for #13204
* add resource \"azurerm_synapse_linked_service\" (#13204)
* Add Standard and Premium SSD ZRS to Managed Disk Storage Account (#13340)
* Update changelog for #13339
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_container`: fix crash when deleting (#13339)
* for #13305
* `azurerm_lb`: Support for adding/replacing `frontend_ip_configuration` with `availability_zone` (#13305)
* Update changelog for #13338
* `azurerm_frontdoor` - Fix crash when cache is disabled #13338
* for #13264
* add resource \"azurerm_synapse_integration_runtime_self_hosted\" (#13264)
* for #13336
* azurerm_mssql_elasticpool - export the sku block (#13336)
* Update changelog for #13335
* Crash Fix: `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set` (#13335)
* mssql_database - support addtional sku values (#13333)
* Refactor iothub_endpoint_
* resources to use id parser (#13318)
* docs: move local_account_disabled to correct section (#13332)
* docs: azurerm_resource_group_template_deployment - restructure provider features block sentence (#13313)
* docs: closes #13089
* Refactor: `iothub_dps_
*` resources to use id parser (#13304)
* Documentation examples: Fix `unsupported block type` error for App Service Environment V3 (#13301)
* `data.kubernetes_cluster.html.markdown`: add missing docs for `identity` block #13308
* Update link to kubernetes provider
* v2.76.0
* for #13290
* azurerm_synapse_workspace - support for the tenant_id property (#13290)
* for #13287
* New Resource: azurerm_logic_app_integration_account_agreement (#13287)
* for #13284
* azurerm_kubernetes_cluster supports os_sku (#13284)
* Update changelog for #12431
* New Resources: `azurerm_sql_managed_instance` and `azurerm_sql_managed_database` (#12431)
* `azurerm_app_service`: add note for `always_on` setting (#13299)
* azurerm_site_recovery_fabric_resource - refactor to use parser (#13293)
* for #13289
* Allow UTF-8 characters in SQL pool name (#13289)
* for #13245
* `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_blob` support for type Parquet & batch_max_wait_time/batch_min_rows (#13245)
* Update for #12132
* Replacement Service: `appservice` (#12132)
* for #13282
* Dependencies: updating cdn to use API version 2021-09-01 (#13282)
* Changelog update for #13273
* for #13215
* New Resource: azurerm_logic_app_integration_account_batch_configuration (#13215)
* mTLS support for Application Gateways (#13273)
* Wait for provisioning state when creating or updating resource
* Improve test case to increase chance of race condition
* Wait for provisioning state when creating or updating resource
* Wait for provisioning state when creating or updating resource
* Update changelog for #13228
* Update changelog for #13277
* azurerm_virtual_network_gateway_resource - Allow multiple vpn auth types (#13228)
* for #13243
* azurerm_data_factory_trigger_schedule supports schedule and description (#13243)
* for AATT13239
* New Resource: azurerm_logic_app_integration_account_assembly (#13239)
* azurerm_site_recovery_network_mapping - refactor to use parser (#13277)
* Remove extraneous argument from documentation (#13263)
* for #13260
* `d/azurerm_kubernetes_cluster`: Support `local_account_disabled` setup in data source (#13260)
* doc: capitalize names of secret permissions (#13278)
* don\'t send throttling if not set
* Update for #13101
* `azurerm_app_service_certificate` - introduce argument `app_service_plan_id` for usage with ASE (#13101)
* fix lint
* new resource \"azurerm_synapse_sql_pool_vulnerability_assessment\"
* new resource \"azurerm_synapse_workspace_vulnerability_assessment\"
* new resource \"azurerm_synapse_sql_pool_security_alert_policy\"
* new resource \"azurerm_synapse_workspace_security_alert_policy\"
* changed test
* fix doc
* changes from feedback
* Add additional operator values for query rules (#13231)
* for #13222
* azurerm_data_factory_integration_runtime_azure supports cleanup_enabled, subnet_id (#13222)
* Changelog update for #13253
* Fix KV import with no label (#13253)
* fix test
* changes from feedback
* Update for #13237
* Improved readability of variable name
* Update for #12951
* fix: system topic tests
* feat: added identity support to system topic
* fix: update tests to use acceptance module
* fix: rename conflicting identity functions
* Support for `local_authentication_disabled` in `azurerm_cosmosdb_account`
* for #13203
* Relax validation on `azurerm_api_management_subscription`.`subscription_id` to allow non-UUID strings. (#13203)
* for #12945
* azurerm_eventgrid_event_subscription/azurerm_eventgrid_system_topic_event_subscription - support delivery_identity & dead_letter_identity (#12945)
* for #13190
* azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group - support description,destination_addresses,destination_urls,terminate_tls,web_categories (#13190)
* CHANGELOG>md for #12683
* add resource \"azurerm_data_protection_backup_instance_blob_storage\" (#12683)
* azurerm_recovery_services_vault - Refactored to use parser (#13206)
* for #13033
* add: eventgrid_domain data source, test, docs (#13033)
* for #13188
* Dependencies: Upgrade `cosmos` to `2021-06-15` (#13188)
* Update website/docs/r/eventgrid_topic.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/eventgrid_topic.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/eventgrid_topic.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/eventgrid_topic.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/eventgrid_topic.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/eventgrid_topic.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/eventgrid_topic.html.markdown
* Update
* v2.75.0
* for #13187
* New Resource: azurerm_logic_app_integration_account_map (#13187)
* for #13181
* Update `azurerm_synapse_spark_pool` to support spark 3.1 instead of 3.0 (#13181)
* fix validation
* fixes
* fix lint
* add auto_mitigate and throttle exclusion
* change tests
* Changelog for #13183
* data_protection_backup_instance_postgresql: support database_credential_key_vault_secret_id (#13183)
* fix lint
* Support for auto-mitigate for Azure scheduled_query #13036
* Docs: Fix env var name in docs (#13207)
* Changelog update for #13118
* Add appconfig key resource (#13118)
* Updated the `allowed_methods` description
* for #12901
* add resource \"azurerm_cognitive_account_customer_managed_key\" (#12901)
* Changelog update for #12689
* Handle nil values for AllowBlobPublicAccess (#12689)
* Update for #13159
* add todo for other linked service resources
* apply review suggestions
* Changelog for #12866
* Add support for HDInsight Cluster with Enterprise Security Package (#12866)
* Update website/docs/r/data_factory_linked_service_azure_function.html.markdown
* fr #13174
* Support for `local_authentication_disabled` in `azurerm_application_insights` (#13174)
* for #13176
* azurerm_policy_virtual_machine_configuration_assignment - support assignment_type, content_uri and content_hash (#13176)
* for #13157
* New resource: azurerm_logic_app_integration_account_partner (#13157)
* add clients package
* `service/keyvault`: Fix some acceptance tests (#13171)
* `service/iothub`: Fix acceptance tests
* make fmt
* for #12880
* `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_azure_blob_storage` support key_vault_sas_token (#12880)
* for #13123
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_database` new data source (#13123)
* for #13161
* update dataprotection api to 2021-07-01 (#13161)
* for #13160
* update azure-sdk-for-go to v57.0.0 (#13160)
* add Microsoft.PolicyInsights to required resource provider (#13156)
* Document: update redisCache document (#13158)
* Update app config resource docs to include identity (#13164)
* Update changelog for #13151
* azurerm_mssql_server - updated to use parser (#13151)
* update docs
* v2.74.0
* for #13084
* azurerm_redis_enterprise_cluster - the tags property can now be updated (#13084)
* for #12313
* \"azurerm_kubernetes_cluster\" and \"azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool\" supports property \"pod_subnet_id\" (#12313)
* for #12262
* Support for `identity_client_id` and `certificate_information` in `azurerm_api_management` (#12262)
* for #13145
* Support for `zone_redundant` in `azurerm_app_service_plan` (#13145)
* `name` value must be globally unique across all of Azure for PostgreSQL Flexible Server (#13155)
* for #13149
* azurerm_data_factory_dataset_delimited_text - support empty values for the column_delimiter, row_delimiter, quote_character, escape_character, encoding propeties (#13149)
* update to use resourceids
* add key_vault_key to function linked service and update acc test
* Update for #13058
* datasource `azurerm_app_service_environment_v3` fix missing inbound ip-addresses (#13115)
* for #13116
* new resources: azurerm_relay_namespace_authorization_rule, azurerm_relay_hybrid_connection_authorization_rule (#13116)
* for #13117
* `data_factory_dataset_(binary|delimited_text|json|parquet)`: Support for dynamic path and filename (#13117)
* `service/servicefabric`: Fix acceptance tests (#13126)
* for #12997
* azurerm_servicebus_ resources - support primary_connection_string_alias, secondary_connection_string_alias (#12997)
* for #13110
* Update charset and collation of azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_database to optional (#13110)
* for #13100
* New Resource: azurerm_logic_app_integration_account_schema (#13100)
* for #13080
* `azurerm_app_configuration`: Add support for userAssigned identity (#13080)
* azurerm_monitor_aad_diagnostic_setting: document supported auth methods for this resource (#13092)
* Changelog for #12769
* `azurerm_firewall_policy` premium tier features (#12769)
* for #13074
* `devtestlabs`: Upgrade API to `2018-09-15` and... (#13074)
* make fmt
* remove AtLeastOneOf, ExactlyOneOf from data source schemas
* remove min and max items from data source elements where Compute is true
* make fmt; make terrafmt
* updating to include #13121
* Updates the documentation to fix resource name and dimention-block. This issue was previously also discussed here:
* update for #13125
* `service/springcloud`: Fix crashes in identity (#13125)
* Lower windows version
* `service/blueprints`: Fix acceptance tests
* `service/containers`: Fix acceptance tests
* `firewall_policy_rule_collection_group`: Fix DNAT acceptance tests
* got ya!
* More acceptance tests fixes
* Acceptance test fix, attempt 3
* Disable test that\'s failing in CI by design
* Aceptance tests fix attempt 2
* Fix up 2 more tests
* Update docs
* Acceptance tests fix, attempt 1
* Update changelog for #13014
* azurerm_storage_account - support for allow_shared_key_access property (#13014)
* Add vendored package please thank you
* Update test
* `service/monitor: Various updates
* drop aks policy addon preview note
* for #13102
* fix (#13102)
* Update for #13093
* `azurerm_private_dns_a_record` - fix regression in `name` validation and add max recordset limit validation (#13093)
* update attribute name in error message
* update cidr attribute name in docs
* rename cidr attributes to cidrs
* Add schema for consumption budget subscription
* `internal/identity`: Fix UAI object payload (#13079)
* Corrected msssql_database documentation for \'sku_name\' (#13083)
* Update giovanni to address #10888 (#13020)
* Update for #13073
* `azurerm_app_service` - add support for `vnet_route_all_enabled` property (#13073)
* run make fmt
* remove validation from computed items
* add validate cidr
* v2.73.0
* for #12780
* azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - and azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool support ultra_ssd_enabled and private_cluster_public_fqdn_enabled (#12780)
* for #13050
* `azurerm_data_lake_store`: Add `identity` parameter (#13050)
* for #13057
* `azurerm_logic_app_trigger_http_request` add `callback_url` as attribute (#13057)
* for #13029
* `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set` - fix potential crash in update to rolling_upgrade_policy (#13029)
* for #12834
* add resource \"azurerm_machine_learning_compute_instance\" (#12834)
* for #13062
* Data source - azurerm_data_protection_backup_vault (#13062)
* for #13042
* azurerm_private_dns_a_record_resource - currently validate the `name` property by allowing `AATT`s (#13042)
* for #13034
* `azurerm_databricks_workspace`: Flip logic for `public_network_access_enabled` (#13034)
* fort #13065
* azurerm_eventhub_namespace - support upto 40 for maximum_throughput_units (#13065)
* updating to include #13048
* Update website/docs/r/sql_server.html.markdown
* Update internal/services/sql/sql_server_resource.go
* update docs
* update tests
* add ipv4 and ipv6 attributes to data source
* updating to include #13028
* `azurerm_sql_server`: Add `threat_detection_policy` argument
* Update for #12932
* `azurerm_app_service`: Document that we support filesystem logging
* `azurerm_app_service_environment_v3` - update for SDK supported GA changes to service (#12932)
* Update for #13043
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - fix crash in update when previously configured AAD Profile is now `nil` (#13043)
* updating to include #12950
* change upgrade description to policy in error msg
* Update for #13025
* `azurerm_databricks_workspace` - fix potential crash in Read (#13025)
* CHANGELOG./md for #13000
* ignore case change for aks private_dns_zone_id (#13000)
* Change upgrade_description to upgrade_policy in service fabric docs (#13027)
* for #13026
* `azurerm_servicebus_topic`: Adjust regexp for name validation (#13026)
* for #12984
* azurerm_network_watcher_flow_log - correctly truncate name by ensuring it doesn\'t end in a - (#12984)
* for #13022
* add resource \"azurerm_machine_learning_synapse_spark\" (#13022)
* Changelog for #13011
* for #12982
* New Resource: azurerm_logic_app_integration_account_session (#12982)
* domain_service: document the `resource_id` attribute
* d/application_security_group: refactoring to use the new ID Parser/Formatter
* r/application_security_group: refactoring to use the new id parser/formatter
* network: generating the new resource ids via `make generate`
* network: adding the new id parser for Application Security Groups
* for #12999
* Virtual hub connection lock (#12999)
* Update
* for #12849
* Support for `azurerm_api_management_notification_recipient_email` (#12849)
* for #13010
* fix max_age_in_seconds range in storage cors settings (#13010)
* for #13003
* New Resource: azurerm_logic_app_integration_account_certificate (#13003)
* for #12961
* azurerm_netapp_volume - support for the snapshot_directory_visible property - Fixes #9143 (#12961)
* for #13002
* Upgrade `network` package to `2021-02-01` (#13002)
* for #12833
* update machine learning sdk to 2021-07-01 (#12980)
* CHANGEL>OG.,d for #12947
* azurerm_stream_analytics_output_eventhub - support for property_columns (#12947)
* Fix ACR Scope Maps Examples (#13013)
* fix sed vs gsed detection in makefile job (#13009)
* Update for #13001
* domain_service: export `resource_id` attribute
* tooling: updating to use Go 1.16.7
* update docs
* add hostname to iothub datasource
* Update for #12967
* accept suggestion to split out empty params
* updating to include #12831
* merge #12831
* updating the description
* updating to include #12946
* appconfiguration: updating the embedded sdk
* for #12956
* Tags of Redis Enterprise ressources can be updated (#12956)
* Update changelog for #12844
* Data Source: Adding azurerm_vpn_gateway (#12844)
* Updating for #12970
* Dependencies: updating `web` to use API version `2021-02-01` (#12970)
* Update for #12969
* Dependencies: upgrade `azure-sdk-for-go` to v56.2.0 (#12969)
* remove old dependency
* updating the changelog to include the placeholder for 2.73.0
* update docs
* v2.72.0
* dependencies: removing the old appconfiguration sdk
* r/resource_group: documenting the new feature toggle
* Fix the issue of updating the maxmemory_policy property of azurerm_redis_cache (#12926)
* Fix Panic Error #10413 - Fix segmentation fault - virtual machine scale set resource (#12962)
* for #12857
* azurerm_application_insights_smart_detection_rule - Add new rules (#12857)
* for #12938
* Support for System Assigned Identity in `azurerm_api_management_named_value` (#12938)
* for #12921
* Bugfix: `azurerm_data_factory_dataset_delimited_text` - Ensure optional variables are set correctly (#12921)
* fix #10946 (#12957)
* update changelog links (#12954)
* fix: refactor identity assignment
* fix: PR notes
* fix: add tests for identity_ids
* fix: documentation
* fix: check if input is nil
* r/appconfiguration: updating the resource to use the latest embedded sdk codegen
* appconfiguration: updating to the latest embedded sdk
* managedidentity: updating to the latest embedded sdk
* maps: updating to the latest embedded sdk
* r/signalr_service_network_acl: switching to use the Trace constant
* signalr: updating to the latest embedded sdk
* vmware: updating the embedded sdk
* eventhub: updating to use the latest codegen changes
* eventhubs: updating to use the latest generated sdk
* docs
* add identity to eventgrid domain
* identity acc tests
* fixes
* r/eventgrid_topic: managed identity
* refactor: fixing the broken auto-refactor
* vmware: refactoring the embedded sdk to include the api version
* signalr: refactoring the embedded sdk to include a version in the path
* relay: refactoring the embedded sdk to include a version
* powerbi: refactoring the embedded sdk into a versioned folder
* msi: refactoring to a versioned folder
* maps: moving the sdk into a versioned folder
* eventhub: moving the 2021-01-01-preview sdk\'s into a versioned folder
* eventhub: moving the 2018-01-01-preview sdks into a versioned folder
* eventhub: refactoring the 2017-04-01 sdk\'s into a versioned folder
* appconfiguration: moving the data plane sdk into a versioned folder
* appconfiguration: moving the 2020-06-01 resource manager sdk into a versioned folder
* analysisservices: adding the version to the embedded sdk
* removing a spurious
* updating to include #12657
* pass empty string for if-none-match param when updating
* updating to include #12911
* teamcity: increasing the vmware parallelism to 3
* remove invalid storage account restriction (#12936)
* move the sdk.go
* change type of `Type` && rename interface methods
* pass compilation
* Refine the ExpandedConfig field type
* fix CI
* vendor pandora sdk identity related types to provider
* Update for #12883
* Support for `dotnet_framework_version` in `azurerm_function_app` (#12883)
* Fixing typo in servicebus_namespace_disaster_recovery_config docs (#12930)
* further post repo move cleanup (#12931)
* update kusto api import path and fix kusto names
* add azure kusto api 2021-01-01
* Update tests
* r/resource_group: fixing comments from code review for #12657
* terrafmt fix
* r/video_analyzer: adding a missing explicit check
* rename noncompliant files
* updating to include #12879
* fix bot_channel_web_chat example
* add extension check
* Apply suggestions from code review
* updating to include #12919
* Use EdgeModule not EdgeModules
* feature: `resource_group.delete_nested_items_during_deletion`
* updating to include #12896
* r/iothub_dps: removing a crash
* add missing operation id field to docs
* scripts: fixing to use the new branch name
* bug: removing checking of futures during deletion
* Tooling: update default tf to 1.0.3 for acctest builds (#12916)
* Refactor
* Add video analyzer edge module
* Remove unused files
* Remove files in the wrong location
* updating to include #12665
* Remove failing test
* Remove unused files
* Use correct resource name
* Descope optional account_encryption property
* Fix linting
* Add tests
* Fix issues with running resource in tests
* Add inital draft of video_analyzer
* Fix failing tests
* Quick fix broken CI
* Fix terraform
* Use user_assigned_identity_id
* Fix rebase issues
* Update generated files
* Apply suggestions from code review for resource
* Apply suggestions from code review for resource
* Use list for storage_accounts
* Use correct resource name
* Descope optional account_encryption property
* Fix linting
* Add docs
* Add tests
* Fix issues with running resource in tests
* Add inital draft of video_analyzer
* Add video analyzer sdk
* remove duplicate line on cloning
* Tooling: upgrade `golangci-lint` to v1.41.1 (#12903)
* teamcity: updating the maven dependencies
* teamcity: removing the provider name from the path since this is no longer present
* Changelog for #12453
* azurerm_logic_app_trigger_recurrence - adapt timeZone values to match azure schema and make start_time optional (#12453)
* Update for #12881
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` prevent nil panic when rbac config is empty (#12881)
* Fix incorrect resource ID in Domain Service docs (#12897)
* azurerm_key_vault_certificate_data: fix PEM private key block header
* azurerm_key_vault_certificate_data: fix PEM private key block header
* remove from error messages
* Typo fix in error messages (#12885)
* typo: use lowercase values in azurerm_api_management_diagnostic docs (#12888)
* Documentation improvement for azurerm_resource_group_template_deployment (#12886)
* Docs: Add a note for MySQL/PostgreSQL AAD Admin + Managed Identities (#12887)
* Remove typo (#12893)
* adding an empty section for 2.72.0
* teamcity: updating to use the hashicorp org
* reverting to pull from `terraform-providers` org for now
* generation: updating the path to ditch the azurerm folder now it\'s gone
* refactor: updating the remaining usages of `terraform-providers`
* update makefile for org move
* make fmt
* update the scripts while we\'re here
* update doc references for org move
* teamcity: updating to use the hashi org / build from the main branch
* refactor: moving the repository to the hashicorp org / updating the Go module / import paths
* v2.71.0
* CHANGELOG.,md for #12788
* Support `v6.0` for the `dotnet_framework_version` to `azurerm_app_service` (#12788)
* for #12359
* azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_data_lake_storage_gen2 - don\'t send a secure string when using a managed identity (#12359)
* for #12859
* Fix `net_ipv4_ip_local_port_range_max` range for `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` default node pool (#12859)
* for #12865
* Network Security Group | True Up Protocols (#12865)
* fix typo on \"skip_shutdown_and_force_delete\" (#12864)
* for #12741
* Support for `elastic_instance_minimum`, `app_scale_limit` and `runtime_scale_monitoring_enabled` in `azurerm_function_app` (#12741)
* for #12550
* New Resource - `azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_database` (#11538) (#12550)
* for #12535
* New resource `azurerm_api_management_tag` (#12535)
* Update for #12745
* azurerm_app_service - support for the acr_use_managed_identity_creds and acr_user_managed_identity_id properties (#12745)
* up timeout by 10m while we investigate (#12863)
* updating to include #12421
* address review
* r/template_deployment_(resource_group|subscription): fixing code review comments
* updating to include #12845
* updating to include #12800
* linting
* update testing location to work around resource creation issue in Primary (#12851)
* Update for #12510
* `azurerm_static_site` - support `Standard` SKU (#12510)
* Add Learn link to Azure provider docs (#12846)
* for #12762
* kubernetes_cluster supports maintenance_config (#12762)
* for #12818
* Supporting workspace mode for application_insights_resource (#12818)
* updating to include #12667
* updating to include #12842
* r/notification_hub_authorization_rule: switching to use an ID parser/adding a state migration
* for #12820
* azurerm_redis_cache - support replicas_per_primary, redis_version, tenant_settings (#12820)
* r/notification_hub_namespace: refactoring to use an id parser / adding a state migration
* r/notification_hub: adding the missing schema version
* d/notification_hub_namespace: refactoring to use an id parser
* d/notification_hub: refactoring to use an ID Parser
* r/notification_hub: refactoring to use an id parser / adding a state migration
* notificationhubs: generating insensitive parsers too
* Redis enterprise is available in Canada Central
* Fix issue: #12794 - normalize ssh public key output
* updating to include #12785
* updating to include #12829
* updating to include #12835
* reverting #12544
* updating to include #12824
* updating to include #12822
* updating to include #12823
* Revert \"add resource \"azurerm_cognitive_account_customer_managed_key\" (#12544)\"
* r/signalr_service: working around a broken future api
* dependencies: removing the Azure SDK for Go SignalR SDK
* signalr: refactoring to use the embedded sdk
* signalr: embedding the 2020-05-01 sdk
* add free and fsv2 to mssql database sku validation
* make terrafmt
* Updated to include #12799
* merge #12799
* for #12746
* New Resource: azurerm_bot_channel_line (#12746)
* Update container_registry.html.markdown
* Update container_registry.html.markdown
* Add type checking to flatten of `azurerm_managed_application` (#12825)
* Update script to use the new georeplications
* Update changelog for #12775
* azurerm_public_ip_resource - Added sku_tier property (#12775)
* Update azurerm/internal/services/apimanagement/api_management_subscription_resource.go
* make fmt
* 4482 fix all apis subscriptions
* r/private_dns_zone: fixing a crash during deletion
* r/postgresql_database: working around a crash in the Azure SDK
* r/local_network_gateway: fixing a crash where the `LocalNetworkAddressSpace` block was nil
* fix dependencies txt for databricks
* Typo Fix - Wrong max RU number.
* CHANGELOG>,d for #12804
* update machine learning sdk to 2021-04-01 (#12804)
* Update for #12808
* `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set` - fix crash in checking for latest image (#12808)
* updating to include #12543
* fixes #11158 and #7799
* for #12782
* Support for `operation_name_format` in `azurerm_api_management_api_diagnostic` (#12782)
* for #12496
* New resource - azurerm_cdn_endpoint_custom_domain (http only) (#12496)
* for #12386
* \"azurerm_kubernetes_cluster\" - supports property \"local_account_disabled\" (#12386)
* for #12790
* azurerm_virtual_machine_extension - publisher change should force new resource (#12790)
* updating to include #12792
* updating to include #12787
* updating to include #12781
* update read for active slot after api change
* dependencies: removing the Azure SDK for Go powerbidedicated sdk
* powerbi: refactoring to use the embedded sdk
* powerbi: adding the embedded sdk
* update azure-sdk-for-go to v56.0.0
* for #12588
* new resource \"azurerm_data_factory_data_flow\" (#12588)
* for #12544
* add resource \"azurerm_cognitive_account_customer_managed_key\" (#12544)
* for #12314
* `azurerm_logic_app_workflow` - add supports for `workflow_parameters` (#12314)
* for #12747
* update containerservice to 2021-05-1 (#12747)
* v2.70.0
* for #12693
* New Data Source: `azurerm_storage_share` (#12693)
* Fix windows function app slots on premium plans (#12778)
* for #12735
* New Resource: azurerm_bot_channel_direct_line_speech (#12735)
* Updated changelog for #12696
* azurerm_firewall_polcy - Added new property private_ip_ranges (#12696)
* updating to include #12772
* changelog cleanup/consistency
* updating to include #12771
* r/analysis_services_server: fixing the test state check
* IOT-hub DeviceConnectionStateEvents routing added (#12477)
* for #12682
* New Resource: azurerm_bot_channel_alexa (#12682)
* for #12685
* \"azurerm_data_factory_pipeline\" - supports \"concurrency\", \"elapsed_time_metric_duration\" and \"run_dimension\" (#12685)
* for #12767
* Add `encryption_in_transit_enabled` to `hdinsight_spark_cluster` and `hdinsight_interactive_query_cluster` (#12767)
* dependencies: removing the Azure SDK for Go AnalysisServices SDK
* r/analysis_services_server: refactoring to use the embedded sdk
* analysisservices: embedding the sdk for 2017-08-01
* Add auxiliary_tenant_ids (#12765)
* updating to include #12761
* relay: updating the embedded sdk
* dependencies: removing the Azure SDK for Go Relay SDK
* r/app_service_hybrid_connection: switching to use the embedded relay sdk
* relay: updating the embedded sdk
* update
* update
* updating to include #12751
* update
* update
* Update subnet.html.markdown (#12759)
* relay: re-introducing the Track1 SDK for the moment to workaround a bug
* r/relay_hybrid_connection: refactoring to use the embedded sdk
* r/relay_namespace: refactoring to use the embedded sdk
* relay: vendoring the embedded 2017-04-01 sdk
* Update changelog for #12738
* azurerm_automation_certificate - Allow exportable property to be set (#12738)
* updating to include #12736
* make generate
* vendor: removing the old vmware sdk
* vmware: removing final usages on the parse package
* vmware: refactoring the shared logic out
* r/vmware_private_cloud: refactoring to use the embedded sdk
* teamcity: limiting the vmware tests to 1 for now
* r/vmware_express_route_authorization: refactoring to use the embedded sdk
* r/vmware_cluster: refactoring to use the embedded sdk
* vmware: vendoring the embedded sdk
* updating to include #12743
* for #12644
* `azurerm_data_factory_trigger_blob_event`: Support for activation (#12644)
* for #12676
* Bugfix: `azurerm_data_factory_dataset_binary` - Make blob path/filename optional (#12676)
* Removing http_listener_ids and path_based_rule_ids properties from docs - WAF (#12678)
* update
* update
* for #12437
* new resource \"azurerm_data_factory_trigger_tumbling_window\" (#12437)
* Changelog for #12705
* add ip_addresses field to data_azurerm_storage_account_sas (#12705)
* identity: the type needs to be exported since this is used elsewhere
* r/cdn_endpoint: fixing a crash when the future is nil
* splitting the changelog up to 2.69.0
* splitting the changelog
* identity: adding a base type for the constant that we can reference elsewhere
* vendored sdk: changes necessary for that to work
* update
* Update for #12635
* Dependencies: Upgrade `web` (App Service) API to `2021-01-15` (#12635)
* update
* Note for accessing Identity exports
* for #12713
* New Resource: azurerm_bot_channel_sms (#12713)
* CHANGELOG.,d for #12617
* add resource \"azurerm_data_protection_backup_instance_disk\" (#12617)
* for #12709
* New Resource: azurerm_bot_channel_facebook (#12709)
* for #12448
* new resource \"azurerm_data_factory_trigger_custom_event\" (#12448)
* update docs - make the dns_prefix in azurerm_kubernetes_cluster to be… (#12724)
* updating to include #12716
* appconfiguration: vendoring the embedded data plane sdk for appconfig
* updating to include #12715
* maps: refactoring to use the embedded sdk
* maps: refactoring to use the ID Parsers from the SDK
* maps: refactoring to use the existing ID Parser
* maps: vendoring the embedded accounts sdk
* dependencies: removing the old azure sdk for managed identity
* msi: adding an alias since this is commonly used across the codebase
* msi: porting over to use the embedded sdk
* msi: vendoring the embedded sdk
* Update active_directory_domain_service.html.markdown
* `azurerm_eventgrid_event_subscription` docs: Add missing newline (#12712)
* Update active_directory_domain_service.html.markdown
* `r/logic_app_workflow`: add extra nil checking
* Add reference to official databricks provider
* dependencies: removing the old eventhubs sdk
* r/eventhub_namespace: removing the old azure sdk usage
* eventhubs: removing direct usages on the Azure SDK for Eventhub
* fix whitespace
* remove venv
* add node-image to auto upgrade channel
* new changes
* make fmt
* make fmt
* Remove changes in .gitignore again
* Remove changes in .gitignore again
* Reuse ResourceGroup schema for data source
* Add support for Consumption Budget Subscription level data source
* Make a budget data source on resource group level
* Update .gitignore to ignore any shell scripts
* add cycle for full match
* terrafmt
* make fmt
* test passes
* fix more linter errors
* fix linter errors
* update
* make fmt and fix schema bugs
* fix website lint
* make fmt
* update docs
* update interface
* Add support for azurerm_consumption_budget data source
* Wed Mar 30 2022 Dirk Müller - exclude build for 32bit targets
* Thu Jul 29 2021 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to version 2.69.0 FEATURES:
*New Data Source
* `azurerm_active_directory_domain_service` (#10782)
*New Resource
* `azurerm_active_directory_domain_service` (#10782)
*New Resource
* `azurerm_active_directory_domain_service_replica_set` (#10782)
*New Resource
* `azurerm_api_management_gateway_api` (#12398)
*New Resource
* `azurerm_batch_job` (#12573)
*New Resource
* `azurerm_bot_channel_web_chat` (#12672)
*New Resource
* `azurerm_data_factory_managed_private_endpoint` (#12618)
*New Resource
* `azurerm_data_protection_backup_policy_blob_storage` (#12362)
*New Resource
* `azurerm_signalr_service_network_acl` (#12434)
*New Resource
* `azurerm_virtual_network_dns_servers` (#10782) ENHANCEMENTS:
* dependencies: Updgrading to `v55.6.0` of `` (#12565)
* `azurerm_api_management_named_value` - the field `secret_id` can now be set to a versionless Key Vault Key (#12641)
* `azurerm_data_factory_integration_runtime_azure_ssis` - support for the `public_ips`, `express_custom_setup`, `package_store`, and `proxy` blocks (#12545)
* `azurerm_data_factory_integration_runtime_azure_ssis` - support for the `key_vault_password`, and `key_vault_license` blocks (#12659)
* `azurerm_bot_channels_registration` - support for the `cmk_key_vault_url`, `description`, `icon_url`, and `isolated_network_enabled` (#12560)
* `azurerm_data_factory_integration_runtime_azure` - support for the `virtual_network_enabled` property (#12619)
* `azurerm_eventgrid_event_subscription` - support for the `advanced_filtering_on_arrays_enabled` property (#12609)
* `azurerm_eventgrid_system_topic_event_subscription` - support for the `advanced_filtering_on_arrays_enabled` property (#12609)
* `azurerm_eventhub_namespace` - support for Azure Event Hubs Namespace Premium tier (#12695)
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - support for downgrading `sku_tier` from `Paid` to `Free` without recreating the Cluster (#12651)
* `azurerm_kusto_eventgrid_data_connection` - Add supported `data_format` APACHEAVRO, ORC, PARQUET, TSVE and W3CLOGFILE to validation function. (#12687)
* `azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server` - support for the `high_availability` block (#12587) BUG FIXES:
* `data.azurerm_redis_cache` - fix a bug that caused the data source to raise an error (#12666)
* `azurerm_application_gateway` - return an error when ssl policy is not properly configured (#12647)
* `azurerm_data_factory_linked_custom_service` - fix a bug causing `additional_properties` to be read incorrectly into state (#12664)
* `azurerm_eventhub_authorization_rule` - fixing the error \"empty non-retryable error received\" (#12642)
* `azurerm_machine_learning_compute_cluster` - fix a crash when creating a cluster without specifying `subnet_resource_id` (#12658)
* `azurerm_storage_account` - fixed account_replication_type validation (#12645)- For changes from 2.44.0 through 2.68.0, see and shipped with the package
* Fri Jan 15 2021 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to version 2.43.0:
* Update for #10055
* azurerm_cosmosdb_account: enable_analytical_storage (#10055)
* Update for #10190
* r/advanced_threat_protection: adding a state migration to ensure the ID has a `/` prefix (#10190)
* update error message && construct id regardless response (reduce a GET call)
* sentinel opt-in resourceid
* update CHANGELOG>md for #-7020
* new data source: azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_template (#7020)
* update for #10159
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_gremlin_graph`: Expose `default_ttl` (#10159)
* update for #10125
* azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine: fix tests and persistent diff, use relative expiry for service principal password (#10125)
* update for #10170
* `azurerm_role_definition` - address eventual consistency issues in update and delete (#10170)
* update for #10169
* azurerm_eventhub_namespace: Expose trusted_service_access_enabled in … (#10169)
* refactor apimanagement: generators (part 1) (#9929)
* Test Shim: Network A->E (#10184)
* Refactor: Move Compute tests into main compute package (#10180)
* Test Shim: Compute (#10161)
* update for #10070
* azurerm_data_factory_dataset_delimited_text: Add `compression_type` (#10070)
* updating to include #10126
* updating to include #10105
* updating to include #1016210162
* firewall service tests - refactor to CheckWithClient / DisappearsStep (#10127)
* update for #10033
* azurerm_synapse_workspace: Adding sql_identity_control_enabled (#10033)
* update for #10032
* data_factory_linked_service_sql_server: support `key_vault_password` (#10032)
* update for #9541
* azurerm_databricks_workspace - changing the sku no longer forces a new resource unless it is required (#9541)
* Make data source return parsed ID
* Test Shim: Compute Linux Virtual Machine (#10142)
* Update for #10134
* `azurerm_role_assignment` - fix race condition in read after create (#10134)
* sorting alphabetically
* update doc
* updating to include #10104
* Update network_service_tags.html.markdown
* Document how to use the locally compiled Azure provider (#10119)
* Fix import ordering
* Fix formatting
* Remove validation from field that is only used as output
* Move imports in attempt to beat the linter to the check.
