Changelog for
pulseaudio-dlna-0.6.0+git20190209.b0db813-3.1.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Mar 04 2020 Get the sources from the python3 branch upstream.- Update dependencies accordingly to not require any python2 package.
* Fri Apr 01 2016 Update to 0.5.2:
* Catch an exception when record processes cannot start properly
* Fix the --filter-device option (0.5.1)
* Prioritize mp3 over flac for Chromecasts (0.5.1)- Remove pulseaudio-dlna-0.5.0-fix-filter-device-option.patch
* Wed Mar 30 2016 Add pulseaudio-dlna-0.5.0-fix-filter-device-option.patch: fix - -device-filter option.
* Wed Mar 09 2016 Update to
* Set Yamaha devices to the appropriate mode before playing (thanks to hlchau) (new dependency: python-lxml)
* Fix a bug where some SSDP messages could not get parsed correctly
* Also support media renderers identifying as urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:2
* Add the --disable-workarounds flag
* Add the --auto-reconnect flag
* Add the --encoder-backend option (new optional dependency: ffmpeg)
* Remove shared encoder processes
* Increase the default HTTP timeout to 15 seconds
* Fix a bug where manually added renderers could appear twice
* Add device state polling for devices which start playing on their own
* Add the flac encoder for Google Chromecast
* Add support for Google Cast Groups (new dependency python-zeroconf)
* Remove dependency python-beautifulsoup
* Fix a bug where bytes were not decoded properly to unicode
* Tue Jan 05 2016 Add python-setuptools as requirement (boo#960622)
* Sun Nov 22 2015 Update to 0.4.7:
* The application can now co-exist with other applications which are using the port 1900/udp (thanks to klaernie)
* Fix the daemon mode to support psutil 1.x and 2.x (thanks to klaernie)
* HTML entities in device descriptions are now converted automatically
* Faster and more reliable device discovery (new dependency python-netifaces)
* Add the --cover-mode option, one mode requires (optional) dependencies gtk, cairo, rsvg
* L16 codecs are now selected better (e.g. needed for XBox 360)
* Fix a bug where sometimes it was tried to remove sinks twice on cleanup
* Add the --update-device-config flag
* Add the --ssdp-ttl, --ssdp-mx, --ssdp-amount options
* Add the --msearch-port option
* Fri Oct 23 2015 Update to 0.4.6:
* Add support for Google Chromecast Audio (thanks to leonhandreke)
* Fix a bug where devices which does not specifiy control urls made the application crash
* Add the --disable-device-stop flag
* Add the --request-timeout option
* You can now also add rules to renderers (e.g. DISABLE_DEVICE_STOP, REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
* Fix a bug where stream urls where not parsed correctly
* Fix a bug which made a Chomecast Audio throwing exceptions while stopping
* Fix a bug where the system\'s default encoding could not be determined when piping the applications output
* Mon Sep 21 2015 Update to
* Fix a bug where the encoding of SSDP headers was not detected correctly
* New dependency: python-chardet >= 2.0.1
* Mon Sep 21 2015 Add new dependency: python-futures >= 2.1.6
* Sun Sep 20 2015 Update to 0.4.5:
* Exceptions while updating sink and device information from pulseaudio are now handled better
* Change --fake-http10-content-length flag to --fake-http-content-length to also support HTTP 1.1 requests
* Fix a bug where the supported device mime types could not get parsed correctly
* Fix a bug where the device UUID was not parsed correctly
* Fix a bug where just mime types beginning with audio/ were accepted, but not e.g. application/ogg
* The stream server will now respond with 206 when receiving requests with range header
* UPNP control commands have now a timeout of 10 seconds
* Fix a bug where the wrong stream was removed from the stream manager
* Fix several bugs caused by purely relying on stopping actions for the devices idle state
* Add L16 Encoder
* The encoder option can now handle multiple options separated by comma
* Add the --create-device-config flag
* Fix a bug where the dbus session was bound from the wrong process
* Fix a bug where the wrong device UDN was retrieved from XML documents containing multiple devices
* Sat Aug 08 2015 Update to 0.4.4:
* Add --disable-ssdp-listener option
* Fix a bug with applications which remove and re-add streams all the time
* Add a missing dependency: python-psutil
* Tue Aug 04 2015 Update to 0.4.3:
* Fix a bug when trying to terminate an encoder process
* Catch exceptions when trying to update pulseaudio sinks
* Fix a timing issue where the streamserver was not ready but devices were already instructed to play- Changes introduced in 0.4.2:
* The mp3 encoder is now prioritize over wav
* Add \'--disable-switchback\' option
* Wav encoders do not longer share their encoder process
* Wed Jul 29 2015 Update to 0.4.1:
* Fix Makefile for Launchpad- Changes introduced in 0.4.0:
* Add the --fake-http10-content-length option
* The application can now run as root
* Catch pulseaudio exceptions for streams, sinks and modules when those are gone
* Fix a bug where a missing ssdp header field made the application crash
* New devices are added now during runtime (thanks to coder-hugo)
* Rewrite of the streaming server
* UPnP devices can now request their audio format based on their capabilities
* Add AAC encoder
* If a device stops playing, the streams currently playing on the corresponding sink are switched back to the default sink
* If a device fails to start playing, streams currently playing on the corresponding sink are switched back to the default sink
* Add Chromecast support (new dependency: python-protobuf)
* Fix a bug where the application crashed when there was no suitable encoder found
* Add the --bit-rate option
* Add additional headers for DLNA devices
* Add switch back mode also for sinks, not just for streams (new dependency: python-notify2)
* Add better logging
* Validate encoders for installed dependencies- Clean spec file with spec-cleaner
* Fri Apr 10 2015 Update to 0.3.5:
* Fix a bug where Sonos description XML could not get parsed correctly
* Tue Mar 24 2015 Update to 0.3.4:
* Fix Makefile for Launchpad
* Add --filter-device option (0.3.3)
* Send 2 SSDP packets by default for better UPnP device discovery (0.3.3)
* Add virtualenv for local installation (0.3.3)
* Fri Mar 20 2015 Update to 0.3.2:
* Add the Opus Encoder (new dependency: opus-tools)
* Fix a bug where an empty UPnP device name made the application crash
* Add a missing dependency (python-gobject)
* Sun Feb 22 2015 New package for pulseaudio-dlna 0.3.1- See /usr/share/doc/packages/pulseaudio-dlna/changelog for previous changes