Changelog for
mdp-0.7.4-lp156.1.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Fri May 22 2015 update to 0.7.4:
* fix the misdetection of file changes, using CRC32 instead of (size + sum) comparison- changes from 0.7.3:
* fix crash on \'mdp edit\' if neither $EDITOR or \'set editor\' is defined- changes from 0.7.2:
* fix double-free() crash when using \'mdp add\' without prefix- changes from 0.7.1:
* make charset convertion errors a little easier to spot
* warn if the current locale is not supported by the system
* Sat Feb 08 2014 update to 0.7.0:
* Switch to git-style command line with a command (e.g. mdp edit).
* New \'add\' command to avoid copy-pastes on creation.
* Passwords can now use character sets containing unicode.
* Add aliases to common character_sets (e.g. $ALPHANUMERIC, $DIGITS).
* Allow user to set password_file in the config.
* Detect vim and add \'-n\' to avoid swap file creation.
* Add \'-E\' option to \'prompt\' mode (regex).
* Define a comment character for the password file (#).
* Renamed query-mode to the prompt command.
* Fix a bug where mdp would not detect a bad directory permission.
* Fix crash when the user does not have an EDITOR env var.
* Sat Jan 11 2014 update to 0.6.0:
* Add configurable profiles (-p) to the password generator (-g)
* Fix pager display bug on long lines
* Fix a bug with mdp unable to properly detect a SIGINT sent to gpg
* Make gpg_key_id mandatory
* Add -l parameter to force the length of passwords
* Add -n parameter to force the number of passwords
* Add -k parameter to define the GnuPG key if missing from config
* Switch to semantic versioning
* Increase default GPG timeout to 20s
* Increase maximum line size to 16KB (both passwords and config)- changes from 0.5:
* Added support for regex match using -E
* Added option to disable backup file generation
* Fix detection of unchanged files
* Fix creation of the initial password file
* Properly cleanup the lock if gpg times out
* Fix opening the editor if GnuPG failed (e.g. bad passphrase)
* Fixed compilation on openSUSE (by pbleser AATT github)
* Fix #4 (removal of EOLs on edit)- dropped following patches, merged upstream:
* mdp-0.3-add_missing_includes.patch
* mdp-0.3-fix_load_results_param.patch
* Thu Jul 18 2013 update to 0.3:
* fix query-mode
* quadruple and unify the maximum allowable line size
* configurable count of iteration when generating passwords
* fixed wide-char characters on Linux by compiling against ncursesw
* warn the user if a password line is too long and can\'t be parsed
* Fixed a bug when using % in your passwords (go printf)
* Thu Jul 04 2013 add patch from HEAD (upcoming 0.3) to fix query mode, bumped the version to 0.2+1 (upstream is 0.2)
* Tue May 07 2013 initial version (0.2)