* Fix bug where I returned nil instead of err.
* Add parsing and validation of user assigned identity for kusto_cluster
* Add parsing and validation of user assigned identity for kubernetes_cluster
* Add parsing and validation of user assigned identity for container_group
* Add parsing and validation of user assigned identity for virtual_machine
* Add parsing and validation of user assigned identity for virtual_machine_scale_set
* Add parsing and validation of user assigned identity for blueprint_assignment
* Add parsing and validation of user assigned identity for api_management
* loadbalancer: removing unused methods
* fix import generator
* r/hdinsight_kafka_cluster: switching the AAD Client to come from Authorization
* stop gen
* updating to include #10031
* tests: threading through the err to the message
* r/loadbalancer_backend_address_pool: switching to use a Disappears/Destroy step
* r/loadbalancer_nat_pool: updating to use a Disappears/Destroy func
* r/loadbalancer_nat_rule: switching to use a Disappears/Destroy func
* r/loadbalancer_outbound_rule: switching to use a Disappears/Destroy step
* r/load_balancer_probe: switching to use a Disappears/Destroy func
* r/loadbalancer_rule: refactoring to use a Destroy func
* generate parsers
* Update azurerm/internal/services/monitor/monitor_diagnostic_setting_resource.go
* update doc
* r/stream_analytics_function_javascript_udf: refactoring to use the ID Parser/Validator
* streamanalytics: generating the Function ID Parser/Validator
* r/stream_analytics_job: switching to use the ID Parser/validator
* streamanalytics: generating the Streaming Job ID parser
* r/stream_analytics_output_mssql: refactoring to use the ID parser
* r/stream_analytics_output_servicebus_queue: refactoring to use the ID parser
* r/stream_analytics_output_eventhub: refactoring to use the ID Parser
* r/stream_analytics_output_blob: refactoring to use the ID parser
* r/stream_analytics_output_servicebus_topic: refactoring to use the Resource ID parser
* streamanalytics: generating the Output ID parser
* fix test case, examples and support more event source
* Firewall Service - add missing generated parsers (#10103)
* Test Shim: DataFactory (#10114)
* Add os_disk_type to AKS cluster docs (#10113)
* remove comment
* fix application_gateway_resource identity_ids case-sensistivity
* Merging #10115
* Update changelog for #9605
* `azurerm_data_factory` - Add support for `public_network_enabled` for Data Factories #9605
* r/key_vault_certificate_issuer: removing the disappearsWhenParentKeyVaultDeleted test (#10092)
* r/security_center_automation: switching to check the state which is sufficient (#10106)
* mysql: removing direct usages on `acceptance.AzureProvider` from `mysql` (#10109)
* refactor: removing direct usages on `acceptance.AzureProvider` from `postgres` (#10108)
* kusto: removing the dependency on `acceptance.AzureProvider` by using a Check func (#10111)
* Fix linting error
* Add parsing and validation of user assigned identity for virtual machines
* Add validation of user assigned identities
* Parse user assigned identity when reading
* handle legacy metadata
* r/function_app: removing some unnecessary checks
* `azurerm_log_analytics_cluster_customer_managed_key` disable test until referenced go-autorest PR is resolved (#10094)
* r/function_app: refactoring to use a check func
* r/storage_account_customer_managed_key: refactoring to remove usage on acceptance.AzureProvider
* r/storage_blob: refactoring to remove usage on acceptance.AzureProvider
* r/storage_sync_cloud_endpoint: switching to use the updated test pattern
* r/monitor_log_profile: switching to use a DisappearsStep
* update for #9922
* Event Grid support for inbound ip filter (#9922)- from version 2.42.0
* update for #9957
* \"azurerm_spring_cloud_app\" - supports property `https_only`, `is_public`, `persistent_disk` (#9957)
* refactor: removing some direct usages on `acceptance.AzureProvider` (#10089)
* Test Shim Image
* Replaced deprecated resource with new resource (#10085)
* update for #10088
* r/key_vault: defaulting `soft_delete_enabled` on to match the updated API behaviour (#10088)
* Update for #9609
* Add support for service tags to ip_restriction for function_app and app_service (#9609)
* Update for #9162
* Add fields for App Service and App Service Slot (#9162)
* Update for #8828
* azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - add support for network_mode (#8828)
* Lint: Fixing linting issues around a variety of tests (#10076)
* update for #9047
* `azurerm_subscription(s)` - support for `tags` (#9047)
* update for #9842
* New resource/Data Source: azurerm_ssh_public_key (#9842)
* update for #10062
* Fixed resource provider names for Blueprint and FHIR (#10062)
* test shim: compute a -> d
* updating to include the batch api version from 10036
* gofumpt: re-enabling now the upstream cert\'s been fixed
* updating to include #10042
* r/security_center_setting: working around a breaking change in the response
* compute: adding the missing arg to the tests
* vendoring the updated batch changes
* r/linux|windows_virtual_machine: opting-out of the force-delete for now
* synapse: working around breaking type changes
* securitycenter: updating the generated constant names
* eventhub: updating the constant names
* r/(linux_|windows)virtual_machine: conditionally opting into Force Deletion
* attestation: updating the API reference to use the stable api version
* dependencies: upgrading to v49.2.0
* tooling: disabling gofumpt temporarily
* key vault related test fix-ups - part 1 (#10060)
* update for #9889
* New resource - `azurerm_disk_access` (#9889)
* update for 10050
* New data source: `azurerm_eventgrid_domain_topic` (#10050)
* r/postgresql_firewall_rule: Add name validaton (#10047)
* azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy: add REQUEST-944-APPLICATION-… (#10046)
* update for #9976
* azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - parse oms log_analytics_workspace_id to ensure correct casing (#9976)
* update for #8064
* Retrieve Subscription Tags via data source (#9456)
* udpate for #8064
* azurerm_hdinsight_kafka_cluster: support rest proxy (#8064)
* Test Shim: Cosmos #10045
* batch: removing the unused error from expandPoolNetworkSecurityGroupRule
* r/analysisservices_server: fixing the broken Suspend test
* Update for #10051
* `azurerm_role_assignment` fix crash in retry logic (#10051)
* updating to include #10049
* devspace: assigning a usage so the resource struct is still valid
* batch: conditionally setting the `PublicIPAddressConfiguration` if unspecified
* batch: un-exporting the flatten function
* batch: fixing a couple of tests
* updating to include #10035
* teamcity: removing `devspaces` from the list
* r/devspace: deprecating `azurerm_devspace_controller`
* devspace: these tests can no longer be run
* azurerm_availability_set: Update docs to reflect ForceNew
* update for #10036
* azurerm_batch_pool: add support for public_address_provisioning_type (#10036)
* false positive linting issue in `azurerm_resource_group` data source (#10037)
* dependencies: upgrading to v0.15.1 of
* update for #9490
* Raise limit of destination_ports of network_rule_collection for azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group (#9490)
* fix gofmt issue
* update for #9928
* New Resource: `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_synapse` (#9928)
* update for #8564
* azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_scheduled: support incident configuration (#8564)
* Make AppGw identity_ids case-insensitive
* Adding description to ADF managed IR docs (#10028)
* update for #8850
* `azurerm_cdn_endpoint` - `delivery_rule` condition optional `match_values` (#8850)
* update for #9548
* azurerm_storage_account - allow hns when `account_tier` is `Premium` (#9548)
* update for #10017
* `azurerm_synapse_workspace` - Add support for `managed_resource_group_name` (#10017)
* update for #8690
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_collection` - correctly read the `_id` index back when mongo 3.6 (#8690)
* update CHANGELOG>md for #9829
* New resource: azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_fusion (#9829)
* update for #9069
* azurerm_function_app - make `pre_warmed_instance_count` computed to use azure\'s default (#9069)
* update for #9836
* azurerm_container_group - support `volume.empty_dir` (#9836)
* azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting name validation (#10014)
* test shim: web (#9995)
* azurerm_key_vault - Correct \'managecontacts\' casing and permissions usage (#10006)
* update for #9902
* CDN endpoint: Test for Premium_Verizon, optional values fix (#9902)
* update for #9992
* New resource: `azurerm_media_streaming_locator` (#9992)
* update for #9797
* Support new properties `alert_rule_template_guid` and `display_name_exclude_filter` for azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_ms_security_incident (#9797)
* update for #9749
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_table` doesn\'t call get throughput api when cosmos account is serverless (#9749)
* update for #9934
* `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_azure_file_storage` - Add support for `file_share` (#9934)
* update for #10005
* `azurerm_traffic_manager_profile` - add traffic view support (#10005)
* Fix App Service documentation for Linux plans (#9024)
* update for #9712
* azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_scheduled - support alert_rule_template_guid (#9712)
* update for #8753
* `azurerm_application_gateway` - set correct WAF_v2 `file_upload_limit_mb` (#8753)
* Documentation update for VM Boot Diagnostics using Managed Storage Account (#9817)
* Fix LAW capitalization in security_center_workspace (again) (#9931)
* Function app example: Replace storage account connection string with name/access key (#9997)
* update for #10000
* Add Standard_D4a_V4 VM type for HDInsight clusters (#10000)
* Test Shim: API Management (#9999)
* Test Shim: Hadoop (#9998)
* test shim: firewall (#9994)
* move eventgrid tests (#9993)
* Refactor: Migrate storage tests (#9864)
* update for #9966
* azurerm_cosmosdb_account: include key vault id in update requests to work with azure policies (#9966)
* Test Shim: IotHub (#9991)
* Test Shim: KeyVault (#9986)
* Minor change in servicebus_subscription.html.markdown (#9985)
* Test Shim: Monitor (#9973)
* Test Shim: Log Analytics (#9974)
* Test shim: media & lighthouse (#9952)
* Test Shim: Recovery Services (#9969)
* test shim: event hub (#9968)
* Update
* update for #9884
* Increase limit from 1 to 10 for `application_security_group` in `network_security_rule` (#9884)
* Updating to include #6868
* Fix for #6730
* TestShim: MySQL (#9948)
* mssql: acceptance test shims and fixes (#9938)
* Updating to include #9951
* Adding #9951
* Updating to include #9950
* Adding #9950
* Test Shim: Netapp (#9926)
* Updating azurerm_storage_share_file documentation (#9940)
* mssql: fix import for mssql_server_security_alert_policy
* re-enable nightly testing
* disable overnight testing
* updating to include #9914
* Update code
* update code
* Updating to include #9932
* Merging #9932
* update for #9933
* Data Source: azurerm_databricks_workspace: support for `tags` (#9933)
* Test Shim: Postgres #9924- from version 2.41.0
* web/app-service: fixing the Exists function
* updating to include #9911
* mssql: add missing resource ID parsers and tidy up function naming
* r/key_vault_secret: adding purge protection
* Update for #9897
* `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine` - Normalise SSH keys (#9897)
* r/monitor_diagnostic_setting: adding validation/rewriting the StorageAccountID/EventHubAuthorizationRuleID fields too
* r/monitor_diagnostic_setting: validating the Log Analytics Workspace ID is a LAW ID
* r/monitor_diagnostic_setting: normalising the field `log_analytics_workspace_id`
* r/key_vault_certificate: adding import/recover permissions for the tests
* r/hdinsight: removing a stray } from the docs
* r/key_vault: enabling soft delete by default
* r/key_vault_key & secret: updating the tests to use templates & enable soft-delete
* keyvault/key & secret: updating the examples
* r/key_vault_certificate: adding soft delete to the example
* r/key_vault_certificate: enabling soft-delete for the tests by default
* Update for #9859
* New resource: `azurerm_media_job` (#9859)
* r/key_vault_certificate: and to the docs
* r/key_vault_certificate: adding the purge permission to the tests
* r/key_vault_certificate: refactoring the tests to use a template where possible
* keyvault: quoting the ID to handle escape on shells
* github: adding links to the Discuss forum rather than a question template
* r/key_vault_certificate: adding a ForceNew
* website: updating the features block
* keyvault/nested-item: updating the docs
* key-vault/nested-item: moving the wayward func
* keyvault/nested-items: reusing the `purge_soft_delete_on_destroy` feature flag
* keyvault/nested-resources: purging during deletion
* Rename HDInsightCluster to Cluster
* Update azurerm/internal/services/hdinsight/resourceids.go
* Updating to include #9410
* Merge #9410
* Add TC to support recreating vhub connection with same name
* Move private dns over to the new test shim
* minor update docs
* add link to lighthouse documentation
* Generators
* Update changelog for #9852
* New Resource: `azurerm_eventgrid_system_topic_event_subscription` (#9852)
* eventgrid_system_topic: supplement docs (#9888)
* r/keyvault: fixing a bug where application id couldn\'t be an empty string
* updating to include #8631
* Also set \"upns\" part of \"subject_alternative_names\"
* Read DNS names and Emails from certificate data if not found in SDK object
* Acceptance tests: fix CheckDestroyedFunc
* updating to include #9853
* Update azurerm/internal/services/loganalytics/migration/workspace_v1_to_v2.go
* Update changelog for #9871
* `azurerm_app_service` - Add support for `outbound_ip_address_list` and `possible_outbound_ip_address_list` (#9871)
* Doc Fix: app_service_managed_certificate.html.markdown #9881
* loadbalancer service tests shim (#9879)
* tooling: updating to Go 1.15.5
* update for #9487
* `azurerm_traffic_manager_profile` - support for new field `max_return` and support for `traffic_routing_method` to be `MultiValue` (#9487)
* load balancer tests - refactor out implementation code (#9856)
* move tests: storage (#9837)
* fix a number of acc tests
* test shim: kusto (#9841)
* r/private_dns_txt_record: fixing the test data
* updating to include #9848
* privatedns: removing the unused subscription id argument
* tooling: adding a gradually deprecated check for relying on the Azure Resource ID\'s
* r/private_dns_aaaa: fixing a typo
* r/storage_management_policy: removing the test dependency on ParseAzureResourceId
* r/private_dns_a_record: actually saving the changes this time
* d/private_dns_zone: removing a direct usage on ParseAzureResourceId
* r/private_dns_a_record: switching to use the Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* r/private_dns_aaaa_record: switching to use the Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* r/private_dns_cname_record: switching to use the Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* r/private_dns_mx_record: switching to use the Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* r/private_dns_ptr_record: switching to use the Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* r/private_dns_srv_record: switching to use the ID Formatter
* r/private_dns_txt_record: switching to use the id formatter/parser
* r/private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link: switching to use the Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* d/private_dns_zone: switching to use a Resource ID Formatter
* privatelink: support for enhanced import validation for all resources
* privatedns: generating the Resource ID Formatters/Parsers
* r/private_dns_zone: switching to use the ID Formatter/Parser & enhanced import validation
* r/log_analytics_workspace: force-upgrading the resource id\'s
* r/iot_time_series_insights_gen2_environment: exposing `data_access_fqdn`
* docs(virtual-machines): fix link vm sizing doc
* move tests: firewall and loadbalancer
* removing the unused `subscriptionId` argument placeholder/some todo\'s
* resource-ids: updating the method signature for the hand-rolled ones
* regenerating
* resourceid: removing the subscriptionId argument from the interface
* generator: removing the subscription id argument from the generator
* Fix typo
* security center: refactoring from the pr comments
* splitting out the 2.40 - 2.31 changes to the other file
* copying over 2.31 - 2.40
* updating to include #7913
* Update loadbalancer resources to generated IDs (#9805)
* shim tests
* media: switch a typeset to a typelist (#9828)
* test shim: relay (#9825)
* run go generate to fix synapse (#9827)
* test shim: redis
* make fmt
* shim tests
* rename functions
* add checkAdvancedThreatProtectionIsFalse
* fix tests
* shim testS
* update for #9260
* new resource - \"azurerm_synapse_managed_private_endpoint\" (#9260)
* update for #9537
* New resource: `azurerm_media_streaming_endpoint` (#9537)
* rename functions
* shim tests
* rename functions
* Broken link in AzureAD migration guide (#9813)
* Test Shim: Service Bus (#9792)
* Updating for #8966
* azurerm_subnet - support for `service_endpoint_policy` (#8966)- from version 2.40.0
* r/media_asset: switching to use a Resource ID Formatter
* r/sentinel_alert_rule_ms_security_incident: normalizing the log analytics workspace id
* r/managed_application_definition: fixing the test exists func
* r/relay_hybrid_connection: fixing an incorrect `name` set
* r/sentinel_alert_rule_scheduled: using the Log Analytics Workspace ID from the Formatter
* clarifying the sdk upgrade from #9764
* r/servicebus_subscription_rule: fixing argument ordering
* r/servicebus_topic_authorization_rule: fixing the resource id
* batch: fixing the exists function
* removing #8966 since this hasn\'t been merged yet
* kusto: switching the delete function to use the same Resource ID Parser
* updating to include #9802
* updating the resource name to account for #9134
* Update website/docs/r/stack_hci_cluster.html.markdown
* r/media_services_account: fixing the `TestAccMediaServicesAccount_multiplePrimaries` test
* r/media_services_account: fixing the requires import test
* resource-id: adding a formatter implementation check into the hand-maintained implementations
* loganalytics: removing the superflurous `subscriptionId` argument from the ID func
* r/media_transform: making the fields case-sensitive since this is a new resource
* r/media_services_account: adding tests for requires import
* r/media_transform: adding tests for requires import
* r/media_transform: switching to use a Resource ID Formatter in the Create & Requires Import
* media: regenerating the updated ID Formatter
* updating to include #9663
* frontdoor: fixing the resource id casing to match the behaviour
* re-generating with the loganalytics PR changes
* Update for #9701
* regenerating the ID Parsers to include the updated description
* generator: outputting the type name and sorting the segments to match the ID
* `azurerm_app_service_managed_certificate` - create certificate in service plan resource group (#9701)
* remove vendor path from linter
* update code
* Switch loganalytics to generated resourceids (#9764)
* Allow allow_blob_public_access and min_tls_version on azurerm_storage_account in USGovernmentCloud (#9540)
* update for #9540
* update for #8966
* update for #8540
* New resource `azurerm_storage_sync_cloud_endpoint` (#8540)
* Test Shim: Spring Cloud (#9787)
* Updating Types
* Apply suggestions from code review
* updating to include #9783
* client: opting-out of the Azure SDK for Go\'s validation
* dependencies: upgrading to v0.3.1 of
* updating to include #9771
* firewall: fixing the import
* missing changes from 9415 (#9780)
* Update for #9415
* New Resource: azurerm_app_service_certificate_binding (#9415)
* update code
* Refactor: Azure Stack HCI Cluster
* regenerating
* teamcity: generating the build configuration for the new service package
* firewall: splitting the validate funcs out
* network: moving the firewall validate/parse functions
* firewall: lifting & shifting out to it\'s own package
* update for #9134
* New resource: `azurerm_hci_cluster` (#9134)
* d/user_assigned_identity: switching to use the ID Formatter
* r/user_assigned_identity: switching to use the Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* teamcity: generating the new package
* network: removing the now unnecessary loadbalancers section
* loadbalancers: ditching the `lb` prefix since this is superflurous
* network => loadbalancer
* loadbalancer: moving the validate function out
* loadbalancers: switching over to use the loadbalancers client
* network: removing the lifted&shifted resources
* loadbalancers: lifting & shifting the resource ids
* loadbalancers: moving the existing data sources/resources over
* loadbalancers: scaffolding a new package
* adjusting the message for #9750
* servicebus: fixing code review comments
* redis: fixing unit/linting failures
* refactor: using a non-not found non-error to signify it\'s present
* r/redis_linked_server: validation that the `linked_redis_cache_id` is a redis cache id
* r/redis_cache: validating the subnet id and parsing using the networking parser
* r/redis_linked_server: switching to use a Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* r/redis_firewall_rule: support for enhanced import validation
* r/redis_firewall_rule: switching to use an ID Formatter/Parser
* address linting issues
* fix typo
* shim tests
* rename functions
* shim tests
* rename functions
* shim tests
* rename functions
* Example sku fails in with terraform cli version 14 (#9763)
* Update changelog for #9406
* New Resource: `azurerm_storage_share_file` (#9406)
* updating to include #9750
* fixes #8208
* r/redis_cache: enhanced import validation
* r/redis_cache: switching to use the Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* Move test file to main directory
* Apply suggestions from code review
* d/redis_cache: switching to use a Resource ID Formatter
* redis: splitting the validation functions out
* redis: moving max_memory_policy out
* redis: moving the firewall rule name into the validate package
* r/relay_hybrid_connection: refactoring to use the Resource ID Parser
* r/relay_namespace: switching to use the ID Parser
* updating to include #9735
* Apply suggestions from code review
* r/stream_analytics_stream_input_iothub: fixing the delete
* refactor: moving the parser into the parse folder
* r/advanced_threat_protection: switching to use an ID Formatter
* tools: updating the Resource ID Generator to parse the multiple segments
* r/servicebus_namespace_network_rule_set: switching to use a resource id formatter
* d/servicebus_namespace: switching to use the ID formatter
* d/namespace_authorization_rule: switching to use the id formatter
* r/servicebus_namespace_authorization_rule: switching to use the ID Formatter/Parser and Enhanced Import Validation
* r/servicebus_namespace: switching to use the resource id parser/formatter
* d/servicebus_queue: switching to use the Resource ID Formatter
* r/servicebus_queue_authorization_rule: using the ID Formatter/Parser and enhanced import validation
* r/servicebus_queue: switching to use a Resource ID Formatter, Parser and adding Enhanced Import Validation
* servicebus: splitting out the migration code
* r/servicebus_subscription: switching to use the id formatter/parser & enhanced import validation
* d/servicebus_subscription: switching to use the ID Formatter
* d/servicebus_topic_authorization_rule: switching to use the id formatter
* r/servicebus_subscription_rule: switching to use the resource id parser/enhanced validation
* tooling: handling resource id\'s containing multiple subscription segments
* r/servicebus_topic_authorization_rule: using the ID Parser & enhanced import validation
* r/servicebus_topic: switching to use the ID Parser & enhanced import validation
* servicebus: generating the Resource ID Parser for ServiceBus Topic
* helpers: renaming the file so we have a place for deprecated logic
* servicebus: making the internal methods internal-only
* servicebus: moving most of the servicebus helpers into the internal helper file
* servicebus: moving the Topic Name validate func
* servicebus: moving the Authorization Rule validation logic
* servicebus: moving the validation rule for Subscription Name
* servicebus: moving the validate name method
* r/stream_analytics_stream_input_iothub: fixing a typo
* streamanalytics: re-generating with the new generator
* r/stream_analytics_stream_input_eventhub: refactoring to use a Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* r/stream_analytics_stream_input_blob: refactoring to use a Resource ID Parser
* r/stream_analytics_reference_input_blob: switching to use an ID Parser
* r/stream_analytics_stream_input_iothub: updating to use an ID Parser
* r/stream_analytics_stream_input_iothub: switching to use the ID Parser
* streamanaltyics: generating the Resource ID Formatter/Parser for Stream Input
* r/recovery_services_vault: fixing the test name to make the linter happy
* removing the todo
* generator-resource-id: filename support cascaded uppercase runes
* make fmt yet again
* address linting issues
* fix tests
* generated code updated
* shim tests
* rename functions
* fix function names
* fix tests
* Refactor: Migrate servicefabric tests (#9743)
* Refactor: Migrate servicefabricmesh test (#9742)
* move tests: servicebus
* move tests: sentinel
* move tests: security centre
* move tests: resource
* move tests: search test
* move tests: relay test
* move tests: redis test
* move tests: recovery test
* move tests: package test
* move tests: package eventhub
* move app platform -> springcloud
* move tests: package apimanagement
* update for #9676
* azurerm_security_center_automation - support \"description\", \"tags\" (#9676)
* Update changelog for #9739
* `azurerm_postgresql_server` - Fix issue when specifying empty threat detection list attributes (#9739)
* Update changelog for #9702
* New resource `azurerm_digital_twins_endpoint_servicebus` (#9702)
* update for #9387
* New Resource: azurerm_media_asset (#9387)
* network: removing a superflurous call with subscriptionId
* storage: removing the dependency on subscriptionId
* desktopvirtualization: removing the superflurous subscriptionId call
* cdn: removing the superflurous subscriptionId call
* resource-ids: generating error message helper functions
* generator/resource-id: using slashes to better match the existing convention
* generator/resource-id: outputting human-readable segments
* updating to include #9690
* trafficmanager: removing the \'Endpoints\' suffix during parsing
* updating to include #9692
* bot: removing the split-out test
* Update changelog for #9727
* `azurerm_app_service`: Support PHP version 7.4 #9727
* d/traffic_manager_profile: switching to use a Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* r/traffic_manager_endpoint: switching to use a combination Resource ID parser for the moment
* r/traffic_manager_profile: switching to use an ID Parser/Formatter
* trafficmanager/endpoint: generating the Resource ID\'s
* r/traffic_manager_endpoint: adding a todo this needs splitting
* trafficmanager: generating the Resource ID Parser/Validator for Profile
* updating to include #7951
* loganalytics: moving to the validate function directly
* loganalytics/workspace: moving the name validation into the validate package
* r/log_analytics_workspace: fixing the test reference
* loganalytics/workspace: fixing the package name
* make fmt
* fix tests
* move hdinsight tests
* move hpc cache tests
* move package iothub tests
* move package iottimeseriesinsights tests
* move keyvault tests
* move kusto tests
* move lighthouse tests
* move log analytics tests
* docs: describing how to generate Resource ID Formatters, Parsers and Validators
* docs: updating the versions
* gha: removing the unneeded failfast
* r/bot_channel_directline: handling this being created by default behind the scenes
* bugfix -> enhancement
* sorting alphabetically
* r/bot_channel_directline: switching to use a Resource ID Parser
* r/bot_channel_email: refactoring to use a Resource ID Parser
* r/bot_channel_ms_teams: switching to use a Resource ID Parser
* r/bot_channel_slack: switching to use a Resource ID Parser
* r/bot_connection: `bot_name` is now ForceNew
* bot: generating the Resource ID Formatter / Parser for Bot Channel
* r/bot_channels_registration: switching to use the ID Parser
* r/bot_channels_registration: validating the bot type during import
* r/bot_web_app: validating the Kind during import
* r/bot_connection: switching to use a Resource ID parser
* r/bot_web_app: support for Enhanced Import Validation
* r/bot_web_app: threading the ID Parser through the Delete
* r/bot_web_app: threading the ID Parser through the Update
* r/bot_web_app: threading the Parse function through the Read
* r/bot_web_app: threading the Bot Service ID through the Create
* bot: generating the Resource ID Formatter/Parser for Bot Service
* gha/gencheck: updating the trigger path
* teamcity: re-generating using the updates sort order
* generator: sorting based on the Service Display Name
* github: adding a check to ensure the generation is consistent
* generator: re-generating the TC services
* generator/services: updating the generator to handle conflicting packages
* updating to include #9689
* move privatedns tests
* move powerbi hub tests
* move postgres hub tests
* move notification hub tests
* Move netapp tests
* Move mysql tests
* Move mssql tests
* Move monitor tests
* fix test package name
* update for #9496
* add partition_key_version attribute to resource azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_container (#9496)
* migrate signalr tests
* rename files
* Update changelog for #9696
* `azurerm_kusto_cluster` - Add support for `engine` (#9696)
* Update changelog for #9694
* `azurerm_postgresql_server` - Add ForceNew to `geo_redundant_backup_enabled` (#9694)
* Update changelog for #9670
* `azurerm_iothub` - Add support for `min_tls_version` #9670
* Add default value for compression of \'None\'
* r/app_service_hybrid_connection: updating to use a resource id parser
* Copypaste typo
* azurerm_recovery_services_vault: Support for `identity` block
* azurerm_kusto_eventhub_data_connection: Support for `compression` property
* validators: re-generating based on the latest generator
* rename resource functions
* Added Attribute details for key_vault_certificate.html.markdown
* migrate test cases
* rename functions
* migrate test cases
* r/provider_registration: highlighting the recommendation to auto-register RP\'s
* r/provider_registration: renaming to match the convention
* r/provider_registration: fixing the import error
* r/provider_registration: switching to be a typed resource
* sdk: support for custom importers
* resource: hooking up the Typed Service Registration
* r/resource_provider_registration: updating the docs
* r/provider_registration: updating the tests
* r/provider_registration: updating the tests
* r/provider_registration: refactoring and support for enhanced validation
* resource: noting the RP ID Parser isn\'t generated for now
* client/builder: enhanced validation for Resource Providers
* resourceproviders: support for enhanced validation
* resource: adding a Resource ID Parser for Resource Providers
* New Resource: `azurerm_resource_provider_registration`
* managementgroups: fixing comments from code review
* updating to include #9671
* rename files
* Updating to include #9673
* rename the resource functions
* Partial fix: #9211
* migrate test cases
* migrate the left two files
* rename the last two files
* migrate spark pool
* rename spark pool
* migrate sql pool
* rename sql pool
* migrate test for workspaces
* rename worspace
* fix resource id generator on windows- from version 2.39.0
* update for #9649
* Allow for evenhub dedicated clusters with bigger than 1 capacity (#9649)
* Documents default value for `ftps_state` argument.
