Changelog for
psi-otr-0.14-3.5.i586.rpm :
* Mon Mar 15 2010 - 0.14- added patch to use RPM_OPT_FLAGS when configure script is called with option \"-debug\"
* Thu Feb 11 2010 - 0.14- replaced Obsoletes and Provides for psi with \"Conflicts: psi\" now the user will only get psi-otr if he explicitely installs psi-otr and not as an automatic update with \"zypper install psi\" or \"zypper update\"
* Wed Feb 10 2010 - 0.14- updated and added a few translations files
* Sun Jan 31 2010 - 0.14- built with configure options \"--debug\" and \"--no-seperate-debug-info\" instead of \"--release\" to get useful debug-packages without creating an extra > 25MB psi.debug binary- added fdupes to build process and BuildRequires- added desktop_file.patch
* Sat Jan 23 2010 - 0.14- initial package based on SPEC for psi in openSUSE-OSS- package renamed to psi-otr- sources updated to version 0.14- added support for \"off the record\" encryption (OTR)- spec cleanup
* Tue Nov 03 2009 updated patches to apply with fuzz=0
* Thu Jun 04 2009 updated to 0.13 - Voice calls (Jingle RTP). - Basic XMPP URI handler. - Ability to permanently trust certificates at connect time. - Mini command system (Ctrl+7 in chat window). - Various bugfixes.- enable aspell- fixed missing includes (sxe-debug.patch)- removed obsoleted patches:
* delete.patch (mainline)
* mainwin.patch (mainline)
* Mon Mar 02 2009 enable Media Player Remote Interface Specification (mpris.patch)- enable sleep and wake up events via dbus (dbus-sleepwake.patch)- enable whiteboarding (whiteboarding.patch)- fix Qt 4.5 compatibility (qt45-compat.patch)- fix references in mainwin (mainwin.patch)
* Fri Feb 27 2009 updated to 0.12.1
* Bugfix for DOS vulnerability in the file transfer code. Thanks to Jesus Olmos (
* Wed Nov 19 2008 fix wrong delete usage (delete.patch) [bnc#445429]