* Fix crash in signalar
* Update changelog for #9616
* New Resource: `azurerm_iot_time_series_insights_gen2_environment` (#9616)
* rebase and update docs
* wrong checkExists
* tweaked final segment name
* removed setting location, since it\'s not in schema anyway
* advisor: tests need to start TestAcc to be picked up
* web: moving the tests up a level
* fixing the build
* relay: generating the Resource ID\'s
* relay: refactoring
* use func for nilable location
* fix panic in traffic_manager_profile datasource
* `azurerm_api_management_custom_domain` fix docs for import of resource (#9657)
* remove unnecessary line
* including acceptance tests
* analysisservices: fixing the broken assertion error
* validate: generating to fix the application insights web test id stutter
* generator: not suffixing validate id functions with `_id` since this is superflurous
* validators: fixing conflicts with hand written code
* validate: generating the new validate funcs
* validators: generating the existing validation functions
* generator/resource-id: enabling the generation of ID Validate functions
* sdk: documenting the update method a little better
* sdk: support for Deprecated resources
* web: splitting the validate funcs to enable generation
* updating to include #9651
* Update azurerm/internal/services/securitycenter/resource_arm_security_center_workspace.go
* Fix LAW capitalization
* Fix go.sum
* Add ResourceWithUpdate to consumer group
* eventhub: hooking up the typed registration
* fixing the test
* eventhub: converting Consumer Group to q Typed Resource
* utils: adding the normalize nilable string func
* example: removing the package
* start of encode/decode
* Split out validation in eventhub_resource
* fix test package names
* update for #9457
* azurerm_media_services_account - support for \'identity\', \'tags\' and \'storage_authentication\' (#9457)
* Updating to include #9489
* Partial fix for #9211
* Start of resource wrapper
* updating documentation
* revert deleted file
* include some validations
* r/app_service_managed_certificate: updating the name of the requires import test
* migrate app service plan tests
* rename app service plan files
* migrate tests in function app and related data source
* rename another impacted data source file
* rename function app files
* migrate app service and app service slot and function slot tests
* rename app service and related files
* migrate test for hybrid connection resource
* rename hybrid connection file
* migrate managed certificate test
* rename managed certificate file
* migrate certificate order resource and data source tests
* rename certificate order files
* migrate certificate resource and data source tests
* rename files for app service certificate
* migrate test for environment resource and data source
* rename files for app_service_environment resource and data source
* provider: removing `Supported` from the front of the TypedServiceRegistration
* include support for differents presets
* synapse: splitting the workspace validators
* synapse: splitting SqlPool
* synapse: Big Data Pool -> Spark Pool to match the validator
* synapse: renaming Firewall to match the generated code
* synapse: renaming to match the convention
* storage: prefixing with Storage to match the other validators
* storage: renaming the ShareName validator to match the convention
* storage: renaming the queue file to match the convention
* storage: renaming encryption scope
* storage/keyvault: moving the key vault child id parser into the keyvault package
* storage: renaming account id
* storage: updating account ip rule to match the convention
* servicebus: removing the `Servicebus` prefix from the validate func to match the convention
* servicebus: removing the unused namespace id validation func
* servicebus: splitting the validate funcs
* resource: renaming the files to match the convention
* privatedns: splitting the validate funcs to enable generation
* powerbi: ditching the PowerBI prefix
* powerbi: splitting the validate files
* postgresql: ditching the `Postgresql` prefix
* postgresql: splitting the validate funcs
* policy: renaming to match the convention
* network: splitting the vpn site validators
* network: renaming vpn gateway
* network: renaming virtualwan
* network: splitting and renaming the virtual network validators
* network: matching the generated names
* network: renaming the ValidateVirtualHubValidate func
* network: renaming the subnet id validator
* network: renaming PublicIpAddressID to match the convention
* network: renaming to match the convention
* network: splitting the network connection monitor validate funcs
* network: renaming the nat gateway id validator
* network: renaming load balancer file
* network: splitting the firewall policy validate functions to enable generation
* r/private_link_service: retrieving the private link service once it\'s finished
* r/private_endpoint: updating the timeout
* frontdoor_firewall_policy: removing dead code
* fix error messages
* fix linting
* shim tests
* rename functions
* move tests
* hsm: updating the test package name
* iotcentral: fixing the package name
* fix pacakge name
* rename file
* test shim: hsm
* r/private_endpoint: ensuring we remove the old private dns zone group if it\'s no longer specified
* r/private_endpoint: adding enhanced import validation
* r/private_endpoint: pulling the list of Private DNS Zone Groups from Azure during update
* r/private_endpoint: fixing a typo
* r/private_endpoint: refactoring the Create now Update is split out
* r/private_endpoint: splitting the Create and Update
* r/private_endpoint: passing in the private ip address rather than mutating the flattened block
* r/private_endpoint: switching to look up the Private DNS Zone Groups
* r/private_endpoint: switching to use the ID Parser during the read
* r/private_endpoint: refactoring to lookup the Private DNS Zone Group which is created
* network: moving the Private DNS Zone Group parser
* r/private_endpoint: refactoring
* r/function_app_slot: fixing the importer parser name
* app_service_virtual_network_swift_connection: updating to match the API response
* app_service_slot_virtual_network_swift_connection: updating to match the response
* dns/ptr_record: fixing the build
* tests: fixing the code review comments
* rename resource files
* correctly name data source fileS
* rename data source files
* rename datasource tests
* rename functions
* move tests
* updating api version
* Update cosmosdb_sql_database.html.markdown
* include transform support
* mysql: splitting the validate funcs
* mssql: ditching the \'mssql\' prefix
* mssql: splitting to match the convention
* msi: renaming to match the convention
* monitor: renaming to match the convention
* mariadb: updating to match the convention
* maps: renaming to match the convention
* managementgroup: splitting the validate funcs
* managedapplications: splitting the validate functions
* maintainence: renaming to match the convention
* machinelearning: renaming
* logic: splitting the validate funcs to match the convention
* logic: switching to use the Subnet ID validator directly
* loganalytics: splitting to support generating these
* keyvault: renaming to match the convention
* iottimeseriesinsights: renaming to match the convention
* iothub: splitting the files to match the convention
* iothub: removing an unused func
* iotcentral: splitting out the validate funcs
* apimanagement: fixing the build after the generation/refactor
* apimanagement: generating the Policy ID
* apimanagement: renaming the Policv ID funcs to match the generated names
* apimanagement: generating the Logger Resource ID
* apimanagement: renaming logger to match the upcoming generated id
* apimanagement: generating the Diagnostic Resource ID
* apimanagement: renaming to match the generated name
* apimanagement: generating the Custom Domain ID
* apimanagement: renaming Custom Domain to match the upcoming generated version
* apimanagement: generating the ApiVersionSet ID
* apimanagement: renaming the ApiVersionSetId to match the generated name
* apimanagement: generating the ApiManagement Service ID
* apimanagement: renaming to match the upcoming generated name
* apimanagement: regenerating ApiDiagnostic
* apimanagement: updating ApiDiagnostic to match the upcoming generated resource id
* Update changelog for #9215
* New resource: `azurerm_api_management_policy` (#9215)
* test shim: dev test labs (#9581)
* test shim: virtual desktops (#9579)
* test shim: healthcare (#9587)
* test shim: eventgrid (#9585)
* test shim: digital twins (#9582)
* test shim: dev space (#9580)
* applicationinsights: fixing a broken refactor
* hsm: renaming to match the convention
* hpccache: splitting and renaming the files
* frontdoor: renaming and splitting the files
* eventhub: renaming & removing deadcode
* dns: renaming to match the convention
* digitaltwins: renaming to match the convention
* devtestlabs: renaming to match the convention
* desktopvirtualization: ditching the prefix
* desktopvirtualization: renaming the files
* datashare: removing the Datashare prefix
* datashare: splitting the validation funcs
* datalake: updating to match the convention & ditching the DataLake prefix
* customproviders: renaming to match the convention
* containers: renaming to match the convention
* containers: adding a check if the duration isn\'t a string
* compute: renaming the validate files to match the convention
* blueprints: removing the `Blueprints` prefix
* blueprints: removing the unused func
* automation: refactoring/splitting and renaming the validate funcs
* attestation: refactoring/renaming
* appplatform: splitting and renaming the spring cloud service
* appplatform: updating the spring cloud validator
* applicationinsights: renaming webtestid
* applicationinsights: splitting and renaming Component ID
* appconfiguration: renaming the validate func
* apimanagement: renaming the LoggerID validate func
* updated description and note about certificate rotation
* migrate test for data source geographical location
* test shim: iot central
* rename geographical location data source test file
* migrate test for profile resource and data source
* rename profile resource and data source test files
* migrate test for endpoint resource
* rename traffic manager endpoint resource test filename
* rename resource and data source files
* test shim: add RunTestsInSequence and shim role assignment tests (#9570)
* Update doc for fallback_route of azurerm_iothub (#9550)
* Update data source doc for sku of azurerm_public_ip (#9549)
* azurerm_storage_data_lake_gen2_path: Fix error message (#9561)
* skip vhub tests for IP Configurations and BGP (#9571)
* golangci-lint: bumping the timeout to 30m
* generator/resource-id: support for generating ID Validate functions
* generator/resource-id: handling when a folder does not exist
* refactor: moving the validate functions into the validate package
* web: generating the Hybrid Connection ID Parser
* web: moving the source control token validate func
* web: moving Hybrid Connection into parsers
* web: updating hybrid connection to match the generated names
* web: removing an unused validate func
* web: generating the Certificate ID
* web: moving Certificate into parsers
* web: removing the unused validate func
* web: generating the ID Formatters/Parsers for Certificate Order
* web: updating Certificate Order to match the pattern
* web: fixing a broken refactor
* web: generating the App Service Slot ID Formatter/Parser
* web: moving App Service Slot into the parser
* web: generating the ID for App Service Plan
* web: generating an ID Parser for Function App
* web: generating the App Service Environment parser
* web: generating the ID parser for App Service
* web: generating the function app slot parser
* web: generating the ID parser for slot_virtual_network_swift_connection
* web: generating virtual_network_swift_connection
* web: updating to use the generated names
* web: updating to use the generated names
* servicebus: regenerating using the latest generator
* servicebus: generating the Resource ID Formatters/Parsers
* servicebus: ditching the ServiceBus prefix
* servicefabricmesh: regenerating using the latest generator
* servicefabric: regenerating using the latest generator
* servicefabricmesh: switching to generating the resource id formatters/parsers
* servicefabricmesh: updating to use the generated resource names
* servicefabric: generating the resource id formatters/parsers
* servicefabric: renaming `ServiceFabricCluster` to `Cluster`
* signalr: regenerating with the latest generator
* signalr: switching to use a generated resource id formatter/parser
* signalr: updating to use the generated names
* sql: regenerating using the latest generator
* validate: removing the unused DatabaseID function
* r/sql_administrator: switching to use the generated Parse function
* sql: generating the Resource ID Formatter/Parser for AD Administrator
* r/sql_elasticpool: refactoring to remove the crashes
* r/sql_elasticpool: switching to use the ID Parser
* sql: generating an ID Parser for ElasticPool
* r/sql_failover_group: switching to use the ID Parser
* sql: generating the ID Formatter/Parser for Failover Group
* sql: switching to use the ID Parser for VirtualNetworkRule
* sql: generating the VirtualNetworkRule Resource ID formatter/parser
* r/sql_firewall_rule: switching to use the formatter/parser func
* sql: generating a Resource ID Formatter/Parser for FirewallRules
* r/sql_server: refactoring to use the ID Formatter/Parser
* sql: generating the Resource ID for SQL
* sql: generating the Resource ID Formatter/Parser for Database
* sql: updating to use the generated resource id names
* storage: regenerating
* storage: fixing the build errors from signature changes
* storage: generating the Resource ID Formatters/Parsers
* storage: updating to use the generated names
* synapse: updating with the latest generator changes
* synapse: fixing the build
* synapse: generating the remaining Resource ID formatters/parsers
* synapse: removing the `Synapse` prefix
* synapse: removing the nested workspace object
* synapse: renaming Workspace
* synapse: renaming the Sql Pool parser
* synapse: renaming the Spark Pool parser
* synapse: fixing the build
* synapse_role_assignment: updating to match the pattern
* synapse: generating the Firewall Rule ID Formatter/Parser
* synapse: refactoring Firewall Rule to match the generated pattern
* resource-ids: regenerating to include the updated ResourceID/Subscription logic
* generator/resource-id: validating the Subscription ID and Resource ID aren\'t empty if required
* resources: generating the Resource ID Formatters/Parsers
* resources: updating the types to match the upcoming generated names
* tools: adding goimports to `make tools`
* generator/resource-id: refactor to use ioutil.TempFile instead of custom file name generation
* fix acctest errors introduced by test shimming
* updating to include #9532
* postgresql: bug fixing from acctests
* postgresql/database: updating to use the ID Parser
* postgres: switching to use a generated Resource ID Parser
* postgresql: switching to generate the Configuration ID & adding enhanced import validation
* postgresql: adding enhanced import validation to `azurerm_postgresql_firewall_rule`
* postgres: generating a Resource ID Parser for Firewall Rule
* postgresql_virtual_network_rule: support for enhanced import validation
* postgresql_virtual_network_rule: switching to use the ID Parser
* postgres: generating a resource id parser for virtual network rule
* postgresql_server_key: switching to use a generated Resource ID Func
* postgresql_server: switching to use a generated resource id func
* postgres: renaming to match the generated type names
* updating to include #9530
* updating to include #9529
* Update for #9524
* `azurerm_keyvault_certificate` - add `3072` to allowed values (#9524)
* r/databricks_workspace: switching to use the RG Parser directly
* r/cosmosdb_account: switching to use the ID Parser
* r/application_insights_web_test: switching to use the Component ID directly
* update for #9522
* r/cdn_profile: using the parse method during the delete
* azurerm_traffic_manager_profile - allow upto `2147483647`for the `ttl` property (#9522)
* search: generating the Service Resource ID Formatter/Parser funcs
* test shim: automation service (#9511)
* test shim: blueprints (#9514)
* test shim - databricks (#9521)
* cdn: update test names (#9515)
* test shim: cognitive (#9517)
* rename custom provider functions (#9519)
* powerbi_embedded: switching to use a generated Resource ID func
* powerbi: refactoring
* r/dashboard: support for enhanced import validation
* portal: refactoring dashboard to use the id parser
* portal: generating the Dashboard ID Parser
* r/notification_hub_namespace: enhanced import validation
* r/notification_hub_authorization_rule: enhanced import validation
* r/notification_hub_authorization_rule: switching to use the ID Parser
* notificationhubs: adding a ID Parser for Notification Hub Authorization Rule
* r/notification_hub_namespace: switching to use the ID Parser
* notificationhubs: generating a parser for Namespace
* notificationhub: generating the resource id parser
* removing the unused subscriptionId param
* normalize function names in some A services (#9512)
* privatedns: generating the resource id funcs
* network: fixing the build
* network: VPN -> Vpn for consistency
* network: generating the VPN Site & VPN Site Link ID parsers
* network: generating the VPN Connection/Gateway ID Parsers
* network: splitting VPN Site & VPN Site link
* network: splitting VPN Gateway/VPN Connection & renaming to match the generated type name
* network: generating the Virtual WAN ID Parser
* network: generating the Security Partner Provider ID parser
* network: ditching the Virtual Hub prefix from Security Partner Provider
* network: generating the Virtual Hub Route Table ID Parser
* network: virtual hub route table -> hub route table to match the generated name
* network: generating the Virtual Hub IP Configuration parser
* network: updating the virutal hub id parser to match the generated name
* network: generating the Hub Virtual Network Connection ID Parser
* network: fixing the build and/or adding placeholders to do so
* network: updating virtual hub connection to match the upcoming generated parser name
* network: generating the BGP Connection ID Parser
* network: generating the Virtual Hub ID parser
* network: generating the Virtual Network Resource ID Parser
* network: generating the Subnet ID
* netowrk: generating the route filter id parser
* route filter: updating the struct name to match the upcoming generated type
* network: generating the Public IP Address parser
* PublicIPAddress -> PublicIpAddress to match the generated type name
* generator/resource-ids: handling `sses` as a suffix
* network: generating the private endpoint parser
* network: splitting the Private DNS package out from the Network Parser
* network: generating the ID Parser/Formatter for NICs
* network: generating the ID Group parsers
* network: moving the Route Filter parser into the parse package
* network: moving the IP Group parser up
* network: generating the Packet Capture parser
* network: renaming the Packet Capture parser to match the generated name
* network: switching to generate the Connection Monitor/Network Watcher parsers
* network: renaming the Connection Monitor struct to match the generated name
* network: generating the NAT Gateway Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* network: fixing the load balancer resources
* network: generating the Load Balancer ID Formatters & Parsers
* network: renaming the Load Balancer parsers to match the generated names
* network: generating the Resource ID Funcs for Firewall Policy
* network/firewall_policy_rule_collection: updating to match the generated names
* network: splitting firewall policy into two files
* netapp: fixing the refactor
* netapp: switching to use a generated ID Formatter/Parser func
* netapp: updating to use the generated names
* synapse: linting
* Update document for azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting (#9516)
* update resource/datasource function names
* fix rg name
* test shim: batch service
* fix typo- from version 2.38.0
* cleanup for release
* update for #9308
* support multiple Radius Server for vpn_server_configuration_resource (#9308)
* mysql: switching to use generated resource ids
* mysql: ditching the `MySql` prefix
* mssql: fixing up the refactoring misses
* mssql: generating the resource ids
* mssql: updating the other resource id parsers to match the upcoming generated names
* mssql/recoverable_database: renaming to match the generated names
* mssql/elastic_pool: ditching the prefix/updating the field names
* mssql/database_extended_auditing_policy: switching to use the upcoming generated names
* mssql/database: renaming to match the upcoming generated fields
* mssql: splitting out the ID Parsers to one file per type
* msi: switching to use a generated resource id
* msi: renaming the id parser
* monitor: switching to use a generated resource id func
* monitor: ditching the `monitor` prefix from the files
* mixedreality: generating the resource ids funcs for Spatial Anchors Account
* media: generating the resource ids
* media: media service account -> media service
* mariadb/server: switching to use the generated resource id func
* mariadb: updating to use the generated name
* maps: switching to use a generated resource id func
* maps: moving validation into a validate package
* maps/account: ditching the Maps prefix
* managedapplications: switching to use a generated resource id func
* managedapplications: ditching the prefix
* logic: generating the Resource ID Formatter/Parser funcs
* logic: renaming to integration account
* kusto: switching to use generated resource ids
* kusto/data_connection: making the resource id more generic since this isn\'t limited to EventHub
* kusto_database_principal_assignment: ditching the Kusto prefix & updating the field names
* kusto/database_principal: ditching the Kusto prefix & updating to use the generated field names
* kusto/database: updating to use the generated field names
* kusto_attached_database_configuration: renaming since this is a resource
* kusto_attached_database_configuration: switching to use the generated field names
* kusto_cluster_principal_assignment: updating to use the generated field names
* kusto/clusterPrincipalAssignment: ditching the Kusto prefix
* kusto/AttachedDatabaseConfiguration: removing the Kusto prefix
* kusto/database: ditching the Kusto prefix
* kusto/cluster: ditching the `Kusto` prefix on the Cluster ID
* iottimeseriesinsights: fixing the refactor
* keyvault: generating the `vault` id parser
* keyvault: renaming `KeyVaultId` to `VaultId` since we\'re in this package
* keyvault/certificate_issuer: renaming the resource id structs
* iottimeseriesinsights: switching to use a generated resource id
* iottimeseriesinsights/reference data set: ditching the `timeseriesinsights` prefix
* timeseriesinsights/environment: ditching the \'timeseriesinsights\' prefix
* time_series_insights_access_policy: ditching the `timeSeriesInsights` prefix
* iothub: switching to use a generated resource id
* iothub: renaming to match the upcoming generated output
* iotcentral/application: switching to use a generated resource id
* iotcentral: updating to match the generated names
* dependencies: updating to v0.15.0 of
* Update for #9378
* roleassignment: moving the tests up a level
* New Resource: azurerm_app_service_managed_certificate (#9378)
* Refactor role definition tests
* refactor client config test
* updating to include #9495
* updating to include #9493
* parsers: regenerating to add documentation
* desktopvirtualization: switching to use the Insensitive option where appropriate
* desktopvirtualization: removing the dependency on SubscriptionId
* desktopvirtualization: generating the insensitive resource id funcs
* generator/resource-id: support for conditionally generating insensitive parsing functions
* desktopvirtualization: patching the Resource ID\'s
* updating to include #9261
* Update for #9485
* cosmosdb: DatabaseAccounts -> databaseAccounts
* Fix Cosmos zone redundant update (#9485)
* New Data Source azurerm_virtual_wan (#9382)
* teamcity: limiting the appplatform concurrent runs to 5
* Refactor: Migrate cdn tests (#9433)
* spring_cloud: exposing the IP\'s at the top level `outbound_public_ip_addresses`
* check all fields nil and return `[]interface{}{}` in flatten func
* move \"outbound_ip\" to the top level
* azurerm_spring_cloud_service - support computed `outbound_ips` block
* Update validation rule for allowed_ips of azurerm_search_service
* update for #9432
* Update `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine` - Default value of `patch_mode` no longer requires feature enabling (#9432)
* update for #9382
* update for #9330
* add field for virtual network gateway and virtual network gateway connection (#9330)
* Updates Zone redundancy default value (#9486)
* hsm: switching to use a generated id formatter
* hpccache: switching to use a generated resource id func
* hpccache: updating to match the generated names
* healthcare: generating the resource id funcs
* healthcare: ditching the healthcare prefix
* eventhub: switching to use generated resource id funcs
* eventgrid: switching to use the generated resource id funcs
* eventgrid: ditching the EventGrid prefix
* dns/ns: fixing a missing refactor
* dns/a: switching to use a generated resource id func
* dns/a: updating to use the generated property names
* dns/aaaa: switching to use the generated resource id funcs
* dns/aaaa: updating to use the generated names
* dns/caa: switching to use the generated id funcs
* dns/caa: updating to use the generated property names
* dns/cname: switching to use a generated id func
* dns/cname_record: switching to use the generated property name
* dns/mx_record: switching to use the generated id funcs
* dns/mx_record: switching to use the generated property names
* dns/ns_record: generating the resource id functions
* dns/ns_record: updating to use the generated property names
* dns/ptr_record: switching to use a generated id func
* dns/ptr_record: updating to use the generated property names
* dns/srv_record: switching to use a generated id formatter/parser
* dns/srvRecord: renaming to match the upcoming generated approach
* dns/txt: switching to use a generated resource id
* dns/txt_record: refactoring to use the new names
* dns/zone: switching to use a generated resource id formatter/parser
* digitaltwins: switching to use a generated ID Formatter/Parser
* desktopvirtualization: fixing the build
* devtestlabs/schedule: switching to use the generated resource id formatter/parser
* devtestlabs: global schedule -> schedule
* devtestlabs: consolidating to a single Virtual Machine ID parser
* devspace: switching to use the generated Controller Resource ID formatter/parser
* devspace: ditching the `DevSpace` prefix
* desktopvirtualization: generating the Resource ID\'s
* desktopvirtualization: ditching the `Desktop Virtualization` prefix
* datashare: fixing the build
* datashare/shares: generating the Resource ID Funcs
* datashare/data_set: switching to use a generated ID Format
* datashare/account: switching to use the generated ID Func
* datashare: ditching the `DataShare` prefix on Resource ID\'s
* datalake_account: switching to use a generated resource id
* datalake: renaming to be `Account` since that\'s what it is
* datafactory/integrationRuntime: updating to use a generated id
* datafactory/integration_runtime: updating to use the generated field names
* datafactory/linked_service: generating the resource id functions
* datafactory/linkedservice: updating to use the generated terminology
* compute: updating `GalleriesName` to `GalleryName`
* generator/resource-id: fixing the `ies` -> `y` problem
* databricks/workspace: switching to use a generated resource id formatter/parser
* databricks: renaming the workspace struct/file
* databasemigration: switching to use a generated Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* databasemigration: ditching the `DatabaseMigration` prefix, since we\'re in that package
* customproviders/resource-provider: switching to use a generated resource id formatter/parser
* customproviders/resource-provider: renaming the id struct to match the type
* cosmosdb: fixing the method name, apparently refactor missed it
* cosmosdb/table: switching to use a generated resource id formatter/parser
* cosmosdb/table: updating to use the upcoming generated field names
* cosmos/sql_stored_procedure: switching to use a generated resource id formatter/parse function
* cosmos/sql_stored_procedure: updating to use the upcoming generated field names
* cosmos/sql_container|database: switching to use a generated Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* cosmosdb: updating the property names for cosmosdb_sql_database & container
* cosmos/mongodb_database: switching to use a generated Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* cosmos/mongodb_database: updating to use the upcoming generated field names
* cosmos/mongodb_collection: generating the MongoDB Collection ID Formatter/Parser
* Update changelog for #7603
* cosmos/mongodb_collection: switching to use the upcoming generated field names
* `azurerm_api_management` fix to pass all acctests (#7603)
* cosmosdb/gremlin_graph: switching to use a generated resource id formatter/parser
* cosmosdb/gremlin_graph: renaming the fields to match the upcoming generated version
* cosmosdb/gremlin_database: switching to use a generated id formatter/parser
* cosmosdb/cassandra_keyspace: switching to use a generated id formater/parser
* cosmos: generating the ID Format/Parse functions for Database Account
* cosmos: renaming `databaseAccount` to match the filename
* maintainence: fixing the test case
* missed a couple of indirect references
* virtualMachineScaleSetExtension: switching to use a generated resource id formatter/parser
* virtualMachineScaleSet: switching to use a generated resource id formatter/parser
* virtual_machine_extension: switching to use a generated resource id formatter/parser
* virtual-machine: switching to use a generated id formatter/parser
* shared_images: switching to use generated resource id formatters/parsers
* proximity_placement_group: switching to use a generated resource formatter/parser
* managed_disk: switching to use a generated id formatter/parser
* images: switching to use a generated id formatter/parser
* disk_encryption_sets: switching to use a generated id formatter/parser
* dedicated_host_group: switching to use the generated ID Formatters/parsers
* dedicated_host: switching to use a generated resource id formatter/parser
* availability_set: generating the id formatter/parser
* sdk/console: prefixing the debug lines with info/warn
* Update azurerm/internal/sdk/resource_encode.go
* Update to include #9430
* build: missed a reference in batch application
* Fix for #9212
* cognitive: regenerating & updating
* cdn: regenerating & updating
* batch: regenerating & fixing up
* automation: regenerating & updating to match
* applicationinsights: regenerating & updating
* appconfiguration: regenrating & updating
* analysisservices: regenerating & updating
* generator/resource-id: using `Name` when the type name matches the key name
* updating to include #9446
* removing an unused param
* containers: switching to use the generated ID Formatter/Parser
* r/kubernetes_cluster: renaming the cluster id validate helper too
* r/kubernetes_node_pool: switching to use the terms used by the generated id
* r/kubernetes_cluster: switching to use the terms used by the Generated Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* cognitive: switching to use a generated Resource ID Formatter/Parser
* cognitive: switching to use the upcoming generated terminology
* refactor missed a couple of constructors
* cdn: generating the resource id formatters/parsers
* endpoint: refactoring to use the upcoming generated terms
* cdn_profile: renaming to match the upcoming generated terms
* batch: generating the resource id formatters/parsers
* r/batch_pool: switching to use the generated terms
* r/batch_certificate: switching to use the generated terms
* r/batch_application: updating the id formatter/parser to use the generated terms
* r/batch_account: updating the formatter to matching the generated terms
* r/automation_connection: generating the resource id formatter/parser
* r/application_insights_web_test: fixing the build now the generator is fixed
* generator/resource-id: fixing an issue when a type name ends in \'_test\'
* automation_connection: updating to use the generated field names
* r/application_insights_web_test: generating the resource id formatter/parser function
* applicationinsights: generating the web test id parser/formatter
* attestation: switching to use generated Resource ID Formatters/Parsers
* d/application_insights: switching to use the id formatter
* r/application_insight: adding enhanced import validation
* r/application_insights: generating the ID formatter and parser
* appconfiguration: switching to use the generated ResourceID formatters/parsers
* springcloud: switching to use the id formatters directly
* r/spring_cloud_service: switching to use the generated ID formatters/parsers
* r/spring_cloud_certificate: switching to use a generated resourceId formatter/parser
* r/spring_cloud_app: generating the resource id formatters/parsers
* generator/resource-id: ensuring the argument is always snakeCased
* tooling: adding a \'this is generated\' notice and changing \'expect\' to \'expected\'
* analysisservices: generating the resource id parsing funcs
* toolins: adding a generator for Resource ID Formatters and Parsers
* Update for #9409
* Update to API version `2020-06-01` for App Service (#9409)
* Update app_service.html.markdown
* refactor custom provider tests
* rename hcl tag to tfschema tag
* Update cosmosdb_account.html.markdown
* update for #9235
* Add support ipv6 configuration in azurerm_express_route_circuit_peering (#9235)
* dependencies: adding go-cmp since it\'s used in the test framework
* tags: adding support for parsing to/from a typed object
* provider: hooking up the Typed and Untyped resources
* SDK: introducing support for Types Data Sources and Resources
* refactor: moving service registration into the sdk package
* refactor: moving the Resource Group ID parser/validator into their own package
* refactor: moving locations out of the SDK package
* Update to include #9212
* fix for #9211- from version 2.37.0
* update for #9160
* New resource: azurerm_vpn_gateway_connection (#9160)
* update for #9236
* azurerm_cosmosdb_account - support for `public_network_access_enabled` (#9236)
* updating to include #8894
* tests: requiresimport doesn\'t need a provider block
* storage_encryption_scope: fixing the tests
* fixing the build
* tests: refactoring top use types
* refactor: splitting the tests
* d/storage_encryption_scope: refactoring from PR review
* r/storage_encryption_scope: refactoring from PR review
* storage: switching AccountID to AccountID and ParseAccountID to ParseAccountId to match other resources
* Update changelog for #9117
* azurerm_container_group: support for secret volumes (#9117)
* updating to include #9227
* r/kubernetes_cluster|node_pool: fixing the tests
* updating to include #9296
* updating to include #9272
* Docs: Change wrong resource name in import section
* including azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_container for #9050
* d/servicebus_subscription: fixing a couple of typos in the docs
* Docs: Use proper resource names in import section
* d/attestation_provider: fixing the tests
* updating to include #7521
* detailing the specific changes
* updating to include #7786
* updating to include #8470
* fixup permissions for individual tests
* r/storage_blob: force-enabling allow_blob_public_access for now
* r/storage_blob: changes from code review
* removed dead code
* Update website/docs/index.html.markdown
* Support graceful Linux/Windows VM shutdown
* Use Rawxml format for global API policies string
* Update changelog for #9388
* `azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine` - Fix crash when setting `auto_patching` #9388
* Add validation for virtual_hub_id/remote_virtual_network_id of azurerm_virtual_hub_connection (#9256)
* update for #9332
* azurerm_firewall_policy - deprecate `dns.network_rule_fqdn_enabled` (#9332)
* Migrate set definition tests
* update for #9319
* azurerm_dns_zone & azurerm_private_dns_zone - support for the `soa_record` block (#9319)
* update for #9259
* Update `azurerm_policy_set_definition` - Support `policy_definition_group` (#9259)
* update for #9262
* Update `azurerm_linux|windows_virtual_machine_scale_set` - Support `platform_fault_domain_count`, `disk_iops_read_write` and `disk_mbps_read_write` (#9262)
* fixed format issue
* changes incorporated based on feedback
* Kt/test shim appinsight (#9303)
* attestation: test shim
* Fix heading formatting in service principal with secret documentation (#9384)
* updating to include #9358
* Test data for azurerm_api_management_policy resource`
* Update for #9373
* `azurerm_postgresql_server` increase max storage to 16TiB (#9373)
* updating to include #9166
* updating to include #9364
* doc/r/vd-hostpool: fix typo in BreadthFirst and DepthFirst
* fix accp test lint
* Added accp test
* updating to include #9355
* apimanagement: fixing the lintignore for now
* kubernetes: running tests individually by default
* Update for # 9311
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_container` doesn\'t call get throughput api when cosmos account is serverless (#9311)
* Migrate msi test
* Resolve comments
* Update changelog for #9370
* `azurerm_mssql_database` - `sku_name` supports more `DWxxxc` options #9370
* Fix of acctest
* update for #8879
* azurerm_firewall: support for firewall manager (firewall policy) (#8879)
* try to retrieve apiVersion for all sub-resources
* Update for #9257
* Update `azurerm_linux|windows_virtual_machine` - Support `extensions_time_budget` (#9257)
* http_application_routing ForceNew removed
* whitespace commit to check mvn caching works
* Update for #8946
* New resources: `azurerm_log_analytics_cluster` and `azurerm_log_analytics_cluster_customer_managed_key` (#8946)
* fix workflow yaml
* r/key_vault_certificate: fixing a crash when the certificate policy block is nil
* d/key_vault_certificate: fixing a crash when the certificate policy block is nil
* Update for #8781
* Adds new resource azurerm_security_center_automation for automation and data export (#8781)
* add cache for mvn
* fix path filtering
* add target and workflow to check tc
* Some fix for data source
* update for #9258
* Update `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine` - Support `patch_mode` (#9258)
* Migrate acceptance tests of ML
* Update of exists and migrate remediation tests
* Resolve cyclic reference issue
* Migrate policy definition resource and data source test
* A try on migrating to new style of acceptance tests
* Migrate test of policy assignment
* updating to include #9050
* adding #9050
* update for #9264
* Update `azurerm_linux|windows_virtual_machine` - make `dedicated_host_id` updatable (#9264)
* storage: fixing changes since the shim layer was merged
* Fixup references
* rebase, storage SDK bump and remove unused function
* Initial PR feedback
* Run for new dependencies
* Update docs for ACLs
* Fixup test destroy check
* make terrafmt
* Initial Update implementation
* Add more ACL tests
* Add owner,group,ace properties
* Add docs
* Add import
* Add delete
* Add skeleton
* updating to include #9314
* This line can be removed now that the service is GA as of 14/02/20
* run code through gofumpt and add makefile step (#9275)
* Typo fix #9172
* Tidy changelog entry for #9172
* Update changelog for #9172
* Support for additional arguments on azurerm_api_management_api_diagnostic (#9172)
* Updates time zone description (#9324)
* updated with possible values for time zone (#9325)
* Update thirty-two-bit.yaml
* `azurerm_api_management_custom_domain` - Add exception for R001 lint rule (#9298)
* Fix typo in azurerm_redis_linked_server docs (#9299)
* make fmt
* fix tests
* minor titdying
* datasource
* resource
* move tests- from version 2.36.0
* build: fixing the build on 32 bit systems (#9293)
* fixing a missing _azurerm
* Rebase, resolve conflicts
* Really set default now
* Add os_disk_type to main nodepool resource
* rename for consistency
* Update website/docs/r/kubernetes_cluster_node_pool.html.markdown
* Update azurerm/internal/services/containers/kubernetes_nodepool.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/containers/kubernetes_nodepool.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/containers/kubernetes_cluster_node_pool_data_source.go
* Rebase, resolve conflicts
* storage: removing the resourcemanager shim for now, until the API is compatible
* r/storage_table: fixing a crash
* updating to include #9195
* updating to include #9281
* updating to include #9279
* Update for #9233
* Add health_check_path to function_app site_config (#9233)
* Fix formatting (add missing backtick)
* Fix documentation: link to App Service Certificate examples
* r/storage_table: introducing a shim layer
* Update for #9282
* `azurerm_logic_app_workflow` added logicapp name validation (#9282)
* r/storage: adding a shim for Shares
* Update index.html.markdown
* r/storage_share: adding a shim layer
* refactor: removing duplicated code
* r/storage_share: moving the validate function to the validate package
* r/storage_queue: adding a shim layer
* r/storage_container: switching to use the new parse function everywhere
* r/storage_queue: moving the validation function out
* renaming the package
* added validation for eventgrid resources
* added vvset name validation
* testshim: analysisservices (#9274)
* renaming the parsers package to parse to match the other services
* storage/containers: adding a shim covering resource manager and data plane
* storage: renaming the parsers
* Update
* linting: remove old travis config & make steps (#9273)
* fixed format issues
* fix format issue
* rebase and small tweaks from manual testing
* fixed format issues
* string termination fixed
* modified azurerm.erb file
* added data source azurerm_servicebus_subscription
* Updated the storage container access from private to blob
* Added test
* Removed Computed from the content_md5 field
* Updated doc and added validation for blob type page and append
* Adds functionality to update blob based on content_md5 property
* Update for #8919
* Adds CMK for CosmosDB Account (#8919)
* Update changelog for #8228
* New resource: `azurerm_api_management_custom_domain` (#8228)
* Update the example of azurerm_powerbi_embedded
* update for #9033
* add fields to loganalytics workspaces (#9033)
* update for #9229
* New datasource `azurerm_traffic_manager_profile` (#9229)
* update for #9251
* Add v5.0 dotnet_framework_version to app_service validation (#9251)
* Remove the preview information for managed property of azurerm_kubernetes_cluster
* spelling (#9250)
* Docs overview grammatical changes (#9242)
* update for #8640
* Guides-2.0-upgrade-guide grammatical changes (#9249)
* Guides-migrating-between-renamed-resources grammatical changes (#9248)
* Guides-Azure CLI grammatical changes (#9247)
* Guides-service_principal_client_secret grammatical changes (#9246)
* Guides-service_principal_client_certificate grammatical changes (#9244)
* Guides-Azure Active Directory-Migrating to the AzureAD Provider grammatical changes (#9243)
* Upgrade network connection monitor from v1 to v2 (#8640)
* update for #9158
* azurerm_point_to_site_vpn_gateway - support `route` block (#9158)
* update for #9035
* azurerm_vpn_gateway - support block \"bgp_peering_addresses\" (#9035)
* update for #9228
* `log_analytics_workspace` - exclude `Free` from `daily_quota_gb` settings (#9228)
* update for #9032
* new resource \"azurerm_monitor_smart_detector_alert_rule\" (#9032)
* Update for #9014
* New Resource: `azurerm_log_analytics_storage_insights` (#9014)
* Update for #9187
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_database` doesn\'t call get throughput api when cosmos account is serverless (#9187)
* Raise limits for max_count/min_count/node_count of azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool/azurerm_kubernetes_cluster
* Add proximity_placement_group_id to main resource as well
* update for #9210
* Update `azurerm_policy_remediation` - support `resource_discovery_mode` (#9210)
* update for #8959
* New resource: `azurerm_virtual_hub_bgp_connection` (#8959)
* update for #8544
* New resource/data source `azurerm_data_share_dataset_kusto_database` (#8544)
* updating to include #9213
* dependencies: upgrading to v48.1.0 of
* updating to include #9182 & formatting
* updating to include #9202
* docs: add ip_address property to azurerm_public_ips
* Allow OS disks up to 4095GB
* updating to include #8814
* allow azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set computer_name_prefix to end with dashes
* update for #8979
* azurerm_virtual_network: support for `bgp_community` and `vnet_protection_enabled` (#8979)
* updating to include #9192
* Fix acceptance test
* r/storage_share: updating to use the new input struct
* dependencies: vendoring API version 2019-12-12 of
* storage: bumping the tombuildsstuff/giovanni api version to 2019-12-12
* Update website/docs/d/kubernetes_cluster_node_pool.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/kubernetes_cluster_node_pool.html.markdown
* Update azurerm/internal/services/containers/kubernetes_nodepool.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/containers/kubernetes_cluster_node_pool_data_source.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/containers/kubernetes_nodepool.go
* updating to include #9191
* Add `proximity_placement_group_id` to AKS node pools
* build: missed the test path
* provider: code changes needed for the go-azure-helpers upgrade
* dependencies: upgrading to v0.13.0
* updating to include #9189
* dependencies: vendoring v0.14.0 of
* updating to include #9168
* updating to include #9167
* dependencies: upgrading to v0.4.2
* dependencies: upgrading to v48.0.0 of
* updating to include #9165
* update for #8978
* New resource: `azurerm_virtual_hub_security_partner_provider` (#8978)
* update for #8917
* Update `azurerm_linux|windows_virtual_machine` and `azurerm_linux|windows_virtual_machine_scale_set` - Support managed boot diagnostics (#8917)
* dependencies: upgrading to v47.1.0 of
* updating to include #9163
* Update validation rule for route_table_ids of azurerm_virtual_hub_connection (#9159)- from version 2.35.0
* dependencies: vendoring the remaining changes from v47.0.0 of
* servicefabric: vendoring the rename
* policyinsights: vendoring the rename
* hdinsight: vendoring the rename
* cosmosdb: vendoring the rename for v47.0
* hdinsight: handling the breaking change in v47.0 of the Azure SDK
* policyinsights: handling the breaking change in v47.0 of the Azure SDK
* servicefabric: handling the breaking change in v47.0 of the Azure SDK
* cosmosdb: updating the import path to match the breaking change in v47.0 of the Azure SDK
* dependencies: upgrading to v47.0.0 of
* updating to include #8982
* Update for #9100
* fix synapse endpoint not available issue in other cloud (#9100)
* update for #8963
* `azurerm_postgresql_firewall_rule` - add validation for `start_ip_address` and `end_ip_address` (#8963)
* Update changelog for #8878
* Update for #8673
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_database` doesn\'t call get throughput api when cosmos account is serverless (#8673)
* add default value for node_taints back
* updating to include #9129
* updating to include #9057
* r/iot_time_series_insights_access_policy: adding missing schema version
* iottimeseriesinsights: adding a state migration
* timeseriesinsights: fixing the build
* dependencies: upgrading timeseriesinsights to 2020-05-15 GA
* d|r/data_share: fixing a stackoverflow issue
* Revert Computed for availability_zones for now
* d/data_share: handling a crash when item is nil
* r/data_share: handling a crash when the item is nil
* update for #8939
* Add new resource azurerm_virtual_hub_route_table (#8939)
* Update for #9125
* `azurerm_key_vault_access_policy` - check access policy consistency before committing to state (#9125)
* Remove obsolete property from a test
* d/data_share: fixing tests:
* linting: updating the todo
* r/resource_group: updating the existing syntax
* d/advisor_recommendations: updating the existing syntax
* test-framework: introducing a shim layer for Binary Testing
* r/virtual_desktop_workspace_application_group_association: case insensitivity bug
* r/data_share: exporting all of the schedules
* d/data_share: removing the limitation that a schedule has to exist
* desktopvirtualization: fixing the host pool id/adding validation
* r/storage_sync_group: fixing the data source to error when missing
* d/data_share: fixing the data source
* r/virtual_desktop_workspace_application_group_association: fixing the format string
* r/virtual_desktop_workspace: refactoring to use the correct timeouts and locking to match the association resource
* r/virtual_desktop_workspace_application_group_association: refactoring and adding an ID parser
* r/virtual_desktop_host_pool: refactoring
* r/virtual_desktop_application_group: switching to use the ID formatter
* update for #8912
* New resource: `azurerm_virtual_hub_ip_configuration` (#8912)
* `azurerm_devspace_controller` - Adding note that Microsoft is retiring the Dev Space resource (#9148)
* update for #8950
* azurerm_virtual_hub_connection - support the `routing` block (#8950)
* Address feedback part 1
* Update role definition docs to include `role_definition_resource_id` (#9131)
* Update changelog for #8938
* `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_data_lake_storage_gen2` - Supports managed identity auth through `use_managed_identity ` (#8938)
* remove throttling from go linting (#9109)
* Update changelog for #8629
* New data source `azurerm_images` (#8629)
* Update azurerm/internal/services/containers/kubernetes_addons.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/containers/kubernetes_addons.go
* remove last use of NoEmptyStrings (#9089)
* Update changelog for #8603
* new resource: azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group (#8603)
* reduce triggers to open and change to PR source branch (#9108)
* resolving linting issues (#9106)
* better explaination on auto_provision setting
* adds docs for security_center_auto_provisioning
* Update from version 2.34.0
* r/vpn_site: fixing the build on 32 bit platforms
* update for #8773
* New data source: azurerm_cognitive_account (#8773)
* update for #9077
* Update for #9078
* `azurerm_policy_definition` resource and datasource can now look up builtin policy by name (#9078)
* Update for #8617
* Update private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link_resource.go (#8617)
* Add tflint ignores (#9081)
* Update for #8829
* Add timezone logic app recurrence (#8829)
* Update for #8822
* `azurerm_backup_policy_vm` support `instant_restore_retention_days` property (#8822)
* Fixed bug when deleting a policy
* Update for #9068
* `azurerm_private_endpoint` - fix crash when deleting private endpoint (#9068)
* update for #9048
* `azurerm_log_analytics_solution` - add support of `tags` (#9048)
* simplify the `dns_settings` to `dns_servers`
* update for #9030
* ISSUE Fixed: azurerm_virtual_desktop_application_group name allowed length is 3-31, should be 1-260 #8980 (#9030)
* Validate source_image_reference values (#9055)
* remove travis
* update for #9034
* Update website/docs/r/log_analytics_saved_search.html.markdown
* Update azurerm/internal/services/loganalytics/tests/log_analytics_saved_search_resource_test.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/loganalytics/tests/log_analytics_saved_search_resource_test.go
* update for #8998
* Update website/docs/r/local_network_gateway.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/local_network_gateway.html.markdown
* Update azurerm/internal/services/network/tests/local_network_gateway_resource_test.go
* backfilling the changelog content from 0.1 - 1.6
* Update log_analytics_saved_search_resource.go
* change tag to use tags.ForceNewSchema()
* change the test to verify updatability
* Remove outboundUDR test, since UDR is not allowed on MIS-enabled clusters
* Do not add route_table to a cluster with managed identity as it\'s no longer supported
* Disable check for azure_policy.version as it seems to not be returned anymore
* Remove docs about enable_pod_security_policy as it has been deprecated on Oct 15, 2020
* Make a few fields computed
* Fixing some of the tests, removed node_taints from default node pool
* go mod tidy
* Upgrade containerservice API to 2020-09-01
* update for #9002
* New Resource: `azurerm_log_analytics_linked_storage_account` (#9002)
* update for #8896
* new resource: azurerm_vpn_site (#8896)
* fixed Destop Virtualization refs (#9041)
* Add GH Actions for linting and unit testing (#9036)
* update for #8863
* new resource for `azurerm_synapse_role_assignment` (#8863)
* update for #8498
* azurerm_automation_module - expose error message (#8498)
* update for #8937
* azurerm_key_vault - supports \"contact\" block (#8937)
* updating to include #8993
* Update for #8595
* Adds new resource for azurerm_security_center_auto_provisioning (#8595)
* add fields to loganalytics saved search
* Bump junit from 4.13 to 4.13.1 in /.teamcity
* Update changelog for #7924
* `azurerm_container_group` - add support for `volume.x.git_repo` (#7924)
* update for #8032
* azurerm_iothub - support for the `endpoint.resource_group` property (#8032)
* Update api_management_authorization_server.html.markdown
* r/virtual_desktop_host_pool: `validation_environment`-> `validate_environment`
* Doc Fix: Front Door names must be globally unique and hostname reqs are accurately defined (#9017)
* Updating to include #8610
* fixes #1109
* updating to include #8995
* adding support for log analytics data export #8995
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_account` support `EnableAnalyticalStorage` for the `capabilities` property (#9010)
* update for #8997
* Fix validation (#8997)
* Update changelog for #8983
* r/key_vault: ensuring the casing on the sku is consistent (#8983)
* Fix subcategories in docs
* Update role_definition.html.markdown
* azurerm_local_network_gateway: support for `gateway_fqdn`
* Update data_factory_integration_runtime_managed.html.markdown
* Update changelog for #8619
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - `min_count` can be updated when `enable_auto_scaling` is set to true (#8619)
* update for #7963
* `azurerm_api_management_api` `subscription_required` default to `true` (#7963)
* update for #8861
* log_analytics_workspace: support for the `daily_quota_gb` property (#8861)
* update for #8815
* Update the value property in features block as TypeSet for SignalR Service (#8815)
* Update changelog for #8957
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - Fix issue where `min_count` and `max_count` couldn\'t be the same (#8957)
* r/app_service: fixing a crash when provisioning an app service inside an ASE which doesn\'t exist yet- from version 2.33.0
* generator: running make generate
* updating to include #8975
* refactor: cleaning up an overzealous aliasing
* mssql_(database|server): sending the workaround during delete too
* r/mssql_database_extended_auditing_policy: working around an API regression
* r/sql_database: working around a broken API
* r/mssql_database: working around a broken API
* r/mssql_server_extended_auditing_policy: working around the broken api
* hpc-cache: splitting out into their own service package
* r/sql_server: working around a broken api
* r/mssql_server: working around a broken API
* Update dns_cname_record FQDN - note: trailing dot
* Update changelog for #8933
* New resource: `azurerm_service_fabric_mesh_secret` `azurerm_service_fabric_mesh_secret_value` (#8933)
* updating to include #8904
* Now working in dash shell
* updating to include #8875
* Simplify identity handling
* updating to include #8948
* added mysql firewall start and end IP address validation
* Added IP address validations for both start and end addresses
* Send identity type None when clearing it, since API wants it that way
* update flatten logic in network_rule_collection
* Remove unused code from flatten
* Update for #8882
* Update `azurerm_policy_set_definition` - Fix updates for `parameters` and `parameter_values` (#8882)
* updating to include #8935
* Update for #8792
* Add composite indexes support to CosmosDB SQL container (#8792)
* Update for #8761
* Fix ignore_changes behavior for AGW (#8761)
* DesktopVirtualization replaced with DesktDesktop Virtualization
* removed extended auditing policy configuration from sql mssql firewall test file
* Update azurerm/internal/services/appconfiguration/app_configuration_resource.go
* replacing os_disk_image_size with os_disk_image_size_gb as per Hashicorp\'s suggestion... Defaulting osDiskImageSize to 0
* added validation to SQL firewall start and end IP address
* Adds docs ref for azurerm_eventgrid_system_topic
* Update changelog for #8838
* New Resource: `azurerm_service_fabric_mesh_local_network` (#8838)
* Fix the fixes. Eeturn empty identity block?
* Update azurerm/internal/services/appconfiguration/app_configuration_resource.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/appconfiguration/app_configuration_resource.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/appconfiguration/app_configuration_resource.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/appconfiguration/app_configuration_resource.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/appconfiguration/app_configuration_resource.go
* fix `container_registry` policy docs
* Update changelog for #8907
* `azurerm_search_service` - add support for `identity` #8907
* update for #8899
* azurerm_mssql_database - do not set longterm and shortterm retention policies when using the `DW` SKUs (#8899)
* Example: `azurerm_virtual_desktop_
*` (#8844)
* Fixing the formatting with make fmt now
* Fixing the formatting...
* Adding support for os_disk_image_size to get the disk size of the image
* Actually check for identity present
* Add more tests
* azurerm_firewall: supports `dns_setting`
* Switch identity test to standard sku
* - add support for identity
* azurerm_kubernetes_cluster, azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool - make \"availability_zones\" force new
* Fix CI
* Fix typo
* Enable key rotation for des
* Wed Nov 11 2020 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Add symbolic link to comply with new filesystem layout for local provider copies
* Mon Oct 19 2020 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Define and use common Go spec file variables- Update to version 2.32.0:
* Update for #8735
* New Resource: `azurerm_eventgrid_system_topic` (#8735)
* update for #8698
* update for #8774
* Fix azurerm_mysql_server example
* Update changelog for #8787
* New data source: azurerm_mysql_server (#8787)
* Update changelog for #8783
* New resource: azurerm_security_center_setting (#8783)
* Fix error when creating security center contact
* Update for #8826
* Update stamp_id of azurerm_dedicated_hardware_security_module as optional property (#8826)
* update
* Update changelog for #8859
* `azurerm_search_service` - `sku` now supports `storage_optimized_l1` and `storage_optimized_l2` (#8859)
* Update changelog for #8860
* `azurerm_cognitive_account` - `kind` now supports `Personalizer` #8860
* Update changelog for #8811
* `azurerm_storage_share` - set `metadata` to `Computed` and set `acl` `start` and `expiry` to `Optional` (#8811)
* typo in comment
* fix tests failing due to quota restrictions
* update
* update
* Update changelog for #8807- from version v2.31.1
* Update changelog for #8807
* `azurerm_storage_account`- add Computed to `large_file_share_enabled` #8807
* spelling
* log analytics data sources: should not have been merged comment
* Cleanup after v2.31.0 release- from version 2.31.0
* misc cleanup of
* address pr comments
* updating the changelog
* r/windows_virtual_machine_scale_set: documenting the plan block
* Update error message
* Update changelog for #8666
* `azurerm_storage_share` allow large quotas to be specified. (#8666)
* Update changelog for #8789
* `azurerm_storage_account` - add support for `large_file_share_enabled` (#8789)
* Update for #8795
* Validate policy mode value (#8795)
* Update for #8668
* Update `azurerm_policy_set_definition` - Fix #8663 (#8668)
* Add `plan` block argument to scale set
* update CHANGELOG>md for #8605
* Update azurerm/internal/services/desktopvirtualization/virtual_desktop_workspace_application_group_association_resource_test.go
* Update website/docs/r/virtual_desktop_workspace_application_group_association.html.markdown
* Update azurerm/internal/services/desktopvirtualization/virtual_desktop_workspace_resource_test.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/desktopvirtualization/virtual_desktop_workspace_resource_test.go
* Update data_factory_dataset_http.html.markdown (#8784)
* Update for #8765
* `azurerm_mssql_database` - add support for `long_term_retention_policy` and `short_term_retention_policy` (#8765)
* `azurerm_mssql_server` - update doc and test for sql server min tls (#8769)
* add `s` tk
* fix: Change serivce to service in private_endpoint.html.markdown
* fix failing tests for wvd resources
* Update application_gateway.html.markdown (#8759)
* Update for #8549
* Update `azurerm_security_center_subscription_pricing` (#8549)
* Update changelog for #8300
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool` - `node_count`, `min_node`, and `max_node` can now be set to `0` (#8300)
* some misc code cleanup and organization (#8750)
* recommit standard sku
* ACR formatting
* remove policies block
* sku block has been deprecated (#8747)
* Removed azuread dependency wherever applicable for AAD Diagnostic settings (#8580)
* Corrected the example given
* update for #8308
* `azurerm_mssql_database` support 0 for `min_capacity` (#8308)
* update for #8682
* [azurerm_function_app] App Settings should be Computed (#8682)
* update for #7898
* Update
* Update `azurerm_backup_policy_vm` - check for <7 daily backups (#7898)
* CI fixes
* update/move function to utils. Change name of application_group_reference_id to application_group_id
* Update azurerm/internal/services/desktopvirtualization/virtual_desktop_host_pool_resource.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/desktopvirtualization/virtual_desktop_application_group_resource.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/desktopvirtualization/virtual_desktop_host_pool_resource_test.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/desktopvirtualization/virtual_desktop_application_group_resource_test.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/desktopvirtualization/virtual_desktop_workspace_resource_test.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/desktopvirtualization/virtual_desktop_workspace_resource_test.go
* Update website/docs/r/virtual_desktop_workspace.html.markdown
* Example of AKS cluster with virtual nodes (Azure Container Instances) (#8722)
* Example for deploying a Python based Azure Functions App. (#8724)
* Documentation updates (#8734)
* switch to secondary location for tests
* Update changelog for #8623
* UPDATE azurerm_subnet documentation example (#8729)
* `azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine` - Add support for `storage_configuration_settings` (#8623)
* Update changelog for #8699
* `azurerm_appplication_insights` - Add support for `connection_string` #8699
* Update changelog for #8361
* mssql_server: add minimal_tls_version property (#8361)
* Update changelog for #6761
* New Resource: `azurerm_service_fabric_mesh_application` (#6761)
* Update changelog for #8586
* `azurerm_iothub` - Support for `public_network_access_enabled` (#8586)
* update for #8599
* azurerm_app_service - allow v6 IPs for the webapp ip_restriction property (#8599)
* [template_deployment] Documentation typo fix (#8732)
* make terrafmt
* hotfix documentation should be \"Pooled\" for host pool
* hotfix documentation should be \"Pooled\" for host pool
* cleanup + move to latest sdk api version + website build
* moving 2.30 - 2.21 into this file
* splitting the changelog
* updating to include #8642
* Update changelog for #8718
* `azurerm_dedicated_host` - add support for `DSv4-Type1` `sku_name` #8718
* Updated README.
* Updated README.
* Fixed variables file.
* Fixed example to actually use Calico Network policy.
* scaffold azurerm_data_factory data documentation
* Update changelog for #8687
* `azurerm_key_vault_certificate_issuer` - `org_id` is now optional #8687
* Cleanup after v2.30.0 release- from version 2.30.0
* update for #8667
* Add waiting logic for azurerm_monitor_metric_alert (#8667)
* Doc Fix: `azurerm_postresql_virtual_network_rule` replace Basic with GeneralPurpose for sku_name #8713
* updating to include #8672
* Update for #8670
* `azurerm_key_vault` - add support for `enable_rbac_authorization` (#8670)
* updating to include #8707
* Update website/docs/r/resource_group_template_deployment.html.markdown
* Add two new SKUs to azurerm_analysis_services_server
* scaffold azurerm_app_service_environment data docs
* fmt container registry tests
* add support for container registry policies
* container registry update sku and sku-dependent attributes at the same time
* update changelog for #8556
* terrafmt
* updating to include #8688
* go mod tidy
* tests for the features block
* gosimple
* features: documenting the new template_deployment features block
* r/template_deployment: documenting that this resource has been superseded
* website: adding to the sidebar
* New Resource: `azurerm_subscription_template_deployment`
* New Resource:
* r/template_deployment: adding a common file containing common logic
* r/template_deployment: adding validation for the template deployment name
* r/template_deployment: adding ID Parsers/Formatters for Resource Group/Subscription ID\'s
* features: adding a toggle for purging nested items during deletion
* features: adding a feature toggle (and deprecation wrapper) for 3.0
* resources: updating to use API version 2020-06-01
* use API version 2020-03-01 instead 2019-03-22-preview
* Update changelog for #8627
* Update `azurerm_linux|windows_virtual_machine_scale_set` - Fix #8422 (#8627)
* update for #8659
* storage_management_policy - support appendBlob for blob_types (#8659)
* update for #8646
* azurerm_servicebus_subscription_rule - support `` (#8646)
* Update
* Inclusive language updates (#8638)
* Added vm role assignment example
* azurerm_container_group: change `nameservers` type to list to keep order (#8651)
* Typo fix (#8664)
* cleanup
* update for #8078
* azurerm_hpc_cache: update API version to 2020-03-01 and support `mtu` and `root_squash_enabled` properties (#8078)
* Update azurerm/internal/services/desktopvirtualization/tests/virtual_desktop_workspace_resource_test.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/desktopvirtualization/tests/virtual_desktop_host_pool_resource_test.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/desktopvirtualization/tests/virtual_desktop_application_group_resource_test.go
* Update website/docs/r/virtual_desktop_application_group.html.markdown
* move test files and remove multiline comment
* Fix typo in cosmosdb_account.html.markdown
* Update `address_space` attribute description (#8641)
* `azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association` error message update (#8644)
* update for #8648
* Validate Service Bus Topic and Queue max_size_in_megabytes (#8648)
* fist => first typo correction (#8650)
* update for #7912
* `azurerm_container_group` - Support of `dns_config` (#7912)
* upgrade sdk
* update for #8639
* Add support for sku S for azurerm_cognitive_account (#8639)
* cosmosdb - move tests to cosmos_test package (#8637)
* update for #6189
* New Resource `azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_storedprocedure` (#6189)
* update for #8295
* Update `azurerm_cosmosdb_account` - support zone redundancy (#8295)
* Azurerm role assignment doc (#8621)
* update for #8504
* azurerm_logic_app_workflow - support for integration_service_environment_id (#8504)
* Location was not described (#8635)
* Refactor IotHub RP (#8622)
* update for #8602
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_collection` order of compound `keys` in `index` matters (#8602)
* update for #8601
* Update validation for scope of azurerm_lighthouse_assignment (#8601)
* doc: Add querystring caching behaviour precision (#8612)
* update for #8556
* New resource: azurerm_ip_groups (#8556)
* azurerm_app_service_virtual_network_swift_connection - prevent a panic (#8616)
* Cleanup after v2.29.0 release- from version 2.29.0
* updating to include #8568
* updating to include #7601
* Fixed linting issues and documentation terraform code formatting. Still need to fix vendor issues
* fix documentation association
* Revert test package back to original
* updating to include #8592
* Revert \"Update\"
* Update
* Update network_interface_application_security_group_association_resource_test.go
* F/wvd (#1)
* Merge branch \'master\' of
* update
* go mod tidy
* Update changelog for #8290
* vendoring the updated azure sdk
* dependencies: updating to v46.3.0 of
* update doc - azurerm_kubernetes_cluster
* update
* update doc - azurerm_role_definition and azurerm_role_assignment
* API Manager: Support for virtual network mode with additional locations
* support virtual network integration - azurerm_spring_cloud_service
* r/storage: fixing the clients to be pointers
* Update changelog for #8557
* `azurerm_search_service` - Add support for `allowed_ips` (#8557)
* go fmt
* update for #8270
* Update `azurerm_policy_set_definition` - Support to use non-string typed parameter values in `policy_definition_reference` block (#8270)
* update for #7390
* new resource: azurerm_firewall_policy (#7390)
* update for #8477
* dependencies: update ACR client to 2019-05-01 (#8477)
* explicitly set the deprecated proerpties to false
* update for #8125
* New resource `azurerm_mysql_server_key` - Add CMK support (#8125)
* update for #8461
* azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_container - support for `indexing_policy` (#8461)
* update for #8126
* New resource `azurerm_postgresql_server_key` - Add CMK support (#8126)
* update for #8533
* azurerm_cosmosdb_account - support the `Serverless` value for the `capabilities` property (#8533)
* update for #7917
* New data source `azurerm_mssql_server` and new block `restorable_dropped_databases` in `azuerrm_mssql_server` (#7917)
* updating to include #8541
* fixing the tests
* updating to include #8411
* updating to include #8542
* updating to include #8531
* r/windows_virtual_machine: adding a dif suppressfunc when \'licenceType\' is set to \'none\'
* updating to include #8503
* r/signalr_service: adding missing features
* windows_virtual_machine: Add test for updating license_type.
* r/signalr: support for delta updates
* r/api_management: sending an identity type of none on updates if unspecified
* windows_virtual_machine: Allow updating license_type without recreation.
* update to include #8502
* New data source: `azurerm_databricks_workspace` (#8502)
* update for #8464
* New resource/data source `azurerm_data_share_dataset_kusto_cluster` (#8464)
* address pr comments
* Terrafmt test
* Some test fixes
* Doc Fix: `azurerm_service_fabric_cluster` - `client_certificate_thumbprint` #8536
* Update changelog for #8521
* `azurerm_service_fabric_cluster` - Remove two block limit for `client_certificate_thumbprint` #8521
* gosimple
* r/api_management: removing the `none` option to be consistent with other resources
* Making notify set to false in apimanagement_user
* Doc Fix: `azurerm_private_endpoint` Updating documentation for `private_ip_address` #8495
* Example: `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` with data source public ip #8499
* Update changelog for #8462
* New Resource/Datasource `azurerm_storage_sync_group` (#8462)
* Cleanup after v2.28.0 release- from version 2.28.0
* formatting
* Update kubernetes_cluster.html.markdown (#8505)
* add source control special case for ADO controlled apps
* Update for #7836
* r/storage_account_customer_managed_key - support for key rotation (#7836)
* Update for #8492
* `azurerm_role_definition` - expose `role_definition_resource_id` (#8492)
* find system node pool as a fallback
* Refresh vendor
* Fix for Type None
* New logic for no identity
* Fix create to have default identity type
* Update doc for the usage of storage share
* Update changelog for #8487
* `data.azurerm_app_service_environment` - Expose vip information of an app service environment (#8487)
* Add fix for Identity = None
* Update for #6560
* New resources: `azurerm_lighthouse_definition` and \'azurerm_lighthouse_assignment\' (#6560)
* update for #8438
* New Data Source: azurerm_servicebus_queue_authorization_rule (#8438)
* switch to developerportal per service team\'s suggestions
* Update changelog for #8447
* New resource `azurerm_mssql_server_extended_auditing_policy` (#8447)
* Typo fix in postgresql_server_data_source_test.go (#8478)
* Update (#8451)
* azurerm_firewall_network_rule_collection: add doc/test to highlight dest addr service tag support (#8448)
* Update changelog for #8235
* azurerm_firewall: support management_ip_configuration block (#8235)
* Update changelog for #7773
* Support autoscaling Cosmos DB databases and containers (#7773)
* Update waiting logic for azurerm_cognitive_account (#8386)
* correct the doco - the Self-hosted Integration Runtime resource is re… (#8444)
* update for #8374
* azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - ensure OMS Agent log analytics workspace case is preserved after disabling/enabling (#8374)
* update for #8388
* Adjust validation for EH consumer group datasource to accept $Default (#8388)
* update for #8370
* support relay namespace in different resource group for \"azurerm_app_service_hybrid_connection\" (#8370)
* update for #8386
* update for #8389
* data.function_app - export the identity block (#8389)
* update for #8024
* Fixed parsing of management group id (#8024)
* updating to include #8434
* follow up of PR #8095
* dependencies: updating automation to 2018-06-30-preview (#8400)
* Update for #8167
* Update segment of resource id for network packet capture (#8167)
* update for #8095
* new resource `azurerm_synapse_sql_pool` (#8095)
* update for #7843
* New resource/data source `azurerm_storage_sync` (#7843)
* update for #7907
* New resource/data source `azurerm_data_share_dataset_data_lake_gen2` (#7907)
* Update changelog for #8430
* data.azurerm_function_app_host_keys - Fix crash when no id is present (#8430)
* Delete
* Cleanup after v2.27.0 release- from version 2.27.0
* Update for #8357
* r/cognitive_account: fixing a crash & supporting AnomalyDetector / QnAMaker (#8357)
* Update for #8384
* azurerm_network_security_group: add the new resource check back as is in a CreateOrUpdate callback (#8384)
* Fix GH link format for #8366
* Update to include #8366
* fixes #8341 #8168
* update for #7793
* New resource `azurerm_mssql_database_extended_auditing_policy` (#7793)
* updating to include #8412
* Fixes #8402
* Update SDK to v46.1.0
* Update changelog for #8409
* `api_management_x.y.api_name` - validation fix #8409
* Update changelog for #8365
* New data source: azurerm_lb_rule (#8365)
* Update changelog for #8372
* azurerm_application_insights_webtests: .Kind turns to null after editing in Portal (#8372)
* Update for #6107
* Fixing destroy when role scope is a Management Group (#6107)
* [Refactor] bring back the `SystemAssigned, UserAssigned` defined in go SDK to app service (#8404)
* Update for #7873
* New Resource: `azurerm_api_management_api_diagnostic` (#7873)
* updating to include #8322
* Add support for `encryption_at_host_enabled` for `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine`, `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine`, `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set` and `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set` #8322
* Updating changelog to include #8349
* New Resource: `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_azure_sql_database` (#8349)
* updating to include #8383
* Add delete WaitForState azurerm_windows_virtual_machine and azurerm_linux_virtual_machine #8383
* Update test config func name
* Change API to Api in tests
* Fix resource name, myssql => mysql
* update for #7902
* New Data Source: `azurerm_function_app_host_keys` (#7902)
* r/cosmosdb_account: document example for capabilities block (#8369)
* ordering
* correct spelling and docs
* Fix format for changelog
* Move attestation to correct release v2.27
* updating to include #7885
* Add support for Azure Attestation Provider #7885
* updating to include #8336
* updating to include #8294
* updating to include #8335
* Cleanup after v2.26.0 release- from version 2.26.0
* Updating firewall_network_rule_collection docs
* Update changelog for #8253
* New Resource: `azurerm_log_analytics_saved_search` (#8253)
* ordering
* mentioning Function App in the description, rather than as a separate callout
* Update api_management.html.markdown
* update
* update
* update
* support managed identity for \"azurerm_spring_cloud_app\"
* Add AllowSelfServeUpgradeToMongo36 to cosmosdb_account\'s capabilities
* Update code
* Update doc for app_service_name of azurerm_app_service_custom_hostname_binding
* removing an unnecessary explicit depends_on
* Update function_app.html.markdown
* updating to include #7983
* updating to include #8237
* Updated for #8222
* Support for VMSS in-line extensions behind feature flag (#8222)
* fix tests
* document azuread auth for data.virtual_network_gateway
* add virtual_network_gateway azuread auth tests
* updating to include #8304
* refactor: splitting Resource Providers out to their own package
* lint
* Remove deprecated ShouldResourcesBeImported
* r/key_vault_key: updating the latest version during updates
* r/key_vault_secret: updating the latest secret version during updates
* fixing the build
* sidebar: adding a link to the redis_linked_server resource
* Add azuread auth to vnet gateway vpn client
* rename param for `subscriptionId` to be consistent
* Update changelog for #8278
* `azurerm_application_gateway ` - Add support for `` #8278
* Update changelog for #7969
* `azurerm_api_management_subscription` - Support `allow_tracing property` (#7969)
* `azurerm_log_analytics_workspace` - Fix default value for sku #8287
* updating to include #8272
* updating to include #8001
* linting
* notificationhub: removing the unnecessary feature toggle
* loganalytics: removing usage of the unused feature toggle
* servicebus: removing usage of the old feature toggle
* netapp: removing the unused feature toggle
* r/kusto_eventhub_data_connection: removing the unused feature toggle
* r/kusto_cluster: removing the unused feature toggle
* Add tests for updating allow_extensions_operations if provision_vm_agent is false.
* updating to include #8267
* Doc Fix: `data. azurerm_hdinsight_cluster` #8274
* Update changelog for #8234
* Update `loganalytics` to `/preview/operationalinsights/mgmt/2020-03-01-preview/operationalinsights` (#8234)
* Update code
* Cleanup after v2.25.0 release
* PIT C/P cdn profile schema & expand all function and remove validation in V0 schema
* Update sku as optional for azurerm_log_analytics_workspace- from version 2.25.0
* updating to include #7822
* ignore changes to deprecated attributes and set default for `internet_security_enabled`
* linting
* updating to include #8244
* r/network_interface_network_security_group_association: handling the nic being gone during a read
* r/network_interface_nat_rule_association_resource: handling the nic being gone during a read
* r/network_interface_backend_address_pool_association: handling the nic being gone during read
* r/network_interface_application_security_group_association: handling the nic being gone during read
* r/network_interface_application_gateway_association: handling the nic being gone during read
* Resolve comments
* update
* provide unique priority value for newly-created rule
* Update website/docs/r/subnet.html.markdown
* Update azurerm/internal/services/network/subnet_resource.go
* Update website/docs/d/key_vault_certificate.html.markdown
* updating the description for #8233
* updating to include #8015
* lint error
* PIT copy paste the v0 schema
* resolve review comment
* Fix wrong title
* Update for #8067
* refactor: removing usages of the deprecated `features.ShouuldResourcesBeImported()`
* new resource `azurerm_spring_cloud_certificate` (#8067)
* fix bug
* introduce IDFormatter
* go mod vendor & tidy (after merging master)
* resolve review comment (except introducing IDFormtter)
* added new service_delegations
* Update changelog for #8233
* `azurerm_
*.zone` - can no longer be passed in as empty (#8233)
* update docs
* allow SocketAddr to be used as a match_variable
* add source control special case for ADO controlled apps
* Add tests for ultra_ssd_enabled.
* fix build error...
* updating to include #8240
* remove migration from data source and resolve a self reference
* Update code
* add migration logic to cdn profile/endpoint, both managed and data resources
* Refactor and add id formatters for compute RP
* conform to the Formatter style
* Add example for storage container
* `azurerm_cnd_endpoint` - Standardize the resource ID to be case sensitive
* Update code
* Update doc for site property of azurerm_bot_channel_directline
* Update changelog for #6667
* `azurerm_
*_virtual_machine_scale_set` - `upgrade_mode=\"Automatic\"` no longer requires health probe (#6667)
* sorting alphabetically
* updating to include #8217
* updating to include #8151
* updating to include #8111
* updating to include #8221
* Update dedicated_host_resource.go
* locations: patching the india location names
* update
* updating to include #8210
* Omit redundant default attribute
* updating to include #8212
* Fix \'Invalid address to set\' error with azurerm_app_service data source and subnet IP restriction (#8211)
* Allow empty ip_addresses list for azurerm_application_gateway (#8209)
* outline unit test possiblity to run with no azure acc
* reduced entry barrier for vs csharp people #8093
* Update code
* Update code
* removing bad example
* Adding FQDN documentation for destination_address rule_collection
* refactor: removing usages of the old feature toggle
* Update changelog for #8189
* Remove network configuration from update payload (#8189)
* Update changelog for #8124
* `azurerm_shared_image` - Support for `purchase_plan` #8124
* Cleanup after v2.24.0 release- from version 2.24.0
* updating to include #7976
* updating to include #8172
* fixing #7886
* Update azurerm/internal/services/network/lb_outbound_rule_resource.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/network/lb_rule_resource.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/network/lb_rule_resource.go
* updating to include #8173
* Update code
* docs: removing ambiguous usages of \'Resource ID\'
* Update website/docs/r/cosmosdb_gremlin_graph.html.markdown
* Update cosmosdb_gremlin_graph.html.markdown
* update
* update
* Update website/docs/r/synapse_spark_pool.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/synapse_spark_pool.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/synapse_spark_pool.html.markdown
* refactor bigdatapoolclient to sparkpoolclient
* rename \"azurerm_synapse_big_data_pool\" to \"azurerm_synapse_spark_pool\"
* Make update of allow_extensions_operations independent from provision_vm_agent.
* Update code
* Add example for vmss with loadbalancer probe
* Update #7886
* Updating to include #7886
* part of #7406
* `azurerm_network_connection_monitor` add resource document (#8155)
* r/frontdoor_custom_https_configuration: setting `resource_group_name`
* refactor: adding import time validation
* refactor: adding validation it\'s a Load Balancer ID being passed in
* refactor: passing ctx/client into the retrieveLoadBalancerById method
* refactor: retrieveLoadBalancerById now takes the ID
* refactor: removing the legacy parseID method
* r/loadbalancer_rule: switching to use a consistent id parsing method
* r/loadbalancer_probe: parsing using a consistent method
* r/loadbalancer_outbound_rule: parsing using a consistent id func
* r/lb_nat_rule: switching to use specific ID parsers
* r/lb_nat_pool: switching to use specific ID parsers
* r/loadbalancer_backend_address_pool: using a consistent ID parser
* loadbalancers: adding an ID parser
* updating to include #8146
* updating to include #8006
* linting
* pr comments
* fixing the assertion
* frontdoor: moving the customizeDiff out
* r/frontdoor_https_configuration: ensuring the Frontend Endpoint ID is consistent
* typo
* r/frontdoor: ensuring the ID is consistent at import time
* r/frontdoor_custom_https_configuration: validating the ID is the correct case at import time
* frontdoor: tests for the ID Parsers
* r/frontdoor: rewriting the ID\'s to ensure they\'re consistent
* r/frontdoor_firewall_policy: moving the validation tests over
* docs: removing conflicting terms
* r/frontdoor_firewall_policy: location is computed
* r/frontdoor: renaming the test files to match the resources
* r/frontdoor: helps if you set the field
* r/frontdoor: adding a state migration to fix the I
* r/frontdoor_firewall_policy: adding a state migration for the ID
* resource-group: deprecated shouldn\'t be forcenew
* r/frontdoor: exposing the correct resource id during a requires import error
* r/frontdoor: fixing a bug in the id formatters
* r/frontdoor_custom_https_configuration: adding a state migration to patch the ID
* r/frontdoor_custom_https_configuration: fixing the docs
* r/frontdoor_custom_https_configuration: ensuring CU calls Read and deprecating `resource_group_name`
* r/frontdoor_firewall_policy: refactoring
* r/frontdoor
*: adding import-time validators to check the ID is in the correct format
* r/frontdoor_custom_https_configuration: fixing the id parsing
* firewall: placeholders to check the implementations are valid
* refactor: making the helper methods private now this is within the package
* r/frontdoor_firewall_policy: switching to use a consistent id formatter
* r/frontdoor: fixing an issue where the checkdestroy function was checking the wrong resource name
* r/frontdoor: switching to use the parser method for read/delete
* r/frontdoor: refactoring to use the ID parsers/formatters
* refactor: ditching the frontdoor prefix
* r/frontdoor: removing dead code
* r/frontdoor: refactoring the backend pool method
* refactor: moving the frontdoor helpers into the frontdoor package
* r/frontdoor: refactoring the backendpool flatten methods
* r/frontdoor: switching the frontendEndpoints to use the custom parsers
* r/frontdoor: adding parsing functions
* internal/resourceid: adding an interface for Resource ID Rewriting
* Update example for base64 of azurerm_automation_certificate
* moving 2.20 - 2.11 into this file
* moving 2.20 to the changelog-2 file
* updating to include #8110
* Fix rendering
* Update code
* updating to include #8152
* fixes regression related to #7879
* azurerm_lb: update document about `zones`
* Use d.Get to set PRIVATE_EMPTY of azurerm_container_group
* Update changelog for #8148
* `azurerm_storage_account` - switch logic to be if not public cloud instead of if us government cloud #8148
* Add example for vnet gateway
* Updated for #7617
* Add oauth2_authorization and openid_authentication (#7617)
* Update docs
* Add tests
* Update doc for fqdn_tags of azurerm_firewall_application_rule_collection
* Corrects placement of the `source_image_reference` argument block.
* fixing unnecessarily aliased imports
* Cleanup after v2.23.0 release- from version 2.23.0
* format
* add doc and test for function app slot swift virtual network connection
* updating to include #8092
* fixes #7812 and #8083
* update for #8100
* Remove mariadb virtual network rule subnet endpoint check (#8100)
* `azurerm_servicebus_queue` - fix typo in documentation (#8098)
* Update api-version
* Update doc according to the latest documentation of azure
* update for #7904
* new resource for `azurerm_synapse_firewall_rule` (#7904)
* Test fix `TestAccDataSourceAzureRMImage_basic` (#8087)
* update for #7763
* New resource - azurerm_integration_service_environment (#7763)
* refactor: moving the automation validation functions into that package
* subscription: duplicating/removing the missing schema
* cosmosdb_account: switching to use the new method directly
* refactor: moving the datalake validation helpers into the datalake validation package
* kusto: refactoring the identity helpers
* refactor: moving the container group ports schema into containers
* refactor: moving the cors_settings into the web package
* fixing the build
* helpers/azure/hdinsight -> services/hdinsight
* helpers/kubernetes -> internal/services/containers/kubernetes since this is the only usage
* helpers/set: removing dead code
* helpers/common/arrays -> internal/locks - since this is the only usage
* Update for #7945
* App Service refactor and feature alignment (#7945)
* Update code
* updating to include #7894
* Update code
* Add example for azurerm_network_interface_application_security_group_association and azurerm_virtual_machine
* Update additional capabilities.
* update for #8059
* Update `azurerm_mysql_server` - Add `identity` support (#8059)
* update for #8026
* New resource type: azurerm_redis_linked_server (#8026)
* update for #8028
* Remove computed attribute for endpoint and route of azurerm_iothub (#8028)
* update for #7995
* `azurerm_monitor_metric_alert_resource`: keep using SingleResourceMultiMetricCriteria for legacy metric alerts (#7995)
* update for #7981
* `azurerm_mysql_server` `threat_detection_policy` refresh plan is not empty (#7981)
* update for #7953
* `azurerm_data_factory_dataset_delimited_text` - fix issue with property `azure_blob_storage_account` (#7953)
* update CHANGELOG for #8044
* Update `azurerm_postgresql_server` - Add identity support (#8044)
* app_service: adding functions with RBAC role assignment example to docs (#8075)
* update for #7846
* Update `azurerm_traffic_manager_profile` - Updating of the profile no longer destroys all the endpoints (#7846)
* update for #8061
* Remove case diff suppress for property rule_type of azurerm_application_gateway (#8061)
* update for #7821
* Update `azurerm_orchestrated_virtual_machine_scale_set` - Remove the validation for `single_placement_group` (#7821)
* updating to include #8065
* app_service: adding functions basic example to docs
* Fix SharedImage Tests
* Upgrading containerservice API to 2020-04-01 to support new features
* updating to include #8000
* updating to include #7975
* typo
* updating to include #8045
* features: moving the ShouldRequireResourcesToBeImported toggle into the deprecated file
* r/kubernetes_cluster: removing use of a deprecated feature toggle
* updating to include #8041
* authorization: removing use of the requiresimport toggle
* batch: removing usage of the requires-import toggle
* apimanagement: removing usage of the requiresimport toggle
* applicationinsights: removing the unused feature toggle
* appconfiguration: removing the unused feature toggle
* feature/require-imports: removing redundant feature-flags checks
* updating to include #8062
* Goimports
* Identity cannot be removed
* vhub creation wait for routing provision
* Add test cases and docs
* First implement of identity
* Fix location of delivery rules in cdn_endpoint resource
* Updates
* Updates after review
* Updated for #5688
* Allow setting target subnet and static IP on failover (#5688)
* updating to include #8042
* formatting
* allow \"global\" for enhanced location validation
* update code
* Add lock for iothub while operating iothub consumer group
* update for #7890
* update for #7890
* `azurerm_storage_account` - Support `static_website` for `BlockBlobStorage` account type (#7890)
* Cleanup after v2.22.0 release- from version 2.22.0
* update for #8017
* azurerm_iothub_shared_access_policy - prevent primary_connection_string & seconday_connection_string from regenerating (#8017)
* update for #8020
* Add signed_version attribute to azurerm_storage_account_sas (#8020)
* update for #7990
* update for #8016
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_account` support `DisableRateLimitingResponses` for the `capabilities` property (#8016)
* updating to include #8029
* update for #7879
* `azurerm_storage_account` - Support for `min_tls_version` (#7879)
* refactor flatten func for key vault certificate data source
* azurerm_servicebus_queue - reorder schema
* azurerm_servicebus_queue - format documentation
* azurerm_servicebus_queue - sync variables with argument names
* azurerm_servicebus_queue - add status argument
* azurerm_servicebus_queue - add enable_batched_operations argument
* azurerm_servicebus_queue - add forward arguments
* Changed: note regarding ip rules for Azure service from the same region as storage account is was added.
* Updatesdoc for resource_group_name property of azurerm_private_dns_a_record.
* `azurerm_mysql_server` Sku Tier `Basic` doesn\'t support `infrastructure_encryption_enabled` (#7997)
* Update doc for resource_group_name property of azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link (#7998)
* Fix teamcity diff that shows up every time build the provider (#8013)
* Use API version 2020-03-01 for Loadbalancer
* Improve VM stopping/deallocating before updating.
* Update api-version from 2017-12-01 to 2020-01-01
* Make
* Change api-version from 2017-12-01 to 2020-01-01
* A workaround for issue #7253 and #7957
* Update doc for fqdn of azurerm_dns_a_record
* Mode can be changed in-place
* update CHANGELOG for #7933
* dependencies: updating to v44.2.0 of (#7933)
* Fix for #3967
* Cleanup after v2.21.0 release- from version 2.21.0
* Test Fix: `data.azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_categories_acctest` #7970
* azurerm_network_security_rule: adds a feature flag to disable locking (#7956)
* update for #7727
* New resource: azurerm_dedicated_hardware_security_module (#7727)
* Documentation: `azurerm_app_service_hybrid_connection` - `send_key_name` #7961
* `azurerm_api_management_backend` fix acctest `TestAccAzureRMApiManagementBackend_serviceFabric` (#7939)
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_account` fix all acctests (#7915)
* update to include #7916
* Use getOK to get qna_runtime_endpoint for azurerm_cognitive_account (#7916)
* `azurerm_advanced_threat_protection` fix acctests (#7919)
* Update doc for default_ttl_seconds of azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_collection (#7942)
* Update all deprecated azurerm_subnet address_prefix examples (#7897)
* monitor_diagnostic_setting: fix acctest (#7959)
* Test Fix: `data.azurerm_batch_pool` #7940
* Test Fix: `azurerm_action_group` #7941
* Update changelog for #7943
* `azurerm_app_service_plan` - update the relation between `kind` and `reserved` (#7943)
* Doc fix: `azurerm_key_vault_access_policy` #7944
* Updated changelog for #7901
* `azurerm_api_management_identity_provider_aad` - Support for `signin_tenant` #7901
* Update changelog for #7874
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - Updates no longer fail when using managed AAD integration (#7874)
* Update for #7927
* AKS - allow in-place upgrade from free to paid sku_tier (#7927)
* Data source `azurerm_backup_policy_vm` fix acctests (#7920)
* Update changelog for #7911
* Dependency: update go-azure-helpers to v0.11.2 (#7911)
* azurerm_virtual_network - update docs for address_space is no longer force new (#7893)
* example for azure monitoring (#7701)
* created securitygroup and virtual network azure using terraform (#7884)
* update for #7555
* `azurerm_automation_job_schedule` needs to be recreated after `azurerm_automation_runbook` is updated (#7555)
* update for #7817
* Remove minItem for zone in firewall (#7817)
* `azurerm_api_management_user` fix test `complete` (#7866)
* Update doc for event_time_to_live property of azurerm_eventgrid_event_subscription (#7883)
* update CHANGELOG for #7840
* New data source `azurerm_data_share_dataset_data_lake_gen1` (#7840)
* update for #7311
* `azurerm_app_service_slot` - support `application_logs.file_system` (#7311)
* update for #7824
* azurerm_automation_runbook - allow invalid publish_content_links (#7824)
* update to include #7871
* azurerm_eventgrid_event_subscription - deprecate topic_name (#7871)
* update for #7859
* `azurerm_function_app_slot.site_config` - support for `auto_swap_slot_name` (#7859)
* Add basic azurerm_servicebus_subscription_rule sql_filter validation (#7855)
* update to include #7852
* azurerm_servicebus_subscription - support status property (#7852)
* Update spacing for #7877 (#7878)
* update to include #7819
* `azurerm_api_management_named_value` value to be sensitive (#7819)
* add notes about `skip_credentials_validation` (#7823)
* azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy - Corrected exclusion \"match_variable\" (#7842)
* update to include #7847
* Remove unsupported sku from iothub dps (#7847)
* `azurerm_api_management_product_api` fix test `requiresImport` (#7863)
* `azurerm_api_management_property` fix test `update` (#7864)
* Update `azurerm_linux|windows_virtual_machine` - fix validation of the data disk size (#7816)
* azurerm_storage_account_network_rules - Note regarding small /31 and /32 IP ranges in ip_rules was added. (#7869)
* azurerm_storage_share - added note to clarify valid permission order in share ACL (#7872)
* `azurerm_api_management_subscription` fix test `requiresImport` #7865
* Update changelog for #7867
* `azurerm_search_service` Add `publicNetworkAccess` and update api-version to `2020-03-13` #7867
* Update changelog for #7838
* `azurerm_monitor_scheduled_query_rules_alert` - Remove default from `action.0.custom_webhook_payload` (#7838)
* Cleanup after v2.20.0 release- from 2.20.0
* Update website/docs/r/container_registry.html.markdown
* Updated for #7517
* update
* update
* Update doc for georeplication_locations property of container registry
* Make it clearer that request path is required for both http and https (#7860)
* Doc Fix: `azurerm_mysql_firewall_rule` Allow access to Azure services example (#7850)
* Update changelog for #7835
* `azurerm_monitor_autoscale_setting` - Fix crash in `notification` #7835
* updating to include #7511
* fixes #6480
* updating to include #7498
* fixes #6057
* update vendor
* update
* add `soft_delete_retention_days` support for `azurerm_key_vault`
* update
* update vendor
* add support for setting aad admin
* update based on Jeffrey\'s suggestion
* update
* update
* update
* new resource and data source for `azurerm_synapse_workspace`
* Update changelog for #7814
* `azurerm_cosmos_db_account` - add support for `enable_free_tier` (#7814)
* update to include #7784
* azurerm_storage_account default allow_blob_public_access to false (#7784)
* go mod tidy && go mod vendor
* modify per review
* upgrade network to 2020-05-01 for vhub(conn) & vwan
* Copyediting: remove spurious aprostrophes in possessive \"its\" (#7806)
* update to include #7597
* Update Azure Cosmos DB API to to 2020-04-01 from 2015-04-08 (#7597)
* Update changelog for #7520
* New Resource: `azurerm_kusto_cluster_customer_managed_key` (#7520)
* `azurerm_storage_share_directory` - Update error message for invalid storage share directory name #7791
* Update changelog for #7789
* `azurerm_application_gateway` Fix crash with `gateway_ip_configuration` #7789
* Updated for #7774
* update changelog for #7783
* Fix crash in private dns zone data source (#7783)
* updating to include #7737
* Cleanup after v2.19.0 release- from version 2.19.0
* Updated for #7754
* Update for #7680
* correct tz string in update test
* restored validation with correct values from reference source
* Update for #7753
* added nil and empty check for id
* Update for #7159
* Updated for #7776
* feedback updates
* Update azurerm/internal/services/network/express_route_circuit_peering_resource.go
* nil check route filter before set
* Update for #7725
* Fix for #2880
* update
* make goimports
* update policy assignment resource for PR #7725
* Update azurerm/internal/services/policy/policy_assignment_resource.go
* update changelog for #6341
* Support route filters for Microsoft peering (new resource azurerm_route_filter) (#6341)
* Update changelog for #7768
* provider: no longer auto register the Microsoft.StorageCache RP (#7768)
* Test Fix: Change `CdnEndPoint` host_name (#7755)
* Update doc for ip_rules of storage account (#7660)
* bump go version to 1.14.5
* drop back one point release for goenv support
* Update validation for timezone of azurerm_automation_schedule
* azurerm_express_route_circuit: fix acctest (actually a bug)
* typo
* Rename/complement test for application insight web test criteria
* update policy assignment test
* fix policy assignment markdown
* fixing linter errors for policy assignments
* minor code/doc change
* update
* Update changelog for #7745
* `azurerm_local_network_gateway`- `address_space` order can now be changed #7745
* Update changelog for #7749
* `azurerm_
*_virtual_machine` - `allow_extensions_operations` can now be updated #7749
* go: bumping to 1.14.5 (#7746)
* update as per feedback from the PR
* updating to include #7740
* updating to include #7739
* provider: metadata_url -> metadata_host
* update
* fix consistent naming allow_blob_public_access
* updating to include #7703
* Add property allow_blob_public_access to azurerm_storage_account
* sas_token is not returned, ignore it in verify state test step
* feature/enhanced-validation: reusing the value
* docs: updating to say 2.20
* feature/enhanced-validation: enabling by default
* s/high_business_impact_workspace/high_business_impact/
* 1. fix TC bug 2. check whether two dns zone have the same name
* updating to include #7706
* updating to include #7734
* updating to include #7731
* refactor expand method. fix TC: `withoutAuth`
* update
* Update policy assignment for PR 7725
* Fix TC for NetApp (#7693)
* azurerm_private_link_service_endpoint_connections: fix acc test (#7728)
* azurerm_vpn_server_configuration: fix acctest (#7730)
* update to include #7510
* Update `azurerm_orchestrated_virtual_machine_scale_set` - Add proximity placement group support (#7510)
* azurerm_virtual_hub_connection: fix acctest
* s/hbi_workspace/high_business_impact_workspace/
* Update Changelog for #7628
* `azurerm_mssql_database` `elastic_pool_id` remove forcenew (#7628)
* azurerm_network_interface_application_security_group_association fix documentation example (#7719)
* Add metadata_url support for acceptance testing (#7721)
* updating to include #7690
* updating to include #7713
* Fir message formatting
* update changelog for #6586
* Update iot_time_series_insights_access_policy.html.markdown (#7705)
* virtual_network_gateway_connection: add traffic_selector_policy block and tests (#6586)
* Fixed string interpolation syntax to new version (#7718)
* Update for #7179
* Deprecation doc
* Deprecation doc
* Deprecation doc
* Deprecation messages
* Deprecation messages
* Deprecation messages
* grouping changes
* updating to include #7714
* tweaked polling intervals for retry
* switch share create retry to custom poller
* switch containter create retry to custom poller
* Updated for #7307
* disable Kubernetes Dashboard addon configuration in Azure China
* hbi_workspace with integration tests
* azurerm_virtual_hub: fix acc test and make the `address_prefix` as `ForceNew`
* updated policy_assignment test for metadata
* Make changes to compile
* Malr RServer and MLService as deprecated
* Mark Storm as deprecated. Fix requireImports test
* Property for hbi_enabled with ML Workspace
* Move Spark tests to 4.0
* Move Kafka tests to 4.0
* modify per review
* update
* update import func
* Move Interactive Hive tests to 4.0
* update for #7635
* `azurerm_machine_learning_workspace`: fix acctests (#7635)
* update to include #7616
* dependencies: updating to v44.0.0 of (#7616)
* update to for #7689
* azurerm_managed_disk - increase the maximum disk_size_gb to 65536 GB. (#7689)
* fix tests for DNS records (#7679)
* Data source `azurerm_shared_image_version` - Fix acc tests (#7684)
* Move HBase tests to 4.0
* `azurerm_api_management_openid_connect_provider` fix to pass all acctests (#7675)
* `azurerm_api_management_product_policy` fix to pass all acctests (#7674)
* Fix TC for TestAccAzureRMAutomationModule_multipleModules (#7678)
* `azurerm_api_management_authorization_server` fix acctest complete (#7683)
* update changelog for #7018
* azurerm_policy_set_definition: support `policy_definition_reference_id` (#7018)
* Move Hadoop tests to 4.0
* add validation for notification Hub Id
* updating to include #7612
* update tests
* azurerm_route: fix acctest
* lint fix in doc
* Fix CI
* update
* add metadata to policy assignment resource
* Fix managed disk data source tests
* update
* Cleanup after v2.18.0 release- from version 2.18.0
* Update automation_credential.html.markdown (#7671)
* update for #6943
* Update `azurerm_policy_set_definition` - deprecate `management_group_id` in favour of `management_group_name` to align behaviour in `azurerm_policy_definition` (#6943)
* update to inclue #7621
* new resource: azurerm_mysql_active_directory_administrator (#7621)
* update for #7348
* azurerm_cosmosdb_account - support ignore_missing_vnet_service_endpoint (#7348)
* update to include #7622
* r/eventhub_namespace_authorization_rule: adding a second state migration (#7622)
* Update changelog for #7664
* `metadata_url` can be used to obtain an environment from a specific url (#7664)
* Refactor - Update disk encryption set related tests on `azurerm_linux|windows_virtual_machine_scale_set` (#7552)
* Fix TC for TestAccDataSourceAzureRMManagedDisk_basic_withUltraSSD (#7624)
* azurerm_template_deployment: fix test (#7629)
* azurerm_loadbalancer_outbound_rule: fix acctest (#7630)
* azurerm_express_route_gateway: fix acctest (#7632)
* `azurerm_sql_database` fix to pass all acctests (#7633)
* azurerm_stream_analytics_job: fix data source test (#7634)
* Fix TC for Application Insights (#7631)
* azurerm_network_service_tag: fix acctest (#7649)
* Update doc for destination_address_prefix property of network security rule (#7659)
* `azurerm_image` - Fix acc tests (#7654)
* `azurerm_api_management_identity_provider_twitter` fix to pass all acctests (#7653)
* `azurerm_api_management_identity_provider_google` fix to pass all acctests (#7648)
* `azurerm_api_management_identity_provider_microsoft` fix to pass all acctests (#7647)
* `azurerm_api_management_identity_provider_facebook` fix to pass all acctests (#7646)
* `azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set_extension` - Fix acc tests (#7644)
* Test Fix: `azurerm_application_gateway`: remove checks for set attributes #7627
* Resource `azurerm_shared_image_version` - Fix acc tests (#7643)
* fix the rest `requiresImport` test for RP: streamAnalytics (#7641)
* `azurerm_sql_virtual_network_rule` fix acctest `TestAccAzureRMSqlVirtualNetworkRule_multipleSubnets` (#7640)
* update to include #7345
* `azurerm_api_management_api_operation_policy` fix to pass all acctests and fix raw xml issue (#7639)
* fix test for `azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_blob` (#7638)
* fix test for `azurerm_stream_analytics_reference_input_blob` (#7637)
* Fix requiresimport test for RP: stream analytics (#7636)
* Update doc for the reserved field of app service plan (#7661)
* update to include #7650
* Fix TC for TestAccAzureRMApplicationInsightsAPIKey_requiresImport (#7650)
* Updated for #7363
* Updated for #7045
* Update for #7484
* Update monitor_diagnostic_setting.html.markdown
* linting
* fix duplicate lines from rebase
* Added deprecation note to old version of resource
* Kusto Database Principal Assignment Support
* Update changelog for #7377
* New Resource: `azurerm_kusto_attached_database_configuration` (#7377)
* azurerm_application_security_group: fix import test (#7626)
* [Test Fix] azurerm_network_security_group: fix import test (#7625)
* Actually, former version of validation just worked
* Update changelog for #7374
* `azurerm_kusto_cluster` - Support `trusted_external_tenants` (#7374)
* Fix bad merbge and move extensionsClient
* Validation for log_analytics_workspace_id
* whitespace fixes
* post conflict rebase cleanup and catchup for hdinsight service
* Error messages
* Error messages
* Error messages
* Error messages
* Error messages
* Return error if disabling monitor fails
* Moved extensionsClient
* Fix typo in debug output
* Fixing linter errors
* Ensure that basic and monitor tests use the same roles
* Azure monitor doc for all hdinsight resources
* Azure monitor for Storm
* Azure monitor for Spark
* Azure monitor for Kafka
* Azure Monitor for InteractiveQuery cluster
* Aze monioor HBase cluster
* A bit of refactoring
* Documentation for hadoop
* Error message clean up
* Implement monitor changes
* Enable monitor on create
* Update for #6969
* deps
* merge conflict resolution and minor change for metastoreraw
* Get rid of GetOkExists in all hdinsight resources
* Fix typo in hbase
* Remove GetOkExists
* Documentation for external metastores
* Revert \"External metastores for MLServices\"
* Revert \"External metastores for RServer\"
* Revert \"Fix for msservices / rserver\"
* Fix for msservices / rserver
* External metastore for Storm
* Error message fixes
* EXternal metastores for Spark
* External metastores for RServer
* External metastores for MLServices
* External metastores for Kafka
* External metastores for Interactive Hive
* External metastores for HBase
* `make lint`
* r/postgresql_server: requiring the use of `ssl_enforcement` since `d.GetExistsOk` is going away
* Mark Application Gateway identity as not Computed (#7355)
* update to include #6847
* new resource \"azurerm_automation_connection\", azurerm_automation_connection_certificate`,`azurerm_automation_connection_classic_certificate`and`azurerm_automation_connection_service_pricipal` (#6847)
* Updated for #7074
* update to include #6366
* New Resource - azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_blob_[blob|storage|sfpt] (#6366)
* update to include #7156
* azurerm_mysql_server - support for `threat_detection_policy` (#7156)
* Add example for the usage of creating eventhub with dedicated cluster (#7614)
* Fixup giovanni v0.11.0 update (#7610)
* Remove redundant ForceNew
* Fix the math in my head too
* Fix eventhub validations along the way
* Update docs
* go mod tidy
* Eventhub: force new resource on zone_redundant change
* Error messages
* Error messages
* Error messages
* Error messages
* Error messages
* Error messages
* update changelog for #7469
* New data source azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy (#7469)
* update changelog for #7529
* azurerm_api_management_identity_provider_aad: fix perpetual diff due to client_secret (#7529)
* updating to include #7608
* fix arg count in disappears test error message
* Update giovanni to v0.11.0
* update changelog for #7545
* azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy: `custom_rules.match_conditions` support `transforms` (#7545)
* Group OrganizationDetails data source Set()s
* Remove error return value from flattenKeyVaultCertificateIssuerAdmins
* Password will always be nil when read, so no use in setting it
* Also let flatten handle nil check in resource
* Apply suggestions from code review
* flattenKeyVaultCertificateIssuerAdmins handles nil check
* fixed disappears test
* refactor and rework for missing validation in API
* Introduce type KeyVaultCertificateIssuerID and add more nil checks
* Apply suggestions from code review
* Add acceptance test for azurerm_key_vault_certificate_issuer data source
* Remove unnecessary trailing newline
* Expand AdministratorDetails
* Use id from state except during create
* Nil checks
* Reword error messages
* Apply suggestions from code review
* Fix bad merge of datasources list
* Document account_id and org_id as Optional
* Mark account_id and org_id `Optional`
* Remove unused test method
* Fix Sprintf args in test case
* Add timeouts and clean up a bit
* Add basic acceptance test for azurerm_key_vault_certificate_issuer
* terrafmt docs
* Add missing side navigation links
* Add initial docs for azurerm_key_vault_certificate_issuer data source and resource
* Password is not read back, so exclude from data source
* Wait rather long on certificate issuance when not using self-signed certificates
* Make password Optional
* Add azurerm_key_vault_certificate_issuer
* updating to include #7600
* Update syntax for address_prefix (#7605)
* Further clarify docs
* Update
* `azurerm_kusto_cluster` - Support for `optimized_auto_scale` (#7371)
* Clarify documentation
* Remove incorrect validatefunc
* update changelog for #7580
* azurerm_application_gateway: Associate WAF policy to Application Gateway listener (#7580)
* updating to include #7579
* Update doc for the usage of network_rule_set of container registry (#7258)
* dependencies: updating `` to `v1.13.1`
* Docs - Scale set overprovision default is true (#7592)
* missing comma from settings list
* update changelog for #7559
* updating to include #7548
* Reverted back 1.0 and updated docs
* update
* updating to include #7585
* acctest: using the root/checkout, rather than working directory
* updated for #5916
* fix slot import test data
* fix slot import test config
* typo in test name prefix
* virtualwan related resource still uses 2020-03-01 version
* Docs fixes for AzureAD migration guide (#7576)
* virtualhub related resource still uses 2020-03-01 version
* acctest: specifying the full path to terraform
* Update eventgrid_event_subscription.html.markdown (#7575)
* testing: downloading terraform core prior to test runs
* Removed 1.0 version
* Added new 0.1 version to WAF managed_rule_set to support Microsoft_BotManagerRuleSet creation in tf
* update import path
* Fix typo in SlotVirtualNetworkSwiftConnectionId type\'s name
* update CHANGELOG>.md to include #7421
* azurerm_kusto_cluster - support for language_extensions (#7421)
* update to include #7378
* Fix #7376 - azurerm_storage_data_lake_gen2_filesystem crashes during plan if SA deleted (#7378)
* fix ci
* Cleanup after v2.17.0 release- from version 2.17.0
* tweaked slot example, updated arg order to alphabetical
* added validation to slot name
* fixup resources and tests
* update
* Return error if disabling monitor fails
* Moved extensionsClient
* Change eventhub limits validation and update docs
* updating to include #7513
* Typo in property name, remove unnecessary if
* Update website/docs/d/eventhub_namespace.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/eventhub_namespace.html.markdown
* Update azurerm/internal/services/eventhub/eventhub_namespace_data_source.go
* Update datasource, update docs
* Update azurerm_eventhub_namespace with optional dedicated_cluster_id property
* updating to include #7531
* Update changelog for #7533
* New Resource: `azurerm_kusto_cluster_principal_assignment` (#7533)
* updating to include #7534
* updating to include #7547
* Set property during read too
* updating to include #7546
* formatting
* clarifying where the enabled property lives
* updating to include #7387 & formatting the changelog
* fixes not waiting for createOrUpdate #7539
* dependencies: updating to v43.2.0 of
* Refined docs for shared image
* Update Migrating to AzureAD Provider guide for Terraform v0.12 (#7526)
* Fix typo in debug output
* Indentation.
* Update website/docs/r/web_application_firewall_policy.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/web_application_firewall_policy.html.markdown
* Removed settings values.
* Changed intervals for validation.
* Update code
* Update code
* update based on suggestion
* Add tests
* Update website/docs/r/eventhub_namespace.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/d/eventhub_namespace.html.markdown
* fmt
* Update eventhub_namespace for `ZoneRedundant` property
* update
* add doc and format test file
* add support for `sku_name` and `trace` for `azurerm_spring_cloud_service`
* update to include #7277
* Update `azurerm_shared_image` - flip `generalized` to `specialized` (#7525)
* Update changelog for #7515
* `azurerm_marketplace_agreement` - fix issue around import #7515
* Improve example of the usage of network_profile_id of azurerm_container_group
* Improve doc for the description of requested_service_objective_name
* Update changelog for #7523
* `data.azurerm_postgresql_server` - expose `sku_name` (#7523)
* `azurerm_shared_image` & `azurerm_shared_image_version` - support for specialized images by setting generalized to false (#7277)
* update to include #7111
* azurerm_hdinsight_
*_cluster - fix broken updaten due to api not allowing cluster to be disabled (#7111)
* Update doc example for request_timeout of application gateway (#7512)
* Initial commit
* Update code
* update test case
* update to include #7499
* refactor: cleanup some property names (#7499)
* tweak some examples (#7507)
* cleanup some example naming (#7500)
* Cleanup after v2.16.0 release- from version 2.16.0
* ordering
* removing #7408 since it\'s been reverted
* triggering travis one more time
* Replace underscores with hyphens in example service bus namespace names as underscores are not valid
* r/frontdoor: removing an unused param
* updating to include #7480
* Link to \'Microsoft Time Zone Index Values \' was changed to up to date one.
* updating to include #7473
* updating to include #7411
* updating to include #7478
* provider: adding a warning about bugs if the read timeout is over 5 minutes
* r/frontdoor: using a consistent read-timeout of 5 minutes
* updating to include #7458
* update for #4885
* azurerm_api_management_api - support for `subscription_required` (#4885)
* fixes issue-3328
* Add test for api_management path validation
* Update path validation for api management api
* fixup comments
* add retry logic on managementgroup create for roleassignment consistency issue on read
* fix linted fmt errors
* fmt
* provide more fields to test
* updating to include #7433
* fix activity log alert for Recommendation category
* Update website/docs/r/web_application_firewall_policy.html.markdown
* update to include #7373
* azurerm_kusto_cluster - supoport for zones (#7373)
* update to include #7459
* `azurerm_network_interface_security_group_association` remove itself when NIC not found (#7459)
* update to include #7456
* `azurerm_postgresql_server` - force new if `sku_name` changes tier (#7456)
* update to include #7457
* azurerm_mssql_database - support min_capacity up to 5 (#7457)
* azurerm_monitor_activity_log_alert: support `properties.recommendationType` for recommendation alerts
* update entry for #7346
* update to include #7453
* azurerm_mssql_database - support `GP_S_Gen5` SKUs up to `GP_S_Gen5_40` (#7453)
* update to include #7385
* make `ip_rules`, `virtual_network_subnet_ids` could become zero - `azurerm_storage_account_network_rules` (#7385)
* updateing entry for #7430
* update toinclue #7408
* `azurerm_frontdoor` - Fix timeout for read operation to match documentation (#7408)
* azurerm_marketplace_agreement: update doc for importing ID (#7438)
* Update dev_test_global_vm_shutdown_schedule.html.markdown (#7442)
* azurerm_frontdoor - Update documentation of redirect_type (#7449)
* updating to include #7437
* Updated for #7440
* Doc Fix: private_endpoint.html.markdown #7450
* Update changelog for #7369
* `azurerm_kusto_cluster` - Support for `virtual_network_configuration` #7369
* Updated for #7430
* Updated for #7346
* Removal of possible deprecation note, moving test definition to match code layout
* update doc
* firewall_resource: support `threat_intel_mode`
* Update code
* fix typo
* Added unit test for internal_load_balancing_mode attribute
* Update changelog for #7424
* `azurerm_role_definition` - terraform import now sets scope to prevent a force recreate #7424
* Update changelog for #7367
* `azurerm_kusto_cluster` - Support for `identity` (#7367)
* Added - ForceNew: true for internal_load_balancing_mode
* Bump autorest/azure/cli to 0.3.1 so AZURE_CONFIG_DIR is honoured
* Update doc for network_rules of storage account
* azurerm_hdinsights_
*_cluster: loosen work node count validation
* private_endpoint: fix miswordings in private_dns_zone_group section
* mysql resources: update documentation
* docs(application_gateway): clarify use of PathBasedRouting
* Added three examples for AKS: egress with UDR with Azure CNI; egress with UDR with Kubenet; private API Server.
* serverAdministratorsClient added
* fix client name
* fix resource client name
* fix ServerAdministratorResource reference
* navigation link added
* add aad admin for azurerm_postgresql_server
* Formatted doc.
* Formatted files.
* typo
* Cleanup after v2.15.0 release- from version 2.15.0
* revert to Unreleased state
* v2.15.0
* update toinclude #7188
* Update
* Doc Fix: Add note for Storage Documentation when Creating HNS Enabled (#7400)
* Update changelog for #7372
* `azurerm_kusto_cluster` - Support for extended Kusto Cluster SKUs #7372
* updating to include #7246
* fixes #6571
* Update the compute service api-version from 2019-07-01 to 2019-12-01 (#7101)
* Update changelog for #7375
* `azurerm_kusto_cluster` - Support for `enable_purge` #7375
* Doc Fix: use proper url for importing azure virtual machine #7399
* Updated for #7107
* Updated for #6713
* Support for certificate attributes
* Update for #6955
* update
* Update changelog for #7382
* `azurerm_storage_share_directory ` - `name` can now contain one nested directory #7382
* update to include #6845
* Update data source `azurerm_management_group` - support get data source of mgmt group by using `display_name` (#6845)
* Update interpolation syntax (#7361)
* \"state\" only allows \"Disabled\" or \"Enabled\". (#7364)
* Updated the example SQL DB name to not say \"mysql\" (#7362)
* Rename to azurerm_app_service_slot_virtual_network_swift_connection
* Extract ID parsing into a function
* Fix acceptance test
* Retain correct slot name
* Rename Tests for TestAccAzureRMAppServiceVirtualNetworkSwiftConnectionSlot
* Add missing side navigation link
* Fix sprintf number of args
* Nicer examples
* Remove CHANGELOG entry
* Adds Resource azurerm_app_service_virtual_network_swift_connection_slot
* add retry and update some documents
* app_service_environment resource - allow for the argument
* Add link to `app_settings` values reference (#7304)
* Update changelog for #7331
* `azurerm_policy_assignment` - added support for `enforcement_mode` (#7331)
* update to include #7154
* `azurerm_network_watcher_flow_log` destroy fails (#7154)
* uppdate CHANGELOG/md to include #7324
* azurerm_app_service_environment - support for user_whitelisted_ip_ranges (#7324)
* update to include #7087
* azurerm_app_service_certificate - support for hosting_environment_profile_id (#7087)
* Documentation Fix: `azurerm_virtual_network_peering` #7335
* Update changelog for #7306
* New Resource: `azurerm_eventhub_cluster` (#7306)
* update to include #6535
* New resource - azurerm_data_factory_integration_runtime_self_hosted (#6535)
* update to include #7272
* `azurerm_hdinsight_cluster` deprecate `min_instance_count` (#7272)
* update to include #6838
* Upgrade Kusto SDK to 2020-02-15 from 2019-05-15 (#6838)
* Tabs2spaces.
* Indentation.
* Removed local build stuff.
* Added three attributes to waf_policy
* Merged build files.
* Update app service example (#7332)
* Update logic_app_action_http.html.markdown (#7330)
* Fix to one missed comment.
* Updates to comments
* split into two different resources
* update to include #7296
* Declare azurerm_healthcare_service argument access_policy_object_ids as optional (#7296)
* Fix incorrect rendering of h2 after stray codeblock (#7323)
* Azure IoT Time Series Insights Reference Data Set - Correct the title in the docs (#7322)
* update to include #7263
* update to include #7273
* `azurerm_api_management_api` createUpdate change (#7273)
* Add developer_portal_url attribute on azurerm_api_management (#7263)
* acctest: fixing the compilation issue
* acctest: dynamically updating the build directory
* azurerm_network_interface: change case in import
* clear code
* ri
* updating to include #7279
* updating to include #7188
* dependencies: updating to v43.1.0 of
* dependencies: updating to v43.0.0 of
* Cleanup after v2.14.0 release- from version 2.14.0
* updating to include #7294
* Typo in GH ref #7285
* Updated for #7825
* additional doc fixes
* updating to include #7207
* doc fixes
* when callingWebHook is empty, make the field be nil, not a pointer of empty string
* updated schema sets to lists
* update
* update to include #7076
* azurerm_api_management_api``wsdl_selector` is required when content_format = \"wsdl\" (#7076)
* additional test for generated cert
* ignoring lockfiles
* kubernetes-cluster: removing the old examples
* kubernetes-cluster: adding an example for a cluster with monitoring enabled
* kubernetes-cluster: adding an example of using the network policy calico
* kubernetes-cluster: example for nodes on an internal network
* kubernetes-cluster: example for using a spot node pool
* kubernetes-cluster: updating the basic-cluster example
* adding a note covering Azure Policy
* updating to include #7233
* r/kubernetes_cluster_node_pool: making the CheckDestroy test support both the Data Source & Resource
* added kv cert ds, tests and docs
* d/kubernetes-cluster: removing the `version` field from the `azure_policy` block
* Documentation for app_service_environment resource was missing description of internal_load_balancing_mode argument
* update
* Update code
* Update code
* update
* add documentation for base_url
* Update azurerm/internal/services/bot/bot_connection_resource.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/bot/bot_connection_resource.go
* add check for available service provider - `azurerm_bot_connection`
* Update azurerm_subnet_nat_gateway_association document example usage.
* Remove preview statement
* update
* Error creating the example. (#7266)
* context fixes for state migration test panics (#7264)
* Update changelog for #7217
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_account` modifying `geo_location` no longer triggers a recreation of the resource #7217
* Update changelog for #7202
* New Resource: `azurerm_iot_time_series_insights_access_policy` (#7202)
* updating to include #7248
* Updated for #6930
* gosimple
* review fixes and amendments
* r/kubernetes_cluster: conditionally nil-ing the load balancer profile
* Update doc for resource group property of traffic manager endpoint
* Updated for #7224
* Update changelog for #7112
* New Resource: `azurerm_iot_time_series_insights_reference_data_set` (#7112)
* update #7211
* Azure policy rest version bump to 2019-09-01 (#7211)
* (d|r)/kubernetes_cluster: `version` is no longer applicable for `azure_policy`
* review comment changes
* r/kubernetes_cluster_node_pool: fixing the test `TestAccAzureRMKubernetesClusterNodePoolDataSource_basic`
* r/kubernetes_cluster: conditionally setting the `managed_outbound_ip_count`, `outbound_ip_address_ids` and `outbound_ip_prefix_ids` fields\"
* linting
* r/kubernetes_cluster: supporting delta-updates for the `load_balancer_profile` block within the `network_profile` block
* r/kubernetes_cluster: fixing the key vault test
* r/kubernetes_cluster: fixing pr comments
* r/kubewrnetes_cluster: keeping the linter happy
* terrafmt
* cleanup
* New Data Source: `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool`
* r/kubernetes_cluster: fixing the broken assertion
* r/kubernetes_cluster: fixing a test assertion
* r/kubernetes_cluster: only searching for system node pools
* d/kubernetes_cluster: fixing a test compilation issue
* r/kubernetes_cluster: always setting the `idle_timeout_in_minutes` field
* r/kubernetes_cluster: fixing the test TestAccAzureRMKubernetesCluster_diskEncryption
* r/kubernetes_cluster: updating the versions being used for testing
* r/kubernetes_cluster: fixing the test TestAccAzureRMKubernetesCluster_addonProfileAzurePolicy
* r/kubernetes_cluster: updating the field name to match the schema
* r/kubernetes_cluster: test for azure policy v1 to v2 is combined
* r/kubernetes_cluster: node_labels and node_taints within the default_node_pool are ForceNew
* r/kubernetes_cluster_node_pool: changing node_labels/node_taints forces a new resource
* r/kubernetes_cluster_node_pool: fixing the test
* validating the `spot_max_price` and `max_bid_price` fields
* r/kubernetes_cluster: support for spot node pools
* r/kubernetes_cluster: raising an error when trying to upgrade the kubernetes version for spot node pools
* r/kubernetes_cluster: azure policy is not supported in China
* r/kubernetes_cluster: `kubernetes_dashboard` is not supported in US Government
* r/kubernetes_cluster: support for v2 of the azure policy addon
* r/kubernetes_cluster_node_pool: allowing updating of the `mode` field
* Enable AKS AAD integration v2 + SDK version bump
* d|r/kubernetes_cluster: comments from the pr
* Add support for encrypted disks in aks
* r/kubernetes_cluster_node_pool: support for configuring `mode`
* r/kubernetes_cluster: exposing the `balance_similar_node_groups` field now it\'s available
* fixing broken tests from merge conflicts
* r/kubernetes_cluster: support for the Paid SKU (a.k.a. Uptime SLA)
* dependencies: updating to use 2020-03 of the containerservice api
* r/kubernetes_cluster: grouping optional fields
* r/kubernetes_cluster: fixing pr comments
* init kubernetes_cluster auto_scale_profile
* r/kubernetes_cluster: Azure Policy is not supported in US Government. Fixes #6702.
* r/kubernetes_cluster_(node_pool): adding a note covering the version constraints for AKS
* r/kubernetes_cluster: mapping `spot_max_price` for the default node pool
* r/kubernetes_cluster_(node_pool): validating the orchestrator version prior to deployment
* r/kubernetes_cluster: comments from PR review
* tests: splitting the test dictionaries amongst the files to reduce conflicts going forward
* Add Orchestrator version for Kubernetes Cluster and Node Pool
* d/kubernetes_cluster: making all read-only properties read-only
* r/kubernetes_cluster: support for load balancer settings
* updating to include #7095
* r/eventhub_namespace_authorization_rule: adding a state migration
* Update code
* Found two typos in the examle code.
* subnet_id can\'t take the subnet name.
* GH-7227 Fix the descriptions for the subnet ID parameters in the frontend_ip_configuration and gateway_ip_configuration for the application_gateway resource.
* Extended EventGrid webhook support
* Update changelog for #7181
* `azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy` - Add support for `GeoMatch` operator in request filter #7181
* Updated for #7230
* updating to include #6971
* Update doc for max_size_gb of sql elastic pool
* Fix Linux Consumption Function Apps
* updating to include #7216
* updating to include #7182
* updating to include #7222
* update doc for `azurerm_key_vault_certificate`
* tidied requiresImport test
* updated resource file name
* udpated docs, schema ordering
* remove useless
* use correction subscriptionId
* rework of PR 5330
* Cleanup after v2.13.0 release- from version 2.13.0
* Fix nil pointer refernce for subject_filter of eventgrid
* fixed test config
* fixed PR notes and optionals
* updating to include #7141
* updating to include #7204
* refactor, tests, linting, docs
* updating to include #7203
* updating to include #7205
* formatting
* r/role_assignment: support for assigning Preview roles
* r/key_vault_certificate: always setting the `certificate_data` and `thumbprint` fields
* remove useless
* r/eventgrid_event_subscription: setting the correct field
* kt\'s review
* update to include
* new resource `azurerm_monitor_action_rule_action_group`, `azurerm_monitor_action_rule_suppression` (#6563)
* gofmt
* refactor for IDs
* logic fix
* fix error msg
* goimports lint fix
* SetId empty checks
* moved User MSI validation to msi package
* deps fix
* Added missing RP entry
* acctest cleanup
* lint fixes
* moved ua-msi parsing as per review
* tidy and fixes
* serialise assignment resource tests, fix datasource tests
* updated test for new artifacts
* updated test for new values in ds
* Added mg level test
* Update data source for consistent schema values to resource
* Subscription tests passing
* Added tests and docs
* updates
* commit for testing
* new DS, modules and some tests
* adding orchestrated vmss test
* Updated for #7189
* comment update
* alt sub for acctests client data
* re-added 500 Response workaround for CosmosDB CheckNameExists bug that has resurfaced
* Update web_application_firewall_policy.html.markdown
* Remove resource_group_name in storeage_container
* The title said \"mssql\" but this is sql page
* add retry if 409 && beingdeleted
* Update
* `azurerm_cdn_endpoint` - `origin_host_header` can now be set to empty (#7164)
* `azurerm_role_assignment` - add notes for different id format #7166
* Update changelog for #7168
* `azurerm_virtual_network_gatway` - `vpn_client_protocols` is now also computed to prevent permanent diffs #7168
* fix var name
* typo in readme, check if id is null before setting
* Update changelog for #7099
* New resource/data source `azurerm_logic_app_integration_account` (#7099)
* Updated for #7157
* Update changelog for #6224
* `azurerm_data_factory_pipeline`: Support for `activities` (#6224)
* Added example for linux function apps (#7146)
* update to include #6861
* Update Resource: Add advanced filter support to `azurerm_eventgrid_event_subscription` (#6861)
* update docs
* Updates Changelog for #7094
* `r/signalr` - adds support for `EnableMessagingLogs` feature (#7094)
* Update Changelog for #7122
* `azurerm_eventhub_authorization_rule` - Fix intermittent 404 errors (#7122)
* Update for #7059
* fix scope of name availability check in ASE hosted app services
* resolve review comment
* Azure Function Support for Event Grid Subscription
* Fix CI
* `azurerm_monitor_metric_alert` supports multiple scopes and different criterias
* updaate to include #7140
* azuerm_function_app - correctly set kind when os_type is `linux` (#7140)
* terrafmt markdown
* add to website.erb
* add scale set data source with identity
* Update docs for azurerm_disk_encryption_set
* r/dev_test_global_vm_shutdown_schedule fix doc example (#7126)
* Cleanup after v2.12.0 release- from version 2.12.0
* update to include #7080
* `azurerm_storage_account` - Support RAGZRS and GZRS `account_replication_type` (#7080)
* azurerm_public_ip - update docs wrt zone redundant IPs (#7124)
* Update `azurerm_policy_assignment` - `location` should be required when `identity` is assigned (#7075)
* Update public_ip.html.markdown (#7119)
* fix duplicate underscore
* ci
* r/nat_gateway_public_ip_association: using a custom ID / support for delta updates in `azurerm_nat_gateway` (#7106)
* fmt
* docs: fix monitor_action_group azure_function_receiver function_app_resource_id typo (#7091)
* Update
* `azurerm_shared_image_version` - `target_region.x.storage_account_type` is now defaulted and multiple `target_region`s can be added/removed (#6940)
* r1
* split blob
* acctests: fixing a missing `%`
* add 1.x and 2.x changelog files back into master
* update to include #6450
* Add virtual resource association: azurerm_nat_gateway_public_ip (#6450)
* Fix typo in docs (#7096)
* versionless cert for agw
* Update changelog for #6858
* `azurerm_eventgrid_topic` - support for `input_schema`, `input_mapping_fields`, and `input_mapping_default_values` (#6858)
* Removes preview note
* update to include #6867
* New data source: `azurerm_advisor_recommendations` (#6867)
* update to include #7079
* azurerm_logic_app_action_http: add `run_after` (#7079)
* Updated import example for EventGrid Event Subscriptions (#7088)
* updating to include #7027
* acctest: moving off the built-in test parser for now
* acctest: using teamcity-go-test for service packages
* acctest: updating the build config definition to 2020.1
* Update code
* Update code
* Update doc for access_tier of storage account
* update to include #6527
* d/azurerm_kubernetes_cluster extended with kubelet_identity and identity (#6527)
* update to include #7071
* r/api_management_api_version_set: handling changes to the Azure Resource ID (#7071)
* Use address_prefixes in azurerm_application_gateway (#7072)
* updating to include #6979
* updating to include #6968
* updating to include #7056
* Update code
* Update code
* Update code
* Fixed \'Unknown\' issuer not working
* update to include #5536
* New resource: azurerm_dev_test_global_shutdown_schedule (#5536)
* update to include #6689
* azurerm_batch_pool - support `container_image_names` property (#6689)
* Update code
* Fix validation for serivce bus topic name
* update to include #6860
* Update Resource: `azurerm_eventgrid_event_subscription` (#6860)
* update to include #7057
* Fix `azurerm_orchestrated_virtual_machine_scale_set` - `azurerm_linux|windows_virtual_machine` should allow to assign `virtual_machine_scale_set_id` in non-zonal deployment (#7057)
* update to include #7061
* azurern_[linux|windows]_virtual_machine - Correctly check the length of the rsa ssh `public_key` property (#7061)
* Clarify the content of the parameters_body argument (#7060)
* formatting
* make app_service ip_restriction priority default to 65000
* OMS Agent Identity Export
* Add note about certificate format (#7054)
* Cleanup after v2.11.0 release- from version 2.11.0
* update to include #6789
* New resource/Data Source `azurerm_data_share` (#6789)
* Update changelog for #7012
* New Resource: `azurerm_time_series_insights_environment` (#7012)
* update to include #6626
* New resource: `azurerm_orchestrated_virtual_machine_scale_set` (#6626)
* Update storage account syntax for Azure Function App (#7040)
* Fix deprecated interpolation syntax in docs (#7038)
* Fixing linter errors
* mariadb_server: add missing \'public_network_access_enabled\' argument (#7037)
* updating to include #7036
* update to include #7015
* azurerm_postgresql_server - do not attempt to get the threat protection with the basic SKU (#7015)
* fixes #7035
* Ensure that basic and monitor tests use the same roles
* Updated for #6668
* test fixes, status-403 bug changes
* update to include #7031
* azurerm_redis_cache: support new maxmemory policies `allkeys-lfu\' & \'volatile-lfu` (#7031)
* update to include #5526
* azurerm_netapp_volume - support mount_ip_addresses (#5526)
* Update for #6948
* `azurerm_platform_image` - support for `version` filter (#6948)
* updating to include #6958
* updating to include #7024
* fixing the type
* updating to include #7023
* tooling: raising an error when d.SetId(\'\') is found in a data source
* d/maintenance_configuration: raising an error when not found
* healthcare: ensuring all blocks are set
* d/hdinsight_cluster: raising an error when not found
* d/data_share_account: raising an error when not found
* d/image: raising an error when not found
* d/shared_image_version: raising an error when not found
* d/shared_image_versions: erroring when not found
* d/api_management_group: raising an error when not found
* d/private_endpoint_connection: raising an error when not found
* d/firewall: erroring when not found
* d/user_assigned_identity: erroring on a 404
* Test cases added
* Resolve comments
* azurerm_public_ip - Basic SKU in public ip does not support Availability Zone (#7017)
* Fix #6920
* update to include #6967
* `azurerm_app_service` Added support for Action of Allow or Deny in ip_restriction. (#6967)
* move analysis server tests out of tests package
* update to include #6938
* `azurerm_api_management_subscription` get Primary/Secondary Key (#6938)
* Azure monitor doc for all hdinsight resources
* Azure monitor for Storm
* Azure monitor for Spark
* Azure monitor for Kafka
* Azure Monitor for InteractiveQuery cluster
* Aze monioor HBase cluster
* azurerm_mssql_server - add public network access todocs (#7011)
* Fix example in doc for firewall nat rule (#6941)
* Update doc for access policy of storage share (#6942)
* A bit of refactoring
* Documentation for hadoop
* Error message clean up
* Implement monitor changes
* Enable monitor on create
* Update code
* base_url->key_vault_id, documentation cleanup
* mariadb_database: fix deprecated warnings in example code
* Fix spelling of namespace
* Fix documentation storage_account_name + storage_account_access_key
* whitespace fix
* fixed constructor ordering
* updating to include #6927
* updated val ordering for ClientConfiguration
* Updating repositories for mvn / teamcity
* updating to include #6964
* Added alt subscription to tc config
* updating to include #6947
* truncating the changelog
* updating to include #6973
* Update dev_test_schedule.html.markdown
* Update code
* Update code
* Fix typo in eventgrid_event_subscription.html.markdown
* databricks workspace test workspaceurl with regex
* Update doc for rule_set_type of app gateway
* Update doc for rule_set_type of app gateway
* databricks add workspace_id and url
* Update api_management_logger_resource_test.go
* fmt
* update
* Update api_management_logger_resource_test.go
* mariadb_server: remove deprecated interpolation syntax in docs (#6970)
* update to include #6727
* upgrade network to 2020-03-01 (#6727)
* New Feature: Data Factory Linked Service Key Vault Resource
* Test fix - name too short error returned for empty name
* update to include #6725
* provider: upgrade azure-sdk-for-go to v42.1.0 & azuread to v0.9.0 (#6725)
* Update doc for custom_domain in storage_account (#6947)
* Update eventgrid_event_subscription.html.markdown (#6953)
* Update doc for cosmosdb account GlobalDocumentDB connection string (#6965)
* Fix typo in resource \"azurerm_application_insights\": application_type \"Other\" -> \"other\" (#6946)
* `azurerm_postgresql_server` - Update documentation per request from service team (#6963)
* minor test fixes
* Align azurerm_sql_virtual_network_rule name validation with azure validation
* Updates
* added functionality for scm_ip_restriction - allow or deny & added to data source.
* Support \'PATCH\' method in corsRule with blob properties
* fix: eventgrid id parsers
* Added support for scm ip restrictions.
* Cleanup after v2.10.0 release- from version 2.10.0
* update to include #6682
* `azurerm_api_management_diagnostic` - support required property `api_management_logger_id` (#6682)
* Address PR comments
* Fix duplicate provider configuration in storage tests (#6748)
* update to include #6721
* azurerm_postgres_server - support for threat_detection_policy (#6721)
* azurerm_api_management - support key_vault_id\'s without a version (#6723)
* update to include #6723
* updating to include #6917
* Update for #6925
* feature: optionally enhanced validation
* Update azurerm/internal/services/authorization/role_assignment_resource.go
* Added poller to check for consistency on role assignment creation
* Fix azurerm_subnet_nat_gateway_association documentation title
* updating to include #6580
* fixes #5758
* updating to include #6916
* Fixes #6741
* add documentation for the source_image_reference block
* update to include #6833
* mysql_server: New attributes, flatten `storage_profile` block (#6833)
* update to include #6865
* mariadb_server: New attributes, flatten `storage_profile` block (#6865)
* update to include #6859
* New Resource: `azurerm_eventgrid_domain_topic` (#6859)
* update to include #6911
* `azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting` - Fix crash around `retention_policy` (#6911)
* Update doc for validation of aks (#6884)
* update to include #6783
* api_managment - support user assigned managed identities (#6783)
* update to include #6850
* azurerm_api_management - Only set `hostname_configuration` properties if not empty (#6850)
* fixes #5864 and #6763
* update to include #6601
* azurerm_express_route_circuit - de-provision and re-provision circuit when changing bandwidth reduction (#3983) (#6601)
* update to include #6724
* Support the Developer Portal type of hostname_configuration in azurerm_api_management (#6724)
* update to include #6105
* azurerm_application_gateway - support WAF Policies (#6105)
* Update changelog for #6910
* `data.azurerm_security_group` - fixing crash where id is nil #6910
* size property must not be defined if source_uri is used (#6897)
* tool: adding a check for gradually deprecated functions
* Update for #6821
* update
* update doc for `azurerm_role_assignment`
* Update import command in eventhub ns doc
* update to include #6834
* azurerm_api_management_named_value - fix the non empty plan when `secret` is true (#6834)
* Update doc for network profile of aks (#6810)
* Update changelog for #6844
* `azurerm_log_analytics_workspace` - Support `rentention_in_days` for Free Tier (#6844)
* update to include #6534
* Bug: azurerm_kubernetes_cluster errors out with InvalidLoadbalancerProfile on changes (#6534)
* updating to include #6875
* Fix case on AuthorizationRules to match Azure API
* updating to include #6871
* align on versin 41.2 of SDK
* update
* Fix fmt flag
* Fix #6830
* add type PipelineReference in trigger res
* Update per review
* ordering
* updating to include #6862
* updating to include #6864
* Update doc for traffic manager endpoint
* `SchemaResourceGroupNameForDataSource` Add `ValidateFunc`
* update to include #6846
* `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine` - Allow update of OS disk encryption settings (#6846)
* Update changelog for #6851
* `azurerm_application_insights` - `retention_in_days` defaults to 90 #6851
* fmt
* Fix typo in terraform state mv command (#6856)
* Fix crash
* update to include #6837
* Upgrade EventGrid SDK to 2020-04-01-preview (#6837)
* Updates doc for aks node pool (#6825)
* updating to include #6841
* Update changelog for #6826
* `data.azurerm_virtual_machine` - export `identity` attribute (#6826)
* Changed partition_ids from TypeSet to TypeList
* updating to include #6848
* tf format in website docs
* Added azurerm_eventhub data source to website navigation
* Fixed tflint errors
* modify regexp: escape dot
* Removed space from Event Hub in docs
* New data source azurerm_eventhub
* Fix load-balancer example with new syntax for v2.0 (#6836)
* `azurerm_automation_account` DS set its own ID
* docs: added note to `infrastructure_encryption_enabled` property (#6831)
* Update for #6822
* `azurerm_mssql_server` - Add support for `azuread_administrator` (#6822)
* Update express_route_circuit_peering.html.markdown (#6824)
* Cleanup after v2.9.0 release- from version 2.9.0
* update to include #6819
* [BUG] azurerm_redis_cache backup requires connection string (#6819)
* update to include #6813
* `azurerm_automation_runbook` - add support for create runbook as draft and then publish (#6813)
* update to include #6792
* update `azurerm_policy_assignment` - allow scopes of policy set definition without `subscription/` (#6792)
* update doc for \"azurerm_redis_cache\" (#6807)
* updating to include #6817 / formatting
* update to include #6708
* support alias connection strings for eventhub resources (#6708)
* builder: raising an error if environment is unintentionally set to \"AZURESTACKCLOUD\"
* Update for #6650
* New resource: `azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_scheduled` #6650
* Update for #6705
* Update for #6661
* Note that App Service Health Check is in Preview
* Document health_check_path on azurerm_app_service
* Add acceptance test for health_check_path
* Add health_check_path to site_config
* added todo
* update validation for new value in remoteDebuggingVersion
* fixes some broken tests
* fix broken test param for remoteDebugging
* updating to include #6786
* add note that analysis services server is started and stopped during update
* Update doc for property sku of servicebus namespace
* Update website/docs/r/virtual_hub_connection.html.markdown
* formatting
* formatting
* formatting
* address review
* updates `privatedns`
* updates `powerbi`
* updates `postgres`
* updates `portal`
* updates `policy`
* updates `network`
* updates `notificationhub`
* updates `netapp`
* updates `mysql`
* updates `mssql`
* updates `msi`
* updates `monitor`
* updates `mixedreality`
* updates `media`
* updates `mariadb`
* updates `maps`
* updates `managementgroup`
* updates `maintenance`
* updates `machinelearning`
* updates `logic`
* updates `loganalytics`
* updates `kusto`
* Updates `keyvault`
* updates `iothub`
* updates `iotcentral`
* updates `healthcare`
* updates `hdinsight`
* updates `frontdoor`
* updates `eventhub`
* updates `eventgrid`
* Update for #6769
* `azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting` - `log_analytics_destination_type` supports `AzureDiagnostics` #6769
* update to include #6701
* azurerm_eventhub_namespace_authorization_rule - lock so multiple resource updates won\'t clash (#6701)
* fmts & builds
* Updates `dns`
* Updates `devtestlabs`
* Updates `devspace`
* Updates `datashare`
* Updates `datalake`
* updates `datafactory`
* Updates `databricks`
* Updates `databasemigration`
* Updates `customproviders`
* Updates `costmanagement`
* Updates `cosmos`
* Updates `containers`
* Updates `compute`
* Updates `cognitive`
* Updates `cdn`
* Updates `bot`
* Updates `batch`
* Updates `automation`
* Updates `authorization`
* Updates `appplatform`
* Updates `applicationinsights`
* Updates `apimanagement`
* add test for updating a paused analysis services server
* Update for #6435
* updating to include #6747
* Update for #6774
* fix PR recommendations
* Update for #6624
* Changed: notes regarding configuring \'TLS termination with Key Vault certificates\' for App Gateway were added.
* Update doc for property default_action of eventhub namespace
* fix lintrest problem
* start server when it was stopped before updating it
* Update code
* add pre_warmed_instance_count
* fix comments 2nd round
* fix comments
* extra function version test
* rename filename
* init
* fix imports
* use custom hash function to not distinguish between upper- and lowercase name of a analysis services server ipv4 fw rule
* fixes panic on nil value for
* vhub_conn add doc note
* update to include #6575
* New resource/Data source `azurerm_data_share_account` (#6575)
* Added reference to bug reported on azure-sdk-for-go.
* Update for #6145
* acctests: switching to use the native runner
* minor docs update
* updating to include #6742
* r/application_gateway: ignoring an import diff with cert data/password
* updating the changelog for #6716
* updating to include #6744
* updating to include #6734
* Update resource_arm_stream_analytics_function_javascript_udf_test.go
* make dfault explicit
* Workaround for strange response code in recovery services network mappings API. Fixes issue #6026
* terrafmt for tflint compliance
* Tests for custom DiffSuppressFuncs
* Custom DiffSuppressFunc for policy definition
* support create option
* fix gofmt
* Remove empty string password check
* Add test for cert with empty password
* update max allowed priority
* changes for review feedback
* Custom metadata DiffSuppressFunc - issue #5014
* Updated for #6716
* missed a fix
* fix purge_protection keyvault tests
* acctests: hooking up ARM_CLIENT_ID_ALT and ARM_CLIENT_SECRET_ALT
* acctest: updating to v0.2.0 of tombuildsstuff/teamcity-go-test-json
* acctests: boosting the default concurrency to 20
* Cleanup after v2.8.0 release- from version 2.8.0
* Update resource doc for postgresql server (#6711)
* Update for #6707
* `data.azurerm_shared_image_version` - `name` supports `latest` and `recent` (#6707)
* Update to include #6639
* VM and VMSS validation fixes (#6639)
* simplified recovery logic
* added certificate soft-delete recovery support
* added key soft-delete recovery support
* added recovery capabilty for secrets
* update parse function
* app_service_environment: explicit resource group
* make priority computed
* update to include #6678
* azurerm_mssql_server -support `public_network_access_enabled` (#6678)
* Update changelog for #6700
* New DataSource: `azurerm_shared_image_versions` (#6700)
* managed app: managed_app_outputs -> outputs (#6704)
* add name and priority to ip_restriction for app_service
* update to include #6386
* New resource: azurerm_managed_application (#6386)
* provider: removes the import feature flag [A-D] (#6643)
* update to include #6260
* azurerm_key_vault - can now be created without subscription level permissions (fixes #6059) (#6260)
* update to include #6677
* New Resource - azurerm_mssql_server (#6677)
* Add doc/test for `O+C` && `ConfigModeAttr` attr (#6651)
* update to include #6635
* `azurerm_redis_cache` - correctly build connection strings when SSL is disabled (#6635)
* Update website/docs/r/postgresql_server.html.markdown
* fixing Argument reference in postgresql_server and Example Usage in postgresql_configuration and postgresql_database
* tooling: Provider Defined Builds
* updating to include #6604
* fixes #4558
* update CHANGELOG,md to include #6631
* mssql_elasticpool - support license_type (#6631)
* fixing example usage accodring to documentation and changes in version 3.0 of the provider
* Update doc of event namespace auth rule (#6640)
* azurerm_function_app - update example (#6653)
* Change response not found to response forbidden
* update
* healthcare: fixing TestAccAzureRMDataSourceHealthCareService_basic
* search: fixing TestAccAzureRMSearchService_complete
* signalr: fixing TestAccAzureRMSignalRService_serviceMode
* msi: fixing the broken test
* update
* update import doc for \"azurerm_network_interface_security_group_association\"
* new resource \"azurerm_maintenance_assignment\"
* Update resource_arm_mssql_database_test.go
* Update
* New resource/data source: `azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_ms_security_incident` (#6606)
* Update changelog for #6493
* `azurerm_subnet`: Support for multiple prefixes with `address_prefixes` #6493
* update to include #6630
* azurerm_application_gateway - support `host_names` property (#6630)
* Adding acctest for #3996 (#6600)
* update to include #6603
* azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting - mark retention_policy & retention_policy as optional (#6603)
* update import resource id for `azurerm_network_interface_security_group_association` (#6625)
* update to include #6596
* azurerm_express_route_circuit_peering - support customer_asn & routing_registry_name #1084 (#6596)
* update to include #6565
* azurerm_virtual_network_gateway_connection - shared_key is optional when type is IPSec (#6565)
* update to include #6126
* azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy - support managed_rules (#6126)
* update to include #6402
* Fix `azurerm_sql_database` blob auditing error under online secondary create mode (#6402)
* Update tests
* Update servicebus name validation (#6607)
* Update
* `azurerm_api_management_api` - support for openapi v3 content formats #6618
* Added test for hive only and check in reading code
* provider: pinning to Go 1.14.2
* Fix typo
* ...
* ...
* Revert \"CDN Endpoint: make origin_host_header required \" (#6583)
* Updating instead of foo to example (#6591)
* updating to include #6574 and #6589
* `azurerm_public_ip_prefix`: Update `prefix_length` validation to accept all valid IPv4 address ranges (#6589)
* `azurerm_private_endpoint`: Add support for tags (#6574)
* update to include #6479
* provider: upgrade API Management to 2019-12-01 (#6479)
* Update for #6569
* `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set` - fixes crash with `boot_diagnositics` #6569
* Update for #6570
* `azurerm_iothub_dps` - fix crash when path isn\'t cased correctly #6570
* update for #6304
* `azurerm_function_app` - Added `storage_account_id` and `storage_account_access_key` (#6304)
* provider tests: removes the requires import feature flag [L-W] (#6573)
* provider: pin golangci to 1.24 (#6577)
* provider: update terrafmt checks with make terrafmt command (#6567)
* Update for #6602
* `azurerm_api_management` - `sku_name` supports Consumption (#6602)
* Cleanup after v2.7.0 release- from version 2.7.0
* cleanup prior to release
* update to include #5769
* azurerm_api_management - support for virtual network integrati… (#5769)
* update to include #6576
* policy_assignment - allow scopes without `subscription/` (#6576)
* update to include #6590
* azurerm_mysql_server - support `public_network_access_enabled`… (#6590)
* Update `r/azurerm_(linux|windows)_virtual_machine_scale_set`: a… (#6346)
* update to include #6346
* update to include #6578
* azurerm_notification_[hub|hub_namespace] - support tags (#6578)
* Updated for #6055
* Updated for #6384
* minor PR fixups for merge
* Updated for #6476
* Update for #6511
* Use Terraform notation to improve visibility of this attribute
* Improve attribute description in docs
* Update code
* Support HyperVGeneration for shared images
* Revert \"CDN Endpoint: make origin_host_header required \" (#6583)
* Updating instead of foo to example (#6591)
* updating to include #6574 and #6589
* `azurerm_public_ip_prefix`: Update `prefix_length` validation to accept all valid IPv4 address ranges (#6589)
* `azurerm_private_endpoint`: Add support for tags (#6574)
* new resource `azurerm_spring_cloud_app`
* Fix update scenario for network interface
* update to include #6479
* provider: upgrade API Management to 2019-12-01 (#6479)
* Update for #6569
* `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set` - fixes crash with `boot_diagnositics` #6569
* Update for #6570
* `azurerm_iothub_dps` - fix crash when path isn\'t cased correctly #6570
* update for #6304
* `azurerm_function_app` - Added `storage_account_id` and `storage_account_access_key` (#6304)
* provider tests: removes the requires import feature flag [L-W] (#6573)
* Make request_routing_rule TypeSet
* Make redirect_configuration TypeSet
* provider: pin golangci to 1.24 (#6577)
* provider: update terrafmt checks with make terrafmt command (#6567)
* Fix #6452
* add #6548 back into
* update to include #6459
* Update to include #6548
* `azurerm_virtual_network_gateway` - per api requirements, `public_ip_address_id` is required (#6548)
* azurerm_postgres_server - fix #2819, #5121, #5865, #6180, #6216 (#6459)
* New resource - `azurerm_servicebus_namespace_network_rule_set` (#6379)
* updating to include #6541
* updating to include #6550
* add missing request_header_condition flatten part
* updating to include #6512
* update to include #6379
* update to include #6538
* app_service_environment - support for `location` property (#6538)
* azurerm_image - improve not found error message (#6515)
* provider tests: removes the requires import feature flag [A-K] (#6558)
* update to include #6426
* cosmosdb_mongo_collection - support `index` & `system_index` (#6426)
* update readme.MD to include #6038
* New Resource `azurerm_maintenance_configuration` (#6038)
* Fix title for azurerm_bot_channel_
* resources (#6553)
* update to include #6549
* `resource_arm_application_gateway` - Fix crash in `backend_addr… (#6549)
* `azurerm.erb` - Add migrating to renamed resource guide to side… (#6552)
* `azurerm_virtual_network_gateway` - update docs around `sku` su… (#6556)
* make origin_host_header a required field. Validation is skipped as it is done by the API/backend
* tooling/website-scaffold: inlining the usage of tags
* tooling/website-scaffold: making the tooling self-contained
* tooling/website-scaffold: fixing the build
* Fixed data source managed_disk example
* updating to include #6509
* updating to include #6504
* updating to include #6431
* remove inner check
* go mod tidy
* Linting fixes
* nameservers not returned for private zones
* New data source azurerm_private_dns_zone
* nil check all properties
* dependencies: updating the fork of Azure/go-autorest
* Cleanup after v2.6.0 release- from version 2.6.0
* updating to include #6393
* updating to include #6496
* Update azurerm/internal/services/eventhub/data_source_eventhub_namespace_authorization_rule.go
* update nat documentation
* Update azurerm/internal/services/network/validate.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/network/validate.go
* tests: ensuring that the assertions are valid/useful
* data sources: ensuring an ID is always set
* d/mariadb_server: ensuring the ID is always set
* spacing
* updating to include #5847
* updating to include #6163
* updating to include #4690
* formattting
* updating to include #6492
* ID not set when retreiving data factory fix #4827
* fix lintrest problems
* Update resource_arm_managed_disk.go
* r/cdn_endpoint: fixing up the docs
* r/cdn_endpoint: making the schema internal
* r/cdn_endpoint: ensuring the nested blocks are always set
* refactoring from PR / ensuring fields are always set
* r/cdn_endpoint: reusing the same ctx
* Fix test name conflict in resource_arm_hpc_cache_test.go (#6478)
* azurerm_mariadb_server - fix incorrect example code (#6475)
* provider: add terrafmt target to makefile to fix terraform blocks
* update to include #6455
* azurerm_network_interface: expose internal_domain_name_suffix (#6455)
* Registering the Resource Provider `Microsoft.DBforMariaDB` (#6461)
* update to include #6333
* `azurerm_function_app` - support for `pre_warmed_instance_count` (#6333)
* cdn: removing the profile
* azurerm_virtual_network - revert #6443 (#6446)
* Update data_source_api_management_test.go
* update to include #6437
* azurerm_hdinsight_
* - support for `tls_min_version ` (#6440)
* update to include #6445
* \'azurerm_virtual_network\' - add guid attribute (#2325) (#6445)
* update to include #6437
* Update to include #6443
* azurerm_virtual_network - make dns_servers TypeSet (#6443)
* mssql_database - support the `threat_detection_policy` property (#6437)
* fix based on suggestion
* update to include #6442
* azurerm_function_app - prevent a panic from an empty IPSecurity… (#6442)
* Update to include #6438
* azurerm_sql_server - support for `connection_policy` property (#6438)
* documentation: ensure all data sources and resources include th… (#6433)
* update to include #6354
* azurerm_application_insights - add disable_ip_masking property (#6354)
* Fix: add document for Support for `azurerm_sql_database` audit… (#6434)
* update to include #6305
* New data source: `azurerm_policy_set_definition` (#6305)
* provider: enable gocritic & unparam linters (#6432)
* Deprecation of private_link_enabled for enable_private_cluster
* update to include #6397
* azurerm_machine_learning_workspace - fix: #6339 sku_name (#6397)
* tests: fix various failing tests from CI (#6420)
* update to include #6275
* Update data source `azurerm_policy_definition`: Make `name` as… (#6275)
* Refactor - move the ID parsing function of VM, VM extension, VM… (#6405)
* update to include #6419
* dependancies - upgrade `Azure/azure-sdk-for-go` to `v41.2.0` (#6419)
* Cleanup after v2.5.0 release- from version 2.5.0
* terrafmt service_principal_client_secret.html.markdown
* Apim example (#6414)
* Update service_principal_client_secret.html.markdown (#6408)
* Update to include #6230
* [linux|windows]_virtual_machine - Allow update of OS disk encry… (#6230)
* Fixes title for azurerm_storage_account_network_rules
* remove identity_profile nest
* resolve comments
* updating to include #6309
* Add space between arguments in the import example
* r/kubernetes_cluster: fixing the build
* Mark identity required in the doc
* docs
* kubelet_profile added
* updating to include #6120
* small refactor of the tests
* linting
* Update sql_server.html.markdown
* r/kubernetes_cluster: fixing the userDefined test
* r/kubernetes_cluster: userDefinedRouting requires a Standard LB
* nil check for txt record values
* Add some missing `ImportStep()`s
* More thorough testing on resource update
* Improve error reporting
* Drop unnecessary var assignments
* Add navigation link for azurerm_private_dns_txt_record page
* Fix errant indent
* New resource: azurerm_private_dns_txt_record #5012
* r/kubernetes_cluster: adding a test/documentation covering `outbound_type`
* updating to include #6370
* Update data_source_subnet_test.go
* update to include #6301
* azurerm_[linux|windows]_virtual_machine - if the `priority` pro… (#6301)
* Update docs for configuring an app registration/service principal with client certificate
* Update docs for configuring an app registration/service principal with client secret
* sidebar: fixing the frontmatter
* spelling
* remove check suppression
* Bare minimal go changes to add feature for AKS outboundType
* fixing the sidebar
* r/kubernetes_cluster: making the `aci_connector_linux` & `http_application_routing` blocks cloud specific
* clarifying #6095
* updating to include #6095
* linting
* r/kubernetes_cluster: moving the `service_principal` block with the other optional props
* r/network_interface: deprecation of network_security_group_id
* r/kubernetes_cluster(_node_pool): updating the docs to handle `min_count`/`max_count` being null
* r/kubernetes_cluster: fixing the docs for the `vnet_subnet_id` field
* r/kubernetes_cluster_node_pool: explicitly requiring `null` rather than `0`
* docs: update string to replace to make example correct
* r/kubernetes_cluster: raising a \"you must update\" only when an SP & MSI are used
* r/kubernetes_cluster(_node_pool): ensuring that tags are set on the default node pool
* r/kubernetes_cluster(_node_pool): documenting an api bug around node pool tags
* dependencies: updating to `2020-02-01` of the Containers API
* Cleanup after v2.4.0 release
* r/kubernetes_cluster: flattening `tags` for the `default_node_pool`
* r/kubernetes_cluster: messaging the behavioural differences in the AKS API
* Update
* r/kubernetes_cluster(_node_pool): requiring that `min_count` and `max_count` are set to `null` not 0 when undefined
* test cleanup
* r/kubernetes_cluster: tests for updating the node count with it ignored
* r/kubernetes_cluster: fixing tests
* r/kubernetes_cluster: moving the rest of the functions into parse/validate since these now exist
* r/kubernetes_cluster_node_pool: moving the Node Pool ID to the parse package
* r/kubernetes_cluster: updating the docs
* r/kubernetes_cluster: updating the tests to use MSI by default
* r/kubernetes_cluster: conditionally specifying either the service_principal or MSI blocks
* Removing word error for error msgs
* Add validation check to destroy
* Moved CustomDiff add/fix test cases and docs
* Fix for #6235
* Update to fix 7 new test failures
* update lower bound in docs
* Added more tests
* Add test case to test list
* Updates due to API upgrade
* always set count
* Potential fix for #6020
* Modify per review
* go mod tidy && go mod vendor
* Argument block only treat argument with element of resource as block
* Fix doc
* Fix AzureRMHDInsightHadoopCluster_requiresImport
* Make metastores optional
* Support for Oozie and Ambari
* typo
* remove unnecessary changes
* cleanup
* Change of plans, improved solution
* Bonus: update of README
* Implementation of suggestions
* fix tflinter problems
* fix linter problems
* add test for delivery_rule
* add test for global_delivery_rule
* fix profile sku naming in error message
* prevent user from using delivery_rule oder global_delivery_rule in combination with a CDN profile sku other than Microsoft_Standard
* adjust documentation
* add documentation for delivery rule and global delivery rule; fix minor bugs
* Fix for terrafmt
* Add new test to aks combined tests
* Update of testcheck and linter problem
* Fix formatting
* add global delivery rule
* Support for external Hive metastore
* ad url path condition
* add url file name condition
* add url file extension condition
* add request uri condition
* add request method condition
* add request header condition
* add request body condition
* add remote address condition
* add query string condition
* convert operator to string
* add post arg condition
* allow transforms to be a list instead of single value
* add device condition
* allow multiple values for request scheme
* allow multiple values for cookies condition
* add HTTP version condition
* add cookies condition
* refactor/shorten ExpandArmCdnEndpointConditionRequestScheme function
* I hope nobody sees how I\'m fiddling around here /o\\
* Fixing test failures
* add URL Rewrite action
* Mistake in test fixed
* extract delivery rule actions and conditions into own function
* add modify response header action
* add modify request header action
* remove obsolete files
* add cache key query string action
* rename packages without underscores
* remove obsolete policy layer; make removing of rules working as well
* disable adding of duration when using BypassCache behavior
* fix not working build
* add cache expiration action to delivery_rule
* add cache expiration action
* shorten names of conditions and actions
* add method to test cache expiration duration
* fix rename of match_values to match_value; rename endpoint_delivery_policy.go
* fix problems in order to apply correctly
* fix basic issues in order to run `terraform plan`
* move actions and condition into own dir; add flatten functions for url redirect action and request scheme condition
* implement rad & update for delivery_policy
* rename delivery_rule to rule; allow max 4 rules (leave one spot for global rule)
* allow max 5 rules per delivery policy
* add endpoint delivery policy, rule, request schema condition and url redirect action
* add delivery policy rule name validation function
* bump CDN api version
* Optimize test
* changingLoadBalancerProfileConfig test added
* Adding validation function routing table name and route name (see #6053)
* Update to include #5851
* azurerm_network_watcher_flow_log - support for the`interval_in… (#5851)
* Update to include #5036
* `azurerm_sql_server` - support for the `extended_auditing_polic… (#5036)
* tidying
* features: removing the unused \"two point oh\" feature
* tests: clarifying the features block is required going forward
* r/search_service: the fields `partition_count` and `replica_count` are no longer forcenew
* tools/website-scaffold: fixing a typo
* linting
* tools: fixing an issue when scaffolding the example for a data source
* r/search_service: updating the docs
* tooling: adding the scaffold-website tool to the makefile
* d|r/resource_group: generating updated documentation
* New Tool: website-scaffolder
* wip: adding a scaffolder for resources/data sources
* Updated virtual_hub.html.markdown (#6033)
* remove obsolete policy layer; make removing of rules working as well
* disable adding of duration when using BypassCache behavior
* fix not working build
* add cache expiration action to delivery_rule
* add cache expiration action
* shorten names of conditions and actions
* add method to test cache expiration duration
* fix rename of match_values to match_value; rename endpoint_delivery_policy.go
* fix problems in order to apply correctly
* fix basic issues in order to run `terraform plan`
* move actions and condition into own dir; add flatten functions for url redirect action and request scheme condition
* implement rad & update for delivery_policy
* rename delivery_rule to rule; allow max 4 rules (leave one spot for global rule)
* allow max 5 rules per delivery policy
* add endpoint delivery policy, rule, request schema condition and url redirect action
* add delivery policy rule name validation function
* bump CDN api version
* Computed: false removed as it is default
* Changing load_balancer_profile settings to computed=false
* Wed Apr 08 2020 Update to version 2.4.0 (bsc#1168921):
* v2.4.0
* Changelog for #6321
* New Resource: `azurerm_log_analytics_datasource_windows_event ` (#6321)
* tests: fix them (#6342)
* update to include #4928
* New Resource: `azurerm_spring_cloud_service` (#4928)
* Update to include #6175
* azurerm_application_gateway: can combine include_path with targ… (#6175)
* formatting
* Update to include #6191
* New resource: azurerm_hpc_cache_nfs_target (#6191)
* 0.12: adding a tfproto5 file for releases
* miss one Name...
* lowercase name
* update to include #6276
* azurerm_management_group - deprecated and rename `group_id` to… (#6276)
* Update changelog for #6274
* azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine appeared twice
* update CHANGELOG.m to include #6266
* Update `azurerm_policy_set_definition`: Make metadata Computed… (#6266)
* Update azurerm_lb resource output docs (#6290)
* Modify code per review
* update CHANGELOG,md to include #6289
* azurerm_network_interface - always send enable_accelerated_netw… (#6289)
* update to include #6211
* New resource & data source: azurerm_managed_application_definit… (#6211)
* Remove api_server_authorized_ip_ranges note from kubernetes_cluster docs
* Cleanup after v2.3.0 release
* v2.3.0
* formatting
* Update to include #5746
* New resource `azurerm_policy_remediation` (#5746)
* Update to include #5263
* New Resource: `azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine` (#5263)
* update to include #6229
* New data source: azurerm_network_service_tags (#6229)
* updating to include #6250
* `mprop`->`props`
* validate func
* terrafmt
* new resource: azurerm_log_analytics_datasource_windows_performance_counter
* Support cluster client cert common name (#6263)
* update to include #6083
* New resource/data source: `azurerm_mssql_database` (#6083)
* tests: fix some resourcegroup names (#6247)
* Changed management policy to only send set properties
* updating to include #6242
* Update iothub_dps.html.markdown
* Remove private_link preview warning from kubernetes_cluster docs
* location: removing the duplicate Location suffix
* r/resource_group: switching over to the new Location func
* location: moving to it\'s own package/making this strongly typed
* updating to include #6162
* updating to include #6225
* updating to include #6237
* Update Changelog for #6234
* update to include #6097
* azurerm_service_fabric_cluster - support for Client Certificate… (#6097)
* Update to include #5778
* azurerm_cognitive_account - support for the `qna_runtime_endpoi… (#5778)
* goimports
* Addressing review
* r/virtual_machine_data_disk_attachment: handling the VM being deleted
* Linting
* linting
* r/managed_disk: conditional shut-down if it\'s attached & fixing tests
* r/managed_disk: conditionally restarting the vm as needed
* Update website/docs/r/managed_disk.html.markdown
* reboot a VM only on managed disk resize
* Various fixes
* Custom Resource Provider
* update CHANGELOG,md to include #5696
* New Resource: azurerm_machine_learning_workspace (#5696)
* update CHANGELOG,md to include #6233
* azurerm_sql_database - use the correct base URI for the Extend… (#6233)
* update to include #6228
* netapp_volume: allow up to 102400 MB for the storage_quota_in_g… (#6228)
* updated git diff target for linting
* make azurerm_linux_virtual_machine custom_data sensitive
* updating to include #6207
* updating to include #6214
* Update website/docs/r/hpc_cache.html.markdown
* azurerm_sql_database: extended_auditing_policy is for azurerm_sql_server
* hpc export `mount_addresses`
* update to include #5923
* azurerm_traffic_manager_profile - support for custom_header (#… (#5923)
* add test for disk_encryption_set_id modification, update docs
* provider change some more tests to .12 syntax (#6208)
* azurerm_dns_zone doc example - You can\'t have 2 public zones of… (#6165)
* Private link is now in GA (#6192)
* Update to include #6125
* azurerm_lb: Don\'t assume IPv4 IP addresses (#6125)
* tests: fix various issues found in CI (#6206)
* implement disk_encryption_set_id modification for resourceArmManagedDiskUpdate
* update toinclude #6140
* arm_public_ip: public_ips can be dynamic for ipv6 addresses (#6140)
* remove ForceNew from disk_encryption_set_id schema
* fix typo in (#6197)
* travis: conditionally running the `make lintrest` step
* update to include #6035
* new resource: azurerm_hpc_cache_blob_target (#6035)
* updating to include #6179
* Update versions of AKS in use for tests
* updating to include #6170
* use schema.TypeSet instead of schema.TypeList for ipv4_firewall_rule
* Update to reflect node pool management changes
* formatting
* updating to include #6064
* d/storage_container: using the right properties
* r/storage_share: exposing the `resource_manager_id` field
* r/storage_container: exposing the resource_manager_id field
* d/storage_container: exposing the resource manager id
* updating to include #6169
* removing the beta feedback issue now the beta has been completed
* go mod tidy
* travis: conditionally running the test, lint and tflint steps
* dependencies: updating to v0.10.0 of
* updating to include #5759
* updating to include #5981
* update to include #6134
* Updating the Azure SDK to v40.3.0 / AzureAD to v0.8.0 (#6134)
* Cleanup after v2.2.0 release
* v2.2.0
* azurerm_servicebus_subscription : Fixed default_message_ttl for… (#6127)
* update to include #5862
* azurerm_logic_app_workflow - expose computed field: `endpoint_… (#5862)
* update to include #4366
* Application Gateway support for Key Vault SSL certificate ids (#4366)
* Update database resource firewall rule docs (#6159)
* ordering
* updating to include #6133
* Update
* Update to include #5761
* azurerm_function_app - Add WEBSITE_CONTENT & WEBSITE_CONTENTAZU… (#5761)
* Update Changelog for #6131
* Addressing review
* Fix provider \"kubernetes\" link documentation for azurerm_kubern… (#6136)
* test fixes for resources in configs that were affected by 2.0 c… (#6144)
* split entry for #5391 into two lines
* update CHANGELOG,md to include #5152
* Add new resource & data source: azurerm_powerbi_embedded (#5152)
* Fix sidebar
* Updated for #5391
* Allowed subcategories
* The argument retention_daily is required
* lint
* Fix typo in the version of the Azure Provider
* probe_name is optional in backend_http_settings
* Remove resource_group_name from azurerm_storage_container
* sidebar: adding an entry for the new data source
* linting
* fixed imports post rebase
* removed deprected schema entry. Added timezone string validation
* New Data Source: `azurerm_app_configuration`
* r/app_configuration: refactoring to the split-out package structure
* Updated for #5803
* updating to include #5966
* Finishing documentation
* Testing
* update to include #5951
* New Resource: azurerm_virtual_hub_connection (#5951)
* Update to include #5049
* `azurerm_sql_database` - support for the `extended_auditing_pol… (#5049)
* fixed rule actions behaviour and added sinngle action tests
* updating to include #6108
* updating to include #6100
* linting: updating to account for the gosimple linter
* Fix azurerm_iothub_dps_shared_access_policy \'primary_connection_string\' and \'secondary_connection_string\'
* Continuation
* Changes `database` to `container`
* Working basic test
* add daily_memory_time_quota option to azurerm_function_app
* Goimports
* Refine availability set
* Start of cost management
* Update servicebus.go
* Delete servicebus_namespace.go
* Updates with TF 0.12 & Azure 2.0 requirement
* moves current namespace validation into new file
* Cleanup after v2.1.0 release
* v2.1.0
* Update
* provider: registering the Microsoft.MixedReality RP (#6071)
* gofmt
* Add required features field to the azurerm provier
* align the validation rule with the portal
* updating to include #6050
* Fix typo in acc test
* dependencies: fixing broken Nested Go Modules
* removing dead vendor links
* storage: removing the unused accounts client
* r/storage_blob: fixing the AAD tests having a duplicated provider block
* storage: switching to use the SharedKeyForAccount implementation
* dependencies: updating to:
* Update to include #5961
* azurerm_mariadb_server - mark geo_redundant_backup as ForceNew (#5961)
* Update AKS network_policy documentation (#5826)
* Cannot set max_count and min_count to zero when autoscaling is… (#6020)
* Update to include #5931
* Add tags to cluster node pools (#5931)
* Update changelog for #5531
* Update resource_arm_kubernetes_cluster_test.go
* Fix format of notes section
* Updated to include #6015
* `azurerm_frontdoor`: Upcoming RP change forces all new front door resources to be created in the `Global` location (#6015)
* Update to include #5590
* azurerm_lb - support for the `private_ip_address_version` prope… (#5590)
* Update to include #6017
* Added new data source `azurerm_servicebus_topic_authorization_r… (#6017)
* Update to include #5851
* azurerm_network_watcher_flow_log - support for the`interval_in… (#5851)
* Update to include #5036
* `azurerm_sql_server` - support for the `extended_auditing_polic… (#5036)
* r/storage_account: casting to a string
* r/storage_account: handling an empty `static_website` block being defined
* r/storage_account: accessing the data plane api\'s using Giovanni
* tidying
* Fix tests
* features: removing the unused \"two point oh\" feature
* tests: clarifying the features block is required going forward
* r/search_service: the fields `partition_count` and `replica_count` are no longer forcenew
* tools/website-scaffold: fixing a typo
* linting
* tools: fixing an issue when scaffolding the example for a data source
* r/search_service: updating the docs
* tooling: adding the scaffold-website tool to the makefile
* d|r/resource_group: generating updated documentation
* New Tool: website-scaffolder
* wip: adding a scaffolder for resources/data sources
* Updated virtual_hub.html.markdown (#6033)
* Update Changelog for #6011
* Update to include #5446
* New Resource: IoTCentralApplocation (#5446)
* Fix sidebar link
* docs: Updated `traffic_manager_profile` arguments (#6024)
* Address review
* Update to include #5995
* `azurerm_netapp_
*` - support for `tags` & add ID parsing functi… (#5995)
* provider: remove deprecated functions and other misc cleanup (#6009)
* docs: `Updates dev_test_windows_virtual_machine` example (#6013)
* Website and testing
* Start of spatial anchor accounts
* Update to include #5993
* New Resource & Data Source: azurerm_database_migration_project (#5993)
* provider: remove unnecessary locals (#6008)
* Update to include #5528
* New Resource: `azurerm_hpc_cache` (#5528)
* azurerm_network_interface_application_gateway_backend_address_p… (#5999)
* Adds a Missing Whitespace (#5997)
* azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_collection: Remove deprecated and remove… (#5996)
* rename \"Data Migration\" into \"Database Migration\" (#5994)
* Update
* azurerm_netapp_[pool|snapshot|volume] - fix import test (#5992)
* Update to include #5485
* azurerm_netapp_volume - support NFSv4.1, vol sizing issue (#5485)
* Update to reflect batch API version change in #5967
* Update resource_arm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool_test.go
* Update CHANGELOG.mdto include #5258
* New Resource & Data Source: azurerm_data_migration_service (#5258)
* Update resource name for ASE in data docs (#5989)
* Update to include #5958
* \'azurerm_redis_cache\' - Support for \'primary_connection_string\'… (#5958)
* Update to include #5967
* support `public_ips` for resource `azurerm_batch_pool` (#5967)
* azurerm_managed_disk - DOC: Update disk encryption attribute (#5987)
* Refine doc of `azurerm_key_vault` (#5968)
* Update Changelog for #5053
* azurerm_api_management_product_group: fix import error resource… (#5978)
* azurerm_windows_virtual_machine - Add WinRM protocol to documen… (#5982)
* azurerm_linux_virtual_machine - Fix broken link in documentati… (#5983)
* docs: Fixed Typo in `r/subnet` (#5980)
* Fixed regex to parse management groups correctly on import
* Update changelog for 5915
* Fix markdown formatting
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - Address documentation typo #5964
* example: `azurerm_application_insights` - Use location from resource group (#5970)
* Address review comments
* Update to include #5924 (fixes #5499 #5903)
* azurerm_frontdoor fixes #5499 #5903
* Some efforts to satify the linter
* Fix format
* Update validation rules for linux and windows vms
* updated text for #5906
* updating to include #5906
* azurerm_application_gateway - support 125 for V2 sku capacity (#5906)
* Update Changelog for #5941
* `azurerm_batch_pool` - `frontend_port_range ` is now set correctly. (#5941)
* Update to include #5445
* Some update to conform 2.0
* Rebase to master and fix compiling error
* Refinement
* Update the doc a little bit
* Fix CI failure
* Add support for scale in policy and terminate notification
* Update to include #5949
* Update to include #5855
* export fqdn attribute in private dns record resource
* v0.12 changes
* Enable syntax highlighting
* Update to include #5837
* Updating to include #5943
* Bug: `azurerm_frontdoor_firewall_policy` add validation for Frontdoor WAF Name Restrictions (#5943)
* Update to include #5942
* Update to include #5876
* Schema for data source on \"tags\"
* New Data Source: \'azurerm_kusto_cluster\'
* Update to include #5934
* allow proper key length
* Update to include #5935
* updated for 5915
* azurerm_search_service - the properties replica_count & partition_count are no longer force new
* azurerm_storage_account - allow up to 50 tags
* fix travis build
* add addtional missing provider blocks
* add provider block to acc tests
* run upgrade012 on all acc tests
* Update vmss extension type_handler_version docs
* update
* apply changes from code review
* Updated for 5839
* linting: terrafmt doesn\'t depend on terraform anymore
* Update to include #5827
* Update to include #5877
* exclude app_service_environment_id from update when empty
* Correct typo
* Add tests for kubernetes cluster node labels
* Add support for node_labels in azurerm_kubernetes_cluster and azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool resources #4968
* Update to include #5838
* Fixes #5622 #5208
* Update CHANGELOG>md to include #5901
* fix source_image_id for linux scalesets
* Improper import examples
* Update cosmosdb_mongo_collection.html.markdown
* remove reference to non-existing page
* Add Type to Virtual WAN properties
* remove duplicate set and undo changes from prettier
* Add network interface and security group association
* Cleanup after v2.0.0 release
* v2.0.0
* more fields support for `azurerm_kusto_cluster`
* updating to include #5853
* updating to include #5852
* typo
* add enable_disk_encryption to azurerm_kusto_cluster
* examples: adding the provider block to each example
* azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_collection - remove deprecated property
* r/frontdoor: updating the default values within the `forwarding_configuration` block
* updating to include #5850
* r/storage_account_customer_managed_key: adding args to the error
* linting
* updating to include #5668
* updating to include #5773
* d/storage_account: removing removed fields
* d/key_vault_key: removing a dead field
* quotes
* removing `resource_group_name` from the storage_container resource
* r/template_deployment: removing the deprecated resource_group_name field from `azurerm_storage_container`
* r/network_interface_backend_address_pool_association - removing the deprecated location field
* r/mariadb: fixing the sku block
* r/maps_account: fixing the casing
* switching from `service_principal_application_id` to `client_id`
* switching from `service_principal_object_id` to `object_id`
* r/hdinsight
*: removing the `resource_group_name` argument from the test configs
* changing storage account accout kind default to StorageV2
* r/storage_account_customer_managed_key: fixing the example
* r/key_vault_key: removing the unused `key_vault_access_policy_id` field
* updating to include #5844
* r/storage_account_customer_managed_key: adding validation
* r/storage_account_customer_managed_key: comments from code review
* updating to include #5842
* r/storage_account: locking on the correct key during update
* building: removing references to dead tests
* sidebar: removing a dead link
* updating to include #5508
* r/(monitor_)metric_alert_rule: removing since these are EOL
* r/app_service_environment: checking the ID\'s from the state
* Add MaxItems for cross-resource query
* Review updates
* Fix type assertions; simplify cross-resource query example
* r/app_service_plan: increasing the timeouts to 60m for ASE\'s
* updating to include #5816
* r/key_vault_key: formatting
* recoveryservices: renaming the files
* Updates to CMK
* removing deprecated resources
* Update domain regex to allow dash (-)
* Change dns to dns_servers
* deps: fixing the vendor file
* refactor: switching to the same client
* r/app_service_environment: fixing the plan test
* r/app_service_environment: converting from the display to actual sku
* r/app_service_environment: fixing the requires import test
* r/app_service_env: fixing the import test
* r/app_service_environment: fixing up linting
* tests: adding in missing checkdestroys for the data source tests
* r/app_service_environment: switching to use a custom update method/poller
* r/app_service_environment: fixing comments from code review
* d/app_service_environment: renaming the file to match the convention
* web: removing todos
* d/app_service_environment: fixing comments from code review
* network: moving the virtual network parse/validaters into those packages
* r/subnet: moving the subnet parser into the parse package
* r/app_service_environment: fixing up the build errors
* refactor validate to correct helper location
* fmt fix
* docs update
* refactor tests, fix tflint issues
* Refactor for 2.0
* Added forgotten requiresImport test
* Linter fixes
* Adds new resource and datasource for App Serice Environment (v2 support only)
* updating to include #5823
* fixing comments from code review
* updating to include #5831
* updating to include #5344
* linting
* r/keyvault: fixing the soft delete disabled test
* r/keyvault: removing dead code
* Added 5833
* adding gh marker for 5832
* Adding 5832
* Updated data source and docs
* updating to include #5825
* updated so os_type is always set
* r/key_vault: removing a superflurious if statement
* fix for linux function apps
* r/key_vault: updating the docs
* r/key_vault: outputting a warning rather than an error during the delete
* Doc updates, test fixes
* Updated validate to correct method for cidrs
* r/key_vault: fixing up the tests
* add support for long text record
* docs: Adds `id` to r/resource_group Fixes #5686
* add `tags` in doc
* docs: updates cdn_endpoint `origin` attr to required Fixes #5750
* Added Purge on Destroy back in
* dns - add parse ID and func (#5779)
* Add test case and txt to 2.0 guide
* Test for blank path
* allow_virtual_network_access defaults to true
* Fix for #4868
* Start adding purge on destroy back in
* minor: committing some lingering test files
* r/key_vault: updating the docs
* r/key_vault: handling conditionally updating the key vault resource
* More test fixes
* Removed another redundant test and config
* Removed redundant test and config
* nil pointer fix
* nil pointer fix and others
* missed ip to cidr change
* Missed removing virtual_network_name from function_app again
* Missed removing virtual_network_name from function_app
* r/key_vault: moving the migration code closer to the package
* Removed multipleAssignedIdentities test as ManagedServiceIdentityTypeSystemAssignedUserAssigned type removed
* excluded implicit Any rule from state for ipRestrictions
* test fixes. Unused virtual_network_name field removed
* (d|r)/key_vault: moving the name validation into that package
* validate: removing the bool validators
* add `tags` for resource `azurerm_automation_dsc_configuration`
* lint and goimports
* set tags in keyvault_certificate to ForceNewSchema as resource has no Update method
* Updated app_service SDK version
* Updated for 5817
* updating to include #5815
* r/network_interface_application_security_group_association: fixing the tests
* PR suggestion fix
* r/network_interface_application_security_group_association: missed the assertion
* r/recovery_services_vault: using the requested cloud rather than the default
* r/network_interface_application_security_group_association: fixing the tests
* r/firewall: upping the timeouts to 90m
* tooling: removing a panic
* updating the readme
* linting
* removing deadcode
* Final deprecations
* 2.0-compute (#5811)
* Update Changelog for #5775
* Move log_analytics to 2.0 (#5775)
* makefile: hooking up the categories generator
* categories: adding a generator to output the categories list from the provider registration
* website: moving FrontDoor into the Network category
* provider: adding a `WebsiteCategories` list to each registration
* Made application_type case sensitive. Removed workaround for fixed SDK/API issue
* Docs updates
* r/network_interface_application_security_group_association: removing `ip_configuration_name`
* updating to include #5725
* removed deprecated recoveryservices resources. Updated datasource and docs
* updating to include #5772
* auth: using the correct authorizer for the service principals client
* updating to include #5808
* test fixes
* Update changelog for #5792
* Update the frontdoor package to 2.0 (#5792)
* Update Changelog for #5790
* Update iothub to 2.0 (#5790)
* address review
* Fix test case
* Update azurerm/internal/services/sql/resource_arm_sql_database.go
* Update azurerm/internal/services/sql/resource_arm_sql_database.go
* Update test cases
* updating to include #5781
* docs: adding to the upgrade guide
* r/storage_account: updating the default for `enable_https_traffic_only` to `true`
* r/api_management_api_operation: support for Requires Import
* updating to include #5801
* r/express_route_gateway: tweaking the timeouts
* updating to include #5805
* updating to include #5743
* updating to include #5794
* website: removing link to a dead link
* Linting
* config typo fix
* Test fixups
* Remove computed from required
* linting
* New data source: \'azurerm_eventhub_authorization_rule\'
* r/express_route_gateway: fixes from #5523
* updating to include #5523
* linting
* r/mysqL_server: fixing assertions
* updating to include #5793
* r/mysql_server: fixing the tests
* updating to include #5795
* dns: updating the tests to match the fields always being set
* moving the bug fix to the bug fixes section
* updating to include #5784
* r/eventhub: updating the test config to account for the storage container no longer taking the rg name
* r/dns_ns_record: fixing a bug during update
* r/dns_zone: removing tests covering the deprecated fields
* r/devspace: switching to use `default_node_pool`
* r/api_management_api_(operation|schema): fixing the tests
* linting
* linting
* Fixup tests
* r/subnet: fixing the broken test
* fixing the linting
* linting
* r/subnet: removing the old network_security_group_id field from the docs
* r/route_table: removing an obsolete test
* r/subnet: removing the inline `route_table_id` and `network_security_group_id` fields
* updating to include #5797
* Remove deadcode
* 2.0-automation
* 2.0-cognitive
* 2.0-cosmos
* 2.0-cosmos
* 2.0-devspace
* 2.0-dns
* eventhub -> 2.0
* Update ACR docs SKU and GeoRepl Note
* Removed legacy tests no longer required
* Remove deadcode
* fix two more tests for attribute reference
* fixup tests for sku_name
* updating to include #5774
* linting
* r/keyvault: removing dead code
* r/keyvault: updating the remaining tests
* r/subnet: removing the `route_table_id` field from the examples/docs
* r/key_vault_
*: handling the parent key vault not being available once it\'s deleted
* r/key_vault: removing the test expecting a complaint
* automation: fixing the tests to account for the field being removed
* Very minor consistency edits
* docs: adding the `azurerm_network_interface_security_group_association` to the sidebar
* updating to include #5693
* updating to include #5624
* d/network_interface: updating the tests
* r/key_vault_access_policy: removing the unused assignment
* linting
* docs account_name to automation_account_name update
* caught additional 2.0 todos
* updating to include #5777
* Update azurerm/internal/services/mariadb/resource_arm_mariadb_server.go
* r/network_interface_application_gateway_association: fixing the tests
* r/network_interface: conditionally updating the nics only for ipv4 configurations
* r/network_interface: updating the tests / rewriting the docs
* updating to include #5710
* spelling
* r/network_interface: applying properties managed in other resources to this resource
* New Resource: `azurerm_network_interface_security_group_association`
* updating to include #5764
* Fix for update
* updating to include #5753
* r/app_service_plan: fixing a merge conflict
* updating to include #5649
* updating to include #5776
* r/iothub_dps: fixing the test
* updating to include #5721
* Update azurerm/internal/services/storage/resource_arm_storage_account.go
* Upgrade keyvault to 2.0
* remove conflictswith
* upgrade maps to 2.0
* Update mariadb to 2.0
* On metric alert rule creation, the \'autoMitigate\' property should be set to true by default
* updating to include #5744
* updating to include #5768
* Update website/docs/guides/2.0-upgrade-guide.html.markdown
* add zone_redundant to azurerm_sql_database
* Address review comments
* r/compute - adds support for additional dedicated host SKUs Validation added for two additional SKUs: DSv3-Type2 and ESv3-Type2 Fixes #5700
* Format doc hcl blocks
* Updated doc
* r/(linux|windows)_virtual_machine: using the Delete timeout during Deletion
* Tweaked boolean logic for checkForNonDefaultStorageAccountNetworkRule
* r/network_interface: loading the existing nic details during a delta update
* r/network_interface_nat_rule_association: commiting the missing method
* r/network_interface: removing the deprecated `load_balancer_backend_address_pools_ids` field
* r/network_interface: removing the deprecated `load_balancer_inbound_nat_rules_ids` field
* r/network_interface: removing the deprecated `application_security_group_ids` field
* r/network_interface: removing the `application_gateway_backend_address_pool_ids` field
* r/network_interface: introducing a separate update method
* removing dead code
* linting
* removed unintended carets
* Minor formatting update. Added azurerm_role_definition data source note
* updating to include #5754
* updating to include #5747
* updating to include #5752
* r/log_analytics_workspace_linked_service: removing the deprecated resource
* iothub: removing the deprecated `azurerm_iot_dps` and `azurerm_iot_dps_certificate` resources
* updating to include #5748
* r/application_gateway: updating the default value for the `body` field within the `match` block
* r/mssql_elasticpool: fixing the import tests
* updating to include #5733
* grouping the breaking changes together
* tweaked import acctests
* updating to include #5425
* removing the AzureAD resources since they\'ve been split out
* d/batch_account: switching to use the azuread provider
* r/mysql_server: removing reference to the old field
* fixed clientconfig_basic test
* r/kubernetes_cluster: updating the default for load_balancer_sku to `Standard`
* updating to include #5737
* updating to include #5722
* updating to include #5719
* Test fixes
* Format private service connection
* Update subnets options and add details for endpoint
* update mssql to 2.0
* Update mysql to 2.0
* Updates
* Fixed import issue
* Fix whitespace
* remove synthentic delays
* Add SACMK doc to TOC
* Rename resource
* Correct typo
* r/signalr_service: updates ID to correct case fixes #5715
* Update
* r/postgresql_server: missed a failing test condition
* r/postgresql_server: fixing broken tests
* notificationhub: fixing docs
* r/app_service_plan: fixing a bad rebase
* r/storage_account_network_rules: switching to use the networkruleset from props
* r/storage: fixing broken tests
* Remove unused method
* Update resource_arm_app_service_plan.go
* Revert web changes
* Continue fixing tests
* fix up tests
* fix imports
* Removed additional deprecated fields
* Preparing the the storage package for 2.0
* notificationhub: fixing the tests
* r/notification_hub_namespace: making the `sku_name` field required
* notificationhub to 2.0
* r/relay_hybrid_connection: fixing the resource name
* postgres service to 2.0
* r/relay_hybrid_connection: fixing the import test
* Update upgrade guide
* moving relay_namepace to 2.0
* Removed legacy check and updated test
* Added Computed flag to TypeList resources with default values
* added optional bool defaults for diff
* 2.0 todos and associated tests
* provider: making the features block optional during testing
* provider: hooking into the test refresh to set default features
* updating to include #5662
* linting
* provider: making the `features` block required
* updating to include #5724
* updating to include #5661
* docs: continuing to remove references to the beta
* updating to include #5712
* updating to include #5709 and #5717
* docs: updating the upgrade guide with the default value change for Availability Sets
* r/availability_set: flipping the default value for `managed` to `true`
* docs: removing the Beta signifier from docs
* vendor: removing the scheduler package
* 2.0: removing Scheduler since this is no longer supported
* 2.0: Removing `azurerm_container_service`
* resolve review comments
* Fix lint newlint
* Update servicebus queue import test
* Remove properties from datasource tests
* Prepare servicebus for 2.0
* Updating web for 2.0
* Update error conditional
* Make error msg more user friendly
* Documentation changed based on observed terraform and Azure API behavior.
* Linking to the 1.44 release for older changelog entries
* updating to include #5705
* docs: removing the beta disclaimer for custom timeouts
* 2.0: enabling the Requires Import functionality by default
* 2.0: enabling the new resources feature toggle by default
* 2.0: removing the feature toggle for Custom Timeouts
* Cleanup after v1.44.0 release
* v1.44.0
* removing a duplicate section
* r/storage_account: ensuring the `blob_properties` fields always have a value set
* r/storage_account: ensuring default values are set when blob_properties is omited
* fmt fix
* updated Windows VM source_image_id validation
* updated sysprep step for reliability. Tweaked test config. removed comments
* Updated Windows image sysprep for image acctests
* add recommendation for scope parameter value
* minor changes
* Fix example usage
* Correct sidebar location
* Add express_route_gateway to website sidebar
* remove commented block
* Requested changes to error handling & structure Documentation fixes
* Update IP Prefix validation
* Progress
* format docs
* fix site attributes
* Format test TF code
* docs: updating the \"how to migrate between deprecated resorces\" guide
* 1.44 Doc Changes (#5684)
* r/app_service: documenting at which level the `backup` block exists
* Update kubernetes_service_versions.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/d/kubernetes_service_versions.html.markdown
* linter changes
* Remove redundant nil check
* Provide ability to set \'cors_rule\' for blob properties
* updating to include #5516
* updating to include #5518
* Add documentation for `include_preview` argument
* Address PR comments
* Validate metric_trigger query; add example to docs
* adding notes for 1.44.0
* Add an option to filter out preview aks releases when fetching versions
* updating to include #5679
* updating to include #5680
* d/iot_hub_dps_shared_access_policy: fixing comments from code review
* Remove (Required) from Argument Reference section
* Fix formatting and update documentation
* New Data Source: \'azurerm_iothub_dps_shared_access_policy\'
* Update documentation
* Check for nil
* Format files
* New Data Source: \'azurerm_eventhub_consumer_group\'
* Add FormRecognizer account kind
* r/loadbalancer: fixing a crash during a dropped response
* Add form recognizer as a Cognitive account kind
* updating to include #5676
* r/function_app: grammar
* r/virtual_machine_scale_set: adding a notice about the superseding
* r/function_app: support for User Assigned Identities
* updating to include #5440
* r/function_app: ensuring the `ip_address` and `subnet_id` address fields are always set
* Revert a change back due to API problem
* updating to include #5430
* updating to include #5522
* completes parse ID func/files
* Update Changelog for #5604
* `azurerm_cognitive_account` - Add support for ImmersiveReader #5604
* Update Changelog for #5652
* `azurerm_databricks_workspace`: Doc Fix for Trial SKU #5652
* `azurerm_databricks_workspace`: Support for Trial SKU #5652
* adds parse ID functions/files
* fixes ID error
* tflint fix 2
* tflint fixes
* are -> is
* address code review suggestions
* Mostly working
* Corrected Prefix Length
* Apply suggestions from code review
* Fixing load balancer file names
* Got it to compile
* Fixing sidebar links
* Initial port to new code base
* completes parse ID func/files
* Update Changelog for #5593
* `azurerm_api_management` - Add http2 protocol support for API Management (#5593)
* completes parse ID func/files
* r/(linux|windows)_virtual_machine_scale_set: conditionally updating the instances
* Escape health probe when health probe is empty
* Add health probe back to update to prevent any potential errors from the service
* terrafmt
* Updated for 5640
* updating to include #5614
* fixed tf upgrade todo
* Update website/docs/r/sql_database.html.markdown
* r/storage: switching then name of the authorizer field
* r/storage: authenticating to the Blob/Queues API\'s using AzureAD Auth
* documentation: change resources to .12 (P-Z)
* documentation: change resources to .12 (K-P)
* documentation: change resources to .12 (D-K)
* documentation: change resources to .12 (A-C)
* documentation: change guides to .12
* documentation: change datasources to .12
* First pass address latest review
* Add monitor helpers
* update storage account static website docs
* add support for static website to azurerm_storage_account
* fixes extra segment error
* fixes a few misses
* Fix test case lint issue
* Fixed two typos causing lint errors
* Fix basic test
* Remove depricated sku from tests
* Add code to skip purge if not soft deleted
* completes parse ID func/files
* Fix spelling mistakes
* creates parse func/files
* Update
* `azurerm_key_vault_key` - support for `not_before_date` and `expiration_date` (#5619)
* azurerm_sql_database: Correction to service objective docs (#5644)
* Update Changelog for #5643
* Improvement: Data Source Documentation Cleanup (#5643)
* Update Changelog for #5642
* New Data Source: \'azurerm_function_app\' (#5642)
* Update to include #5565
* azurerm_storage_account - fix hanging destroy caused by multipl… (#5565)
* tflint whitespace fix
* fixed linux vm shared image tests. added support for shared_image_id variants
* Removed sku support from datasource
* goimports-ed
* Fix features test cases
* Use custom parse function in acctest
* Custom disk encryption set parser and validation
* updated or to and
* Complete
* Correct example, and clarify what is output
* adds missing folder
* completes parse ID functions/files
* completes parse ID functions/files
* adds missing value to WrongCasing test
* adds missing value to WrongCasing test
* Update .gitignore for tfvars files
* removed tfvars file
* Update examples/virtual-machines/linux/load-balanced/
* Update examples/virtual-machines/linux/load-balanced/
* Update examples/virtual-machines/linux/public-ip/
* Update examples/virtual-machines/linux/load-balanced/
* Update examples/virtual-machines/windows/vm-joined-to-active-directory/modules/domain-member/
* Updated AD example to wait longer and more reliably for the domain to become available to join
* Removed unneeded provisioner block
* completes parse ID functions/files
* deletes unneeded comments
* completes parse ID functions/files
* Add name validation for azurerm_role_assignment
* Working soft delete and purge
* databricks - add ID parsing function (#5621)
* cognitive - add ID parsing function (#5620)
* adds parse ID functions/files
* Update for 5610
* Error message tweaks in SSH Key validation
* Enhanced SSH key valiation
* Added windows AD domain attached VM example
* Update website/docs/r/virtual_machine.html.markdown
* Fix documentation error
* deletes commented code
* fixes ID error
* Update kubernetes_cluster documentation (#5406)
* provider tests: enable more tfproviderlint checks (#5603)
* adds parse func; need to fix subscription error
* updated simple ssh validation to exclude key comments in checks
* Added simple ssh public key validation
* Cleanup after v1.43.0 release
* Added linux_vm loadbalanced example
* Added examples for linux vm with public IP, linux vm with managed disk attachment. Tidied some HCL1 -> HCL2
* Done except for purge on destroy
* fix acc test
* minor fix to directline tests
* review fixes
* Fix lint issues #3
* Fix lint issues #2
* Fix lint issues and minor typos
* Fix code review items
* WIP Get value from provider
* Rename action to alert in docs
* First pass at separating into two resources
* First pass update docs post-review
* Resize test to reasonable size
* Resolve PR feedback
* Extract `ip_restriction` expand and flatten methods
* Fix tflint error
* review feedback response
* tflint fixes
* Resolve linting errors
* Update document
* Remove `subnet_mask` property
* Add documentation
* gofmt changes
* Add ExpressRoute Gateway resource and tests
* Changed `virtual_network_subnet_id` property name
* Changed test case method name
* rename default transformation name from Transformation to main (like the portal does); enable import of not jobs which were not created in TF; keep backwards compatibility
* Update azurerm/internal/services/keyvault/resource_arm_key_vault.go
* Update website/docs/r/key_vault.html.markdown
* Update website/docs/r/key_vault.html.markdown
* Add sensitive flags to keys
* Fix linting errors
* fix tflint errors
* Add Directline
* Fix code formatting issue
* azurerm_function_app - support for ip_restriction
* fix lint errors
* Key Vault: support for soft delete
* Add moved tests to registration
* Update tests and docs to pass checks
* fix response import
* Remove heredoc in docs example
* Minor updates and bug fixes
* Fix linting errors; minor cleanup
* Acceptance tests passing
* New Resource: `azurerm_monitor_scheduled_query_rules`
* Wed Mar 04 2020 Robert Schweikert - Spec clean up- Create required symlink
* Wed Feb 05 2020 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to version 1.43.0 NOTES:
*Opt-In Beta:
* Version 1.43 of the Azure Provider introduces an opt-in Beta for some of the new functionality coming in 2.0 - more information can be found [in the Beta guide](
*Terraform 0.10/0.11:
* The upcoming version 2.0 of the Azure Provider will not support Terraform 0.10.x & Terraform 0.11.x - you will need to upgrade to Terraform 0.12 to use version 2.0 (and above) of the Azure Provider. FEATURES:
*New Data Source:
* `azurerm_eventhub_namespace_authorization_rule` ([#5489](
*New Data Source:
* `azurerm_mariadb_server` ([#5506]( IMPROVEMENTS:
* `azurerm_application_insights` - support for the `daily_data_cap_in_gb` & `daily_data_cap_notifications_disabled` properties ([#5480](
* `azurerm_private_endpoint` - expose mapping between `group_id` and `subresource_names` ([#5571](
* `azurerm_recovery_services_vault` - support for the `soft_delete_enabled` property ([#5586]( BUGS:
* `azurerm_databricks_workspace` - allow underscores in `name` ([#5548](
* `azurerm_dns_aaaa_record` - normalize IPv6 addresses ([#5459](
* `azurerm_frontdoor` - including required `minimum_tls_version` to the `custom_https_configuration` block ([#5539](
* `azurerm_managed_disk` - correctly handles disk resizing when attached to a virtual machine ([#5579](
* `azurerm_marketplace_agreement` - recreate agreement if not accepted ([#5582](
* `azurerm_mysql_virtual_network_rule` - allow `subnet_id` to be in a different subscription then the database ([#5568](
* `azurerm_virtual_network_gateway_connection` - increase `routing_weight` maximum to `32000` ([#5540]( For the changes between 1.15.0 and 1.43.0, see included in this package- Update _service file- Move LICENSE to %license section- Include in %doc section- Increase golang API in BuildRequires to > 1.12- Increase terraform version dependency to > 0.12.0- Invoke %gobuild with -mod=vendor \"\" to disable network access
* Fri Sep 21 2018 Update to version 1.15.0:
* v1.15.0
* Updating to include #1627
* New Resources: `azurerm_firewall` & `azurerm_firewall_network_rule_collection` (#1627)
* Update to include #1918
* test: logic app http trigger allows params in url
* Updating to include #1921
* Update TimeSpan documentation in Service Bus Queue/Topic (#1921)
* Log Analytics Solution: removing crash points/refactoring
* Update resource_arm_logic_app_trigger_http_request.go
* Thu Jul 05 2018 Update to version 1.8.0+git20180704.9c1edb08:
* Updating to include #1172
* Ensuring we always set the `vhd_containers` field (#1411)
* Updating to include #1411
* `azurerm_lb` - allow `private_ip_address` to be set to an empty value (#1481)
* Updating to include #1481
* fixed typo on vpn_client_protocols
* Application Security Groups now GA
* Updating to v18.0.0 of Azure/azure-sdk-for-go / v10.12.0 of Azure/go-autorest (#1487)
* Updating to include #1487
* Thu Jul 05 2018 Initial release